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10 Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting For Your Skin, Health And Body

Intermittent fasting can be described merely as the process of abstaining from eating and drinking for a period. Every person has practiced this method of fasting. The time spent sleeping, for instance, is a time when no food is ingested nor is it digested. During this period, the body experiences positive psychological changes due to fasting. These benefits prove the importance of fasting.

Some studies discovered that overnight fasting could reduce specific metabolic biomarkers such as insulin and glucose. It is for this reason that doctors order patients to fast for a period of 8 to 12 hours before they take a blood test. Other recent research studies show that almost all intermittent fasting types are harmless both physically and mentally. Therefore, would fasting more benefit human health positively?

Here are the ten reasons why you should try intermittent fasting.

metabolism myths

Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting for weight loss is perhaps the main reason people recommend this method. The method works by letting the body tap into accumulated bodily fat reserves. The fat provides fuel for the body whenever food is scarce. Therefore, the body will begin to lose weight in a slow and steady process that can be highly beneficial.

Brain Function

In a 2015 study, it was revealed that this method of fasting has significant implications for the health of the brain. Intermittent fasting stimulates the brain in different ways: it aids in recovery from brain injury or strokes, promotes neuron growth and enhances the performance of memory. Additionally, it helps in improving cognitive function and the quality of life for people living with diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.

Skin Health

One conventional method for treating acne is through diet. Therefore, using fasting as a way of managing the skin should not come as a surprise. The technique offers radiant and glowing skin. A person can identify foods that are sensitive to the skin by introducing one food at a time after the fast. You will see changes for the better quickly. Apart from the skin, the method also affects the hair and nails positively.

Metabolic Boost

Part of the reason why intermittent fasting for weight loss is successful is the effect that the fluctuation between food restriction and regular eating has on metabolism. Fasting itself lowers metabolism. However, the shorter fasting periods advocated by intermittent fasting increase the rate of metabolism by up to fourteen percent as reported by one study.

Insulin Sensitivity

The use of fasting as a method of regulating health has been known to help with the regulation of insulin sensitivity. Fasting aids toleration to carbohydrates better. After constant starvation, insulin present in the body directs the cells to take up glucose from the blood efficiently. With the increased reduction of insulin resistance, the risk of diabetes type 2 is also lowered.

Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

Oxidative stress causes aging and chronic diseases. When unstable molecules react with other molecules in the body such as DNA and protein, they damage them, thus causing oxidative stress. Studies show that fasting enhances the resistance of the body towards oxidative stress. The method also fights inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a cause for many diseases in the body.

Heart Health

Heart disease is one of the significant causes of death in the world. Risk factors are determined by the risk of an increase or the decrease of heart disease. This method of fasting improves many different risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammatory markers, and blood sugar levels. As a result, fasting reduces the risk of heart disease.

Improved Hunger

Regular eating habits prevent a person from experiencing hunger. Intermittent fasting helps to regulate body hormones which enable a person to experience real hunger. The more fasting is done, the more the body learns to control itself, thus releasing the correct hormones. As a bonus, proper working hormones make you fuller quickly.


Many people feel more connected to life when they read, meditate, do yoga or martial arts. Since fasting ensures no food is in the digestive system, there is room for more energy in the body. Therefore, fasting gives the body a better feel for both the physical and the conscious.

intermittent fasting


The ability of fasting to extend lifespan is one of the most exciting discoveries of all. In one of the studies carried out on rats, life expectancy was increased by up to 83 percent. The process of longevity works in the same way that the process of calorie restriction does. Thus, even though it is not proven in humans, the possibilities are common among anti-aging crowds.


With the benefits of fasting outlined, it makes sense to get on the plan immediately. After all, everybody wants to live a longer and healthier life: fasting is the answer.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Best Wisdom Quotes About Life That Will Inspire You To Succeed

Inspiring wisdom quotes are an effective way to stimulate and motivate you to reach your goals. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a student, there is always room for more inspiration in life.

Getting through a difficult day or challenging task depends so much on one’s state of mind. The way you feel or think about your life and yourself can either be the reason you meet your goals or what keeps you back from your dreams.

If you’re in need of inspiration or looking for consistent motivation, read the following wisdom quotes.

1. “The Man Who Has Confidence In Himself Gains The Confidence Of Others.” – Hasidic Proverb

This Hasidic proverb tells of the power of believing in yourself. Self-confidence is truly a timeless way to win over others. If you find that you need to convince others of your abilities, you must first convince yourself.

2. “Security Is Mostly A Superstition. Life Is Either A Daring Adventure Or Nothing.” – Helen Keller

Helen Keller is one of the most inspiring people of all time. Her fearless spirit comes through in wisdom quotes like this one as she tells the world to live life boldly and courageously.

3. “Whether You Think You Can Or Think You Can’t, You’re Right.” – Henry Ford

There’s no name that is quite as inspiring to would-be businessmen as Henry Ford’s. He reiterates the power of positive thought by showing how what we think about ourselves affects how we live. Even if a task is seemingly impossible, if you believe you can do it, then you will.

4. “We Generate Fears While We Sit. We Overcome Them By Action.” – Dr. Henry Link

Understanding the real difference between doing vs. thinking is a game-changing shift in thought that can make your dreams a reality. Dr. Henry Link shares how we must move forward if we hope to overcome fear and lead the life we hope to live.

5. “Imagine Your Life Is Perfect In Every Respect; What Would It Look Like?” – Brian Tracy

While action is important, visualizing your success is just as powerful. Brian Tracy’s wisdom quotes such as this invite you to think of your ideal life and plan accordingly. With the perfect image in your mind, it’ll be easier to start working towards your goals.

6. “Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

So often in life, we know the right way to do something. However, we stop ourselves from moving forward. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe tells us how we must move past wishing and hoping to actually live out that knowledge.

7. “We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.” – Maya Angelou

As one of the most inspirational writers and civil rights activists, Maya Angelou lived a life far braver and bolder than most anyone today. Her positive thinking comes through in her wisdom quotes like this one where she insists that though we face defeats in life, we must overcome them.

8. “Entrepreneurs Are Great At Dealing With Uncertainty And Also Very Good At Minimizing Risk. That’s The Classic Entrepreneur.” – Mohnish Pabrai

No one knows the fear of uncertainty quite like the entrepreneur. While launching one’s own business is a challenging and scary time, Mohnish Pabrai also points out the shrewdness and fearlessness of entrepreneurs helps to imagine and minimize any potential risks that other’s may be too scared to face.

9. “Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough.” – Og Mandino

Failure is a fact of life. Og Mandino encourages us to get past the fear of failure in order to succeed. While there is always the chance you might fail, there’s also the opportunity for you to succeed tremendously.

10. “People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.” – Rob Siltanen

We’re all unique in some way and each of us has something inside that the world needs more of. Too often, we convince ourselves that we are just another person in the world. Instead of allowing negative thoughts like this to hold us back, Rob Siltanen encourages would-be world-changers to believe in themselves, regardless of what others say or do.

11. “If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.” – Steve Jobs

Anyone looking for inspiration doesn’t have to look further than Apple’s founder, Steve Jobs. In wisdom quotes like this one, Jobs shares about the power of unwavering visions and goals. While it may be difficult to pursue your passion, your sheer desire to find success will keep pushing you forward.

12. “It’s Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, It’s Whether You Get Up.” –Vince Lombardi

No one knows more about getting up after being knocked down quite like a football legend. Vince Lombardi shares with us how important it is to get back up regardless of how many setbacks or disappointments life hands us.

13. “You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character.” – Unknown

One of life’s greatest lessons is failure. We learn so much about ourselves by figuring out where things went wrong and how to do things better the next time. Instead of viewing failure as a deterrent to reaching your dreams, see it as a lesson, teaching you how you can better yourself as you continue to achieve them.

wisdom quotes

The Truth in Inspiration

Inspiration comes in many forms. Learning how to use everything in life to inspire you to reach your goals will transform your mindset into a positive one.

Your life is what you make it, so don’t stop working towards reaching for success. Let the lives and inspiring wisdom quotes of these leaders inspire you to live boldly. With the right motivation, you’ll see just how much further you can go.

How to Get Rid Of Frizzy Hair Permanently With These Hair Masks

Fifty percent of women in research cited that it was essential to have frizzy-fee and smooth hair, while thirty percent stated that frizzy hair was one of the top beauty complaints. However, this condition is not permanent as there are various frizzy hair solutions one can use.

Here are the top seven natural hair masks to permanently get rid of frizzy hair:

1. Coconut Milk

For this hair mask, you need a bowl and two or three tablespoons of coconut milk. Use heat to warm the coconut milk. Apply the warm coconut milk to your hair and let it stay for half an hour. Then shampoo and condition your hair. Utilize this hair mask up to twice a week. Coconut milk is an ideal light protein treatment that repairs damaged hair. In addition to moisturizing your hair, it nourishes it, making it shiny, strong, and smooth.

2. Aloe Vera

Ingredients include a ¼ cup of carrier oil and ¼ cup of aloe vera gel. Mix oil with the aloe gel and apply the hair mask to the scalp and the hair. Leave it be for up to half an hour and use shampoo and conditioner to wash it off. The mask can be used up to two times a week. One of the most popular moisturizing ingredients is aloe vera. When it is mixed with a carrier oil, it creates a protective layer over the follicles of your hair, which reduces the loss of moisture, making your hair smooth, soft, and shiny.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Ingredients for this hair mask include 2 cups of cool water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Mix the ingredients and put them in a jug. Use shampoo to wash your hair and then use the hair mask to rinse your hair. After leaving it for a few minutes, wash your hair with conditioner. This treatment can be done once a week. Apple cider vinegar assists in balancing your hair’s pH levels while closing any open cuticles. This, in return, makes your hair retain more moisture. Additionally, it eradicates the build-up of grease and dirt, making your hair shine.

4. Honey and Yogurt

To make this mask, you will require one tablespoon of honey and two or three tablespoons of yogurt. Put the ingredients in a bowl and mix them. Apply the combination on your hair and scalp and leave it be for up to thirty minutes. Use cold water to wash it off. To maintain your hair and restore moisture, carry out the procedure once a week. While honey assists the hair in retaining moisture, yogurt is a great deep conditioner. Yogurt makes the frizzy hair shiny and smooth.

5. Beer

Ingredients include one pint of beer. Pour the beer in a bowl to decarbonate it. Leave it for a whole night so that it becomes flat. Use shampoo to wash your hair and then massage your scalp as you use the beer to wash your hair again. Use cold water to rinse the beer out. Carry out the treatment once every two weeks. In addition to restoring moisture, beer also nourishes your frizzy hair with its numerous B vitamins and proteins. Moreover, it is used to eradicate build up, which maintains the health of your cuticles.

6. Banana

For this mask, you will need 1/3 cup of almond or coconut oil, 2 teaspoons of honey, and 1 ripe banana. Mash the banana and mix with oil and honey to come up with a smooth mixture. Use the hair mask on your frizzy hair and scalp and leave it for up to twenty five minutes. Rinse thoroughly with conditioner and shampoo. If your hair is really frizzy, use the mask once in one week. Bananas are good hair conditioners, particularly when mixed with honey, a popular humectant.

frizzy hair

7. Mayonnaise

Ingredients include one or two eggs depending on your hair length, a third cup of pure almond oil, and a quarter cup of mayonnaise. Mix the ingredients to create a smooth paste. Coat your scalp and hair with a lot of the hair mask and cover your head with a shower cap or a hot towel. Wash off the mixture after a while with shampoo and conditioner. The mixture offers strength, shine, and nourishment to your hair. It adds the additional layer of moisture which assists in effectively controlling frizzy hair. It is a top hair mask for frizzy and dry hair.


If your hair is dry and frizzy, then you can try the coconut milk, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, honey and yogurt, beer, banana, or mayonnaise frizzy hair solutions to treat your hair. One effect that all these masks have in common is leaving your hair strong, nourished, and shiny. Happy masking!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Going Paleo To Lose Weight? This Nutritionist Wants You To Think Twice

If you stay in touch with diet trends of the past couple of years, you’ve probably heard of the Paleo diet. This diet is based around the idea that we should eat the way that our ancestors ate because our bodies have evolved to process these foods effectively. It also means that we should avoid certain types of foods because our bodies are not designed to digest them, especially ones that are heavily processed or contain certain grains. In the medical community, there are differing opinions as to whether or not this is actually how humans evolved, and there is some research that suggests our evolution is slightly more complex. But the question on a lot of people’s minds is whether or not you can actually lose weight when you are on the Paleo diet.

We all want to get sculpted abs or lose a ton of weight, but is the Paleo plan right for you? The Paleo diet has strengths and weaknesses, but you need to understand it in the larger context of eating healthfully. And, like any diet, you have to watch your portions, and you can’t swap in other unhealthy foods to replace the unhealthy ones that you’re cutting out. The Paleo diet can be helpful for some people who are trying to eat healthier and lose weight, but you need to know about a few caveats and how it works.

What Is and Is Not Allowed on the Paleo Diet

The most general way of explaining what is included is to list some general guidelines. The diet usually consists of eating fish, lean meat, fruits, vegetables, natural sweeteners, nuts, and seeds. The items that you should cut include grains and legumes, processed fats, dairy products, potatoes, added sugars, and most alcohol.

keto vs paleo

Working Out

It’s also assumed that when you are on the Paleo plan, you’ll be working out. The diet doesn’t give a detailed workout plan, but you can find many places that can give you exercise routines and motivation.

Will Going With the Paleo Diet for Weight Loss Really Work?

It can help you lose weight by cutting carbs because you are no longer eating as many through grains. This will decrease the number of calories that your body is turning into sugar. If you like to have alcohol sometimes, cutting down on calories from beer or hard liquor can help, too.

Pitfalls of Eating Paleo

If you decide that going Paleo is right for you, there are a couple of common mistakes that people make while on this diet. Knowing what they are will help you avoid them.

Dangers of Cutting Too Many Carbs

While it’s not advisable to have too many carbs in your diet, the downside of cutting too many out is that you can experience adverse side effects like dizziness, vomiting, and headaches.

Finding Ways Around the Rules

One of the biggest pitfalls that some people fall into is trying to find ways around the rules. For instance, although natural sweeteners are allowed, you still have to use them in moderation. There are all kinds of recipes online that show ways that you can incorporate agave nectar or honey into baking, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that because they’re natural they aren’t loaded with sugar. If you eat 25 grams of sugar from honey, you’ll still put on the pounds. Another example is starchy vegetables. While it’s good to have some so that you’re getting enough carbohydrates, too many potatoes will still cause weight gain.

Paleo diet

Inconsistent Advice on What Is Allowed

Some people say that some kinds of alcohol are allowed, yet others say that they are not. There are some inconsistencies about what you can eat on the Paleo, so if you have a specific question about the Paleo diet for weight loss, you might find it difficult to find a straight answer.

No Guidelines on Portion Sizes

Even with foods other than honey and starchy vegetables, it’s still entirely possible to eat too much. For instance, if you eat a giant steak, that’s still a lot of calories. Just because you’re cutting some negative things doesn’t mean that you can eat as many eggs as you want, either. If you want to go paleo for a while, you’ll have to monitor your body to figure out what you actually need in terms of portion sizes.

It’s possible to use the paleo diet for weight loss, but understand that just because you can lose weight with it doesn’t mean that you will if you make poor choices. There are also other ways that are just as effective if you want to cut a few pounds. Having plenty of healthy, tasty recipes, such as these delicious smoothies on hand will help too. Ultimately, avoiding too much sugar and carbohydrates is one of the most effective ways of trimming your waistline.

10 Things I Wish People Knew About Being Diabetic

For many people who have diabetes, the disease can be challenging to struggle with on a day-to-day basis after diagnosis. Not only are the symptoms and treatment methods a struggle, but it can also be challenging to explain the facts to other people who may not be as informed. There are many misconceptions about diabetes, which can make it difficult to explain and discuss.

I find it challenging when other individuals comment on when I’m eating sugar or question my decisions. Some people mean well but aren’t informed enough to offer guidance.

Here are a few facts about being diabetic and following a diabetic diet that I wish others knew:

1. Everyone’s Situation is Different

When it comes to being diagnosed with diabetes, each person’s situation is different. The treatment that is provided may work temporarily or long-term. In most cases, the treatment needs to change over time as the individual gets older. What worked in your 30s may no longer work in your 50s. Some people can tolerate pasta or sugar in their diet whereas others can only consume it occasionally. A medical professional will create a diabetic diet plan for the patient depending on their case and symptoms.

2. Diabetes Isn’t Always Caused By Sugar Consumption

Many people make the mistake of correlating diabetes with eating too much sugar, which can make it easy to blame the individual for developing the disease. In reality, diabetes isn’t often caused by a poor diet. Although a lack of exercise or a healthy diet can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, many other factors lead to developing the disease. Genetics, age, and ethnic background are factors that also increase the risk of developing type 1 or type 2 diabetes and can be beyond the individual’s control.

3. Those with Diabetes Don’t Want to be Labeled

It can be easy to label someone as a diabetic and put them into a separate category than the rest of the population, but many individuals don’t want that to become their identity. I’m also a sister, a mother, and a wife, which adds more value and detail to my identity rather than the disease that I’m suffering from each day. It’s important to avoid calling people “diabetics” at all costs and remain sensitive.

4. There are Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes may sound similar, but there are many differences. Those who have type 1 diabetes suffer from an autoimmune disorder that causes the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin to attack themselves. The individual is no longer capable of producing insulin, requiring them to inject it on a consistent basis to remain alive. With type 2 diabetes, insulin isn’t used correctly in the body, but can be managed by following a specific diabetic diet and by taking medication. There’s also latent autoimmune diabetes, which has characteristics of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

5. There is No Cure

Many people who have diabetes are used to receiving suggestions from different types of people on methods or remedies that they believe can cure diabetes. Most individuals aren’t aware that there is currently no cure for the disease. Hopefully, there will be a cure in the future after more research is conducted.

6. It Costs a Lot of Money to Have Diabetes

Those who are recently diagnosed with diabetes quickly learn how expensive it can be to manage the disease. Insulin, test strips, glucose monitoring sensors, syringes, and pumps can add up in cost each month for the average person. Many people have to choose between daily necessities and the cost of insulin as they attempt to stay alive. Unfortunately, many pharmaceutical companies profit significantly off those who need the supplies to survive. Following a specific diabetic diet plan can also increase the overall cost by eating cleaner foods.

7. It’s a Challenge

Although diabetes can be managed with the right diabetic diet and exercise, it’s still a challenge for the average person. It requires a lot of time and energy to manage the disease at times, and any minor mistakes can lead to significant problems that can put the individual’s life at risk. Many people have to manage their blood pressure several times during the day and don’t get a break from keeping a close eye on their health to ensure that they survive.

8. I Can Eat Sugar

As someone who suffers from diabetes, it can often be frustrating having someone always question if I’m allowed to eat a brownie or a piece of candy at a party or a gathering. It’s important to understand that taking the necessary amount of insulin can allow the individual to consume sugar in moderation. Those who have diabetes may need to follow a diabetic diet. However, that can include eating sugar from time to time.

diabetic diet

9. Diabetes is Impossible to Control

Although type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be managed, it is still impossible to control even with a diabetic diet and lifestyle changes that are made. There are bound to be bad days even with the right choices made or steps taken.

10. I’m Not Limited in My Abilities

Living with diabetes doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to run a marathon or work long days. The only thing that those who have diabetes can’t do is produce insulin. But they’re still capable of staying physically active and living a normal life by following a diabetic diet and taking enough insulin. Lifestyle changes may be necessary but shouldn’t limit the individual’s ability to thrive and pursue their hobbies or dreams.

By understanding the facts about type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it can allow other individuals to be more informed. By addressing a few misconceptions, it can make it easier to understand the disease and how it affects 29 million people in the U.S., according to

5 Ways to Self-Heal Using Your Mind

When thinking about the title of this article, a single thought may have come to your mind: “Is it even possible to self-heal using your mind?” If this is never a topic you’ve thought about before, you may find the answers surprising.

“Conventional medicine, like most other sciences, suffers from ‘scientism.’ Scientism, which became particularly omnipresent at the end of the 19th century, is the idea that only through applying scientific methods can we deduce the truth.” – Daniel J. Crasafi, ND.A., MH, PhD

(Important note: This content is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.)

The Western World is on the cusp of a healthcare revolution. It can be argued that modern medicine has “lost its way,” as stated by Dr. Fernand Turcotte, a world-renowned professor of preventative medicine at the prestigious Université Laval in Quebec, Canada.

It should come as no surprise that Dr. Turcotte specializes in preventative medicine. After all, Western medicine so spectacularly fails in this area: deterrence of disease. Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and assistant professor of health policy at George Washington University, says the following:

“Health is not just about disease, but also about wellness. (Many) choose to see a TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) doctor not because they are ill, but because they want to be well. They believe TCM helps them keep in balance. It’s an important lesson for doctors and patients alike to address wellness and prevention.”

But let us not dwell on the shortcomings of Western medicine. We’re here because we want to teach you how to self-heal.

Why Self-Healing Works

Enough anecdotal and experimental evidence exists to say, at a minimum, that there’s some validity to alternative methods of healing. For example, Marilyn Schlitz, PhD., a Senior Scientist at the Research Institute of the California Medicine Center, writes this in The Permanente Journal:

“It’s clear from the correlational studies … that positive relationships exist between religious and spiritual practice and health outcomes on a variety of different conditions.”

Many believe that spiritual healing occurs via the transference of “information,” probably from the human biofield, either from oneself or from one individual to the next depending on the technique. Such a hypothesis is not far-fetched. That’s because the human body is made up of energy.  Without energy, we could not and would not exist.

5 Methods to Self-Heal Using your Mind

 “(The) only way I was going to get well was to treat the emotional, psychological, and spiritual sickness.” – Lissa Rankin, M.D. (source)

Before we go any further, the very first thing that you should understand is that your mind has more power than you think. While we cannot go into minute detail about this, suffice to say that there is plenty of evidence supporting the idea of belief in self-healing (among many other amazing feats.) You must also understand that your mind and body are intimately, inextricably connected. Understanding these two concepts will go a long way in helping your efforts to self-heal.

That said, as with any method of self-healing, please use common sense. If you have a broken bone, see a doctor. If you are bleeding profusely, go to the hospital. You get the picture.

Let’s get to it!

1. Self-Hypnosis

 Self-hypnosis requires learning how to create an open, relaxed state of consciousness to induce positive changes in the mind and body. Despite predictable (and misleading) objections from the medical establishment, plenty of evidence exists demonstrating the efficacy of self-hypnosis.

In an article titled “Hypnosis: An Underused Technique,” Robert London, M.D., writes that hypnosis can be “an effective aid” in treating a myriad of physical and mental problems, from anxiety to chronic pain.

There are multiple free and cheap ways to learn self-hypnosis, including from online courses and smartphone apps.

2. Meditation

Meditation, in all its various forms, is a technique to help focus and settle the mind. The aim of meditation is to achieve mental clarity and mental calmness. In the past two decades, there have been loads of scientific research attesting to the health benefits of meditation.  This is hardly surprising, considering that the best medical schools in the world, including Harvard, Oxford, and Yale, have established mindfulness and meditation research centers. Furthermore, they have devoted countless millions of dollars to find the next great breakthrough.

By far the most commonly-practiced (and most thoroughly researched) type of meditation is called mindfulness meditation.

3. Biofeedback

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) involuntarily controls the central nervous system (CNS). The ANS is responsible for regulating digestion, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and many other involuntary functions. Your state of mind directly affects the ANS, hence explaining the role of biofeedback.

Biofeedback involves the prevention or treatment of conditions by learning how to manage the activities of the ANS. You can purchase self-administered biofeedback devices, including consumer EEGs and HRVs. Biofeedback can also be administered by a practitioner of naturopathic medicine.

4. Mindful Use of Herbs and Supplements

Many have practiced the use of natural herbs for thousands of years. The research attesting to the effectiveness of many herbs and supplements is overwhelming, though there are some contradictory studies (conducted mostly by proponents of the current health care system, including doctors.)

That said, here are some herbs and supplements thought to aid in your efforts to self-heal:

  • Magnesium:

Magnesium deficiency is a big problem in the U.S., which is too bad considering that it’s one of the most well-researched cures for anxiety and stress resistance. Additionally, magnesium may influence some 300-plus chemical reactions in the body.


  • Ginkgo Biloba:

Shown in many studies to increase blood flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive function and memory.

  • Ashwagandha:

Commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is thought to work by suppressing the inflammatory response. Per a study published in PLoS One, the herb improves concentration, reduces fatigue, increases vitality, and improves mood more effectively than psychotherapy.

Others: potassium, probiotics, L-theanine, Omega-3 fish oil, valerian root, St. John’s Wort, Curcumin, and most natural multivitamins also.

5. Conscientious Lifestyle Changes

If your condition is not life-threatening, the best cure for your ills may just be to make some lifestyle changes. While this suggestion might sound boring, there is a good reason why you continually hear about the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise, limiting alcohol intake, not smoking, and so forth.

Final Thoughts

While the above points will likely help you self-heal, prevention is always the best medicine. Make the hard choice now so that you don’t have to deal with the consequences later!

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