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Here Is How I Boosted My Vitamin D Intake With Fruits & Veggies

Although there are many types of vitamin supplements on the market today, I decided to eat better foods to boost my overall intake of vitamin d. This meant being strategic and knowledgeable with what I ate. Appropriate food choices like fruits and veggies can result in a body that is both healthy and physically fit. I’ve learned that the vitamin d benefits have also promoted my health in other ways.

There are an array of vitamins and minerals that are required by the body to function at its optimum levels. Included in the list of vitamins is Calciferol, which is also referred to as vitamin d. According to the Harvard Medical School’s list of vitamins, one of the objectives of vitamin d is to ensure that our blood vessels remain normal. This means acquiring calcium and phosphorus from the things that we consume.

Learning about Foods with Vitamin D

It’s true that not everyone has the time to prepare meals each day. This doesn’t mean that there is not enough time to learn about food in general. The more I learned about foods that had the vitamins that I needed, the more engaged I became. Fruits and veggies provide a lot of options when it comes to choosing tasty dishes and snacks. Here are some delicious and healthy food options that appealed to me right away:

Orange Juice

Making Food Selections

According to WebMD, studies have shown a connection between vitamin d and the regulation of the neuromuscular system, as well as the immune system. So, the food selections that I began to make were helping me to achieve total health in many instances. Reading product labels was one of the helpful activities in my selection process. This assisted me with finding pre-packaged items that had vitamins.

Shopping for Health

Once you’re aware of the types of foods to look for, it’s time to start shopping. I knew that I wanted to boost my daily allowances of vitamins. Finding the right place to shop was important to me as well. Not every store had the types of vegetables or fruits that I wanted. Visiting different locations and local farmers’ stands provides both convenience and healthy options.

Getting Vitamins & Minerals

There is no set way to get the vitamins and minerals that you need into your diet. Conducting a little research and shopping around is pretty easy. My only choice for these two activities was to decide if I wanted to cook meals, purchase meals, or some of both. The later was the best option for me and my schedule. This also opened the door to finding great food choices for in-between meals. Snacking better actually works hand-in-hand with eating better because it is a matter of choice, as well.

Benefiting from Food Choices

The vitamin d benefits are not merely short-term as it relates to fitness and health. Consuming the proper amount of this and other vitamins and minerals prepare the body for the future. This, of course, relates to strengthening the immune system and the ability to fight off illness. The vitamin d benefits also ensure that bones are strong and durable. This vitamin helps to prevent breaks and other related diseases.

low vitamin d

My plan for getting my necessary vitamin d from fruits and vegetables ended up teaching me good habits. This involved not only eating better but knowing more about the sources of vitamins that my diet required. I learned that the body naturally makes vitamin d, but not enough for me on a daily basis. This production depends on the part of country one lives in because it is related to being able to absorb sunlight.

Taking the lead on my nutrition was the best approach for me to get my daily sources of vitamins. I have also gotten the chance to experiment with different foods. Some of these I may never have tried before my pursuit of better vitamin and mineral intakes. Fruits and veggies have really boosted my daily food sources and my fitness because I know more about what I eat. I also know why it is important to eat with health in mind.

21 Things To Let Go Of To Live A Happy Life

It is evident that many people strive to lead a happy and purposeful life. However, the biggest challenge holding us back from accomplishing our goals is, sadly, our own selves. We limit our potential and happiness every day, whether intentionally or otherwise.

According to a recent study, when one experiences positive emotions such as contentment, love and joy, the individual also realizes more possibilities in his life. It is worth noting that life is something you can either embrace or hide from. Ensure not to complicate your life, but simply live it. Life can be more enjoyable and much simpler if we learned how to overcome certain limitations.

Below are some of the things you ought to let go of for a happy and prosperous life.

1. Let go of excuses

Leave no chance for excuses. Avoid offering excuses for not accomplishing tasks. Excuses are mere justifications that only make you feel better for failing to achieve or do something you intend or need to do. Find the time and resource constraint necessary to do the task.

quotes about regret

2. The Approval of Others

Stop bothering yourself about other people’s opinions and thoughts. When making personal decisions, consider your happiness first. Only engage in actions that will better your life.

3. Procrastination

Be present and deal with the tasks and issues at hand. Stop thinking that you will manage the task at hand some other time or day. Make maximum use of your time as much as possible. Completing each task as soon as possible frees you from worry, stress, and ultimately makes you happy. It also offers you the time to enjoy those things you love.

4. Let go of toxic Beliefs and Relationships

Some individuals are openly malicious and poisonous. On the other hand, there are those that are naively subtle and responsible for our failures because of their inherent insecurities and envies. Despite not being responsible for anyone’s emotions, you are supposed to act with care, respect and decency. However, if you do so and someone still intends to make you fail, then you should let go of the person.

Be aware of toxic beliefs dictating what you feel and think. Don’t allow negative people to influence your inner monologue. Ensure to surround yourself with true cheerleaders who want you to be happy and truly believe in you.

5. Insecurity

Maintain high levels of self-esteem. Accept who you are and strive to better yourself. Happy people exude confidence and offer positive vibes. Always seek to change the things you are self-conscious about. You don’t need to be insecure.

6. Let go of impossible Standards

If you had big ambitions in life and are still struggling to achieve them, let go of them, forgive yourself and accept yourself for not being superhuman. Note that there isn’t such a thing as self-made. To live a happy life, you don’t need to be a superhuman. A happy life emanates from setting S.M.A.R.T goals.

7. A sense of entitlement

Many people often find themselves wondering “Why me?”. However, if you treat yourself as being ordinary and susceptible to anything, then you will acknowledge failure and the phrase “Why not?”

8. Guilt

Be responsible for your mistakes. Own them, forgive yourself and make amends. Being responsible and remorseful forms the first step towards recovery.

9. Let go of Comparison

Don’t compare your life to those of others. Remember that you only get the chance to see the highlight reel of those people you are comparing yourself with. Comparing ultimately makes one unhappy.

10. Controlling Everything

Note that the only thing within our control is our own reactions and attitudes. Always seek to find happiness right where you are, regardless of how things turn out.

11. Attachment to Money

Do not amass tremendous wealth at the expense of your happiness. Once you attain your basic needs and savings plans, ensure to evaluate the trade-off between more money and other life goals, including happiness.

12. Let Go of the Past

Avoid getting stuck on your regrets, anger and old wounds. Thinking and lingering in the past cannot change anything about it. Be present and occupy yourself with something productive or fun.

13. Assuming You Can’t

Many times, we limit our possibility by assuming we can’t master some things in life. However, if you stop assuming and keep on trying, you will achieve the impossible. Assumption is just a blockade between you and your full potential.

14. Poor Health Habits

Your body is the embodiment of your visions, goals and purpose in life. It is the mechanism that will enable you to attain all that you desire and hope for. Poor body health will undermine everything you hoped for. Ensure you eat well, rest enough, and exercise daily.

15. Gossip

Despite being fun and engaging, gossip is also hurtful to others and demeaning to yourself. Shun gossip.

16. Neglecting Your Engagement/Marriage

If you’re engaged or married, make your partner/spouse your centerpiece. Express your love on a daily basis. Prioritize your relationship and grow together.

17. Worrying About Future

The future will always be uncertain. Stop worrying about the future, be present and maximize on today for a better tomorrow.

18. Overthinking

Overthinking is bad for your happiness. It doesn’t help – simply take a deep breath and calm down. Let it go.

let go

19. Let go of the Herd Mentality

Be smart and listen to your inner voice when making decisions.

20. A Job You Detest

Don’t cling to a job that does not satisfy your soul. Do something you love.

21. Considering Seeking Help as Being Weak

Let go of the illusion that asking for help is being weak. Asking for help denotes courage, strength and determination.

It is hard to let go of something that is entrenched in our minds for many years. Learn to let go of past experiences and the fear of the future. Always be present, positive and appreciate the support and love around you.

10 Unique Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Your Skin

Are you having trouble with your skin? If yes, consider using apple cider vinegar for skin. Whether it’s aging, acne, or other problems, apple cider vinegar will work for you.

Here are ten unique ways of using apple cider vinegar for skin:

apple cider vinegar

1. Prevents Pimples and Acne

In case your skin is struggling with pimples and acne, then vinegar will come in handy. It has an antifungal and antibacterial substance that assists to keep the pores of your skin free from dust, bacteria, and oil. Use this liquid in its unfiltered state and mix with filtered water. Then, soak cotton wool in the mixture and apply it to the affected area. Repeat the procedure a few times in a day for a week to see results.

2. Heals Sunburns

Apple cider vinegar is popular for its ability to cure sunburns. It assists in soothing the pain and speeding up the healing process. Combine four cups of water with half a cup of the liquid in a bowl. Dip a washcloth inside the solution and apply it to the affected area on your skin. Massage the area for some time. Follow the same procedure multiple times a day for at least a week until you see an improvement.

3. Exfoliate and Soothe Skin

Apple cider vinegar can soothe your skin and leave it supple and soft. It has alpha hydroxyl acid that removes dead cells from your skin to expose healthy new cells. Use it by pouring some of it into a bathtub filled with warm water. Get inside for up to twenty minutes to let the acid get into your skin. Repeat the procedure to maintain your skin’s pH levels.

4. Tones the Skin

In addition to having a regulation effect on the skin’s pH levels, vinegar contains astringent properties. These properties assist in increasing the flow of blood to your skin and reducing the pores to treat oily skin. Use it by mixing the liquid with filtered water and a little essential oil. Use a cotton ball to apply the solution to your skin. Allow your skin to soak for a few minutes before washing it off with fresh water. Use it multiple times a day depending on your need.

5. Fights Wrinkles and Removes Age Spots

The alpha hydroxyl acid contained in vinegar assists to remove dead skin to leave a glowing and healthy skin. Additionally, the liquid helps to eliminate age spots and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Use it by dabbing some vinegar on cotton wool and ensuring direct application on wrinkles and the age spots. After half an hour of soaking, wash your skin with cool water. Follow the procedure two times a day for a month and a half for results.

6. Treatment for Razor Bumps

Anti-inflammatory properties found in vinegar assist to soothe irritated skin. It has acetic acid that makes skin soft and facilitates easy eradication of ingrown hair. Use vinegar by diluting it with water and splashing the solution on the affected region. Allow it to dry. Apply the procedure two times in a day until there are no more razor bumps.

7. Antiseptic Treatment for Itchy Skin

Itchy skin can be caused by various things like rashes, poison ivy, and bug bites. Its antifungal and antiseptic properties help to destroy the infection-causing fungi and heal the skin. Mix the vinegar with water in a cotton ball and use cotton wool to apply the solution to the affected area on your skin. Let the skin dry and follow the procedure every day until the skin heals.

8. Eliminates Body Odor

Body odor is caused by bacteria and sweat. The antibacterial and antifungal properties in apple cider vinegar assist to fight this bacteria that cause odor. Fill the bathtub with warm water and pour some vinegar inside. After mixing, bathe with the water. Do this two times in a day every day until you see some results.

apple cider vinegar

9. Hand and Facial Scrub

According to research, apple cider vinegar assists to rejuvenate the skin and exfoliate dead cells on your skin. It makes your skin smooth and glowing without resulting in any irritation. Mix two tablespoons of roughly grounded rice with one tablespoon of the liquid in a bowl. Massage your hands and face with the mixture for up to twenty minutes. Do this for one or two times a week.

10. Elimination of Foot Odor

The acids contained in the liquid change the skin’s pH levels on your feet to prevent the growth of bacteria. It can also have the same effect on your underarms. In spite of the strong smell of the vinegar, it stays only for a short while. Soak baby wipes in a cup of the liquid overnight. Then put them in the fridge in a ziplock bag and wipe your feet with the wipes. Repeat the procedure daily until you get results.

Final Thoughts on Apple Cider Vinegar

For healthy skin free from odor, acne, pimples, sunburns, itch, and more, use apple cider vinegar.

Diarrhea Treatment: 4 Ways to Stop Diarrhea Naturally

Diarrhea is can be caused by consuming food or drinking water that is contaminated with harmful bacteria and parasites. The bacteria that can bring on stomach infections include campylobacter, salmonella, shigella and Escherichia coli. The parasites that cause this illness are Giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium. When these microorganisms are ingested they infect your digestive system and make your stomach and intestines inflamed and irritated.

When you have a stomach infection, you may have abdominal cramps and your stools become loose and watery. You may experience abdominal pain and bloat and have a high-grade fever. This illness makes you nauseous and causes you to feel fatigued. It can also cause blood in the stool and makes you have frequent bowel movements. Even though medication can be taken to relieve the symptoms, there are natural remedies as well. Here are some natural diarrhea treatement methods that you can use to get rid of this infection:

Natural Diarrhea Treatment

The BRAT Diet

If you have a stomach infection, eating a diet with bananas, rice, applesauce and toast may help. These foods help with diarrhea treatment because they are bland and can help you recuperate from this illness sooner. You can also add crackers, tea, apple juice, and broth to your diet as well. Many people find relief when eating cooked cereals such as oatmeal and consuming boiled potatoes.

When you have stomach pain, you must refrain from drinking carbonated and beverages with a high sugar content. You should also avoid dairy foods such as eggs, milk and cheese.

Do not eat fried, greasy, fatty or spicy foods and refrain from consuming steak and pork. You should also abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages, coffee and extremely hot or cold beverages. There are certain fruits that you cannot eat that include pineapples, oranges, grapefruits and apples. Eating raw vegetables is not recommended, and you should not consume broccoli and cauliflower.


Probiotics can be found naturally in food or in powder or pill form. They are tiny microorganisms that are considered good bacteria and help maintain the flora in your digestive system. These bacteria balance out the good and bad bacteria in your gut. They are present in foods such as green olives, miso, pickles and sourdough bread. If you have an infection and are watching what you eat, taking a pill or powder probiotics is recommended. They restore the healthy bacteria that was lost due to the illness and provide relief from symptoms.

Since the illness infects your intestines, introducing probiotics into your system helps tremendously. These healthy organisms keep your gastrointestinal system on track and functioning, so you are able to digest food properly. An infection that is caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites can wreak havoc on your digestive system but probiotics can bring back equilibrium. Taking lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Saccharomyces boulardii are useful when dealing with diarrhea.


Drinking plenty of fluid is another natural diarrhea treatement that can help alleviate symptoms. The fluid that your body loses from this infection can cause you to become dehydrated. The signs of dehydration include dizziness, leg cramps, loss of appetite, and a general ill feeling. Dehydration can be dangerous if left untreated especially for children and the elderly. In children, signs can include a dry mouth and tongue and sunken eyes. An adult will experience extreme thirst, dark-colored urine and fatigue. It is imperative to remain hydrated and replace the fluid in your body when you are dealing with this illness.

Diarrhea treatement

If you become dehydrated, you to drink fluids that contain electrolytes. When you are losing fluids, your body begins to lack important minerals need to maintain equilibrium such as potassium and sodium chloride. You can drink water that contains electrolytes or take over-the-counter rehydration solutions. When children are dehydration, they should drink the oral pediatric rehydration solution. Replacing lost fluids will help you feel better and alleviate the symptoms related to a stomach infection.

Essential Oils

Many people find relief from the pain of stomach infections by using essential oils. These oils are extracted from plants and contain healing properties. They can help with inflammation and get rid of bacteria and have anti-viral properties. The oils that can help with easing pain include peppermint and ginger. They both contain properties that reduce stomach pain and nausea. When massaged onto your abdomen, lavender can alleviate inflammation and stomach cramps and frankincense fights the infection.

As you can see, there are many natural diarrhea treatement. These remedies do not include any medications and can be done at home. When you are sick with a stomach infection, a bland diet and staying hydrated will help you recuperate. Probiotics replenish good bacteria and essential oils are another alternative. These treatments will soothe your pain and help you bounce back quickly.

21 Best Foods to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

If you’re trying to lose weight, it may surprise you to learn more about what you do eat than what you don’t. Yes, you must indeed burn more calories than you take in to lose weight. It seems like a simple equation, but many people fail at losing weight because they also lose muscle. Along with the muscle loss comes an increase in your percentage of body fat. In other words, you must gain muscle while losing weight to achieve your desired outcome.

Muscle drives metabolic rate more than any other factor. When you lose muscle, your metabolic rate drops. You struggle to keep off the weight you lost. Building muscle fires up your metabolism and helps you burn fat. The formula is to eat plenty of healthy food with muscle-building protein.

21 foods to lose weight and gain muscle

Add these 21 foods to your menu to support your weight loss and body sculpting goals.

1. Eggs

lose weightEggs are great for a high-protein diet. They contain lots of leucine, an amino acid important for gaining muscle. They also contain healthy fats and B vitamins that are important for energy production.

Studies show that an egg’s protein is of better quality than a beefsteak. One egg gives you 6 to 8 grams of protein. For many years, doctors warned against eating eggs. They said they were unhealthy because of high cholesterol levels. But in reality, consuming eggs has a small effect on your LDL-cholesterol or CVD risk. The benefits of eating eggs far outweigh the risks. Eggs are considered a complete protein containing leucine, an amino acid important for gaining muscle, healthy fats, and B vitamins important for energy production.

2. Chicken Breast

Chicken is an important food to help gain muscle. A three-ounce serving contains A whopping 26 grams of high-quality protein.

Poultry is lower in fat than red meat, with fewer calories and less saturated fats and cholesterol. Chicken breasts are the number one choice of many athletes looking to gain muscle without weight gain. It’s economical and versatile in recipes, whether you grill, roast, or boil it. Chicken breasts should be at the top of your list for the healthiest foods to lose weight and gain muscle.

3. Salmon

Salmon is so good for you. It’s packed with super health benefits.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Your body doesn’t make fatty acids, so you need to get them from your diet. Adults should eat 250-500 mg of combined EPA and DHA every day. Eating a 3.5-ounce piece of salmon supplies you 2.3 to 2.6 grams of fatty acids. Fatty acids decrease your risk of cancer, lowers your blood pressure, and lowers inflammation.
  • Reduces your risk of heart disease:: Eating salmon helps you lower your triglycerides. Triglycerides are leftover calories that get stored in fat cells for later use. You need some triglycerides, but too many in your blood increase your chance of heart disease.
  • Helps you lose weight: Salmon is low in fat, helping you maintain your weight and lose belly fat.
  • Good source of protein: Eating a 3.5 ounce of salmon contains 22 to 25 grams of lean, healthy protein.
  • Protects your brain health: Eating salmon can help reduce depression and lower anxiety.

Besides this, salmon is a good source of B vitamins, selenium, and potassium.

4. Tuna

Like salmon, tuna is high in muscle-building protein and high in fatty acids. A three-ounce serving of tuna gives you 20 grams of protein. Tuna is also vitamins B3 and B12,  vitamin D, and minerals. Because tuna is high in protein but low in calories and fat, it’s popular diet food for fitness fans and bodybuilders. Whether you eat it fresh or from a can, tuna is a healthy choice if you’re trying to build muscle and lose weight.

5. Greek Yogurt

Dairy is a good source of high-quality protein. The best choice in dairy food, however, is Greek yogurt. It contains twice the amount as regular yogurt and has a mixture of slow-digesting casein protein and fast-digesting whey protein thought to increase lean mass.

Besides protein, yogurt provides the following nutrition:

  • Calcium
  • B vitamins
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D
  • Probiotics
  • Potassium

Most of the protein in Greek yogurt is casein, a slow-digesting type of protein. Slow- digested protein repairs your damaged muscles and tissue. It prevents muscle breakdown or muscle catabolism while you sleep, which enhances your muscle development.

gain muscle 6. Lean Protein

Research shows that lean red meat may increase lean mass dramatically along with weight training. It’s packed with plenty of protein, minerals, creatine, and B vitamins for energy.

Beef is considered lean and is viewed as lean if it has less than 4.5 grams of saturated fats and 10 grams of overall fat. The leanest cuts of beef include the following:

  • Top sirloin steak
  • Tenderloin
  • T-Bone
  • Trip-Tip
  • Flat-half brisket
  • Bottom round roast
  • Eye of the round roast or steak

Be sure to prepare your lean beef healthily. Here are a few healthy prep tips.

  • Cut off extra fat: Trim the fat off your meat before you cook it.
  • Drain the meat’s drippings after cooking it: The drippings contain any inside fat you couldn’t see before cooking.
  • Allow the meat to cool, then put it into the fridge: Chilling the beef will reveal hardened fat on top of the beef juice. Skim off the hardened fat and use the beef juice for gravy, soup, or stews.

7. Soybeans

Soybeans are popular in vegetarian and vegan diets because a half cup contains 14 grams of protein. The fat in soybeans is unsaturated, and they have a good supply of vitamins and minerals.

Edamame is young green soybeans harvested early to give them a softer texture than the mature beans. Adult soybeans are brown and hard when mature. They’re used in milk and tofu production. Other health benefits of soybeans include these:

  • No cholesterol
  • High fiber
  • Good source of antioxidants
  • Good source of omega3 fatty acids
  • Dairy-free
  • Great source phytoestrogen

8. Shrimp

If you’re looking for a low-calorie, low-fat protein, look no further than shrimp. Three ounces of shrimp provide 18 grams with only 90 calories. Shrimp is high in omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation, lower your cholesterol, and your risk of cancer. Steam, boil, or poach your shrimp, but never eat it raw. Raw shrimp carries bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Cooking the shrimp kills off these dangerous contaminants, so they’re safe for you to eat.

9. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese may get a bad rap, but it’s a healthy protein source called leucine, a muscle-building protein found in many dairy products. One cup of cottage cheese gives you 28 grams of protein. The calcium found in cottage cheese is good for building bones and muscles. One downside to eating cottage cheese is that, like many kinds of cheese, it’s high in sodium. So, if you’re eating a lot of it, it may not be healthy, especially if you have high blood pressure.

10. Turkey Breast

This lean poultry is a great source of protein, niacin, and B vitamins. Slightly leaner than chicken, turkey has L-tryptophan, a fatty acid. L-tryptophan is an amino acid that some people swear makes them sleepy. But studies show that it’s not true. Turkey contains less L-tryptophan than chicken. This fatty acid helps produce serotonin, a chemical that helps you feel happier and more relaxed. Low fat and great for muscle building, turkey is only slightly higher than chicken in cholesterol levels and within the recommended amount of cholesterol level for a healthy heart.

11. Beans

Beans have grown in popularity as a healthy source of plant-based protein. There is a wide variety of protein-rich beans, all of which help you keep your weight down and build muscle. Beans health benefits include the following:

  • High in antioxidants
  • Reduce your risk of cancer
  • Good source of fiber
  • Helps control your glucose metabolism
  • Controls your appetite
  • Gives you good heart health
  • Good source of folate
  • Source of iron, thiamine, copper, and manganese

All beans are good sources of protein, but here’s a list of the best sources.

  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Peas
  • Kidney beans
  • Black beans
  • Soybeans
  • Pinto beans
  • Navy beans

woman with headache12. Scallops

Like shrimp, scallops have lots of protein and without a lot of fat. They are excellent for adding protein to your diet while keeping the calorie count low. Three ounces of scallops give you around 20 grams of protein with only a hundred calories. Scallops are super easy to prepare. Steam, broil, or sear scallops in a hot skillet with a bit of avocado oil. Scallops are good post-workout food to relieve your tired, sore muscles. They contain magnesium, which prevents muscle cramps and helps repair your muscle tissue.

 13. Lean Jerky

If you’re looking for a high-quality protein snack for your on-the-go lifestyle, it’s hard to beat lean jerky. Since most of the fat is removed from jerky during processing, almost all calories in lean jerky are derived from protein. It’s high in phosphorus, folate, iron, and B12 vitamins. Jerky is also high in sodium, which isn’t a bad thing for athletes who sweat a lot during workouts. Here are some fun ways to add lean jerky to your diet.

  • Crumble on salads as a bacon alternative
  • Crumble jerky and add it to your pasta salads
  • Add jerky to tomato sauce for extra meaty flavor.
  • Cut up jerky and add to beans casserole

14. Chickpeas

A good source of protein and carbs for energy, chickpeas, or garbanzo beans are perfect for losing weight and gaining muscle. One cup of canned chickpeas has 12 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbs. Dump one can of chickpeas into your food processor with salt, pepper, a little olive oil, and garlic powder for a yummy hummus dip. Dip veggies, pita bread, or crackers in the hummus for a healthy protein-rich snack in the afternoon.

 15. Peanuts

Peanuts are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fat. Although they’re high in calories, they’re packed with nutrients, including

  • Potassium
  • Phosphorous
  • Magnesium
  • B vitamins

Low in cholesterol, peanuts are a great plant-based protein if you’re eating vegan or vegetarian. Eating peanuts helps you control your weight because you don’t feel as hungry. They also help you manage your blood sugar and give you good heart health.

 16. Tofu

Produced from soy milk, tofu is a popular meat substitute for vegans and vegetarians. Not only is it a good source of protein, but tofu also has calcium, important for proper muscle function and bone health. Many people don’t like tofu but are prepared correctly. It’s delicious. Add tofu to your salads, bean casseroles, or in a stir-fried veggie dish.

 17. Pork Tenderloin

Pork tenderloin is a lean cut of meat with not a lot of fat. A three-ounce serving gives you 18 grams of protein with only two grams of fat. Researchers say it is similar to beef and chicken when it comes to high-quality protein. High in B vitamins, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, and zinc, limit your portion size of this meat to keep your calories down.

 18. Milk

Milk has the reputation of being one of nature’s perfect foods. Like other dairy products, milk provides those fast and slow-digesting proteins so good for muscle growth. It’s a great post-workout drink to build muscles and promote healthy bones.

 19. Almonds

This tree nut is considered a superfood. Almonds contain protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. A half-cup of plain almonds has 16 grams of protein. Other benefits of almonds include

  • High in vitamin E
  • Low in cholesterol
  • A good source of antioxidants
  • Lowers your risk of cancer
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Promotes good heart health
  • Helps lower your appetite

 20. Quinoa

Rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, quinoa is a healthy rice alternative. One cup of cooked quinoa provides eight grams of protein. It has twice the protein of white rice. It’s overall healthier than rice because it’s higher in fiber and protein.

 21. Brown Rice

Brown rice is packed with protein. This whole grain is rich in fiber, which helps reduce belly fat and control your weight. It has fewer carbohydrates than white rice, plus it’s gluten-free. Eating brown rice before exercise is a good source of healthy carbs for energy and muscle health. Eat brown rice to help manage your blood sugar and improve your heart health.

Eating foods high in protein is a great way to reduce your appetite and lose weight. Protein also builds and repairs your muscle tissues. Why not add some of these healthy protein foods options to your diet today?


Final Thoughts on Eating the Best Foods to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

If you are trying to gain a slimmer, more muscular physique, exercise is only part of the equation. Protein and whole-grain foods will help you to shed extra fat and also support muscle growth. Thus, you will enable yourself to have that sculpted body you want.

How I Empowered Myself To Leave My Psychopath Boyfriend

Many people call their exes psychos without realizing the weight of the word. If your once-significant other did something like stalk you on social media or blow up your phone with texts whenever you went out with friends, that’s only the tip of the iceberg compared to dating a clinical psychopath.

Don’t get me wrong – anyone who does the things I just mentioned should be out of your life – but many people throw around the word “psychopath” without actually understanding what it means and how horrifying it can be to find yourself trapped in a relationship with one.

Of course, I never thought it would happen to me. People only get involved with real psychos on TV and in movies, right? I thought the same. But in reality, clinical psychopathy is a real and prevalent condition in the United States. A psychopath is wildly cunning and manipulative; most of the ones you encounter don’t fit the bill of a deranged lunatic as portrayed on TV or the media.

Psychopaths make up 1 percent of the population, so the odds of dating one are slim, but it does happen. This is how I realized I was dating a psychopath and managed to get myself out of the relationship.

How We Met

When I first met Andrew, I was drawn in by his magnetic personality. Outgoing and unwaveringly confident, he approached me at a bar and struck up a conversation without an ounce of hesitation. He told me he was new to the city and enjoying his career as an account manager for a large legal firm. I acted unimpressed, and he saw right through it.

With a wicked grin, he said, “Enough about me, though. I want to know about you.”

“Why?” I asked with a smirk.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, and while the boldness would have put me off coming form someone else, the way he spoke made it impossible not to believe him. “I want to know you,” Andrew said, and so I talked. We exchanged numbers before parting ways, and he texted me the next day asking me out for dinner that weekend.

Looking back, I never would have guessed that the gentleman who held open the door and convinced the waiter to give us a free bottle of wine would turn my life into a living hell over the next nine months.

The Warning Signs I was Dating A Psychopath

A few months into our relationship, I started to worry there was something wrong with Andrew. He was selfish and manipulative, often resorting to ultimatums whenever we got in a fight, but somehow knowing exactly what to say to convince me I was the one at fault.

When we were going through a good period, Andrew was a dream. He was too good to be true. He said all the right things and seemed to be totally enamored by me. But then, his sweet, doting nature would inexplicably shift. He would go from happy to enraged without a moment’s notice, and I was often left shaken and disturbed by the violent nature of his mood swings, all the while trying to calm him down, try to help and figure out what I’d done wrong.

After a while, I began to sense that Andrew’s confessions of love weren’t as sincere as I wanted them to be. When he told me, “You’re the girl I’ve always wanted,” or “I’ve never loved someone the way I love you,” something just didn’t feel right. I wasn’t flattered; I was unsettled, but of course, I couldn’t dare question him.


Discovering the Truth

Whenever I thought about leaving Andrew, I felt guilty. I was his only real friend in the city, and while I had a healthy support system to fall back on, he’d be all alone if I broke up with him. Little did I know this in and of itself was a warning sign Andrew wasn’t who he portrayed himself to be.

One of the unnoticed psychopath traits is a lack of closeness to others or genuine friendships. Andrew often evaded questions about his past, and I never pried too much. Maybe he came from a broken family. I didn’t want to upset him by drudging up painful memories.

But psychopaths know how to avoid revealing much about themselves or others; mystery is part of their charm and one of their strengths. Psychopaths prioritize their needs and will always act in their own interest before anyone else’s.

How to End Things

When I began to research psychopath traits and realized Andrew fit the description to a “T,” I was scared to break up with him; how would he react? I expected him to just refuse to let me leave. So, I began to look up how to break up with a psychopath boyfriend and communication strategies.

The key is to conceal the fact you’re leaving. You have to gradually cut off contact and emotionally withdraw from the relationship. Psychopaths love a challenge and will go out of their way to rope you back in if they realize you’re trying to leave. Be patient, and be strong.

When things turn nasty, and they will, realize that you aren’t responsible for their behavior and the only response you should give them is an “okay.” Do not react to their retaliations, and avoid being alone with them in case they turn violent.

In some cases, the psychopathic lover will get bored and leave on their own. In my case, I had to detach myself from Andrew to the point that he realized I had lost interest. He brought up the subject of splitting up, and I told him I thought it was for the best.

After we officially ended our relationship, I cut him out of my life completely. I stayed with my parents for a month or so after our breakup in case he went to my apartment. I blocked his number and every profile on social media. I never heard from him again, but a friend told me she saw him with another woman only a week after we separated in the same bar where we first met.

Leaving someone is never easy, and it can even be dangerous when you’re dealing with someone who exhibits psychopath traits. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you are trapped in an abusive, manipulative relationship. A therapist can give you advice and help you devise a breakup strategy.

Remember to love yourself before you love anyone else. Breaking up with a psychopathic boyfriend takes courage, strength and a lot of patience, but you can free yourself from the abusive cycle like I did and go on to live a happy, healthy life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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