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How These DIY Homemade Face Masks Are Best For Super Soft Skin

The thought of getting a daily spa treatment might be nice, but it is hardly practical. Fortunately, there are many ways you can achieve soft skin without stepping out of your home or spending too much.

You can achieve impressive results if you know how to pick your ingredients well. Even issues with acne can be addressed by a DIY face mask.

You can make a face mask at home, and here are some recipes:

face mask

Hydrate your skin with an avocado mask


  • ½ avocado
  • 1 tablespoon plain yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • One teaspoon honey


Mash the avocado and add the rest of the ingredients. When the consistency is that of a smooth paste, apply the face mask to clean skin. Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes and wash off.

Why it works

There is a reason why we are in the middle of an avocado renaissance. The good fat that people like to consume for their health is also the same good fat that can moisturize the skin through a face mask. As a result, the skin achieves a plump, youthful appearance.

Smoothen out rough skin with cucumber


  • ½ cucumber
  • Milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon sugar


Puree the cucumber using a food processor. Add the honey and enough milk to achieve the desired consistency of the face mask. Mix in the sugar.

Apply on your face using small circular motions, paying close attention to rough spots like the chin and forehead. Rinse off.

Why it works

Exfoliating can sometimes leave the skin red and blotchy. When this happens, it means that the exfoliation process was too strong, which irritated the skin.

Sugar granules provide a gentler alternative to harsh abrasives. They tend to dissolve after a while, so it prevents you from over-scrubbing your skin.

The cucumber also soothes through its Vitamin C and caffeine content. It also has a high water content that hydrates the skin.

Brighten dull complexion with a papaya mask


  • 1 cup papaya
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • one egg white


Mash the banana and mix with the honey and egg white. Apply the mixture to clean skin and wait for 20 minutes. Wash off.

Why it works

Papaya’s secret weapon against dull skin is papain. It is an enzyme that reduces the appearance of blemishes and discoloration.

A face mask made from papaya also has high alpha hydroxy acid content. Together with the papain, these substances act as a gentle chemical exfoliant that removes the dull layer of skin cells.

Get glowing skin with a tomato mask


  • 1 tomato
  • 3 teaspoons buttermilk


Take a tomato and cut it in half. Squeeze out the juice. It should yield about two teaspoons of juice. Add the juice with buttermilk and mix thoroughly.

Use a cotton pad or cotton ball to apply it on your face. Let the mixture dry on your face before washing it off.

Why it works

Tomatoes are often labeled as a superfood because of their high nutritional content. Applied topically, tomatoes can help improve the appearance of the skin.

Lycopene is what gives tomatoes their distinct red color. It is a carotenoid, which is a substance that offsets the damage done by free radicals in the body.

Tomatoes are also high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Vitamin C is often found in many skin-brightening products because it interferes with the production of pigment. Vitamin A, on the other hand, stimulates blood flow and collagen production on the skin to slow down the aging process.

Calm your skin with a turmeric mask


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • One teaspoon water


Mix all the ingredients together to make a paste. Gently massage the face mask on using circular motions. After about five minutes, rinse your face.

face mask

Why it works

Anti-inflammatory face masks can rejuvenate the skin by keeping it free from bacteria and thus, prevent blemishes like acne from occurring.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties because of its curcumin content. Curcumin is what gives turmeric its distinctive yellow color. It is also believed to protect the skin from free radicals and the skin-dulling effects of pollutants.

Baking powder is a gentle exfoliant. Its addition to the mix scrubs off dead skin cells that dull the complexion.

You reap the benefits of skincare when you use these ideas regularly. This is the reason why a DIY face mask is useful. Homemade masks are relatively inexpensive and can be done from the comfort of your home.

If you can easily whip up a recipe and apply it on your face without straining resources, then you are more likely to follow the skincare routine consistently.

These masks can either be used to complement your usual skincare routine or take their place entirely. In either case, homemade masks can provide you with softer, glowing skin.

15 Weight Loss Transformations That Don’t Even Look Like The Same Person

Everyone knows that losing weight comes with plenty of challenges. If you begin a workout routine, staying committed and eating healthy – especially if people around you live a different lifestyle – take an incredible amount of positive thinking willpower. Out of all the challenges one faces in life, losing weight might just be the toughest. You have to turn down junk food constantly, whether you’re in a grocery store or watching ads on TV. Not only that, but you have to hit the gym even when you don’t feel like it in order to get results.

There’s no doubt about it – weight loss takes so much mental and physical stamina, and if you have a lot of weight to lose, the journey becomes even longer. We want to showcase a few people who stuck with it even when they felt like giving up – you may not even recognize them in their after picture!

Here are 15 weight loss transformations that don’t even look like the same person:

1. This woman lost about 50 pounds between the before and after picture!


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2. Over 100 pounds of weight loss happened between the first and second picture. Way to go Ashley!


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3. This woman is down 108 pounds now!


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4. Wow, this really doesn’t look like the same person; what a positive transformation!


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5. Carsen had a weight loss of 140 pounds!


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“In the left picture I had high blood pressure, I was depressed, unhappy, on blood pressure meds, and didn’t want to go do anything simply because I didn’t like the way I looked or felt about myself. I became a hermit and that’s not who I was AT ALL. I had to get out of this funk. I’m happy to say that in the right picture I’m no longer on blood pressure meds, I’m quite happy, I actually like going out and doing things. Not only physically do I feel good, but mentally!”

6. This man went from a size 56 to 38 pants!


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7. “When you want something bad enough….. you work hard to achieve it, not make excuses. Living proof that it’s possible. 309 to 157.”


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8. Ethan lost 100 pounds in 10 months – talk about inspiring weight loss stories!


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9. Down 88 pounds and counting!


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10. We have no words except AMAZING!


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11. There’s almost a 90 pound difference between these photos.


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12. Hard work pays off, as you can see in this weight loss transformation!


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13. This woman lost over 150 pounds so far!


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14. Definitely doesn’t look like the same guy in the second photo!


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15. You go girl!


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Healthy Smoothies : 10 Signs You Need One + What To Eat

Healthy smoothies can form an important part of your diet. When you make a smoothie, you are eating the entire fruit or vegetable. This contrasts with juicing, where you are discarding the fibrous material.

Healthy smoothies for weight loss include many fat-burning ingredients that will support your low-calorie eating plan while providing important nutrition. Smoothies are easy to make. All you need is a blender and a selection of natural foods.

Here are ten reasons why you need a healthy smoothie and a few selected recipes that will provide you with a delicious, nutritious treat. These smoothies contain ingredients that will amp up your balanced diet and give you a tasty, filling alternative to indulgent foods like ice cream.

10 Signs You Need Healthy Smoothies and What to Try

smoothies lost weight

1. You Feel Tired and Run-Down

If your diet hasn’t been healthy and if you have been snacking on too much junk food, you will feel tired and run down. Try a healthy smoothie with a banana to replenish the potassium in your diet.

2. Your Skin and Hair are Dull

If you’re not eating a balanced diet, your skin and hair will suffer. Add flaxseed and chia seeds to your smoothie to amp up the Omega-3s. Omega-3s are fatty acids that support supple skin. Try avocado in your smoothie to make your skin smooth. Vitamins C and E in avocado can make awesome healthy smoothies for weight loss.

3. Your Digestion is Sluggish

The soluble fiber in chia seeds will help your digestion move along. Add fiber-packed ingredients like kale to boost the power of your digestion. You can also get fiber from including citrus fruits with the peel still on.

4. You’re Not Getting Enough Calcium

Women should consume 1,000 mg of calcium each day. For women over 50, this jumps up to 1,200 mg per day. Calcium is crucial for bone health. If you’re not getting enough calcium, you could be at risk for osteoporosis later in life. The low-fat and non-fat dairy products added to smoothies can be a great source of calcium. For vegans, tofu provides a lot of calcium.

5. You’re Trying to Lose Weight

When you’re trying to lose weight, you need nutritious, satisfying snacks and meal replacements. Don’t go overboard with nut butter and full-fat dairy in your smoothie if you want to lose weight. Stick to whole fruits and vegetables with non-fat dairy or alternatives like almond milk and soy milk.

6. You’re Not Eating Enough Protein

Adding Greek yogurt, protein powder, and nut butter to your healthy smoothies can amp up the protein content and keep you feeling full longer.

7. You Need to Replace a Meal

When you are losing weight, sometimes it is necessary to replace a meal with a nutritious alternative. A smoothie is a low-calorie and nutritionally balanced way to keep you satisfied when you aren’t going to eat a full meal.

8. You’re Feeling Depressed

When people are feeling depressed, they often reach for unhealthy foods like chips and cookies. Do something nice for yourself by drinking healthy smoothies. Folic acid found in green vegetables and citrus fruit helps protect against depression.

healthy smoothies

9. Your Body Needs a Detox

Healthy smoothies help to boost your body’s own detox powers. Add garlic, beets, and papaya to your smoothie to amp up the total body cleansing. Citrus fruits, seeds and nuts, and Omega-3s like those found in flaxseed also help your body to detox itself.

10. You Need More Variety in your Diet

Smoothies are a great way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Even if you don’t like fruits and vegetables, you can sneak them into a smoothie and enjoy the nutritional benefits without the off-putting flavors.

A Great Weight Loss Smoothie

This smoothie recipe will boost your weight loss while providing a nutritious, satisfying snack or meal replacement. It contains many different types of ingredients that promote a healthy body and mind.

Combine one frozen banana with half of an orange, chopped up with peel and all. Add a few handfuls of kale or baby spinach. Add a handful of frozen blueberries. Finish the smoothie with one cup of fat-free Greek yogurt. If the smoothie is too thick, you can add milk.

Final Thoughts

When you’re looking for a great snack or meal replacement, turn to healthy smoothies. They are packed with awesome nutrition and will satisfy your need for a tasty treat. Each ingredient has special properties that will help you become healthier.

7 Things That Cause Anxiety (And 7 Ways to Prevent It)

In today’s world of stress and fast-paced lives, anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions that most young people suffer from. Many anxiety sufferers feel that they should hide their condition out of fear of judgment from their friends and coworkers, which only adds to the existing mental health stigma in society.

But what are the causes of anxiety? Researchers describe a network of causes, which range from personal to social. Many times, anxiety is caused by different stress factors and they’re not always as manageable as we like to imagine. Furthermore, many people ignore the physical aspects of anxiety – which can be debilitating and restrict someone from effectively doing their work. However, with targeted therapy and intervention by an experienced mental health professional, all anxiety disorders can be controlled and managed successfully.

Those who say that positive thinking is all it takes to eliminate anxiety couldn’t be more wrong. Here are some of the most common causes of anxiety and the best ways of managing them.

Here Are 7 Things That Cause Anxiety and Ways to Prevent It

“If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness, and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days.” – Kris Carr

1. Skipping meals

Nutrition is very important in managing a healthy mind and a healthy body. If you skip meals, you’ll often find that you feel anxious for no specific reason. That’s because your brain isn’t getting enough sustenance and it is struggling to function. The way to combat this is to create (and follow) a balanced, healthy diet plan that will carry you through the day. Many people find that bullet journaling is a great way to plan your meals and ensure that you’re getting all the calories you need every day. Snack on healthy things and keep your sugar intake low, to keep at bay ingredients that might make you feel hyperactive and nervous.

2. Public speaking

This commonly causes anxiety for many people – especially who already suffer from the condition. People with anxiety hate public speaking, whether it’s in a meeting with their team or at a presentation in front of hundreds of people. Often, our jobs make it so that public speaking is inevitable. In that case, it can very easily trigger an anxiety response. To manage this, make sure to read as many self-help guides as you can. Rehearse your speech and presentation and, if you can, run it past your boss first – the positive reinforcement will make all the difference.

3. Caffeine

As much as you think you might not be able to live without your morning cup of coffee, the reality is that most people consume too much coffee and that may trigger their anxiety symptoms. Panic disorder and anxiety disorder, in particular, are very sensitive to caffeine. Because coffee is pure, unadulterated caffeine, it’s the worst out of all the caffeinated drinks. When you can, try to change up your caffeinated drinks to their decaf option, or switch to something healthier like juice or water. You’ll notice the difference straight away.

4. Certain medications

Of course, that doesn’t go for all medications, but some may trigger anxiety symptoms – and we’re not talking prescription meds, but over the counter meds. Weight loss medications, birth control, and flu medicine have all been identified as anxiety-inducing substances. The active ingredients in most commercial medications of that type make you feel unwell, which is sure to heighten your anxiety. Talk to your doctor about the medications you take and ask for a better alternative if you find your anxiety symptoms are getting difficult to manage.

5. Stress

In the contemporary world, we all live in a very high-stress environment. Missing your bus (or train), having a bad day at work, hearing bad news on the TV can all add up to a horrible weight of stress. Furthermore, stress can encourage habits such as increased alcohol intake, insomnia, and meal-skipping, which will only make your anxiety much worse. The way to deal with this is to seek help with healthy stress management. Therapy and counseling can be very useful in helping you cope with stress, as well as mindfulness exercises and meditation in group exercises such as yoga.


6. Money issues

Debt or feeling like you constantly have no money to sustain yourself on a day-to-day base is one of the most common causes of anxiety these days, especially among young people. Those can also be triggered by unexpected bills or suddenly losing your income due to job loss. When you’re stuck in a situation like that, you feel hopeless and as if there’s no way out. The best thing to do at that moment is to seek help. There are many financial advisors who can help you manage your finances and figure out how to save money more efficiently.

7. Personal triggers

Those are the most difficult causes of anxiety to identify. A lot of people associate smells, places, or sounds with bad memories. While this is a common symptom of PTSD, it can also trigger an anxiety attack. It takes a lot of time to identify and then learn how to overcome those personal triggers. Visiting a therapist may be very beneficial for this. They will have strategies and exercises you can do to slowly get over these issues. Alternatively, try finding some self-help material online or speak to someone who has had the same experience. Sometimes all we need is the comfort of knowing someone understands.

Final thoughts

Anxiety can be a debilitating condition that affects many people in their day-to-day lives. If you know someone who suffers from anxiety, or you do yourself, remember to be kind and patient, both with others’ and with your own condition. Getting over anxiety takes time and effort. Sometimes all you can do is dive headfirst into something new and face your fears just to see that the worst-case scenario won’t happen. If you feel like everything is hopeless, stay positive – bad slumps happen to anyone in life. The main thing is to know that what comes afterward can only be better.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Scientists Explain 10 Things That Happen to Your Body In the Sun

“Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.” – Unknown

People have been discouraged from staying under the sun for too long because of its negative effects on the skin. However, as sunshine is the most powerful natural source of vitamin D, there are in fact many health benefits to basking under the sun. Here are some scientific facts that explain what may happen to your body in the sun.

Here Are 10 Things That Happen to Your Body in the Sun

1. The sun literally brightens people’s moods.

Despite its harmful UV rays, the sun can also trigger feel-good hormones that make people feel better. This perhaps explains why despite several warnings that sunbathing can cause cancer, people still look forward to going to the beach in the summer to get a tan. According to Harvard Medical School experts, the sun facilitates the release of endorphins that raise your body’s serotonin levels, which is also known as the happy hormone. It’s similar to the effects of exercising, meditation, thinking positive thoughts, and eating serotonin-boosting foods.

2. Sunshine impacts people with Seasonal Affective Disorder.

There’s such a thing as a Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and it’s a type of depression that develops during the colder months. Psychiatry experts confirm that some people get the blues during winter because their genetics are so sensitive to the lack of sunshine. However, a little bit of warmth could help combat depression as effectively as medication. For severe cases, experts recommend light therapy for at least 30 minutes to help manage this mood disorder and relieve depression.

3. Vitamin D from the sun nourishes the bones.

Nearly 40 percent of Americans lack vitamin D and there are health consequences to this deficiency. Low vitamin D levels can lead to the development of osteoporosis, muscle weakness, and cancer. For bone health, experts recommend 13 to 15 minutes of sunlight exposure during the middle of the day, when the UVB rays are most intense. The body needs 600 IU of vitamin D every day. At noontime, the sun delivers at least 10,000–20,000 IU of vitamin D.

4. The sun can boost the heart’s health.

An analysis of four million people in 2013 (“the entire Danish population”!) led a scientist from Denmark to conclude that sunlight can protect and boost the heart’s health. Ironically, the study learned that people who suffered from skin cancer actually lowered their heart attack risks. The experts said that vitamin D might have something to do with this as well, but the research needed further probing to confirm the hypothesis.

5. The sun can be a remedy for acne.

While the sun has a bad rep for causing skin dryness, wrinkles, and skin cancer, it might actually be good for treating acne. Sunshine works to suppress the bacteria that cause acne development and redness. However, you still need to control sun exposure and protect your skin with sunscreen and Aloe Vera. In this case, experts say that the disadvantages of sun exposure might still outweigh the benefits.

6. Sunlight can extend your life expectancy.

After following some 30,000 Swedish women for 20 years, scientists at Karolinska University Hospital and Lund University learned that those who avoided sun exposure because of restrictive health guidelines shortened their lifespan by six months to two years. The women who had the most sunlight, meanwhile, lowered their heart disease risk. Experts, however, are still unclear on what sunlight has to do with life expectancy but it’s possibly linked the benefits of vitamin D.

7. Sunshine can alleviate your stomach problems.

People who reside in sunny states experienced 52 percent fewer stomach problems like inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn’s disease compared to those who live in the colder northern states in America. A European research discovered the discrepancy and cited that it’s likely because southerners get more vitamin D that can regulate inflammation and immunity to diseases.

8. Sunlight could lower breast cancer risks.

Women who regularly spent an hour under the sun for 10 years reportedly had fewer risks of breast cancer, as per a study in the Environmental Health Perspective journal. Experts, however, clarified that the risk reduction is small. Larger studies are needed to determine any proof that the effects are on the genetic level.

9. The sun can slow down multiple sclerosis progression.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating condition that affects the central nervous system. In its more advanced stage, MS can damage the nerves, thus crippling a person’s movements, visions, speech, and body function. But a Harvard study found out that sun exposure improved the quality of life of patients with MS in areas that had higher UVB rays. However, a separate study in the journal Nutrients showed that the benefits of lowered MS risks were more evident in Caucasian patients only.


10. The sun may lower blood pressure.

Exposure to sunlight can increase the body’s nitric oxide, which can help open up the blood vessels. Volunteers of a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology presented improved blood pressure levels with regular sun exposure during wintertime. Apparently, winter triggers an increase in hypertension cases, but the risks can be mitigated with sunlight.

Final thoughts

Despite the benefit, it bears noting that sunlight is still a very real threat to skin cancer. However, these studies from experts indicate that completely avoiding the sun is also not good for the body’s health. To reap the full benefits of sunlight, you must learn to strike a balance. Get natural vitamin D as regularly as possible but avoid sunburn by wearing protective clothing and sunscreen.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

List of Foods That Prevents Sleep

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf

There are many factors that affect your sleep, and out of all of them, food is perhaps the main one. We tend to underestimate the effect that food has on the body and on our sleeping schedule. And we all know the effects of not having a good sleep – you feel groggy, tired and aggravated and you hate the world around you. Well, it’s a well-known fact that you need to effectively expend spend your energy if you want to get a good night’s sleep. But how can food affect all of that?

Research has shown that the food and drink we consume is actually very important to our quality of sleep. The more calorie-heavy foods that we include in our diet, the longer it takes for our body to digest them, therefore our energy is depleted and we feel sleepy at the wrong time of day. Additionally, if we don’t consume enough calories, then our body will be hyperactive, wondering where to get all its needed nutrients from! So, don’t try to guess it – listen to the experts and eat the foods that are right for your body and your sleeping schedule!

Do you feel like your diet isn’t balanced enough for a great sleep? Here are some foods that definitely cause insomnia – and good ways to counteract them.

Here Are 6 Foods That Can Make You Lose Sleep

1. Chocolate

This is sad news for all chocolate lovers around the world, myself included. Unfortunately, a late-night sugary snack is really bad for your sleep. That’s because cocoa beans, which chocolate is made of, actually have a lot of caffeine in them! When you consume the caffeine even in a small piece of chocolate, you feel like you’ve had three cups of coffee and that’s bound to keep you up. If you do crave a sugary snack after dinner, try eating a piece of fruit. As a natural source of sugars that don’t contain any caffeine, fruits satisfy your sugar craving and ensure you have a great night’s sleep!

2. Chilis and hot sauce

Or any kind of spicy food, really. Hot spices increase your body temperature, which in turn increases the speed of your blood circulation. When you go to sleep, even if it sounds contrary, you want to feel cold because that’s what puts you to sleep. If you feel warm and your heartbeat increases, you’ll have a hard time feeling drowsy. Leave the spicy food for breakfast or lunch when you need the most energy. And if you want a warm experience before bed, try a hot shower instead. It’ll warm you up in a good way and make you sleepy.

3. Pizza

We know that it’s your favorite food to have on a Friday night after work or along with your favorite drink, but the combination of fatty cheese and acidic sauce in pizza is catastrophic for your sleep. It’ll most likely cause acid reflux and heartburn, which will make your attempts to go to sleep completely futile. It’s best to leave pizza for lunch or for an early dinner, but never right before you go to sleep.

4. Matcha and green tea

You might be surprised to hear this, as tea is naturally calming and we always say how healthy green tea is. But in reality, matcha and green tea have more caffeine in them than coffee! They both make you jittery and nervous as if you’ve just had your morning cup of coffee. Try to have matcha and green tea in the morning instead. If you can’t go to sleep without a cup of tea, try a herbal tea (such as chamomile), as they don’t have any caffeine!

5. Fatty foods

If you’ve had a very fatty dinner like burritos or fried chicken, it’s no wonder you can’t get to sleep. Fatty foods can cause bloating and indigestion. Instead of leaving you pleasantly full, you’ll feel too stuffed, which will definitely interfere with your sleep. Try to leave the fatty foods for lunch and have something healthier for dinner, like a stir-fry with as little oil as you can or a salad. This will ensure that your insomnia will go away.

insomnia - sleep

6. Water

Yes, you read that right! We all read about how good it is to stay hydrated during the day – and of course, that’s true. Water is great for your digestion, your skin, and your internal organs. But if you have too much water before bed, you know what’s going to happen! You’re going to need to go to the bathroom all night long! Toilet breaks can be really disturbing because once you get up, you might find it difficult falling asleep again. So, make sure to concentrate your water intake in the earlier part of the day.

Final thoughts

Suffering from insomnia is horrible. It disturbs not only your mental health but your physical health as well. You’ll know the difference the moment you get a good night’s sleep. Positive thinking alone doesn’t cut it; sometimes you need to take action to feel better for yourself and your body. Therefore, if you can, try and change your diet. It will take some time, as most things do, but you’ll find that your sleep will improve! Not only that, but if you follow the tips in the article above, you’ll lose weight also! So, don’t delay in making yourself healthier, starting right away!

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