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Boost Your Self Confidence Instantly By Reading These Inspiring Quotes

To do great things, you must have one thing above all else – confidence. Confidence in yourself and in your abilities can help to get you further in life than knowledge and skills can on their own. But, confidence is a very elusive and rare trait. Building your confidence can start with something as simple as reading inspiring quotes.

Inspiring quotes about confidence can help to give you a boost of confidence during difficult times or when you’re plagued with self-doubt. Many politicians, celebrities, and great thinkers throughout history have contributed their own inspiring quotes so that they can be passed down through the generations to inspire others.

Below, you will find a collection of inspiring quotes to help get you through some of your darker and more troubled periods of life.

1. “Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it.” – Dorothy M. Neddermeyer

This quote is a gentle reminder that you have the power to change the outcome of any situation you encounter. This is especially true for situations that don’t seem to work out in your favor. Reacting poorly to a negative experience will only make it worse and harder to recover from. When you experience something negative, take time to process the event before you decide on a response. It’s better to act with a level head than with tumultuous emotions.

2. “What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Too many times we are held back from accomplishing great things by a fear of failure. It is said that fear kills more dreams than failure ever could. This is so very true. It’s easy to succumb to the fear that you will fail at a goal, but you must learn to go after your goal or dream as if you couldn’t fail. Only that type of perseverance will give you a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment regardless of whether you’ve achieved the goal. You should never feel like a failure when you’ve given something your all.

3. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined.” — Henry David Thoreau

The daily frustrations and disappointments of life can begin to build up inside of you and weigh down your heart and your mind. This quote reminds you to keep your eyes on your great dreams. When you lack confidence in yourself, remember why you started your journey. Remember the life that you’re striving to achieve. Don’t be afraid to continue forth in pursuit of your wildest dreams.

4. “Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Challenges force you to look at situations from different angles to find a solution. They make you think outside of the box. They put you in a position to draw on inner resources that were previously dormant. Facing what you fear is one of the most difficult challenges you will encounter in your life. It can rob you of the things you hold dear. It can make you run from the things that you desire. You must face what you fear and survive that confrontation. Once you emerge from the conflict, you will be stronger, braver, and more confident in yourself because you’ve faced your fear and survived.

5. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Television, magazines, and billboards are constantly trying to tell you who you should be in order to fit into society. This overwhelming bombardment of mental and emotional stress can wear down on a person’s self-esteem and self-confidence. This inspiring quote is reminding you that changing yourself to be who society wants you to be is no great accomplishment. To free yourself from the restrictive expectations of society, you must be your true and authentic self. So many people fail to do this during their lifetime. If you manage to cut through all of the expectations the world puts on you, that is a truly great accomplishment worthy of respect and admiration.

inspiring quotes

6. “We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.” – Roderick Thorp

Treat yourself as if you were talking to your best friend. You may find yourself being your worst critic instead of your most loyal fan. Once you stop being so hard on yourself and start treating yourself with understanding and encouragement, your life will become brighter and your confidence will have room to grow.

These inspiring quotes about confidence will put a smile on your face and a comforting sensation in your soul. To make sure that you can access these inspiring quotes wherever you go, consider writing them down on small pieces of paper and tucking them into your purse or hanging them on your wall at work. Keeping even one of these inspiring quotes with you at all times can give you the boost your self-confidence needs in an instant.

10 Quick & Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life

Here is a universal truth: we make things too hard on ourselves. The fact is that each of us is responsible for how we feel about life. Will we approach life with a load of stress and a heavy heart? Or will we “stay light” and carefree until the Universe calls us home? You may want to be carefree but just don’t know how to simplify your life.

Contrary to what the bottomfeeders of media would have you believe, money and possessions (“more stuff”) doesn’t make you happier or more content. More stuff complicates things, and complexity is the antonym of simplicity. Here’s just one of the countless examples: In an 8,250-person study, researchers at Oxford Economics and the National Center for Social Research in the UK found that sex, sleep, and good relationship with loved ones are much more important to good health than exotic living.

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” – Hans Hofmann (source)

Despite mountains of evidence, we continue to strive instead of thriving. Research informs us that 62 percent of people say that money is a “common source of stress,” and 61 percent say the same of their work.

Don’t judge or criticize yourself; it only adds to the problem. The vast majority of people have a difficult time finding balance in this hectic world. However, you can (and are) doing something about it by reading this article. Kudos to you!

“Why Simplify?”

simplify your life

“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.” – Henry David Thoreau

Those who simplify their lives have one thing in common: the need for freedom. Freedom from clutter, from debt, from too much stuff, and from worry. Above all, simplifying your life leads to Freedom of Mind.

Simplifying your life is all about shedding the unnecessary to focus on the things that matter. And who doesn’t want that?

To give you some ideas, here are ten ways that you can simplify your life, right now:

  1. Get rid of clutter.

Clutter is a distraction; it’s an energy vacuum. Look at your desk. See all of that random stuff just scattered about for no reason? Organize it. Store it all inside a drawer (though you’ll probably find you never need to open it). If it’s something you may need later, put it away until that time comes. If it’s garbage, throw it out.

  1. Write it down.

Mental clutter is just as real as physical. What has been rattling around in your noggin that needs to come out? Write it all down to simplify your life. Mental clutter drains your energy and increases stress. Writing stuff down in a personal journal or notebook will free up your cognitive reserves and help lighten your mood.

  1. Stop buying “stuff.”

Most people buy way too much useless junk, especially those in the West. How many things have you bought, used for a few days, and never picked up again? Buying stuff with little to no utility is not only unwise, but it is also harmful. First, you’re spending money that could otherwise go towards something valuable (or, better yet, saved). Second, you’re reinforcing the unconscious notion that “more is better” when this is not true.

  1. Determine what’s important.

So many people overspend and accumulate “things” because they’re unclear about what’s important in their lives. Otherwise, why would you invest your time, money, and energy? Think about those things that matter to you – things that you want to invest time, money, or energy in – and get rid of everything else.

  1. Meditate!

Meditation can shrink parts of the brain responsible for fear and negative emotion.  Moreover, mindfulness meditation appears to thicken the pre-frontal cortex (PFC), the area of the brain that makes decisions and plans, allowing us to pay attention and concentrate.

simplify your life

  1. Pay attention.

Speaking of attention, direct it towards what’s important. Gently guiding your focus on what’s happening now will help you appreciate those things we so often take for granted. Bring your full attention to what’s happening now.

  1. Put away the tech.

Our laptops, smartphones, and iPads can help make our lives easier. The problem (and it is a problem) is that we’re becoming more distracted and less mindful. The adverse effects of the overuse of technology are well-documented and include the following:

  • less productivity
  • depression and anxiety
  • obsessiveness
  • poor relationships
  • technology addiction

A simple way to simplify your life is to switch those gadgets off once in a while simply.

  1. Single-task.

Regardless of what your boss thinks, multitasking is a myth. In fact, neuroscientists (people much smarter than your boss) continue to remind us that all our brain is doing is switching its focus. Moreover, “switch-tasking” results in added stress, more errors, and – get this – more time spent on the task. (Don’t tell your boss they’re wrong. Just sayin’.)

simplify your life

  1. Learn to say no.

Listen, you’re a good person and a hard worker. You don’t need to prove these things to anyone else but yourself. Don’t feel as if you need to grant every person’s wish. Moreover, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for declining.

  1. Appreciate the beauty of simplicity.

Simplicity can be a beautiful thing. So, simplify your life, feel the freedom, and relish in it.

7 Things Your Body Hair Says About Your Health

A few fun icebreakers on the subject of body hair!

  1. Traction alopecia, or female pattern baldness, can develop from hairstyles (e.g., ponytails, braids) that continuously pull on the hair follicles.
  2. Grooming with razors around the female parts causes more trips to the emergency room than any other grooming method.
  3. Body hair grows for a maximum of 45 days; scalp hair stays in the growth phase for up to six years.
  4. Tiny creatures called Demodex live on your facial hair and consume dead skin cells.
  5. The famous P.T. Barnum’s “Bearded Lady,” Annie Jones, was affected by a condition called hirsutism, which is the excessive growth of body hair caused by high androgen levels.

Interesting stuff, right?

What Your Body Hair Reveals About Your Health

body hair

It turns out that your body hair can reveal quite a bit about your health.

1. Hormonal Imbalance

Margaret E. Wierman, MD, a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado Medical Center, says that an increase in testosterone can cause excess hair growth. The condition, called hirsutism, evidences a male hair growth pattern in women. The term male pattern indicates “hair above the belly button, on the upper chest, or on the upper back,” says Wierman. Dr. Wierman states that having eight or more hair follicles around the female nipple is a potential indication of mild hirsutism.

2. Autoimmune Problems

A condition known as alopecia areata, or one or more balding areas, is caused by a problematic immune system. While the state causes patches of baldness, it doesn’t appear to alter the appearance of the skin significantly. Medical experts are unsure what causes the hair follicles to go haywire but assure us that the condition usually goes away without requiring medical intervention. Treatment options also exist to stimulate hair growth in areas affected by the temporary disorder.

3. A Thyroid Condition

When your thyroid – a butterfly-shaped gland resting in the front of your neck – produces too many hormones (hyperthyroidism) or too few hormones (hypothyroidism), many health problems can arise. Either condition may cause hair loss. Additional symptoms, including fatigue, depression, and weight gain, may signal issues in Thyroidville. If you have any of these symptoms, you’ll want to do yourself a favor and get checked out.

4. Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency can cause all sorts of health troubles, with loss of hair being just one. Women, in particular, need to look for the signs of iron deficiency due to blood loss from heavy menstruation. These symptoms may include low energy and difficulty breathing. If your genetic makeup (more on this later) predisposes you to hair loss, iron deficiency can exacerbate the problem. The solution may involve something as simple as taking iron supplements, but you may want to get your iron levels tested first.

5. Genetic makeup

Your genetic makeup determines, to a large extent, the style of your body hair. Race is a clear example of genetic influence. If you’re Asian, you probably have less body hair than most people of every other race, especially compared to Hispanics and those of Middle Eastern descent. Also, the rate of hair loss is largely determined by the X chromosome. This means that your mother’s line more strongly influences the likelihood of balding than your father’s.

6. High-stress levels

High levels of stress may cause alopecia areata which. As stated above, this is a (mostly temporary) autoimmune condition characterized by the immune system attacking the body’s hair follicles. In times of severe stress, a person may develop trichotillomania, causing them to compulsively tear at strands of hair, often to the point of pulling the hair out. Feelings of depression, isolation, and loneliness may also contribute to the unfortunate condition, which may also link to perfectionist tendencies.

body hair

7. Severe health problems

Sadly, sudden and extreme hair loss may indicate a serious health problem. The sudden growth of body hair lasting longer than six months may mean a possible tumor. A tumor in the adrenal gland or ovaries can release the male hormones testosterone and DHEAS, causing a severe hormonal imbalance.

Final Thoughts on Body Hair and Your Health

Hair loss can be a frustrating and somewhat depressing time. If the research conducted for this article has revealed anything of value, it is this: your stress levels and diet matter. While you cannot control your genetics, you can manage these two factors. Also, make sure to visit your chosen medical health professional on at least an annual basis.

Finally, some natural supplements and whole foods may help curtail hair loss. Here are a few home remedies to try:

  • Bone broth: high in collagen, an abundant protein in hair, skin, and nails.
  • Caffeine: may stimulate hair shafts and encourage growth.
  • Chia, hemp, and flax seeds
  • Green tea: rich in antioxidants that may help hair growth
  • Pumpkin seeds: high amounts of zinc, which is necessary for hair development

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Lemon Water Detox : What Are The Benefits Of Lemon Water For Your Skin & Body

When you drink a glass of lemon water each day, you will find that you experience many benefits for your entire body. Lemons contain Vitamin C, making them a healthy choice for everyday consumption. One of the benefits of lemon water is that it has a potent detoxifying effect, leading to greater health and wellness.

The benefits of lemon water are many, from clarifying the skin to reducing wrinkling and sun damage. Lemon helps the digestion and freshens breath. It helps your liver process toxins, making your body healthier. This article will detail the awesome benefits of lemon water for your entire body.

Here are the benefits of lemon water:

1. It Increases Vitamin C Consumption

Vitamin C is a necessary nutrient and a powerful antioxidant. When you drink water with lemon every day, your consumption of vitamin C is increased. This brings health benefits to your entire body. The damaging effects of free radicals are reduced, and you will feel more energetic.

2. You’ll Drink More Water

When you add lemon to your water, you’ll find that you turn to water more often as a daily beverage. The twist of fresh citrus flavor will keep you coming back for more. When you add fresh fruit flavor to your water, you will consume more water overall. Hydration is key to promoting a healthy body. Most adults should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. You can even combine lemon with cucumber, mint, or strawberry to give your water different, exciting flavors.

3. Your Skin will be Clearer

Along with supporting your health as a whole, lemon-infused water can improve your appearance. People who consume more vitamin C are at a lower risk for dry, wrinkled skin. A 2007 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who consumed more vitamin C had a more youthful appearance.

4. Lemon Aids in Digestion

When taken each morning, warm or hot water with lemon juice can be a boost for your digestive system. It can reduce constipation and help your body to fully utilize each nutrient. While all warm beverages may help with your digestion, lemon juice and water are key to detoxifying the body as well.

5. Lemon Helps with Weight Loss

The benefits of lemon water include increased weight loss. According to a 2008 study in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, polyphenols found in lemons helped mice on a high-fat diet maintain their weight. This study has not been replicated with people, but its results with mice are outstanding. Drinking water with lemons also makes you feel full, preventing you from hunger responses that might drive you to eat unhealthy food.

6. Lemon Makes Your Breath Fresh

Lemon is well-known for its ability to banish bad breath. This odor-neutralizing fruit  helps to remove the smell of fish, garlic, and onions from hands after you cook. The same principle applies to your breath. Also, lemon makes your mouth produce more saliva, which is key to avoiding a dry mouth. A dry mouth is one of the major causes of bad breath.

7. Increases Energy and Promotes a Good Mood

One of the little-known benefits of lemon is that it can increase your energy levels. Lemons contain negatively charged ions which boost your body’s energy. The scent of lemon alone is enough to rejuvenate the mind. Lemon fruit or lemon essential oil can provide this effect.

benefits of lemon water

8. It Can Help to Prevent Kidney Stones

One of the most important health benefits of lemon water is that it has been shown to reduce the incidence of kidney stones. Citric acid, the active ingredient in lemon juice promotes greater urine output, which flushes the kidneys and removes toxins. Duke University researchers found that the incidence of kidney stones was greatly reduced in a population treated with lemonade therapy.

9. Boosts the Immune System

The benefits of vitamin C for the immune system are well-known, and half a lemon provides 51% of your daily recommended intake. A 2005 study found that consumption of Vitamin C supports the immune system in its natural function.

Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Lemon Water

Water with lemon has a long list of exciting benefits for the body and mind. Better skin tone, immune response, energy, kidney health, digestive support, and fresh breath can all be gained by drinking lemon water. It is worth noting that lemons are acidic and can damage tooth enamel if consumed in large quantities, so those who drink the water should be careful to brush their teeth regularly. Water with lemon can also cause heartburn.

Science Explains 12 Ways Intermittent Fasting Can Melt Unwanted Fat Fast

While browsing through some weight loss materials, I see this term that catches my attention…”weight loss resistance”. WOW! There is actually a term that describes my current situation perfectly, and there must be others like me. I am struggling with trying to reduce my weight by 15 more pounds, but my previous diets and exercises are no longer effective. I need a new approach. Maybe I need to try intermittent fasting for weight loss, but I need to research it thoroughly.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

I am a cautious person, and I do not jump into something different without having some knowledge about the idea. Intermittent fasting for weight loss involves eating for a certain period of time and then not eating for a specified time period. According to certified dietitian Leslie Langevin of Whole Health Nutrition, the method works by getting your body out of storing fat and using stored fat for energy. This is the reasoning that explains the success of losing weight with fasting. Of particular interest is the idea that the dreaded word “diet” is not in any of the sources I read. Instead, intermittent fasting is a lifestyle change.

intermittent fasting

How Does Intermittent Fasting Help With Unwanted Weight?

Research indicates that intermittent fasting is an effective strategy for weight loss. There are several ways that eating and fasting helps you lose unwanted weight fast.

1. There are different models to follow

You are free from just one restrictive plan that some diets use. Find the model that works for you. This is not a starvation plan. Calories for consumption are available each day. You decide which days you want a lower amount of calories, or you choose how many hours you want to fast between meals. The most popular options are:

  • The 5/2 Plan (fast for 2 days).
  • The 18/6 Method (fast for 18 hours each day).
  • Alternate Day Fasting (fast every other day for 24 hours).
  • The 20/4 Plan (only eat during a 4 hour period).

There are more options available on the above link. Choose the eating and fasting windows that suit your lifestyle. How long you go without food is totally up to you.

2. Makes it easier to cut calories

Overall, you consume less calories. Less eating produces less calories. It is important to not over-indulge during eating periods. The only calories you need to count are the ones you consume on fasting days. The recommendations for caloric intake on fasting days are 500 calories for women and 600 for men.

3. The body burns fat faster and more efficiently

By fasting. you lose weight, reduce body fat percentages, and improve your overall health.

4. Allows for insulin levels to lower

Insulin increases after eating. During fasting, insulin decreases. According to Dr. Naiman, after 18-24 hours of fasting, insulin is at its lowest levels and this is a prime time for fat burning and cellular repair.

5. Reduces cholesterol

One of the benefits of weight loss is a reduction in cholesterol.

6. Increases hormone levels

Fasting triggers the production of human growth hormone. Increasing HGH promotes faster weight loss and more energy.

7. Natural pattern for our bodies

Based on our ancient ancestors’ eating patterns, we only need to eat when food is available. This approach increases the time that our bodies use stored energy. When your body uses stored energy, you lose weight.

8. You learn the difference between when you need to eat and when you want to eat

Being aware of when you need to eat helps to reduce these unhealthy eating habits:

  • Grazing all day long.
  • Mindless snacking before bedtime.
  • Emotional eating.

Studies show that when your body adjusts to this new pattern, it does not lead to any type of binge eating.

9. Increases metabolism

Some people may tell you that fasting decreases metabolism because you feel sluggish. This is simply not true. Fasting increases metabolism because your body relies on stored energy. One study of 11 healthy men shows that a 3-day fast increased their metabolism by 14%.

10. Less likely to cheat

Since intermittent fasting for weight loss is so easy to follow, it reduces the chances of participants cheating. It does not have diet restrictions that make us cringe. You can enjoy a meal and not feel guilty.

intermittent fasting

11. Easy plan to follow

All you have to do is eat, do not eat, and eat. There is no need to stress about good foods or bad foods. You do not need to measure foods. You simply eat reasonably and then stop eating for the time period that is best for you.

12. Affordable

This method for weight loss does not require membership fees or purchasing special meals. Actually, you should see a decrease in your grocery bill because you are eating less food.

The success of the intermittent weight loss plan is dependent upon a few factors:

  • Not overeating.
  • Not under-eating.
  • Finding the right model.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss has so many positive aspects, the biggest being that it provides weight loss success. In the future, we may hear more about fasting and its anti-aging and disease prevention abilities.

Here Is The Complete Online Guide On How To Meditate For Beginners

You have definitely heard about meditation and how to meditate. It is a very popular skill, yet one that most people have no idea how to harness. Most of us don’t even know where to start and how to meditate. Well, if you have been looking to learn this life transforming skill, this comprehensive guide will help make the process smooth. Meditation is a simple skill but one that will transform your life by enhancing a deeper understanding of yourself, help you relax and develop your natural potential. There are quite a handful of different meditation techniques which might be challenging to apply if you only have a little knowledge of meditation. You will need to learn the basics of meditation first. This article contains the basic meditation tips for beginners and addresses common problems along the learning process.

Here’s how to meditate:

Beginning your Meditation Practice

If you have never meditated, you probably don’t even know how long you should meditate. There isn’t a time limit to meditation. However, I’d recommend some meditation tips by starting slowly with just 5 minutes every day. Five minutes will initially feel like an eternity, but after a week or so, you’ll be surprised at how quickly 30 minutes pass while meditating.

The perfect place and posture for meditation

It is really important in meditation to find a peaceful place and a comfortable spot where you can sit and relax. You can relax anywhere you feel comfortable; upright on the chair, or on a pillow on the floor. There is no specific spot or posture specifically needed for a successful meditation session. However, the ideal posture is one that is upright but not tight and rigid or one that embodies dignity and wakefulness as Jon Kabat-Zinn would put it. It is also recommended that you keep the natural curve of your back (no slouching). Make sure to rest your legs on the ground if you are sitting on a chair to ease your muscles and enhance concentration. Do not force yourself into the popular lotus position if you are not used to it.

You can also meditate anywhere, but an ideal place would be a special room in your house that is peaceful, well ventilated and, if possible, well lit. It could be in the house or outdoors. Whichever spot is most comfortable for you is the best spot for your meditation practice.

What to do

The best meditation technique to begin with is counting your breaths. Softly close your eyes and direct your unfocused gaze downwards. Do not force your breaths; let them come naturally. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, counting each breathe and trying not to stray your mind from your breaths. As you move air into your lungs with each breath, they will gradually become fuller and deeper. Take as long as you need to breathe slowly and deeply.

You mind is bound to wander once in a while. The key is to guide the attention to your breathing. Counting your breaths could help you keep your attention on the breathing, but if from time to time you stray and forget your count, it is totally normal. Do not get frustrated; just keep at it. Noticing that your mind is wandering off the practice is actually a good sign that you are already becoming more aware of yourself. As you breathe, try and find your anchor; that point in your body you can concentrate on where you notice the sensation of your breath best. This will help you focus better and easily bring your mind back to the sensation of breathing any time it wanders.

How to fit meditation in your schedule

Whether it is in the morning after your breakfast or during a lunch break, find the time of night or day that you are most comfortable with. I would recommend mornings or evenings when you are not too busy and don’t have interruptions. It crucial to make this exercise a habit and an integral exercise in your day. Research says that you need about 66 days to make anything a routine.

how to meditate


You will definitely find your own unique way on how to meditate; your best spot, posture, etc. The important thing is to not bring any expectations to the exercise or you will end up being frustrated along the way. Meditation is about attaining non-judgemental awareness. As you continue to gain focus, it will become much easier and embed itself in your schedule.

Meditation will bring you closer to embracing the present moment. As you go on doing your practice, you might experience moments of profound insights in your sessions. Slowly, you will attain greater self-control, self-awareness and increased empathy and calm. I’d presume these are your goals in learning how to meditate.

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