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Your Complete Guide To Buying The Right Essential Oils For Your Skin

Since the time of the pharaohs, people have been using essential oil for everything from aromatherapy to homeopathic treatments. In ancient times, essential oils were considered precious items — so precious that they were usually reserved for the high born and royalty. Today, we don’t have to be born a king or queen to have access to the amazing benefits that essential oils provide.

What is an Essential Oil?

In the most basic sense, an essential oil is the essence of a plant. Oils are distilled or pressed from the plant they come from and retain the scent and therapeutic properties of the plant. Essential oils are used for everything from aromatherapy to the homeopathic treatment of various ailments and illnesses.

It is important to know that not every essential oil brand or type is the same. There is quite a difference between natural and synthetic essential oil; specifically, synthetic oils do not have therapeutic properties. There are no regulatory bodies that check essential oils and many multilevel marketing companies have trademarked misleading phrases like “therapeutic grade” and “certified pure” to make their oils seem more effective. Make sure to read labels carefully, make your purchases from reputable distributors, or ask for the oil data sheets.

How To Use Essential Oils

There are as many ways to use essential oil as there are reasons to use it. Each reason is personal — just as the scent combinations that will work best are unique to each person. You may need to play around with different fragrances to find the blend that will work best for you.

  • Use an essential oil in your diffuser to help you sleep. A blend of chamomile, lavender, and clary sage will set the mood for relaxation.
  • To help your focus and concentration, apply a tincture of lemon and ylang-ylang.
  • Fight a cold with a blast of eucalyptus, chamomile, and peppermint.
  • Enhance or improve your skincare regimen with essential oils.

Choosing the Right Essential Oil for Your Skin

The first step in choosing the right essential oil for your skin is knowing what you want to do. Are you trying to moisturize or fight acne? Are you trying to even skin tone and color? Perhaps, if you are like most of us with combination skin, you are trying to do a little of all of it. Rest assured that there are essential oils for skin that address most conditions.

When choosing your essential oils for skin, it’s a good idea to know what kind of skin type you have in order to choose the right carrier oil. Carrier oils hold the essential oil and dilute it a bit, which is important when using certain oils that are rather potent in their pure form. Some carrier oils for skincare are:

essential oils

  1. Jojoba oil (sometimes called jojoba wax): a great universal carrier oil.
  2. Argon oil: This is great for people with dry or thinning, aging skin.
  3. Coconut oil: This nourishing ultra moisturizing oil is perfect for treating dry, chapped skin.

Here are ten essential oils to get you started, but do not be afraid to experiment with other compounds to find your perfect blend. The oils that you choose are really dependent on what you are trying to accomplish and what scents you prefer.

  1. Tea tree: A popular oil for treating wounds. Tea tree oil works beautifully to treat acne, scars, and age spots, too.
  2. Lavender: This oil is not only wonderful for soothing frazzled nerves, but is great for treating aging skin, breakouts, and blemishes.
  3. Lemon: If you have red marks or age spots, lemon should be your go-to solution. It is considered photosensitive, so be sure to skip the sun if you use this oil.
  4. Patchouli: A favorite among hippies for generations, this earthy oil is wonderful for treating combination skin.
  5. Bergamot: If you have oily skin, this essential oil will help get it balanced.
  6. Rose: Aging skin meets its match with this essential oil.
  7. Orange: This citrus-based oil will not only treat your combination skin, but the aromatics will give you a focus boost.
  8. Sandalwood: This oil is ideal for treating dry skin.
  9. Ylang-ylang: Perfect for treating aging skin, this is a soft floral scent that can double as a perfume.
  10. Tangerine: Softer and sweeter than pure orange, tangerine is great for treating aging skin.

While it may seem daunting at first, accessing the benefits of essential oils to treat your skin is achievable. With a little bit of know-how, you can find the perfect essential oil combination to have glowing, radiant, and healthy skin.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

21 Best Life Quotes To Help You Get Through A Bad Day

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up late because you overslept or you spilled your coffee on your way to work? Either you’ve experienced the same or something totally different.

Having a bad day can totally mess with your mood, and if you’re not careful, it can ruin the rest of your week. To make sure that doesn’t happen, we’ve compiled a list of 21 inspiring life quotes to help you get through a bad day.

Life Quotes

Some of these life quotes are self-explanatory, while others require some explanation.

1. Happiness’s an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. – Francesca Reigler.

You’re better off turning your sadness into happiness whenever you have a bad day.

2. Problems are not stop signs; they are guidelines. – Robert Schuller.

For example, if you’re late on your bill payments, it’s not the end of the world – find a way to pay it and avoid being late next time.

3. When you come to the edge of all that you know, believe in either of the following: there’ll be ground to stand or you’ll grow wings to fly. – O.R. Melling.

There’s always hope no matter how bad the day is.

4. Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. – Joshua J Marine.

Having a bad day is better because it helps you learn and grow.

5. Many of life’s failures are people who didn’t realize how close to success they were when they gave up. – Thomas Edison.

Therefore, be strong and endure the bad day because the success is worth it.

6. When you are having a a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you. – Patrick Stump.

This is one of those life quotes that reminds you to be mindful of others.

7. Every strike gets me closer to the next home run. – Babe Ruth.

Failure gets you closer to achieving your dreams.

8. Every single day is a good day no matter how dark or bright it is, since it always brings an opportunity to embark on a positive beginning in your life. – Edmond Mbiaka.

Embrace your hardships and don’t be discouraged.

9. Our greatest glory isn’t in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. – Confucius.

Hardships should never bring you down.

10. You make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make you. – Maxwell Maltz.

You are not defined by your failures.

11. For every minute that you’re angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness. – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

This life quote reminds us the importance of being positive.

12. Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. – John Lennon.

Being sad because you’re having a bad day doesn’t make the situation better.

13. One small crack doesn’t mean that you’re broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart. – Linda Poindexter.

Having a bad day shouldn’t make you lose all hope.

14. Being happy doesn’t mean that you’re perfect. It just means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections. – K.B. Indiana.

Even those that are happy experience bad days.

15. To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist. – Gail Sheehy.

What you learn from a bad day will build you for the rest of your life.

16. Nothing’s permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles. – Charlie Chaplain.

Never ever let a bad day discourage you.

17. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. – Anais Nin.

If you let a bad day spoil your moods, nothing will go your way.

18. A ship is safe in harbor, that’s not what ships are for. – John A. Shedd.

A bad experience shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your dreams.

19. Some days you tame the tiger. And some days the tiger has you for lunch. – Tug McGraw.

This is one of those life quotes that reminds you how tough life is.

life quotes

20. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. – Albert Einstein.

A bad day is a sign of good things ahead.

21. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. – Joseph Kennedy.

This is one of those life quotes that makes you want to motivate others.


With these inspiring life quotes, bad days will never be a problem. In fact, you’ll cherish the experience that comes out of it. In case you have more life quotes, send us an email and tell us about them.

50 Ways to Have A Happier Life

Most of us want to live a happier life, but we get lost in the daily grind of responsibility and adulthood. While we all have to make sacrifices in life, no one should stay in a situation that makes them perpetually unhappy. On the other hand, you also have to evaluate if it really is the circumstance making you unhappy, or simply your attitude about life. Many people forget that happiness is not a destination, but a choice. If you’ve been searching for more happiness but have come up short, we have a few ideas to put a smile back on your face.

Here are 50 ways to have a happier life:

1. Buy some flowers (or look at them in nature)

If you have found yourself down in the dumps lately, looking at flowers can make you happier, according to a study done by Harvard. If you want to add more nature into your life, buy some flowers or take the scenic route to work.

2. Take a selfie

Taking a happy or silly picture can make you happier, according to research published in The Psychology of Well Being. Smiles are contagious, even if you’re just looking at your own happy face!

3. Daydream

If you want to have a happier life, imagining yourself in a different situation could do the trick, says a study published in Frontiers in Psychology. Called “self-guided positive imagery,” this technique can help dispel negative emotions in the short-term and even change the structure of your brain over the long-term.

4. Take a social media sabbatical

People who spend more time on social media are less happy in real life, says a study published in Depression and Anxiety. Don’t aimlessly scroll through your social media feed; instead, only get on when you have something important to update your friends about. This way, you will compare yourself less to others’ “perfect” lives and spend more time living yours.

5. Walk in nature

study published in Environmental Health and Medicine found that walking through forests increases your health and well-being. So, get outside and explore when you can!

6. Make a decision

Using your free will, even for a small decision, can make you happier, according to research in Frontiers in Psychology. Yogurt or ice cream? Take your pick!

7. Donate to a charity you support

Giving money or supplies to a cause you truly support can help you live a happier life, according to research done by Harvard Business School.

8. Be the bearer of good news

In a study done by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, researchers found that sharing even little positive things helped both the sharer and receiver feel happier.

9. Spend time with your kids

Sure, parenting comes with a lot of challenges, but when things seem tough, remember that your kids will grow up someday. Truly relish the moments you have with them now and don’t take any moment for granted.

10. Learn about your heritage

People who know where they come from have a better sense of identity, which promotes feelings of happiness.

11. Surround yourself with positive people

You’ve heard that happiness is contagious, so having happy friends can boost your mood, say researchers at Harvard’s Medical School.

12. Be intimate with your partner

Couples who were intimate at least once a week were happier than those who had less physical contact, but being intimate more frequently didn’t produce any more happiness than once per week contact, according to a study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science.

13. Make a change

Making a positive life change will help you live a happier life due to altering your routine, but remember to appreciate your new life for a while instead of constantly needing a change.

14. Catch your smile in the mirror

Just like looking at a silly picture of yourself, smiling in the mirror will instantly make you happier.

15. Count your blessings

If your happiness depends on anything outside yourself, it will never last. Learn to be happy with what you have rather than focusing on all the things you don’t have.

16. Remember to take breaks

To live a happier life, you need to take short breaks to give your mind a rest, according to a study published in Work and Stress. 

17. Treat yourself

Reward your hard work with something you enjoy, such as a cookie or a new pair of shoes. Everyone deserves a treat from time to time.

18. Eat a balanced diet

You can’t feel happy if your brain and body don’t get the nutrition they need to function. Eat plenty of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lean meats and dairy if you wish.

19. Don’t work too hard

If you make a lot of money but work all the time, you’ll have no time to spend that hard-earned money. Having free time and less money is better than being overstressed and overpaid.

20. Live within your means

Having too much debt can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety, so to combat this, try not to buy anything you can’t pay off in a few months. Or, pay down your existing debt faithfully over time without making other large purchases to add on top of it.

21. Nurture your relationships

A happier life depends on us forming and maintaining connections with others. After all, we need other people to survive, so human connection can’t be emphasized enough.

22. Be kind to yourself

Accepting and loving yourself as you are right now can make you happier and more confident, say researchers at the University of Hertfordshire.

23. Offer help to the homeless

Whether you give someone spare change, a blanket, or a hot meal, you will feel much better caring about the well-being of your community instead of just worrying about your own needs.

24. Find happiness in the small things

Happiness exists all around you all the time; you just have to remember to open your eyes and notice it. The breeze on your skin, a child laughing at the park, and the sound of the rain are all reasons to smile.

25. Move your body

The effects of exercise are well-documented, so make sure to add some sort of movement to your daily routine. Exercise doesn’t just affect your physical health; it boosts your mental and emotional health as well.

26. Remember to breathe

Mindful breathing practices, such as Sudarshan Kriya yoga, can help to alleviate severe depression, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

27. Add positive thinking to your life

Focus on all the good things in your life instead of ruminating on the bad things. You’ll have a brighter outlook and be able to live a happier life.

28. Don’t buy things; buy experiences

Studies have shown that experiences, not things, make people happier. While you still have to spend money on experiences, you’ll have memories and connections to show for it instead of just a physical object.

29. Learn to say no

You can’t do everything and be everywhere at once, so don’t try. Saying no will free up your schedule and help to eliminate stress, which will bring you more happiness.

30. Keep an open heart

This world can be a scary place, but not everyone has evil intentions. Trust people until they give you a reason not to, because you can’t form any connections in life without some level of trust.

31. Eat your veggies

Eating your fruits and veggies boosts both physical and mental health, says a study published in the American Journal for Public Health. The study found that people felt happier with each serving of fruits and veggies eaten, up to eight per day.

32. Go outside

If possible, try to get out into the country every once in a while where the air is purer. Breathe in deeply and enjoy the fresh air in your lungs!

33. Hug someone!

Physical contact helps promote happiness and releases feel-good hormones such as oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding.

34. Give thanks

Remembering what you’re grateful for will help keep things in perspective and help you stay focused on the positive things in your life.

35. Turn off the tech

It seems that depression and anxiety are on the rise in part due to the rampant use of technology, according to a study published in Computers in Human Behavior. Take a tech break for a couple hours a day to live a happier life.

36. Do yoga

Because yoga combines deep breathing, exercise, meditation and stretching, it’s the perfect recipe for happiness.

37. Cut out alcohol

Or, try to cut back on it, at least. One drink a day won’t hurt you, but any more than that can cause depression and other health problems in the long run.

38. Spread kindness whenever you can

However, don’t just do it for likes on a video or to brag to your friends. Show people kindness because it’s the right thing to do, and you’ll notice it’s easier to live a happier life.

39. Wake up with the sun

This might be hard for night owls, but not impossible. Getting up earlier will help you accomplish more during the day; it just takes time to establish a routine.

40. Give up smoking

Ditching cigarettes improves both your physical and mental health, according to a study published in the Annals of Behavioural Medicine. Two-thirds of people in the study who quit smoking reported having a better mood and fewer episodes of depression.

41. Make new friends

Friends are vital for our health, and making new ones can boost happiness levels due to forming bonds and sharing experiences.

42. Cook at home instead of eating out

Eating at home is not only healthier for you, but more relaxing as well. You don’t have a bunch of people talking, dishes clattering, and that overall hectic feeling when you dine in at home.

43. Focus on solutions instead of problems

If you wallow in negative thinking, you won’t be able to see the solutions available to you. Acknowledge the problems and then brainstorm ways to solve them so you can live a happier life.

44. Practice active listening

If you want people to listen to you, start listening to them. Don’t just wait to respond so you can make your voice heard; really hear what the other person is saying, because listening is one of the greatest ways to show respect.

45. Give away things you no longer use

To live a happier life, try giving away items to the less fortunate. You’ll not only help out other people who can’t afford to buy everything brand new; you’ll also gain physical space and mental freedom.

46. Don’t be so hard on yourself

Everyone makes mistakes in life, so don’t expect perfection from yourself. Embrace your failures and learn the lessons from them. Show yourself compassion and take it one day at a time.

47. Drink plenty of water

Living a happier life isn’t possible without taking care of your physical body first. Stay hydrated by keeping a reusable bottle with you at all times and filling it up throughout the day.

7 Things that happen when you start drinking water regularly

48. Avoid comparing yourself to others

When you strive to be like others or get jealous of their lives, you fail to see your unique beauty and can’t appreciate your own life. Enjoy what you have and who you are instead of getting sucked into the toxic world of social media comparisons.

49. Do something you’re afraid of

Nothing boosts your confidence like conquering a long-time fear! If you’ve always wanted to go skydiving, for instance, but have allowed your fears to stop you, just book an appointment to get the ball rolling! You can always cancel if you truly don’t feel ready, but remember – now is as good a time as any.

50. Visit your grandparents

Older people can get lonely, and nothing makes them happier than to see their grandchildren. Knowing that you have brought a smile to their faces will help you feel good and live a happier life, too.

Final thoughts

Living a happier life comes down to changing your mindset, utilizing positive thinking, and taking care of your mind, body, and soul.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Signs Someone Is From Your Soul Tribe

When you finally connect with someone from your soul tribe, you might feel a sense of wholeness and peace wash over you. Someone from your soul tribe will feel comfortable and familiar, like you’ve met them before but can’t recall when or where. Maybe you have a past life connection with them or have been through similar experiences that allow you to relate to them on a deep level. They will have similar energy as you, and the connection will seem natural and effortless.

If you feel drawn to someone for no reason at all, you’ve probably come across someone from your soul tribe. Let’s look at a few other signs that point to meeting someone who you have a soul connection with.

11 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Tribe

soul sister

1. You feel understood and at home around them.

We all want to feel understood in life, because it gives us a sense of belonging and connection with others. With someone from your soul tribe, you’ll feel a positive connection with them and conversations will flow naturally. You can feel free to speak your mind and tell them your deep secrets without feeling vulnerable or rejected.

2. You get excited when you see a member of your soul tribe.

They feel like family to you, so you naturally welcome them with open arms and feel happy to catch up with them, especially if you haven’t seen each other in a while. While other relationships might feel draining to you, talking to someone from your soul tribe will feel like a breath of fresh air.

3. They will help balance out your personality.

Where you feel weak, they will give you strength. If you struggle with patience, they will help guide you to becoming more patient. If you have a more shy personality, they will respect that but still help to bring you out of your shell. Someone from your soul tribe won’t want to put you down or compete with you; they just want a genuine connection and feel that around you. You help to bring out the best in one another.

4. Your soul tribe will have similar life experiences as you.

People from your soul family will be able to relate to you easily because you’ve been through similar things in life that have helped to shape you. Maybe you share the experience of a difficult childhood or parents that didn’t really support you, so you can deeply relate on a soul level. Maybe you feel like a black sheep in your family and chose your own path, so naturally you’d want to connect with people who see the world like you do.

5. You have the same visions and desires.

If you feel like you’ve been walking down the path of life alone, don’t worry. Your soul tribe will meet you on your journey and help guide you along the way. Someone from your soul group will see into your core and know exactly what you want to accomplish in life because they can sense your energy. You will have similar plans in life and can help support one another.

6. You feel like you’ve known them for lifetimes already.

Because you have such a strong connection with them, sometimes you don’t even need to talk to understand what’s going on with them. You can sit in silence and not feel awkward, because you just enjoy being in their presence.

7. Your soul tribe will help you move on from painful memories.

Your soul family doesn’t want to see you in pain, so they will do whatever they can to help you move on. They deeply care about you and will support you through both the happy and difficult times in your life, but they won’t let you wallow in self-pity, either. They provide the perfect balance of empathy and tough love to guide you on your journey.

8. You find that you can work together to bring your dreams into reality.

A member of your soul family will want to see you accomplish your goals, and they will probably have similar desires. Therefore, they will gladly work with you to brainstorm and do whatever it takes to manifest your vision.

9. They seem to come into your life at exactly the right time.

Your soul tribe will seem to enter your life when you’re at a crossroads or feel at the end of your rope. If you meet someone who you feel a strong connection with while you’re going through a tough time, don’t take this as a coincidence. Allow them into your life and nurture that connection.


10. Someone from your soul tribe will make you see life in a new light.

If you’ve been down and out lately, talking with someone from your soul tribe will make sure to give you a new perspective. They will balance you out and help to elevate your energy so that you can live to your fullest potential.

11. They help to uplift your soul.

Your soul tribe might introduce you to positive thinking and other healing elements that give you a new lease on life. They want to see you succeed and become the best version of yourself, so they’ll do whatever it takes to ensure you have the right tools to do just that.

8 Easy Ways to Heal Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a contagious fungal infection that arises when the tinea fungus grows on the feet. Athlete’s foot can be acquired through contact – either with an infected person, or somewhere else the fungus is present (e.g. a shower.)

As with most infections, certain factors increase the risk of developing athlete’s foot, including:

  • Not properly washing one’s feet
  • Having sweaty feet
  • Long periods of being wet
  • Open wound exposure on the skin or nail
  • Sharing clothing, shoes, or socks
  • Walking barefoot around public places

Common symptoms of athlete’s foot include:

  • Itchy blisters on the feet
  • Nails that are powdery, discolored, and thick
  • Dry skin on the soles and sides of the feet
  • Burning, itching, and stinging between the toes and on the foot soles
  • Cracking, drying, peeling skin
  • Toenails that separate from the nail bed

Curing athlete’s foot

athlete's foot

You can always go with a good anti-fungal foot powder or spray, but you don’t have to. Here are eight ways to cure your athlete’s foot naturally:

1. Apple cider vinegar and crystal salt

A mixture of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and Himalayan crystal salt creates a potent acidic substance that makes it impossible for the fungus to live.

Mix ½ cup of ACV, two tablespoons of crystal salt, and warm water to make a batch. Soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes. When finished, dry your feet thoroughly with a clean towel.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda is a miracle ingredient, so it isn’t surprising that it also kills athlete’s foot fungus. Also called sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is a natural antifungal and antibacterial.

To make a foot soak, combine a half cup of baking soda in a bucket of lukewarm water. Twice daily, soak your feet for 20 minutes. Towel dry thoroughly.

3. Garlic

Garlic is another spice that has great antibacterial and antifungal properties. Studies demonstrate that garlic clove effectively kills several germs, including tinea pedis, the bacterium that causes athlete’s foot.

Mash three garlic cloves and stir them into a small tub of warm water. Soak your feet for a half an hour. Repeat once more during the evening hours for a week.

4. Green Tea

In a promising 12-week study, researchers found that patients with athlete’s foot who soaked their feet in a water and green tea extract solution showed “significantly better” results than those who did a water-only soak.

Brew up some green tea and let it cool. Soak for about 10 minutes once a day.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria and fungus with ease. Because of the potent chemical makeup of hydrogen peroxide, it is advisable to mix the solution with water. Also, if you have open sores or cuts on your feet, be aware that submersion in hydrogen peroxide will probably sting.

Combine hydrogen peroxide with a small tub of lukewarm water. The mix should be about 70 percent peroxide and 30 percent water.

smelly feet

6. Open-style Shoes

No real magic here; moisture and humidity allow bacteria and fungus to thrive. Wearing open-toed shoes (e.g. sandals or flip-flops) will help with this.

If you must wear business shoes at work, don’t wear tight-fitting shoes. The same goes for casual footwear.

7. Plain Yogurt

Plain yogurt contains the acidophilus bacteria, considered by some as an “instant remedy” for athlete’s foot. While this is debatable, plain yogurt is a good choice nonetheless.

Plain yogurt provides a potent antidote against proliferating foot fungus. Simply dip your (clean!) finger in some yo-go and apply to the affected areas. Allow the product to dry, rinse, and dry your feet thoroughly.

8. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil may provide some relief for an athlete’s foot. The topical application of a 10% tea tree oil cream helps relieve symptoms such as “scaling inflammation, itching and burning.” A tea tree oil solution with a 25 to 50 percent concentration seems to clear up athlete’s foot for about half of those who apply it for four weeks.

Another option is to mix 40 drops of essential tea tree oil in water and soak for 10 minutes. Optional: Apply a few drops directly onto the affected area after drying the feet.athlete's foot - tea tree oil

Preventing athlete’s foot

Here are a few good tips for preventing athlete’s foot:

  • Keep your feet dry whenever possible
  • Avoid submerging your skin for too long
  • Towel dry your feet thoroughly after showering
  • Always wear flip-flops or other footwear in community areas
  • Use anti-fungal powder after washing your feet
  • Keep your socks and shoes clean (foot powder helps)
  • Don’t share clothing, especially socks or footwear
  • Wash your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes
  • Take off your shoes whenever possible

If you notice any strange-appearing skin, apply anti-fungal spray or cream immediately.

10 Reasons To Date A Type A Personality, According To Relationship Experts

Most people want to find romance and are on the lookout for a potential partner when they’re single. When it comes to finding the right person to date, it’s important to have specific criteria in mind. You may be looking for someone who is adventurous or funny, depending on your interests. In other words, perhaps you’d like to meet a type a personality.

It’s also important to consider the personality type of the other person to ensure that you’re compatible or get along well. Those with a type a personality may have more order in their life and can be the right person you’re looking for in dating.

Here are a few of the top reasons you should consider dating someone with a Type A personality, according to the relationship experts.

1. Stay Organized

One of the main perks of dating someone with a type a personality is that your home will become more tidy and organized. The other person will naturally clean up when visiting your home, which can save you time and energy.

2. They’ll Plan All of Your Dates

Those with type a personalities thrive when they get the chance to plan activities or outings. They’ll enjoy planning all of your dates and will find the best places to make reservations in the local area.

3. You Can Be in a Committed Relationship

You can trust that you’ll be in a committed relationship with someone who has a Type A personality because they don’t like wasting their time. They often have goals established for both their personal and professional life, which will likely include being in a committed relationship or getting married.

Because they’re often career-focused, you’ll find yourself questioning your future and asking yourself if you’re on the right track. It can be easy to avoid distractions because you’ll want to follow their lead and can be inspired by their example.

4. You’ll Stop Being Late

It can be easy to always be late when you have a Type B personality, but you’ll begin to become more conscious of time when dating someone who is Type A. They’ll always be prompt and will expect the same out of you, which can make it easier to become punctual with your schedule.

5. Grow as an Individual

You’ll get the opportunity to grow as a person by dating someone who has a different personality type than yours. You’ll learn how to become more disciplined as an individual, whether you struggle with distractions or want to become more organized. Learning from the example of the person that you’re dating can allow you to become more well-rounded as a person and grow in areas that you may have struggled in throughout your life.

6. Fight Less

Fighting and arguing may have been commonplace in your past relationships, but you can expect to have less conflict with a Type A individual who is more organized mentally. When you have a disagreement, you can expect them to calmly discuss their points, which will likely be valid and can allow you to see their point of view instead of getting into a shouting match. You can learn how to have conflict in a healthy way that is more productive.

7. Get Past Your Boundaries

It can be easy to put yourself in a box when it comes to what you think you’re capable of and what you can accomplish. Whether it means facing your fears or growing in your career, you may have created boundaries for yourself due to a lack of confidence. Dating someone who is more driven or motivated can allow you to get past your boundaries and learn more about what you’re capable of over time.

8. You’ll Work Harder

Don’t expect to be lazy when dating someone who is Type A. The person will push you to follow your dreams and set goals for yourself because they want to see you succeed and know your potential. You’ll find yourself working harder due to their motivation, which can allow you to accomplish more in both your personal and professional life.

9. Plan the Future

Not only are those with Type A personality traits likely to plan your next date or your weekend plans, but they’ll also plan your future together. You can rely on them to be committed and look forward to dreaming together.

type a personality

10. Become More Physically Active

Expect to become more physically active because your new partner will likely make exercise a priority. Those who have Type A personality traits are prone to being health-conscious, which means you’ll likely spend your time together riding bikes, jogging, and hiking. You can shed the extra five pounds you’ve been wanting to lose and can feel better about yourself.
It can be intimidating to date someone who has a type a personality, but it’ll benefit you in the long-run due to the many advantages that it offers. Not only will you date someone who is reliable and organized, but you can work on improving your own life due to their influence.

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