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Science Explains Why It’s Best to Drink From A Copper Cup

Drinking out of a copper cup might seem a little weird, but doing so will provide important health benefits for your body. Water gets a positive charge from copper, and when copper leeches into water, it adds antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antioxidant properties. The study that revealed this information also found that storing contaminated water in a copper cup for 16 hours dramatically reduced the amount of harmful microbes in the water.

People in developing countries could have access to clean drinking water if they use copper cups to store their water. This study is truly groundbreaking and could change millions of people’s lives.

In addition to providing clean drinking water, copper can eliminate infection risk in hospitals. In preliminary results of a multi-site clinical trial in the United States, researchers found that copper surfaces in hospitals killed 97% of harmful bacteria that can result in infection. Just because of the copper surfaces alone, the study showed a 40% decrease in infection risk.

Now that you know the power behind copper, we will go over a few important benefits of drinking water out of a copper cup. Even if you don’t live in a developing country or frequently visit the hospital, a copper cup can be a positive addition in your life.

Here are some benefits of drinking from a copper cup:

“If you hold water in a copper bowl, preferably overnight or for at least four hours, the water takes certain qualities from the copper that are primarily good for your liver, but also for your health and energy in general.” – Sadhguru, Indian yogi, mystic, and philanthropist

1. It improves the digestive system.

For the best results, drink water from a copper cup when you first get up in the morning. Drinking water when you wake up stimulates the digestive system and helps eliminate toxins. When you drink from a copper cup, it stimulates something called peristalsis, or the contraction and relaxation of the stomach, which helps your body digest food. During detoxification, your body will eliminate harmful bacteria and reduce inflammation, which will improve your digestive functioning. If you have digestive issues, drinking from a copper cup could prove instrumental in your recovery.

2. A copper cup helps boost your immune system.

Because of the antioxidants present in copper, drinking water from a copper cup regularly can strengthen your immunity. Copper aids in different enzymatic processes that promote endothelial growth, or tissue healing. Because copper helps eliminate harmful bacteria, it can help give your immune system a boost and keep you healthy.

3. It helps you lose weight.

Copper can play an important role in your weight loss by helping to heal the thyroid gland and break down body fat. Copper actually helps with the synthesis of an important coenzyme in the body called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. Otherwise known as the “molecular unit of currency,” it basically helps give the body energy. Therefore, when you drink water from a copper cup, you will have more energy, which can aid in weight loss.

4. Copper cups can ward off cancer.

Drinking from a copper cup can help fight cancer because of the antioxidants present in copper. Antioxidants help fight off free radicals, which allows oxygen to move through the cells, therefore warding off cancer. While there aren’t many studies available regarding copper’s use for cancer, it holds a lot of promise for the future of cancer treatment.

copper cup

5. It stimulates your brain.

Copper aids in the synthesis of phospholipids, which helps to form myelin sheaths over neurons in the brain. These sheaths allow the impulses to move from one neuron to another in the brain, and the faster these impulses move, the more efficiently your brain can function. The better your brain functions, the more you can engage in positive thinking which will only increase the benefits of drinking from the copper cup. Drinking from a copper cup can also help prevent seizures and other brain-related ailments.

Other notable health benefits include: healing wounds quicker, slowing down aging, maintaining cardiovascular health and lowering blood pressure, reducing or eliminating arthritis and inflamed joints, warding off anemia, aiding in melanin production and promoting healthy skin.

Final thoughts

If you don’t already drink water out of a copper cup, you should definitely start due to all the health benefits you will receive. It might seem strange at first, but once you notice how great you feel, it will become second nature. You can look on popular sites such as Amazon or Ebay for a quality copper cup.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Researchers Explain How Arguing Can Improve Your Marriage

Some people may assume that successful marriages are blissful solely because those couples don’t fight. The truth is, every couple has their fair share of arguments. It’s the ones who fight the right way that survive and thrive in a lasting and mutually-beneficial relationship. Researchers explain some ways that arguing can actually improve your marriage:

Here Are 6 Ways Arguing Can Improve Your Marriage

“To assume that any couple goes without arguing is just nonsense.” – Seal

1. You control your temper.

You need to control your temper when arguing with your spouse. Heated arguments might lead to flare-ups and hurtful words because, obviously, people can get very emotional when angry. Be aware of when you’re about to lose your temper. At such times, express to your partner that you need some time to cool off. Instead of meeting each other head on and provoking more anger, some couples actually pause and have timeouts in the middle of a tense discussion.

A timeout is an effective behavioral tool for managing anger. In a marriage, partners may actually set a formal agreement that details the parameters of a timeout and use this each time they have a fight. This way, conflicts between couples are better resolved and settled when heads are cooler.

Aside from helping dissipate anger, cooling-off periods also give partners a chance to see the issues better. It’s easier to organize your thoughts or gather insights rationally when you’re not angry.

2. You take turns when stating your arguments.

Good arguments, like good relationships, are about give and take. Couples who fight right are always aware that they must give each other the opportunity to express feelings and opinions that are causing friction.

As it is, conversations are hard to initiate during a fight, but couples who respect each other make it a point not to interrupt when the other person is stating a case. You’re trying to dominate and control the situation when you interrupt your partner during an argument, instead of trying to understand the other side of the situation.

Therapist Casey Caston said that in his marriage, he and his wife prevent each other from interrupting during arguments by using a toy microphone. The one who has the microphone at a given moment has the chance to speak. When that person is done, he or she must hand the mic over for their partner’s turn to speak.

3. You listen to each other.

In line with not interrupting your partner in an argument, good communication skills require sharp listening skills as well. In successful marriages, when one person speaks, the other genuinely listens in order to understand their spouse’s concern.

People who develop good listening skills are said to be more discerning and open to the other side of the argument, according to a study. Active listening works not just in marriage, but in all kinds of relationships.

Listening also allows couples to acknowledge each other’s opinions and feelings, even if they’re not yet on the same page. It makes them understand each other’s style of communication better. Listening creates a positive atmosphere that removes defensiveness. With this out of the way, couples can productively resolve their arguments and issues.

4. You know when to use humor.

Arguments are serious matters but having a sense of humor might help clear tension in this highly charged situation, according to a study in the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Some types of humor, however, might be more effective than others. Researchers learned that jokes which aren’t made at the expense of someone could help ease the tension better than self-defeating humor.

Successful couples who are in tune with each other’s feelings use humor to comfort and reassure their partner. It’s one way of telling each other that even when they are upset, stressed out, and anxious that everything will still be fine after the negative feelings have disappeared.

5. You never show disrespect.

Arguments that include criticism, sarcasm, name-calling, eye rolling, and other behaviors that show contempt won’t end up well. Besides the fact that you can never take back these hurtful words and gestures, fighting dirty can be very damaging to a relationship and may have long-term effects. It can lead to discord that breeds resentments and self-esteem issues.

Ultimately, partners who argue fairly understand that they are part of the same team. So, why bring each other down with smack-talk and disrespect?

6. You learn to apologize.

Why is an apology hard for some people? It’s because when a person apologizes, he’s owning up to the fact that he has caused his partner hurt and pain. Some might not accept that they were at fault in the marriage, so they don’t make an effort to apologize.

However, successful couples are not afraid to say sorry to each other. They do this to seek forgiveness, first and foremost. Making an apology also helps couples drop their defenses down and become less argumentative towards each other.


Final thoughts

Despite positive thinking, arguments crop up because couples need to work out the problems and issues in their marriage. These fights aren’t supposed to divide couples but strengthen and protect their relationship. Maintaining a long-term relationship entails hard work, but if loving couples know how to properly engage with each other, then even arguments will have lasting positive effects.

10 Things Women Look For In Men

Finding the right person is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack! Then again, it’s a small world and sometimes it just feels like there’s too much competition, too many choices, and not much we can do, not much we can customize. So, today’s burning question is, “What do women want from a man?” While it’s a difficult question to answer (as every woman’s tastes are different), knowing the answer holds the key to your happily ever after. There are generally positive characteristics in a man that women value so much. Check out some of those characteristics below:

Here Are 10 Things Women Look for in Men

NOTE: This article focuses on what females need from a partner; we address the things men need from a woman separately.

“Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men.” – Confucius

1. He should be assertive.

For a woman, assertiveness in a man can be quite attractive. He’s sexy when he knows what he wants, doesn’t buckle when challenges arise, and doesn’t hesitate to put someone who’s offensive in his place. This attitude might come with an ego, but confidence can also be exuded in a good way. Though it caters to gender stereotypes, a study revealed that women like it when men have dominant leadership qualities. In relationships, a man can be assertive if he openly tells a woman what he likes in the bedroom or what actions a woman does that turn him or pleases him.


2. He should be stable.

Women fall in love with a guy who is emotionally and financially stable and reliable. It’s not shallow for a woman to want a man with a well-paying job and a secure mindset, especially if he’s going to be the man who will raise kids with her. A stable guy shows responsibility. To a woman, this means that he’s not afraid of commitment and a long-term relationship that will have its ups and down. If this is in the cards, then everything else can fall into its proper place.

3. He should treat women as equals.

The mentality that women are inferior to men persists today, even though women have been fighting for equal rights for decades. If a man value’s a woman’s thoughts, opinions, and feelings, then women know he’s a keeper. Despite a man’s penchant for taking charge in a relationship, women love it if he regards his partner as an equal who decides things in the relationship together with him.

4. He should be a good conversationalist.

The ability to sustain stimulating conversations make men attractive to women. It’s a plus if he’s got a healthy sense of humor to boot. These characteristics show a man’s intelligence, rationality, and the ability to listen. This gives women a positive sense of how he’s able to manage the challenges and difficulties of a relationship. A sexy mind appeals to a woman more than a fat bank account or a handsome face.

5. He must have a passion.

Passion isn’t about how a man physically pleases a woman. Rather, it’s about motivation or what drives a man to pursue what he wants. If a man has passion, it means he has ambitions and goals in life. It’s a really positive draw for a woman if his passion isn’t something common to most people. For example, a woman should be so lucky to find a man with a passion to build houses with Habitats for Humanity or a similar life goal to serve the less fortunate.

6. He should have compassion.

Being kind and compassionate are two of the most attractive qualities a person can have. A guy who looks tough on the outside but has a soft spot for animals or the elderly will win many points with women. Compassion breeds empathy, respect, positive thoughts, and selflessness, and a rare breed of men have these traits. Too often, men are stereotyped as selfish and narcissistic beings. Did you know that a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is more commonly diagnosed in 50 to 70 percent of men?

7. He should be self-aware.

By nature, many women like to “fix” their man, and they won’t have such a hard time influencing a man who is self-aware. If he knows his best and worst qualities, it means he’s open to change and improvement. This openness is a very important positive aspect of a relationship because there will be less friction, resistance, and arguments.

8. He should have chemistry with her.

No matter how wonderful or great a guy is, the relationship might not work out if the two just don’t have chemistry and compatibility. Some couples might find chemistry after just one date. Generally, however, chemistry takes time to develop and could be a good predictor of the success in a relationship if given time to grow. This compatibility will fortify the relationship for the long term.


9. He must look presentable.

While good looks are subjective, any woman would want a presentable man who makes grooming and hygiene a priority. He might not necessarily wear the most expensive clothes, but he knows how to carry himself well physically. While this might be a superficial desire, a man’s physical presence can impress a woman, especially at the beginning of the dating phase. If he has a good physique, then it’s a plus. It means that the man is conscious of his health and appearance. After all, women also make an effort to look great to attract a man.

10. He should be faithful.

What woman doesn’t want a man who’s faithful and loyal, especially when the statistics of infidelity continue to rise? People who have been cheated on say that this is one of the most traumatic experiences to go through. No woman wants to be in this predicament, hence faithfulness in a man is a valuable trait.

Final thoughts

Unlocking the mysteries of a woman can be challenging for any man. If you’re still in the dating phase, carefully go over these tips to help your chances with a girl. Slowly, you will learn to unlock the secrets of attracting women.

10 Early Signs of Gout to Never Ignore

Gout is the most common variety of inflammatory arthritis, caused by the buildup of sodium urate crystals in the joints. Gout is a unique arthritis disorder in that a singular joint is often affected, which is in the hallux (big toe). The condition may also affect areas of the knee, ankle, and smaller toes.

Gout is caused by a condition known as hyperuricemia or an accumulation of uric acid. At a certain level, this acid crystallizes within the joints (and tissues and fluids) within the body.

Symptoms of gout include:

  • Intense pain
  • Fever
  • Redness and swelling

Similar to other forms of arthritis, gout flare-ups often occur in people who had been symptom-free for weeks, months, or even years. Many risk factors increase the likelihood of developing hyperuricemia and gout, including:

  • Age and sex: Males between the ages of 30 and 50 are more at risk.
  • Being overweight or obese: Weight problems may trigger an overproduction of uric acid, leading to accumulation and the development of hyperuricemia.
  • Certain medical conditions: Diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and diseases of the heart and kidney increases risk.
  • Diet: Drinking alcohol and sugary beverages, and high consumption of meats and seafood, increases risk.
  • Medications: Use of low-dose aspirin and diuretics increases uric acid levels.
  • Genetic predisposition: Gout, like many other medical conditions, is hereditary.

10 Early Signs of Gout

1. Pain and swelling of the big toe

Medical researchers estimate that over half of the total number of gout cases involve acute pain and swelling of the metatarsal-phalangeal joint, which is located at the base of the big toe.

2. Acute pain attacks

Intermittent gout is typified by “attacks” of pain that usually lasts between three to 14 days. The acute pain accompanying intermittent pain is intense and surfaces without progression (e.g., chest pains.)

3. Fatigue

As with many other medical conditions by which inflammation is the culprit, gout sufferers may become fatigued. Doctors have coined the term “RA fatigue” in describing the flu-like systemic tiredness.

4. Kidney stones

High uric levels can also lead to the formation of crystals in the kidneys. If you are disposed to kidney stones, it may be wise to seek the counsel of your healthcare provider.

5. Worries about stress

Stressing about stress is never a good thing. A stressed-out lifestyle is a catalyst, instigator, and enabler of every adverse health condition in existence. It is no surprise, then, that too much of it irritates gout and other inflammatory conditions.

6. High blood pressure

Hypertension can cause serious health issues, such as heart disease, stroke, and others. High blood pressure is linked to chronically-high uric levels.

7. Edema

Some people with gout are prone to tissue swelling, or edema. If you’ve had bouts of inflammation troubles, and don’t yet know the cause, it may be advisable to speak with a specialist.

8. Anemia

According to a study published in the journal Arthritis Research and Therapy, anemia is associated with increased risk of this condition. Per researchers, patients with anemia have a 200 percent higher risk than the average population.

9. Decreased urine output

While technically not a direct sign of gout, far fewer trips to the toilet is a common symptom in those with kidney troubles. Any time a kidney problem surfaces, you should pay attention to other potential conditions as well.

10. No warning

As stated, most first experience this condition as sudden and intense pain. Gout attacks are not typically preceded by any other noticeable physical or mental symptom.

Preventing and Treating Gout

Prevention is the best medicine. Additionally, there are many low-cost ways to drastically reduce your risk of gout and other disorders. Here they are:

Avoid purines: Purines are the constructed, pre-oxidation chemical equivalents of uric acid. They are often found in foods such as seafood, bacon, turkey, veal, and venison.

Lose weight: There is a definite correlation between gout and obesity. Losing as few as ten pounds can significantly decrease your risk of obesity-related diseases and disorders, including gout.


Lay off alcohol: Nothing groundbreaking here. If you’re going to drink, do so in moderation.

Exercise: People who ignore the known benefits of exercise do so at their own risk. Again, there is no substitute for exercise when it comes to the promotion and maintenance of mental and physical health.

If you are dealing with a gout attack, remember the acronym RICE:

Rest: Avoid putting weight on the affected area for a minimum of 24 hours.

Ice: Ice reduces pain and swelling as good as anything else that’s free. Use an ice pack or something cold that will mold to your body (e.g., a bag of frozen vegetables.)

Compression: Using an elastic medical bandage, firmly (not tightly) wrap the affected area. Compression likewise helps to prevent and reduce swelling.

Elevate: Resting your foot on some pillows places the affected area above heart level, which helps to relieve pain.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Scientists Explain What Causes OCD (And How to Fix It)

“All behavioral or mood disorders – including depression, OCD, ADHD, and addiction – have some neurochemical components, but sufferers can still work to overcome them.” – Jeffrey Kluger

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental or psychiatric condition that covers intrusive, repetitive, and stubborn actions and thoughts. This mental health disorder can interfere with your daily function and relationships. The obsession and compulsion may be intense for some people who might need therapy and medication to manage their condition. Here are some reasons that explain the causes of OCD, according to science:

Here Are 6 Causes of OCD And How to Fix It

1. You have inflammation in the brain.

People with brain inflammation have a 32-percent chance of manifesting OCD symptoms, according to a study found in the JAMA Psychiatry. Inflammation develops as the body responds to any injury or infection coming from various factors. Experts said that medications that specifically target brain inflammation might help curb OCD symptoms. A more proactive treatment plan, however, might involve therapy that will reduce the inflammation from recurring.

2. It’s in your genes.

There could be a genetic component to obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with first-degree relatives who have OCD are four times likely to have the condition, according to psychology professor Jessica Grisham of the University of New South Wales via New Scientist. However, other factors might also impact the development of OCD in those who could be genetically inclined to have it. If one of your parents has obsessive-compulsive disorder, it might sometimes not automatically manifest in you, unless perhaps you’ve had a traumatic experience.

3. You’re vulnerable to what’s around you.

If it’s in your genes, then you’re a lot more vulnerable to having OCD from the triggers in what’s around you. The “right” condition or applicable circumstance – such as chronic stress, a disease or infection, or a traumatic loss – could activate the symptoms.

4. You develop OCD as a behavioral response to stress.

Your brain might start associating people, places, and events as stressors and this association could trigger a compulsion or obsession. For instance, you generally do not have any problems shaking the hands of new people you meet. However, you might have experienced a harrowing time at the hospital when you were so sick, so your brain might then learn to associate handshaking with the spread of germs. This experience may trigger your obsession about cleaning your hands many times over after touching a stranger or a compulsion not to shake someone’s hand at all.

5. There are chemical abnormalities in your brain.

For years, scientists have theorized that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder have lower levels of certain chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, hence the cells can’t function effectively. A study in the journal Pharmacology & Therapeutics cited that the lack of glutamate in the brain might also cause OCD development. This chemical compound is vital to learning and memory. When damaged, this chemical can render the cells ineffective as well. Therefore, the cells won’t be able to properly pass signals from each other.

6. You’ve been raised with “dysfunctional” beliefs.

As you grow up to understand how the world works, you form knowledge and opinions that make up your belief system. However, your exposure to things, places, and events impact how these beliefs formed in your system. If you’ve been exposed to a distorted, inaccurate and dysfunctional environment, your life could be more stressful and demanding. People who were brought up with dysfunctional beliefs are more inclined to OCD, according to a study in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders. However, experts also learned that this doesn’t apply to all OCD patients.


How to Overcome OCD

In order to fix or manage OCD, you’ll need a proper diagnosis from a professional first. Other mental and neurological disorders show similar characteristics as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Therefore, you’ll want to rule out these conditions before you start with any treatments.

Your doctor will likely prescribe antidepressant medications or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) so you can manage the symptoms. You might also be asked to undergo cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), as relying on medication alone will not protect you from a relapse.

Remission from OCD does not happen rapidly, especially if the symptoms affect your daily routines and functions. However, these treatment options can positively impact the quality of your life as you learn to control the symptoms.

Experts regard OCD as a chronic condition similar to asthma or diabetes. But a good treatment plan will help you properly deal with OCD throughout your life, even if you’re off medications.

Final thoughts

Understandably, some people, despite trying hard to stick to positive thinking, might be hesitant to get a proper diagnosis and treatment ocdplan for OCD because of the stigma surrounding mental health disorders. However, delaying a professional consult might worsen the symptoms and continue to disrupt your productivity. Along with the treatment plan, consider changing your lifestyle to achieve a state of balance. Eat right, sleep well, exercise regularly, and avoid stress in your work and relationships.

Easy Healthy Recipes: Try These Amazing Recipes If You Are Trying To Keep In Tip Top Shape

The healthy food we see on social media sometimes looks more like art than dinner. Elaborate spiraled vegetables, carefully crafted rainbow smoothies, unpronounceable superfoods…these drool-worthy dishes might generate thousands of likes, but for everyday life, we prefer easy healthy recipes. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a full-time influencer to make mouth-watering, nourishing meals at home. No fancy ingredients are required; balance and real food are the keys to keeping fit.

Staying in shape requires exercise, but diet is even more critical. The general rule states that losing weight comes from 80% diet and 20% working out. While a complete diet makeover might sound daunting, plenty of easy healthy recipes are available once you understand nutrition’s building blocks. Avoid processed foods whenever you can and eat a balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates to keep your body running smoothly.

Here are five ideas to get started, one for every night of the week:

Five Easy Healthy Recipes


easy healthy recipes

1. Roasted summer vegetables with white bean purée

This vegan recipe packs in the nutrients and offers plenty of protein to keep you full for hours. Choose different colored vegetables like eggplant, zucchini, and red pepper. Slice or chop the vegetables according to your preference, drizzle with olive oil and roast for around thirty minutes or until done. Meanwhile, heat the white beans on the stove with a spoonful of water and a cube of vegetable bouillon. Just before serving, mash the beans and arrange the vegetables on top. If you have any on hand, top with fresh herbs like basil or oregano.

2. Mushroom omelet

Protein is essential for staying in shape and recovering after a workout. Eggs are one of the best protein sources and offer countless options for healthy recipes. For example, to make a simple mushroom omelet, sauté your favorite mushrooms in olive oil until brown. Remove from the pan, and add another drizzle of olive oil (or cooking spray) to prevent sticking. Pour two beaten eggs into the pan and cook, lifting up the edges to allow the runny eggs to slide underneath the cooked bits. When almost done, add the mushrooms and a sprinkle of Gruyere or Parmesan cheese, if desired. Fold the omelet and let the cheese melt while the eggs finish cooking. Enjoy this high-protein meal with a simple green salad.

3. Vegetarian lasagna

Wholesome lasagna is a great way to use up leftover vegetables. Combine cooked vegetables like eggplant, mushrooms, zucchini, or squash with a jar of natural tomato sauce and a sprinkle of dried Italian herbs. Mix a handful of shredded mozzarella in a separate bowl with one egg. Add four tablespoons of ricotta to the cheese mixture for extra creaminess and protein. Layer in a baking dish with lasagna noodles, finishing with a cheese layer. Bake the lasagna in an oven preheated to 400° for 25 minutes. This hearty dish seems decadent, but one serving contains just 400 calories. Fortunately, even comfort food can be transformed into easy healthy recipes.

4. Whole-wheat quesadillas

We often associate Tex-Mex cuisine with greasy nachos and fried tortillas, but Tex-Mex also contributes to healthy recipes. Bonus: almost any Mexican recipe can be made vegetarian by swapping beans for meat. To satisfy your south-of-the-border cravings without breaking your diet, try making quesadillas with whole-wheat tortillas and high-quality shredded cheese like reduced-fat cheddar or even goat cheese for a modern twist. Add roasted bell peppers or the vegetables of your choice, and serve with a side of greens and light sour cream.

5. Tomato mozzarella salad

Of all the easy healthy recipes, classic tomato mozzarella salad is simple and delicious. With only three main ingredients and zero cooking required, you can throw this low-carb dish together in five minutes. Slice a ball of authentic buffalo mozzarella and arrange it over a bed of greens with sliced ripe tomatoes. Drizzle olive oil or pesto over everything and add chopped fresh basil for extra flavor.

easy healthy recipes

Final Thoughts on Trying These Delicious and Nutritious Recipes for Variety on the Menu

Some of the best easy healthy recipes aren’t recipes at all. These meals are simply the careful combination of high-quality, wholesome ingredients prepared healthy (i.e. not frying). The above examples can all be adapted by swapping the vegetables, adding lean meat or fish, or experimenting with different condiments. Once you have a few basic recipes, you’ll find that healthy eating is far easier than you imagined.

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