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Scientists Explain Connection Between Sugar and Cancer Growth

People who are health conscious and positive thinking likely do not consume sugar to excess. Unfortunately, even small amounts of those sneaky sugar molecules can be connected to cancer growth in our bodies. With an eye on prevention, scientists are discovering more about how and why sugar affects cancer cell growth and what we can do to distance ourselves even further from sugar’s unhealthy effects.

Sugar is a carbohydrate molecule, often associated with sweet treats, but it can be found in natural fruits as well. Our bodies use carbohydrates as fuel, and sugar can be a complex or simple carbohydrate molecule. Complex carbohydrates exist in starches like pasta and potatoes. They are basically a bunch of sugar molecules strung together. The difference is that whereas complex carbohydrate foods contain healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals, simple carbohydrates like white sugar and high fructose corn syrup have none of those nutritional benefits.

Do we need sugar to survive? Not exactly. As long as we have carbohydrates in our diet, we can avoid sugar. However, with the wide variety of foods containing naturally occurring sugars, like lactose and fructose for example, we would eliminate a lot of tasty and nutritional items by avoiding all dietary sugars.

Sugar is an acidic molecule

Acidity is a happy place for cancer and disease in the body, so no wonder an acidic molecule like sugar is connected to cancer growth. The more sugar we consume, the more acidic our bodies are. The more acidic our bodies are, the more likely disease will spread because it is being kept in its favorite climate. It’s like any existing cancer cells in your body get to go on an all-inclusive vacation at the beach in Fiji and multiply like bunnies whenever you have lots of sugar in your diet.

Dr. Otto Warburg first associated cancer with an acidic environment back in 1931, and he won a Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research. The causality of his discovery has been debated and researched ever since. Needless to say, avoiding sugar and its acidity is beneficial for our bodies, period. If cancer hates alkalinity, so much the better if we decrease acidic sugar in our diet.

Feeding the cancer cell

As a positive person, you likely eat healthy, vegan, and nutritionally packed food to provide you with the sustenance you need for your day. But what if your meal was accidentally feeding cancerous growth inside your body? Scientists explain that your balance of carbohydrates from sugars, both natural and added, might need to be changed.

Sugar, as a carbohydrate, breaks down for use as fuel for your cells. However, it also feeds cancer cells. Fat tissue stores excess sugar. Clearly, we don’t want to store food for cancer cells that want to grow and multiply. We want to eliminate any sugars stores in the fats of our bodies so that disease and cancer do not get an all-they-can-eat buffet.

Scientists Explain What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Sugar For 10 Days

Sugar stimulates cancer growth

Fermentation of sugar does not require oxygen, which is ideal for cancer cells. It helps them reproduce and multiply faster than if they did not have sugar. The scientists studying sugar’s effect on cancer growth found that sugar, just like in human children, causes hyperactivity for the reproduction and spreading of cancer cells. In other words, it dials it up to high speed and allows cancer to proliferate in the body.

Researchers in the scientific journal Nature Communications found that the Warburg effect creates a vicious cycle through activation of early cellular growth pathways, like a roadmap for genes to build on. This later leads to enhanced fermentation of sugar and a lack of oxygen in the cellular environment, which stimulates increased growth of tumors.

Sugar changes cellular functions

Further research in the Journal of General Virology examined sugar’s role in the growth of cervical cancers. Some of those who are affected by HPV (human papilloma virus) have an increased risk for developing cervical cancer. However, only some of the 200 genetic variants of HPV are associated with a higher risk of cancer growth.

These Canadian researchers found two different cellular mechanisms that are affected by sugar, which causes HPV to prompt cells to become cancerous and grow. The first connection between sugar and cancer growth is in the preference for the genetic expression of a process in the cell that enhances cellular growth under anaerobic or hypoxic conditions. The second connection between sugar and cancer is that it enhances the ability of cervical cancer cells to multiply due to changes in cell signaling.

Simply put, sugar makes it easier for a normal cell to mutate, which allows the mutated or cancerous cell to use sugar for energy even without oxygen. Sugar also affects the rate of cancer cell proliferation, causing it to multiply and spread faster.

Weighing the sweet against the risk

A diet high in sugar can lead to other health problems, for example, obesity. The Body Mass Index (BMI) measures weight-to-body-height proportions for both men and women. A higher weight density or BMI associates with a higher sugar intake in general. Scientists in the journal Cancer Epidemiology found that a higher BMI also associates, among other factors, with a higher risk for colon cancer.

As the body processes excess sugar in the bloodstream, a high glycemic index (GI) causes the pancreas to release insulin. Triglycerides are also formed to store excess sugars. High GI, insulin, and triglycerides are all associated with diets high in sugars and with a higher risk of colon cancer. Not surprisingly, exercise may help lower the risk of colon cancer. The researchers say that if the individual is sedentary, the risk for colon cancer is higher than if they are active.

One possible explanation for this is that exercise causes the body to burn some of the available sugar so that there is less of this acidic molecule in the bloodstream. Using up sugar during exercise also means that your body excretes less sugar as waste. As a result, less sugar reaches the colon.

What can we do to manage our sugar and cancer risk?

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine gives us some basic recommendations about sugar in the diet, especially when there is a low fiber content, also called a higher glycemic index. Whole, unprocessed, vegan foods are preferable for the diet of a positive thinking person. Whenever possible, choose these over cooked, processed, or packaged foods.


The less processed a food is, the less nutritional value it loses. Thus, the less environmental impact it has. It is also less likely that simple sugars have been added through processing. Sources of carbohydrates that are multi-grain are preferred over whole grain. Furthermore, whole grains trump bleached flour when it comes to protecting your health. Fiber helps offset some of the negative effects of sugar on cancer growth.

How to Fight Cancer With Nutrition: 7 Foods to Never Ignore

Think about changing some of your foods to reduce the total amount of simple carbohydrates. (These are often found in crackers, white bread, cookies, cereal, candy, and sweetened beverages). Opting for lettuce wraps over any kind of bread gives you a positive impact. It will reduce your dietary sugar intake.

Sugar and the evolution of the human diet

Early humans didn’t eat a lot of starch or sugar in their diets. They moved around the land looking for what was edible. Some root vegetables would have been available to early humans as forms of starch and carbohydrates. However, much of what we consume as carbohydrates today are very recent additions to our diet. Sliced bread wasn’t widely available until the 1930s and people have been around this planet for ten thousand years.

15 Natural Ways To Control Blood Sugar With Home Remedies

Global agriculture and shipping sweet fruits and starchy vegetables year-round is also a recent human development. Although no one complains about getting bananas year-round, the evolving early human would not have had access to them unless he happened to live near a climate where they grow. Even then, he would only be able to eat them during the correct time of year. We take for granted that dried fruits are available to us as often as we like. In reality, these convenient sweet foods have increased our sugar consumption. We eat far more sugar than a natural human living off the land would.

As a positive role model for others, you choose to reduce both added and natural sugars in your diet. Knowing that this kind of diet reduces your risk of cancer is a huge payoff. Your health and wellness professional can help you design a low-sugar nutritional program. Look for a diet that suits your individual health benefits, while managing any illness, pain or disease.

Note: Always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new regimen.

Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved


Researchers Reveal 5 Ways To Form A New Habit And Transform Your Life

The way you live your life is essentially the direct result of the habits you have created. These habits impact how you live in both positive and negative ways.

When you want to improve and transform your life, it makes sense to kick the bad habits and form new ones. Experts, however, learned in a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology that it takes at least 66 days to build a new habit.

Factors like your behavior, your expectations, and your motivation to faithfully stick to your routines can affect how these new habits come about. But while it might be a challenging thing to do, countless people have successfully developed new habits to make their life better. And if they can do it, then so can you.

Here Are 5 Ways Researchers Reveal To Form A New Habit And Transform Your Life

“Breaking old habits and forming new ones always takes time, but it is worth it in the end.” – Joyce Meyer

1.    It’s okay to have big dreams, but it’s better to have small goals.

A study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology showed that motivation and discipline can come from abstract thinking. The study further stated that, in many ways, people who dream big based on these abstract thoughts develop a higher sense of power and purpose.

So, these people become quite determined to build new habits because of the idea that their big dreams may bring the most satisfactory results. However, too often in life, the motivation to do big things are eclipsed by the challenges and realities of day-to-day activities.

It also takes time for big dreams to make a dramatic impact. Sometimes, it is easy to lose sight of the motivation to create and sustain the new habit when you can’t see concrete results to your goals.

To make big dreams become a reality – and thus impact the way you form new habits – it is better, therefore, to build them with smaller goals. When you put these small goals together, they will form part of the bigger picture – your bigger dreams. But of course, what’s easier to cross off your list and mark as “completed”? It’s always the smaller goals.

2.    Create a new chain of behavior from your old routines.

For good habits that stick, experts from the Journal of Psychology, Health & Medicine said that it would be better to create new habits based on your old routines or experiences. Instead of making a complete change, which you might eventually resist or do away with, why not try to create a new link to your old ways and see how that will work to improve your life?

For instance, you do not really have to become the next Martha Stewart if your goal is to make cleanliness a habit. Now, this kind of goal takes a lot of willpower and you might not have the energy to stick to the habit of making your home clean, cozy and inviting after a few challenging weeks. But if you want to make your house spotless every day, how do you do it?

Experts suggest following the if-then principle, as per the Harvard Business Review. It’s a simple process that entails giving yourself conditions. For instance, IF you’ve changed into your house clothes when you arrive home from work, then you can start cleaning the kitchen. Or, if you’re taking a shower in the morning, then you might as well clean the bathroom before you start your day. As with the first tip above, reach small, doable goals that expand from the routines you’re already used to.

In relation to adding new things to your routines, experts say that your cortisol levels are higher in the morning. The cortisol hormone impacts fast learning and better memory. So, if you’re thinking of modifying your routines, consider the ones you do in the morning to elicit a more positive outcome of creating and sticking to a habit to transform your life.

3.    Trim down your options to uncomplicate your life.

Everyone knows that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg limits his wardrobe choices to just two types of clothes: basic gray shirts and jeans. For someone with billions of dollars, Zuckerberg made a conscious choice to trim down his clothing options.

He told reporters the very simple reason why. He didn’t want to waste his time and energy in making decisions on what to wear when there are bigger choices he has to make for his company. There’s a science behind this behavior, as expounded in a study on the American Psychological Association. Experts related it to self-control and long-term discipline.

So, to create new habits that can bring a good change, you must recognize areas in your life that you consider tedious or repetitious. Try to trim down the options in these areas, so you don’t have to be bogged down by the choices.

For instance, if you want to make a habit of eating healthy, the most logical thing to do is to cut down on your junk food choices. Stop buying snacks and high-calorie food. Better yet, pack the same healthy meals for work every day so you don’t have to waste your lunch hour by making a choice on what to eat.

Limiting your choices is a matter of self-control and discipline, which helps you in forming new habits. In this case, you’re making the positive move to improve your health, which will obviously impact your physical and mental well-being.

4.    Visualize but don’t fantasize about the process to build a new habit.

Visualization helps when you want to motivate yourself to create and sustain a new habit or goal. Experts say there’s a right and a wrong way to do this process. Some people make the mistake of turning the things they visualize into a fantasy. As a result, they are not able to sustain the habit that should have ushered a change in their life. Apparently, those that fantasize lose sight of why they want the transformation in the first place.

A case in point is the study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Experts from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) looked into two different groups of participants who were learning French. One group visualized themselves as learning and studying the language by practicing in class every day, while the other group visualized – or more like fantasized – they were on a trip to Paris and were speaking to the locals.

The study stated that the first group of participants who focused on the process of what they wanted to achieve showed more consistent results in mastering French. They were more motivated and also less anxious about going through the process. It seemed that this type of visualizing prepared them well, thus they were able to create and sustain a new habit of using a foreign language.

5.    Don’t give up on the habit if you slip up.

It’s easy to quit doing something when you don’t see any positive results or when you slip up and start questioning if it’s really worth the effort. Psychologists describe this behavior as the What-The-Hell effect. It’s when you set a goal but then don’t reach it, so you let go of any self-control you have left because you feel you have failed anyway.

new habit

But what many do not understand is that forming new habits can be a challenging and fragile process. So, if you start thinking that it would better to ditch the habit because it’s not changing your life, sit down and take a good look at what’s really going on.

Focus on creating long-term goals instead of short-term goals in order to sustain the new habit. A good example would be the long-term goals of those who are part of Alcoholics Anonymous. They focus on how far they have come to achieve soberness by counting their non-drinking days. The principle behind this may also work when forming new good habits.

Final Thoughts On Ways To Form A New Habit And Transform Your Life

Experts say that a positive change in your life can happen if you keep doing the same routines over and over until they become your habits. While it might feel like forming a new habit is kind of a hassle, it usually takes less than 10 minutes to do something consistently every day.

The actual challenge is how to stick to these routines. For this, you need to find the purpose of what you’re doing. When you know the purpose, then you also learn why doing something over and over until it becomes a habit is beneficial to you. Then your life will change because of it.

7 Secrets to Never Keep From Your Partner

First, let us define the word “secret” in a relationship setting, as it is used in this article. A secret is information that would be of concern to one’s partner that is intentionally withheld for any reason. It is essential to understand that the rationale for keeping a secret doesn’t matter here. As we will see, sometimes secrets are kept for benevolent purposes, but this still involves the withholding of information, which is a big no-no in a relationship.

Second, we must consider relationship duration and status to appropriately understand the complexity of keeping secrets and the resultant effects. In this regard, the act of keeping secrets applies to those in mature and committed relationships. (Read: no “casual” dating; no short-term dating, defined as anything less than six months to one year.)

Who is Playing Secret?

“Are gay people more likely to keep relationship secrets than heterosexuals?” This was the question underpinning the first published study about keeping secrets for one’s partner. Besides answering this question, psychologist Beth Easterling and her colleagues at East Carolina University uncovered some fascinating stuff about partners and secret-keeping. The study was published in the Journal of GLBT Family Studies.

Regarding her initial question, Dr. Easterling did indeed find that gay people are more likely to keep secrets from their partners than heterosexuals. Easterling cites dealing with a lifetime of prejudice and discrimination as the motivating force. In a society that is still largely ignorant about the nature of sexual orientation, many gay individuals have spent much of theirs a secret. Apparently, having to conceal one’s sexual orientation can manifest into other areas.

As part of her research, Easterling gathered comprehensive comparative data from heterosexual couples. According to the study, 60 percent of  431 participants reported ever keeping a secret in a non-platonic relationship. Twenty-five percent stated that they were currently keeping a secret from their partner. These percentages are slightly higher for African-Americans, females, and married folks when compared with Caucasians, males, and dating partners.

Then there’s the big two: why do we keep secrets? What kinds of secrets do we keep?

Why do we keep secrets?

“Many of my clients tell me they keep secrets from their partner because they think telling the truth will make things worse. Or they believe that their significant other simply couldn’t handle the truth…” – Terry Gaspard, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

It comes as no surprise that people in relationships keep secrets for a multitude of reasons. More women keep secrets out of fear of damaging the relationship or hurting their partner. More married people are motivated to keep a secret if they feel its disclosure would cause their partner to lose faith in them.

Regarding the last, researchers state that shame and fear of disapproval are two keys driving forces behind why many people choose to keep a secret from their committed partners. As honesty and trust are highly valued in relationships from a cultural perspective, the person maintaining a secret may feel pressure to keep up the façade. Relatedly, secret keepers may rationalize their behavior by telling themselves that omitting information is not the same as outright deception.

What kinds of secrets do people keep?

As you can imagine, there are numerous answers to this question, as well. Pretty much anything and everything has been kept a secret from an unsuspecting partner. While it’s difficult to ascertain the most commonly kept secrets, we can do a bit of research. Here are what a few studies have to say:

  • In a 2014 study, a law firm in the U.K. found that one in every five Brits was “keeping a major secret in their marriage.” Of this group, 25 percent report keeping a secret that would probably end their marriage; including pornography addiction, infidelity, money troubles, and contact with a former lover.
  • In a survey conducted by Forbes, 20 percent of spouses report keeping financial secrets. Among the offenses: a secret bank account or credit card and spending more than $500 without telling their partner.
  • According to a study by researchers at Columbia Business School at Columbia University, “extra-relational thoughts” came in as the top secret in a survey of 1,200 Americans.

So, there you have it. Proof that the reasons for keeping secrets from your partner are as various as they are perplexing. Perhaps we should rephrase the question another way: what kinds of secrets shouldn’t you keep from your partner? Let’s get after it.

Secrets you shouldn’t keep

“(You) don’t have to share every minute detail about your life with your (partner); however, there are certain secrets you just can’t keep.”

We can go back and forth as to whether keeping secrets is ever okay. Some say it is, and some say it isn’t. But most people will agree that these are the seven secrets that you should never keep from your partner:

1. Negative emotions towards your partner

If you’re lugging around anger or resentment towards your partner, you need to nip it in the bud like yesterday. Whether you realize it or not, you are probably displaying negativity towards him or her. Regardless of what they’ve done, they deserve transparency. Get whatever it is off your mind. Talk about it with your partner if you need to, and take things from there.

2. Financial problems

Listen, we all know that times are tough. Wages haven’t kept up with prices and, regardless of what the latest job report says, many people are working jobs that don’t pay nearly enough. All of that aside, you need to be transparent about any financial skeletons. Credit or debt issues, cuts in pay, bankruptcies, liens – all of that is going to come to the surface eventually. Just get it all on the table and figure it out. They’ll love you anyway (even if they’re mad as hell at first.)

3. Infidelity

Okay, so…yeah. There is no way of soft-balling the issue, so we won’t try. Infidelity is a big deal in the context of a loving relationship. Be that as it may, it does absolutely no good to try and “swallow” your guilt or whatever destructive emotion you’re feeling. When you do this, you’re not fair to yourself or your partner. You’ll merely end up in a miserable mental state, and they’ll become increasingly suspicious. The relationship may or may not end, but you owe them the truth.


4. Substance abuse problems

Here is another significant “personal problem” that your partner – if they truly love you – will be all too eager to help solve. Most people who “hide” their addiction and substance abuse problems do so out of embarrassment and shame – and such feelings are understandable. It’s critical to know, however, that substance abuse and addiction issues have less to do with personal weakness, and more to do with genetics and environmental factors. With honest, the support from your partner, and a resolute attitude, you can overcome substance abuse.

5. Health conditions

If you suffer from serious mental or physical health problems, you must absolutely inform your significant other (ideally, before they become your partner.) Health problems, whether they influence your state of mind or your body, are to be fully disclosed. The odds are that, at some point, your partner will need to care for you or seek the assistance of someone who can. Telling your partner about any serious health condition is both morally and rationally justifiable.

6. Criminal record

If there’s something in your past that will affect your partner’s life, you owe it to them to tell the truth. Before you do, please understand that it’s okay to be ashamed of something you’ve done. This shows that you care about your behavior, and that you are (hopefully) making an effort to change. There is no need for you to revisit and regret the past, but there is a need for you to own up to something when it influences someone else’s life. So, own up – and move on.

7. Family problems

Okay, so we’re not talking about the in-laws (it’s okay to be quiet here!) but problems with your immediate family. For example, if you and a sibling are not on speaking terms, it is befitting to tell your partner. If your dad is bringing a mistress to the family gathering, whisper in your partner’s ear. You can bet that your partner’s family has a fair bit of “dysfunction” too! Explain the serious stuff and laugh about the rest.

Final Thoughts

You’ve probably heard the saying, “The coverup is always worse than the crime.” Perhaps the person who coined it did so after failing to keep a secret from their partner. Joking aside, keep the following in mind before trying to keep a secret from your partner:

  • Honesty and trustworthiness are two of the most critical elements of a successful relationship.
  • The past does not define who you are or what you will become.
  • Your partner’s capacity for love and compassion are probably much greater than you think.
  • It is never too late to change.
  • No matter what happens, the sun will come up tomorrow.

Remember to love – and to love often…

15 Natural Ways Women Can Relieve Vaginal Yeast Infections

Ever go to the bathroom and suddenly smell, a cheesy, fishy, or bread-like aroma after you wipe? This can signal a yeast colony has moved into your nether regions. Yeast infection symptoms can make you uncomfortable, embarrassed, and the infection can pose a major health risk to your reproductive system and urinary tract. Luckily, treatments are easy, natural, and you can do so in the comfort of your home for most cases.

What is a Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Candida is a fungus that lives inside your body and causes infections. Like most flora in our bodies, we want a balance between the good, the bad, and those falling in the middle. Candida serves our bodies as a food source, but it can multiply. This fungus is also responsible for other infections, so some of the remedies on this list might also help thrush, athlete’s foot, diaper rash, and jock itch.

Lactobacillus acidophilus, a powerful probiotic, feeds off the natural candida in our bodies. If you don’t have a healthy amount of probiotics in your diet, you risk the development of a yeast infection.

The majority of women who’ve had a yeast infection can self-diagnosis their condition and begin a treatment of choice immediately. For the lucky few who’ve never suffered from one, here are the most common yeast infection symptoms:
• Rash
• Fishy, yeasty, or cheesy odor
• Redness
• Soreness
• Swelling
• Burning sensation when you pee or have sex
• Severe itching around and inside your vagina

Your discharge might also appear different. It often takes on a thick, cheesy appearance. However, discharge can vary greatly due to hormones, or you might see no changes at all.

When You Should See Your Doctor

While natural remedies are often our go to method, sometimes they aren’t enough. Other cases, such as pregnancy and nursing mothers, should always consult their doctors before attempting any treatments.

See a doctor:

• If you’ve never had a yeast infection
• You’re pregnant
• You’re nursing
• Your yeast infection symptoms worsen
• Your symptoms don’t improve in 7-14 days

15 Natural Treatments for a Vaginal Yeast Infection

The good news is most natural treatments take household ingredients you probably already have on hand, essential oils in your cabinet, or you can easily find the ingredients in a grocery store or online.

Many women have found these treatments to be effective. Plus, they feel better using homeopathic, herbal, and natural remedies over conventional methods that expose them to antibiotics and further increase their resistance. In modern times, this is a large reason why women will seek alternative treatments because when antibiotic treatments become necessary, they want them to work.

Some stubborn infections might still require a conventional treatment. Medications can days before you actually feel the results and your yeast infection symptoms disappear. You can still use remedies alongside most conventional methods to relieve your symptoms immediately.

1. Yoghurt Dipped Tampon Suppository

Harvard Health states women might see relief by using a vaginal probiotic suppository.

This suppository method might be a good option for women who regularly use tampons. If you don’t, you should consider choosing a natural or organic brand to reduce irritation to your already sensitive vagina. You will also need a variety without an applicator.

DIY Vaginal Suppository

You will need:
• Tampon, no applicator
• Organic plain yoghurt, unsweetened, unflavored
1. Saturate the tampon in yoghurt
2. Insert tampon
3. Leave it for one hour
4. Repeat as needed or every 3 hours

If you’re also using an OTC suppository treatment, you’ll want to choose another method from the list.

2. Eat More Yoghurt

Women have used yoghurt to treat yeast infection symptoms for centuries. Numerous studies support its effectiveness too. Unlike other treatments, this method is completely safe for pregnant women who tolerate dairy (use a dairy free brand if you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or a vegetarian). Organic Greek yoghurt that is unflavored and unsweetened will be your best bet, but it must contain live cultures of lactobacillus acidophilus.

Eating a yoghurt a day can help support your good flora and keep the bad bacteria and fungus at bay.

3. Take a Probiotic Supplement or Premade Suppository
You can purchase probiotic supplements and suppositories nearly anywhere these days, but they’re not regulated by any single agency aside from USDA Certified Organic brands. Try to choose those over non-organic labels so that you know you’re buying the real deal. Make sure they contain active lactobacillus acidophilus cultures.

4. Organic Coconut Oil

A study performed on children found that coconut oil is effective at treating candida due to its antifungal properties. This can be helpful for treating the outside of the vagina, and you simply apply it directly to the affected area.

5. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Using the DIY suppository method, you can further increase its effectiveness by adding a few drops of tea tree essential oil to the yoghurt. Tea tree oil has multiple healing benefits, including antifungal. You can also use this method with coconut oil or jojoba oil and apply it as an ointment to the outside of your vagina.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar Soak

Draw a lukewarm bath and add ½ cup of this remedy to your water. Soak for at least 20 minutes and repeat as necessary to ease symptoms. Apple cider vinegar does counteract harmful bacteria, but don’t confuse a soak with a douche. Douches flush out your vaginal canal and take away the good with the bad. Soaking allows your good bacteria to remain.

If you’re sensitive to the smell of vinegar, you can add your favorite essential oils and dried herbs to reduce the odor. The good news is you won’t smell like vinegar even if you don’t scent your water.

7. Eat Garlic

Garlic kills candida according to laboratory tests. Adding more of this healing herb might shorten the lifespan of your infection. Some women will chew a whole clove daily, but you might also prefer an odorless supplement. The upside is garlic has many health benefits.

Don’t apply garlic paste, cloves, or essential oil to your vaginal region. Studies reported burns as a side effect with topical treatments.

8. Vitamin C

Whether you eat vitamin C rich foods or take a supplement, many women swear by this for treating yeast and other infections. However, like garlic, you should avoid topical applications because of burn concerns.

Foods Rich in Vitamin C

• Red and Green Bell Peppers
• Kale
• Papaya
• Strawberries
• Broccoli
• Kiwi
• Mango
• Pineapple
• Oranges

9. Oil of Oregano Essential Oil

A 2001 study says you’ll require oil of oregano (Origanum vulgare) to treat a yeast infection. You won’t apply it to your vagina, but you can use it during aromatherapy sessions, as an inhalant, or you can apply it to your skin away from your vagina using a carrier oil, like coconut oil.

10. Aloe Vera Gel

Break open an Aloe Vera leaf and apply the gel directly to the affected area. A 2007 study found it reduced fungal activity. You might consider using a prepackaged gel, but you should be sure it’s organic and pure. Another option is to purchase leaves in the produce section of your grocery or natural foods store.

11. Drink Cranberry Juice

Cranberries have antioxidants, a large amount of vitamins, and antifungal properties. In natural medicine, women use it as both a treatment and preventive measure against yeast and urinary tract infections. Juts be sure to choose 100% cranberry juice, organic if possible, and avoid cocktails and blends. You can also eat whole, unsweetened cranberries too.

13. Green Tea

Tea, including green varieties, offer you immune support. The cooled tea bags double as a safe remedy for easing your symptoms too. Drink as much green tea as you like, but avoid sweetening it. Use the cooled or chilled tea bags as needed, and you can safely apply them directly to your vaginal area.

green tea for yeast infection

14. Peppermint Essential Oil

Well-diluted peppermint essential oil can alleviate your symptoms while its antifungal properties take care of the yeast. You can make a homemade rinse or add essential oil to your bath water. Don’t apply directly with a carrier oil as you might cause inflammation.

15. Epsom Salt Soak

Much like the apple cider vinegar remedy, you can use Epsom salts instead to ease your yeast infection symptoms and kill off fungus. Add 2 cups of the salts to your warm bath water. You can also use this with apple cider vinegar or your favorite essential oils, including peppermint, oil of oregano, and tea tree oil.

Final Thoughts on Yeast Infection Treatments

Yeast infections are common. Many of the remedies here derived from folk medicine. Some have scientific studies backing their effectiveness with promising results. Most of all, they’re natural options that pose little to no health risk.

Women can take precautions to lower their chances of another infection, but they’re not foolproof. Should an infection occur again, you can try one or more of the treatments. If your symptoms don’t clear up after seven to fourteen days, you should consult your doctor.

How to Make a Detox Drink to Help Clean Your Liver And Lose Weight

Did you know that in the U.S. alone, 4.9 million people have liver disease, and over 40,000 people die yearly? According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, most of these tragic deaths and cases of liver disease could be avoided by eliminating chronic alcoholism. In this article, we want to provide vital information regarding this critical organ and practical ways to keep your liver healthy.

What Is Liver Disease?

Otherwise known as cirrhosis, this disease happens due to tissue scarring. These scars can cause permanent damage because the scar tissue builds up, preventing your liver from functioning normally. The scar tissue replaces healthy tissue and partially blocks blood flow through your liver. This can cause organ failure in severe cases if a patient does not seek treatment in time.

Who Is at a Higher Risk of Liver Disease?

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, people are more likely to get liver disease if they:

  • have engaged in heavy drinking for a long time
  • have type 2 diabetes
  • are men
  • are over 50

liver disease

What are the complications of cirrhosis?

Some people may not even know they have liver disease until complications arise. The following may occur due to liver disease:

Portal hypertension

The most severe complication of cirrhosis, portal hypertension occurs when scar tissue builds up and blocks the blood flow in your liver, leading to high blood pressure in the portal vein. Portal hypertension may also cause the following:

  • enlarged veins – called varices – in the esophagus, stomach, or intestines, which could burst, causing internal bleeding
  • swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet, called edema
  • fluid buildup in the abdomen —called ascites— which can cause a severe infection in the area surrounding the liver and intestines
  • confusion or cognitive impairment caused by toxin buildup in the brain called hepatic encephalopathy


Liver disease can increase your risk of getting bacterial infections such as urinary tract infections and pneumonia.

Liver cancer

Cirrhosis can lead to liver cancer. Most people with liver cancer already have liver disease.

Liver failure

In severe cases, liver disease can eventually cause liver failure. This means your liver is so badly damaged that it stops working, which may require a liver transplant.

Other complications

  • bone diseases, such as osteoporosis
  • gallstones
  • problems with the bile ducts, which are responsible for carrying bile out of the liver
  • malabsorption and malnutrition
  • tendency toward bruising
  • sensitivity to medicines
  • insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

Facts About Liver Disease

According to the American Liver Foundation, many different types of liver disease exist. Since we could write many pages about each type, we will discuss a few important all-encompassing facts about liver disease.

  1. The leading cause of liver disease in the U.S. is obesity. While alcohol and drug use can also lead to liver disease, obesity can exacerbate an already overtaxed liver. Liver disease can be genetic as well.
  2. Healthy livers can regenerate after being damaged. The disease is caused by scar tissue that builds up and blocks blood flow to the organ, preventing the tissue from regenerating.
  3. Many patients will deal with liver inflammation in the early stages of a disease. Inflammation isn’t necessarily harmful. Indeed, it helps fight off infections and heal injuries. However, when chronic inflammation occurs, it can cause permanent damage.
  4. Liver failure occurs when the liver can no longer function properly and starts shutting down. It is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical care. Usually, the first symptoms of liver failure are nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, and diarrhea. These symptoms can present with many different conditions, so patients may have difficulty knowing if their liver is failing. That’s why checkups and taking care of your health are paramount.

Before we continue with how to heal the body of liver damage, we’ll go over what the liver actually does in the body.

How It Functions

The main function of the liver is to process nutrients absorbed from the small intestine. Bile from the liver secreted into the small intestine helps the body digest fat. In addition, the liver is where the body produces chemicals that you need to function. It takes the raw materials the intestine absorbs and turns them into chemicals the body needs. As well as helping to produce beneficial chemicals, the liver detoxifies the body of potentially dangerous chemicals.

How to Heal Liver Damage

Before we get to how to make the detox drink for your liver, we want to review other ways to heal liver damage. Here are a few recommendations:

Eat Healthy Foods

According to the American Liver Foundation, patients with cirrhosis should avoid foods that are high in salt. Patients with fatty liver disease should limit foods with a lot of calories and eat high-fiber foods instead.

Eating right is one of the best protections against disease. However, if you already have this disease, you can assist in healing your body with the right foods. Make sure you eat plenty of vegetables, whole grains, and antioxidants.

Minimize or eliminate saturated fats and salty, sugary, or highly processed foods. Some of the best foods for your liver include blueberries, cranberries, cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, collard greens, coffee, fatty fish such as salmon, grapefruit, grapes, nuts, and olive oil.

Animal studies have shown that both Brussels sprouts and broccoli sprout extract increase levels of beneficial enzymes that aid in the detoxification of cells and safeguard the liver from damage. One study in human liver cells discovered that cooked Brussels sprouts provided the same benefits for the liver as raw ones.

Another study in men with fatty liver disease found that broccoli sprout extract, which is high in antioxidants and nutrients, decreased oxidative stress and boosted liver enzyme levels. So, if you don’t already eat cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts and broccoli, make sure to include them in your diet.

Lose weight

Being overweight or obese can lead to a condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Just like the name sounds, it’s caused by having too many fat cells in the liver, but not due to alcohol. Those who are overweight or obese, insulin resistant, or have high blood sugar or high blood triglycerides are at risk of developing NAFLD.


Exercise can reduce the risk of almost any disease and help heal your body from inflammation. It will help you lose weight, boost your immune system, and decrease body fat, all of which will help with healing.

Quit Smoking

Cigarettes contain over 4,000 harmful chemicals that the liver must process to rid the body of them. Thus, smoking cigarettes requires the liver to work much harder to detox the body, which can lead to liver failure. Smoking can also lead to other problems, such as inflammation.

Minimize exposure to toxins

Besides cigarette smoke, many other substances in the world contain toxins that we should try to avoid, if possible. If you’re around things like paint, insecticides, and other harmful toxins, make sure to wear a mask.

Eliminate alcohol

Alcohol, as we have discussed, can both cause and exacerbate liver disease. Since alcohol can lead to both liver disease and weight gain, those with liver conditions should eliminate alcohol. This will help you detoxify the liver and shed unwanted weight.

Be Aware

Hepatitis can cause liver damage. Because you can get hepatitis from unclean needles and water, it’s essential to protect yourself. For example, if you go to a salon for a manicure or pedicure, make sure the shop is reputable. The same applies if you go somewhere that uses needles, such as a tattoo or piercing shop.

Monitor Your Medications

Everything that goes into your body must be metabolized in the liver. Certain medications can cause liver damage, including anti-psychotics, hormone replacement drugs, heart medications, birth control pills, and certain OTC drugs. If you’re concerned about how your medication affects your liver, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. You might need to take alternative medicines or try a different form of treatment.

Take Supplements

To look after your liver naturally, make sure you get enough Vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene; minerals like selenium and zinc; B-vitamins which will help metabolize alcohol; and herbs that can help detox the liver such as milk thistle, schizandra, and dandelion root.

Try starting with a standard multivitamin before introducing other supplements into your body. Certain herbal supplements can interfere with medications.

Preventing Liver Disease

To prevent the risk of liver disease, there are certain precautions you can take. Here are a few helpful tips:

  • Drink alcohol moderately. This means one drink a day for women and two a day for men. Heavy drinking is classified as more than eight drinks per week for women and more than 15 for men.
  • Protect yourself. Don’t share needles with other people for any reason. Use a condom or other protection during intimacy. If you get tattoos or piercings done, fully research the shop and look for accreditations before getting work done.
  • Stay up to date on vaccines. If you’re at a higher risk of contracting hepatitis or already have it, talk to your doctor about getting the hepatitis A and B vaccines.
  • Monitor your medications. As we said before, some medications can increase the risk of liver disease. Take medication only if you need it and in recommended doses. Never take medications with alcohol or herbal supplements you haven’t discussed with your doctor.
  • Don’t touch other people’s blood or bodily fluids. This can lead to hepatitis or other diseases.
  • Wear a mask and ensure the room is adequately ventilated when using toxic chemicals such as insecticides and fungicides. Also, wear long sleeves, gloves, and a hat to protect your skin.
  • Be mindful of your weight. This is one of the best ways to prevent liver disease, as exercise and a healthy diet will lower your fat percentage and keep you at a healthy weight for your body.

In addition to healing your liver with the methods we mentioned above, we will finally get to the meat of this article: the ultimate detox drink to cleanse and heal your liver!

Detox Drink to Clean Your Liver

lose weight


  • 6 cups of water
  • 3 lemons
  • 1 cup chopped parsley
  • 5 stalks of celery


You can prepare this one of two ways. You can peel and deseed the lemons and blend all the ingredients (except water) in either a blender or a juicer. The blender will keep all the fiber, while a juicer will remove it. Depending on your health goals, you can choose whichever method works best for you. After blending or juicing the ingredients, add water and run through the machine once again.

Benefits of Ingredients for the Liver


Obviously, water is one of the best natural healers on the planet. It’s the easiest and most efficient detox method because one of water’s main functions is to flush the body of harmful toxins. Keeping your body hydrated will help it perform more efficiently, thus allowing the liver to do its job. Especially if you’ve had a lot of alcohol recently, water can help flush it from your system and reboot your liver.


According to one study evaluating alcohol-induced liver injury in mice, lemon juice had a protective effect on the body, likely due to the high level of antioxidants. Lemons have many other benefits for the body, but for the liver specifically, lemons can help detox the body further and provide essential nutrients.


Parsley contains antioxidants such as luteolin, apigenin, lycopene, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene. These help to fight free radical damage, which can cause cancer. They also lower inflammation in the body. High levels of inflammation have been shown to lead to several diseases, including liver disease.

Parsley contains high levels of Vitamins C and A as well. Vitamin C helps to lower inflammation levels and boost gut health, while Vitamin A can help protect against eye disorders and promote skin health. Both of these vitamins will help your immune system in the long run, aiding your body in protecting you from liver disease.


Celery contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamins K, B6, and C, potassium, and folate.

In one study out of the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at Helwan University in Egypt, researchers fed rats celery, chicory, and barley. The rats then showed a reduction of fat buildup in the liver. The researchers supplemented high-cholesterol diets of rats with celery, chicory, and barley powder and saw their liver enzyme function and blood lipid levels improve. The more powder the rats were given, the greater their liver health. This study shows that, for people suffering from liver disease or at risk of developing it, celery, chicory, and barley can have a protective effect.

So, now that we’ve gone over the benefits of the ingredients for this detox drink, we’ll talk about how you should include it in your diet.

How to Use

Drink this juice or smoothie for three days to experience the healing effects. Three times a day, drink at least two glasses. If you want, you can try fasting during this period, or choose to eat light, raw foods if possible. If you choose to fast, make sure to drink plenty of water. For those not fasting, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and avoid processed foods. Also drink plenty of water.

Other Foods That Help the Liver

  1. Almonds

Almonds have nutrients such as Vitamin E and may help protect the body against fatty liver disease. Other nuts, as well as almonds, have been shown to boost heart health.

  1. Bananas

While this sweet fruit is mostly known for its high levels of potassium, it can also speed up digestion, which means toxins move out of the body faster. This helps the liver to eliminate toxins as well. A Chinese study found that people with low potassium levels had a higher chance of developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, meaning bananas should be a staple in anyone’s diet.

  1. Blueberries and Cranberries

Blueberries and cranberries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which give berries their rich colors. Berries also have many health benefits for the body.

Some animal studies have shown that cranberries and blueberries and their extracts or juices can maintain liver health. The studies showed that eating these fruits for 3-4 weeks prevented damage. Also, blueberries help to boost immune cell response and antioxidant enzymes.

Another study found that the antioxidants in berries slowed the development of liver scar tissue in rats.

Berries are definitely a powerful weapon in the fight against disease.

  1. Coffee

While many people like to debate about the health benefits of coffee, science shows that coffee can protect against disease.

Studies have shown that coffee lowers the risk of cirrhosis in people with chronic liver disease, including NAFLD. According to another study, coffee may also reduce the risk of developing a type of cancer; plus, it showed positive effects on inflammation and disease. Another study showed that those who drank at least three cups of coffee per day had a lower risk of death caused by chronic liver disease.

Coffee may prevent the buildup of fat and collagen, which are markers of disease.

If you have liver problems and don’t already enjoy a morning cup of coffee, take this as your sign to do so!

  1. Green Tea

People have been drinking green tea for centuries, and there’s a reason for that. Green tea is loaded with an antioxidant called catechins, which protects against different types of cancer, including that of the liver.

In fact, one large Japanese study found improved blood markers in the livers of those who drank 5-10 cups of green tea per day.

your liver

A smaller study in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) found that drinking green tea for 12 weeks improved enzyme levels and may also decrease fat deposits and oxidative stress (which can lead to cancer in the liver).

These are just some of the foods and beverages that can help improve your overall health. A varied diet of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, nuts, seeds, healthy fats (like olive oil, avocado, coconut, etc.), and grains will protect your health and boost the immune system.

Final thoughts

Millions of people suffer from liver disease and other complications, but you can safeguard your health by taking preventive measures. As you have learned in this article, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, being overweight, and leading an unhealthy lifestyle can cause different types of liver disease. While some cases are genetic, you can take charge of your health and heal your liver by exercising, eating healthy, and avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol.

Also, make sure to be safe around harmful substances and wear protective clothing and a mask if exposed to dangerous chemicals. Avoid sharing needles with other people, and practice safe sex. Don’t touch other people’s blood or bodily fluids, and monitor your medications to see if any of them are causing you to feel adverse symptoms.

Finally, consider taking supplements to boost your liver health if you don’t get enough nutrients from your diet. However, you should talk to your doctor before taking any supplements if you also take prescription medication. Some supplements can counteract with certain medicines.

We hope the tips and information in this article can help you improve your liver health and be aware of signs of liver disease. Here’s to your health!

How to Lose Belly Fat In 30 Days (15 Simple Exercises + Diet Plan)

Belly fat is lost through fast exercise. All personal trainers know two things: 1. Slow movement builds muscle, and 2. Fast movement helps you lose fat (lose belly fat especially). All of our handy examples below give you ideas for incorporating fun, super easy, fast exercises into your regular schedule. Just doing one of these per day will begin blasting belly fat!

1. Swimming.

People don’t realize how much resistance there is in water. After all, swimming is fun! Who notices the steady and pervasive water resistance on their muscles? The truth is, swimming is one of the fastest ways to lose belly fat and to build muscle simultaneously. Hopping in the pool for 30 minutes a day is more than enough.

2. Run 10 minutes a day.

You don’t have to devote a whole hour of running in the morning. You don’t even have to do it for half an hour. Just put your shoes beside your bed, set your watch on a ten-minute timer and just run out the door as soon as you wake up. You can lose belly fat fast if you just have a steady, consistent diet of movement for ten minutes per morning.

3. Jogging up and down the stairs 6 times.

If you live in a cold weather climate (away from pools and outdoor activities) but have a two-story house or a home with a basement, you can still lose belly fat fast. Just jog (don’t walk) up and down your stairs six times a day. Easy, simple, and your entire workout for the day is complete.

4. The Hula Hoop (with and without weights).
Whether you use a regular hula hoop like your kids have or you use a weighted hula hoop from a gym supply store, this helps you lose belly fat in a very unique way. By keeping the hoop engaged, you also engage your oblique muscles, abs, and buttocks.

4. A quick bike ride to the store.

If you are getting your exercise without having to think of it as a specifically planned activity just for exercise, you can avoid the “mental hiccups” which sometimes stop us. If you live within a mile of a store, get on your bike for a quick trip a couple of times a week. Bicycling engages the thighs, abs, oblique muscles, and the lower back in a perfect workout, and you can enjoy the nice day, as well!

5. Family tag in the backyard.

If you are looking to spend more quality time with your kids, combine this with your workout and schedule regular family tag out in the backyard. This will keep your heart rate up, it will exercise the whole family, and the fat burning enzymes are always paired with the oxygen burning enzymes in your body.

6. Speed Yoga (yes, there is such a thing).

Yoga is generally considered to be a slow, relaxing process. However, speed yoga can reduce each pose and movement down to a couple of breaths each, which will keep your heart rate and fat burning enzymes at their proper levels for blasting belly fat. You may be surprised that you can lose belly fat fast with this approach, but it’s actually very effective.

7. A light treadmill run during your favorite shows.

If you like keeping up with certain TV shows, you can easily get your workout done during part of your TV watching. Don’t make it too intense. Treadmill running is already fairly engaging. Simply watch one of your shows during a light run on your treadmill, then eat a snack following the diet plan below for the remaining shows.

8. Slow hiking in steep places.

If you live near a mountain or a canyon, you can spend time in the outdoors without being too intense about it. Simple lose belly fat by engaging your core muscles during a slow, but steep, hike on a short, vertical trail. Both the hike and the trail itself can be very short. It is the variety of movements required to navigate your way around the rocks which activates many layers of your core muscles, especially those around your abdominals and your hips and thighs.

10. Climbing trees with your kids.

Do you live near a wooded area? Do you have a tree house? Be a kid again and climb trees, finding great places to sit on a branch and look around. This is a great way to look at nature with your kids, observe little woodland creatures flittering and crawling around the branches, and to work on your photography. Show your kids how to identify trees by their leaves and bark, take awesome pictures of everyone from the treetops, and even get out the walkie-talkies and learn a little about finding your way through the woods.

11. Swinging in your backyard.

There is a reason why kids lose belly fat fast and adults do not. Kids have access to the best play equipment. Have a swinging contest with your spouse on the swing set in your backyard and, of course, see which one of you can jump the farthest. Make sure that your swing set is well-anchored to the ground so that inertia doesn’t cause problems.

12. Playing golf (we’re not kidding).

You may think this is too good to be true, but actually steady, sustained walking, standing, and squatting can make you lose belly fat, thigh fat, and butt fat. If you already golf a couple of times a week, do it without the golf cart. Simply walking the distance between holes and being on your feet, in the fresh air and sunshine, doing what you love will make a huge difference in your skin health, your hair health, your muscles and, of course, any fat you may happen to have.

lose belly fat

Be sure to have a caddy on hand in case you need someone to go obtain extra water for you or to go get a golf cart for the second half or two-thirds of the course. It’s great to get exercise, but if the walking and/or sunshine heat you up too much, you will need someone who can obtain your normal tools right away. Always wear a hat and use plenty of sunscreen.

13. Going to a rock climbing gym.

This is a great activity for you and your entire family. Build strength and muscles while also engaging your core by learning how to rock climb!

This is one of the best ways to lose belly fat, but remember that the experts at the gym know about the best ways to climb the wall, so listen to them. Do not climb directly facing the wall with your butt and part of your torso sticking out. This pulls your center of gravity away from the wall.

Instead, engage your oblique (side) ab muscles by climbing at an angle, to the side. Hold yourself flat against the wall by facing off to the side and swinging from your fingertips. Afterward, your forearms will be sore but will build and adapt over time.

14. A Pilates mat on your living room floor.

Kids spend a lot of time playing on the floor and moving their bodies around in ways that adults simply do not. Get a yoga mat, put it on the middle of the living room floor, and start practicing floor somersaults. The more time you spend on the floor, the more comfortable you will be using the ground as your point of play whenever you need to explore your body movements some more.

Stay well-hydrated, get a laminated yoga pose card, and start exploring all of the different ways you can get and hold muscle strengthening poses. Notice where you feel the muscles engaged in different parts of your body.

15. Having a planking contest with your kids.

This is a great exercise for you and your kids if you live in the city. You can do this at a park, using various things around the city, and you can even post the pictures online! See who won the planking contest by judging how flat each of you can hold your bodies.

If you and your kids are already experts at planking, practice holding the plank for two minutes before the picture is taken. Planking engages every single muscle in your core, as well as your shoulder, arm, thigh, leg, and ankle muscles. This is a fantastic way to be creative and use the environment around you to continue educating your body on how to move.

Super Simple Diet Plan

Nothing helps you lose belly fat fast quite as much as a high-protein, high-water diet. The water needs to balance (plus 5 glasses) the amount of oil and lipids in your system. If you feel dry, eat more protein. If you feel oily, drink more water.


-Large cheeseburgers (no buns)

-Pot Roast or Large, Lean Steak
-Sweet Tea

-Beef Jerky
-Cheese Sticks
-Celery Stalks
-Corn Chips

This will give you the small amount of sugar and the large amount of protein and water you need daily. Add carbohydrates (such as potatoes or grains or vegetables) as small side dishes if you feel a little lightheaded.

belly fat

Final Thoughts on Working to Lose Belly Fat

We love working out and we hope you do, too. Did you enjoy this article? We would love to hear your comments below! Which exercise is your favorite? Which exercise is the easiest for you to do in your current climate and local area?

Belly fat blasting is easy and fun. It never has to be hard work. Just move around and increase your water and protein intake and the problem will take care of itself! Happy healthier body!


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