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25 Things In A Relationship More Important Than Sex

The urge to be intimate fades away when the relationship is no longer new. But any couple can have a good, happy and positive life together even when those intimate moments in the bedroom become fewer and fewer.

If couples focus on the more essential things that do not occur in the bedroom, they can create a connection that deepens and strengthens their feelings for each other. For instance, a study in the Journal of Marriage and Family showed that couples who communicate and listen to each other have a more satisfying relationship, which tops the stuff that happens in bed.

So, what other things are more important in a relationship than physical intimacy? Read on to find some examples below.

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss

Here Are 25 Things In A Relationship More Important Than Sex


1.    You have mutual respect

You and your partner are two different people, but you understand that your differences in background, tastes, preferences, and opinions make you so good together. You don’t impose on each other to have the same likes or dislikes. Instead, you respect and celebrate your differences.

2.    You want the same things

Despite your differences, you and your partner are always on the same page regarding your relationship. You have the same end goal and want the same thing: to live a harmonious and joyous life together for many years. Even if you have sparks in the bedroom, your relationship won’t last if you’re not on the same page.

3.    You communicate well with each other

You can voice your opinions and feelings to your partner honestly and openly. You can express yourself in the bedroom and your everyday conversations. You always have honest conversations, discussing your happiness or frustrations, seeking advice from each other, or contemplating the meaning of life.

4.    You listen to each other

Good communication also means that you and your partner listen to what the other has to say. If you’re upset, you can bring this up to your partner without fear of being judged, rejected, reprimanded, or hurt.

5.    You support each other

Having a great partner for life means you have an instant ally. You have someone you can always tag team with when life gets tough and you have to hurdle so many things. You are each other’s biggest fans and always the first to support whatever new venture or project your partner gets involved with.

You have different roles and obligations in your family, but you have each other’s back when one cannot fulfill these obligations. For instance, your wife might be unable to sit down with the kids for bed tonight because she has a report to finish. So, you step up and take over because you want her to focus on the report.

6.    You give compliments all the time

You’re also generous with your compliments to each other. Don’t forget to thank your partner for baking your first-anniversary cake. You don’t miss the opportunity to uplift and motivate your partner to deliver the first lecture to a crowd.

7.    You make each other laugh

You’re not afraid to be goofy in front of your partner or worry that he might find you unattractive. On the contrary, you laugh with each other, and you laugh all the time, even when you’re sharing those awkward moments in bed. When couples make each other laugh, living becomes less stressful.

An expert from the University of Kansas examined the data of 15,000 couples in different studies that ran for thirty years. He discovered that couples who made each other laugh had a longer, lasting partnership. They bond and create a positive vibe when they look for amusing and positive things in their everyday life together.

8.    You like to try something new

Couples who like trying something new inside and outside the bedroom have a stronger relationship. Since intimacy can sometimes become a routine, you try to do stuff you’ve never done before to keep the relationship exciting. A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships indicated that couples who try new things don’t bore each other out.

9.    You know how to have quality time

You don’t always spend time together in bed, so what do you do together when you’re not intimate? Couples who love spending quality time with each other, even without getting intimate, can do everything from the most interesting to the basic stuff.

These couples are always up for a good time together. Whether they are on a romantic vacation in Paris or just hanging out in their living room, it doesn’t matter. They know how to have a good time.

10.  You like to cuddle a lot

You cuddle a lot when you’re together with your significant other. You love getting close to your partner and are comfortable touching and hugging in public. If you’re waiting in line at the supermarket, his hand is on your waist or shoulders, or you’ve got your hands clasped while reading a book on the couch in your living room.

11.  You are realistic about your expectations

You understand that what you need can’t come from just one person. So, you set realistic expectations in your relationship and don’t demand that your partner fills everything so you can have a satisfying life. So, you still keep a network of people who shower you with attention or care. Your partner also recognizes that he’s not the only one who can make you happy.

12.  You make an effort to get close to each other’s friends

Research in the American Psychological Association shows that couples who intermingle with different groups of friends have a deeper relationship and achieve better marital quality. It’s important to make your significant person feel part of the friendships you’ve formed with other people. It raises your connectedness as a couple.


13.  You trust each other

A relationship that lacks trust can bring paranoia and suspicion, no matter how great you are together in bed. But you won’t need to constantly check up on your partner to the point of stalking if you have trust. You also don’t come up with baseless accusations each time your partner doesn’t immediately reply to your messages.

14.  You are loyal to each other

Trust is, of course, linked to loyalty. If you’ve agreed to be in a monogamous relationship, committing to have eyes only for your partner is more valuable than your intimacy in bed. If your relationship is not conventional, you’re still expected to comply faithfully with standard rules if you want what’s good for your relationship.

15.  You forgive each other

It’s normal for tension, differences, and problems to crop up in a relationship because you constantly adjust to each other’s needs. Humans aren’t perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. But if you’re the forgiving type, your relationship will be able to weather any problems.

16.  You accept your mistakes and learn from it

Being forgiven for your mistakes is good, but it’s even better if you’re willing to grow in a relationship. It takes maturity to learn from your mistakes and make a commitment not to repeat it.

17.  You pick your battles

You recognize that not every issue must be fought in your relationship. You’d instead pick your battles than argue over everything because you need to live in a harmonious and positive environment is more important than your need to be correct.

18.  You’re best friends with your partner

You won’t always have the greatest intimate moments in the bedroom. But your relationship can outlast the rest if you are best friends with your partner. Best friends confide to each other. They are not afraid to be vulnerable and accept each other’s weaknesses.

19.  You’re not dependent on each other

Even if your partner is your best friend, you don’t live wholly dependent on him. You give each other space and even consider spending time apart when necessary.

20.  You remain passionate about each other

Passion does not just equate to intimacy in bed. Passion is also about your dedication to working your problems out in the relationship, especially when it’s not always smooth sailing.

21.  You’re generous and thoughtful to your partner

You make it a point to give something to your partner just because you think she will love it. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift; it can be a simple gesture. For example, you save the last slice of the cake because you want your partner to get the last bite. You leave notes on her bag or send her messages on her phone randomly to let her know she’s in your thoughts.

22.  You are your significant other’s safe space

A great intimate moment with your partner can bring satisfaction, but your relationship can deepen if you provide a safe space for your partner. A safe space is where you feel loved, accepted, and allowed to be yourself, regardless of gender, faults, and vulnerabilities.

23.  You exercise together

Couples who work out together have shared health goals and a good life in the bedroom. Working out not only makes you physically fit, but it also boosts energy and libido.

24.  You don’t fail to ask about each other’s day

While it might seem like small talk to ask your man how his day went, this habit is a great way for couples to build a positive connection. Relationship experts say sharing small chats like this every night can make couples grow closer to each other.

25.  You do love each other

It’s hard to describe the kind of love that perfectly matched couples share, but you know what it is when you have it. You may have the urge to sleep with someone even if you don’t have strong feelings for that person. But when that urge goes away, you won’t be sticking around in the relationship if you don’t have love.


Final Thoughts On Things In A Relationship More Important Than Sex

A long-lasting, positive relationship needs more than physical intimacy to survive. Couples who transcend the physical aspect grow more attached and connected because of what they share outside the bedroom.

Are you looking forward to growing old together? Do you care more about being connected emotionally than having private time in bed? Then what you’ve got is the best thing about being in a relationship, which indeed feels lovely.

10 Signs A Man Is Going to Leave A Relationship

The decision to leave a relationship is never an easy one to make. That’s why a lot of people might wind up staying in a relationship longer than they want to. In other words, a man might be thinking of leaving his relationship long before the break-up bomb is ever dropped!

No one wants to be the partner of someone who only plans to leave a relationship. But a lot of thought has to be put into the act of splitting up from someone you love. This could be why a man might take a while to solidify his decision.

This is why spotting and noticing little signs in advance that a break-up is on the horizon might be useful. It can give a partner time to prepare and process the information, and even open up the floor for discussion. Here are some signs a man is going to leave his relationship.

Here Are 10 Signs A Man Is Going To Leave A Relationship

“People don’t leave because things are hard, they leave because they realize it’s no longer worth it.” – Anonymous

1.    Everyday talk is dying in the relationship.

If your boyfriend no longer tells you about his day, he could be planning to leave his relationship. Men will enjoy talking to you and getting things off their chest when they are comfortable with you. If he stops thinking of you as someone he just might spend his life with, this can change.

This also applies if he no longer asks about your day. Or he might ask but seem bored or disinterested at your response. He might obviously not pay attention when you speak. These are all red flags to take notice of!

You may also notice that your boyfriend stays more quiet around you. He does not want to talk much, and you end up needing to start and carry all of the conversation. This could be a dead giveaway that this man is going to leave a relationship soon.

2.    His mood is constantly bad around you.

No one wants to hang around a downer, but that’s all he’s been lately. Perhaps he gets snappish around you. Or he seems down or upset when you’re on dates together. He gets angry much more easily than he once did. These are all red flags.

It doesn’t have to be as extreme as him always being sad or angry. You might have also just noticed a drop in mood that has you concerned – especially if that mood change doesn’t seem to have anything to do with other areas of his life.

Every individual goes through five stages of thought when they want to leave a relationship. If he’s at a stage where he’s realizing he’s unhappy, his mood is a pretty good indicator.

3.    Avoiding outings means he might leave a relationship.

A man in love will do crazy things for his partner. He’ll go to events he hates or he’ll ditch a boy’s night to spend the evening with you on the couch. He’ll even tag along to brunch with the girls if you ask nicely enough.

Then, suddenly, getting your boyfriend to go out with you is nearly impossible. He doesn’t want to spend time together on dates. He refuses to go to dinner with your friends. You’re stuck hanging out alone all the time.

The worst part? If he does head out for a night on the town, you’re not invited. Suddenly, he’s only leaving the house to hang out with friends. When he has a big event coming up, he doesn’t add you as his +1. These all point to trouble in paradise; he might leave his relationship.

Since studies show that relationships alter one’s sense of self, this makes sense. If your boyfriend is avoiding outings with you, he might be trying to separate his sense of self from you. This is so he can become his own person again and leave his relationship.

4.    He no longer talks about the relationship’s future.

When a relationship is fresh, you’ll be looking towards the future with positive eyes. If you have a committed, long-term boyfriend, then you’ve likely discussed the future a few times. You may have talked about going on a vacation in a few months. You may have discussed how many kids you’ll have.

Whatever it is, if you’ve talked about it before and he’s reluctant to discuss it now, it’s a sign he wants to leave the relationship. The reason for talking about a future with you might be hard is because he doesn’t see you in his future anymore.

5.    Decrease in intimacy is a sure sign he will leave a relationship.

While not all men are sexual creatures by nature, a huge majority of them are. So when your intimate life with him starts going downhill, it’s definitely time to sit up and take notice.

This might happen in the form of fewer intimate moments and your boyfriend being in the mood much less often. It might happen because intimacy feels more like a routine than an exciting bonding experience. And it might occur when a man stops caring about your pleasure as much as his own.

Whichever way this drop in intimate-positive behavior manifests, it usually means trouble is brewing. When even your flashiest lingerie doesn’t get him going, it might be time to sit down and ask him what the matter is.

6.    He gets annoyed with seemingly small things.

It’s actually possible to scientifically predict when a man is going to leave a relationship. He will begin to associate more negative things with you. This means he might get more irritated by things you do or say, even when they seem very minor.

This might hurt even more if there are things he used to love about you that he now seems to hate. It might be anything as simple as your shiny nail polish. It might be something as heartbreaking as him getting annoyed by your laugh.

Whatever it is, it’ll be obvious, and you’re not going to like it. It’s important to note when this happens that this isn’t your fault. Your mannerisms aren’t inherently annoying. He’s just starting to associate you with negative things, which is a major bad sign.

7.    You’re the last to know anything about him.

That new promotion he just got at work? You had no idea he was even gunning for it. The exciting game he’s wanted to play has finally been released? You’re positive he’s never mentioned it.

This is even worse if everyone else seems to know about this news before you do. That means he’s no longer readily including you in a discussion about his plans. This might be because he doesn’t foresee you being around for most of them.

8.    He makes jokes about leaving his relationship.

We all know that men can be jokers. Sometimes, they take their comedic attempts a little too far. But the fact is that there is always a shred of truth in every bit of humor.

Humor and comedy are great for positive thinking, but when they’re about such negative things, they can take a toll on you. They might be jokes about how he’s going to leave you after the month is up. Or, they could be offhand comments that he wants to be intimate with someone else.

A couple of jokes in bad taste don’t necessarily mean it’s all over. It could just be good fun. Still, if those jokes start being told far too often for your liking, it could mean trouble in paradise.

9.    He fights too much – or not at all.

Picking fights constantly is a universally acknowledged bad sign. But fighting too little can be just as bad. It means putting the effort to solve a problem just doesn’t seem worth it to him, since it will all be over soon, anyway.

According to John Gottman, who is a professor of psychology with the University of Washington, stonewalling during a fight signals an unwillingness to talk about the root problem. Why could this be happening? Because he doesn’t see much of a point to it anymore.

10.  He acts immature to make his partner leave a relationship.

Yes, sometimes, on a bad day, a man can act immature. But you know your boyfriend always comes through with a proper apology – until now.

leave a relationship

If your man has been a mean or hurtful person towards you lately, he may have already decided that he wants to leave his relationship, but he doesn’t know how. So what he’s doing instead is getting you to dislike him enough to end the relationship yourself.

This reverse psychology can be annoying, no doubt. But this could be a man’s way of trying not to hurt you. He knows breaking up with you directly will cause you pain, so he hopes if you do it, it will sting less on your end.

Final Thoughts On Why Men Leave A Relationship

There are so many signs that could point to a break-up right around the corner. Of course, these are not 100% guaranteed, either. This is because a man might be going through some troubles in his life that lead to these behaviors being performed.

So while it’s good to keep a lookout for the signs a man might leave a relationship, practice positive thinking. Strike up a conversation with your partner instead of accusing him point blank. You never know – there might be a chance you can save your romance!

5 Ways Essential Oil Can Clean Your Home Better Than Cleaning Products

You may already be well-educated on the ways essential oils can benefit your health and mood. Those are not the only uses for essential oils. They are amazing tools to clean your home with. Boost the cleaning and deodorizing power of your homemade cleaners by adding essential oils.

There are many uses for an essential oil when cleaning your home. They can be used in any room of your home. They are non-toxic and all-natural, so you do not have to worry about your pets or children.

5 Genius Essential Oil Hacks to Clean Your Home


1. Make Laundry Fresher

Enhancing the scent of your laundry detergent or dryer sheets are great ways to use an essential oil. When you wash your baby’s clothes, add a few drops of lavender oil will help keep the baby calm and relaxed. Essential oils are non-toxic and all natural. They are better than commercially purchased scent boosting crystals or sheets, and the scent of essential oils last much longer. Seek 2ULaundry services if you don’t have the time or equipment to do your own laundry.

2. Clean Carpets With Natural Ingredients

When it comes to your floors, especially carpeted surfaces, cleaning can be a serious chore. Smells get trapped in those surfaces. Just as easily, stains can take over and leave your carpet looking less than desirable. That’s where a reliable service like Happy Feet Carpet Cleaning Charlotte, known for its thorough and effective cleaning methods, comes in.

Hiring a cleaning company is extremely costly. Most commercial cleaning products contain many harmful chemicals. Your cleaning efforts may seem counterproductive when you use those types of cleaners to clean your carpet. You would be adding harmful chemicals to the world that is ruled by your pets and children. If you live in the Ann Arbor area, Healthy Carpets cleans our carpets and upholstery twice a year.

If you want a more Earth-friendly way to clean your carpet, consider using a mix of baking soda and an essential oil. First, you should thoroughly vacuum your floor to remove any surface dirt. Next, mix together two cups of baking soda with ten drops of your favorite oil. You can combine oil fragrances as well like tea tree and lemongrass. Once you have created the perfect mixture for you, sprinkle it over the entire surface you wish to clean. Use a brush or sponge to make sure the mixture settles into your carpet. Leave it there for at least two hours then vacuum the area once again.

3. A Friendly Way to Disinfect

Disinfecting is a big job in your home. The kitchen and bathroom areas are highly susceptible to bacteria growth and spread. If you don’t properly clean these areas, you will risk making yourself or your family ill. The same goes for the bathroom toilet and sink areas. The bacteria found in these locations are grotesque. For a natural and fragrant way to clean these areas, look no further than these essential oil hacks. Many oils on their own do not offer the antibacterial power needed to kill everything on contact. Mixing a few together, however, can give you a real bang for your buck. Peppermint and tea tree oil are fantastic and smell very nice together. The same goes for tea tree and orange oils. A mixture of lavender and rosemary oils are absolutely divine. Add some lavender oil with lemongrass oil for a relaxing yet uplifting clean.

4. Control Germ Carrying Pests

If your home has been taken over by ants, cinnamon oil can help take care of that problem. This oil does something to an ant’s nervous system. This prevents them from communicating with other ants as they do when they locate a food or water source. It confuses them, and they eventually disappear. Lemongrass oil is another great way to get rid of ants or other creepy crawly bugs. By mixing 10-20 drops of oil in a few ounces of water and spraying the affected area, you will get rid of any pesky bugs and any nasty germs they may come with.

essential oil

5. Knock Out Shower Mold With Ease

Another household chore that is grueling at times is cleaning shower mold. This stuff invades your shower and coats almost anything. There are many cleaners on the market you can use to clean this, and they would probably get the job done. But, most of these cleaners have noxious chemicals that are a real hazard to your health. If you breathe them in or get them on your skin, you may need to seek medical attention quickly. There is a better choice to use. This method calls for a 16-ounce bottle filled with warm water. Add four drops each of eucalyptus and tea tree oil. Thoroughly spray your shower and watch the nasty stuff disappear.

These essential oil hacks will help you tackle the worst jobs in your home. The results will be an all-natural clean and scent that lasts for days. Essential oil use is growing in popularity, and you will love it, too.

7 Promises Men Make (But Rarely Keep)

There are loads of promises men make when they’re in a relationship. They’ll spew sonnets and sing from the high heavens about the things they will or won’t do. Unfortunately, many of these promises are going to be broken.

No, I’m not saying men are liars! The fact is that a lot of men make promises based on what they think they should do. In other words, if they think a promise will make you happy, they’ll make it – even if it’s not realistic.

A huge number of promises men make that are broken aren’t broken intentionally. Often, they stem from unclear communication or, sometimes, from promises that are simply impossible to keep. Most people in relationships know that the occasional minor broken promise isn’t a deal-breaker. People aren’t perfect, and it happens.(1)

This doesn’t mean, of course, that you should excuse seriously broken promises. What should be developed instead is an understanding that there are some promises that are rather unfair to expect. Here are some promises men make, but rarely keep.

Here Are 7 Promises Men Make, But Rarely Keep

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.” – Peter Drucker

1.    Promises about not being jealous


It’s never realistic to say “I promise not to be jealous.” First, if you expect a man to keep this promise, you’re asking him to actively stop himself from feeling a valid emotion. Most of the time, this kind of promise doesn’t work out, but it’s very common among promises men make.

Ralph Hupka, a professor of psychology, states that jealousy is an emotion designed to anticipate and potentially prevent a loss. This means that the initial tug of jealousy isn’t always controllable. Your boyfriend might feel this worry of losing you when he sees you hang out with other male friends. (2)

Instead of making your man promise not to show any signs of jealousy, talk about how he can work through these feelings. Make sure he knows he has no reason to be jealous and that he can trust you 100%. Being open with each other can help squash those feelings. Also, find ways to help him practice reason, logic, and positive thinking as you work through these feelings of jealousy together.

That said, jealousy can potentially evolve into a dangerous, obsessive, and controlling emotion, so it’s important to keep it in check. If a partner’s jealousy devolves into shouting, violence, or controlling behavior, it might be a good idea to leave.

2.    Promises men make about checking out other people

Here’s the thing about a guy promising never to check out other girls: it’s probably not possible. We see people every single day, and some of them are nice to look at.

Scientifically, expecting this to be among the promises men make and keep is rather unfair. The act of checking someone out is actually a mainly subconscious response, according to relationship expert David Bennett for Medical Daily. (3)

Think of it from your perspective. If you see an attractive person, you’re going to take notice. Even if you don’t stare or you quickly look away, you noticed, at least for a moment. It’s a natural human response!

In fact, 70% of women admit that they experience attraction to other guys. And most of them say that this does not affect their own relationship in any way! If it’s okay for girls to think this way, shouldn’t it be okay for guys to do so?

Of course, there’s a huge difference between ogling someone and just noticing that they look good. It’s okay to tell your boyfriend you’re uncomfortable when he stares at someone for a long minute. But there’s nothing much wrong with him taking a quick, almost subconscious look and moving on; you’d probably do the same!

Instead of getting angry, discuss what makes you feel jealous or uncomfortable. That way, you and your man can discuss what you’re both okay with and what crosses a line. This can even help to build trust between the two of you!

3.    He promises never to judge you no matter what

No matter how much someone loves you, they’ll still at times have opinions opposite to yours. They will, occasionally, think that you’re wrong. It doesn’t mean they won’t love and support you when you need it, but they will might be keeping some thoughts to themselves!

For instance, your boyfriend might never understand the types of video games you’re into. He might not understand why you insist on keeping up a very specific skincare regimen. What is more, he might sometimes express those thoughts. That’s what being with another human being is like!

What it comes down to is that it’s okay for your man to be a little judgey sometimes. All that matters is that he ultimately recognizes that your own thoughts are just as valid as his. Agreeing to disagree is far from a bad thing!

4.    Men make promises about exes

There could be many promises men make about their exes. They say they’ll never even think about them. They say they won’t text or contact them. But these promises are easier made than kept!

If you’ve had any relationship in the past, you know thoughts about your ex might creep up. These thoughts don’t define you any more than they define your boyfriend. If your ex texts you politely asking how you are, you’d probably feel inclined to reply equally politely. Catching up is okay to do.

You’ve probably also seen your ex pop up on social media and gave into curiosity about how they are now. Does that mean you’re aching to get back together with them? Usually, not at all; it’s the same for your man. Starting new relationships is actually the biggest key to fully getting over an ex! (4)

Does this make it excusable when men make promises about avoiding their ex, then break them and hide it from you? Of course not. This comes across as shady, no matter the intention. This can cause mistrust to build and result in an ugly argument. It’s never good when your man feels he has something to hide.

Setting boundaries about exes is important in a relationship. Make it clear that your boyfriend should tell you when they talk to their ex; do the same for them. Draw a clear line where something makes you and your boyfriend uncomfortable and don’t cross it.

If your boyfriend tells you when his ex messages him and informs you that he’ll message back, this is a huge sign you can trust him. Instead of banning him from ever talking to his ex, encourage open communication and honesty between the two of you. That makes for a much healthier, positive relationship.

5.    Promises to change his ways after a huge fight

Men make promises – lots of them – after a big argument. They’ll say they will turn over a new leaf immediately. They promise to put aside the behaviors that started the fight. A lot of the times, though, you need to be ready for the fact that these promises won’t come out how you expect.

It’s not that a man can’t change. It’s that changing is a process. No one is able to completely change habitual attitudes and actions overnight. When you expect huge changes to happen all at once, you’re expecting something unfair and unrealistic.

So don’t be angry at your partner if he’s taking the long route to get where he’s agreed to go. Instead, take note of small accomplishments and baby steps. If he thrives on positive reinforcement, tell him you notice and appreciate his efforts, and you might see his pace pick up a little!

However, if your boyfriend does not appear to be making any effort to change at all, this is a red flag. You should be able to see small steps being taken in the right direction. If he’s not even trying, get out of there!

6.    Promises men make about hiding things

Men always say they will never hide anything from you, but they don’t always follow through. To be clear, there’s a big difference between a dishonest relationship and a relationship with healthy personal boundaries.

Sometimes, your boyfriend might have some personal thoughts about his life that he needs to process on his own. He might have a friend or family member who is sick or who he lost. Try not to take it personally if he doesn’t talk about these things right away. He might need time to think about them before he’s ready to talk about them.

According to clinical psychologist Ryan Howes, boundaries are crucial in a relationship. Expecting your man to have no boundaries in order to keep a promise he’s made you isn’t healthy. In fact, forcing him to open up when he’s not ready could have a negative effect, rather than causing him to be more open. (5)

At the same time, mistakes that affect the other person shouldn’t ever be hidden – even if confessing will make the other angry. When you do wrong, you have to own up to it and face the music like an adult. But there are other things that get unintentionally hidden, thus accidentally breaking a promise.

If there are things you never want your boyfriend to hide from you, make sure he knows so he can keep them in mind. It’s difficult not to accidentally hide things when you don’t even think they’re worth mentioning!

7.    You’ll be together forever and he’ll always love you

We don’t mean to end on a downer, but let’s be realistic here. There is a very, very good chance that your boyfriend means these types of promises with all his heart when he makes them. This is what he wants. He can see a future for the two of you together, and that’s great.

But here’s the thing – no one can predict the future. It’s full of twists and turns. Things can happen, people can change, feelings can alter, and couples can grow apart. Absolutely no one can predict the future and where it’s going, so even the best-laid plans can fall apart.

This isn’t to say you should be a total skeptic, or that you shouldn’t believe your boyfriend truly loves you this much. There’s nothing wrong with positive thinking! This is just to say that you need to be aware that this promise doesn’t guarantee your future together.

Instead, what builds your positive future together is putting in equal effort, being understanding and honest, and having open communication. If you’re both not trying your best in the relationship, all the promises in the world can’t stop a break-up.

destined to be together

Final Thoughts On Promises Men Make But Rarely Keep

Breaking promises in a relationship is not great, obviously. It shows disrespect and can also cause deep hurt. There are many promises that should never be broken. Promises of fidelity. Promises to be better people. Promises to be respectful. Promises to remember important dates. Promises to be there for one another.

But the seven minor promises we’ve talked about today? You probably shouldn’t count on them being kept. What’s more important than those promises men make is understanding why both parties feel these promises are necessary.

Both you and your man should have reasonable expectations for each other. Relationships are a two-way street. In other words, putting the effort in to make it work realistically for both of you is the secret to a happier romance. Communicate, be honest, and work it out. Chances are, you’ll come through stronger for it!

10 Signs He Is the Right One

The concept of knowing if he is the right one can sound a little cheesy. But did you know that 73% of Americans believe in the idea of soulmates? And that 74% of men and 71% of women believe they are fated to, one day, find that elusive one true love?

In some scientific ways, soulmates do exist – but not quite in the way you might think! This is according to licensed psychologist Shauna H Springer, who researches lifestyle and relationships. She says that people can become a soulmate to each other over time in a good relationship.

What does this mean? Basically, you might not start out soulmates. But if you and your partner love each other and are in a healthy, positive relationship, you could grow into each other’s soul mates. This is why it’s important to make sure your boyfriend truly is perfect for you. Here are some signs he is the right one!

Here Are 10 Signs He Is The Right One

“When you finally meet the right one for you, it suddenly becomes clear why everyone else was so wrong.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli

1.    There is open, honest communication between you, always.

There is no way to stress enough just how important honesty and communication are in any relationship. In fights and disagreements, it can be the difference between a romance surviving or crashing and burning.

When you encounter troubles, your goals should be to discuss things and find understanding of each other – not to “win” the argument. This means validating emotions while presenting facts. If you have something to say, if he is the right one, he will listen to you without blowing you off or calling you emotional.

In addition, you know this communication is always honest. You trust what he says and he believes what you say. Additionally, you know that if he ever has a problem with what you’re doing, he will tell you. You won’t be given the silent treatment or be forced to guess what the matter is. That’s a soulmate-type relationship!

2.    Your soulmate gets along with your friends and family.

When you’re in a relationship, it can be hard to see its flaws. When you really love someone, it can be difficult to notice red flags. But those outside your relationship don’t wear those rose-colored glasses.

If your closest friends or trusted family members, who care about you genuinely, don’t trust your boyfriend, listen to them. Of course, their word isn’t gospel – but if they’re looking out for you, pay them heed. They might notice something that your rose-tinted glasses hinder you from spotting.

If friends or family express concerns, ask them why they feel this way. Listen to their opinions. If there’s a misunderstanding, you can clear it up quickly. If it’s something more serious, you can reconsider whether your partner is truly your soulmate. If he is the right one for you, your loved ones should be able to see this as well.

3.    You always want to share things with him, and he with you.

Whenever you get positive news, you find yourself running to this person the most. Whenever you get negative news, you have the same reaction. For some reason, you feel compelled to share life developments with him – and he feels the same way toward you.

These don’t have to be just big things, either. Maybe you two enjoy trading stories about your day. More importantly, you two enjoy listening to each other’s stories. You will both always have your ears open for the other, even when you’re not very familiar with the subject at hand.

A communicative relationship like this means you both trust each other and can rely on each other. You know you can always come to him with your troubles and he will be there for you – a sure sign of a soulmate!

4.    He is supportive, as the right one should be.

You know your boyfriend has your back and you can come to him with anything and everything. You feel confident that he will help you in any way that he can, and you know you would do the same for him.

This can come in the form of him listening to your problems, or by helping you out physically in any way he can. He might help whittle down your to-do list when you’re too busy. He’ll do extra chores when you’re having a bad day.

Support is crucial in long-lasting relationships. Analysis of 1,100 studies on relationships revealed that helping each other out in a variety of ways is how couples are able to stay together. So if your boyfriend is the right one for you, he should be helping you where he can, and you, him.

5.    He takes the time to plan things

A man who eagerly puts in the effort to plan dates to your liking isn’t rare, but it is appreciated. But planning doesn’t just apply to dates. It also applies to more serious, complicated, and important events.

You’ll want a partner who regularly brings out his planner to help you figure out an upcoming vacation. He will help sort out the grocery list and organize your errand day. He will surprise you with an outing every now and then and it shows that he put lots of thought into it. That’s a keeper!

This is because planning is a management activity. Many individuals make the mistake of believing that managerial tasks like this are easy. If he’s doing his half of the planning, he’ll likely do his half of the chores and labor, too. And who doesn’t want that in a soulmate?

6.    You’ve seen each other at your worst and you love each other nonetheless.

This doesn’t just mean you can be as dressed down as possible and still find each other attractive. (That is a lovely relationship dynamic, though!) It applies to more than just the superficial, and it’s about more than just appearances.

Your boyfriend has seen you at your lowest, ugliest points. He’s seen you when you’re cracking under pressure. He has seen how you shout when you’re angry. He’s known what it’s like to be with you when you’re grieving. And he is still here, and still loves you unconditionally.

This is a sure sign that the love runs deep. If he’s already seen you in those situations and has continued to stand by your side, he might just be the right one that you’ve sought! Do note this means you should also love him at his worst, too!

7.    He’s openly said that you are the right one – and he acts like it.

Sometimes, people can be frightened of commitment. It doesn’t mean they’re bad people – it just means they might not be ready to even think about the “right one” yet at all. So a partner who tells you he loves you wants to be with you forever is on the right track!

Of course, people can say things they don’t mean. That’s why he has to act like it, too. Don’t tolerate someone who can talk the talk but not walk the walk! But if your boyfriend follows through on his big words, then believe him: if you’re his soulmate, and you feel the same way, it’s a match made in heaven.

8.    He has boundaries and respects yours.

This ties in somewhat with communication but is a little different. Many people make the mistake of believing that setting boundaries means the relationship is bad. In reality, boundaries are important in healthy relationships, so you’ll want your soulmate to have them, says clinical psychologist Ryan Howes.

It’s important for partners to ask questions and for permission in order to avoid crossing personal boundaries. Someone who respects that your “yes” means yes and your “no” means no is someone you’ll be happy to date.

Clearly setting boundaries will also allow you both to have healthy discussions instead of shouting matches. This points to a happier long-term life together, not to mention better problem-solving methods.

9.    You trust him unconditionally and he proves you can.

You’re never worried that your boyfriend might be cheating. If he’s out late, your first concern is for his safety, not that his getting cozy with someone else. You don’t feel the need to snoop, and if you’re ever worried, you know you can tell him and he’ll show you his phone and emails. (And you’d do the same, of course!)

This doesn’t mean you won’t have intrusive thoughts. Sometimes, you may struggle with your own unfounded feelings of jealousy. But through it all, positive thinking wins over. You know logically that he will never do you wrong.

If you know you can trust your boyfriend no matter what, he’s a keeper. Trust is a key factor in the security of attachment: a clear sign that he could be your soulmate.

10.  You just know he’s your soulmate.

Sometimes, you just know. You could have an epiphany one day, or it can be an instinctual tug of the gut. Whatever it is, it will make you realize that this man is someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.

the right one

The voice inside your head is more accurate than you think. Not to be confused with gut instincts, intuition is analytical and intelligent. While not always entirely accurate, following your intuition – especially when you have support from others – can be a fantastic decision.

This isn’t to say you should ignore advice from those who care about you since they’re able to view your relationship from an unbiased perspective. This doesn’t mean you should ignore red flags. It just means that sometimes, the heart knows what’s good for it – and in those times, it’s okay to listen.

Final Thoughts On Signs He Is The Right One

The search for your soulmate can definitely seem daunting. But when you realize that a soulmate can simply be a good person you want to spend the rest of your life with, it becomes easier. You may have met your soulmate already and simply not realized it!

We place a lot of importance on this idea of being “destined” for someone else. At the end of the day, if he treats you well, loves you unconditionally, and exhibits these signs – well, my friend, you might have been lucky enough to find The One!

5 Soups That Flush Inflammation and Belly Fat

Every now and then, the body may need a little cleansing and detoxification. With all the different types of food we put into our bodies – many of which aren’t entirely the best options – understandably, a cleanse is necessary every now and then to ensure a positive and healthy immune system. Some people go as far as to go on month-long soup cleanses to get their body back in optimal working condition. But you don’t need to go to those lengths if you don’t want to! Even replacing a meal or two a day for a short while with well-made soups specifically designed for this purpose can help flush out inflammation from the body and even reduce belly fat. Here are some great soups that do just that!

Here Are 5 Soups That Flush Inflammation And Belly Fat

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

1. Broccoli soup

This soup is an amazing concoction for detoxification. As a cruciferous vegetable, broccoli can bring down inflammation, prevent the risk of heart disease, and provide antioxidant qualities. Here are some of the ingredients you’ll need:

  • 2 and a half cups of broccoli florets
  • 3 diced stalks of celery
  • 1 diced onion
  • 2 finely chopped, peeled carrots
  • 1 cup of either kale or spinach, depending on your preference
  • The juice from half a lemon
  • 2 cups of either bone broth or vegetable broth, depending on your preference

To make this delicious soup, start by placing two tablespoons of coconut oil into a pot and heating it. (You can use other oils, but coconut is best!) Toss in the broccoli, celery, and onions, and allow to cook for five minutes, stirring occasionally. Then, add in your broth of choice and allow the soup to simmer for an additional five minutes. Finally, blend the soup with your spinach or kale, lemon juice, and sea salt to taste until it is nice and thick. You can even throw in a couple tablespoons of collagen if you would like!

belly fat

2. Curry ginger soup with carrots

Ginger is a fantastic food for the digestive system. It soothes nausea, cleanses the system, reduces excess bloat in the belly, and has even been suggested to fight inflammation. For a soup with a nice spicy kick to provide the cleanse you need in a more thorough way, look no further than this one! Here is what you’ll need.

  • 2 or 3 tablespoons of curry powder, depending on your preference
  • 2 tablespoons each of minced ginger and minced garlic
  • 1 pound of baby carrots
  • Half a can of light coconut milk
  • 1 quart of vegetable broth

Start by placing two tablespoons of some coconut oil alongside the curry powder into a pot and heating it. (You can use other oils, but coconut is best!) Use this to cook up your ginger and garlic. Pour in your broth with the carrots and cook once more. Once the soup mix has reached a boil, allow it to simmer for 25 minutes. Finally, blend it all as you add the coconut milk in slowly!

3. Zucchini and basil soup

Did you know zucchini is technically a fruit? Even so, we typically treat it more like a vegetable, and it’s almost a superfood with all its benefits. It boosts digestion, manages blood glucose, aids in weight loss, and reduces inflammation – all while also boosting heart health! Here’s a great soup to make with this ingredient.

  • 6 zucchinis
  • 1 cup of basil leaves
  • Half a cup of chopped white onions
  • 3 minced cloves of garlic
  • 1 quart of bone broth, preferably turkey

Using oil of your choice, cook up the onion and garlic for a few minutes. Once you think it’s ready, pour in the zucchinis and broth and allow to cook for about 20 minutes. The soup should be brought to a boil. Then take the pot off the stove and blend the soup with the basil, adding pepper and salt to taste.

4. Red lentil and sweet potato soup

Lentils are great superfoods, so it makes sense that detoxifying soup with this ingredient made it onto our list. Here’s how to make it.

  • Half a cup of rinsed red lentils
  • 2 large peeled and chopped sweet potatoes
  • 2 large peeled and chopped carrots
  • 1 peeled and chopped apple
  • 1 small chopped white onion
  • Approximately 1 inch of minced and peeled fresh ginger
  • Half a teaspoon each of ground cumin, paprika, and chili powder
  • 4 and a half cups of either vegetable or bone broth, depending on your preferences
  • Coconut cream

Start by warming a quarter cup of oil of your choice (preferably either olive oil, coconut oil, or ghee) over medium heat. Add the potatoes, apple, carrots, and onion, then allow to cook for 10 minutes or until the onions are crystallized. Place your broth, ginger, lentils, cumin, paprika, and chili powder into the mixture. Allow the soup to boil for around 30 minutes, and then blend. Finally, allow to simmer for a couple of minutes. Season with black pepper and sea salt to taste and top the soup with some coconut cream.

5. Carrot and ginger soup

Not to be confused with our curry version of this soup, this wholesome soup has all the benefits of the previous one – and more. Carrots are also known for helping to combat inflammation from arthritis, and the ginger will help your digestive system, promoting belly fat loss. Here are the ingredients for this hearty soup.

  • 2 pounds of chopped carrots
  • 3 tablespoons of freshly grated ginger
  • 2 peeled and chopped onions
  • 3 chopped cloves of garlic
  • 6 cups of either bone or vegetable broth, depending on your preferences
  • 1 cup of coconut milk

ginger for inflammation

Pour the broth with the ginger, carrots, and garlic into a pan. Bring the soup to a boil, then let simmer. At this point, throw in either 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or 2 tablespoons of ghee into the pain along with your onions, mixing until a paste forms. You’ll then want to blend the onions until thick. Add coconut milk, sea salt, onion powder, and black pepper to taste. Optionally, you can throw in some collagen powder or plain protein powder for an extra boost.

Final thoughts

Soup meal diets can be quite difficult to stick to, but with some positive thinking and the help of these delicious, nutritious, feel-good recipes, you’ll be able to stick to your cleanse plan and see fantastic results quickly. These soups will help get rid of inflammation and bust belly fat while also boosting liver, kidney, digestive system, lymphatic system, and lung performance. They help your skin look great and help you to feel great. Try some of them and you might be surprised by the results!


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