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How to Use Essential Oils for Headaches

Headaches are a very common health problem people face. Some suffer more than others by having headaches on a daily basis. People have so many stress factors in their daily lives that range from work to home. This definitely contributes to headaches. Another factor that contributes to headaches is the abundance of pollutants in our environments. We breathe these in. We eat them in our food and drink them in our water. It is no wonder why headaches are common.

There are many over the counter medications you can take that treat a headache. Some side effects of these medications can result in serious problems such as rapid heartbeat or liver failure. Some side effects can be fatal. There are special oils that can help any ailment someone may have, particularly headaches. These oils should be used in certain ways to be more effective. Continue reading to learn how best to use essential oils for headaches.

The Best Essential Oils for Headaches


  • Rosemary oil has been shown by research to help reduce the discomfort from headaches. Rosemary oil helps improve circulation and is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. This is most likely the reason this essential oil helps cure headaches.
  • Eucalyptus oil is another suggested natural remedy for headaches. People who suffer from headaches due to sinus issues may benefit from eucalyptus oil. It is an anti-inflammatory agent and has been reported to help lower blood pressure.
  • Peppermint oil is a very popular essential oil. This oil consists of menthol which is known for its contributions to health and well-being. Peppermint oil is recommended for normal headaches and migraines.
  • Lavender is something most associated with its relaxing or calming influence. Lavender oil is used for stress relief and relaxation. Being calm and relaxed can help a headache disappear. In addition, this oil is one of the best essential oils for skin care.
  • Chamomille oil is another fabulous oil that helps to relax and soothe your muscles and body. This can greatly help in reducing the pain from a tension headache. It is warned, though, that pregnant women stay away from this particular essential oil as it could cause a miscarriage.
  • Sweet Basil oil works wonders for individuals that suffer from headaches due to hormonal imbalances. This essential oil also works wonders for many other health issues such as muscle cramps, the common cold or even the flu.

essential oils

The Best Ways to Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are nature’s gift to us. However, sometimes it is not wise to apply them directly to your skin. There are better options for transmitting the healing effects from these oils to our bodies. The following list contains preferred methods of using these beneficial oils.

  • One of the most popular ways to reap the benefits of therapeutic oils is by inhaling them. Yet, you can not simply snort oils into your nose. The more suggested way of taking a deep breath and taking in these oils is to add them to a diffuser or mister which will disperse the oils into the air. A more simple way to breathe them in is by dotting a few drops on a tissue or soft towel and inhaling.
  • If you are a fan of soaking in a hot bath, try adding some essential oils to your bath water. Lavender oil would be amazing added to a bath. It would help reduce stress levels. It is also one of the best essential oils for skin. It is wonderful if you have skin irritations such as a rash or bug bites.
  • A fantastic way to handle a headache would be to create a compress to apply to your forehead or neck. To do this, you need to take a towel or cloth and soak it in cold water. The cold water by itself, when applied to your head or neck, should help reduce headache discomfort. To improve the effects of this, try adding a couple drops of your favorite oil such as sweet basil.
  • By combining natural therapeutic oils with a carrier oil, like coconut or avocado oil, you can create a concoction that will help relieve the worst of headaches. Massage the oil mixture into your temples and across your forehead and watch your headache disappear.

This guide can help you find natural solutions for your head discomfort instead of turning to potentially dangerous or fatal headache medication. Healing methods using natural oils are simple. These oils are also widely available in your local health food stores or online. Following the basic guidelines listed above will aid you on your journey to a more healthy life.

13 Habits That Make People Age Faster

Aging gracefully is virtually everyone’s goal. Very few people would ever want their skin and body to show signs of premature aging. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to prevent this from happening. Here are some habits that make people age faster, so you can better avoid them!

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” – George Burns

Here Are 13 Habits That Make People Age Faster

  1. Neglecting your eyes

The skin that surrounds the eyes is essentially the thinnest skin on all of the body. Additionally, there aren’t too many oil glands on it, meaning it is going to be the first to be affected by aging. Basically, if your skin is aging badly, your eyes will show it first. Use a form of eye cream that can help prevent the development of fine lines and boost the production of collagen. Some will even help bring down puffiness, dark circles, and wrinkles.

  1. Alcohol

Alcohol acts as a diuretic. Essentially, the more of it you consume, the more dehydrated your body will get. This means alcohol basically sucks up all the moisture on your skin that keeps it healthy and flowing. Alcohol can also be the cause of rosacea outbreaks, and it is also known for making marks on the skin – such as wrinkles, lines, and acne – more obvious and severe. As with everything, consume alcohol in moderation!

  1. Neglecting sun protection

Going sunbathing or even for a tan is actually horrible for your skin and can age you very, very quickly. Not only does this increase your risk of contracting cancer, but exposure to those UV rays leads to weakened blood vessels and skin cells. This causes wrinkles and leathery skin. If you are going to be spending time in the sun, use proper sunscreen!

  1. Drinking with a straw

When you use a straw to sip on a beverage that is dark in color, you might think you’re doing your teeth a lot of favors, as this can prevent stains. But regularly using a straw causes wrinkles to slowly start to form around your lips because of the way you purse your lips to use them.

  1. Bad posture

Whether you sit in a hunch or walk bent over, maintaining poor posture can lead to a lot of bodily damage due to the additional wear and tear on the muscles and joints. This, in turn, will cause the body to age faster, so work on keeping a healthy and natural posture!

  1. Being dehydrated

We always hear that we need to drink enough water, and this is more important than you might think. Chronic dehydration can decrease the skin’s natural elasticity, which will, therefore, cause further aging. And because of all the other reasons water is important: drink it!

  1. Smoking

what smoking does to your lungs

Not only is smoking bad for overall health – specifically the health of your lungs, kidney, and heart – but it also causes premature aging. This is because the act of smoking results in the activation of certain enzymes that cause skin elasticity to break down, damaging collagen that gives your skin its strength. Eventually, this leads to wrinkles and a pale pallor.

  1. A bad diet

If you eat processed foods, lots of oils or red meats, and other similar junk foods, you’re building up inflammation within the body that can lead to the formation of wrinkles. So, what should you eat? Omega-3 fatty acids, fruits and vegetables, vitamin C, and protein all have positive effects on the body.

  1. Using too much heat

During the colder months, you might feel tempted to turn the thermostat up or stroke a fire in the hearth. Unfortunately, doing this can lead to moisture being sapped away from the air, eventually causing your skin to become more inflamed and drier, aging it. Can’t give up your heat? Invest in a humidifier to use with the warmth.

  1. Going out fad or crash diets

As tempting as it can be to starve yourself for a quick fix just before an event or vacation, this is a proven unhealthy habit and will bring your energy levels crashing. It also poses the potential threat of causing your skin to age, wrinkle, and sag as it struggles to keep up with the sudden loss of weight.

  1. Sleeping too much or too little

Getting less than five hours of sleep per night can give you more than just dark circles. It actually cuts your lifespan short and makes you gain weight, lose energy, and experience mental fog. Meanwhile, sleeping too much on a particular side of your face can cause sleep lines and wrinkles. The optimal amount of time to spend asleep is between seven and nine hours each night.

  1. Popping pimples

As satisfying as popping away acne can be, if you’re doing this too often, you’re moving the dirt and bad bacteria from your fingers into your face and possibly through the open wound. Not only is that gross, but popping pimples will also cause scarring that causes an aged skin texture.

  1. Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks may lead to the development of metabolic disease. This is because it causes the aging of the cells, and therefore ages your entire body before its time.

20 Parent Hacks Every Mom and Dad Needs To Know

Parenting involves a lot of patience and learning as you go, but many moms and dads say having a child totally changed their lives. Watching a child grow and getting to shape them along their journey is such a rewarding, joyful experience; however, parenting comes with a lot of challenges. These parent hacks we’ve listed below can make raising children just a little bit easier on all the moms and dads out there.

Here are 20 parent hacks every mom and dad needs to know:

1. This creative parent hack will help your kids stay on track!

2. Need help putting your baby to sleep? Try these 5 steps…

3. If you need extra hands while traveling, try the Mountain Buggy! A true miracle in the world of parent hacks…

4. This parent hack will keep your kids fueled up on road trips and keep the crumbs off the floor.

5. Some dad hacks are actually genius!

A post shared by The Daily Dad (@thedailydad) on

6. This parent hack might just save you thousands of dollars…

A post shared by CafeMom (@cafemomofficial) on

7. Don’t have a white noise machine? Well, this parent hack might come in handy…

A post shared by Real mom (@therealmommydiaries) on

things that make kids happy

8. Adding baking soda to your child’s bath can do wonders for them.

A post shared by Regalo Baby (@regalobaby) on

9. These cool gadgets will make your life easier as a parent (and may just save your child’s life).

10. If the dryer always eats your kids’ socks, this gadget is for you.

11. Another great dad hack! You can still have a BBQ AND keep the kids safe!

A post shared by LadBaby (@ladbabyofficial) on

12. If your kids have been getting into your candy stash, use this parent hack to hide it in a clever way.

13. Lost your sunglasses? Send your kid on a scavenger hunt to find all your missing stuff!

A post shared by Ruby Johnson (@ruby1508) on

14. Is your kid sick and doesn’t want to take his/her medicine? Just dip a lollipop in it!

15. Need to keep your toddler entertained? Use this fun parent hack!

A post shared by Parent Hacks ™? (@parenthacks) on

16. Need something to hold your messy breakfast in the car? Try a diaper, courtesy of this dad hack.

A post shared by Fatherly (@fatherlyhq) on

17. Want to keep your little one safe while also soothing them to sleep? Try this!

18. Hands on magnets can help keep your kid safe around cars.

19. These bouncy seats are baby-powered! No need for batteries. (one of the best parent hacks EVER)

A post shared by INSIDER PICKS (@insiderpicks) on

20. If you ever need to get snow off your driveway, simply attach a snow plough to your kid’s toy car. Problem solved.

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Which of these parent hacks is your favorite? Share with us in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Signs You Have The Best Partner Ever

So many people look for signs that they have a good partner. However, if you truly feel happy in a relationship, then being happy and enjoying your partner will come quite naturally. A relationship should add value to your life and allow you to become the truest version of yourself. If you have the best partner ever, he or she should make you feel special, wanted, and safe. Your partner should bring you a sense of peace and fulfillment, and help you feel more positive about life.

In case you have forgotten how awesome your partner is, here are a few signs you have the best partner ever.

10 Signs You Have The Best Partner Ever

1. You become the best version of yourself around them.

Your partner seems to bring out the best in you; you don’t have to pretend to be someone else around them, because your true essence seems to flow naturally. You don’t have to think so much about what to say or how to act; it just feels like second nature. If you have the best partner ever, he or she will perfectly complement you, which will allow that natural chemistry to flow effortlessly. Your partner will take you to places within yourself that you never thought were possible before.

You may have struggled with positive thinking before, for instance, but with your partner it seems to come easily.

2. You truly enjoy their company.

This one should be a given, but if you have the best partner ever, you will be itching at the next chance to hang out with them. While they’re at work or school, you just can’t wait until they walk through the door to shower them with kisses and cuddle with them after a long day. You could just be lying down in bed talking for hours and that would be enough. It doesn’t matter what you do together. You always enjoy their company.

3. You feel listened to and understood.

In life, we all want to feel like we belong somewhere and that someone understands the thoughts that occupy our minds. With your partner, this all happens naturally. When you talk, he or she drops everything to listen to you, because what you say matters to them. They don’t just listen to reply; they listen to understand you. Because they truly care about what you have to say, you feel safe being vulnerable with them.

You don’t have to hold back or think too hard about what you have to say around them, because they have your full attention and make you feel comfortable to speak your mind.

4. Your partner makes you want to improve.

While your partner doesn’t want to change anything about you, he or she constantly helps you improve to become the best version of yourself. They want that for you because they truly care about your well-being and happiness; they want to see you soar above all the obstacles that have held you back. For instance, if you want to run a marathon, they will help you reach your goal by encouraging you and making sure you get in all the training sessions you need. Your partner is truly your number one fan.

5. They love to make you smile.

If you have the best partner ever, he or she will go out of the way to put a smile on your face. They want to make you happy because they love you, so they will pull out all the stops, including corny jokes, flowers, taking you out to dinner, etc.

6. Your partner notices when you’re upset.

Because you two are so connected, your partner will easily notice when something’s on your mind. They will not hesitate to ask you what’s wrong, and will be your shoulder to cry on if you need it. They notice the little things, which is why they’re the best partner ever.

7. You laugh together often.

In a truly happy relationship, you and your partner will share jokes and laugh until your stomach hurts. You don’t take life too seriously with them, which adds to your list of what makes them the best partner ever.

8. He or she helps you around the house and doesn’t complain about it.

The best partner ever will consider you their equal, so housework and chores are not above them. They will happily share in the tasks because they don’t want to see you overworked or stressed out. Also, they feel obligated to help because they know that’s what a partnership requires.

9. Communication comes easily for you two.

Active listening is paramount to a healthy relationship. If you have the best partner ever, they will truly care about what you have to say. Also, you will give the same respect to them, because you love them to their core and connect with them on such an intimate level. With you two, communication feels easy as a Sunday morning because of your powerful connection.
relationship quote

10. They don’t sweat the small stuff.

The best partner ever won’t care if you leave your dirty clothes on the floor for a couple extra days or leave dirty dishes in the sink after a meal. They know that you’ll clean it up eventually, and don’t want to start an argument about something so insignificant.

Of course, they will mention it if you continue leaving your laundry on the floor for a week or two, but overall, your partner lets things be and doesn’t worry about the small stuff in life.

5 Habits That Prevent Dehydration

You’d think that living in a first world country would mean easy access to healthy living for the citizens. Yet people you know might be living in a chronic state of dehydration and not even realize it. They may live in a well-hydrated environment (East Coast, anyone?) and yet they fail to recognize the actual sensations of thirst and lack of hydration. They work, play, exercise, and afterward feel odd little symptoms that they ignore. If they live in a dry area, they can still get into the habit of not listening to what their bodies are trying to tell them. This can be a mistake that can affect them for years to come.

The habits that keep you hydrated throughout the day are not hard to do. The main trick, if it can be called that, is establishing the habit of hydration. Using a memory device to help you remember to stay hydrated is one way. For instance: “Don’t go dry, rely(on water)”. Another way is to make hydrating a standard part of your routine every day so that you don’t forget. Once the habit is established, you’ll recognize your personal dehydration symptoms that you were missing before.

Ask Yourself These Questions:


  • Have you ever felt unfocused or sleepy at odd times?
  • Does your skin pass the pinch test? This is when you pinch your skin and it quickly falls back into place. If it doesn’t fall back, then you’re dehydrated.
  • Do you experience U.T.I.s or other chronic bladder infections?
  • Have you felt dry and overheated, maybe even dizzy, during or after exertion?

The solution is easy and takes little effort or time out of your day. In fact, listening to your body and taking good care of yourself can bring immediate relief and help you avoid long-term problems.

The 5 Daily Habits Of Staying Hydrated:


  • Drink 2 glasses of water as soon as you rise in the morning. This rehydrates you after a long night’s dry spell and helps you look and feel fresh and awake.
  • Drink fluids, particularly water, before, during, and after exercise. Using sports drinks with electrolytes at this time can make a difference as well.
  • Rely on juicier fruits and vegetables for liquid your body can use. Make grapes, watermelon, or oranges a regular snack.
  • Some people will drink water after every visit to the bathroom. This way they know they are maintaining a healthy level of hydration.
  • Avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks that may actually have a diuretic effect on your body. Your body craves water and knows how to use it! Caffeine may just make it harder for some people to avoid becoming dehydrated.


Water: The Best Solution

Avoiding dehydration is far more important than just easing a sense of thirst. That sensation is a clear message from your body to you that something needs to be done, so ignoring it is a bad idea. Providing poor substitutes for water, like lots of sugary drinks, may not satisfy the thirst and may set you up for diseases like cavities and diabetes. Water is the zero-calorie, no-sugar-added, immediate relief your body is really asking for.

A Tip When You Don’t Like Water

Here’s another trick: if the water tastes like ‘nothing’ to you when you first start drinking it regularly, that’s actually a sign that your taste buds have gotten used to more processed drinks. As you cut the sweets and stimulants, you will begin to taste the true nature of water. When the day comes that you drink plain water and it tastes sweet, refreshing, and satisfying, then you’ll know that you’ve made water a regular habit. Congratulations! You’ve become more aware of your body and more mindful of your health.

potato juice

Learn the ten reasons why you should try drinking potato juice (besides the surprisingly yummy taste).

Make The Change!

For many people around the world, dehydration is as avoidable as it is common. Recognizing dehydration symptoms and preventing it are key health issues that even children can learn to handle for themselves. These life habits are both pretty simple and pretty important! It’s necessary to take time each day to listen to your body, recognize your body’s thirsty craving for hydration, and add more fluids in your daily routine. You have the power to make great changes in your life.

5 Hidden Diabetes Triggers to Never Ignore

Diabetes and prediabetes are common diseases among Americans. Almost a full one-third of the American populace has some form of this disease. This disease is manageable with treatment and lifestyle changes, but it often proves to be debilitating and fatal to many who develop it.

The reason this disease is so serious is due to the fact that diabetes symptoms tend to be mild to innocuous. Diabetes symptoms can easily be misdiagnosed as symptoms of other illnesses or as common ailments that occur periodically. Such symptoms include extreme thirst, hunger, fatigue, frequent urination, and dry mouth. If you experience one or more of these symptoms and are concerned that you’ve contracted the disease, here are five contributing factors that may surprise you.

Causes and Symptoms of Diabetes


1. Heredity

When you visit your general physician for the first time, you’re given a paper application to fill out. The application asks you a series of questions, including questions about your family’s history of illness and disease. The reason for this is that many diseases are hereditary and can be passed on through generations of children and grandchildren. Diabetes is one of these diseases.

If someone in your immediate family has this disease, your chances of contracting it are increased. This means that the genetic marker for this disease is in your family line and could’ve been passed onto you. Although you cannot change your genetic disposition for developing this disease, you can help to reduce the likelihood that the latent disease will be triggered.

2. Being Overweight

Being overweight can trigger a multitude of crippling and fatal health conditions, one of which is Type 2 diabetes. The reason that being overweight is conducive to contracting this disease is due to the fact that being overweight makes your pancreas work overtime to produce insulin. Being overweight, usually, is caused by a combination of an unhealthy diet, a lack of physical activity, and overeating. The reason that your food packages contain a label displaying the recommended daily serving percentages for all nutrients, fats, and sugars is to prevent you from overworking the organs in your body during digestion and absorption. Years of overeating unhealthy foods that are rich in sugar can put a dangerous amount of strain on your pancreas to produce more insulin than it’s designed to produce on a daily basis. After years of your pancreas working too hard to produce insulin to keep up with your overindulgence of sugar and carbohydrates, your pancreas will eventually malfunction.

3. Pregnancy

Although the wonderful joy of motherhood cannot be overstated, pregnancy is not without its dangers. Believe it or not, it is possible for a pregnant woman to temporarily develop what’s known as gestational diabetes. This disease is caused by the pregnancy. It occurs when the placenta releases hormones into the mother’s bloodstream. These hormones trigger an increase in blood glucose (sugar) in the mother’s body. If the mother’s pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to break down the extra glucose, it causes blood sugar levels to rise and develop the condition. The good news for mothers who suffer from this particular type of sugar-related medical condition is that it usually ends once the mother gives birth. To help offset the extra glucose in the mother’s bloodstream from the hormones, a reduction in sugar and carbohydrate consumption is recommended until the baby is born.


4. Age

Age plays a large factor in the status of your body and health as a whole. Entropy is an unfortunate fact of living, and your body is subject to the ravages of this slow and natural process. The longer your pancreas works to produce insulin, the more it wears down. Even if you keep your diet within a reasonable range of sugars and carbohydrates, every organ is a muscle and muscle eventually wears down due to age. The most susceptible group of people is those over the age of 45, so get your blood glucose levels tested regularly.

5. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is only found in women and is a cause of women becoming diabetic. PCOS causes a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body, which causes her body to become resistant to the effects of insulin. With insulin unable to do its job, blood glucose levels remain high and the journey to becoming a diabetic begins. There are ways you can manage or reverse your PCOS symptoms to help stave off the effects of the hormonal imbalance and the insulin resistance.

In the fight against this crippling disease, you will want to check in regularly with your physician. Adopt a diet that’s full of foods that will reduce your blood glucose levels and increase your daily amount of exercise. Proactive measures are the best way to prevent this disease from taking over your life.

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