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Science Explains 11 Foods That Heal Your Thyroid

Do you often feel tired, sluggish, and sad? Have you gained weight that you can’t seem to blame on overeating? You could be among the estimated 27 million with hypothyroidism, a malfunctioning of the thyroid. This tiny butterfly-shaped gland near the base of the neck is responsible for regulating several important bodily functions. The result can be fatigue, a slow metabolism resulting in weight gain, dry skin and hair, foggy thinking, and depression. The symptoms are seen in women more often than in men.

Normally, when levels are low, your pituitary gland sends a signal to release a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)into the bloodstream. Sometimes, despite increased THS levels, the thyroid doesn’t do its job anyway. This is known as primary hypothyroidism. At other times, the thyroid never receives the signal it needs to increase TSH. The result is secondary hypothyroidism. Either way, the symptoms are the same. Research shows that adjusting your diet is an effective thyroid treatment. Try incorporating the following 11 foods and supplements into your diet.

Here are 11 foods that can heal your thyroid:

1. Apples

Mercury and other heavy metals are associated with hypothyroidism. Apples, plums, pears, and citrus fruits are rich in pectins, a gelatinous fiber that can help decrease these metals in the body by 74 percent. Eat them fresh or create creative dishes with them. When eating apples, don’t peel them, because that’s where the highest concentration of pectin is.

2. Brazil Nuts

According to research, a deficiency in selenium may be a primary cause of hypothyroidism. Brazil nuts are rich in this important nutrient. Snack on them or use them in recipes. Other foods rich in selenium include beef, turkey, chicken, tuna, sardines, eggs, and legumes. Avoid taking a selenium supplement unless your doctor prescribes it. Too much can be toxic.

3. Chickpeas

Foods high in fiber can help control constipation often associated with hypothyroidism. Chickpeas are not only high in fiber – they also contain zinc, an important nutrient for healthy thyroid function. There are lots of ways to add chickpeas to your meals. Eat them in salads or toss them in olive oil along with Brussels sprouts and cauliflower and roast in a 400-degree oven.

4. Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted pumpkin seeds are great to snack on if you have hypothyroidism. They’re also rich in zinc. Raw ones can be puréed along with avocado, cilantro, and lime for a delicious guacamole. Other sources of zinc to add to your diet include oysters, lobster, crab, legumes, nuts, and sunflower seeds.

5. Seaweed

Iodine is an essential mineral for healthy thyroid function. A deficiency is not common in the U.S. since most people use iodized salt. If you do have a deficiency, some good sources include seaweed, fish, dairy, and eggs. Not sure how to serve seaweed? Try this: soak wakeme seaweed for about 20 minutes in hot water. Drain and add rice vinegar, sesame oil, honey, grated ginger, and sliced scallions.

6. Yogurt

Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune disorder, is a common cause of hypothyroidism. It’s associated with a vitamin D deficiency. Fight it by having a cup of yogurt daily. Other good sources of vitamin D are salmon, pork, egg yolks, and simply sitting in the sun for 20 minutes.

7. Sardines

Sardines are excellent for supporting thyroid function. They’re also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation and boost immunity. This will lower your risk of developing Hashimoto’s disease. If you don’t like eating them plain, sardines can be used in many delicious recipes. Simmer them in tomato sauce and add red pepper flakes and minced rosemary leaves. Serve over penne pasta and add grated Asiago cheese.

8. Guggul

This funny sounding herb has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Modern studies show that guggul prevents hypothyroidism by converting certain hormones into a more potent form. You may also see it available under the names gugulipid, guggulsterones, or Commiphora mukul.

9. Vitamin A

Fat-soluble vitamin A is important for healthy metabolism. One study revealed that 25,000 IU of vitamin A significantly reduced TSH blood levels. High TSH levels usually indicate hypothyroidism. Vitamin A supplements are available in two forms: preformed and provitamin A carotenoids. Be careful with preformed vitamin A supplements. High doses can be toxic. The recommended dosage is 5,000 IU per day.

10. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for a healthy immune system. It’s a vitamin that many are short on, especially those who live in the Northern hemisphere. Low vitamin D is linked to Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune diseases. Since hypothyroid patients tend to have low levels of vitamin D, a supplement may be necessary.


11. Zinc

Zinc, copper, selenium, and other trace minerals are important to health. A deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism. One study found that 26 milligrams of zinc daily can combat hypothyroidism. A good thyroid-balancing supplement will also contain zinc, copper, and selenium.

These foods alone won’t cure hypothyroidism, but when combined with the right medication and cardio/aerobic exercise, you can achieve a powerful thyroid treatment.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Which Workout Is Best For You, According To Your Zodiac Sign

It can be challenging to find a workout that matches your personality. Too many people are bored or overwhelmed by their workout choices, making them less likely to stick to a healthy exercise plan. When you consider your zodiac sign before signing up for a workout plan, it will help you stay more focused and motivated. A zodiac sign workout will mesh with your likes and dislikes, catering to your personal fitness needs.

Each zodiac sign has special physical and emotional characteristics which make certain workouts a perfect fit. For example, Gemini has two natures, meaning that he or she might become bored quickly. A workout with a lot of variety is best for Gemini. Taurus is considered “bull-headed,” meaning that workouts which encourage strength are just right for him or her. Read over these twelve examples of a zodiac sign workout and discover your perfect way to get in shape.

Which Workout is Best for You, According to your Zodiac Sign


Aries is a highly competitive sign that likes to be the center of attention. To avoid stepping on other people’s toes, a personal trainer is recommended for Aries. Another great idea for Aries is stationary cycling. Aries can focus on beating his or her own goals, or competing with the others in the class.


This zodiac sign is known for being tough and stubborn, but with a definite bend toward comfort and luxury. An outdoor boot camp will satisfy a Taurus’s desire to be outside while challenging him or her with an individualized workout.


Gemini has dual tendencies that affect his or her workout personality. One workout that appeals to Gemini’s changeable nature is HIIT, or high-intensity interval training. The quick changes between each exercise satisfy Gemini’s need for variety. Another idea for Gemini is a Pilates or yoga workout, both of which appeal to the deep thinker.


Whatever Cancer does, he or she doesn’t like to be alone. Working out with a buddy is the best idea for this zodiac sign. Cancer would also love working out near the water, so they should try a beach yoga class to satisfy their inner needs.


Fiery Leo has a brash, competitive spirit. A perfect workout for Leo would be kickboxing, MMA, or weightlifting. This will strengthen Leo’s natural energy and give him or her a fun arena for competition. Leo likes to entertain, so another choice that might appeal to him or her is dance or Zumba.


Virgo doesn’t waste time, and the perfect workout for this zodiac sign is targeted specifically to a certain part of the body. Core exercises such as TRX are great for Virgo. Virgo would also enjoy the structure of a barre workout.


With his or her natural sense of balance, a workout like kickboxing appeals to Libra. Too often, people box Libra in as a quiet and restrained sign and ignore their wild side. Kickboxing encourages this part of their personalities.


Stubborn and intense, Scorpio needs to burn off excess energy. Running is an excellent choice, getting him or her out in nature while providing excellent exercise and a strong adrenaline rush. When running gets boring, try an aquatic boot camp to slow things down and concentrate on each muscle group.


Known as the best athlete among all of the signs, Sagittarius has a lot to prove. Workouts that appeal to the body, mind, and spirit are the best choices for this exciting sign. PiYo or other fusion workouts give Sagittarius enough variety while strengthening both the body and the mind.


Capricorn is a tough and determined sign. Working toward a long-term goal is best for him or her. Try training for a triathlon or a Tough Mudder race. This will give Capricorn a great sense of personal accomplishment.


Aquarius enjoys group exercise classes, where he or she can be social and work toward a common goal. They need the support of a team to feel fully motivated.

zodiac sign


Like Cancer, Pisces is drawn to water. Aquatic workouts like swimming are perfect for this sign. A deeply spiritual sign, Pisces would also love yoga. For a bigger challenge, try an aqua cycling class.

Final Thoughts

When you target your workout to your sign, you can use your personality traits to their greatest advantage. From the brash and fiery Aries to the quiet, contemplative Pisces, each sign can find their perfect workout and encourage strength in the body and mind. Try opening yourself up to a different aspect of your zodiac personality and experience a better workout.

Scientists Explain Why Depression Makes People Feel Tired

If you suffer from depression, you probably deal with fatigue quite often. Depression can make it difficult to do daily chores and take care of responsibilities due to the constant onslaught of negative thoughts coupled with feelings of helplessness and despair. When dealing with this challenge, though, try to remember that millions of other people deal with the same thoughts and feelings.

Depression remains the leading cause of disability worldwide and affects more than 300 million people globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

While depression sufferers deal with a myriad of symptoms, people with depression report feeling tired all the time. They also comment that this greatly hinders their ability to function. Fatigue affects over 90% of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), according to a study published in the journal CNS Drugs. Causes of fatigue due to this disorder can vary and include things such as stress levels, diet, sleep quality, medications taken, and lack of exercise.

Below, we’ll go more in-depth on what exactly causes people with depression to feel so tired. Hopefully, we can provide a solution that will suit your needs.

Scientists Explain Why Depression Makes People Feel Tired

Here are some of the factors that compound depression, anxiety, and overwhelming feelings of stress for so many people.


It’s no secret that people with depression usually react more strongly to stress. This, in turn, worsens their symptoms. According to research, people with depression tend to have higher levels of cortisol and lower levels of feel-good hormones such as serotonin and dopamine.

Trying to function in our increasingly stressful world while dealing with a mental disorder can feel downright exhausting, so if you feel burnt out, remember to take time for yourself. Practice deep breathing exercises and incorporate physical exercise and positive thinking into your routine as well.


Diet plays a huge role in mental health. In general, eating whole foods such as meats, dairy, grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables and reducing or eliminating processed foods can decrease symptoms of depression. Our whole bodies, including our brains, need certain nutrients to function properly. Without them, our health suffers. Try changing up your diet to see if that alleviates your fatigue.

Sleep Quality

In general, people with depression usually have a harder time falling, and staying, asleep than those without mental disorders. Even if a person gets the required amount of sleep for their age, they might not feel rested when they wake up. This is due to a lack of quality sleep. Depression makes it much harder to fall asleep. Sufferers might lie awake for hours before finally dozing off. Also, they may wake up numerous times throughout the night, or wake up too early and not be able to fall back asleep. Furthermore, REM and deep sleep do not occur as often for depressed people compared to those without depression. Research shows that many people with depression have co-occurring insomnia or hypersomnia.

If you suffer from sleep problems, try not to use technology a couple of hours before bed. Also, create a relaxing environment before sleep and exercise early in the day rather than in the evening.


Some medicines have been shown to increase fatigue in depressed patients. According to Dr. Maurizio Fava MD, Slater Family Professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School, tricyclic antidepressants, SSRIs and SNRIs have been associated with higher rates of fatigue in those with depression. If you think your sleepiness is due to your medication, consult your doctor about alternatives.

Lack of Exercise

Those with depression may not exercise enough, if at all. It’s a vicious cycle, because exercise will initially make you more tired until your body gets used to it, but you need exercise to function properly. However, depression makes it difficult to perform necessary daily tasks, which means exercise usually takes a backseat to other aspects of survival. Even though it might feel hard at first, exercise offers many benefits including better sleep, improved mood, more energy, etc. Lack of exercise can cause depression, so make sure to incorporate at least 20 minutes of low to moderate intensity exercise per day.

6 Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up What It’s Like to Live With Depression

Now that you know how and why depression makes people feel tired, let’s build some empathy.  Here are some Twitter users–both counselors and those who live with mental illness–who reveal their thoughts about depression

Know that you are not alone in this fight.

Feeling alone can make you feel overwhelmed and cause exhaustion. The chances are good that you know others who suffer in silence.

Some people feel weighed down.

This Twitter user shared a pictorial representation to explain her on-and-off-again struggles.

Celebrities also battle depression.

This Tweet is a reminder of some who lost their fight. Mental illness touches millions of people regardless of their wealth or status.

Show empathy and compassion for people with depression.

Telling someone to “buck up” or “this will pass” minimizes the internal pain that they live with every day.

Many people put on a brave face instead of explaining how they feel.

This Twitter user describes how many who struggle with mental illness hide their pain from the world.

It is okay to ask for help.

Someone cannot beat their depression until they get the help. Hiding symptoms is not the same as treatment.

Final Thoughts:

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Money Habits?

How we utilize our money can tell a lot about ourselves. Your zodiac sign is always interesting to dive into and to learn more about. Some people completely resonate with their zodiac sign whilst others don’t at all. Regardless of how much you believe in the accuracy of your own zodiac sign, we’re here to tell you about your possible spending habits.


Aries are known to go at things hard including spending. Have no fear, though Aries spend a lot of money they have a tendency to work just as hard to obtain money. Using technology such as goal planning apps are one of the ways you can maximize the amount of money you earn. You typically buy memberships and fashion items.

true love


You have a tendency to live in the moment and not think of the future when something exciting catches your attention. You adore what you do own, so adding a little something-something to your treasured collection is a necessity. Don’t worry though, when you don’t have tunnel vision you’re found planning and strategizing on how to save and spend money. You’ll be found buying random items or takeout.


Gemini are always ready for an adventure that will bring new experiences. Though you have a passion to be flighty you know when it’s important to save your coins. Remember to keep your impulsiveness to a minimum in order to maximize the amount of money you can use for fun adventures. Purchases such as concert tickets and credit cards with rewards dictate your spending habits.


Cancers all about creating a safe and comfortable environment for themselves and their loved ones. You also work incredibly hard for your money which means you have a hard time parting with it. A perfect solution to this is shopping at thrift stores or secondhand stores. You’ll find the perfect balance between money spending and money saving. Most of your purchases are for caring towards you and your loved ones such as tea, candles, and plants.


Leos tend to have a flair for the dramatic, your spending habits are by far no exception. You make life look like a movie or a book with all that you spend your money on. Thankfully you know how to save your money. Budgeting is by far one of your best abilities. You’re seen typically buying food, outfits, and anything you can post on social media.


Virgos are almost unnaturally good at finances. You may not be the best at saving but you have the gift of making money come out of nowhere. You will find out how to get what you want in life no matter what obstacles you may face. You’re usually buying stuff for your pet or candles.


You’re all about beauty and grace. Buying the best products around. Since you need to fund your beauty cravings somehow, Libras are the ultimate savings seekers. Coupon codes and sales make your life a whole lot better. Be careful of how much you spend on miscellaneous items. Libras are typically seen buying beauty products.


Being in control is important to you which is why you plan how you’ll spend your money so you know that you’re in control and nothing uncertain will happen. You typically buy the bare necessities and you’re always saving. You can typically be seen buying the bare minimum and plain, monotone clothes.


You tend to buy things that help with your personal growth. You’re not afraid to take financial chances. This could your greatest talent or greatest weakness. Remember to keep your impulsiveness at a bay in order to keep your finances in check. You’re seen typically buying travel gear and plane tickets.


Capricorns are the zodiac sign with the highest percentage of budgeters. Capricorns want to achieve their goals and know that saving money is of utmost importance. You think of the bigger picture instead of short term delights. You’re seen typically buying groceries and insurance.


You’re very cautious about how you spend your money and plan accordingly. You make sure to consider all of the possibilities before acting. You’re a creative zodiac sign and implement your creativity towards ways to save money. When you do splurge, you’re typically seen buying electronics or books.

zodiac sign


Having a financial plan is one of the keys to your success. You’re less focused on the materialistic and tend to concentrate on your mind, body, and soul. Creating things yourself is how you live your life. You can be seen buying blankets and art supplies.

Now that you understand your zodiac sign’s spending habits, you can properly save and spend money in a new way.

Make These Easy & Super Healthy Veggie Bowls At Home

Colorful, tasty veggie bowls are an excellent start to eating right. You’ll feel energized and recharged when you eat a veggie bowl instead of an unhealthy meal. When you cook healthy home food, you can avoid the added salt, fat, and refined carbs that might sink your goal of a healthier body and spirit. Veggie bowls contain unique ingredients such as quinoa, avocado, chickpeas, and kale. All these foods contain the protein, fiber, and healthy fats you need to keep your body in tip top shape. Eating at home instead of going out will help you stay on track for a nutritious diet.

Try these eight recipes and boost your healthy home food game. All are suitable for vegetarians, and a few are great vegan options. Making veggie bowls at home will satisfy your cravings for a yummy meal while taking their place in your overall fitness plan.

Make These Easy & Super Healthy Veggie Bowls at Home

veggie bowls

1. Middle Eastern Grilled Vegetable and Lentil Bowl

Top a bowl of grilled summer squash, chickpeas, tomatoes, roasted corn, and fennel with a creamy, luscious yogurt and tahini sauce. Use authentic Middle Eastern spices like cumin and zatar to give your bowl a kick of exciting flavor. This bowl is packed with fiber, vitamin C, and calcium from the yogurt.

2. At-home Nourishing Quinoa Bowl

This vegan, gluten-free meal will make your taste buds return for more. Combine steamed sweet potatoes and beets with broccoli and kale. Season some chickpeas with paprika for a nice bite. Add a nice serving of nutrient-rich quinoa and a quarter of an avocado, sliced. This colorful bowl packs antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C into every bite.

3. Greek Veggie and Farro Bowl

Cook a cup of farro in vegetable broth. Grill portobello mushrooms, red bell pepper, asparagus, onions, zucchini, and yellow squash. Arrange the veggies in the bowl with the farro. Top with a homemade garlic yogurt tzatziki sauce with cucumber and fresh dill. Add hummus for a creamy addition. Top with feta cheese and olives, or leave the cheese off if you want a vegan meal.

4. Enchilada Power Bowl

This recipe is great for craving Mexican flavors but can’t justify eating the extra cheese, salt, and fat in most restaurant dishes. Marinate cubed tofu in soy sauce, maple syrup, and chili powder. Cook rice and green lentils, then add canned black beans. The vegan enchilada sauce has a cheesy flavor without any dairy, using onions, chilis, oregano, tomato sauce, and nutritional yeast as a substitute. Top the bowl with avocado slices and crispy pan-fried tofu.

5. Radish Barbecue Bowl

This awesome vegan bowl will bring you all the spicy, tangy barbecue flavors without the fatty meats. Marinate radishes in an apple cider vinegar and brine solution with black peppercorns and garlic. Chargrill the radishes. Mix carrots, avocados, sesame seeds, honey mustard, mixed greens, a grated beet, and a cucumber in the bowl and add the “barbecued” radishes.

6. Home Cooked Teriyaki Sweet Potato Bowl

Marinate sweet potatoes in teriyaki sauce. Bake them until soft and sprinkle them with sesame seeds and green onions. Combine them with cauliflower rice, edamame, charred corn, and avocado slices. This recipe will satisfy your need for a tasty Asian fusion meal at home without getting pricey and unhealthy takeout.

7. Vegan Bibimbap Bowl

This tasty recipe combines all the essential flavors of Korean bibimbap without the high-fat meat or eggs. Using gochujang, honey, and tamari, make a delicious sauce. Pour the sauce over an assembly of julienned carrots, mushrooms, and scallions. Add bean sprouts and cilantro leaves, then sprinkle sesame seeds over the entire dish.

8. Superfood Vegan Bowl with Mint Pesto

Cook quinoa and broad beans. You can also use edamame if you can’t find broad beans. Combine the quinoa and beans with radishes, avocado, cucumber, green onion, grated turnip, and sprouts. Make your own sprouts at home to avoid possible food contamination. On top, serve a mint and lime pesto with almonds. This exciting combination of flavors will keep you from missing unhealthy foods.

potato - home

Final Thoughts on Cooking at Home

When you cook meals in your own kitchen instead of going out, you can create healthy, high-fiber, high-protein meals that will satisfy everyone in your house. You can have every kind of flavor you want while you’re eating healthy. Using creative combinations of vegetables and sauces will make your clean eating plan fun and exciting. Don’t forget to vary your vegetables and grains for the best nutritional value.

10 Tips On How To Deal With A Jealous Partner

Relationships; we want them, but when we have them, we realize just how much work they can be. You love and appreciate your partner, but when jealousy appears, it’s certainly a hard thing to handle. You don’t want to drop them “like it’s hot,” but you don’t know how long you can deal with jealousy in your partner.

To help you not become so “good at goodbyes” and to keep a partner that is worth the effort, consider these 10 tips for dealing with a jealous partner and working through this bump in the road. You don’t have to give up on the relationship just because your partner is jealousy.

How To Deal With A Jealous Partner

jealous relationship

1. Try to understand where this jealousy comes from. 

It’s not that your partner simply wakes up one day and thinks that they want to be jealous. Jealousy is often a result of broken trust. Perhaps you’ve done something in your relationship that has made them upset or it’s something from a past relationship that they haven’t overcome. Understanding the root of the problem is an important step in overcoming it.

2. Put yourself in their shoes. 

You may not be facing jealousy at the moment, but have you ever had this issue in a relationship? Chances are that you have. When you feel yourself getting frustrated about your partner having this issue, try to remember moments when you let jealousy happen in your life. It can help you to understand why they may be feeling the way that they do.

3. Appreciate their interest in you. 

A tad bit of jealousy can actually be a good sign, because it means that your partner cares about being with you. Light, playful jealousy isn’t always a negative, as long as it is kept in check.

4. Talk about the triggers. 

A great way to get past jealousy is to discuss it. If your partner is going through this type of emotion and behavior, you could be doing something that sets it off. For example, your SO may have had an unfaithful partner who would always walk away when getting phone calls, which turned out to be other lovers calling them. If you have this habit, it could be triggering the fear of cheating in your SO. Discuss what makes them worry and what may trigger these problematic moments.

5. Don’t give in to being defensive. 

Getting frustrated with jealousy is normal. You don’t like a lack of trust, but becoming defensive about it doesn’t help the problem. Your partner could take your defensiveness as a sign that you are, in fact, cheating or unfaithful in some way. Try to exercise patience when you’d rather get frustrated.

6. Express how their being jealous affects you. 

You don’t want to let their jealousy run wild because you’re afraid of confrontation. Express to your partner how their jealousy makes you feel. Maybe their lack of trust is making you feel unloved. Or, you are finding it difficult to be loving when the “green-eyed monster rears its head.”

7. Be more affectionate during jealous moments.

Sometimes people are dealing with deep issues from the past, and this results in jealousy. While it’s not your place to heal these wounds, understanding why they react the way that they do can be helpful in helping them move past it. Be loving when your SO reacts jealously to a situation. Show them that you are there for them and that they have no reason to be worried. It will go far in helping you to have a more positive relationship.


8. Do set boundaries. 

Often, a partner with jealousy will demand to see all of your personal stuff to prove that you are being faithful. Unless you really want to, you shouldn’t have to share your personal information. Giving them full access to your phone isn’t something that you have to do to prove your innocence. In fact, once you open the door to this type of behavior, it’s difficult to undo. In a loving manner, set boundaries with your SO on them prying into your personal belongings and life.

9. Be honest. 

Be honest about things that happen. Don’t cover up little things that may come up. If you have a colleague that has been flirting with you and you have somewhat liked it, let your SO know. It’s when you start hiding things that jealousy begins to flourish.

10. Don’t give your partner a reason to be jealous. 

Unfortunately, you may have given your partner reason to be jealous. If this has happened, it can be difficult to fix. If you want to be in a jealousy-free relationship, it’s important to stay committed and faithful to your SO.

In Conclusion

If you’re in the relationship for the long-haul, it will take effort. Jealousy doesn’t have to be the end of something good. It’s about understanding, patience and setting boundaries. These tips will help you have an idea on how to navigate and overcome jealousy.

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