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10 Mistakes People Make About Supplements (That Most People Don’t Realize)

It is estimated that two in every three Americans takes a dietary supplement at least once per day. Unsurprisingly, the supplement market is booming. The market research firm Grand View Research estimates that the market for supplements will reach nearly 280 million U.S. dollars (USD) by 2024. That’s a lot of pills. (But still a drop in the bucket compared to Big Pharma – a 100-billion-dollar industry.)

Researchers believe that rising obesity rates, ignorance regarding the benefits of supplements, and a nationwide stress epidemic all contribute to the rapid growth of the nutritional supplement market.

A Background on Supplements

“Dietary supplements” include products such as amino acids, botanicals, enzymes, herbals, vitamins, and minerals. Supplements come in many forms, including capsules, tablets, powders, beverages, and energy foods.

While plenty of evidence exists demonstrating the health benefits of supplements, they are not intended to replace whole foods. Indeed, this misconception and subsequent misuse can prove harmful to health.

It is apparent that a disproportionate amount of information exists pertaining to the potential benefits of supplementation, and not nearly as much about possible harmful effects. Most people, including doctors and nutritionists, concede that supplements can be beneficial to health under the right conditions. But when common sense is not applied, supplements can be hazardous.

Here are 10 Misconceptions People Have about Taking Supplements

1. “The sun will give me all the vitamin D that I need.”

The primary role of vitamin D is to absorb calcium, and calcium is critical to bone health.

There are two types of vitamin D – D2 and D3. We don’t get much D2 or D3 from food, which is why some food products are fortified. And, while the sun can provide enough “D” during sunnier months, your body may not get enough during the winter months.

2. “All probiotics are the same.”

Health-promoting microorganisms that reside in the gut are called probiotics. Probiotics may help promote a healthy digestive tract and immune system.

There are a bunch of misconceptions – and flat-out lies from food companies – about probiotics, the biggest one being that all probiotics are essentially the same.

Dr. Pat Hibbard, a pediatrician and chief of global health at Massachusetts Children’s Hospital, states, “This is absolutely wrong,” as two probiotics may consist of completely different strains of organisms. As such, you’ll need to be sure that any probiotics you take are the kind your body needs.

3. “I need calcium supplements.”

We need calcium for strong, healthy, durable bones. But there is a proliferating myth that older adults need a supplement – and this isn’t necessarily true. If you eat plenty of seeds, chest, dairy, sardines, lentils, almonds, or leafy greens, you may not.

You can find your recommended daily intakes (RDI) for vitamins and nutrients here.

4. “I need a multi-vitamin.”

Once again, the question of whether you need a multivitamin (or any supplement) depends on your diet. A multivitamin is convenient because it gives you most of what you need nutritionally in a few pills instead of having to eat a bunch of foods. Just make sure that you’re not overdoing it or getting more than you should of any particular vitamin or mineral.

5. “Taking a bunch of random pills is okay.”

This belief is wrong on many levels. First, supplements can interact with prescription medications – and this can be very dangerous. Second, as implied earlier, more of a vitamin or mineral is not necessarily a good thing. There is such a thing as nutritional toxicity, where the body is unable to rid itself of excess levels of nutrients in the blood. Again, this is a potentially dangerous situation.

Know what is going into your body – and how much.

6. “I don’t need supplements.”

Maybe you don’t. Just bear in mind that you must be able to answer ‘yes’ to the following three questions:

(1) Is your diet well-balanced?

(2) Do you eat the right amounts of each food group?

(3) Do you maintain a well-balanced, well-proportioned diet every day?

7. “All supplements are safe.”

Many, perhaps most, supplements are very safe. Like prescription and non-prescription drugs, however, not all supplements are created equal. And, like drugs, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has had to yank products off the shelves. A prominent example of the possible dangers of supplements is ephedra – the once-popular weight-loss ingredient. Ephedra was banned in 2004 after the FDA received reports of over 16,000 adverse health cases involving nearly 200 deaths.


8. “It’s okay to mix supplements with prescription drugs.”

It may be okay, but you should check out known interactions between supplements and any medications you are taking. Supplements may alter the absorption, function, and excretion of prescription drugs. In rare instances, an interaction may be dangerous and even life-threatening.

. “I can trust the labels.”

Like every other private company, supplement manufacturers exist to make a profit. And, like most other industries, there are both good and bad actors. Err on the side of caution and look for the following information:

  • Certification: Look for the letters ‘GMP’ and USP’; United States Pharmacopeia, and Good Manufacturing Practices, respectively.
  • Price: Don’t buy cheap or exorbitantly expensive supplements. (Certification costs companies money so you can expect to pay a bit more here.)
  • Reviews: Check out for unbiased information on supplement ingredients. Also, read the reviews of customers.

10. “It’s okay to give kids supplements.”

Check the RDIs according to age group. Children, especially young children, are much more sensitive to the effects of supplements. Also, if your child is on prescription medication, check with their doctor before giving them any supplement.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Things Alpha Women Do Every Day

You’ve likely heard of the idea of “alpha men”, but did you know that alpha traits can also be applied to women? Alpha women are the kind of people everyone looks up to. They have admirable traits that allow them to be more positive, and more successful in life. If you identify as a woman, then you’ll want to work on adding these traits to yourself, too. Here are some things alpha women do every day.

“The question isn’t ‘Who’s going to let me,’ it’s ‘Who’s going to stop me?” – Ayn Rand

Here Are 11 Things Alpha Women Do Every Day

1. They know what they want …

An alpha woman is decisive and ambitious. She knows what she wants and doesn’t spend a lot of time second-guessing herself. Of course, this does not mean that alpha women never have moments when they are unsure. It means they know what direction their life is going to take, and they keep their goals in mind always.

2. … and they ask for what they want, unashamedly.

It’s not usual for women who are assertive to be viewed as overly bossy or just looked upon unfavorably in general. An alpha woman does not allow that to get to her. She is naturally dominant and assertive and does not care if ignorant individuals attach a negative idea to that trait. She knows that the only way to get what you want out of life is by taking steps towards it. Sometimes, that involves asking, firmly, for those things.

3. They do not give up easily.

Alpha women know that life is full of trials and tribulations, but that will never stop them from taking risks, learning from mistakes, and fighting to move forward every day. No matter what setbacks an alpha woman faces, she knows she will overcome them and jump those hurdles so she can become the person she wants to be and achieve her dreams. She takes breaks when she needs them, but you can always count on her to be back in her routine quickly.

4. They do not complain.

An alpha woman recognizes that time spent complaining or whining is time poorly spent. When she finds herself in negative circumstances, she immediately takes steps towards fixing and improving those circumstances. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t speak out against injustice or unfair circumstances – she simply refuses to waste her time taking no affirmative action to fix the problems she is facing.

5. They know age is just a number.

There is no one who knows this better than an alpha woman. These strong individuals do not view their lives as a limited countdown and don’t feel the pressure of a clock ticking down. Instead, they disregard the idea that their lives must follow some sort of strict timeline. Instead, an alpha woman paves her own way and walks along that path at her own pace, knowing she will achieve her goals in due time and effort.

6. They aren’t afraid to make the first move.

Traditional values dictate that men need to make the first move in romance, but an alpha woman has no interest in indulging these primitive values. She has no trouble approaching a man in the bar and buying him a drink, and will happily ask a potential partner out. But this doesn’t just apply to romance and sex – it can also apply to jobs, friendships, and opportunities. Basically, what alpha women want, they are willing to take a dominant role to get!

7. They are not afraid to embrace their femininity.

Society often tries to tell us that things traditionally viewed as “feminine” are lame. People laugh at chick flicks, roll their eyes at women dressed in full pink, and nod condescendingly when women talk about loving makeup. Alpha women don’t care about these sorts of things. An alpha woman will be as stereotypically feminine as she wants to be and will embrace what makes her a woman with no qualms.

8. They do not play games.

Passive aggression and mind games get in the way of good communication, and an alpha woman has no time for that. She is not interested in participating in malicious power plays, mind games, and gossip. Instead, she will be open and communicative about her thoughts and needs, and she will listen to the opinions of others so a solution can easily be found. She says what she means and means what she says.

9. They do not belittle other women.

It’s all too easy for someone to step on those around them in an effort to rise to the top. An alpha woman not only feels that this is unnecessary, but she actively works against such ideas, especially when this involves her fellow women. She prides herself on her solidarity with other women and seeks to lift them up, not put them down. She will never insult other women – or other people, in general – in order to climb to the top.

strong woman

10. They know when to walk away.

Alpha women are perfectly capable of compromise – but they realize they can walk away from any situation if they are being disrespected or treated unfairly. A woman of this stature will demand that those in her life engage in healthy relationships with her, whether those relationships are professional, romantic, platonic, or familial. When they fail to do so, she has no qualms about moving on with her life if she sees no change taking place.

11. They love themselves.

Ultimately, an alpha woman loves herself and doesn’t care that others may not. We do know, of course, that self-love is a journey, and having difficulty loving yourself doesn’t automatically disqualify you from being an alpha woman. Even the strongest people have their own struggles, after all. But if you’re working on your self-love and positive thinking and are teaching yourself to be happy in your own skin, that’s half the battle won!

Final thoughts

Being an alpha woman means being a woman who is strong, independent, and intelligent – and who wouldn’t want to be that woman? By adding these traits into your life, you will be well on your way to becoming the alpha woman you’ve always wanted to be!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Early Warnings of Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a condition where bacteria attack the body with harmful toxins. Mostly linked to tampon use in women, TSS may also affect children or men of any age. Around 0.8 to 3.4 per 100,000 TSS cases are recorded in the U.S. every year. It’s rare but it is a life-threatening condition, so here are some early warning signs of toxic shock syndrome.

“The two things that should alert patients and physicians are a very high fever and a sudden drop in blood pressure, which could cause fainting spells…” – Dr. Anthony Chow

Here Are 5 Early Warning Signs of Toxic Shock Syndrome

1. You’re sore all over and you have a headache that won’t go away.

You’re feeling tired and sore, as well as experiencing muscle pain all over your body. You have a headache that won’t go away even when taking over-the-counter pain medication. Worse, if your muscle pain is accompanied by fever (from 102°F/38.9°C or higher), as well as a general feeling of not being well, then you could be suffering from early symptoms of TSS.

2. You develop a rash.

You spot an inexplicable rash on your palms and soles of your feet. It looks flat, without any bumps or texture. This rash will peel and scale as if you have a typical sunburn. Generally, rashes aren’t life-threatening but if you also have a “strawberry tongue” or redness in the mouth, you need to seek a doctor immediately because it might be TSS.

3. Your eyes are red. 

Along with a red mouth or tongue, you might develop redness around the eyes. This is because the bacteria have entered your bloodstream and your body’s immune system is reacting to it. Bloodshot eyes may also itch and burn due to the irritation. Until you visit a doctor for a proper diagnosis or treatment, remove any contact lenses if you wear them.

red eyes - toxic shock syndrome

4. You’re disoriented and confused.

Disorientation and confusion manifest within 48 to 72 hours of TSS, as per a study. Apart from this, you could also be feeling agitated and irritable, and may develop hallucinations. You could also be unresponsive to someone talking to you because your body is already in shock.

5. You’re either vomiting or have diarrhea.

There are a lot of other illnesses that have vomiting or diarrhea as symptoms. But if you’re experiencing this, along with the rest of the signs enumerated above, you might have TSS. See a doctor immediately. If you don’t have TSS, non-stop or prolonged vomiting or diarrhea would still be concerning because it can lead to dehydration that will make your body weak and lead to a kidney shutdown.

Diagnosing and Treating Toxic Shock Syndrome

This condition is a medical emergency. Don’t delay a visit to the hospital if you have a combination of the above symptoms. You need to have someone with you when you’re going to the doctor for the diagnosis and treatment, as you might not be able to answer the questions properly anymore. Hospital staff will check your blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate and your doctor will likely order blood tests and urinalysis.

TSS can develop suddenly but the severity of the symptoms will vary among patients. If your TSS has been confirmed, you will require intravenous fluids and antibiotics to level off your blood pressure, eliminate the bacteria, and protect your organs from the toxins. In extreme cases, dialysis might be needed for a patient suffering from TSS to prevent kidney failure. If the bacteria have infected soft tissues, then surgery might also be necessary.

Recovery from TSS depends on the person’s immune system and how promptly the treatments were administered.

Preventing TSS Risk

If you’re a tampon user, it’s important to change to a fresh one every four to eight hours. Use the kind of tampon with the lowest absorbency and never sleep using a tampon when you have your period. Letting the tampon soak overnight can increase the risks of bacteria developing in your body. Instead, wear a pad when you sleep and also switch to pads when your period flow is lighter.

TSS develop because of bacterial strains like staphylococcus and streptococcus. At least 20 to 30 percent of humans have these strains present in their body most of the time. It is hidden in the skin, nose, or throat. However, these usually don’t produce toxins so there are no health threats.

But the condition can recur if you’re not careful. If you’ve had TSS before, it’s best not to use tampons at all and to stick to pads, especially if you’ve recovered from the hospitalization within the last six months.

Final thoughts

Because of active research and increased awareness, Toxic Shock Syndrome has become an easily recognizable and treatable condition. The fatality rate has reduced in recent years and there have been cases with fewer complications. Read the label on tampon boxes you purchase for more information. Manufacturers have been making a lot of improvements to their products to lower the risks of TSS.

8 Things Unexplained Weight Gain Can Reveal About Your Health

You watch what you eat and get regular exercise but despite your positive efforts to maintain your weight, you still find yourself tipping the scale. Unexpected weight gain might be a sign of a health condition rather than an extra cheeseburger or two. Here are some things that may be going on in your body and causing weight gain:

Here Are 8 Things Unexplained Weight Gain Can Mean About Your Health

1. Your thyroid is out of order

The thyroid is first thing doctors will check when you have unexplained weight gain. You might have an underactive thyroid, also called hypothyroidism, which produces an insufficient amount of hormones that your body needs for metabolism. At least five in 100 people develop hypothyroidism at some point in their lives. It’s more common in women than men, especially among those above 60 years old, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

Other signs that you might have hypothyroidism, aside from weight gain, include low energy or fatigue, constipation, dry skin, and hair loss. Your doctor will require a blood test to diagnose your condition properly.  A thyroid disorder is treatable with medication and surgery.

2. You might have an endocrine disorder

Do you experience an abnormal menstrual cycle? If so, you might have an endocrine disorder called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This is a common condition among women of the reproductive age and it’s linked to obesity, as per the journal Obesity Management.

With PCOS, your body produces a lot of insulin or is unable to process insulin well, hence the weight gain. There are many factors that affect this condition, so it’s best to get a proper diagnosis from the doctor with your treatment plan. Aside from an abnormal monthly period, you might experience unusual acne episodes because of an unusually oily skin. You may also have excessive hair growth on the face and chest.

PCOS can cause fertility problems and miscarriage. If it’s not treated, you could risk developing type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

3. You might be prediabetic

If your body has become insulin resistant, you could be in a prediabetic condition. Insulin resistance can lead to excessive weight gain, especially around the waistline. One in every three adults develops prediabetes, according to NIDDK. You need to watch your blood sugar levels and perhaps cut down on your sugar intake to reverse this condition, otherwise it might lead to full-blown diabetes.

4. Your body has an overgrowth of bacteria

Bacteria live in your gut to help with digestion. But when there’s a bacterial imbalance, also known as Small Intestine Bacterial Growth (SIBO), you might experience various stomach problems like bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation, and weight gain. Try increasing your water intake and eat more foods that are high in fiber and probiotic to help your gut.

5. Your body is producing more cortisol

Stress can elicit an excess of cortisol in your body, so you’re having anxiety attacks, depression, and an overwhelming feeling of fatigue, aside from the weight gain. If you’re also having a hard time getting up in the morning and feeling so unmotivated, consider a visit to a mental health professional who can help you get back on track.

6. You’re not getting restful sleep

“People who have poor quality sleep have higher levels of ghrelin, the hormone that increases appetite, and lower levels of leptin, the hormone that decreases appetite…” – Richard Shane

It’s not just food that causes weight gain. Even insomnia or sleep deprivation can make it harder for you to trim down the excess fat. You feel tired when you don’t get a restful sleep but your body thinks that you need energy. Thus, it triggers hormones that cause the hunger pangs, so you end up eating uncontrollably to let your tired body last through the day.

weight gain

The lack of sleep messes up with your hormones, which makes it challenging for you to control your weight gain, according to the journal Nature and Science of Sleep. Consider a checkup with a sleep doctor who may be able to help identify why you’re not getting a good night’s sleep. If your sleep disorder is addressed, then you may be able to manage your weight better.

7. You’re entering perimenopause

Perimenopause happens several years before you become menopausal. Women in their 40s or late 30s may experience this stage for 10 years and at least 80 percent of them gain weight, according to a study in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America.

The symptoms of perimenopause might include mood swings, sleep problems, hot flashes, and irregular periods. Your libido might also drop and you may experience vaginal dryness that can affect intimate moments with your partner.

Doing aerobic activities, skipping sugary food, and cutting down on alcohol can help alleviate the symptoms. It will also help to seek from a doctor because some symptoms of perimenopause can be bothersome and uncomfortable.

8. Your medication isn’t compatible with your body

Are you on prescription medication for depression or high blood pressure? Are you taking birth control pills or steroids? Various medicines can disrupt enzyme production, thus you experience side effects like water retention and weight gain. However, you shouldn’t stop taking these medications just because you’re gaining weight. Ask your doctor for a replacement or alternative instead.

Final thoughts

Sudden and unexpected weight gain may not always be life-threatening or dangerous but if you’re concerned about the abnormal and uncomfortable changes in your body, it’s always more prudent to get yourself checked. Apart from positive thinking, seek a second opinion if necessary, especially if the weight gain problem isn’t corrected despite following the doctor’s orders.

10 Quick Home Remedies For Cold And Cough Relief

Coughs happen to clear infections and irritants for the body, but when it comes to persistent coughing, it can become annoying. If you want to treat a cough or a cold, it will depend on the underlying cause. There are lots of possible causes of coughs, including infections, allergies, and acid reflux.

Some natural home remedies can help, but you should also note that the FDA does not monitor supplements and herbs, so if you are using them, you may be at risk of using products of low-quality or that have impurities.

If you want to use natural solutions at home for a cough, research about the sources and brands. Also, note that some supplements and herbs can interfere with some types of medication, which may result in unwanted side effects.

Let us now go through some of the best home remedies that you can use if you have a persistent cough.

Honey tea

study that researched treatments on children who were coughing at night compared dextromethorphan, a cough-suppressing medication, with dark honey and with no treatment. The findings of the research concluded that honey was the best remedy. Although the benefits between the two were small, honey was rated as the best remedy. To use honey at home, mix two teaspoons of honey with warm water and drink it either once or twice a day.


You can ease an asthmatic or a dry cough using ginger because it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help to relieve pain and nausea. There is a study that suggests that ginger has some anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce coughing. The effects of ginger were studied on animal and human cells.

To use ginger at home, add 20-40 grams of fresh ginger in one cup of hot water. Add lemon or honey to taste. You should note that in some cases, ginger tea can cause heartburn or stomach upset.

Lukewarm water

Drink luke-warm water as many times as you can to fight the cold, sore throat or a cough. Warm water helps to reduce throat inflammation and flush the infection from the body.

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root has been used as an herb for centuries to cure sore throats and coughs. The herb is high in mucilage (thick and gluey substance) content, making it possible to ease irritation that is caused by coughing.

There is a small study that suggested the use of an herbal syrup containing thyme, ivy, and marshmallow roots to relieve coughs from respiratory tract infections. 90% of the participants rated that their cough cleared up after 12 days of drinking the syrup.


This substance is obtained from the core of the pineapple fruit. Bromelain contains anti-inflammatory properties that may have mucolytic properties, meaning that it can break the mucus down and extract it from the body.

Some people drink a lot of pineapple juice to counter coughing, but there may not be enough bromelain in the juice to suppress the coughing. There are bromelain supplements that can be used, but consult with your doctor before using them.


Thyme is a common ingredient in the kitchen, and it’s also a common cough, sore throat, and bronchitis remedy. A study found out that ivy leaves and thyme in a cough syrup could relieve coughing more effectively because of the antioxidants present in the plant. To make a natural blend at home, take two teaspoons of dried thyme and put it in hot water. Stir for 10 minutes before sieving and drinking.

Salt-water gargle

One of the most common cough relief treatments for a wet cough and a sore throat is the salt-water gargle. Saltwater reduces the mucus and phlegm in the throat to reduce coughing. To prepare the solution at home, place a half tablespoon of salt in a warm cup of water and stir. Let the solution cool for a while and use it to gargle. As you gargle, allow the solution to stay at the back of the throat for a few minutes before you spit it out. Gargle several times a day.


Hydrating yourself is important if you have a cold or a cough. According to research, drinking liquids can alleviate a cough if they are prepared at room temperature. However, if you have the flu or a cold, warming up the beverages can be useful. In the same study, hot beverages help to alleviate symptoms like chills, sore throat, and fatigue. Some of the hot beverages that may be comforting include:

  • Herbal teas
  • Clear broths
  • Warm water
  • Warm fruit juices
  • Decaffeinated black tea

home remedies


Boil flaxseeds until they become thick and then strain. Add some lime drops and a teaspoon of honey and drink the mixture.

Carrot juice

This is an uncommon remedy that you can use to fight a cough and cold. It may be the first time to hear about carrot juice, but it helps to relieve a cough and the common cold.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Researchers Reveal That Coffee Can Actually Help You Live Longer

Coffee lovers have a win in the lines of health benefits, which includes longer lifespans! We didn’t need a reason to drink it, but we’re certainly glad for some new facts. Studies have recently shown that coffee may lower your risk of heart disease and stroke! Alongside the medical benefits, there are studies indicating mood elevations, fat burning capabilities, and even some antioxidants to consider!

Of course, you must bear in mind the risks involved with “too much of a good thing,” but who’s to say there isn’t an option for that as well! With that being said, let’s jump into the new facts brought to light about our favorite morning pick me up.

Benefits of Coffee

While not as many studies have been conducted on decaffeinated as caffeinated, both types prove beneficial to our overall health. Much of what is contained in the caffeinated version can also be said for decaffeinated, including the antioxidants and prevention of age-related mental defects. If you suffer from acid reflux, however, decaf or half and half may be a good option to continue to receive the benefits without the heartburn.

Antioxidant Power

Besides coffee’s innate ability to make us more socially acceptable in the early hours, coffee has extended benefits for our health and the ability to make our day more productive! It has antioxidants, including B12, B5, manganese, potassium, and niacin. Increased antioxidants help to prevent tissue damage, and caffeine can help us power through our days.

Physical Advantages

Caffeine contributes to increased physical performance, better memory, mood, and energy levels. There are also some fat burning characteristics to caffeine, as some studies have shown that it can boost metabolic rate. However, this characteristic possibly diminishes over long-term use.

Medical Benefits

Health benefits to coffee include the reduction in Type II Diabetes because of manganese. Additionally, the risk of developing kidney disease diminishes. Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and Alzheimer’s take a hit by the health benefits of coffee through the reduction of inflammation. There have also been studies that show no such link between acrylamide, a chemical in the roasting process of the beans, and cancer. On the contrary, the antioxidants that help fight tissue damage can help fight against it, especially colon and liver cancers!

Better Mood

Another significant benefit is heightened levels of happiness! With a better mood, improved memory, and depression-fighting qualities, what’s not to love? There’s a certain quality to the smell of a fresh brew in the morning, and now we know why.


While we’ve talked about the many benefits of coffee, there are still some things to remember when consuming the nectar of the Gods. So, as they say, moderation is key. Keep in mind that some people may have a genetic mutation that breaks down caffeine at a much slower rate, so knowing your body and how it metabolizes caffeinated beverages could benefit your health in the long run. If left unchecked, you could risk heart disease, which is where it got its bad rep in the first place. As always, if you are pregnant, you should check with your doctor.


Caffeine seems to be the main culprit for possible risks, so keep that in mind when going for those extra cups. Since decaffeinated is an option, you may want to opt to drink it when you feel the need for a third or fourth cup. Caffeine is an excellent mood booster and power pickup, but you certainly don’t want to overdo it and end up causing yourself anxiety or preventing sleep. By avoiding caffeine late in the day, you’ll be able to steer clear of the heightened blood pressure and adrenaline that causes sleepless nights.

Rejoice and smile at the nay-sayers, as there is scientific proof that coffee is fantastic – not that we needed any to know that! With its richness in antioxidants, mood boosting qualities, and the medical benefits, you will be able to enjoy your morning joe even more now that you know it’s contributing to the length of your lifespan.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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