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20 Top Foods For Healing Your Body

When it comes to healing your body, you don’t need to look any further than your kitchen for remedies. Of course, you may have to make a trip to the grocery store to get a few things on this list, but the point is that you can heal your body naturally with food straight from the Earth. Some people even get rid of their medications by replacing them with better health through diet and exercise.

If you have been looking for ways to heal your body, make sure you have these food items on hand, because they will accelerate your healing journey and help you feel more positive.

Here are the top 20 foods for healing your body:

healthy foods

1. Aloe vera

While you can find aloe vera juices and other drinks now, there’s not enough research out there to determine the safety or benefits of consuming aloe directly. To be on the safe side, we will talk about how you can use the aloe vera plant to moisturize and protect your skin. Aloe has antiviral and antibacterial properties and is perfect to use as a skin cleaner. Simply dab a little aloe vera gel directly on your face and wash off after 10 minutes.

2. Baking soda

While the most popular use for baking soda is baking, you can use this common household product in other ways as well. For example, you can use it as an antacid, mouth wash, in toothpaste, shampoo, a body scrub, acne treatment, anti-itch cream, muscle pain relief, and more. If you will be consuming it orally, dilute a half-teaspoon in a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. For a mouthwash, you can put a little more baking soda in it since you won’t be swallowing it. For the other uses, simply make a paste with water and apply to the area you desire.

3. Turmeric

You have probably heard of turmeric for its amazing ability to heal the body. People have been using turmeric for thousands of years in a variety of ways, such as in foods, as a cold remedy, to heal wounds, and even to prevent acne. One study even found that curcumin, an active component in turmeric, can help treat a variety of cancers such as ovarian, breast, and lung cancer. Turmeric is a powerful spice and should be a part of your daily health regimen.

You can make “golden milk” before bed to help with a cough or cold and boost the immune system. To use on the skin, simply mix turmeric with water or milk and make a paste. Apply to the skin and rinse off after 20 minutes. For wounds, sprinkle pure turmeric powder on the affected area and apply a bandage.

4. Garlic

A list of foods for healing your body wouldn’t be complete without including garlic. Garlic provides antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and makes a great addition to many dishes. Most people use it in cooking, but you can also make a garlic tea by letting garlic simmer in water and then consuming it directly after cooking. Add honey for some sweetness.

5. Ginger

ginger tea

For healing your body, ginger definitely tops the list of foods you should be consuming. Ginger is most famously used to combat digestive issues and nausea, plus it can help boost the immune system and prevent colds. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory and contains some of the highest amounts of antioxidants on the planet. Use finely chopped garlic in food or tea to obtain the benefits of this powerful healing food.

6. Honey

Honey is antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial, meaning it can provide a slew of benefits for your body. It’s commonly used to treat colds and allergies, plus you can use it topically to heal wounds and burns. It can also help moisturize your skin and scalp. Drink it in tea or warm honey water, mix with a bit of water to use as a hair conditioner, or apply directly to the skin as a moisturizer.

7. Lemon

You’ve likely heard of the lemon water craze, which actually has science on its side. Lemon helps improve digestion and promote weight loss, which makes it wonderful to add it your water in the mornings. It also increases your energy, helps you maintain clear skin, and helps you detox your body, in general. Either add it to your water, make lemon tea, or mix with water and rub on your skin to improve skin health.

8. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an ingredient you should definitely have in your kitchen due to its wide variety of uses. You can use it in hair conditioner, face moisturizer, cooking, baking, shaving cream, deodorant, lotion, makeup remover, and the list goes on. It contains essential fatty acids that not only provide you with adequate nutrition but also help to moisturize your skin and hair.

9. Onion

Onion is another powerful anti-inflammatory that helps boost the immune system, heal a cough or cold, and detox the body. People have long used onion to flavor a variety of dishes, such as hamburgers, curries and steaks. To use, simply add to your favorite recipes or make onion tea for a cold or cough.

10. Tea

To get the most benefits, consume either black or green tea. Both of these teas contain powerful antioxidants; can improve heart health; reduce cholesterol; blood pressure and risk of stroke; lower blood sugar; improve gut health; increase concentration; reduce cancer risk; and ward off colds. When you choose a tea, make sure to choose a high-quality, organic variety, and stay away from teas with unwanted added ingredients like sugar or other preservatives.

11. Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help improve your metabolism, aid in weight loss, and improve the immune system. If you consume it orally, make sure you dilute it in water first since it’s very acidic. If you use on the skin, dilute it as well to avoid irritating the area. Many people use it as a hair conditioner as well by simply adding it to a bottle of water and rinsing their hair with it. It helps to keep hair soft, shiny, and healthy.

12. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt contains bacteria that will help to improve your gut health. A yogurt with no added sugars or preservatives is best to improve digestion and overall health. If you suffer from constipation or abdominal pain, a healthy dose of probiotics from yogurt will do just the trick. You can add yogurt to smoothies or granola for a tasty, healthy snack. Make sure to get plain Greek yogurt, as the flavored ones typically have large amounts of added sugars.

13. Mint

Mint offers a variety of benefits to the body, such as aiding congestion, reducing nausea, helping digestion, preventing acne, aiding in weight loss, alleviating depression, and boosting the immune system. It contains many antioxidants which will help improve your overall health. Either consume it orally by drinking tea, or apply a paste to the skin to prevent acne and other blemishes.

14. Fenugreek

If you’ve never heard of this herb, you should definitely add it to your list of essential grocery items the next time you go shopping. It is an anti-inflammatory, like most herbs, and can help lower blood sugar, improve digestion, reduce acne, and prevent hair loss. It is sold in a variety of forms such as powders, seeds, supplements, or as the whole herb. You can use in a recipe, sprinkle the powder on a salad, or make a paste if you’re using it as a face mask.

15. Cumin

Cumin is a popular spice in Indian foods and is known for aiding in digestion and weight loss. Since it also contains antioxidants, it can help boost the immune system and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Add the powder to your favorite recipe or consume a tea with cumin for the best benefits.

16. Cinnamon

Astoundingly, researchers found that out of 26 herbs and spices in the world, cinnamon had the highest antioxidant levels! Here’s what cinnamon can do for your body:

– great source of manganese and calcium
– great source of antioxidants
– contains anti-inflammatory properties
– improves heart health
– fights diabetes
– protects brain function
– lowers cancer risk
– can fight allergies
– is a natural anti-fungal and anti-microbial agent
– boosts immune system

To use, sprinkle organic ground cinnamon on your favorite foods or beverages, such as coffee or tea. It can help ward off colds and allergies, especially if you add it to a warm tea with honey.

17. Oatmeal

Oatmeal provides 13 grams of protein in one small half-cup serving, which will help keep you full. One quarter-cup serving of oatmeal yields almost your entire RDA of manganese. Oatmeal also has many antioxidants including vitamin E, tocotrieonols, selenium, phenolic acids, and phytic acid. Other nutrients in oatmeal include Vitamin B1, Biotin, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Copper and Magnesium, among many other phytonutrients. Have a serving for breakfast along with a couple servings of fruit for plenty of fiber, which will ward off hunger. Or, you can make a face mask with oatmeal to keep your skin smooth and healthy.

oatmeal health

18. Olive oil

In the Mediterranean, olive oil is an essential ingredient in many foods, providing important fatty acids and antioxidants for the body. People in the Mediterranean have some of the longest life spans in the world, and this might be partially due to their healthy diet. If you want to reap the benefits of this powerful oil, simply cook your meats or vegetables in olive oil, or pour a tablespoon or two on a salad for a healthy dressing. You can even use it as a face mask or hair moisturizer due to its hydrating properties.

19. Fennel

Fennel has been shown to help with menstrual cramps, bloating, digestive issues, and even mental disorders such as depression. Consume fennel tea or add ground fennel/fennel seeds to dishes such as salad, fish, or lean meats.

20. Buttermilk

Milk in general has been under a lot of fire recently, but unpasteurized, organic milk can provide the body with a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. Buttermilk is simply fermented milk made by adding lactic acid bacteria to regular milk. One cup of buttermilk has 284 milligrams of calcium, or 28 percent of the daily value; 218 milligrams of phosphorus and 0.4 milligram of riboflavin, or 22 percent of the DV for these nutrients; and 370 milligrams of potassium, or 11 percent of the DV. Since it contains live, active cultures, it’s also a powerful probiotic.

To consume, add to a healthy pancake recipe or drink after a meal to improve digestion.

Final thoughts on healing foods

This is not a comprehensive list of foods for healing the body by any means, but it can certainly help you kickstart your health journey,along with positive thinking. With all of these ingredients, make sure to look for the most unprocessed, organic version you can find, or simply shop at a farmer’s market for high quality products. Here’s to your health!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Let Go Of Negative Thoughts : The Secret Of Living A Happy Life

Almost 7 percent of American adults suffer from major depressive disorder, and many millions of others suffer from other similar mental health conditions that may or may not be diagnosed. The unfortunate reality is that life is tough at times, and hard knocks can bring almost anyone down. There may even be times where it seems like life continues to throw curveballs at you without stopping, and you may be struggling to simply stay above water.

Depression and anxiety can make it difficult to let go of negative thoughts. Even when tough times have passed, you may find that their effects linger. In some cases, physical results or financial ramifications may make it more challenging to let go of negative thoughts and move on with your life. In other cases, you may simply dwell on what has happened and may be overwhelmed by self-pity. These are unfortunately common situations, so rest assured that you are in good company. However, these negative thoughts and feelings are only perpetuating events that have happened. They leave you no room to find happiness going forward. And your life will become exciting once again.

Effective Ways to Let Go and Move On

When you are consumed by stressful, negative thoughts, you may find yourself dwelling on what has happened or the impact that previous events have had on your life. By focusing on negative thoughts, you allow them to continue to affect your life. As difficult as it may be to let go of negative thoughts, rest assured that you are in complete control over your thoughts and your future. These tips may help you to let go of the past and find happiness.

Learn How to Meditate

Meditation is essential for a peaceful life and a calm mind, but many people do not know how to meditate. Through meditation, you fully clear your mind of all thoughts, and this can be more challenging to do than you might think. Many people who are consumed by negative thoughts allow those thoughts to seep back into their mind uncontrollably. In a sense, the negativity controls you when this happens. When you meditate for the first several times, you may find that your thoughts continue to return very quickly, and you must consciously focus on clearing your mind. This is natural and to be expected. Through regular meditation, you will gain better control over thoughts. You may be more aware of when negativity enters your mind, and you may be better able to push those thoughts away.

Allow Things to Pass

If you have been dwelling on negative thoughts for many months or years, allowing things to pass may be a challenge. Many people allow thoughts to enter their mind, and they sit on these negative thoughts. Negativity stews and festers, and it becomes increasingly difficult to let go. Understand that you are only hurting yourself by holding onto negativity. It is natural to have negative thoughts, so do not be angry or ashamed about them. Instead, recognize your thoughts as being separate from you. Allow your thoughts to enter your head. Recognize that they are there, and let them pass by. It may be helpful to visualize those thoughts as being on a cloud that passes overhead or on a leaf that is floating down a river. They drift in, and they continue to travel until they are out of sight. As is the case with meditation, this takes practice.

Focus on Positive Aspects

There is more to being happy than simply letting go of negativity. You must replace those feelings with positivity. As you let go of negativity, spend time daily focusing on positive things in your life. You may be able to make a mental list, or it may be helpful to write those things down. This could be something as simple as being healthy or having good neighbors. You may only be able to select a few positive aspects of life at first, but you may discover that this list grows over time. You could also read a positive affirmations book, download a daily affirmations app or take other steps to infuse positivity in your life.

let go

Give Yourself Freely

Volunteering and giving yourself freely to help others in need is often beneficial for fostering positivity. One reason for this is because it refocuses your thoughts on other things besides your own problems. It can also be uplifting to know that you are helping others. Find a cause that you feel strongly about, and look for different ways to get involved.

As difficult as it may be to imagine yourself being happy, rest assured that you have the ability to let go and move on. You have control over your thoughts and feelings, but you must learn how to master them. Begin applying these tips to your life, and be patient as you practice them on a regular basis.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Times When Being Jealous Is A Good Thing In Your Relationship

Jealousy is an emotion that all of us can agree we have felt at some point in time. The feeling is not only found in relationships but also in other areas of life. Jealousy is, however, more powerful and prevalent in relationships. Whether it is your spouse, your family members, or close friends, it is bound to happen.
Being insecure is a double-edged feeling that can either make or break your relationship. Most times the emotion is toxic to individuals as it leads to breaking up in relationships. When you, however, look at the feeling positively, you can create lasting relationships. Becoming anxious is a universal human emotion; it only becomes bad when you react negatively to it.

What to know about jealousy

Dr. Robert L Leahy in the book “The Jealous Cure”, speaks about suspicion being all about you. It is usually more about our personalities than the actions of others. Some of the triggers of the emotion include insecurities that we may have due to our past. Jealousy comes most of the times when we feel threatened by a third party in relationships. The resentment in most relationships is usually either sexual or emotional closeness.

What are the Times that Being Jealous is a Good Thing in Your Relationship?

• When One Oversteps Relationship Boundaries

Every relationship has a set of boundaries governing the partners. Sometimes the limits are obvious, and sometimes you have to discuss them with each other. Adhering to boundaries in relationships is a sign of respect to your partner. It is healthy for you to become anxious when one violates the confines. Sometimes the boundaries may hurt you emotionally or physically or in other ways. When you feel resentful, it is a sign that someone else does not respect you enough.

• When Someone Becomes Flirty With Your Spouse

The behaviors take place mostly when you and your spouse go out on social occasions. You are likely to meet people who do not know you personally. There are usually many single people looking for potential spouses in parties. It is worse when you have a good-looking spouse. People may start acting in flirty and suggestive ways in their body language. It is okay for you to get jealous in such instances. Seeing other people admiring your partner is a potent trigger. It is good to acknowledge the feeling and let your spouse know about it.

• When Your Partners Attention Is More On Their Friends Rather Than On You

When a relationship is new, you and your partner give each other all the attention there is. However, as times moves, the concentration reduces. Most spouses may end up spending much of their time with friends. The situation is adverse where the two of you have different friends. Another trigger is when your spouse has many friends of the opposite sex. Being jealous is acceptable and understandable at that point.

• When priorities in the relationship change

Everyone wants to live in a relationship where you know you are the priority. Sometimes the people you connect with most and who understand you are those closest to you. With the busy world we are living in, it is so easy to get lost in the motion. When your partner gives more attention to careers, friends, and other people, it will automatically make you jealous.

• When You Feel Under-Appreciated

One of the most reoccurring issues that break up relationships is under-appreciation. Sometimes we get used to our partners doing good for us and forget to thank them. We assume that they know that we are grateful for what they do. Appreciating your partner with words out loud is an important practice to do. It will make you jealous when you see them acknowledging other people for the little they do. Forgetting that you do so much than what others do.


• When Your Partner Does Value Your Time Together

How would you feel when you go out on a date with your spouse, and they are not emotionally there? Automatically you will feel suspicious. It is very disappointing when your spouse is busy on the phone with a workmate or a friend. Sometimes your spouse may start behaving weird like engaging the restaurant attendant of the opposite sex. The behavior may force you to become envious.

• When They Disclose Their Problems To The Friends Rather Than Confiding In You

It is saddening when your partner does not communicate to you what they are going through in life. Instead, they confide in their friends to find solutions. The behavior can make you feel like an outsider. It is healthy for you to feel that way.

The good news is that being jealous is not unhealthy at all. What you need to do is to understand why you are getting jealous, when, and how the feeling arises. The information helps you to channel the emotion positively.

Ever Feel Jealous Of Other Women? Here’s How To Deal With Yourself

Jealousy may be common, but it’s better to try to look at things from a different perspective because jealousy can rob so much from your life. The sad reality is that friends, coworkers, a partner and many others can be jealous of you. Worse than that, you may struggle with jealousy. Being jealous isn’t a healthy way to live, and it steals your life from you.

Jealousy robs you from living a triumphant life. Being jealous monopolizes all your time, focus and energy that you could use to cultivate a life you’ve always wanted, because jealousy causes you to get in a vicious cycle. You’re consumed with jealous thoughts that you kick over and over in your brain. The only way to get away from feeling this way is to change your thoughts and understand the truth about who you are and the world we live in.

Here’s how to stop feeling jealous:

Understand Who You Are

Most people who are jealous of other women don’t understand who they are. They tend to be insecure. They think that other women are better than they are, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Every day, wake up telling yourself how amazing you are. This isn’t about saying you’re better than anyone. You’re not better than anyone, but you’re not less than anyone either. You’re just different, and that’s not a bad thing. Creating affirmations about yourself is about realizing the truth that you are amazing. There is only one of you in the entire world, out of everyone ever born. You fill a role in the world that no one else can in your own special way. Stop believing you are inferior. Unhealthy people will have you believe that, but it’s time to shine for everything you are.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Everyone on this planet is beautiful, but some people are too unhealthy to see that. Many women have bought into society’s warped idea of what is and isn’t beautiful. This leaves women with the message that they’re not “enough,” which causes women to think they have less value. To clear things up, you have value for simply existing.

You need to recognize your own beauty, and be happy for it. Celebrate what’s unique about you. Dress in the way you love to dress. Do your hair the exact way you want to, even if that means others think it’s “weird.” Don’t be a copy of anyone, and let go of measuring up. Don’t hang around people or keep a partner that repeatedly reminds you that you don’t measure up. There is a difference in being jealous and feeling insecure about a relationship with someone who would purposely try to make you jealous.

Build Yourself Up

It’s good to know who you are, but you also need to cultivate a life you truly love. It all starts when you wake up in the morning. Your morning should start with happiness. Wake up to each beautiful day with hope, love and motivation. You have the ability to live each day exactly as you wish. Certain things will pop up, but you can always choose how you’re going to respond. Respond with gratitude for the things going right for you. Even be grateful for the “bad” because it’s teaching you something. If you’re busy living the life you truly love, you’re not going to think about someone else’s life.


Be Happy for Other People

People will say it’s normal to be jealous, but a lot of people tend to confuse “normal” for “common.” Yes, it’s common to be jealous of others, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When people are healthy, they aren’t concerned about how they compare to others. They’re happy for others’ success, and they are happy for their own. You can see another woman’s beauty and be happy for her. Don’t be happy that her beauty will get her something, but think to yourself, “Wow, that’s an awesome smile” or “I really like her hair.” Admiring another woman’s beauty doesn’t have anything to do with your own, so don’t make it about someone being “better” than you. Others are different and not better.

Life is wonderful. When you’re able to see that and appreciate that, you will live a much happier life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Amazing Vitamin D Benefits You Should Know

Vitamin D is a unique nutrient produced in the skin as a response to direct sunlight. Anytime the sunlight hits your skin, it starts a series of health benefits within your body. Sunlight isn’t the only way you can experience Vitamin D benefits, as you can also get it through foods and supplements.

Vitamin D benefits are long-lasting and often life-saving, so ensuring you get enough is essential. This vitamin is necessary for keeping your body healthy, as it is responsible for promoting calcium absorption. Not only that, but Vitamin D offers other physical and mental health benefits, as well.

Research indicates that children and adults up to 70 should take in 600 IUs of Vitamin D each day. This research from the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences explains that after the age of 70, it should increase to 800 IUs. Normal levels range anywhere from 50 to 100 micrograms per deciliter.

If you don’t get enough vitamin D, you are at risk of developing serious health conditions. Sunlight isn’t always enough, so eating a vitamin-rich diet is essential. Knowing the Vitamin D benefits will help you find the motivation to increase the amount you take in each day.

Factors That Affect Vitamin D Absorption from the Sun

If you’re wondering why you can’t get enough Vitamin D, the sun vitamin, there are a few factors at play. Living in an area with high pollution levels dissipate the direct sunlight, limiting the amount that hits your skin. Plus, you’re likely not getting enough exposure if you live in a city where tall buildings block the sunlight.

Using sunscreen and spending too much time inside also affect your ability to get this vitamin from the sun. Additionally, people with darker skin may have trouble absorbing Vitamin D from the sun because they have higher melanin levels.

vitamin d benefitsSigns of Vitamin D Deficiency

Since it isn’t easy to get enough vitamin D from the sun, many people experience a deficiency. Symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency include the following:

  • tiredness or fatigue
  • aches and pains
  • not feeling well overall
  • bone or muscle pain or weakness
  • waddling gait
  • stress fractures
  • susceptibility to diseases and illness
  • high blood pressure
  • depression
  • insomnia
  • asthma

Food Sources of vitamin D

If you aren’t getting enough vitamin D from direct sunlight, you must find it in other sources. There aren’t many foods that naturally contain vitamin D, but some foods are fortified, which adds vitamin D. Some of the foods that contain vitamin D include:

  • shrimp
  • salmon
  • tuna
  • mackerel
  • sardines
  • mushrooms
  • egg yolk
  • yogurt (fortified)
  • cereal (fortified)
  • orange juice (fortified)
  • milk (fortified)

If you consume these foods and still need more vitamin D, consider a supplement. Vitamin D supplements can make up for what you aren’t getting from the sun and foods.

Eight Incredible Benefits of Taking Vitamin D

What does Vitamin D do for your body? We will look at the primary benefits of Vitamin D.

1. Vitamin D Helps Fight Diseases

One of the benefits of taking vitamin D is that it improves the circulatory system and decreases stress on the heart. Research shows that Vitamin D reduces your risk of multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and many other diseases.

Vitamin D can help control blood pressure, making it a beneficial way to fight cardiovascular disease. It can also help regulate cholesterol levels and inflammation. Additionally, vitamin D can help prevent hypertension, atherosclerosis, and cardiac hypertrophy.

According to the National Cancer Institute, vitamin D can reduce your cancer risk and help fight it. The information specifically linked this vitamin to fighting colorectal, breast, prostate, and pancreatic cancer. It promotes cellular differentiation, decreases cancer cell growth, reduces the formation of tumor blood vessels, and stimulates cell death.

2. Vitamin D Reduces Depression

Getting plenty of vitamin D helps with regulating your mood and eases the effects of depression. Studies show that when people with depression took vitamin D supplements, they noticed an improvement in their symptoms. While researchers are still delving into the relationship between vitamin D for anxiety and depression, there is a clear link.

Vitamin D acts as a hormone in your body, making it directly affect brain function. Spending more time in the sun, eating foods rich in vitamin D, and taking supplements can all make a positive difference. It also boosts your insulin sensitivity and energy levels, further improving your mood.

3. Vitamin D Enhances Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, taking more vitamin D can help. Studies show that those taking a vitamin D supplement lost more weight than those taking a placebo.

Other research shows that having more vitamin D in your blood at the start of a low-calorie diet improved weight loss efforts. The researchers explain that vitamin D helping with weight loss has to do with an appetite-suppressing effect.

Vitamin D also activates the production of leptin, which signals your brain and stomach to stop eating. Further studies show that those with low amounts of vitamin D in their blood also had higher BMIs.

sun vitamin4. Vitamin D Strengthens Your Bones

Vitamin D helps regulate calcium levels because it allows your intestines to absorb the calcium. If your body can adequately absorb calcium, you can maintain strong bones and youthful vigor. Any calcium you take in would be worthless without vitamin D because your body wouldn’t absorb it.

This vitamin also affects other important vitamins and nutrients that contribute to bone health, including magnesium, vitamin K, and phosphorus. Vitamin D helps with maintaining phosphorus levels, and it’s linked to vitamin K, as well.

Vitamin D promotes healthy bone growth and prevents bones from becoming brittle. Because of this, it can help prevent osteoporosis. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to bone softening called osteomalacia or a bone abnormality called rickets.

5. Vitamin D Strengthens Your Muscles

Having enough vitamin D in your body can strengthen your muscles and increase your physical stability. In older adults, weak muscles can cause falls, leading to disability or death. Young people have to consider the muscle strengthening vitamin D benefits, too, though.

Weak muscles can cause chronic pain, decreased muscle function, physical fatigue, and longer recovery from exercise and daily activities. Increasing the amount of vitamin D you take prevents and relieves all of those issues.

Keeping your muscles healthy is essential even if you aren’t concerned with muscle mass or weight training. With muscle health, you can live a better life and participate in fun events and activities.

6. Vitamin D Supports Your Immune System

Studies show that Vitamin D boosts your immune system and prevents illness, including the common flu. It can fight against autoimmune conditions, infections, and viruses, as it increases your body’s natural immunity.

Immune cells contain vitamin D receptors, allowing the vitamin to benefit your overall immune function. When the receptors identify vitamin D, it stimulates the immune system. It also prevents inflammatory responses and boosts healthy cell replication, further aiding in immunity.

Your body requires vitamin D for the proper functioning of macrophages, which are white blood cells that attack pathogens. This function stunts the growth and replication of some viruses. It also enhances an enzyme that protects against acute lung injury.

7. Vitamin D Helps Prevent Diabetes

Studies show that Vitamin D can be effective for preventing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D doesn’t lower the risk alone, but when it is combined with calcium, it helps regulate blood sugar levels. Calcium is necessary for insulin secretion, and since Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption, it also plays a role in regulating insulin secretion.

In addition to preventing diabetes, Vitamin D can also help control the complications of the disease. Since this vitamin works as a hormone, it’s important to note that hormones can affect how your body utilizes sugar. Vitamin D can help maintain healthy hormone balances, benefitting those that have diabetes.

8. Vitamin D Helps Fight Inflammation

Vitamin D fights inflammation by supporting the immune system in fighting off viruses and harmful bacteria. The longer inflammation occurs in your body, the more damage it does to your tissues and organs. Chronic inflammation can lead to many diseases, including:

  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • cancer
  • Alzheimer’s

Studies show that those with low vitamin D are at a higher risk of developing inflammatory diseases. When inflammatory diseases occur, your immune system malfunctions and attack your healthy tissue. The good news, though, is that since it reduces inflammation, it can benefit those that suffer from:

  • multiple sclerosis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • high blood pressure

vitamin d benefitsFinal Thoughts on Amazing Vitamin D Benefits You Should Know

With all of the vitamin D benefits, you can see why it is such an essential nutrient. Live your best life by being healthy and taking in enough vitamins that keep your body functioning.

The importance of vitamin D is undeniable, so find more ways to take in vitamin D each day. Start taking more in by spending more time outside in the sun, eating foods rich in vitamins, and taking supplements if necessary.

10 Health Issues You can Remedy with Essential Oils

Loaded with volatile oils and other organic compounds, essential oils not only produce a divine scent, but also help heal the body. Essential oils have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Aromatherapy can help with everything from insomnia to memory loss and more.

10 Health Issues that Can Be Treated with Essential Oils

essential oils

1. Athlete’s Foot

Who knew that annoying itch between your toes could be treated with something as simple as tea tree oil? Tea tree oil, with its pungent and refreshing scent, is produced from the leaves of the tea tree in Australia and has antimicrobial properties.

2. Psoriasis

If you’ve ever dealt with psoriasis, you know that the itchy, red plaques caused by this condition are both painful and embarrassing. Recent research shows that essential oils can manage psoriasis, giving patients a safe and natural way to control this life-long condition.

3. Dry Skin

If you suffer from dry skin all year round or just during the winter, consider using essential oils for skin care. Many oils, including myrrh, rose and lavender, can help soothe and refresh dry skin.

4. Dull Skin

A dull complexion looks good on no one! Brighten up your skin with oils like geranium, frankincense and patchouli. These fragrant oils have been used for centuries as ingredients in cosmetics around the globe. The Egyptians were perhaps the first to use essential oils for skin care and more.

5. Acne

Acne is another frustrating condition that often results in both physical and emotional pain, acne affects approximately 40 million Americans annually. Essences and oils can have a place in your skin care regimen.

6. Nausea

These wonderful oils are not just for the skin. Some can also be a natural and effective treatment for nausea. Ginger, in particular, is a powerful anti-emetic.

7. Joint Pain

Stiff and sore joints can be relaxed with a gentle combination of both cooling and heating oils such as peppermint and cinnamon. Try making your own liniment and let your pain melt away with nature’s help.

8. PMS

Essential oils have been traditionally used as a remedy for PMS and other women’s reproductive health complaints for hundreds of years. Essences of chamomile, rose and ylang ylang are particularly helpful for women, working to ease menstrual cramping and elevate mood.

9. Insect Bites

Assuming you’re not sensitive to any oils, you can use them to soothe and heal bug bites and stings. Tea tree, chamomile, eucalyptus and calendula are some of the best remedies for an insect bite.

10. Memory Loss

Scientific research has given some merit to the ancient art of aromatherapy. Recent research confirms that rosemary improves concentration and memory.

essential oils

A Word of Caution

It is important to remember that while these oils are natural, they are also very potent medicines. As with all other medicines, these special oils can be potentially harmful if used improperly. With this in mind, resolve to first do no harm as Hippocrates once said in The Epidemics. Here are some tips to help you use these beautiful oils safely and effectively.

Educate Yourself

The best thing you can do to use essential oils properly is to educate yourself. Do as much research as possible about the oils you are considering using. Arming yourself with knowledge will help you get the most out of your oils and prevent mishaps. You should also know if combining two or more oils is safe before you create any blends.

Always Dilute

Once you have acquainted yourself with the oils you will be using, prepare a 2% dilution with a suitable carrier oil before you decide to use them. Carrier oils are neutral vegetable oils that serve as a base for your oil blend. Common carrier oils include coconut, olive, and sweet almond.

Do a Patch Test

If you’ll be applying the oils topically, a patch test is an easy and necessary way to determine whether or not your skin will react to the oil. To do this, combine one drop of the oil you will be testing—only one oil—and one teaspoon of carrier oil. Apply this mixture to a place on your body, such as behind your ears, the backs of your knees, or inside your wrists or elbows. Wait 24 hours, unless the chosen areas become itchy, painful or start to burn. In this case, clean the area with soap and water. If no irritation occurs after 24 hours, you can safely use the oil!

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