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Doctor Explains: Is Coffee Bad For You?

When the topic of coffee comes up, there are many mixed responses you would expect to hear. Drinkers will disagree on the best way to drink it, which roast is the best, or there will be some people that completely detest it. Even health officials cannot seem to agree on the subject of whether coffee is good for you. However, that has not stopped medical professionals from studying this highly debatable drink in order to understand how it affects our minds and bodies.

According to research, there is a multitude of wonderful benefits a good cup of java offers us. Yet, there are also some not so desirable side effects that one should not ignore. While we explore the valuable data that medical professionals have discovered about coffee, you can decide whether you want to include it in your daily diet or leave it out.

Benefits of Coffee

According to research, when consumed, this beverage offers drinkers many additional nutritional benefits in their daily diets. Among these benefits are:

  • Magnesium
  • Folate
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • A rich array of B vitamins
  • Powerful antioxidants

More Amazing Benefits of Coffee

The main, yet somewhat controversial, benefit of coffee is caffeine. The following are ways caffeine can help our bodies:

  • Caffeine helps boost adrenaline. Consuming a cup of joe before a workout could help up your workout performance. It also boosts metabolism.
  • Caffeine is a stimulant. Some people talk about needing their first cup of joe each day before their mind and body function. The reason for this is the caffeine acts as a blocker to the hormone called adenosine. This hormone relaxes our brain function, thus making us sleepy.
  • Research has shown caffeine reduces the risk of some cancers. These include certain forms of melanoma, prostate and endometrial cancer.
  • A cappuccino per day may help protect your brain from debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It may also reduce the risk of memory loss, also known as dementia.
  • Moderate consumption of two to three cups of java a day has been linked to preventing strokes.
  • Individuals at risk for Type II diabetes may enjoy a daily dose of caffeine found in a cup of joe. Caffeine helps reduce insulin sensitivity.
  • A nice espresso in the afternoon will also brighten your mood and help you push through the rest of your day.

As you see, consuming several cups of java per day can offer many valuable benefits to our health. When it comes to supplying us with essential vitamins and minerals and giving a necessary boost of energy to help conquer a hectic day, caffeine seems to be an almost vital addition to our diets.


Things to Keep in Mind When Drinking Caffeinated Beverages

Despite all the positive benefits we can receive from a few cups of coffee per day, medical professionals advise us that drinking consuming too much caffeine can cause negative side effects. Among these side effects are:

  • A feeling of restlessness or insomnia have been associated with an abundant consumption of espresso and similar drinks.
  • Medical professionals have suggested limiting caffeinated products for children because it could cause issues such as bed wetting.
  • Pregnant women should limit their java consumption to one cup per day. This will help reduce the amount of caffeine delivered to the unborn baby.
  • Cases of anxiety have been linked to an over-consumption of caffeinated drinks.
  • Unfiltered varieties like espresso or French-pressed have been found in research to raise LDL levels. This is also known as bad cholesterol. So, a person that suffers from cholesterol problems should limit their intake or stick with filtered types.
  • Caffeinated beverages are addictive. A person can become tolerant to caffeine and the way it makes them feel. This could lead to an over-consumption of products which contain high levels of caffeine. When a person curtails the caffeine, they will experience similar symptoms as those do who undergo drug withdrawal. These types of feelings include headaches, irritability or exhaustion.

Whether you are an avid drinker or not, the fact remains that a hot java can provide your body with many wonderful benefits and valuable minerals. In moderation, you can consume this beverage and know you are helping your body fight sickness and disease. Be sure not to add excessive amounts of sweeteners or other sugary additives to your coffee. This will counteract any of the positive benefits offered by a fresh cup of joe. If you begin experiencing any type of negative caffeine-related side effects, or you are pregnant, be sure you consult with your primary care physician immediately.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Foods That Are Bad For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that manifests as widespread body pain and fatigue. If you suffer from this, you may also experience sleep disturbance and diminished cognitive abilities. Doctors have not yet found the disease’s actual cause, but it might have links to genetics and certain illnesses.

Some foods may also trigger fibromyalgia. Below are some foods you should avoid if you have this condition.

“Being able to walk pain-free is a blessing. Being able to walk without showing the pain is a skill.” – Kylie McPherson

Here Are 10 Foods That Are Bad for Fibromyalgia

1. Agave

Agave is sugar derived from plants. It has lower glycemic effects, so it’s supposed to be healthier than common table sugar. But agave is high in fructose, which has been linked to inflammation and fatty liver disease, as per a study in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology. So, the next time you would like a little sweetness in your food or drink, use raw organic honey or leaf stevia alternatives instead of agave.

2. Corn

Corn can be found in many processed foods. It is widely used as an ingredient in seasonings, starch, breading, and even chicken nuggets. Corn is also the main ingredient in high fructose corn syrup. A number of studies link corn syrup to increased inflammation. The problem with inflammation, apart from the risk of fibromyalgia, is that it can lead to chronic disease development.  Harvard Health highlights risks such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Dairy

The body takes a harder time eliminating dairy products in the system. If you’re lactose intolerant, you might have frequent episodes of gas and bloating. If you have fibromyalgia, dairy can be bad for you because it rapidly turns to sugar. Processed dairy products also contain pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics that may cause problems in digestion and body inflammation. Since dairy comes from cows that consume mainly grains, the source itself can make dairy unhealthy for fibromyalgia patients.

4. Fat-free food

Fat-free food doesn’t always equate to weight loss. While it’s marketed as negative, your body still needs fat to help the organs function better. So, going fat-free might deplete your body of the nutrients it needs. If you have fibromyalgia, you have to avoid trans-fat to prevent body inflammation, but you shouldn’t avoid the healthy types of fat because your organs need its nutrients. So, carefully read the labels of the food you buy to determine whether it contains healthy or unhealthy fat.

5. Gluten-free food

An assortment of gluten-free foods in the market today are not naturally gluten-free. In fact, these are highly processed food with lots of fillers that might make fibromyalgia worse. As with fat-free food, always read the label before purchasing. Steer away from those that are sold as healthy alternatives when they’re actually not.

6. Nightshades

Tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, bell peppers are part of the nightshade family.  These foods are rich in solanine, a glycoalkaloid. The digestive tract absorbs glycoalkaloid rather poorly. Ever notice why you develop gastrointestinal problems after eating foods rich in tomatoes or bell pepper? Solanine may also lead to body toxicity, as per the Toxicology Data Network. At least 74 to 90 percent of people prone to inflammatory problems like fibromyalgia develop body pains after eating nightshades.

7. Peanut butter

Peanut butter is a good source of protein. It’s also high in good fat and low on carbohydrates. However, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism suggests that peanut butter’s rich omega-6 fatty acids content may increase inflammation. Experts suggest almond butter as the healthier and more positive alternative.

8. Soy or tofu

Soy or tofu has been pegged as a good and healthy source of protein. However, soy can cause adverse effects in the body that might be similar to gluten intolerance. According to a study in the Journal of Nutrition, estrogen in soy has been linked to breast cancer in women. Most doctors often suggest avoiding this food if someone has been diagnosed with the disease. The Japanese, however, love to eat soy food and gain from its positive benefits. It’s likely because soy isn’t genetically modified in Japan. Additionally, their general diet of fish, vegetables, and green tea might mitigate any negative effects.

9. Whole wheat

Whole wheat isn’t processed food, so it’s deemed healthier than white or refined flour. However, wheat contains gluten that can lead to body inflammation in someone who suffers from fibromyalgia. People who are intolerant to gluten may have Celiac disease. Most patients who have this condition also develop fibromyalgia, so the two diseases overlap. However, a study in the journal Rheumatology International revealed that those who have fibromyalgia, but do not necessarily have gluten sensitivity, saw a significant decrease in their symptoms when eating gluten-free food.


10. Whole grains

Similar to whole wheat, whole grains may also escalate symptoms of fibromyalgia. This food contains a high level of sucrose that elevates the blood sugar levels. People with high blood sugar levels are prone to body inflammation, which leads to body pain.

Final thoughts

To ease your problems with fibromyalgia, in addition to positive thinking, always aim to have a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and some grains. Avoid processed food completely because the additives and chemicals are sure to worsen the symptoms. Women are more prone to this disease than men. Seek a doctor for other alternatives to lessen the symptoms, as you might need to take medication or undergo therapies to manage the disease.

Top 5 Workouts For Type A Personality

Are you the type of person who wakes up motivated and passionate to accomplish your goals for the day? Albeit, you probably need a coffee first, but if you believe that, by and large, you’re the sort of person who is not only competitive but also likes to challenge yourself, you may be one of the individuals who make up the personality type A population. You’re the go-getter. The ride or die. Once you’ve made a decision or set a goal, you hit the path hard until you’ve achieved that goal.

It also means that you likely burn yourself out a lot. You may even accidentally injure yourself in the process because of your passion. These consequences are pretty typical for type A personalities, especially in regards to their workout routines. While you are devoted to running that mile or lifting those weights, your personality may actually be hindering you from making any progress. By tailoring your workout regime to your personality, you can not only help yourself achieve those fitness goals a lot easier, but you can also be sure to do so in a safe way that doesn’t lead to burnout. Here are five workouts for those who fall under the personality type A banner.

Workouts For Type A Personality

non-verbal communication

1. Walking

While it may seem simple and like you won’t get a good workout for those who are used to running for miles, walking is an exceptional method of working out for type A-ers, especially when they include their friends. By having your team walk with you, not only do you all work towards a fitness goal, but it also allows you to satisfy the social need your personality type craves. Walking is also a sure way to keep yourself from burning out in the gym or overdoing it, as A-ers tend to do. It can also help to reduce stress levels, and since type A’s tend to take on more than they can chew, you want to make sure you’re reducing your stress levels as much as you can.

2. Take It Up A Notch With A Hike

For those who think walking is just a little out of their league, then you can easily step that up by taking a hike instead. Type A personality demands adventure. They seek a thrill. There’s no better way to scratch that itch than taking a hike. By bringing along some friends, you can satisfy those type A personality traits for social interaction and an adrenaline rush. By hiking, you can really challenge your body and mind as you tackle certain obstacles on your journey. You’ll feel accomplished by the time the hike is over, and you may have learned a few things along the way, too.

3. Biking

Now, before you get your engines started, the type of bicycling discussed here is the kind meant for relaxing. Try to tone down those type A personality traits of yours and just enjoy the scenery and moment as you bike around. There’s plenty of nature trails to be discovered, and connecting with nature is a sure way to reduce stress levels and promote an overall feeling of well-being. By allowing yourself, a type A personality, to actually slow down, you can appreciate what’s around you a lot more.

4. Yoga

Not all type A personality individuals are social. Introverts can make up the population just as much as extroverts can. As such, for those who fall under those certain type A personality traits, you will receive the best health and fitness boost from yoga. While you can most certainly do this in a social setting, for those who need that stimulus, you can also perform it alone. You should focus on the techniques that aim to relax and restore. It will help you slow down and add some tranquility in your life.

type a personality

5. Strength Training

One last workout type A personality individuals should consider is strength training. It’s an excellent way to exert all of that energy and focus your mind. Just be sure you only strength train two to three times a week; otherwise, you run the risk of overdoing it and injuring yourself. Oh, and another thing type A personality types tend to do is compete with themselves, so be sure you don’t look for progress too much in the mirror. Strength train for overall health, not just for your appearance.

type a personalityMaster Your Personality

By having your type A personality work for you, you can actually see an overall improvement in your fitness and health. By understanding yourself and your needs, and with these workout regimes in mind, you can achieve your fitness goals without overdoing it and causing yourself serious harm during the process. Now go!

How to Reverse Diabetes Symptoms Naturally (Without Medicine)

In 2017, over 30 million people in the United States were diabetic, according to the National Diabetes Statistics Report. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death and has become an epidemic in America. Type 2 is especially serious and can lead to death, kidney disease, leg and foot amputations, nerve damage, and blindness. Type 2 is preventable and reversible with the proper lifestyle and diet changes.

Science-proven Tips to Reverse Diabetes Symptoms

Here are some ways to reduce or reverse diabetes symptoms naturally and improve your quality of life.

1. Consume Coconut Oil Daily 

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats to consume, especially for diabetics. Coconut oil doesn’t require insulin to get into your cells by metabolizing quickly in the liver. It is used up instantly as energy making it an excellent aid for diabetics who need to lose weight.


2. Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup 

You will find high fructose corn syrup in the most common foods and drinks today, wreaking havoc on our bodies and appetite control system. High fructose corn syrup stimulates a hormone that tells your body you’re hungry. It is not recognized as food. Therefore, your body will never feel full, causing you to eat more. This feeling of constant hunger is particularly dangerous for those with diabetes who need to limit their intake of sugar and carbohydrates. Sugary snacks, desserts, soft drinks, and sweetened juices contain enormous levels of high fructose corn syrup.

3. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners 

Aspartame is the most common artificial sweetener in diet soda and sugar-free snack foods. Aspartame is a toxic poison that can cause cancer, neurological disorders, brain tumors, and other diseases. It is detrimental to anyone who has high blood sugar. Artificial sweeteners break down into ethyl alcohol as the body metabolizes them.

4. Eat Wholesome Fats 

Most nutritionists will tell you to limit your intake of fats, especially saturated fat. However, our bodies need healthy fats to protect vital organs, maintain cell walls, and hormonal balance. These fats should come from raw milk, grass-fed butter, avocados, organic yogurt and cheese. Nutritious fats are also found in grass-fed chicken and beef, nuts and seeds, free-range eggs, olive oil, and coconut milk. When you incorporate some of these healthy fats, you will notice a difference in your blood sugar, energy levels, and weight.


5. Avoid Refined Sugars And Grains 

Much of America’s health crisis is blamed on the overconsumption of bleached sugars and grains, processed and refined foods. Indeed, all these cause an unhealthy spike in blood sugar immediately after consumption. Whole grains should remain a part of your diet as they contain vital vitamins, minerals, and fiber that lowers high blood sugar. Sprouted grain slices of bread are an even better choice and are more easily digested than other grains. All diabetics must strictly limit their sugar intake, even though it may seem impossible. There are safe sweeteners available if you must have the occasional dessert. Stevia, raw honey, and organic maple syrup are good options in small amounts.


6. Stay Active 

Whether you’re diabetic or not, daily activity is essential for anyone who wants to be healthy. Every organ and cell in the body benefits from exercise. It’s ideal for diabetics because it stimulates proper blood flow, burns fat, boosts metabolism, and removes toxins. It is important to find the activity you love and stick with it. The endless options are walking, indoor cycling, and step aerobics to aqua aerobics.

What About Type 1 Diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is an irreversible disease that occurs before one turns 20. However, many manage it through lifestyle changes and diets. If you are over forty and overweight, you are at a higher risk of having type 2. If you plan to reverse diabetes symptoms naturally, avoid alcohol, refined sugar and grains, and conventional cow’s milk.


Final Thoughts on Reversing Diabetes

Focus on eating healthy foods high in fiber, magnesium, chromium, clean protein, and good fats. Insulin and other diabetic medications can help lower blood sugar levels when exercise and diet fail to work. If your doctor prescribed a new drug or you’re considering an over-the-counter medication for high blood pressure, ask them how it will affect your blood sugar levels.  Of course, you should follow a diabetic eating plan as recommended by your doctor and remain active to balance blood sugar.

10 Habits & Treatments For Diabetes Symptoms

Those who are diagnosed with diabetes are often familiar with the symptoms and side effects that are associated with the condition. Unfortunately, there are currently no cures available for the ailment.

If you want to obtain treatment and reduce the effects of your diabetes symptoms, there are a few habits to develop.

1. Obtain Proper Nutrition

Aside from taking medication each day, it’s important to obtain proper nutrition to ensure that you can alleviate some of the symptoms that are associated with diabetes. Cutting out certain foods is necessary to control your blood glucose levels and maintain a healthy weight. Eating whole foods and cutting out sugar will reduce your risk of cardiac and vascular issues that can develop.

2. Remain Physically Active

Staying physically active is necessary to manage your weight and reduce the risk of obesity. Attempt to exercise most days of the week and perform at least twenty minutes of exercise each time. This activity can include jogging, cycling, and participating in sports.

3. Control Sleep Apnea

Getting more sleep each night is integral to managing blood sugar spikes and dips. Many people who have diabetes also suffer from sleep apnea, which can cause you to stop breathing in the middle of the night. You may need to wear a breathing device or undergo surgery to control sleep apnea.

4. Reduce Your Stress Levels

You also want to reduce your stress levels to ensure that your blood sugar levels are under control. Consider meditating, getting more sleep, and avoiding alcohol or caffeine to reduce stress that you may experience. Exercising on a regular basis can also alleviate anxiety or stress in the body.

5. Count Carbs

Counting carbohydrates that you consume each day can be beneficial to alleviating your diabetes symptoms because it prevents your blood sugar from spiking or plummeting. It’s recommended that women get 35-45 grams of carbs per meal and that men have an intake of 45-60 grams. Consider pairing your carbohydrates with protein to ensure that your digestion slows down, which can allow you to feel full for a longer period. You’ll also want to get enough fiber in your diet. That’s because you’ll help prevent cholesterol from building up in the blood vessels. If you want to obtain healthy sources of fiber, opt for sweet potatoes, rice, dried beans, and pumpkins.

6. Get Regular Checkups

Many people who are diabetic don’t understand the importance of getting regular checkups to monitor their health. So keep your regular appointments with your physician to ensure that you undergo tests and screenings on a routine basis. This care can detect any issues that may develop. Address any topics that you want to discuss and feel free to ask questions.

7. Monitor Your Emotional Health

It can be easy to suffer from depression due to the side effects that are caused by diabetes, making it necessary to monitor your emotional health. Common signs include sleeping too much, having a lack of motivation, difficulty falling asleep, feeling down, or having relationships that begin to suffer. Contacting a medical professional once you begin to feel down or sad is necessary to ensure that you obtain the help that you need to improve your mood and have the motivation to care for your health.

8. Join a Support Group

Getting support from other individuals who are currently suffering from similar health conditions is necessary to avoid feeling alone or isolated. Consider joining workshops or finding a local group that meets regularly. That’s because you’ll ensure that you have the support that you need to thrive and continue caring for your health. You can start new relationships with the other individuals. Besides that, you’ll learn important tips or obtain advice on how to alleviate the symptoms that you may experience as a diabetic.

9. Remain Consistent with Checking Your Blood Sugar

You’ll need to check your blood sugar level on a consistent basis to monitor your health and prevent it from fluctuating. You’ll need to check the blood sugar level when you wake up each morning, before or after you exercise, and whenever you don’t feel like yourself. Remain conscious of any new or unusual symptoms that you may begin to experience before testing your blood sugar.


10. Avoid Dieting

Instead of trying to lose weight by dieting, stick to eating healthier food options that are natural and don’t contain artificial ingredients or preservatives. Eat a variety of different foods and work with a nutritionist to maintain your health over time.

Knowing the right steps to take to manage and treat the symptoms that are associated with diabetes is necessary to feel more like yourself and maintain your health. Remaining educated and working with healthcare professionals can allow you to improve your well-being.

Dietician Reveals How Apple Cider Vinegar Is Best For Losing Belly Fat

If you follow dieticians on social media, you have probably seen some references to apple cider vinegar. You may have even heard how beneficial it is for your health. Apple cider vinegar helps with many issues like dandruff and digestive problems. Some studies show it may have the ability to lower blood sugar and insulin levels. This is crucial for people that suffer from diabetes or are at risk of developing it.

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss has been studied in countries worldwide. Researchers have found that acidic acid may actually help break down fat. More research is needed to prove how exactly acidic acid effects fat cells if it does at all. There are, however, other ways which apple cider vinegar may help you with belly fat loss.

Different Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help Fat Loss

belly fat

Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Anyone familiar with the Keto diet knows you must control your blood sugar. By limiting carbohydrates and sugary foods, blood sugar control is manageable. Some say a spoon of ACV before you eat a meal does the same and will prevent your blood sugar from spiking. Acedic acid might help your liver and muscles better absorb sugars in your body. This may result in lower blood sugar.

Appetite Suppressant

It is a known fact that if you can control your appetite you will not consume many calories. Properties of ACV have been said to suppress the appetite control region of your brain. When you control your appetite, you will consume fewer calories. This can cause a calorie deficit, which leads to weight loss.

Better Digestion

The use of ACV has been linked to helping with digestive issues. ACV helps by blocking undesirable enzymes. These enzymes are called disaccharidases. They break down starches during digestion. Acedic acid inhibits this process from happening. When your body cannot absorb carbohydrates, you won’t experience blood sugar spikes.

Improved Metabolism

Scientific studies have shown ACV consumption can, in fact, increase an important enzyme for fat burning. Lipase enzymes are the key to breaking down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Lipase gets some help from bile, which is excreted by your liver. Bile helps to break the fat cells down into smaller pieces before lipase gets to destroy the rest. This entire metabolic process may leave you with a smaller waistline.

Decreased Insulin Levels

A study found in the journal of the American Diabetes Association came to a surprising conclusion. It suggested insulin sensitivity would improve if ACV was taken with a meal. This result was found true in patients that either had type 2 diabetes or were insulin resistant. Like controlling blood sugar spikes, controlling insulin sensitivity could be a good way to lose fat.

Cut Fat Storage Capabilities

It is possible to block the gene responsible for fat storage. Differences in the gene Ankyrin-B could be what is responsible for many people gaining weight uncontrollably. In studies, rats that were given acetate or acedic acid were less likely to gain weight and store fat. Instead, the genes responsible for reducing fat in the belly and liver were released. These rats stayed thinner than those without the acids. This is very promising research.

The Best Ways to Consume ACV

There are many ways you can consume apple cider vinegar for weight loss. Many people will do one or more of the following:

  • Dillute it with another liquid and drink it
  • Mix it with olive oil and herbs to create salad yummy dressings
  • Use it to pickle fresh vegetables for snacking

These are not the only ways to incorporate ACV into your diet. Here are some creative ways to get your daily dose of ACV.

ACV and Honey Drink

If you like to keep it simple, mix together 2 cups of water, 4 tablespoons of ACV and 1/4 teaspoon of honey. Mix it well to make sure the honey is fully dissolved, then enjoy. For an extra special kick, use sparkling water.

apple cider vinegar

ACV Tea with Honey

This next drink is amazing for colds or simply to drink to wind down in the evening. Combine hot water, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of ACV, 1 tablespoon of raw organic honey and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Mix this well and enjoy.

Many studies have shown proof that there is something about ACV and its ability to help you lose belly fat. With this in mind along with the fact that it is great for your all-around health, trying this vinegar could help you reach your health goals. Be sure to keep it interesting by consuming it different ways.

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