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11 Signs Your Thyroid Is Causing Health Problems

If you’re not familiar with hypothyroidism, it is a medical condition whereby the thyroid gland loses its ability to produce the requisite amount of hormones that the body needs to properly function and, in some cases, produces far too much. Although men and women can both be diagnosed with the disease, older women, especially those over 65 are more likely to be diagnosed.

So what symptoms are indicative of hypothyroidism? Well, it’s important to note that during the early stages of the disease patients are often asymptomatic; it’s not until the disease has significantly progressed that patients begin to notice symptoms including

  • Joint pain
  • Weight gain
  • Heart disease
  • Infertility
  • Constipation
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Thinning hair

Obviously, this is not an all-encompassing enumeration of symptoms, but it is a list of some of the more common issues that those with hypothyroidism may face. In this article, we will detail the etiology of the disease, treatments that are available, and the importance of seeking prompt medical treatment.


Because hypothyroidism can mimic different health problems, you should consult with a physician if you are experiencing any of the previously mentioned symptoms. Your physician will likely perform a battery of test to rule out other diseases that may be contributing to your illness, before starting a treatment regimen.


Not surprisingly, there is a subset of society that has an aversion to doctors and hospitals, and as a result, they often forgo seeking much-needed medical attention. It’s important that you don’t let this fear keep you from getting the medical treatment you need for a problematic thyroid gland. The longer you go without being treated, the worse your symptoms will become, often manifesting into myxedema, an advanced stage of hypothyroidism. If the disease progresses to this point, you may develop an enlarged thyroid (also known as a goiter). Additionally, you may find that your cognitive abilities have been impacted, and you may develop low blood pressure. Myxedema can be life-threatening if you don’t seek medical care.


Having detailed the symptoms and health concerns that come with an underactive thyroid, let’s take a moment to examine what an overactive thyroid entails. Unlike an underactive thyroid that doesn’t produce enough of the body’s needed hormones, an overactive one produces too much. This form of hypothyroidism can contribute to a hypermetabolic state, causing extreme weight loss. Additionally, those who have been diagnosed may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Insomnia
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Heat sensitivity
  • Heart palpitations

Again, these symptoms are not listed in their entirety; however, they are some of the more common problems affecting those with hypothyroidism. It’s important that you seek medical treatment if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms as they may be indicative of hypothyroidism. This type of hypothyroidism it can be caused by a number of things, ranging from Graves’ disease to certain medications like amiodarone, for example. Therefore, it is critical to seek medical attention to identify the root cause of your illness.

The symptoms associated with overactive hypothyroidism is wide-ranging, but of the many effects that this condition can have on the body, impaired vision is easily one of the scariest. In fact, according to the National Health Service, one in every 20 to 30 cases involving overactive hypothyroidism has resulted in a patient’s vision loss. To that end, will detail a few of the eye problems that are, for a lack of a better term, part and parcel of overactive hypothyroidism including

  • Watering eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurred vision
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Bulging eyes
  • Swollen or pulled back eyelids


Once again, this is by no means a comprehensive list of things to look out for, but they are some of the primary eye problems that those with overactive hypothyroidism have experienced. Once a physician has confirmed that your eye problems are linked to hypothyroidism, you will then likely be referred to an ophthalmologist who will, in turn, prescribe prescription eye drops, steroid medications and, in extreme cases, recommend surgery as part of your thyroid treatment.

In summation, hypothyroidism is a condition that requires prompt medical attention in order to avoid a myriad of health problems. Obviously, we are not able to address every nuance of the disease in this article, and therefore, we encourage you to seek thyroid treatment if you experience any of the symptoms denoted throughout this article.

How to Use a Foam Roller to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Millions of Americans consider themselves healthy and active. They go on morning runs, lift weights, and make regular trips to the gym. Many of these Americans know what it takes to keep their bones and muscles as health as possible. They often have hydration, stretching, and cool down regimens to this effect. Pains and conditions that come up are treated with stretching and potentially medication. But not as many people think about the tissues that bind their muscles and bones together.

These tissues need to be treated carefully in the same way that individuals treat the other parts of their body when they are working out. Foam rollers are essential to help with this process. They can also help with lower back pain developed either during workouts or in the normal course of one’s day.

Purpose of a foam roller

The purpose of a foam roller is to release and relax the fascia throughout the body. Fascia is a term for the connective tissues and ligaments that help muscles function properly. These parts of the body can be just as important as muscles in some instances and can wear down like muscles do. The processes that wear down the body are particularly strong in the lower back area. Back muscles are some of the most sensitive in the body. They have to hold up the entire upper half of the body to a certain degree along with a number of organs.

As a result, the fascia in these areas is most susceptible to strain. Weakened or strained fascia can result in a considerable amount of lower back pain. Most common forms of working out and stretching only put stress on these parts of the body. Foam rollers are meant to help relieve tension held in these tissues and heal lower back pain. A foam roller is a stiff foam log that is often present at gyms or sold at sporting goods stores. The body rolling up against these foam logs helps to loosen the knots and taught sections of fascia throughout the targeted muscle groups. Long, lean stretches of these connective tissues in theory are healthier and have a reduced chance of leading to pain or sprains.

Best uses

The best use of a foam roller is as part of any stretching routine. Many individuals have a routine where they stretch numerous parts of their body both before and after working out. A foam roller can be used to stretch out numerous parts of the body that are used during the workout. An individual simply places pressure down and rolls their lower back against the roller while it is on the ground. Another common use is simply to heal lower back pain. Individuals roll at the area of their lower back pain on a regular basis and at the same time every day. They may then be more limber afterwards and have a more elastic lower back area. Even for individuals who are only using the foam roller for pain, stretching may be helpful in reducing overall lower back pain.

foam roller




There are few limitations to the usage of foam rollers. They can be used for several forms of stretching and at several points in a workout. These tools cannot be used for strength training or cardio workouts. They will not make an individual lift more weight by themselves and will not magically make their backs better for lifting. The foam roller is also not a substitute for other forms of stretching. Individuals should stretch their lower back muscles both before and after working out and should focus on all of the areas that may be injured at one point or another. Instead, foam rollers will help flexibility and endurance for the workouts that an individual will engage in.

lower back pain


Lower back pain is considered a part of life by many people. People may be energetic or sedentary and still have to suffer with this problem. However, a simple foam roller can at least help an individual manage his or her pain. Proper technique and regular use are essential to making sure the roller works. But with this combination, individuals can ensure that they will be as limber and pain-free as they can be through a form of exercise.

What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Love Life?

Are you and your objet du désir a match made in heaven or two comets with wildly eccentric orbits colliding in the night? When it comes to love, each zodiac sign has its own distinctive inclinations and motivations. When a new person enters your life, knowing your zodiac sign relationship proclivities can help figure out whether what you’re feeling is a transient crush or a love connection with long-term potential.

You and Your Sun Sign

Your astrological horoscope is a symbolic snapshot of the skies as they were at the precise moment you were born. Think of it as a highly personalized, one-of-a-kind mandala. Your zodiac sign, which is by far the most important of the multiple factors that make up your horoscope, is determined by the date on which you were born. When you’re learning about yourself and your relationships with others, your zodiac sign is the natural place to start. The romance profiles below give the approximate dates that determine your sun sign. Read on to get the lowdown on what your sun sign says about your romantic style and preferences.

Aries: March 19th to April 18th

Aries is a fire sign, so it’s not surprising that Aries brings a real spark to each zodiac sign relationship. Your intimacy tends to be hot and passionate but so, too, are your battles. You’re very independent, and you enjoy romantic flings. If someone is able to tame your innate Aries restlessness, though, you make a devoted partner.

Taurus: April 19th to May 19th

Taurus is a deeply sensual sign, so Taureans have very tactile relationships with their loved ones both in and out of the bedroom. Commitment is your forte, and your partner will never have to worry about cheating. On the flip side, you can be a wee bit clingy.

Gemini: May 20th to June 19th

Geminis are charismatic, so anyone they want to charm will probably fall for them sooner or later. As a Gemini, you’re a natural psychologist with acute intuitions about what makes people tick. You can be fickle because you’re a tad commitment-phobic. Once you lose your own fear of intimacy, though, you make an affectionate partner who’s never boring.

Cancer: June 20th to July 21st

Cancers are very caring individuals. Their problem can be that sometimes they care so much that their feelings get hurt. If you’re a Cancer, trust is an enormous issue for you, so it’s extremely important for you to vet the individuals in your life before you allow your emotions to run away from you.

Leo: July 22nd to August 21st

Leos are natural centers of attention. If you’re a Leo, you never lack the self-confidence to approach anyone you’re interested in. Creating lasting relationships can present a challenge, though, because you’re a trifle self-involved, so when tensions arise, you can be reluctant to consider your own responsibility for them.

Virgo: August 22nd to September 21st

Virgos can be shy, so not everyone in the room immediately recognizes what a great catch you can be. Your practical nature may get a little nervous around grand gestures. You believe in resolving romantic disputes in a way that lets everyone come out feeling like a winner.

Libra: September 22nd to October 21st

Libras like to fall in love, and they do so often. On the other hand, they know how to weigh advantages and disadvantages, so if they make an unwise love connection, they have the skills to back out gracefully. At any one time if you’re a Libra, you probably have any number of friendships simmering away with the potential to boil over into something more passionate.

Scorpio: October 22nd to November 20th

As a Scorpio, you’re somewhat cynical, and you’re talented at identifying and eliminating insincere suitors. You may have to learn to lighten up a little and to give others the benefit of the doubt. You crave intense emotional connections, so remember: Those connections have to start somewhere.

Sagittarius: November 21st to December 20th

Sagittarius likes to keep things mellow. If you’re a Sagittarius, and you’re in a relationship that’s not giving you what you want, chances are you’ll have no compunctions about calling it quits. Sagittarius tends to be the most physically active sun sign, so you’re looking for a mate who will be a great teammate.

Capricorn: December 21st to January 18th

Capricorns are serious people; “flashy” doesn’t impress them. You have identified what you need in a romantic relationship, and you’re looking for someone who can fulfill those needs. Once you’ve found Mr. Right or Ms. Right, you are a dedicated and supportive partner.

Aquarius: January 21st to February 18th

If you’re an Aquarius, you already know that experimentation is part of the love game. You don’t wear your emotions on your sleeve, so you may tend to come across as mysterious to potential partners. You’re a terrific problem solver, so when issues arise, you can generally work out a compromise that satisfies all parties.

zodiac sign

Pisces: February 18th to March 18th

Pisces are characterized by an ability to empathize that’s so strong that it can sometimes seem as though they’re blessed with the ability to read their partners’ minds. You’re quick to forgive, and some people may construe that as meaning you’re a bit of a pushover. Don’t let yourself be under-valued!

The Deeper Meaning of Astrology

Medieval astrology was based on the notion that the sun revolved around the earth. Of course, these days, we know that isn’t true. Nevertheless, astrology offers an ancient framework for understanding deeper truths about ourselves, and the insights offered by astrology are often astonishingly accurate.

Remember: Your sun sign is only one of the elements that go into determining a zodiac sign relationship. If you’re interested in delving deeper, many resources exist that will help you gain an even greater understanding of your zodiac sign.

11 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Everyone would like to find a way to lose weight without exercise. While exercise and changing your diet are the best ways to lose weight, it’s possible to drop pounds without making a special effort to change your lifestyle. Combining these easy changes to your eating habits will help you lose weight more efficiently. If you add exercise for weight loss, you’ll see even greater results.

Here are 11 concrete steps that you can take to change your relationship with food. Mental changes along with changes in eating habits will help you take a healthier path through life. All of these changes are simple and common-sense. You can adopt them easily, and all of them will help you reshape your diet so you will lose weight naturally.

11 Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercise

1. Change Your Meal Timing

When you’re trying to lose weight, it is a great idea to stop eating 3 hours before bedtime. For example, if you’re going to bed at 11:00, stop eating at 8:00. Your digestion will be more efficient, and you won’t have excess calories sitting in your stomach when you go to sleep.

2. Use Smaller Plates

Our portion sizes have skyrocketed as our plates have gotten larger. It’s wise to cut back on portion sizes. We eat with our eyes first. You will feel more satisfied with these smaller portions if you eat from a smaller plate.

3. Skip Fast Food and Takeout Entirely

Don’t eat anything from a fast food restaurant. This is one of the easiest changes to make to your lifestyle without having to do exercise for weight loss. Refined sugars, white bread, fatty meats, and unhealthy toppings will derail your diet.

4. Slow Down

When you’re eating, slow down and chew your food thoroughly. When people are fast eaters, it’s more likely that they will gain weight or become obese. When you eat too fast, your brain doesn’t have the time to send the signal that you are full.

5. Whole Grains and Fiber

Replace all of your refined white bread and pasta with whole grains. These foods are lower in glycemic index, meaning that they won’t raise your blood sugar as much as their refined cousins. They also contain added fiber that will make you feel full longer. aThis easy dietary change will help you lose weight without exercise.

6. Fill Up on Protein

According to a 2005 study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diets with 30% protein helped dieters drop 441 calories per day. Over 12 weeks, they saw an average 11-pound weight loss without exercise or food restrictions.

7. Hide Unhealthy Food

It’s best not to keep any unhealthy food in your house, but if you have some, keep it out of sight. If you don’t see it constantly when you’re in your kitchen, you’ll be far less likely to indulge. Keep healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables in plain sight.

8. Stay Well-Hydrated

A 2010 study in the journal Obesity found that drinking water before meals reduced the amount that people ate at each meal. Water helps your stomach feel full. It is worthwhile to stay hydrated for its own sake, but it’s especially helpful for losing weight.

9. Don’t Watch TV While You Eat

If you regularly have electronic devices like a TV or computer on while you eat, try turning them off. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013, people who are distracted by electronics eat 10% more than people who keep the devices turned off.


10. Cut All Drinks with Sugar

One of the easiest ways to drop pounds without exercise is to stop consuming drinks with sugar. Juice, sweetened beverages like coffee and tea, and sodas are all high-calorie culprits. Instead, reach for unsweetened beverages like green tea, coffee, and water.

11. Eat 4 Times a Day

Don’t restrict your calories so much that you have major feelings of hunger during the day. Eat healthy snacks between meals. Vegetables, whole grain crackers, and protein are all excellent choices. You should aim for eating 4 times a day.

Final Thoughts

It may seem daunting to try to drop pounds without exercise for weight loss, but you’ll find that dropping calories is much easier than you think. Simple changes to your eating plan and lifestyle will help you slim down. Use these healthy tips as a guide and you’ll see results fast.

This Massive Beach Cleanup Brought Turtles Back For First Time in 20 Years

If you look around you, you’ll quickly notice that we humans don’t take very good care of our environment. Instead of protecting and cleaning up our home, many people treat Earth like a giant trash can, polluting and destroying the nature that we have left. Many scientists have noted that a sixth “mass extinction” is already underway due to habitat destruction and climate change. But maybe we can turn things around for the better.

Maybe we can actually help endangered species thrive once again. If you’re skeptical, just look to the sea turtles for proof that it can happen.

The “Skinny” on Sea Turtles

Sea turtles have called the ocean home for about 100 million years. Since humans entered the picture, however, sea turtles have had a hard time surviving. Many of their nesting sites have been destroyed by development and pollution along beaches. The ones that manage to survive usually get caught and entangled in the nets and hooks that fisheries leave behind in the ocean.

However, a recent study of 299 nesting sites in locations worldwide indicated an increase in sea turtle nests, meaning that maybe this beautiful species can weather the threat of mass extinction. The research team concluded that conservation efforts have made a huge impact on the sea turtles’ comeback, which means that taking care of our environment should remain a top priority.

Governments realized in the 1970s that the sea turtle population was quickly declining, so laws were passed to protect them. Now, WWF has taken a stand by inventing circular fish hooks that turtles would have a harder time swallowing, plus specially designed shrimp nets that eliminate the problem of turtles getting entangled in them. These two methods alone have reduced accidental turtle deaths by 90%. Other conservation efforts have included mass beach cleanups, since a lot of trash washes up along them from the ocean.

This Massive Beach Cleanup Brought Turtles Back To An Indian Beach For First Time in 20 Years

Recently, the world’s largest beach cleanup took place at Versova beach in Mumbai, India. Before the cleanup, the beach resembled a giant landfill. Now, the beach has transformed into a beautiful sanctuary thanks to the many volunteers that came out to help. The massive beach cleanup was organized by lawyer and environmentalist Afroz Shah, who cleaned up a whopping five million kilograms of plastic in 85 weeks. He also personally escorted the first turtle hatchlings he’d seen in decades from the beach to the sea. This brought tears to his eyes, watching the turtles come back due to their cleanup efforts.

Before the beach cleanup

beach cleanup

Image credits: Erik Solheim

After cleaning up the beach

beach cleanup

Image credits: Afroz shah

Despite conservation efforts, sea turtles still remain endangered. Recently, 300 turtles were found dead off the coast of Mexico, probably due to fishing nets or hooks being left behind. Six of the seven species of sea turtle are classified as highly vulnerable. As such, while conservation efforts are underway around the world, we all need to do our part to ensure we have a clean planet for every creature!


Have you taken part in any conservation efforts? Let us know in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Elderly Couples Who Show Us What True Love Really Means

True love means a lot of things, namely, standing by your lover’s side through thick and thin and wanting to grow old with them by your side. If you’ve ever seen an old couple out at a restaurant or walking around a store together, you probably can’t contain your “aaawwwww” reaction due to the cuteness factor. I mean, come on, elderly couples just have a way of bringing a smile to your face even if you’ve been having the worst day ever.

Elderly couples have been able to withstand all of life’s trials and tribulations and have managed to deal with one another’s annoying habits for years. They may not always like each other, but they do love each other, which means putting up with the not-so-fun moments in life. Today, we want to bring you photos of adorable old couples who make us all green with envy.

These ten older duos prove that long-lasting love is really possible. Besides being so cute to look at, each of these images teaches us a life lesson about love.

1 – Elderly Couples Feed Each Others’ Souls

It’s no mistake that traditional wedding receptions feature a big moment when the couples cut and feed each other a bite of wedding cake. In fact, the act of sharing that wedding cake proves a commitment to nurturing someone and providing for them for life. So don’t stop feeding each other after you say I do.  Make it a sweet gesture to enjoy during intimate moments, as pictured here.

elderly couples

2 – Elderly Couples Know How to Make Life a Picnic, Even in Trying Days

Life is not always a picnic. Most couples face struggles and ups and downs. However, those most trying times are when you must take the most care to keep the romance alive. Of course, there is no better way to spend time together over a nice meal. If your challenges are financial in nature, a picnic is an affordable date–just head to your public park and enjoy the time together. Keep your positivity and work together to overcome those hurdles in your life.

elderly couples

3 – Elderly Couples Reveal: Life Is All About Achieving Balance

Albert Einstein once said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” As with so many of his theories, Einstein appears to be a hundred percent correct.

You must find a way to juggle work, family, raising children. It can be easy to forget to make time for your beloved. However, they must be part of that equation early in the relationship to lay the foundation for lifelong love. Prioritize your partner along with all your other life responsibilities.

elderly couples

4 – Older Adults Will Advise You to  Keep Your Body Strong for a More Enjoyable Life

It is relatively easy to slip into bad habits as we age, including forgetting to exercise regularly. But keeping your body as strong as possible will enable you to enjoy your golden years with your loved one. A strong body helps you enjoy leisure time activities after you retire. The irony here is that by the time most people can afford to retire, they deal with declining physical health. So start early to put off the impacts of an aging body so you can get out and enjoy!

elderly couples

5 – Older Couples Know That Holding Hands Never Gets Old

The simple act of holding hands is sweet and intimate. It reinforces your connection and provides a tangible, outward symbol of your ongoing love for one another. You are never too old to hold hands!

elderly couples

6 – You Don’t Always Have to Take Life Too Seriously, These Older Adults Show Us

Instead of considering life a hard road filled with peaks and valleys, consider it a roller coaster. Learn to embrace the climbs, twists, and turns. That doesn’t mean that you won’t feel that steep drop in the pit of your stomach when you plummet down the hills, but you will begin to realize that another thrill always comes to follow.

Don’t worry–you don’t need to ride an actual roller coaster. This couple shows us that it’s okay to goof off, have fun, and stop taking life so seriously. Take a positivity break and enjoy each other.

elderly couples

7 – Elderly Couples Know the Value of Sweet, Small Gifts and Kind Gestures

Giving your beloved a small gift now and again shows appreciation and kindness. Gifts don’t need to be expensive. This couple illustrates how a sweet surprise can be a freshly picked bouquet of posies from the garden. Regardless of the monetary value, your love will feel the power of your love.

elderly couples

8 – A Hug Wraps You in Warmth and Love

This couple shows us how you are never too old to enjoy a nice, long hug.  Hugging is an act that puts you in close physical contact, providing warmth and reassurance. This physical act can show love without saying any words. Hug your partner every day. You can comfort them after a bad day by wrapping them up in your embrace. But don’t wait for a bad day. Give them at least one hug every day.

elderly couples

9 – Elderly Couples Help Each Other With Everyday Tasks

Most days are not super exciting. We move through life in a series of daily routines, one day much like the next. However, that does not mean you must go through every step of these tasks alone. Invite your loved one to join you and work together as a team to get through all these small jobs. You will develop an appreciation for each other and all you do for one another.

elderly couples

10 – Dance Like Nobody Is Watching

Have you ever heard the advice, “Dance like nobody’s watching?” Elderly couples know that this is true! It matters not whether you can break out into the latest moves or have the perfect rhythm. What matters the most is that you abandon your inhibition and have more fun in life.

Casting aside those thoughts that hold you back can boost your self-confidence in yourself and make you happier–for yourself and as a couple. So go ahead and dance, sing in public, and wear that skimpy bathing suit to the beach. Who cares what anyone else thinks, as long as the two of you have fun together!
elderly couples

We hope you enjoyed the life lessons that these ten elderly couples have to teach us. Take their advice and set the foundation for a lifelong love affair with your significant other.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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