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You Can Reverse Aging With Exercise: Here Is How

Aging is a beautiful part of life because you get to step into a new phase with new experiences. However, it is likely that you will get scared of aging due to some of the unpleasant factors that are associated with aging, such as wrinkly skin, chronic diseases, memory loss, body fragility, and fluctuating hormones. The truth is that you can reverse and slow down the aging process through exercise. Working out is a highly effective physical activity that improves both the internal and external organs of the body. No matter who you are, you still have the chance to start and make the aging process a wonderful experience.

You Can Reverse Aging With Exercise : Here Is How

Cardio Workouts

Cardio is an excellent form of exercise for aging because it improves the activity of the heart and brain. Cardiovascular workouts improve the flow of blood to the heart and around the body, hence, keeping body organs in check. Cardio enhances the flow of oxygen in the brain, which subsequently improves the functioning of the cortex, a region in the brain that is responsible for communication and memory.

You can start walking as a simple form of exercise. Doctors advise that you should walk actively for at least 30 minutes every day to improve body wellness. If you happen to have been sedentary for an extended period, then you may need to start with simple exercises such as walking before progressing to jogging, sprints, or cycling.

Fitness experts campaign for High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as an ideal form of cardio. HIIT entails short workout sessions of about 20-40 minutes with intense bursts of energy. For example, instead of running for 2 hours at a slow pace, you can combine light jogging with sprints. HIIT builds endurance in the body and improves the functionality of the heart and lungs, thus, improving respiratory function. HIIT is a great exercise option for weight loss as the body can burn fat fast within a short period of intense energy.

Cardiovascular workouts also include aerobic exercises such as swimming, hiking, and dancing. Having fun during cardio workouts is easy. Therefore, you ought to pick activities that encourage you to exercise every other day. It is also easy to do cardio exercises in everyday tasks such as cycling to the grocery store instead of driving.

Strength Training

As you age, the muscles in the body weaken due to inactivity and low strength. Strength training is a great exercise for aging that helps the body repair and rebuilds muscles as you age. Strength training entails performing a series of exercises that focus on building muscles. Notably, strength training includes resistance training and weight training.

Resistance training includes exercises such as yoga and martial arts. Such exercises combine a series of movements that require muscle activity, which improves the integrity and functionality of muscles. Weight training entails lifting heavy weights to tear body muscles, subsequently allowing the muscles to rebuild and grow during rest. As such, strength training leads to the growth and retention of muscles, which keeps the body toned. Thus, it is an excellent type of exercise for reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Good Nutrition

It is important to note that working out goes hand in hand with good nutrition practices. This means that you cannot counter the effects of an unhealthy diet with workouts since the body will not cooperate. The body requires healthy nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, oils, and vitamins to perform exercises effectively.


It is possible to adopt a healthy lifestyle without incorporating extreme diets. A healthy lifestyle entails eating the right food, in the right quantity, and at the right time. Consuming a healthy amount of carbohydrates provides your body with the energy to perform physical activities while proteins enhance muscle repair and building in the body. A healthy diet encourages the body to produce the right hormones for skin rejuvenation, thus, reducing inflammation and the appearance of wrinkles.

Reversing the Aging Process

Many people find various excuses to justify their lack of physical activity. People assume that you need access to a gym membership or a trainer to perform the right exercise for aging and this brings up the issue of high costs. Others use the excuse of limited time arising from their busy school and work schedules. The truth is that you should work with what you have. HIIT exercises only take up about 30 minutes and you can create this time by reducing the time you spend online or in front of the TV.

Reversing the aging process starts with a clear intention. You need to be focused on how you live your life and reevaluate how you eat and the physical activities to subject your body to. To maintain focus in the pursuit of healthy skin and body organs, you ought to switch from one exercise to another occasionally. A combination of varying types of exercises further enhances weight loss and the buildup of muscle.

Exercises help the body regenerate new skin cells, which then reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Cardio, particularly, enhances the functionality of the heart, lungs, and brain. Additionally, strength training builds muscles, which then keeps the body toned.

7 Ways To Keep Calm & Focus On Your Work When You Have An Angry Boss

The work environment is at times associated with innumerable stress factors, key among them having an angry boss who continually yells at you and your colleagues at the office. Working with a boss who has anger management issues often makes the working environment hostile and decreases overall productivity.

You should employ a few anger management tips to ease the burden of having an angry boss.

regulate anger

Take Responsibility for Your Actions

Your boss may be angry with you for legitimate mistakes that you commit on the job. In such a case, you should own up to your mistakes and promise to do better in the future. Avoid making excuses when you are in the wrong and instead, devise a clear strategy of how you will correct the mistake and improve on your work.

In other cases, you could have made a mistake but the manner in which your boss handles the situation goes on to rub you the wrong way. At times, bosses could be overzealous in their roles or outright unfair. You should seek to amicably address the matter by informing your boss of the extent of your faults.

Identify the Boss’ Triggers

When you realize that your boss has issues, it is advisable to keep records of the incidences. You can establish a pattern by noting the instances that your boss gets angry due to specific issues such as poor time management. This record will help you assess what areas to correct on your part to avoid bouts of anger from your boss. Solving the problem using such strategies is a great anger management tool.

Records of irrational behavior can show instances when your boss becomes unfair during typical cases of lashing out. Also, ensure to counter the angry situations with exemplary job performance to back up your claims in the face of a pending litigation issue.

Understand Anger Management Principles

It is important to be cognizant of the style of interactions between you and your boss, and those between the boss and other colleagues. Take note of your boss’ reactions towards other people’s faults and make a quick comparison to yours. If you realize that you are the only recipient of your boss’ anger bouts, then you need to address the problem in isolation. You can seek an audience with your boss or seek assistance from the HR department when the first option fails to bear fruit.

If you establish that the entire workforce or a section of employees are equally irked by the boss’ anger, then you can join forces and amicably address the boss or seek assistance from HR.

Find Ways to Invoke Calm

It is typical of human nature to get angry in hostile situations, but the ideal reaction is to keep calm when the boss displays irrational anger. Knee-jerk reactions to your boss’ anger will only lead to an explosive situation, and the issue at hand will not be resolved. However, this situation does not imply that you should ignore or bottle up your own emotions. Instead, you should find practical ways to soothe your anger when you find yourself on the receiving end of such hostility.

Acknowledge that you are angry and identify the exact cause of the anger, since it could be anything ranging from the shouting from your boss, or the embarrassment you faced in front of your colleagues after the experience. Release the anger with a few anger management tips such as taking a break, listening to music, and noting your feelings down in a notebook. Releasing anger is an excellent form of anger management, helping you to regain focus in your work and avoid resenting your boss.

Confront the Boss

Most people think that the superiority of a boss does not give them any room to communicate their issues or opinions. Contrary to popular belief, you have the right to address any trivial matters in your working environment. Confront your boss about his/her anger issues by pointing out the unfairness of the reaction. Let your boss know that you prefer to be addressed calmly to make any exchange productive. Ensure to keep calm during the confrontation and choose words that focus on finding a workable solution instead of aggressively accusing the boss of unfair treatment.

anger management

Confirm your Roles

When you confront your boss, ensure that you clarify your responsibilities in the operations of the company. This will help you and your boss identify the specific areas that cause conflict and how such areas can be improved in the future.

Exemplary Performance

One of the effective strategies for dealing with an angry boss is to strive for exemplary performance on the job. You want your work to be noticeable and thus dissipate any reason for the boss to scold you. In the likelihood of termination or unfair punishment, you can use your great performance as a means of protection.

Anger management strategies can create a conducive environment for high productivity. Dealing with an angry boss may be hard, but using such anger management tips guarantees a smooth working relationship that benefits all.

10 Simple Ways To Beat Food Cravings At Night Without Going Crazy

People often experience nighttime cravings due to various reasons such as poor daytime eating habits, primarily arising from stressful work or school schedules. For other people, a food craving could signify deep emotional troubles or hectic work schedules as the person subconsciously perceives the nighttime snack to be a self-medication tool.

Across the spectrum, however, people affected by this phenomenon crave junk foods. Such diet options are processed at a slow pace as one sleeps and end up being stored as fat in the body. Consequently, such people increasingly gain weight without realizing it. However, it is imperative to note that it is possible to beat such cravings at night if one understands the tricks discussed in this article.

Here’s how to beat food cravings:

local food

Healthy Snacking

One of the most significant problems with night snacking is that people tend to opt for unhealthy snacks to satisfy their cravings. In a bid to overcome a sugar craving at night, it is advisable to have a small bowl of yogurt or a small bunch of grapes instead. Fruits are excellent snacking options, and their natural sweetness tends to curb sugar cravings. However, it is vital to be careful not to eat a large number of fruits because fruits have a sugar known as fructose that the liver converts to fat (if in excess).

High-Intensity Training

A good workout can help your body burn fat and increase its metabolism rate, subsequently increasing your body’s ability to process foods. High-intensity training entails short intervals of intense workouts. A high-intensity training session of about 20 minutes a day is enough to pump up your heart rate and improve oxygen flow in the brain, especially in the cortex. Additionally, working out helps you curtail lousy eating habits, as you will not want to undermine the progress of the hard work at the gym.

Practice Self-Discipline

Thwarting a food craving could be as easy or hard as your mind perceives it to be. Research shows that it is possible to train your mind and body to beat cravings. You can use a few tricks such as brushing your teeth immediately after dinner to avoid consuming additional foods (except maybe a glass of water). Ideally, practice makes perfect. Within no time, your mind and body will dance to the same tune and help curb the cravings at night.

High Protein Intake

Proteins are quite filling and achieve this effect for a long time. As such, you should ensure that your dinner has a significant quantity of protein and whole grains to attain the filling effect. It is unlikely that you will think about snacking when you feel full.

Quench Your Thirst

Nutritionists warn that you should be wary of cravings at night because sometimes, thirst can manifest itself as hunger. If you wake up with ‘hunger pangs’ albeit having a decent dinner before bed, then you might want to take a glass of water to quench the looming thirst. Water has zero calories; hence, nighttime hydration will not be detrimental to the number on the scale.

Active Night Routine

After a tedious day at work or school, most people settle down in front of the TV and binge watch their favorite shows for hours on end. As you watch, you will most likely open a bag of potato chips and gobble it down along with soda. Interestingly, experts found that watching sad movies contributes to binge eating. Experts advise that you should instead opt for an active night routine that will help you avoid binge-eating snacks. Preferably, you might want to read a book or practice yoga poses to avoid thinking about food.

Regular Sleep Pattern

Good sleep is an integral aspect in attaining good health. A peaceful night’s sleep balances hormones and prevents fluctuations that lead to cravings. Try to incorporate a regular sleep pattern with at least 6 hours of sleep every day to create a healthy routine for your body.

Meal Planning

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Consequently, failing to plan your meals can prompt you to eat anything that appears in your sight. To prevent haphazard eating, you might want to prepare your food over the weekend, come up with a weekly timetable for meals, or even prepare food and store it in the fridge. This way, you will organize the meals that you should eat every day, leaving no room for unhealthy food choices.


Solve Underlying Issues

Your food craving could be tied to an underlying emotional or mental complication such as depression, anorexia, or stress. In this case, you should seek to solve the underlying problem, as this will help you assuage the cravings. Identify the triggers for your particular eating issue and learn to avoid them.

Temptation Bundling

Healthy living does not necessarily mean having food you do not enjoy. You can curb your daily night cravings by utilizing the temptation bundling technique where you reward yourself after accomplishing a task. You can indulge in an ice cream treat once a week to prevent the tendency of eating at night the entire week. Not only will you have something to look forward to, but you will also beat the cravings every day.

In conclusion, you can combine the strategies discussed in the article to help you beat your nighttime craving. Within no time, the strategies will help you reap the benefits of your efforts.

11 Foods For People Suffering From Depression

It’s often considered the d-word and many people are ashamed to discuss it. However, depression is more common than most realize. While many people struggle silently, it’s important to know that there are ways to beat it and live a happy life. One of the ways includes your diet.

Consider the following 11 foods to help fight depression:

1. Apples

There’s a popular saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Many people don’t realize how all-encompassing that statement really is. The antioxidants found in apples are instrumental in helping the brain at the cellular level. The fiber is also instrumental because it helps to regulate the blood sugar. When you have a spike in blood sugar, this doesn’t do anything to help with the possibility of mood swings. If you’re someone who has to deal with depression, grab an apple and enjoy it as a mid-day snack. It’ll give you enough energy and decrease the chances of a slump in your day.

2. Onions

Onions are incredibly powerful for your digestive system. When you have inconsistency in your digestive tract, it can easily lead to certain cancers and chronic ailments. It’s also very powerful for helping you boost your mood. Everything is connected. In order to get the effectiveness out of onions, it’s best to consume them in a raw state. Try them as a topping for your sandwich at lunchtime. It’s also a good idea to chop them up and eat them in a salad.

3. Beans

Beans are popularly known for their ability to get things moving in your digestive system. Since the body digests beans at a slower rate than other foods, this process helps the blood sugar remain stabilized. Make a delicious turkey chili and include a mix of kidney beans and pinto beans. You can also season black beans and add them on top of white rice for a delicious nod to the Cuban culture.

4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are helpful for creating a healthy environment for your gut and gut bacteria. It can serve as a probiotic. Most people love sauteed mushrooms. You can choose to saute mushrooms and eat them on their own. You can also add them to a tomato sauce or a morning omelet. Whether you struggle with a mental illness or not, it’s always important to get your morning nutrition. It’ll help you start the day well.

5. Tomatoes

There are studies that show that people who deal with depression tend to also have lower levels of folate in their system. Folic acid plays a role in stabilizing the mood. Start the day by adding a few slices of tomato to your avocado toast. You can also enjoy fresh, raw tomatoes in a salad or sandwich.

6. Green, Leafy Vegetables

Green, leafy vegetables are excellent for so many reasons. When it pertains to depression, green, leafy vegetables are helpful because of their ability to decrease the chances of inflammation. Inflammation plays a role in minds that are depressed. Green, leafy vegetables can help reduce the chances of depression. It’s wise to include green, leafy vegetables in every single meal. Green smoothies work perfectly for breakfast. A salad is great for lunch. A side dish of bok choy works well for dinnertime.

7. Avocados

Avocados increase brain function and brain power. They contain oleic acid, which is instrumental in its ability to provide healthy fat content. It works well inside of smoothies and salads. You can also enjoy it in guacamole, as it’s the star ingredient.

8. Seeds

Seeds like chia seeds, flax seeds and sunflower seeds provide copious amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids. Most seeds are also excellent sources of dietary fiber as well. Add chia seeds to a smoothie or a bowl of yogurt. Chia seeds tend to swell up in whatever liquid they’re placed in. Once they’re in the digestive system, they’re able to keep a person full and satiated for a longer period of time.

9. Walnuts

Walnuts are known for their ability to support brain health, which is important for anyone who is battling depression. Since it is a nut that’s known to reduce the symptoms of depression, consider regular consumption. Purchase walnut meal to add as a topping for oatmeal in the mornings. Walnuts also make a great snack on their own. They can also go well as a topping for a savory salad or a fruit salad.

berries for depression

10. Berries

Just like apples, berries are filled with antioxidants. Great choices include blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. Use them in green smoothies, cereals and salads. You can also eat them on their own for a delicious treat. Studies show that when people consume lots of antioxidants, they decrease their chances of experiencing intense depression.

11. Coffee

While caffeine is frowned upon in many communities, coffee might be an answer for those who struggle with any type of depressed feelings. There are studies that link caffeinated drinks like coffee to depression prevention. The caffeine blocks certain receptors in the brain from activating. This prevents a response of lethargy, which leads to depressed feelings.

As you work towards incorporating these foods into your diet, it’s always important to do your due diligence. See a medical professional and a psychiatric counselor to work through this mental illness if you show signs and symptoms.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Effective Ways To Deal With A Narcissist Boss Without Losing Your Mind

“Narcissists are great con-artists. After all, they succeed in deluding themselves! As a result, very few professionals see through them.” ~ Anonymous

Bosses: we all have them, and we all understand how difficult they can be at times. Many of us manage to adopt effective ways to deal with our demanding bosses. However, some of us must deal with bosses who have behaviors that are simply outlandish. Just imagine working for someone that has an overinflated sense of self and no regard for other people. Well, there are many of us that deal with bosses like this on a daily basis. It is a trying situation where, oftentimes, the employees feel like they are under the regime of a raging tyrant who thinks they know it all. This is no fun at all, and it can definitely make it difficult to function in a professional capacity. Welcome, sadly, to the world of the narcissist with power.

Learning how to deal with a narcissist boss is recommended for those of us who aren’t ready to say goodbye to our current place of employment. Let’s face it; we have to work to survive. But, that doesn’t mean that we have to allow someone else’s behavior to make our professional lives unbearable.


narcissistic rage


This may be easier said than done, but it is very important that you avoid personalizing negative behavior from your boss. Narcissists employ a variety of techniques to make them feel important. Many of these techniques, such as gas lighting and manipulation, are used to make others feel bad about themselves. Narcissists love nothing more than to see people riled up over their behavior. Remember your boss is the one with the issue…not you. Don’t take the bait.


When you work for a narcissist, breaks are important for your mental health. Many psychotherapists promote going “no contact” when dealing with these types of people. This is when a person decides to end all contact with a person in order to maintain or re-establish overall well-being. If you choose to work under a boss that displays narcissistic behaviors, it is imperative that you take the necessary time for yourself throughout the workday to replenish from the toxic behaviors. Go for a walk around the block. Take some healing, replenishing deep breaths. Treat yourself to a delicious lunch away from your job. Self-care is of the utmost importance when dealing with extreme personality types.


Narcissists love to push the edge and see just how far they can push others. It is for this reason that boundaries are vital. Even in a professional environment, you have the right to assert limits. People should know what is not acceptable. Being a boss does not give a person the license to treat others with disrespect. Remember, you show people how you should be treated. You are only a doormat if you allow yourself to be. Respectfully establish your limits so you can maintain your dignity.


Mistakes happen, but when you work for a narcissist, it’s best that mistakes not happen too often. Narcissists are always looking for flaws in others. If your boss is a narcissist, they may actually “get off” on seeing you do something wrong. Do yourself a favor and check and re-check everything you can. Save those emails and notes as a paper trail just in case you need to defend yourself against possible sabotage from your boss. It is always best to be safe rather than sorry.


Sometimes the job experience is far more important than the person that you work under. When it comes to dealing with a narcissist boss, it’s important to have a game plan in mind. Why are you tolerating the behavior? If it’s to gain valuable professional experience, keep this as a constant reminder to help you deal with the often trying antics of a narcissist in power. Ironically, in the end, it’s not about your boss. It’s about you.


When you work for someone with an extreme personality disorder, it is important that you have a strong sense of purpose. Staying focused on the job at hand allows you to place yourself and your professional goals first. While you will never be able to control the actions of others, you do have control over yourself.

Just remember that many would run for the exit if they had to work for a narcissist each day. If you can deal with a narcissist boss, you are developing emotional fortitude that can get you through just about anything.

10 Helpful Anxiety Remedies That Will Completely Change The Way You Feel

Are you suffering from anxiety? If yes, then you should know that with a few tips, you can treat the condition by yourself. Anxiety can become a serious medical condition if left untreated. Hence, upon realizing that you are suffering from the condition, treat it immediately.

Here are ten ways to beat anxiety and change the way you feel:

1. Meditation

With meditation, you can manage fear and stress by slowing racing thoughts. A variety of meditation styles such as yoga mindfulness and meditation could help. Mindfulness as a meditation technique is becoming famous for therapy. According to research, mindfulness-based meditation can be highly effective for people suffering from stress and mood disorders.

2. Exercise

According to a study, exercise assists to burn off anxious energy. However, high-quality research is necessary to determine its effectiveness. Exercise can also help with fear triggered by stressful situations. A 2016 study showed that people suffering from stress as a result of quitting smoking could benefit from exercising.

3. Writing

You can manage stress better when you have a way to express it. According to research, journaling and other writing forms can assist people to cope with stress. A 2016 study, for instance, showed that creative writing could help teens and children in anxiety management.

4. Relaxation Exercises

Some people unconsciously clench the jaw and tense the muscles in response to anxiety. Exercises relating to progressive relaxation can assist. Attempt to lie in a comfortable position and slowly relax and constrict each muscle group. Start with the toes and work up to the jaws and shoulders.

5. Aromatherapy

You can ease anxiety and stress by smelling soothing plant oils. Particular smells can work better for some individuals than others. Hence, consider experimenting with a variety. Lavender may particularly be helpful. According to a 2012 study, aromatherapy with lavender helped to ease issues with sleep in the long run while reducing the heart rate in the short run.

6. Time management Strategies

When people have a lot of commitments at the same time, they suffer from stress. These may involve health-related, work, and family activities. Planning your next cause of action can assist to manage this fear. Time management strategies that are effective can assist individuals to focus on a particular task at a time. Resisting the multitasking urge, using online calendars, and using book-based planners can help with this. When a significant project is broken down into steps that are manageable, the individual can accomplish the tasks under less stress.

7. Cannabidiol Oil

This oil has been derived from marijuana or cannabis plant. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil lacks tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the substance that makes you ‘high.’ CBD oil can be found without a prescription in various healthcare shops. According to research, it can assist in panic and stress reduction. In regions where marijuana has been legalized for medical purposes, doctors can prescribe the CBD oil.

8. Herbal Supplements

Various herbal supplements claim to have stress reduction properties. But, there is not much scientific evidence to back this up. Therefore, it requires you to work with a doctor with a background in herbal supplements and their effect on other drugs.

9. Herbal Teas

Various herbal teas claim to aid in sleep and reduce stress. Some individuals find the process of preparing and drinking tea soothing. But particular teas can directly affect the brain, which leads to stress reduction. According to research, chamomile can change cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone.


10. Time with Animals

Pets provide support, love, and companionship. According to research, pets can help people suffering from various health issues such as stress. People prefer dogs, cats, and other tiny mammals. But people suffering from allergies can also get pets that lack fur. According to research, caring for crickets can boost the psychological health of older persons. Spending time with animals may also lead to stress and panic reduction where trauma is involved. According to a 2015 study, grooming and spending time with horses can reduce stress and fear linked to trauma.


Meditating, exercising, writing, doing relaxation exercises, undertaking aromatherapy, undertaking time management strategies, using cannabidiol oil, using herbal supplements, drinking herbal teas, and spending time with animals are some of the remedies that you can use for stress and panic reduction.

These remedies are all natural, and you don’t have to worry about intake of harmful chemicals in your body. You will not only beat anxiety, but you will also boost your creativity in the case of writing; improve your physical health in regard to exercising; improve the quality of your life by utilizing time management strategies and spending time with animals; and benefit from nutrients in herbal teas and herbal supplements. In case you need further assistance, seek medical help.

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