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10 Behaviors of A Mature Person

Many assume maturity comes with age, but that is far from the case. Contrary to that popular belief, maturity isn’t all about getting older. It’s about the way one behaves, carry themselves, and interact with the world around them. If you’re someone who strives to be an individual of maturity, then we just might be able to help. Here is a list of some behaviors of a mature person.

Here Are 10 Behaviors Of A Mature Person

“One of the blessings of maturity is that it sometimes brings one greater courage to be truthful, regardless of what those who do not understand, may think or say.” – Napoleon Hill

1. Mature people display strength

Being strong is one of the key markers of any mature individual. They keep their heads held high and bravely work through their problems by logically seeking solutions. They don’t back down from a challenge and know how to stand up for themselves and others.

This doesn’t mean that a mature person doesn’t go through trials or have moments where they aren’t their best. It means they get back up again and never give up, knowing that these hardships, too, will pass. They never demand sympathy from those around them and instead take pride in paving their own way through life.

2. Patience

Mature individuals are aware that they rarely receive instant results. They understand that good things take time. As such, they are happy to wait patiently to receive positive outcomes from their efforts. They are also willing to take their time to perfect something rather than rush to the finish line as fast as they can.

This means that a mature person is patient with others. They understand that everyone has their own lives, thoughts, and feelings and therefore will not always act the way they expect. As such, mature individuals forgive of those around them, within reason.

3. Mature people show gratitude

Gratitude is one of a mature person’s most beautiful and humbling traits. Instead of being angry at the world for what they lack, someone with maturity is always thankful for the blessings and good things in life, whether big or small.

Someone mature can see the best things in their life and remember them when the going gets tough. They are grateful that they have a better life than many others and do what they can to help those less fortunate.

4. Tolerance and an open mind

Someone who is mature does not have mental walls that prevent them from seeing the world through the eyes of those with different experiences. They have a degree of liberalism that allows them to be tolerant of others.

This doesn’t necessarily mean a mature person always agrees with everyone else’s thoughts or beliefs. It just means they can respect differences in opinion. They know that it is not their place to judge others and thus they keep an open mind. This results in respectful and intellectual discussions or peaceful side-by-side living.

5. Compassion and care towards others

One of the most important parts of being mature is not being self-centered. Mature people care about the experiences of those around them and are compassionate towards others. They seek to help humanity or better the lives of others in whatever way they are able.

A mature individual is not troubled by the necessity to put others before themselves. They understand that the world does not and should not revolve around them. Instead, they treasure moments when they can help other people and do not harbor resentment for it.

6. Mature people have balanced optimism

A mature person practices positive thinking in a realistic way. They can stay optimistic and positive without floating off the ground. While they know things do not always go according to plan and good things cannot constantly happen in life, they keep their minds positive and see the possibilities that the future holds. These mature people refuse to be pessimistic and negative, for this is a quick track to sadness and despair. They do not have the time to waste on feeding negativity.

7. Honesty

Someone who is mature does not see the need for lies or deceit. Instead, they believe that being sincere and honest is always the best bet. Additionally, they find it pointless to hide the truth from those around them. These mature individuals are therefore honest about who they are. They are comfortable in their own skin and don’t feel the need to mask their true identities or personalities. They enjoy being genuine, open people, and know that those in their lives who truly matter will like it when they are themselves.

8. Humility

You cannot be mature without being humble. Someone with these traits will not be interested in groveling for attention or praise when they do excellent work. The knowledge that they have done a good job is more than enough for them.

This doesn’t mean these people are not proud of themselves! They appreciate their hard work and are confident in their abilities, but they know that they are not above those around them. They do their best in everyday life because they are intrinsically motivated to do so.

9. Self-awareness and accountability

Someone who is mature is always aware of the effects of their actions. They know that everything has a positive or negative consequence and realize that their actions are no exception. They view themselves unbiasedly and see how others might perceive their behavior or actions.

This also means that a mature person can hold themselves accountable when they make mistakes that affect those around them. They are ready to take responsibility and own up for errors and do what they can to make it right.

10. A strong desire to learn and improve

Although mature individuals practice all these behaviors, they also know they have much left to learn in life. They realize that their wisdom and knowledge is limited and that they don’t know the answers to everything in the world. Thus, they are eager to learn new things daily and seek to expand their horizons regularly. They are also happy to take pointers from those with more knowledge and enjoy gathering new information and wisdom from those around them.

mature people

Final Thoughts on the Traits of a Mature Person

Maturity is a trait many desire, but few know how to earn. By studying these common behaviors of mature individuals, you can incorporate them into your everyday life and become that mature, graceful, and good person you have always wanted to be!

Got Lower Back Pain? Here Are 8 Simple Methods To Find Relief

Lower back pain is the absolute worst. The throbbing pain can be dull enough just to let you know that it is there and will continue to annoy you. Or, it can be sharp, intense pains that will have you not being able to walk for an uncertain amount of time.

There are a lot of individuals that suffer from back pain on a daily basis. When trying to treat this condition, there is not a one-size-fits-all cure. There are several different tricks that you will probably have to use in order to help heal your lower back pain.

Back Pain Treatment Options

Here are eight of the easiest methods around to try to relieve your lower back pain.

lower back pain

1. Cold compresses and Heating Pads

As soon as you feel the lower back pain beginning, it is important to grab a cold compress immediately and begin icing the area. Most people will actually grab a heating pad instead but this is a mistake. The cold compress will begin to stimulate a numbing effect and this will prevent the muscles in your lower back to swell any further. After about two days of using a cold compress, then you can begin to switch over to a heating pad. The warm heat from the pad will soothe the aching muscles. This will increase the amount of blood flow to your back and your body will begin the healing process to relieve your hurting muscles. This type of treatment will only last about the first week after your back injury before your body becomes accustomed to it.

2. Building Your Core

Obviously, exercising is great for your body at any given time, but it’s especially great when your back is acting up. Building the core muscles in your stomach will take the pressure off of your lower back by helping those muscles get the stretching that they so desperately need. Aerobic activity, flexibility exercises, and strength training are usually the three recommendations that doctors will prescribe for patients that are having trouble with their lower backs.

3. Chiropractors

Going to the chiropractor can do wonders for your lower back. A chiropractor is skillfully trained to help align your spine and back and will help figure out how to heal the back pain for you. The chiropractor may recommend an alignment or spinal manipulation, which is a treatment where he or she will apply direct pressure to your lower back and ease the pain by placing your body in the correct spinal alignment.

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is another really great choice for different types of therapies for your back pain. This treatment is when a train acupuncture therapist will place hair-thin sterilized needles into different place of your body. All of the areas that the therapist places the needles are there for a specific purpose. When the therapist does this, the body will release blocked energy that has been causing the aching and annoying pressure that you have been burdened with.

5. Limit the Amount of Time in Bed

When your lower back is giving you pain fits, the best thing for you to do is to get up and keep moving. Research has shown that it is better to keep your body going and your back muscles pushing through the pain rather than make a person lay down and rest. Most doctors before this was found out would have told their patients to rest and not to overwork their backs. If you keep moving, your muscles will not tense up and make you feel stiff and achy. If you’re in pain bad enough to where you cannot sit or stand, then lay down in your bed and rest for a while, but try to limit your time down to a small amount of time for only one or two days maximum.

6. Topical Analgesic Balms

This type of home remedy is readily available at your local pharmacy. Topical Analgesic Balms are used to numb the nerve endings in the skin to help ease the feeling of the back pain. Although this is probably one of the easier treatments, there are several things that you must be careful about or there could be a potential for side effects. For example, once you have applied the balm, you must wash your hands afterward. Not washing your hands can cause you to accidentally touch your body parts with the balm still on you hand. This can cause irritation to your eyes, nose, mouth or genitals if any of the balm gets onto either of those areas. There is also a risk if heat is involved, as it can increase the side effects. The balm should not be applied before an event that increases body temperature. This is only recommended to be used for a week as well.

lower back pain

7. A New Mattress

It very well could be your bed that is causing your back pain. There are several people who are probably sleeping on the wrong type of mattress for their body type. It may be beneficial for you to go to a mattress store and have the staff there let you lay on a couple of different choices and see which mattress feels the best for your back. This could help alleviate your back pain plus get you a better night’s sleep!

8. Over the Counter Medicines

Lastly, there are pain relievers that you can certainly take over the counter to help heal lower back pain. Such examples like Tylenol, Advil, and Aleve are really great choices to help stop your back pain for a certain amount of time. This is a really great treatment choice for someone who is busy or has to work often who cannot afford to miss anything. Just take these medicines as directed on the bottles and your back pain will subside so you can work and finish any project you need.

Lower back pain is something that no one wants to deal with. There are several other ways to help back pain as well, however, these eight that are listed are usually the most successful and accurate. The process to heal lower back pain may be a long road for you especially since there is not a one-size-fits-all treatment option. But if you are aggressive and adamant about figuring out the right treatment option for you, you can figure out what option works best for you!

Scientists Explain How More Sleep Helps You Lose Weight Faster

Many people around the world want to lose weight, and they try a wide variety of methods to achieve that goal. If this is your mission, too, it might be why you’ve clicked on this article. But before you start an over-the-top exercise regimen or begin a potentially damaging crash diet, there’s one thing you might be neglecting that could make all the difference: your sleep habits.

Believe it or not, if you’re lacking in sleep, you’re preventing yourself from reaching your ideal weight more quickly! We want to share with you how scientists explain the ways that sleeping more can help you lose weight faster.

“Not getting enough sleep is one of the strongest individual risk factors for weight gain and obesity.” – Unknown

Here Are 5 Ways That Sleeping More Helps You Lose Weight Faster

1. It helps you maintain a balanced appetite.

A lot of research that shows how getting too little sleep negatively affects your appetite for the rest of the day. It does not decrease your need to eat. Instead, deprivation of precious sleep can boost your appetite to a too-high extreme as your body scrambles for more energy to keep it running efficiently.

Sleep actually has quite a big effect on two of the most important hormones that control hunger: leptin and ghrelin. Leptin, released by fat cells, tells the brain when the body is full, thus preventing hunger to some degree. Meanwhile, ghrelin, produced by the stomach, tells you that you’re hungry.

When you lack sleep, the body actively produces less leptin and increases ghrelin production, so you feel hungrier and more frequently want to eat. Sleeping for shorter lengths of time can increase your ghrelin levels by approximately 14.9% while decreasing leptin levels 15.5%.

2. It gives you increased energy.

It goes without saying that lacking sleep causes you to feel more tired and fatigued during the day. This can decrease exercise motivation and prevent you from carrying out your regimens. Or it might simply reduce your overall performance at the gym, leading to less progress on the whole. Quite a number of studies have unearthed that getting sufficient sleep can greatly improve your athletic prowess, leading to more weight loss when you work out. You’ll also enjoy better reaction times, faster reflexes, and improved accuracy if you play sports.

On top of that, additional energy can help you be more physically active throughout the day, even in minute ways you barely notice. But even these seemingly tiny amounts of additional movement can add up in the long run, leading to greater ability to lose weight. Studies have found that sleeping too little will decrease the intensity with which you perform any physical activity, even everyday tasks.

3. It improves metabolism.

Everyone has what is called a resting metabolic rate, otherwise known as an RMR. In laymen’s terms, this is the number of calories that your body naturally burns off when you are fully resting and doing nothing. RMR is affected by a large number of factors, including sex, age, muscle mass, height, and weight. Well, getting too little sleep has been proven to decrease RMR by some degree.

Some studies have found that RMRs can drop by 5% with inadequate sleep, which doesn’t seem like much until you consider the fact that this is accompanied by a whopping 20% drop in metabolic rate after meals. Poor sleep has also been linked to the loss of muscle mass. Since muscles can help you burn more calories, this is another way sleeping too little can negatively impact one’s metabolism.

That said, some research refutes the idea that RMRs can drop without enough sleep, so further studies might be necessary before we can make solid conclusions. Still, there is enough proof to suggest that it might not be worth the risk.

4. It provides a healthier insulin response.

You have probably heard of the vital hormone insulin many times. It is, essentially, the component that transports sugar around the body, taking sugar from the bloodstream and carrying it into cells to be converted into energy.

When you fail to get enough sleep, you may develop a resistance to insulin. When the cells – and therefore the body – become insulin resistant, sugar does not get absorbed properly. This leads to more insulin production as the body attempts to make compensation for the situation. This will then cause the body to store up calories, converting it into fat, which in turn makes you feel hungrier more often.

Insulin resistance can be dangerous and may lead to significant weight gain or diabetes type 2. Since studies have shown that cells can build up an insulin resistance of 40% more when you don’t get enough sleep, there’s plenty of reason to make sure you have sufficient shut-eye. It can prevent you from storing more fat in the long run, thus helping you lose weight.

5. It reduces unhealthy cravings.

The amount of sleep you get can completely change the way your brain functions as a whole. Logically, this might cause healthy choices to seem more and more unappealing, leading you to take the less nutritional route. But this isn’t just a guess – it’s backed by science.

lose weight

cartoon man thinking about junk food

When you don’t get enough sleep, the brain’s frontal lobe experiences a dulling in activity. This part of the brain is responsible for carrying out self-control and making better decisions. This means it can completely change the way you’re able to stick to a diet.

The brain’s reward centers also are better positively stimulated when you eat food you enjoy if you’ve barely had any sleep. What’s the worst part? The foods that light up these reward centers when you’re fatigued are likely to involve high-calorie, high-carb foods. The foods you should be avoiding.

Studies have revealed what a deadly combination this is – lack of sleep can cause you to eat 22% more calories and completely double your fat intake. So, sleep well and avoid this unnecessary consumption!

Final thoughts

Good sleeping habits can benefit you in so many ways. They can help your overall productivity and make you sharper and more focused. Additionally, these habits can give you extra energy for the day and help you keep your mind zoned in on positive thinking. The fact that science has proven that sleeping better can help you lose weight faster is just the icing on the already very generous cake – so why not enjoy all these benefits at once?

5 Real Life Examples of People Who Get Relief from Medical Marijuana for Parkinson’s

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Before we discuss the issue of medical marijuana for Parkinson’s, let’s first describe Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that causes the eventual loss of motor control. PD is considered a “dopaminergic” disease, as it affects areas of the brain that produce the brain chemical dopamine.

The primary symptoms of PD are:

  • balance and gait difficulties
  • bradykinesia (slow voluntary movements)
  • limb rigidity and stiffness
  • tremor and shaking of the hands and head

Researchers are unsure as to the cause(s) of PD, and there is no known cure. The primary goal of current treatment is to reduce physiological side effects, particularly tremors and limb rigidity.

Medical Marijuana: A Changing Landscape

In 1996, California was the first U.S. state to legalize cannabis for medical purposes. Fast-forward 22 years and the recreational use of marijuana is not only legal in California, but also in Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Nevada. The medical use of marijuana is legal in 31 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

Marijuana will be completely legal in Canada on October 17th, 2018. (Canada will be one of two countries to legalize marijuana fully, Uruguay being the other.)

The abundance of research demonstrating the effectiveness of cannabis for medical reasons is at least partially responsible for its proliferation. The public’s dismay about the danger (and ineffectiveness) of many prescription drugs is another reason.

To date, medical marijuana is legal in the U.S. states of: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,  Texas (ONLY for epilepsy), Vermont, Washington D.C., and West Virginia. This means that if you or someone you know in any of these states has Parkinson’s (except for Texas), it is legal to use medical marijuana for Parkinson’s.

Cannabis’ Effects on the Brain

Fascinatingly, it has been discovered that human beings possess a biochemical communication system, the endocannabinoid system, affecting our physiology, psychology, and subjective experience. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a set of receptors in the brain that exhibit pharmacological properties when exposed to cannabis.

It turns out that the basal ganglia region of the brain is dense with cannabinoid receptors. The basal ganglia region is responsible for mobility, which may help to explain why medical marijuana is very effective for reducing (and sometimes eliminating) tremor in some PD patients.

Next, we are going to discuss the effects of medical marijuana on Parkinson’s disease.


Medical Marijuana for Parkinson’s

“Some researchers think that cannabis might be neuroprotective – saving neurons from damage caused by PD.” – Parkinson’s Foundation (source)

Before we give the alleged benefits of medical marijuana on PD, it must be stated that some researchers remain unconvinced. It isn’t uncommon for a group of scientists to exhibit doubt about certain findings, particularly when the research is so recent (and so impactful) – as it is with medical marijuana for Parkinson’s Disease treatment.

That said, there are many anecdotal accounts of PD patients being helped by medical marijuana. Here are five people who testify to the fact, followed by the reasons for which each sought treatment (Note: “Rx” is shorthand for prescription medication):


  1. David Dennison – Rx ineffectiveness, difficulty sleeping

“I use the marijuana for a very specific (reason). It helps me sleep, (which then) carries on back into aiding me and my fight against Parkinson’s. A good night’s sleep is really important for (dealing with) Parkinson’s.” 

One of the notorious symptoms of PD is muscle spasms, which causes the sufferer to shake uncontrollably. Spasms are particularly troublesome at night. Of course, this makes the goal of getting a good night’s sleep very difficult.

Mr. Dennison tried numerous things to help him sleep, from alcohol to vigorous exercise, with poor results. How did medical marijuana fare? “I tried marijuana, and it worked almost flawlessly,” says Dennison.


  1. Larry Smith – Rx cost, tremor, dystonia

“The medications Larry takes for his Parkinson’s are thousands of dollars. Every time I refill a prescription it’s about three thousand … and the deep brain stimulation was about a quarter-million dollars.” – Wife of Larry Smith

Watching retired police captain Larry Smith try to go about his daily life alongside his spouse is eye-opening. The video gives a brief glimpse into just how hard it is – not only for the patient but for their loved ones.

Larry’s tremors are so severe that he’s barely about to utter a word throughout the three-part video series; that is until he swabs his cheek with a couple of drops of cannabis oil. After five minutes, Larry is sitting up and talking, tremor-free.

After briefly rejoicing about the return of his voice, Larry asks, “Did you guys eat lunch?”

Do yourself a favor and watch the remarkable transformation yourself!

  1. Ian Frizell – Rx complications, tremor, speech, dystonia

“I can not tolerate the prescription medications for Parkinson’s Disease. They make me feel extremely unwell.”

After medicating with 30 milligrams of marijuana, Mr. Frizell reappears on camera. He demonstrates the relief of tremor in his hands, which is all but gone. “The sense of relief is overwhelming,” says Frizell.

He goes on to add that the medical marijuana for Parkinson’s has helped with “one or two other symptoms,” including dystonia, which caused his right foot to curl inwards uncomfortably, and with ease of speech.


  1. David Esparza – Rx complications, tremor

“I was telling the neurologist that I really didn’t want to take medicine. She told me about trying marijuana.”

Mr. Esparza is yet another Parkinson’s patient whose tremors subside with marijuana use. The coach of a baseball team, Esparza adamantly refuses to take PD drugs because of their effects on cognition and decision-making. Another drug, prescribed to Esparza for his tremors, causes hallucination. Medical cannabis helps Esparza deal with nausea associated with these drugs, as well.

  1. Gary Griffin – insomnia, tremors

“Once I started taking CBD oil (“cannabidiol”), I never had a sleepless night because I couldn’t control my motor movement.”

The last person on our list, Gary Griffin, is a staunch conservative who once called marijuana the “Devil’s weed.” That is until he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s – and would not respond to traditional treatment. His neurologist recommended CBD oil to help with his tremor and insomnia.

“I’m not a stone, but I am an advocate,” Griffin says. He now harvests his own CBD – a venture made possible due to the state of Colorado’s legalization of cannabis.


Research Reveals: Alzheimers Can Be Cured With Marijuana


Last Thoughts

“Anything that makes a person feel better about themselves and their condition give it to them, damn it.” – David Esparza

The United States is making great progress concerning the legalization of medical marijuana. Unfortunately, the use of marijuana for Parkinson’s – or for any medical condition – remains illegal at the Federal level. This fact alone drives many away – likely because of a fear of breaking the law.

Proper education of the public is critical. The fact is that medical marijuana has shown tremendous promise for a variety of medical conditions. Compared with the myriad side effects of prescription drugs, marijuana is also relatively safe.

As medical research continues to demonstrate the promise of medical marijuana for Parkinson’s disease – and other health conditions – it is very possible, should sane minds prevail, that we will see the full legalization of cannabis for medical purposes within the next few years.

Researchers Reveal What Too Much Fat Does to Your Brain

The stigma remains. Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, people still believe that weight loss (and gain) is all about willpower and “smart” choices. While these two psychological elements undoubtedly come into play, they are not nearly as influential as most people think. Numerous genetic and environmental factors and medical disorders are just as much – if not more – a factor as nutritional smarts and a good workout routine. Additionally, science has made exciting discoveries about the role of fat in one’s diet.

But first, let us discuss leptin.

“Researchers have uncovered a destructive mechanism at the molecular level that causes a well-known phenomenon associated with obesity: leptin resistance.” – University of California, San Diego

What is leptin?

“Scientists first discovered leptin in 1994.  (While) initially, researchers believed the discovery could be used to create powerful weight loss supplements, this has never happened.” – Jillian Levy, CHHC


For the sake of not turning this article into a research paper, suffice it to say that leptin is a hormone that helps to regulate appetite and hunger. Leptin, a.k.a. the “starvation hormone,” is manufactured in the fat cells, circulates through the blood, and is delivered to the brain.

Of course, as with any hormone, leptin has a few other responsibilities. Dr. Robert Lustig, a professor of medicine at the University of California San Diego, explains:

“…when leptin levels are a certain threshold…the brain senses that you have energy sufficiency, which means that you can burn energy at a normal rate, eat food at a normal amount, engage in exercise at a normal rate, and you can engage in expensive processes, like puberty and pregnancy.”

Dr. Ludwig also notes, importantly, that leptin level thresholds are “probably genetically set.” In other words, your ancestors directly affect the ease with which you both store and burn fat – and gain and lose weight. Additionally, per Dr. Ludwig, the leptin threshold also determines your exercise tolerance.

As we’ll discuss next, some scientists hypothesize that this signaling mechanism in the obese doesn’t work as it does in the non-obese. Studies demonstrate that this irregularity can lead to overeating and malfunctioning metabolic processes.

In short: your predetermined leptin threshold will either assist or resist your efforts to lose weight. Let’s talk about the effect of high-fat diets on leptin function.

High-Fat Diets and Leptin

“We opened up a new field of study for metabolic disease. We need to ask what other pathways, in addition to leptin and its receptors, that undergo a (destructive) process and what the consequences might be.” – Rafi Mazor, Ph.D.

It wasn’t until very recently that medical researchers began to understand the brain mechanism directly affecting leptin uptake in the brain. An international research team led by Rafi Mazor, a bioengineer and professor at the University of California, San Diego, found that a high-fat diet alters the chemistry of an enzyme called “MMP-2.” The modification of this enzyme led to the “clipping” of brain cells so that the neurons were unable to register that satiation (“feeling of fullness”) was achieved.

As a result of Mazor’s and his team’s breakthrough study, the researchers received support for a large-scale clinical trial. This proposed research aims to see whether MM-2 inhibitors (“blockers”) can help the obese lose weight.

Final Thoughts on Fat Consumption

Firstly, it is crucial to understand that leptin resistance research is still in its infancy. (Heck, we discovered the hormone a mere 24 years ago!) As such, experts are somewhat tight-lipped when it comes to making prescriptive recommendations. We can, however, glean some critical insights from the research already conducted.

Eat a balanced diet: Nearly everyone agrees that what we put into our mouths is the most critical element to good health. As such, make sure to eat a balanced diet consisting of fruits and vegetables and lean protein.

Exercise and limit dietary fat: Individuals who both exercise regularly and limited dietary fat showed reduced blood leptin levels. Body mass index reduced as well.


Keep tabs on fiber intake: Fiber might be the most underappreciated nutrient there is. Much more attention seems to be given to fat and carbohydrate content than anything. Fiber, however, particularly soluble fiber, makes us feel full (so we don’t eat too much fat or carbs!). The Dietary Recommended Allowance (RDA) of dietary fiber is as follows:


  • 1–3 years    19 grams
  • 4–8 years    25 grams


  • 9–13 years:  31 grams
  • 14–50 years: 38 grams
  • 51–70 years: 30 grams
  • > 70 years: 30 grams


  • 9–18 years:  26 grams
  • 19–50 years: 25 grams
  • 51–70 years: 21 grams
  • > 70 years: 21 grams
  • Pregnant Women: 28 grams
  • Lactating Women: 29 grams

8 Secrets That Help You Memorize Anything

The human brain has no issue with storage because it has limitless space. But you lose the capacity to recall things as you get older because the brain is protecting you from information overload. You can, however, continue to train your brain to memorize the important things despite the threats of memory loss. Below are some secrets on how you can do it.

Here Are 8 Secrets That Help You Memorize Anything

“Knowing a little bit more about how your brain works can really help [you] to be a little more compassionate with yourself when it might take you a little more time than another [person] to learn a topic.” – Barbara Oakley

1. Use repetition to keep the information in your head.

The brain processes new information in the short-term memory but it can quickly forget if you don’t use the information repeatedly. According to theEbbinghaus Forgetting Curve, you forget half of what you learn in an hour. That memory reduces to 20 percent by the end of the week. So, you need to transfer this information in your long-term memory through repetition.

However, teaching yourself to memorize something for a long time by repetition must be properly timed. You can retain the information better with properly spacing your learning, such as when you’re studying a new language.

With short-term memory, to repeat the information you’ve acquired within 20 minutes, eight hours, and 24 hours. With long-term memory, you have to repeat or review this information in 20 minutes, 24 hours, two weeks, and then two months.

2. Teach what you’ve learned to someone else.

The Learning Pyramid is a concept that experts developed in the 1960s. It suggested that people could better retain memory at 90 percent if they immediately teach or discuss what they’ve learned to someone else. By teaching, you’re forcing your brain to concentrate. Since you’re also new at it, you’re likely to make some mistakes and work your brain to correct these mistakes.

No matter how focused you are on a lecture, for example, you need to immediately apply what you’ve learned to evaluate your interpretation. So, if you gain a new idea, run this by someone or perhaps write it down as soon as you can. When you hear yourself thinking out loud, you help your brain focus and concentrate better. As they say, practice makes perfect.

3. Study or do the heavy reading in the afternoon.

According to a study from the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological research, you boost your ability to memorize information if you schedule heavy reading activities in the afternoon. Most people perceive that they should study when they are most alert, which is usually in the morning. However, it’s the short-term memory that’s sharpest during the morning.

So, doing heavy stuff with your brain, such as studying or reading loads of documents, are best accomplished in the afternoon. This helps you memorize by retaining the information in your long-term memory. The experts said this technique is effective since there’s a shorter interval between your reading and sleeping time.

4. Sleep adequately to help your brain synthesize information.

The role of sleep is vital to memory consolidation, as per a study in the journal Psychological Reviews. People who prepare for an exam by getting a restful sleep the night before, instead of cramming all night, gain more positive results in the tests. Sleep allows the brain to rest, especially when you’ve been reading and receiving information all day. Similarly, you benefit from taking short breaks in between reading because it helps your brain recharge.

5. Build a memory palace in your brain.

The Memory Palace technique, also known as the Method of Loci, has existed since the ancient Roman period. You might have heard of it before because experts recommend it all the time. It’s also all over pop culture and movies. This trick suggests creating visuals or spatial representations of things you’d like to remember in your head to associate it to something.

You may also use different cues like auditory (sound), olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), kinesthetic (touch), and conceptual (ideas) to encode in your brain. Think of this technique as a virtual reality platform in your head. When you create an imaginary construct, you help your brain reduce its cognitive load, thus it uses its mental resources better.

6. Use the mind mapping technique.

The Mind Mapping technique also helps when you use it alongside the Memory Palace technique. Mind Mapping involves analysis and creativity, so your brain is so much more engaged and activated when it’s processing new information.

When you’re learning something, you usually take down notes in a much more linear form. But when you translate these notes like a map with different subtopics, you could get better at memorization, planning, brainstorming, and problem-solving. Use colors, symbols, drawings, and other attractive elements to create your mind map. These cues help to keep your brain on the alert.

7. Consider rhyming words.

Children are taught to learn Nursery Rhymes because these are powerful memory devices. Rhymes have familiar patterns that sound like music. This rhythmic pattern makes things easier to remember. The use of rhymes to help with memorization is an age-old technique. Cognitive scientist David Rubin wrote in his 1995 book, “Memory in Oral Traditions,” that when college students were made to listen to a ballad with rhyming words, they performed better in school.

8. Use the power of positive thinking.

Mature individuals are usually stereotyped as having poor memories. However, a research highlighted how the power of positive thinking can make older adults a lot less forgetful. The study’s participants, who were between the ages of 59 to 79, were divided into two groups. One was made to read a made-up article about the negative effects of memory loss. Another group read a fake story on memory preservation and improvement despite memory loss.


The participants were also asked to undergo a memory test. Those who remembered words and phrases of what they read were rewarded with money. Those who forgot what they’ve read were asked to pay money as part of the experiment. However, even with such a motivation, those who read the fake story on memory loss fared worse on the test that required them to memorize. Those who read the positive story scored better.

Experts said that if older people assume they are forgetful, they make their memory worse. But if people concentrate on ideas that reinforce their ability to improve their memories, they can reduce memory loss.

Final thoughts

Memory loss is a natural process, but the mind is like a muscle that can be protected from the effects of aging. Suffice to say that if you use your brain more, then you can effectively keep it robust. Then you won’t have problems trying to memorize names, places, things, events, and other important information.

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