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Can You Lose Weight On A Paleo Diet?

The Paleo diet is based on the concept that refined sugars, fats, and excess carbohydrates are damaging to human health. In early times, human hunter-gatherers were only able to eat fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, and unprocessed fats. Since many health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular problems are tied to an unhealthy modern diet, it makes sense that going back to a “primal” diet would help to alleviate these issues.

The Paleo diet works on the same principle as other diets. The overall calorie levels consumed are reduced and healthy foods replace refined sugars and fats. Paleo is a low-carbohydrate diet, making it appropriate for those with diabetes and other health conditions.

Can You Lose Weight on a Paleo Diet?

Study Results

The Paleo diet is a proven way to achieve lasting weight loss. One study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008 found that healthy volunteers lost 5 pounds over 3 weeks when adhering to the Paleo diet for weight loss.

Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2015 found that the Paleo diet for weight loss provided greater short-term results than a conventional calorie-restricted diet. Waist circumference, triglycerides, blood pressure, cholesterol, and fasting blood sugar were positively impacted. When a diet has these scientific results behind it, you can be reassured that you are doing the right thing for your body.

A third study compared the Paleo diet for weight loss to the “Mediterranean” diet and found that it had better outcomes for glucose tolerance. This makes the diet great for diabetics and for those who need to watch their blood sugar.

Safety of this Diet

This diet is nutritionally balanced, so it is considered safe for all dieters. Vegetarians should be careful to add enough protein to their diets. Dieters should make sure to eat enough nutritious carbohydrates to keep up their energy. When carbs are completely eliminated, your health can be at risk.

Practical Tips to Losing Weight on the Paleo Diet

Cutting out empty carbs and sugars gives people a better sense of well-being and more energy overall. One mistake that new dieters make is not consuming enough food. Calories should be restricted compared to the previous diet, but not slashed. When enough whole foods are consumed, dieters feel full and satisfied.

Another mistake made by Paleo dieters is creating “Paleo” versions of high-carbohydrate treats. Paleo pancakes, cookies, cakes, and brownies should be avoided. These foods will only create a desire for more sweets and unhealthy carbs.

A third mistake made by novice dieters is including potatoes. While potatoes are nutritious, they are not part of the diet. Sweet potatoes, with their lower glycemic index, can be substituted for white potatoes in your diet.

Paleo Meal Ideas

When planning meals without unhealthy fats and carbs, some people may feel overwhelmed. Here are a few tasty alternatives to satisfy everyone in the family. These meals will feel complete and satisfying even without heavy carbs and processed fats.

Brown chicken breasts with honey and sesame seeds. Serve over green beans that have been sprinkled with slivered almonds.

Stuff a sweet potato with a Southwestern-style beef and broccoli mixture. This is a satisfying meal that is great for a weeknight.

Make a large salad topped with the meat and vegetables of your choice and avocado slices. You will avoid commercial salad dressings.

Make mashed sweet potatoes and top them with pulled pork. Again, make sure not to use bottled sauces that are high in carbohydrates. Make your own rub or healthy sauce.

Paleo diet

Final Thoughts

The key to losing weight on any diet is adherence. If dieters slip off the program, weight gain resumes. As with any diet plan, people who want to follow it need to make a serious commitment. Short-term results may be notable, but the long-term results of Paleo are only visible when a dieter takes it seriously.

With scientific studies standing behind it, it is worth trying this diet. It is a healthy and balanced eating plan that will keep your body in good shape while gradually whittling the pounds away. When you follow the Paleo diet, you will have more energy and feel better about yourself.

5 Ways to Reverse Bad Karma

Have you ever heard the saying, “What goes around comes around”? Karma basically follows this principle: the energy you deal out comes back to you. While we can’t alter the laws of the universe, we can try our best to correct bad karma and emit more positive vibes toward everyone. If you want to create more positive energy in your life and turn negative karma around, read on to find out how.

Here are 5 ways to reverse bad karma:

1. Apologize to those you have hurt.

We may not always mean to, but sometimes we can say hurtful things to those we truly care about. People have complex emotions and differing opinions, and these dynamics can lead to misunderstandings and arguments from time to time. Don’t beat yourself up because you have hurt someone, but certainly reach out to them and apologize so that you and they can move on. It might mean going your separate ways, but at least there won’t be any bad energy left between you.

2. Give love to everyone.

One way to reverse bad karma is simply to love everyone, even if they can’t love you back. While it might hurt to do this at first, loving people will give you good karma. It will also enable you to help those who might need some extra care, so it’s a win-win situation. Loving your enemies isn’t easy, but it gives you a clear conscience and frees up your mental energy for other things. Think about how different the world would look if we all simply loved one another without limitations or conditions.

3. Have patience.

In our culture of instant gratification, many of us lack patience with ourselves and others. By learning patience, we can reverse bad karma and start deepening our human experience. So, when people talk, truly listen to them instead of just waiting to respond, and don’t expect to have everything handed to you on a silver platter. If you work hard, maintain a positive attitude, and go about life in a calm manner, this will help instill good karma.

4. Take the lessons from all your experiences.

Even through the bad experiences, we can learn valuable lessons and become more humble because of them. Not all the experiences we have will turn out positively, but life doesn’t always give us what we want; it gives us what we need. Remember this the next time you go through hardships, because staying thankful no matter your circumstances will reverse bad karma.

aggressive people

5. Think positively.

Our thoughts become the foundation for what we build in our lives. If you think positive thoughts, you will live a happier life and have a freer mind as a result. Allowing negative thoughts to take over will only bring more negativity into your life, as the law of attraction and karma both state. To reverse bad karma, utilize positive thinking to center you and block out bad vibes. Doing so will give you a more fruitful, fulfilling life!

Final thoughts

Bad karma can definitely bring your energy down and keep you in a low vibration. However, practicing patience, giving love to everyone, soaking in all your experiences, thinking positively, and apologizing to those you have hurt will help reverse bad karma and put you on the path to a positive life. Allowing better energy into your life takes a little effort, but it will certainly be worth it in the end.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

3 Signs You’re Trying too Hard to Think Positive

While positive thinking can turn your life around for the better and totally change the way you look at things, it can easily backfire if you try too hard to think positive. This can make the whole process of retraining your brain seem daunting. What is more, it can lead to burnout and perfectionist tendencies.

You might find yourself overthinking, or simply comparing yourself to others who claim to think positively. Many spiritual “gurus” claim that negative thinking of any kind will “lower your vibration” or “cause an imbalance in your chakras.” However, remember that no human can reach perfection all the time and that those negative emotions actually make you human!

In short, only you can pave your own way to a more positive life, and there is no one right way to go about it. On your journey to positivity, make sure you don’t fall into these mental traps.

Here are some signs you’re trying too hard to think positive:

1. You overthink everything.

As you might already know, the mind can quickly become a hindrance to living a truly positive life. You want to think more positively so that you can live a better life, but at some point, focusing too much on your thoughts can become a whole other problem in itself. Especially in today’s world, many people have a brain that just won’t stop running. (And unfortunately, a lot of our thoughts tend to lean toward the negative side.) However, on the opposite spectrum, you don’t want to overthink your thoughts so much that you start to fight with yourself to remain positive.

As you become more aware of your thoughts, rather than letting them run on autopilot, you might find that you have reached a state of hyper-awareness. This means that you feel too aware of yourself and your thoughts, and this can cause you to overthink rather than think positive.

To combat this, just let your thoughts come without judgement, and focus on “being” rather than “becoming.” Allow yourself to have negative emotions; just don’t attach yourself to them. You can slip into this state of being at any moment, soaking up experiences in your life without having to react to every little emotion.

2. You overdo it.

You might feel that you aren’t doing enough to achieve a positive life, so in order to think positively, you begin to incorporate every new-age idea in existence into your daily life. This will only overwhelm you and will probably backfire because you’ll put the focus outside yourself instead of inside. You’ll begin to view objects such as crystals or tarot cards as a crutch instead of utilizing the power inside yourself already to think positively.

While you should have a daily practice in place in order to ground yourself, such as meditation or yoga, you shouldn’t place so much emphasis on “doing” things to make yourself think positively. No amount of healing crystals, Reiki sessions, past life regressions, essential oils, or spiritual “gurus” can replace the sheer power you have within yourself to change your mindset. Understand that you can transform your thoughts and your life with willpower and daily practice, and that anything outside yourself will only distract you from your goal.

think positive

3. You compare your journey to positivity to others’ journeys.

Just like people compare themselves to their peers when it comes to material items, you might find yourself comparing your mindset and demeanor to others’ state of being. It might sound silly, but it happens all the time. People compare themselves so much to other people instead of just being themselves, because it takes courage to step into your truth. It takes bravery to stand on your own and emit your own frequency instead of feeding off the energy of other people.

So, remember that comparing yourself to someone else who might think more positively than you will only lead to frustration and sadness. Some people will be at a different place in their journey, but that doesn’t make them better than you. Everyone must walk their own path in life, so focus on your own road, not anyone else’s. Following someone else’s path will only lengthen the time it takes for you to reach your personal destination, anyway.

You are neither superior nor inferior to anyone else; you are equal, and you don’t need to become stuck in comparing when you can shine on your own.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Hidden Signs Of Poor Mental Health to Never Ignore

“Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.” – Adam Ant

In today’s world full of stressful factors, it’s no wonder that mental health awareness is at an all-time high. More and more adults are reporting mental health issues. Organizations across the world are producing helpful guides on how to recognize mental health problems with your friends, co-workers, and family.

What should you do if you think someone is struggling with a mental health problem? Many people feel afraid to speak out and worry that their involvement may make the situation worse. The truth is that the nature of the person’s mental illness may make it difficult for them to ask for help. Therefore, stepping in to offer help is never the wrong thing to do. There are helplines you can direct them to, which are confidential, free, and staffed by professionals who can always provide assistance.

The warning signs that someone is struggling with their mental health should never be ignored. In fact, some symptoms of depression and anxiety may well signify other conditions, such as bipolar disorder.

Finally, there is also an urgent need for more recognition. According to research, over 77% of employees in all walks of life experience mental health issues while their managers feel under-equipped and under-prepared to help them.

Here are some telltale signs that someone may be struggling with their mental health. Bear in mind that this article contains possible “trigger” topics including self-harm, drug and alcohol abuse, and other unhealthy behaviors.

Here Are 10 Hidden Signs of Poor Mental Health To Never Ignore

1. Isolation

If you notice someone canceling on their friends or closing themselves off when it comes to social events, this may be a warning sign. Try to talk to them and find out what’s causing their isolation. Suggest some helplines they can call to help them feel less alone. Very often, people with depression see no point in meeting with anyone, feeling they will only drag others down or that no one wants to be with them. As such, they avoid contact with others as much as possible.

2. Lack of personal hygiene

This is a symptom many people ignore, but it’s one of the most telling ones. If someone with impeccable personal hygiene starts going days without washing their clothes or taking a shower, this should ring a big alarm bell. It means that they can’t motivate themselves to get out of bed even for self-care. Don’t be disgusted or turn away; instead, talk to them to see what’s wrong.

3. Fatigue

Depression and anxiety bring about sleep issues such as insomnia. Those suffering from anxiety may stay up all night thinking (and overthinking) about everything under the sun. Therefore, once they’re up and about, they may look like they haven’t slept for weeks. If you see someone suffering from fatigue, try to talk to them. Bear in mind that while fatigue may be a symptom of many things, it’s also a symptom of poor mental health.

4. Changing moods

Anxiety, anger, moodiness, and other sudden changes in mood can be caused by mental illness. Additionally, extrapolating every little thing – such as blaming themselves for small accidents and mistakes – often leads to catastrophizing and thinking about the worst-case scenario. Such thought processes can indicate mental issues.

5. Risky behavior

Excessive drinking and drug use aren’t always caused by mental illness; however, they can be an important symptom of it. People suffering from poor mental health may look for something to bring meaning to their life – meaning that they believe has been lost forever. They may turn to drugs and alcohol to fill that void. If you notice this kind of destructive behavior, please consider getting them help immediately.

6. Self-harm

This is one of the most obvious ones and yet it is startling how many people avoid it just because they’re too ashamed to talk about it. People who self-harm are often good at hiding it, but it only takes a more skilled eye to notice. Always take action if you see it, even if you don’t think it’s the right thing to do. You never know when self-harming actions may escalate into something life-threatening.

7. Trouble concentrating

Many people are under the misconception that trouble concentrating has only to do with ADHD. In fact, many people who struggle with depression and other mental health conditions exhibit this as a common symptom. It’s because the depressive and anxious thoughts make it difficult for anything else to enter their brain. It’s often overlooked but definitely something to watch out for.

8. Physical symptoms

It’s commonly thought that mental illness has no physical manifestations, but that’s not true. Anxiety and depression can cause nausea, vomiting, high fever, shivering, and panic attacks. This lowers energy levels and makes it even harder for mental illness sufferers to look after themselves. Keep an eye out for these and don’t just dismiss them as a stomach bug!

9. Running away from responsibilities

Absence from work or school, failing to call up for appointments or pay bills can all be serious signs of mental illness. It is difficult to find the motivation to do anything when you feel like your life has no meaning – therefore, even necessary responsibilities can be easily overlooked.

mental health

10. Social media posts

This is a symptom unique to the digital era of the internet. People with mental illness often feel that they can voice their feelings online, on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, because they feel like no one would be listening. It’s very easy to feel estranged on those types of networks and want to desperately reach out to as many people as you can. If you see someone posting worrying things on their social media, don’t just scroll past. It’s very easy to do so, yet sometimes all it takes is a kind word to save someone’s life.

Final thoughts

Mental health awareness has made great progress over the last few years, but it still has a long way to go. Many people think that just positive thinking can cure all mental illness when that’s clearly not the case. Furthermore, discrimination against mental illness is rife in many workplaces. If people know more about mental illness and the symptoms of poor mental health, this is the first step to creating a culture of helping and understanding others instead of ostracizing them.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This Woman’s Poem About Divorce Can Actually Help A Relationship (And 1.4 Million People Agree)

So many songs, poems, and artwork have been inspired by love, but yet, we still can’t really define it. We can only feel it. As much as we need love to survive, millions of people sever their ties with love every year. Over half of marriages end in divorce, but maybe they don’t have to.

25-year-old poet Taylor Myers from Dayton, Ohio, decided to voice her opinion about divorce based on her own perspective and experience. Her post clearly resonated with millions of people, because it explained what happens to most relationships when the flame dies. Many people think that once that spark has vanished, the relationship starts going downhill. However, relationships become more about companionship once the initial honeymoon stage is over, and many couples forget that.

Taylor said that the reaction she received to her post about the lessons she learned in her ‘Relationships for Life’ class “blew [her] away.” She said she gets messages every week from people who decided to save their relationship or walk away because it was unhealthy. Without sharing her opinion about relationships and divorce, maybe those same people would still be stuck in an unhappy relationship or contemplate leaving one that could actually be saved with a little dose of positive thinking and effort.

A lot of people commented about how Taylor was so influenced from her ‘Relationships for Life’ class, saying that one class shouldn’t shape one’s opinion so much. However, Taylor found that class very informative, positive and transformational, saying that it helped her in handling all of her relationships in life. She said her relationships have become healthier because of that class, and that everyone should take it. If you think about it, she’s probably right, because relationships are one of the most important aspects of life.

Read on to find out what Taylor said about relationships; her beautiful poem might just save your relationship.

This Woman’s Poem About Divorce Can Actually Help A Relationship (And 1.4 Million People Agree)

This is the 25-year-old with wisdom beyond her years, Taylor Myers

Via ACuteLesbian on Tumblr

This is her eloquent excerpt from her Tumblr page:

9 Jul  1,487,084 notes

“A lot of people ask me what my biggest fear is, or what scares me most. And I know they expect an answer like heights, or closed spaces, or people dressed like animals, but how do I tell them that when I was 17 I took a class called Relationships For Life and I learned that most people fall out of love for the same reasons they fell in it. That their lover’s once endearing stubbornness has now become refusal to compromise and their one track mind is now immaturity and their bad habits that you once adored is now money down the drain. Their spontaneity becomes reckless and irresponsible and their feet up on your dash is no longer sexy, just another distraction in your busy life.

Nothing saddens and scares me like the thought that I can become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in my eyes.”

relationship goals

After her post blew up, she came back to expand on her thoughts a bit

What do you think about Taylor’s thoughts on divorce? Do you agree or disagree?

How These Relationship Goals Are Great For A Healthy Relationship

An excellent relationship requires a significant amount of work and energy. This commitment will ensure that you can maintainthe bond that you share with another person. Over time, relationships can go through many challenges and changes as they progress. Each person may grow in different ways and have to learn how to adapt to various circumstances.

If you want your relationship to survive, it’s important to consider setting goals with your partner. Whether you want to learn how to communicate with each other or have more romance, there are always areas where you can improve. When you’re ready to improve the quality of your relationship, there are a few great relationship goals to create with the person you love.

Here are some relationship goals you should have:

relationship goal

Creating Space

Many couples can often have too much dependency on each other. This dependency can make it difficult for the relationship to thrive long-term. It may be difficult to spend time apart or avoid calling each other every hour. If you find yourself needing your significant other’s attention on a continuous basis, then it may be time to have some personal space and spend time apart during the week. One of your relationship goals can be spending time separately where you can regain your independence and learn how to enjoy activities that are separate from one another.

Share common interest and relationship goals with your partner

Although it’s normal to have different interests than your spouse based on your personality. It’s also important that you have common interests to ensure that you can enjoy spending time together binge-watching your favorite television show or playing cards. One of your relationship goals can be sharing common interests to ensure that you enjoy spending time together and don’t need to be in large groups to have fun. If you can’t find any activities that you both enjoy, experiment by playing different board games or trying outdoor activities that allow you to discover new hobbies or passions that will enhance the quality of your relationship.

Don’t flaunt your relationship goals on social media.

The healthiest relationships are those where each person is secure and doesn’t need to brag on social media about their partner. You don’t need to prove to the rest of the world that you have an incredible relationship. Instead, you should be able to enjoy what you share without having to get attention from the outside world.

If you struggle with posting everything on social media, create a goal of going deeper into your relationship rather than advertising it on Facebook on Instagram. Try to learn more about your spouse or spend more time together rather than getting likes on your social media accounts.

Become best friends with your partner.

It can be easy to become romantic partners with someone, but it’s even harder to become best friends. Having your partner as your best friend means that you aren’t afraid to be vulnerable with each other. You don’t just view them as someone you want to be affectionate with 24 hours a day. Becoming best friends will strengthen the relationship. Further, you empower it to thrive by spending your time with your closest friend. You’ll have more value and respect for the other individual if you can trust and get along with them.

Show unconditional love.

It can often be challenging to love your spouse unconditionally when you’re working through an argument or are feeling mistreated. However, making it a goal to love them unconditionally during the ups and downs can allow the relationship to thrive as you give love to the other person despite the challenges that you may be facing together. Providing unconditional love is one of the best relationship goals you can make as a team. That’s because it will offer grace and mercy when the other person isn’t acting or feeling their best.

relationship goals

Communicate your relationship goals.

Communication may be an easy concept to understand but is often one of the most challenging aspects of being in a relationship. If you’re looking for a few relationship goals tips, consider making communication your goal to ensure that you remain close and can be honest with one another. You’ll need to practice sharing your thoughts and feelings on a consistent basis to understand one another and what you expect from the relationship.

Communication also means listening to what the other person has to say. Try to see their perspective to ensure that you can make improvements in the relationship where they’re needed.

When it comes to following a few relationship goals tips, you can enhance the quality of the bond you share with your significant other. Setting relationship goals to create can allow you to get more out of your relationship and feel fulfilled in it.

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