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Anti Inflammatory Diet : Top 10 Best Foods To Eat To Feel Better

Any time you consume a substance and your body interprets it as “foreign,” your immune system will go into active mode. Whether you encounter a type of pollen from a tree or flower, a food you don’t usually eat, or a chemical in your beauty products, your immune system will respond.

However, there are also times when your body experiences inflammation. That can happen even when you haven’t consumed anything that you’re allergic or intolerant to. When you find that your body is inflamed on a regular basis, this can lead to a host of diseases and conditions. Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, and blood sugar issues, arthritis, depression, and even forms of cancer link to ongoing inflammation in the body. One of the best ways to reduce inflammation and preserve health is to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet plan filled with foods that keep the body from having an inflammatory reaction.

Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Health Department of Nutrition, shares that the best way to fight inflammation may be with diet instead of medicine. Dr. Hu asserts that the right foods and beverages can reduce inflammation and even improve your health.

Here are 10 of the foods you can include in your anti-inflammatory diet plan.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes should be part of your anti inflammatory diet because they are a significant source of vitamin C and have lycopene, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation in the body, especially the lungs. Cooked tomatoes have even more lycopene, so adding tomato sauce to your meals could help to improve your overall wellbeing.

2. Olive Oil

Cooking with olive oil can prevent inflammation and can improve your digestion. Olive oil also has the ability to lower your cholesterol, improve your heart problems and help you to achieve your weight loss goals.

3. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens like spinach and chard are high in vitamin E and shield the body from molecules called cytokines that can lead to inflammation. Kale and broccoli are also included in this group, and they have lots of iron and flavanoids that fight disease.

4. Fatty Fish

Fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids like tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardines are great for getting rid of inflammation and should be included in your anti inflammatory diet. It’s best to each these fish 2-3 times a week and to bake, broil or poach the fish to get the results you want. Eating these fish and preparing them healthily can reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by 23 percent for men; the percentage wasn’t as high for women, but the benefits are still significant.

5. Peppers

Dr. Karen Costenbader, rheumatoid arthritis doctor and associate professional of medicine at Harvard Medical School says that colorful veggies like peppers are an essential part of an anti inflammatory diet. In addition to bell peppers, Dr. Costenbader says that it’s important to include vegetables with bright colors like squash, leafy greens and tomatoes, since these contain low starch levels and lots of antioxidants. Spicy peppers like cayenne and chili are also high in capsaicin, which is used in capsules and creams to reduce inflammation and soothe muscle pain.

6. Soy

According to studies, isoflavones, which are the compounds found in soy that the body transforms into chemicals that are similar to estrogens, can reduce inflammation in women. Soy isoflavones also reduced inflammation in the bones and heart in mice, according to a study in the Journal of Inflammation published in 2007.

7. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits should be a regular part of your anti inflammatory diet because they are rich in antioxidants, particularly vitamin C and fiber, to keep your digestive system healthy. Fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes can also keep you hydrated which keeps your body from developing unnecessary inflammation.

8. Berries

Berries contain both fiber and vitamin C, which boost the immune system and keep inflammation at bay. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that prevents free radicals from getting into the bloodstream and causing inflammation. Eating raw blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries as a snack can help you get the essential nutrients of these fruits, or you can add them to cereals and trail mixes for enhanced flavor and texture.

anti inflammatory diet

9. Nuts

Nuts are a source of protein for strong bones and contain fiber to keep you fuller for longer periods of time throughout the day. Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids and almonds have vitamin E and calcium, all of which help to fight inflammation. Virtually all types of nuts contain antioxidants that help reverse the damage inflammation does to the body.

10. Whole Grains

Eating foods that are rich in whole grains can cut out unhealthy swelling, supply your body with more fiber to balance glucose levels, and help you maintain a balanced anti-inflammatory diet. Fiber also lowers C-reactive protein levels in the body. This can indicate inflammation in the blood. Be sure to check the labels on your foods, however, because not all “whole grain” products are created equal. The total number of grams per serving of carbohydrates should be less than 10 times the grams of fiber for the complex carb to be especially beneficial.

It is also important to remember that there are some foods that increase inflammation. If you’re trying to stick to an anti-inflammatory diet to improve your health or lower your chances of certain diseases, stay away from fats like lard and margarine when cooking. It’s also best to eliminate simple carbohydrates like white pasta and rice from your diet and to reduce or eliminate fried foods.

It’s a good idea to stay away from beverages that are high in sugar, since this can lead to inflammation. Swapping these foods and drinks out for some of the items mentioned could help you to do away with fatigue and brain fog. It may also protect your body from the substances that could lead to chronic health issues.

Is Intermittent Fasting Safe For Long Term Weight Loss?

Intermittent fasting (IF) can be a great addition to your weight loss toolkit. As with most diet plans, there are questions of safety and long-term effectiveness. Fasting for part of each day, or for certain days in the week, can help you stick to a restricted-calorie meal plan without feeling deprived of your favorite foods.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss can help you get over the “hump” of your diet plan and teach you a healthier way to eat.

Scientific studies show that animals who eat restricted-calorie diets are healthier and better able to respond to metabolic stress. Professionals who believe in intermittent fasting claim that the regimen causes positive changes in the body. Studies on mice and rats show that the regimen leads to cell repair and metabolic changes such as lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Lower weight and fat percentages have also been observed with this diet.

Is Intermittent Fasting Safe for Long Term Weight Loss?

Basics of the Diet

IF is customizable depending on your personal dietary needs. Some people choose to eat at restricted hours of the day while others skip entire days. Among those who skip eating on certain days of the week, there is a possibility of binge eating on the days when food is allowed. People need to watch out for this tendency when they are planning on intermittent fasting for weight loss.

Reviewing Medical Studies

While most of the medical studies on intermittent fasting for weight loss have been performed on mice, human studies are beginning to join the scientific literature.

In a small study of obese, prediabetic men, scientists measured a type of IF called time-restricted feeding. Part of the group ate from 7 AM to 3 PM while the others ate between 7 AM and 7 PM. Surprisingly, the group that was allowed to eat from 7 AM to 3 PM had lower insulin levels and blood pressure than the other group. While this study did not show effects on weight loss, cardiovascular and metabolic health are important parts of total body wellness.

The American Heart Association claims that “alternate-day fasting and periodic fasting may be effective for weight loss, although there are no data that indicate whether the weight loss can be sustained long-term.”

Another clinical study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that alternate-day fasting had a slightly higher effect on weight loss than an overall calorie-restricted diet. People were more likely to drop out of the study when they were on the fasting diet, but those who stuck with the program saw results. In the study, participants were given 75% of their daily energy needs five days a week with 25% of their energy needs twice a week. People tended to eat too much on the “feast” days and not enough on the “fast” days.

A Question of Safety

Eating an overall calorie-restricted diet is healthy as long as you pay close attention to the nutritional balance of the foods you eat. A balanced low-calorie diet will keep the body healthy. As long as dieters eat an overall balanced diet, long-term intermittent fasting appears to be safe. Watch out for the tendency to eat too much on feast days and not enough on fast days. When nutritional content is carefully monitored throughout the week, there is no reason why IF wouldn’t be considered safe for healthy people.

intermittent fasting

Diabetics and those with other chronic health conditions should consider other options before IF. When people with Type 2 diabetes participated in an IF diet, their body weight and A1C levels were lowered. However, the risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) was increased.

Final Thoughts

Studies show that intermittent fasting diets can be safe and effective for people who are in good health. Rather than a complete fast, it is recommended that people consume about 25% of their daily energy needs on fast days and 75% on other days. Dieters are more likely to drop out of an IF diet, but the results can be significant for people who stick to the program. Also, people must watch out for the tendency to eat too much on feast days and not enough on fast days. Calorie restriction plus intermittent fasting can combine to bring about long-lasting weight loss effects.

Read These Amazing Wisdom Quotes About Life And Happiness

Sometimes, life can be overwhelming. The good news is that you can be sure someone, somewhere has faced the same challenges you do today. The situation may be new to you, but ultimately, there’s nothing new under the sun. Wisdom quotes from across time and cultures prove that someone, somewhere has already been through whatever you’re dealing with today.

We all need a little bit of good advice from time to time. Luckily, people have been sharing their advice and insights about their own journeys through life. Read on for some of the best wisdom quotes from writers, intellectuals and anonymous thinkers.

These wisdom quotes will give you the strength to keep going, no matter what challenges you face.

wisdom quotes

The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step

This famous quote from Lao Tzu reminds us that big things are just a combination of all the little actions you take from day to day. Journey metaphors are a great way to think about life. Many advice-givers, and even organizations like AA, have made use of these. It’s a great way to look at life, because it’s true. Any marathon is made up of a series of strides. Making a list, stating your goal, or dialing a phone number are all small things you can do to work toward something big. Don’t write off the small steps you take as being insignificant. Each small step is bringing you closer to achieving your goal.

Nothing Will Work Unless You Do

Award-winning poet Maya Angelou is the source of this thoughtful statement. It’s one of the great wisdom quotes to keep in mind when you feel overwhelmed and at the end of your rope. You make your own luck, and the way you work will determine the luck you have. Working, even in jobs that seem silly, can help you make effective connections and refine your skill set. Working also typically feels better than standing or sitting still. And, hey, when you’re working, at least life moves by a little faster. You won’t feel time hanging on your hands.

Life Rewards Action

Punk icon Henry Rollins uses wisdom quotes like this one almost as a mantra. A role model for many people, Rollins toiled in working class service jobs before making it big as a musician, actor and writer. His story and work ethic have inspired thousands of people, many of them working class men like himself. This is one of the best wisdom quotes because it reminds you that you always have options. You can stay still, or you can take a step in a direction. You always have a choice, even when things seem really bleak, and your choices will ultimately determine what successes you see.

wisdom quotes

Strive For Progress Not Perfection

Perfectionism can be a big problem for some people, and this is one of the best wisdom quotes to address that issue. The steps you take along the journey of life won’t be perfect. Perfect is just an ideal that doesn’t exist in the real world. If you expect that, it can be a recipe for disappointment. Reframing your goals and making it a point to do a little bit better each day is a much healthier option. Tracking your progress, whether it’s toward a weight loss goal or a new career, is so satisfying, so don’t use black-and-white thinking. Don’t look at things as either success or failure. Most of life happens in the middle ground while we work, and ultimately, it’s a great place to be.

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

Famed scientist and thinker Albert Einstein is the source of this little nugget. It’s one of the sharpest wisdom quotes out there. This statement deals with the formation of wisdom itself. Understanding is, at the end of the day, the source of all wisdom. Being able to rattle off facts, figures, names and dates can be meaningless. Sometimes, it can be tempting to hide behind an avalanche of information and data points. Don’t let yourself fool yourself. It’s important to always try to find the meaning behind the information. That’s where real wisdom lies.

This Might Be The Most Inexpensive Low Cholesterol Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast

Lowering levels of harmful cholesterol in your body is no longer as simple as avoiding foods that have high cholesterol content. To get the best results, you need a proper and well-laid out low cholesterol diet plan.

Research shows that the quantity of saturated fat in your meal plan and what you replace it with are more important. Instead of eating foods that lower cholesterol, you should have health goals for your diet. Below is a simple diet plan to help you lose weight fast and live a healthy lifestyle.

Here are foods that lower cholesterol:

reduce high cholesterol

1. Eat Foods that Minimize Blood Cholesterol

Science has shown that foods rich in fiber help lower the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

How Soluble Fiber Works

It creates a gel that holds together cholesterol in the stomach and prevents the body from re-absorbing it. That way, less cholesterol ends up in the blood.

You Can’t Do Without It

Beans are the best and most available soluble fiber source. Beans are ‘super fibers’ – imagine that eating just one cup of beans (any kind) per day can reduce your cholesterol levels by as much as 10% in 6 weeks.

Keep It Balanced

Although beans are good for lowering cholesterol, they shouldn’t be the only food in your low cholesterol diet. Mix things up a bit and eat a variety of foods that lower cholesterol. The options include yams, Brussels sprouts, berries, barley, oats, fruits, and vegetables.

2. Reduce Your Intake of Foods that Increase Blood Cholesterol

Your diet plan needs to avoid saturated fat-rich foods such as coconut oil, butter, fatty meats, egg yolks, organ meat, and dairy foods like cheese and whole or low-fat milk.

You should also avoid cooking with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils because it results in the formation of trans fatty acids, which raise the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and lower high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in the body.

3. Always Go For Plant Proteins Instead of Meat

If your goal is to lower the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood as much as possible and reverse the build-up of fats in your arteries, you should give up on meat.

Why Meat is Bad

Even the most lean cut meat such as skinless chicken contains a small amount of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol. However, if you must eat meat, limit your intake to once a week and a 3.5 ounce serving.

Alternatively, you can go for fish rich in omega-3 since they can reduce blood clotting and triglyceride levels. In case you miss fresh fish and decide to choose canned fish, select something with low-sodium and without added salt varieties.

Why Plant Proteins Are Better

Plant proteins such as beans and tofu contain soluble fiber to stop cholesterol from getting into the blood stream and are free from saturated fat.

4. Reduce Your Intake of Sugar, Industrialized Foods, and Salt


The main reason why you should eat foods that lower cholesterol is because it’s safe for your heart. Minimizing salt intake also has the same effects – taking too much salt increases your blood pressure and heart attack risk.

Industrialized Foods

Industrialized foods and drinks such as potato chips and soft drinks can raise the triglyceride fat levels which are harmful to the heart.

foods that lower cholesterol


Eating foods with high amounts of sugar can increase your risk of getting diabetes and heart attacks.

These items have been included in the diet plan because they tend to be used with foods that lower cholesterol. Try to minimize their consumption by finding alternatives; for example, instead of having soda with tofu, try drinking water.

5. Treat Yourself

Having a low cholesterol diet plan doesn’t mean that you should stop having a few treats. Doing so minimizes your chances of falling back into old unhealthy eating habits.

Below are a few healthy snack choices to help you deal with your cravings:

  • Baked sweet potato with greek yogurt
  • Celery sticks with pineapple serrano hummus
  • Chocolate nonfat frozen yogurt
  • Fruits


It’s not going to be easy for you to follow this diet plan, but you have to persevere. Try and try again until you get things right. Foods that lower cholesterol can also be tasty once you get the hang of things and start experimenting with ingredients.

6 Telling Signs Your Soul Is Trapped

We all know just how important the connection is between body and spirit. In fact, the disciplines of psychology and spirituality are much closer connected than you may think. A very important aspect of any spiritual person’s thoughts is the belief in the existence of the immortal soul. It’s an idea with a very long history and one that has brought much comfort to people who are struggling for one reason or another. But what does it feel like when your soul is trapped?

When talking about a trapped soul, we mean when a person feels older than they actually are. (And being wise beyond your years is very hip these days, really.) There is a maturity that drives your actions and words, as well as a feeling of a greater belonging with the world, a strong conviction that you do what you do precisely because you want to do it, not because you have to. Mature souls may face many more difficulties in life due to their depth of awareness and heightened sensitivity, but their challenges also bring a great reward. They are normally very creative and produce art that is years ahead of its time. Living with a trapped soul can be painful, but there are things you can do to free your soul a bit more.

Do you think you may be a mature soul trapped in a young body? Here are some signs to look out for.

Here Are 6 Signs Your Soul Is Trapped (and How to Free It)

“Free yourself. You are the only one that knows what will make you happy.” – Anonymous

1. You’re not dating anybody

When you feel like you’re older than your years, you don’t want to just have one-night stands and move on to the next one. You crave a mature, long-lasting relationship – maybe even marriage. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it might mean that you’re missing out on living your best life. Try to convince yourself that your time will come and that you don’t need to rush things. Remember that you have your whole life ahead of you. Maybe try online dating or going out to a club – you will feel like you’re living for the day and it might bring an exciting change to your life.

2. You’re on the outside looking in

Do you feel like you don’t fit in with the “popular” crowd at your college or in your workplace? That might be because you expect a maturity from them that you’re not receiving. It can be a lonely place, likely because you feel you can’t relate to any of the people in your circle. To overcome this, try to befriend people one by one and this may help you relax around them. Feel around for their personality and recognize the good things about it. That way, you’ll find it much easier to fit in.

3. You’re lonely

People whose souls are trapped often find themselves at home on a Friday night with nothing to do. That’s because, again, you feel out of place with the people around you. You prefer the peace and quiet of your own home – as well as its safety. There’s nothing wrong with peace and quiet, but try not to spend your best years trapped indoors. Make sure you go out and get a feel for the place you live and the people around you. If you venture out of your shell, you may find enjoyment of a new kind.

4. Social media isn’t for you

You only check your Facebook once in a while and don’t think about it most of the time. You might have Instagram too because your friend recommended it, but you don’t even know or care about Twitter in the least. That’s because you feel like you’re too adult for these things and you don’t want to waste your time on social media. That’s fine – however, consider the option that maybe your social contacts are suffering because of it. Perhaps you have insights and observations that the world needs (including the millions of people on social media.) Find the healthy balance between your life online and your real life and you’ll be much happier.

5. You’re tired a lot

Having an old soul can exhaust you, and positive thinking alone won’t cut it. Sometimes you physically feel like you’re much older than you should be, which means you get tired, you have muscle aches, and you like spending a lot of your time in bed. There’s nothing necessarily bad in that, but consider that it may also indicate that your soul is trapped and needs a release. Try changing your diet, or pick up a sport and see how it makes you feel. Nothing makes a body and soul feel younger than energy and movement.

old soul

6. You’re often misunderstood

Whether it’s by your family, your peers or your significant others, you always feel like no one understands you. It’s easy to think that you’re the only person in the world with an old soul, but it’s not always the case. If you can, open up to someone you trust. It can even be a therapist or a spiritual guru who will be able to guide you to embrace the younger aspects of your soul. Learn how to talk to other people about where your soul is right now and feel the space outside of your own mind. It won’t only help you with your social contacts, but it will also expand your worldview. This type of communication can show you the benefits of being wiser, as other people will no doubt be impressed by your knowledge and maturity.

Final thoughts

For people who have old souls trapped in young bodies, life can be quite hard and lonely. But don’t despair, you can still be positive and even youthful toward life. Find more ways to be involved with the world around you and with your peers. Even if you need to force yourself to integrate into a certain environment, you will often end up feeling enriched by the end. Remember, having an old soul is no flaw; it’s just the way you are. People who love you and understand you will accept you for you, not for who you pretend to be. But it will benefit you massively if you try to free your soul from the trap of weariness by embracing the fullness that this life has to offer.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

I Ate These 6 Foods Daily And Lost 10 Pounds In A Month And This Is The Best Way To Lose Weight

The best way to lose weight is to eat foods that you actually enjoy. Instead of depriving yourself with a fat-free, gluten-free, sugar-free and taste-free diet, you should take delight in planning fun, nutritious meals that will satisfy your appetite and help you slim down.

But what if you aren’t sure where to get started? What should you be piling in your basket during your next trip to the grocery store?

Here is the best way to lose weight:

protein shakes

1. Chili Peppers 

Some like it hot! Chili peppers are full of capsaicin, a spicy compound that will encourage weight loss by boosting your metabolism and burning through fat more quickly than usual. Chili peppers can also act as an anti-binging tool if you have a problem with cravings; you’re less likely to feel hungry with a tingling mouth. The sensation acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Whether you’re throwing them in a stew, putting them on a burger or mixing them with some stir-fry, chili peppers are the best way to lose weight without having to down capsaicin tablets by themselves. Don’t be afraid of the burn!

2. Almonds 

The only bad thing about almonds is that they can pack on the calories if you eat too many at once. If you know how to limit yourself, however, they’re great sources of fiber, protein and healthy fats. They’re also easy to work into even the strictest of meal plans; if you don’t like snacking on them as raw nuts, you can add them to butters, ciders, smoothies, cereals and salads. Sometimes, the best way to lose weight isn’t with a crazy diet plan. It’s with small, subtle changes like adding some almonds to your dinner casseroles.

3. Eggs 

Eggs are tiny foods that pack a big punch. For starters, they offer seven grams of protein, six grams of fat and almost two grams of carbohydrates. They’re also low-calorie if you keep them out of frying oils; a large egg will only run you between 70-90 calories, so you’d have to eat the whole carton before you even approached the levels of a Big Mac or Starbucks coffee. Last but not least, there have been actual scientific studies about the way that eggs can help you lose weight. Two groups followed a meal plan, and the people who ate eggs with every breakfast dropped more weight than the people who didn’t. The results speak for themselves!

4. Salmon 

You’ve probably heard people gushing about omega-3 fatty acids, but do you understand what they actually do? In addition to improving heart health and boosting brain function, omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to help with weight loss. They can suppress your appetite and improve your digestion so that your metabolism always operates at full efficiency. Salmon isn’t the only source of these compounds, but it contains some of the highest levels out there, so it’s worth considering a trip to the seafood aisle if you’re trying to slim down. Salmon is the best way to lose weight with omega-3 fatty acids. It’s also much tastier than just taking a fish oil supplement every day!

5. Bananas 

Rich in everything from fiber to potassium, bananas will be a great addition to your diet. They’re packed with the vitamins and minerals that you need to kick-start a good workout at the gym, and they can also regulate your appetite, lower your blood pressure and decrease your risk for certain types of cancers. They’re also an extremely versatile food! You can eat them plain, blend them into smoothies, chop them up for oatmeal or even bake them into brownies. Having different options is important if you don’t want to get sick of eating the same foods every day. Variety is definitely the best way to lose weight.

6. Sweet Potatoes 

Potatoes get a bad reputation for being starches, but sweet potatoes are in a league of their own. They contain so much Vitamin A that a single serving will give you 438 percent of your daily recommended value, and they’re chock-full of fiber, manganese, and potassium to boot. They’re also good for controlling your blood sugar, and a steady glycemic index will keep you from snacking too much or feeling too hungry between meals. If you want to lose weight, consider sweet potatoes. They aren’t the boogeyman. They’re a secret weapon for a great body!

These are just a few foods that you might want to have in your pantry as you aim for a slimmer, trimmer waistline. At the end of the day, the best way to lose weight is by feeling confident about what you’re putting into your body. Throw out the junk food and unhealthy snacks. Clean eating starts in your own kitchen!

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