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Science Explains How Yoga Can Help Fight Depression

Depression is an illness that knows no age limits, social status, or gender boundaries. It affects every demographic across the globe. As of 2016, it affected roughly 268 million people worldwide. Although it is more extensive in women, it is quite common in men as well. Even children are at risk with 2.1% of those age 3-17 diagnosed in the last year in the United States alone.

Those who deal with depression face hard choices when it comes to treatment. The problem with many anti-depressant drugs is the side effects which can include depression and suicide along with other physiological issues. In addition, anti-depressants have only been shown to be effective in 40%-60% of patients. For the ever-growing group of sufferers who are opting for lifestyle changes over pharmaceutical medications, yoga may prove to be part of the solution. Practiced for thousands of years, yoga combines exercise with meditation to help quiet the mind and relax the body.

“Yoga allows you to rediscover a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are constantly trying to fit broken pieces together.”
B.K.S. Iyengar

Why Yoga Works

Due to yoga’s comprehensive approach to health, it tackles several issues that can lead or contribute to depression. Yoga means “union”. It is a holistic viewpoint which states that the mind, body, and spirit are all interconnected and that each component must be in good health to achieve the health of the whole. The condition can be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain and/or nervous system, by inactivity or illness in the body, by feelings of worthlessness or powerlessness, or any combination of the three.

Yoga for the Mind

Happiness is not always about life circumstances. It is often a matter of brain chemistry. When the brain is deficient of certain hormones and neurotransmitters it can result in feelings of despondency and anxiety. Yoga can help to regulate these chemicals and improve the mood.

Yoga, like other forms of exercise, is known for its ability to increase serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is responsible for regulating appetite and digestion as well as mood support and healing of the body.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and reward. When these levels are low, it can lead to sadness and addictive behaviors. The breathing techniques used in yoga practices have been shown to increase these along with other “happy” brain chemicals.

GABA Levels-
GABA is a neurotransmitter that blocks nerve impulses. When levels are low, it can cause pain and depression. Yoga raises these levels, leaving the practitioner feeling calm and serene.

Yoga for the Body

Exercise is the most widely accepted natural treatment for depression. Increasing circulation, lowering inflammation, and releasing endorphins are all benefits that contribute to better health and better mood. Yoga takes this one step further by incorporating stretching and relaxation to release tension in the muscles which can aggravate the condition.

Yoga for the Spirit

Yogic teachings encourage the individual to recognize their connection to the world around them. Incorporating kindness and generosity toward others as well as gratitude in one’s own life is key to achieving happiness and a sense of purpose in life. Yoga also expresses a sense of oneness that gives the practitioner a feeling of connectedness and belonging that can put daily stresses into perspective.


How to Do Yoga to Treat Depression

When first beginning a yoga routine, it is always a good idea to attend a class for a while or learn from an experienced teacher. Even though yoga is a very gentle form of exercise, it is possible to seriously injure yourself if the poses are not executed properly. Once familiar with the correct postures, movements, and breath, you may begin an individual practice at home if you wish. Here are some helpful hints to avoid injury and get the most from your practice.
Yoga can help those who deal with depression on three levels: mind, body, and spirit. Here are some poses that can nurture all three and help build a stronger, happier you.

For those who deal with depression, yoga can be a powerful tool. It can help regulate body chemistry which can result in higher levels of serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and more. Oftentimes, imbalance of these chemicals in the body can be the source of sadness and despair. Yoga serves to keep the body strong, flexible, and relaxed. A relaxed body equals a relaxed mind. Finally, yogic teachings incorporate kindness, gratitude, and singularity, giving the practitioner a sense of purpose and belonging.

21 Best Love Quotes & Inspirational Sayings About Life

Life is a blessing, and you shouldn’t take it for granted. When you wake up in the morning, just remember that there are people who wish they could get at least another day to appreciate what they had.

Life also brings another great gift with it – love. Love allows you to treasure the people around you. So the next time you feel like you want to give up on everything, just read these 21 life and love quotes to remember what you have.

Quotes About Love

1. In life, you get what you have the courage to ask for. – Oprah Winfrey.

If you don’t ask for help, no one will give it to you.

2. The best thing to hold onto life is each other. – Audrey Hepburn.

This is one of those quotes about love that make you realize the importance of a lover.

3. There’re many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still. – Franklin D. Roosevelt.

If one way fails, try another one. And if that also fails, continue trying until you find the right one.

4. I know I am in love with you because my reality is finally better than my dreams. – Dr. Seuss.

Your happiness is defined by the one you love and not by your failures.

5. Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw.

You have to create a path for yourself instead of waiting for something random to happen to you so that you can live the life that you want.

6. If I know what love is, it is because of you. – Hermann Hesse.

This is one of those quotes about love that makes you become conscious about compassion.

7. In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. – Abraham Lincoln.

Make sure that you enjoy each day fully and don’t get distracted by thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow.

8. There’s only one happiness in life – to love and to be loved. – George Sand.

Nothing beats the feeling of knowing that you need someone and finding out that they feel the same way about you.

9. If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. – Jim Rohn.

You should take responsibility of your life because it’s yours and not anyone else’s.

10. Loving you never was an option. It was a necessity. – Truth Devour.

Some love quotes, like this one, show you how unpredictable love can be.

11. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. – Dennis P. Kimbro.

Don’t let one bad experience stop you from enjoying good things today and in the future.

12. When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul. – Joey W. Hill.

This is one of those quotes about love that makes you notice that there are people that are meant for you.

13. Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, but how well you bounce. – Vivian Komori.

What matters most in life is how you handle the bad times.

14. You can’t blame gravity for falling in love. – Albert Einstein.

Love just happens, and you can’t explain it.

15. The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. – W.M.Lewis.

Start living your life now and stop procrastinating.

16. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. – Dr. Seuss.

There’s always someone that will value you more than anything else.

17. Life is inherently risky. There’s only one big risk that you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing. – Denis Waitley.

Always work towards achieving your goals.

18. Love’s a better teacher than duty. – Albert Einstein.

There are some things that you can only learn through compassion.

quotes about love

19. Life’s a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

There’s no shortcut in life.

20. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. – Aristotle.

This is one of those quotes about love that reminds you about soulmates.

21. You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you. Mary Tyler Moore.

The challenges that you face make you a better person.


You should always remember that you have a lot to live for in this life. It can be your family, friends, life goals, or any other thing that you love.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Foods To Eat That Relieve Anxiety

If you feel nervous or constantly worry about the things in your life, you may suffer from anxiety. Humans tend to worry about our futures and those of our loved ones. This is normal. Some people tend to worry about every aspect of their lives in an overly excessive way. These individuals usually end up consulting a physician so they can learn ways to cope with stress. The doctor may prescribe medication to calm the person. They may suggest eating a special diet and exercising daily.

Unless necessary, it is always best to manage your health through diet and exercise. Exercise is a fantastic way to increase the hormones that improve your mood and help you feel more positive about life. This exercise can be as simple as taking a walk through the park. Yoga is another example of a great exercise that can help reduce stress. Watching what you eat is another simple way to help your body feel better. You already know a healthy diet benefits our bodies in so many ways. Particular foods help reduce depression and stress levels. Consuming these foods can help you live a more peaceful and healthy life.

10 Food Everyone Should Eat if They Have Anxiety


1. Foods High In Vitamin C

Foods rich in vitamin C should be added to our daily diets for many reasons. Reports have shown that vitamin C amounts in our bodies are low when our stress levels are high. Foods such as citrus fruits or shiitake mushrooms elevate your vitamin C levels. This helps brighten your mood and strengthen your immune system.

2. Nuts and Seeds

Walnuts are fabulous foods loaded with valuable omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown omega-3 fatty acids help our brains function better and reduce symptoms of depression. This leads to a decrease in stress or anxiety levels.

3. Wonderful Avocados

Avocado is a superfood that offers many health benefits and helps beat anxiety. Avocado is loaded with vitamin B6. This particular vitamin helps produce serotonin. Serotonin makes you feel good and peaceful. Other vitamins you get from avocados are niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine. All of this help contribute to a more stable mood.

4. Plenty Of Berries

Berries are suitable for your body in so many ways. they are loaded with vitamins that help your body fight sickness and ease stress. rich in antioxidants and vitamin c, adding berries to your diet is a win for your body and mind.

5. Foods High In Folic Acid

Tomatoes are a food that is rich in folic and alpha-lipoic acids. They are a cheap and delicious way to stabilize your moods. A recent study has shown one-third of depressed patients had lower-than-normal levels of folate in their bodies. Homocysteine is a hormone that blocks “feel good” hormones like serotonin. It is produced when folic acid levels in your body are low. To prevent this, you should include foods with high levels of folic acid.


6. Apples

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” isn’t a saying to trick you into eating more fruit. Apples are so simple and a delicious way to help your mood. Apples contain antioxidants and soluble fiber. The fiber content in apples helps to balance your blood sugar levels. This alone will make you feel better, so have an apple a day.
Sweet, tart, crunchy and juicy, this fruit is very impressive.

7. Dark Greens

Dark leafy greens are not only good for your body. They also offer amazing benefits for your mind. Kale, spinach, and other dark green leafy vegetables fight inflammation. A recent study found a link between patients with inflammation in their brains and higher-than-normal levels of depression and stress. Eating a healthy dose of greens daily will protect you from various forms of cancer. It will also help reduce symptoms of depression.

8. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent fat to incorporate into your diet. It has anti-inflammatory polyphenols. These work against stress-induced inflammation. Add it to your roasted vegetables or salad for a delicious way to add this oil to your diet.

9. Turmeric Spice

Turmeric is a spice you should consider adding to your diet. The benefits from turmeric include detoxification and anti-inflammatory effects, and it helps maintain a healthy liver.

10. Herbal Tea

There are various teas you can drink to help relieve anxiety. Peppermint or chamomile teas are the most popular and widely available teas. Having a nice cup of tea a day, especially in the evening, can reduce stress and help you sleep.


Final Thoughts on Eating The Best Foods to Reduce Anxiety

This food list will help you beat anxiety and improve your general health. Add these foods to your diet, in addition to exercise, and you will be able to live a more peaceful, healthy life. In time, you will begin to see an improvement. Should you need additional guidance on dealing with your mental health, be sure to reach out to your medical professionals.

Here Is Why You Keep Attracting A Narcissist And What To Do About It

No one wants to deal with narcissistic behavior from others. However, there are ways that people subconsciously attract it. First, you have to stop allowing their behavior to be acceptable to you. When they do things that bother you, make sure that you set up a boundary. Clearly explain that the offensive behavior was not okay. Allow them the opportunity to rectify the situation.

If you see that they don’t care to make a change or they justify the behavior, this is a sign that they will not stop. When you confront someone regarding hurtful behavior and they dismiss it, this is a form of emotional abuse. Do not allow it. Consider the reasons why you might continue to attract narcissists into your life.

Here’s why you keep attracting narcissist personalities into your life:

Narcissistic Rage

1. You’re used to it.

You might be used to narcissists because they were in your home. If one of your family members is a narcissist and you experienced their controlling behavior throughout your childhood, it might feel like second nature to you to adjust to anyone else who’s a narcissist. As a result, you’ve created space for narcissism to thrive in your personal or professional life. Because you can tolerate the traits of a narcissist, they will naturally cling to people like you who are used to their type of nature.

2. You’re overly concerned with pleasing others.

It’s good to be concerned with how you come across. You never want to come across in a way that doesn’t portray you accurately. However, if you’re overly concerned with pleasing others and making sure they like you, this is a breeding ground for someone who’s a narcissist to take over. Because a narcissist naturally is selfish, they’ll take from you. When they take from you, you’ll accommodate it (even if you don’t like it) because your desire to please is greater.

3. You think you can fix people.

A lot of women tend to date men based on their potential. They don’t look at the man who’s right in front of them. They look at who this man could become. The same concept applies to a person who is dealing with narcissists. When they see the narcissism, they feel sorry for the person. As a result, they strive to do all they can to help that person come out of that nature. Unfortunately, a narcissist has to learn on their own. There’s really nothing you can do to fix the situation. If you try, you’ll only end up hurting yourself in the long run.

4. You don’t think highly of yourself.

When you don’t think highly of yourself, you’ll allow others to define you. When you have low self-esteem, your standards will naturally be low as well. It’s so important to cultivate a healthy sense of self and self-worth because that will detract people who will take advantage of you. Narcissists thrive in spaces where they know a person doesn’t think highly of himself because they can manipulate them. When you love yourself and truly know your worth, it’s harder for anyone to convince you to do things you don’t want to do.

5. You don’t think you matter.

Narcissists know they matter. In fact, they’ll do their best to make sure the room understands how much they matter. However, narcissists do this at the expense of others. Because they need to be exalted, it’s easier to do that in a room with people who don’t think they matter. When you don’t believe your feelings, values or desires count for anything, you’ll put others ahead of yourself. It’s good to be noble and giving, but not to your detriment.


6. You need people to approve of you.

Validation isn’t bad. A lot of times, people will try to tell you that you don’t need to be validated by anyone and that you should just exist in your truth. It’s nice to be appreciated and validated by others. However, you can’t let it rule you. That’s where the danger is. If you need people to approve of you and your lifestyle, you’re going to run into issues. This will especially be true with people who are narcissists. The problem here is that narcissists will only approve of you when you’re doing things they want you to do. Oftentimes, the things they want you to do involve serving them. You were not put on the earth to only serve one person. Your job isn’t to solely assist another person to live their best life. You have a life to live too. It’s so important for you to honor your own calling. Additionally, you must understand and know that your calling doesn’t revolve around another person.

Take note of the passive-aggressive behavior that narcissists tend to spew out. Also, notice if they tend to be controlling in any way. Manipulative behavior is another weapon narcissists will use to get you. Understand that narcissists only care for you in relation to who they need you to be. It’s not about you and what you need to thrive. It’s always about you in relation to them. Understand that people who genuinely care for you will show it. They won’t be manipulative, passive-aggressive or controlling. They’re the ones who will celebrate you, encourage you and love you. Work on loving yourself, and you’ll attract more people who will want to love you as well.

5 Signs From Your Eyes to Never Ignore

Our eyes are very important. The sensory input they provide is a part of most people’s lives, and for many, it’s not something they can imagine living without. This is why it’s a good idea to make sure you’re giving your eyes the positive care they need and to take note when something might be wrong with them. Sometimes the smallest symptoms that you might be tempted to dismiss could be a sign of something much more serious. Here are some signs from your eyes never to ignore.

“Eye care is not just about buying glasses. Many eye conditions are hereditary so regular check-ups will ensure that problems are caught early.” – unknown

Here Are 5 Signs From Your Eyes To Never Ignore

1. Blurry vision

One of the most commonly experienced and ignored signs, blurry vision can be caused by a lot of different things. The most common is when the eyes develop farsightedness or nearsightedness, or essentially when the vision stops being a perfect 20/20. All this means is that it is time to get corrective lenses, such as contact lenses or glasses. Ignoring the need for corrective lenses can cause difficulty in everyday life and carelessness that can be potentially dangerous.

Blurry vision might also be a side effect of migraines, but it can also be a symptom of diabetes or even a stroke – as well as a long list of other more serious health issues that can eventually lead to blindness. Sudden, seemingly unexplainable blurry vision is always a serious cause for concern and should never be ignored.

Essentially, there is a lot that could be wrong when your vision is blurry. There’s nothing wrong with having some positive thinking, but assuming it’s nothing can be dangerous. Going to an optometrist for blurry vision is never a bad idea – even if all you leave with is a pair of new glasses!

2. New freckles and moles

The body sprouts new spots all the time, and it isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. If you look into the mirror one day and notice a mole in your eye that wasn’t there before, don’t panic! Instead, do pencil in an appointment with your eye doctor just to have it looked at.

In most cases, these spots are just that – spots. They’re harmless and only affect the appearance. But sometimes, in rare cases, these moles can become malignant and lead to melanoma, which will then cause blurry vision, detachment of the retina, and eventually, blindness.

The unfortunate part is that there are some moles, freckles, and specks that will appear at the back of the eye, meaning you won’t be able to see them. Still, malignant moles and melanoma in the eyes from such things is very, very rare, so as long as you are regularly attending your optometrist checkups, you’ll likely be fine. When you notice these specks appearing, though, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so have new moles checked out.

3. Pain or pressure

Eye pain or eye pressure – known medically as ophthalmalgia – can be nothing, but it can also be a sign of more severe health issues. In minor cases, this can just be from a form of a sinus problem, which happens because full sinuses will press against the eyes, causing pressure. Eye pain might also be caused by headaches and migraines.

But there is a more serious condition that could be causing this ophthalmalgia, and this condition is known as glaucoma. The issue happens when the eye experiences too much pressure building up. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, this degenerative disease will eventually lead to optic nerve damage and, finally, blindness.

If you notice that you are experiencing pressure or pain in your eyes, see a doctor immediately. Even if it isn’t glaucoma, the risk is too big to take. On top of that, there are other conditions that could be causing eye pain, so having the problem checked out is never a bad idea.

4. Excessive dryness or wetness

The moisture levels of the eyes say a lot about what is happening in them. Dry eyes, especially, can indicate a lot of different problems. It can be due to dry eye syndrome, where enough tears are not produced enough. With this issue, tears also end up evaporating too quickly. These problems lead to inflammation and foggy vision. Some autoimmune diseases can also cause dry eyes. If you’re noticing other strange symptoms around your body alongside this dryness, see a doctor.


On the other hand, eyes that are too wet most of the time might be a sign of issues with the tear ducts. This sort of problem prevents the eyes from properly draining themselves of excess fluid. While this isn’t serious, it can be annoying and debilitating. Thankfully, minor surgery is sufficient to fix it.

5. Floaters and flashing

Floaters are a perfectly normal and typically harmless side effect of … well, having eyes! Floaters are caused by a release of collagen strands from the very jelly-like vitreous body in the back of the eye. As you age, the jelly becomes less firm, eventually leading to these little specks of collagen making their way across the eye.

These floaters usually resemble small shadows in vision. They happen to everyone, but you should not ignore a change in the way your floaters appear. If your floaters suddenly begin to develop a cobweb-like appearance, increase in size, stop vanishing on their own, or are accompanied by flashing vision, visit a doctor immediately. This could be a sign of something called vitreous detachment. This occurs when the aforementioned vitreous body begins to separate from the eye’s retina.

In addition, if you’re noticing more floaters than normal, taking a trip to an optometrist won’t hurt. This advice especially applies if they have started to make vision difficult. A special treatment can help to fix this problem, temporarily replacing the vitreous body and allowing a new, healthy kind to regrow.

Final thoughts

Taking proper care of our eyes is crucial to ensuring a healthy, long-lasting vision. Part of this process is making sure you catch symptoms of more serious problems before it’s too late. We only get one pair of eyes. So it’s important to take good care of them and take a trip to the optometrist’s when we need to!

7 Habits of Lucky People

We have all known someone who seems to have been born lucky. Everything they tackle seems to only either lead to success or opens doors to more opportunities. It is likely you have felt jealous seeing their apparent luck at work and considered it unfair! Thankfully, this luck can actually be harnessed to your own benefit. Read our list of some positive habits of lucky people you should be adopting for yourself!

Here Are 7 Habits of Lucky People

“The amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act.” – Barbara Sher

1. Being proactive

You would find that the luckiest people also happen to be the most proactive. What we mean by this is that apparently lucky people are actually constantly going around knocking on doors. After all, that fulfilling career you have always dreamed of realistically isn’t going to just fall into your lap! In other words, in order to create your own luck, go out and find it! Take extra classes if they will help you better your skills. Go out and talk to people. Become active in the charting of your own future, and luck will find you.

2. Talk to people

Socializing can be incredibly difficult for many of us, even a source of anxiety. You will notice, however, that lucky people seem to be like social butterflies. Even if they are not highly social, you will find that they normally have impressive social circles and seem to be at least acquainted with just about everyone. This is actually one of their many secrets to their apparent luck!

Most of the time, what we consider luck is really just opportunities landing at our feet. Some examples you can think of might include getting that job you want, or finally finding the partner you have dreamed of. You might assume that this is based on luck, but that really isn’t the case. Rather, it is reliant on you knowing the right person!

Of course, in order to find the people that will give you those opportunities, you have to go out and get your name out there first. Luck can’t come your way if the people who would offer it to you don’t know who you are! So, get out there and try to have a bit of fun in social circles.

3. Seize opportunities

At a glance, lucky people the same age as you appear to have experienced so much more of the world than you have. In actuality, lucky people have been given about the same number of options as you have had. The difference, however, is in how they grab every offer that comes their way, even if it isn’t quite what they had planned in mind.

To follow their example, your mindset needs to become flexible in order to take advantage of everything that comes your way. You also want to seize any offers or opportunities given. The lack of money and time in addition to the burden of social responsibilities may be legitimate excuses, but in the end, they are still excuses. The key is to try your best anyway. There is always something to gain; you just have to reach for it first.

4. Encourage positive thinking

When looking at the lucky people around you, you might presume that the reason they are so positive is because of their success. Rather, studies have proven that this is the other way around! Researcher Shawn Achor notes in his research that positive thinking begets the success so desperately desired, instead of success bringing about happiness as is normally thought. With positive thinking, you are able to see the good that comes from any situation, and glean the opportunities that it offers!

5. Stay optimistic

Here is the interesting thing about lucky people – they expect to be lucky. This optimism doesn’t mean that they lie back and wait for good things to come. Rather they let their optimism pull them through what is otherwise a string of apparent failures. They look forward to the future. Their optimism in their future isn’t baseless either, as studies have proven that there is a strong correlation between optimism and resilience.

That resilience will prove necessary because you will need to be able to bounce back from the many rejections and failures you will first endure. People don’t talk about it and prefer to focus on the final results, but you need to try several times before you get that breakthrough you were looking for.

6. Get creative

Every time we hear news about how people manage to survive an experience that should have otherwise killed them, we think that they were incredibly lucky. In fact, they had to create an opening for luck by getting resourceful. Lost in the wilderness and have no camping equipment? Get creative and figure out how to fashion a shelter from things around you. Then only do you have room for luck to come in and help.

lucky people

While we won’t really have to experience such dire circumstances in our day-to-day lives, the concept still applies. Get creative. Think out of the box. Look at your situation from different perspectives in order to find loopholes. What seems to be luck is really just people tackling a problem from an unexpected angle!

7. Trust your gut

You may have noticed that on top of everything else, lucky people are incredibly instinctual. When they lack the information they need to make an informed decision, they tend to go by gut instinct. There actually is a reason for this. Research has shown that mind-body relations and the information extracted from this relationship are far more complex than they initially appear. We also learn in many different ways that aren’t readily apparent, which means we have a hefty catalog of information to back up any decisions we make. So, when in doubt, trust what your body has learned throughout its lifetime and follow your gut!

Final thoughts

Lucky people may initially seem to be just that – lucky. However, these people don’t rely on chance interfering with their lives. Rather, they knock on doors and seek out their fortune. This means that when chance grants them the opportunity they were looking for, they are already ready to take advantage of it. Follow in their footsteps, and you will also find yourself becoming one of those lucky people!

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