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8 Evening Habits That Make It Harder to Fall Asleep

Sleep is undeniably important to our health. Although we still don’t fully understand why we need sleep, the effects of a bad night’s sleep are readily evident the next morning. You would think that because of this, we would be extremely vigilant about our bedtime habits. Unfortunately, this is not the case. So, let’s discuss some evening habits that make it harder to fall asleep and how to avoid them.

“Sleep is that golden chain that ties our health and our bodies together.” – Thomas Dekker

Here Are 8 Evening Habits That Make It Harder to Fall Asleep

1. Using electronic devices

Screens from electronic devices emit blue light, which mimics the light we receive from the midday sun. In turn, our body’s ability to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone, gets suppressed. As a result, we don’t feel sleepy.

The easiest way to fix this is to stop using all electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, try finding alternative non-electronic solutions for relaxing, like reading a physical book or relaxation stretches. Additionally, consider investing in an app that filters out blue-light, or even checking your phone settings. Both iOS and Android Oreo now feature settings that turn your screen warmer after sunset, so the light from your device no longer interferes with your ability to sleep.

2. Not having a regular bedtime

When we stay up late and sleep in for the weekends, it disrupts our body’s internal clock. As a result, it takes more effort to return to our previous wake-sleep cycle. The simplest solution, then, is to maintain a regular bedtime schedule regardless which day of the week it is, and to bid goodbye to late-night parties on Friday!

3. No wind-down period

While it may have been decades since we practiced a bedtime routine that involves a bedside story like we did in our childhood, experts say we never truly outgrow our need for a wind-down period. Therefore, not relaxing prior to sleep can result in tossing and turning for hours despite your exhaustion.

An easy solution to this is simply to block out an hour before sleep. Have all your must-dos wrapped up within the first 20 minutes. Then spend the next 40 minutes doing wind-down activities, such as taking a relaxing bath or reading a book. By the time bedtime rolls around, you should be able to fall asleep.

4. Drinking coffee late

As caffeine is a stimulant, it is common to see people picking up a cup of coffee later in the afternoon when we start naturally feeling tired and sleepy. This, however, is a mistake. Caffeine has a half-life of about five to six hours, meaning that half of the caffeine is still in your system all those hours later.

Therefore, drinking coffee too late in the day will still affect your ability to fall asleep. This has a simple solution: avoid drinking any caffeinated beverages after two p.m. if you want to make it to your midnight bedtime.

5. Eating heavy meals

Due to staying up later, we are more likely to eat heavier meals at night. Unfortunately, this contributes to our inability to fall asleep on time. After eating large amounts of food, your metabolism fires up accordingly in order to digest it. Additionally, a full stomach is also uncomfortable when lying down. These two conditions together make it difficult to fall asleep. To avoid this, ensure that you finish your dinner two to three hours before your bedtime.

6. Exercising before bedtime

With just how busy our modern lives can be, you may find that it is most convenient to exercise before bed. As healthy as this is, doing a strenuous activity before bedtime can make it difficult to fall asleep.

Engaging in vigorous exercise affects your bedtime twofold. Firstly, it artificially raises your body temperature. Because the body naturally cools down as it becomes relaxed and falls asleep, a higher body temperature can delay your bedtime. Secondly, you become highly stimulated as a result of exercise, which can also make it harder to relax and fall asleep. Try to stick to only light exercises before bedtime and tackle the heavier ones earlier in the day.

7. Going to bed too early

Common sense dictates that if we want to sleep earlier, we ought to go to bed sooner. However, this is not the case. It may sound counterintuitive but going to bed too early may make it more difficult to fall asleep on time. When you go to bed too early, you likely aren’t sleepy once you get in bed.

This results in tossing and turning, which can make you anxious and agitated over the lack of sleep. All this, in turn, makes you too stressed to fall asleep. The easiest way to fix this is to simply go to bed only when you are tired. That way, you avoid all the problems associated with waiting for sleep to befall you.

fall asleep

8. Using your bedroom for other activities

It is entirely common to watch movies in bed or study in our bedroom. Very likely you have spent hours binge-watching your favorite series in bed just because it positively happens to be the most comfortable place in the house. Unfortunately, this may be contributing to your inability to fall asleep.

When you perform other activities unrelated to sleep in the bedroom, the body and mind regard it as another workspace. As a result, it does not automatically wind down upon entry, and instead continues to assume that it must stay stimulated for work. To combat this, reserve your bed and bedroom for only sleep and intimacy. That way, you can train your mind and body to automatically associate this space for rest and relaxation and prepare accordingly upon entry.

Final thoughts

Considering just how crucial sleep is to our daily functioning, it is imperative that we avoid bad sleeping habits that can worsen our quality of sleep. By breaking these harmful evening habits that can make it difficult for you to sleep, and instead applying our suggested alternatives, you will find that falling asleep at your planned bedtime is not that hard. Getting enough sleep is vital to ensuring productivity, wellbeing, and positive thinking, so don’t take that for granted!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Signs You’re Dealing With A Drama Queen

When we get right down to it, there are three types of people in the world: those that love drama, those that hate drama, and those that are indifferent to drama. The first group is more prone to the extreme display of emotion; exhibitions of embellished behavior commonly seen in soap operas and other attention-seeking TV programs (we bet you can come up with at least three.)

In other words, they’re melodramatic. defines “melodramatic” as:

  1. of, like, or befitting melodrama
  2. exaggerating and emotional or sentimental; sensational or sensationalized; overdramatic.

We commonly refer to individuals who display such theater as “drama queens.” Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, and Lindsey Lohan are three recognizable modern day examples of a drama queen.

“I was always a drama queen. I remember playing in the kitchen, trying to get my mom to think I was dead and call the police. When she didn’t, I would cry. I was always theatrical. I don’t think any of my relatives are surprised.” – Amy Lee, lead vocalist of Evanescence

Now, this is not to say that people with an appreciation for the melodramatic are themselves drama queens. We surely don’t want to encapsulate people in such a manner. Distinguishing the drama queen from other (even similar) people is a set of common mannerisms.

Here, we list eight such behaviors and provide a little info about each one.

Here are eight signs you’re dealing with a drama queen:

1. Needs to be “COA.”

One of the more visible signs, drama queens both need and love to be the COA – the Center of Attention. They’ll conspicuously show off any new clothing or accessory to anyone who’ll listen. Conversationally, they’ll redirect the topic to themselves by initiating gossip or prompting someone to inquire into about them (e.g. by pouting, looking sad, etc.). In other words, drama queens will do and say nearly anything to be COA.

2. Throwing tantrums

Erratic, inexplicable and immature outbursts are not proper behavior for anyone beyond the age of ten – and that’s pushing it. The drama queen takes the adage “Age is just another number” to a hemispheric level by continuing their immature ways for years; sometimes throughout their life.

Throwing tantrums is simply another method for a drama queen to be COA. Despite their age, drama queens continue to believe the irrational notion that the world revolves around them. When they don’t receive the attention they “deserve,” they are often quick to make a scene to get it.

3. Always assuming the worst

Things happen in life that set us back – it’s a fact of human existence. Rational people will inquire thoughtfully to such setbacks and respond appropriately. However, drama queens – for the most part – are not the most rational people. As such, they’ll forgo any logical response and immediately assume that the worst happened.

Running late? They’ll assume you don’t care. Need to delay that rendezvous because of work? They’ll believe you’re blowing them off. So on…and so on…

4. Reacting emotionally to everything

Reason does not dictate a drama queen’s thought and behavioral processes. Instead, they’ll immediately respond in a childish manner to anything that they don’t like.

If the drama queen is your boyfriend or girlfriend, they seem almost unable to engage in a rational conversation. Why? Because anything that stokes their emotions almost assuredly manifests into exhibitions of impulsive, irrational behavior.

5. Is attracted to and initiates conflict

When feeling bored, it is common for drama queens to “stir things up” by creating…you guessed it…more drama. The purpose is simple – to ignite emotions and get people into a reactive state. This is the perfect recipe for conflict.

To the conflict-averse, this type of behavior makes absolutely no sense. To those indifferent to conflict, this kind of behavior makes absolutely no sense. Sensibility is another one of the drama queen’s weak points, which helps explain such nonsensical actions.

6. Drags out conflict as long as possible

Relatedly, when conflict does surface, a drama queen wants the conflict to stick around as long as possible. To them, it’s an emotional high. Even when everyone else seems ready to separate themselves from the situation, the drama queen will try to bring them back in through their typical, irrational antics.

This type of behavior does pose a threat, specially if it takes place in front of those close to you, such as friends or family. In this scenario, whether we realize it or not, our drama queen may be attempting to separate you and yours.


No further explanation necessary. It’s just very strange (yet predictable) behavior.

7. Loves to make a “grand entrance.”

No matter the venue, a drama queen loves to make her presence known in the most dramatic way possible. This often involves showing up a bit late (how ironic) so that all eyes are on them. The drama queen basks in this attention, whether it be good or bad.

“The Bell of the Ball” or “The Bain of the Ball” doesn’t matter, so long as they’re COA.

8. “Falls ill” at the most inconvenient times

This is very common when in a relationship with a drama queen. Your significant other will suddenly fall ill immediately prior to you meeting up with some friends, or perhaps trying to get in some (well-deserved!) alone time. They’ll make the utmost attempt to alter your state of mind – one from happiness and contentment to guilt and unworthiness.

Of course, the entire charade is intended to ensure that they remain your number one priority.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Plants That Help You Get The Best Sleep

Are you having trouble getting a good night of sleep? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people in the world struggle with sleep problems, which can have a significant impact on their health and well-being. While there are many strategies for improving sleep, one practical and natural solution is incorporating certain plants into your bedroom.

This article explores five plants that promote relaxation and better sleep, so you can wake up refreshed and rejuvenated each morning.

Ten Benefits of Indoor Plants

Indoor plants

1 – Improved air quality

Plants help purify the air by eliminating toxins and pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. It can lead to improved air quality and better respiratory health.

2 – Reduced stress and anxiety

Indoor plants can calm people, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Plants can create a sense of peace and tranquility in the home.

3 – Increased productivity

Indoor plants can also help to improve productivity by reducing mental fatigue and increasing focus. It can be especially beneficial for those who work at home or spend much time indoors.

4 – Better sleep

Plants can help create a more relaxing and peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom, leading to better sleep. Some plants also release oxygen at night, improving air quality while you sleep.

5 – Improved mental health

Research shows that exposure to nature and greenery can positively impact mental health, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

6 – Increased creativity

Indoor plants can help to stimulate creativity by creating a more visually appealing and inspiring environment. It can significantly benefit artists, writers, and other creative professionals.

7 – Natural humidifiers

Plants release moisture into the air through transpiration, which can help increase indoor humidity levels. That can be especially beneficial during winter when the air tends to be drier.

8 – Noise reduction

Plants can also help absorb and reduce noise levels, making them a great addition to home offices, bedrooms, and other areas where noise can be problematic.

9 – Increased sense of well-being

Having plants in the home can create a more inviting and welcoming atmosphere, increasing the sense of well-being and happiness.

10 – Educational opportunities

Growing plants indoors can be a great way to learn about different species, their growth patterns, and their care requirements. That can be especially beneficial for children, who can develop a greater appreciation for nature and the environment.

5 Plants That Help You Get The Best Sleep

Indoor plants

1. Aloe Vera

Say “Aloe” to Vera! Aloe Vera, known in Ancient Egypt as the food of immortality, is low maintenance and also emits oxygen during the night in the home. Giving off oxygen is the catalyst to kip (“sleep” in British English slang), which staves off insomnia. This gives you the best sleep you could ever want. You can even get an Aloe Vera sleeping pack, including a mask. Ladies, fancy some all-night pampering while you sleep? Or was that a silly question?

2. Lavender Plant

Purple plant power present. Perfect for reducing those stress and anxiety levels to help you sleep at night. Lavender helps lower the heart rate, too. It promotes pure relaxation, which is precisely what sleep is. Many people use it in the bathtub after being put through their paces at 9 to 5. Purple plant power pampering indeed!

3. Jasmine Plant

This is Princess Jasmine’s plant, and Aladdin can rest assured that his sweetie is getting her beauty sleep. What is her secret? It is the smell of the Jasmine Plant, increasing the quality of sleep and helps after you wake up with elevated levels of alertness and productivity and lessened anxiety levels. She does not need to use one of the three wishes the Genie gave her. If it is good enough for a princess, ladies…

4. English Ivy

Forget English tea; English Ivy is the plant to help thee. English Ivy is simple to grow and the best air purifier around, beneficial for those with pulmonary problems, including asthma. It reduces air molds by a whopping 94% to help you get some well-earned kip. For those not from the country of Pride and Prejudice and Downtown Abbey, it is time to give London a miss and head out into the enchanting English countryside for some English Ivy seeds. It is why English cottages have them all over the exterior walls.


5. Snake Plant

Fear not, dear friends. This plant will not bite your head off, I assure you! What is there not to love about this plant? It is easily maintained, pleasant on the eye in the home, and improves air quality and the general atmosphere. No harm is involved at all. You might be tempted to put a couple in your place and let them do their thing.

5 Signs Your Partner Is Making You Gain Weight (And How to Fix It)

The single life allows you to spend all your time and thoughts on yourself when you need to. Once you get a partner, things change, and there’s a new dynamic to explore. You also might find yourself making changes to your lifestyle. For the most part, studies suggest that being in a new relationship – or an older, healthy one – has positive effects on one’s wellbeing. But there’s also a phenomenon where being in a relationship can cause someone to gain weight. It’s important to spot these signs and nip them in the bud before it’s too late. Here are some signs your partner is making you gain weight – and how to fix it.

“We are social creatures of habit, so we’re influenced by the behaviours and beliefs of the people around us. If our partner tends to be more relaxed around eating, we will inevitably pick that up.” – Jennifer Sygo.

Here Are 5 Signs Your Partner Is Making You Gain Weight (And How to Fix It)

1. You drink more alcohol.

When you first start dating, you’ll likely wind up going on quite a number of dates. The most popular and common kinds of dates involve food and, in most cases, alcohol. While you can try to eat healthily around different sorts of food, alcoholic drinks tend to sneak in a good amount of sneaky alcohol. On top of that, studies have shown that even those who have been in relationships for a long time are affected by this. In fact, married women drink approximately three more drinks than single women.

If you have difficulty avoiding alcohol and tend to give in to cravings even when you aim to order healthier drinks, then try switching up the types of dates you go on. Instead of going for dinner or drinks, take a trip to a historical site or take up a new hobby or some classes with your partner. This will make sure that whatever you’re doing doesn’t involve alcohol, so the temptation isn’t around and you won’t gain weight.

2. You’ve been skipping the gym for dates.

If you’re someone who regularly performs a variety of physical activities, whether that’s in the form of going to the gym, attending a class that gets you moving, or even just going out for a walk, you need to be continuing this after you get into a relationship.

Sometimes, a relationship can cause you to skip your usual activities in favor of spending more time with your partner. Unfortunately, this change in routine often involves a switch from something active and healthy to something that likely involves a lot of sitting down or relaxing, which could make you gain weight.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with getting some rest now and then, but learn to find a compromise. If your partner wants to spend more time with you, invite them to come with you to the gym, or to your fitness-related class, or even out for a walk with you. This way, you get to be together while doing something healthy and active. Not only will you keep your own fitness in check, but you might just help your partner with theirs!

3. There’s more food around.

If you’re someone who’s big on healthy eating and living, you might be adamant on keeping your home free of unhealthy junk food snacks that are too easy to reach for, and that can make you gain weight. But when you move in with a partner, they might like keeping their comfort food scattered everywhere – and the temptation can be pretty strong.

Packaged snacks are tasty and convenient, but depending on a large number of factors, they could be causing major weight gain and a host of other health problems. The best way to fix this is to ask your partner to keep their snacks out of sight. When you’re tired, you’re much more likely to reach for the chips on the counter than want to cook a full meal. Having your partner keep their snacks to themselves can work wonders in this case. In addition, try to stock your kitchen with healthy snacks you can enjoy guilt-free.

4. Your partner has different eating habits.

Does your partner always snack while watching TV? Do they have larger meals, eat more often, or make a habit of snacking? Chances are you may be slowly following their patterns, too, loading your body with unnecessary calories. Even your partner eating faster than you can cause you to unconsciously mirror their speed, and this can slowly but surely lead to gaining weight.

gain weight

In order to fix this issue, you need to be conscious of yourself. Be aware of what habits your partner performs that you’ve been picking up on. Of course, you’re not meant to change your partner’s habits. Instead, find alternatives that you can use. Eat a piece of fruit while watching TV with your partner, intentionally slow yourself down while you eat or serve yourself smaller portions, and make sure you have wholesome snacks to enjoy when you need them.

5. You feel attractive no matter what.

Guess what? This is a great thing! Your partner showers you with compliments, you feel happy and loved, you’re always made to feel like you’re the most gorgeous person on the planet. You feel secure enough that even if you do gain weight, your partner will still love you just the same.

This type of positive thinking is amazing, but there’s just one problem with this – it means you might lose some of your fitness motivation. You might not bother doing yoga anymore if you think it no longer matters, or you might indulge in a more sinful diet consisting of more junk food than you’d usually allow for yourself.

There’s really only one way to fix this: by understanding that you can have your own standards for how fit you want to be or how you look, and you shouldn’t be judging yourself entirely by how your partner views you. While it’s wonderful to feel loved and your partner says you don’t need to keep working out, it is totally okay for you to keep up the same physical health routines you had when you were single if you want to!

Final thoughts

At the end of the day, it is completely up to you whether or not gaining weight in a relationship is something you want to prevent. If you do, though, then there are plenty of ways to stop yourself from falling into this trap. By keeping your eye out for these signs and learning how to fix or avoid them, you’ll be at the weight you like no matter your relationship status.

10 Foods That Relieve Constipation Better Than Laxatives

Virtually everyone has experienced constipation at some point, and the chances of developing this annoying and often painful issue increases with age. Because of how awful laxatives can feel, you’ll often be uncomfortable whether you take them or not. Luckily, there are plenty of foods you can eat that have positive effects on bowel movements!

Let’s consider some foods that relieve constipation better than laxatives.

“No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means.” – Maimonides

Here Are 10 Foods That Relieve Constipation Better Than Laxatives


1. Prunes

Dried plums, more popularly known as prunes, are fantastic for constipation. Thanks to their high-fiber content, they help bowel movements by increasing water content in stools while improving stool weight through fatty acids. Prunes also contain unique phenolic compounds and a sugar alcohol called sorbitol, which boost gastrointestinal health.

Not only do they produce a mild laxative effect, but they also stimulate the production of good bacteria. Studies have shown that people who consume just 10 prunes a day – approximately 100g – experience more frequent bowel movements and see better waste consistency. You can also drink prune juice if you prefer.

2. Whole Wheat Bread and Pasta

All varieties of whole wheat products are great replacements for traditional varieties. This doesn’t just cover bread, but it also encompasses pasta and rice. This is because whole wheat foods have lots of insoluble fiber, which helps to add weight to stools.

If you’re going for bread, buying a variety containing nuts and seeds will give you an even more substantial effect. Rye bread is especially helpful in this respect. Just two slices make up 15% of the recommended daily dietary fiber intake. This kind of bread works much better than laxatives and is more effective at easing constipation than other wheat bread varieties.

3. Raspberries and Blackberries

Both these kinds of berries have high water content and lots of fiber, so they have been known to relieve constipation well. Thanks to their high vitamin C content and a good boost of calcium, they’re generally good, healthy fruits to eat regularly. You shouldn’t consume too much of these fruits daily due to their high fat and sugar content. Still, they’re safe to eat in a small handful, mixed with cream or yogurt, or even in baked goods.

4. Pears and Apples

Eating these two fruits raw can promise several benefits, not just to your gut but for overall health. Both contain a lot of water and high amounts of fiber, which naturally help bowel movements overall, and they contain plenty of helpful components for gut health.

One of the fibers contained in apples is called pectin, which is great for increasing stool water content, making stools softer and heavier through the use of fatty acids. Studies have shown pectin can boost stool travel time, too! The best apples to consume for constipation are the Granny Smith variety. On the other hand, pears have high fructose, which stimulates the bowels, and sorbitol, which acts as a minor laxative.

5. Pulses

Pulses are a food group comprised of things like lentils, beans, and even peas. These are packed with vast amounts of fiber. One cup of baked beans can contain nearly 80% of the recommended daily fiber intake. As a bonus, they’re also often very inexpensive!

Pulses contain a mix of different kinds of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Together, these fiber types help add bulk to waste material and soften them, thus helping with constipation. If you’re not too big a fan of eating pulses unaccompanied, you can blend them into dips, add them to soups or salads, or even throw them in with dishes involving ground meat.


6. Popcorn

That’s right; even this movie snack can relieve constipation. Popcorn is very low in calories, and eating it is a great way to add extra fiber to your diet while satisfying cravings. Choosing popcorn over chips can go a long way! Make sure your popcorn is air-popped and not wholly smothered in butter and salt for a healthier yet tasty snack.

7. Citrus Fruits

Oranges, mandarins, and grapefruits are loaded with fiber, especially pectin, which we discussed when discussing apples. This component is mainly present in the peel. These fruits also have naringenin, a type of flavanol that helps add to their constipation-relieving properties.

Citrus fruits are also great for helping fluids secrete into the colon, which produces a mild but noticeable laxative effect. Plus, they taste so refreshing and juicy! Thanks to how much vitamin C they contain, they make a great snack food.

8. Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are a long-known remedy for constipation, and they have been used in medicine for centuries for this very purpose. This is because they have all the effects of a natural laxative due to their high insoluble and soluble fiber content. Eating just one tablespoon of this food gives you 11% of your daily recommended fiber. Flaxseed can boost bowel movement frequency while boosting stools’ weight.

It almost acts like a large intestine sponge that can soften stools with the water it collects, all while stimulating good bacteria growth with short-chain fatty acids. You can consume flaxseeds as they are or through flaxseed oil; olive oil has a similar effect. Do note that you should not consume flaxseeds if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as it can stimulate the start of menstruation when taken in excess.

9. Kiwi

Kiwifruit has a very high fiber content. Studies have shown that those who eat one kiwi per 30kg of body weight daily will have softened stools that pass more frequently and quickly. Some studies have also found that eating two of these fruits daily can result in much better and healthier bowel habits.

This fruit also has an enzyme known as actinidine. This component can boost movement that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. On top of that, kiwi has several phytochemicals, which – while understudied – have been suggested to help improve overall digestion.

10. Greens

Greens are good for your health in more ways than one. You’ll especially want to eat lots of spinach, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts! Not only are these high in fiber, folate, and vitamins C and K, but they also add stool bulk, allowing them to pass more quickly.

Spinach has high levels of magnesium that attract water into stools, softening them and making them easier to pass. Broccoli has a lot of sulforaphane, which is a component that aids digestion and helps keep the gastrointestinal system healthy. Most soft, leafy greens have a lot of fiber and other health benefits, so feel free to load up on them!

Greens - constipation

Final Thoughts on Eating Well to Relieve Constipation

Being constipated might often be the butt of jokes – no pun intended! – but it can have detrimental effects on the body, and even in mild cases can cause discomfort that negatively affects productivity, positive thinking, and eating patterns. Eating these listed foods can help relieve this problem without using laxatives; some may even prevent constipation altogether.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

4 Simple Changes That Make Your Body Burn Fat Faster

The body needs to burn fat to have energy and prevent weight gain.  However, the most common fat-burning activities, like regular exercise and diet, don’t seem enjoyable and appealing to some people. If you’re challenged to follow through on your weight loss efforts, you can always start slowly and make baby steps to gain positive results. Here are some simple changes you can make today to help your body burn fat faster and facilitate weight loss.

“Weight loss can change your whole character. That always amazed me: Shedding pounds does change your personality. It changes your philosophy of life because you recognize that you are capable of using your mind to change your body.” – Jean Nidetch

Here Are 4 Simple Changes That Make Your Body Burn Fat Faster

1. Follow a time-restricted feeding (TRF) routine

Time-restricted feeding enables you to eat whatever you want, provided you have your meals and snacks between a set number of hours only. This kind of diet follows a similar concept to intermittent fasting, where you eat at certain times of the day and, more importantly, skip the midnight snacks.

So, if you have your breakfast at 7 a.m. and eat your last meal for the day at 5 p.m., you can help your body to burn fat and lose weight faster. A study found in the Journal of Nutritional Science proved that time-restricted feeding actually works to help with weight loss.

For 10 weeks, researchers followed and studied the eating habits of 16 volunteers. The first group ate their breakfast 90 minutes after waking up and had dinners 90 minutes earlier than usual. The second group followed their normal eating hours.

The group that had the shorter window of hours for eating had lost more body fat at the conclusion of the study. Apparently, their eating schedule helped curbed their appetite and discouraged them from snacking after dinner.

However, time-restricted feeding will work best for people with set routines or who do not have demanding work, family, and social obligations. If you have a challenging schedule, your body might not successfully respond to this style of eating.

2. Reduce sugar and starch in your diet

The human body needs carbohydrates for energy and protection from disease risks. Carbohydrates are one of the most essential macronutrients, along with protein and fat. However, too many carbohydrates in the body, which breaks down into sugar and starch when digested, can lead to weight gain and other problems linked to obesity. So, as per health experts’ advice, you need to burn carbohydrates through physical activities or cut down on your food intake.

A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism showed how obese women effectively lost weight after cutting some carbs from their diet. They also reduced their appetite without feeling the hunger pangs.

Ideally, a person with average weight and height need 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrates every day, as per Mayo Clinic. This should meet the 45 to 65 percent of calories the body needs to maintain optimum health. Anything beyond this amount and you’ll likely get fat, but anything less might also make your body susceptible to health problems.

3. Eat (rather than drink) fruits to keep your stomach fuller

Do you love to drink naturally juiced fruits? Proponents of juicing believe that the body absorbs vitamins and nutrients in the liquid form better and faster, yet there are no concrete studies to support these claims.

However, one study published in the journal Appetite proved that eating whole fruits before a meal can make your stomach fuller and more satiated so you wouldn’t have the tendency to overeat.  So, the experts recommend that you should try to eat rather than drink fruits.

If you’re not fond of eating whole fruits, however, then juicing could be the next best thing. You can even include juicing vegetables in your daily glass. There are loads of fruit and vegetable juicing recipes online that will appeal to your taste buds. If you don’t like juicing, you can also try blending fruits and vegetables, which retain more fiber and phytonutrients than juicing.

Fruits and vegetables are effective in helping you burn fat because these foods are low in calories but rich in vitamins and minerals.

4. Try doing intense one-minute workouts

No time for exercise? Experts at McMaster University in Canada learned that you don’t need to spend hours of time working out to lose weight and get fit because doing a minute of intense workout may bring the same benefits as a 45-minute moderate exercise.

In their study, published in the journal PLOS One, the experts followed 27 sedentary men for 12 weeks. They were divided into groups that either did intense training or moderate workouts, while one group did not do any exercises at all. The men that did 20-second sprints every day become more physically fit after the study compared to the men who had 10 to 15 minutes of exercises and warm-ups in their routine three times a week.

burn fat

The findings pointed out that it’s possible to burn fat faster and benefit from a quick run up and down a flight of stairs during lunch breaks at work. However, intense exercises might not be advisable for those with physical conditions, such as a heart problem. If you plan to do this, get a clearance from a doctor first.

Final thoughts

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results when you start implementing these four simple things. The effects won’t happen overnight but with positive thinking and consistency, you will soon reap the benefits of changing your lifestyle to improve your body’s health and wellness.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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