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10 Relationship Goals That Will Make Your Love Stronger

Human beings are wired to want intimate relationships; to love and be loved. Whether you’re in an established long-term relationship or in the first wonderful months of new love, doing some routine relationship maintenance is just a good idea. While every relationship is unique, there are a few tried and tested practices that can often help in giving just about any relationship a boost.  Use these relationship goals tips to go next level and make your bond stronger. And even if they don’t work perfectly for you the first time, hopefully they can be a starting point from which you can be inspired and maybe use as a springboard to try some similar techniques that work for you and your partner specifically. After all, the secret to a happy relationship is often nothing more than just a little bit of effort.

Ten Relationship Goals Tips To Make Your Bond Stronger

Make sure to communicate. Communication is one of the top relationship goals to keep your bond strong. Everything from a simple text to say hi to the big conversations let your partner know that they are front of mind and you value their opinion. Making sure to talk to your partner about feelings — and making room for them to talk about theirs — is integral to a healthy relationship and strong emotional bond.

Understand each other. Not everyone speaks the same love language. Making the effort to understand the language your partner is speaking is one of the best relationship goals to strengthen your bond. This could be through learning to read their body language, or it could be through simply talking more and being more open — explaining thoughts and feelings until each of your points of view are fully understood. If necessary, you might consider going to see a professional relationship counselor who can help you to better understand each other. When you understand not only what your partner is saying, but how they’re saying it, it waylays their fear of being open and honest.

Argue effectively. We won’t always see eye-to-eye with our partners and, sometimes, they may make us downright angry. Arguing is a normal and healthy part of any relationship. The key is to argue effectively and with compassion in mind. We need to speak our truth with kindness and love. If you don’t think you can be calm, make sure to take a time out and revisit the topic when cooler heads can prevail — yes, sometimes “going to bed angry” can be the best thing to do during a heated argument.

Make your relationship a priority. With our incredibly busy lives, it can be easy to put the needs of our relationship on the back burner. But, as with almost anything important in life, time and attention is essential in making it last. To make your bond stronger, make sure that your relationship is a priority. You can do this by scheduling couple time, checking in with each other, and showing your appreciation for each other.

Make time for yourself. While we all went to spend as much time with our partners as we can, it’s important to make time for yourself. When you make time for your hobbies and friends, the time apart from your partner can make your bond stronger. As Khalil Gibran wrote in The Prophet, “Let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of Heaven dance between you.” While sometimes we may think that time apart is always a negative, it may in fact be crucial in keeping the relationship alive. Keep this relationship goals tip in mind to ensure that you find the right balance of “us time” and “you time”.

Stay intimate. Couples that are intimate at least once a week report the greatest satisfaction in their relationships. If your lives are so busy that you have to schedule physical contact, don’t let the lack of spontaneity deter you. A healthy and satisfying intimate life beyond the regular “honeymoon phaseis one of the relationship goals you definitely need to achieve to make your bond stronger.

Find time for fun. Couples that still have fun and make each other laugh have some of the strongest bonds. Let go, be silly, try new things, revisit old things, and most importantly have fun; your relationship will be the better for it. Even if it’s just something as simple as mini-golfing or paintballing on date night. Let your hair down together and have a little fun.

Grow together. As we move through life, we are all bound to change. Relationship goals will shift, but being in tune with your partner will keep you on the same page. Make time for weekly check-ins and talk about how each of you are feeling. This will go a long way toward making your bond that much stronger, and get you closer to being the type of “couple goals” that people talk about.


Keep dating each other. When you’re in a long-term relationship, it’s easy — and normal — to stop courting your partner. But when you make time to go on dates, it reminds you of when you were first dating which makes your bond stronger. Perhaps have a weekly or monthly designated “date night” so that you are more likely to commit to doing it regularly.

Be there for one another. When bad things happen, it’s important to be there for each other. By being empathetic to your partner, you let your partner know that they can be open and vulnerable with you. You will be their port in the storm and that will make your bond stronger.

At the end of the day we all want a deep and meaningful bond with our partners. We can have that if we’re willing to put in the work on our relationship. When you have real relationship goals, it encourages you and your partner to set the bar higher which will make your bond stronger, and ultimately result in a truly happy relationship.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

You Are Definitely Going To Workout Daily After Reading These 10 Workout Motivation Quotes

Do you need a boost of workout motivation?

If you are like me, sometimes you just want to skip the gym, sit at home, and eat a slice of chicken or pizza because workouts can be very demanding and tiresome. In addition, sticking to a strict diet and training routine can be hard, especially if you don’t have a gym partner.

However, that doesn’t mean that you should give up on your dream of becoming fit and healthy. Sometimes what you need is a little motivation to get you going. A few motivational words and phrases can make you work extra hard and stick to your training routine.

Below are 10 quotes to give you workout motivation:

pop quotes

1. We are What We Repeatedly Do. Excellence then is Not An Act but A Habit. – Aristotle. 

Perhaps one of the best workout motivation quotes, this quote speaks volumes . To put it simply, you cannot get the results that you want unless you get used to working out. For example, if you exercise your abs on Wednesdays, you have to be at the gym every Wednesday to get the best results.

2. You Miss 100% of the Shots That You Don’t Take. – Wayne Gretzky. 

Sometimes you have to feel guilty to make the right decisions. This workout motivation quote encourages you to act instead of procrastinating. For example, if you have heard that press-ups are a great way to build the chest you want, you have to try it to find out if its true.

3. If You Want Something You’ve Never Had, You Must Be Willing to Do Something You’ve Never Done. – Thomas Jefferson. 

So you want better lats, but you have never tried pull-ups. It won’t happen. You should be ready to do at least 10 pull-ups everyday if you want to get ‘perfect’ lats. This quote prepares you for the unknown and lets you know that not everything you do will be familiar.

4. Nothing Will Work Unless You Do. – Maya Angelou. 

Let’s say that you want to lose 10 pounds in three months – it won’t happen if you just sit around and avoid eating. You have to create a strict exercise routine and follow through with it; for example, if it’s running, make sure that you jog every morning or evening – depending on your schedule.

5. Strength Doesn’t Come From Physical Capacity. It Comes From An Indomitable Will. – Mahatma Gandhi. 

Unless you have an internal desire or drive to get the results, you will never be motivated to go to the gym. Therefore, before you start something, make sure that is what you want.

6. Don’t Count the Days, Make the Days Count. – Muhammad Ali. 

If you start counting the days, you will never be focused on the actual training. You will just be waiting until the end of the month to pay your gym subscription fees. Instead, just focus on one day at a time. Make sure that you do everything you are supposed to do today, and think about tomorrow the following day.

7. Do What You Have to Do Until You Can Do What You Want to Do. – Oprah Winfrey. 

If you want to win an Olympic gold medal for sprinting, you can’t do it if you are overweight. You have to go the gym and lose the extra pounds. Sure, it will be painful, but it will be worth it in the end.

8. It Doesn’t Matter How Many Mistakes You Make or How Slow You Progress, You Are Still Ahead of Everyone Who Isn’t Trying. – Tony Robbins. 

Don’t go to the gym after one day and expect to be as ripped as Arnold Schwarzenegger was in his prime. It might take you months or weeks to notice any visible change, so be patient and stick to your training routine. Remember that as long as you are doing something, you will eventually get results.

workout motivation

9. The Difference Between the Possible and the Impossible Lies in the Person’s Determination. – Tommy Lasorda. 

This workout motivation quote is meant to remind you that impossible is only a word. It doesn’t matter how you look right now if you are ready to hit the gym to get the body that you want.

10. To Give Anything Less Than Your Best is To Sacrifice the Gift. – Steve Prefontaine. 

Consider your workout goal as a gift and strive to get that gift. This workout motivation quote encourages you to give it your all. Never compromise to get what you want.


I hope that these workout motivation quotes have given you the energy to go out there and do your thing. Just remember that the best motivation comes from within.

8 Behaviors of Someone With Hidden Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health condition in the world. Per the World Health Organization (WHO), one in 13 people suffers from an anxiety disorder. In the United States alone, an estimated 40 million people (18% of the population) are affected by anxiety every year.

What is anxiety?

Everyone gets anxious from time to time – it’s a regular part of life. A “built-in” mechanism of the brain, anxiety can even be healthy for us. For example, when we’re procrastinating on an important project, anxiety is there to help get our butt moving. Anxiety ceases being healthy when it is persistent, unmanageable, and disruptive. Doctors describe such a person as having an anxiety disorder.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) defines anxiety disorders as “psychiatric disorders that involve extreme fear or worry.” Common symptoms of all anxiety disorders include:

  • Coldness of the hands or feet
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Dry mouth
  • Inability to stay calm
  • Heart palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Shallow breathing and tightness of the chest
  • Stomach problems
  • Uneasiness, fear, or panic

Anxiety disorders encompass the following conditions:

– Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): Excessive, unnecessary tension and worry for no reason.

– Social anxiety disorder: Extreme nervousness or fear that you’re being judged, criticized, or ridiculed by other people. Also known as social phobia.

– Panic disorder: Sudden feelings of dread and danger, resulting in symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, feeling of asphyxiation, and racing heartbeat.

“Anxiety is a lot like a toddler. It never stops talking. Tells you you’re wrong about everything. And wakes you up at 3 AM.” – Unknown (source)

Signs of Hidden Anxiety

Although anxiety disorders are very common, diagnosis of the condition is not: estimates cite only about one-third (33 percent) of all anxiety disorders diagnosed as such.

Here are 8 potential signs that someone is dealing with hidden anxiety:

1. They’re always tense.

Visible tension may be the most common outward sign of anxiety. The fight-or-flight response, which is very active in an anxious person’s brain, often causes noticeable tension of the hands, neck, jaw, and shoulders. As we will discuss later, tension also spreads throughout the body, which may explain jittery movements of fingers, feet, and legs.

2. They sweat a lot.

Anxiety (and depression) is commonly linked to hyperhidrosis, a sweating disorder affecting 2-3% of the U.S. population. Someone with anxiety is more likely to have sweaty palms and perspire around the underarms. The condition is embarrassing to many adult working professionals, who often must interact with coworkers and customers.

3. They complain of stomach problems.

As stated, tension from anxiety affects pretty much every area of the body, including the stomach and intestines. It’s worth mentioning here that the nervous system and gastrointestinal (GI) system are always communicating. When the brain is anxious, so is the stomach. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a GI condition often associated with chronic anxiety. IBS is characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and gas.

4. They’re highly reactive.

Highly-anxious people, as discussed, are always on-edge – a manifestation of a nervous system gone haywire. When the fight-or-flight system is active, the brain continually searches for external threats. Someone with hidden anxiety may become startled for no good reason, like when someone calls their name or walks near them.

5. They require a sense of control.

Anxious people do what they can to eliminate or prevent stress. To accomplish this, people with anxiety try to control their world as much as possible. Paradoxically, the desire to control things backfires, often resulting in more anxiety.

6. They limit or avoid social situations.

Social anxiety disorder can severely limit one’s ability to make friends, establish bonds, and advance professionally. Affecting approximately 15 million adults, social anxiety disorder is “intense anxiety or fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected in a social or performance situation.” People with SAD will also sometimes limit their social interactions (talking) out of a misplaced fear of appearing foolish.

7. They always imagine the worst-case scenario.

Also known as catastrophizing, another hidden tendency of people with an anxiety disorder is expecting the worst possible outcome. The subconscious mind signals to the person that there is a severe danger to be avoided, even when there isn’t. As a result of this tendency, events that could (or should) be seen as a positive are instead perceived in the opposite light. People who catastrophize do not like surprises.

acute anxiety

8. They appear depressed.

One must be careful here, as some people are more reserved and serious than others. However, depression and anxiety typically develop as a tandem disorder. Therefore, anxious people may exhibit some or many symptoms of depression. The co-development of anxiety and depression helps explain, at least in some cases, why anxious people are often able to “hide” their symptoms.

Closing Thoughts

While someone you know may manifest many of the behaviors mentioned in this article, this does not necessarily confirm they have anxiety. However, if you do believe they might be hiding feelings of severe anxiety, show them unconditional support. You may suggest that they consider seeking professional help. Most of all, however, make sure they understand you care about them and will remain there for them no matter what.

8 Behaviors of Someone Who Suffers from Emotional Trauma

If there is one piece of advice that could go a long way towards reducing both the pain of everyday life and the aftereffects of emotional trauma, it’s this: you are not your thoughts. When we talk about “thoughts,” we aren’t talking about conscious cognitive functioning. Such thoughts are needed to function at work, school, and in social life. Instead, we’re talking about the incessant, nagging voice that tells you things like:

  • “You’re not good enough.”
  • “You’re crazy.”
  • “You’ll never amount to anything.”
  • “You’re a failure.”
  • “You don’t deserve (fill in the blank).”

This pointless chatter – this false pontificating of the mind – is what leads some people down the road of depression, anxiety, and, yes, trauma. Let us not overlook chronic stress, a “21st century epidemic” per the United Nations, and a catalyst of trauma.

“It’s exhausting to fight a war inside your head every single day.” – Mickie Ann, author of Gods Behaving Badly

Emotional Trauma and Possible Signs

Emotional, or psychological, trauma is damage to the psychological makeup of an individual after living through a very distressing or frightening event. Trauma often affects one’s ability to cope or function normally in society. Emotional trauma may result from any number of events, including:

  • Exposure to sudden danger (e.g. armed robbery, burglary, car accident, rape, suicide, terrorism).
  • Exposure to prolonged danger (e.g. war, child abuse, child neglect, molestation, sexual abuse).
  • Relationship problems, breakup, or divorce.
  • Death of a loved one.
  • Diagnosis of a life-threatening condition.
  • Being a victim of bullying, or playing the part of a bully.
  • Experience of profound failure or humiliation.

Trauma often precedes the onset of severe anxiety and depression, as is the case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sadly, many individuals with emotional trauma do not seek help. Some may not recognize that they, in fact, need help. Identifying the potential signs of trauma could make a difference in such a case.

On that note, here are eight possible behaviors of someone who suffers from emotional trauma:

1. Chronic depression and anxiety

As mentioned, anxiety is likely to follow a traumatic event. This anxiety, chronic in nature, often leaves the individual to feel they can never relax. People with a history of trauma explain that they feel as if they’re “on guard,” a condition known as hypervigilance.

In the case of a person developing depression first, they are likely to experience symptoms similar to those of an anxiety disorder. These symptoms include difficulty concentrating, irritability, and nervousness.

2. Substance abuse

Multiple studies find a definite causal link between traumatic experiences and substance abuse. In a 587-person study published in the journal Depression and Anxiety, researchers recruited patients from clinic waiting rooms in Atlanta, Georgia (U.S.). The study population reported a lifetime dependence on multiple substances, including marijuana (45%), alcohol (39%), cocaine (34%), and heroin and opiates (6%).

The study’s authors note that all the individuals studied experienced childhood trauma, which causes changes to the “neural structure” of the brain and compromises its functioning. These changes resulted in various cognitive defects and psychiatric disorders.

3. Anger

Per the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), anger can pose a severe burden to a trauma victim. Trauma suffered in early childhood may also produce changes to the brain that make it difficult for the victim to control his or her emotions.  Outbursts of extreme anger are very common for this reason.

Heightened feelings of anger also result from feelings of being betrayed. As such, victims of traumatic experiences may often find themselves in situations involving exploitation or violence.

4. Dissociation and numbness

Our brain is remarkable for so many reasons. One reason is that, through millions of years of evolution, the brain has learned to adapt to nearly any environment. For evidence of this adaptation capability, think of all the different places that human beings have been. We even built a rocket and landed on the moon!

But for people who suffer from emotional trauma, this ability of the brain to adapt may serve as a liability. A study published in the journal Comprehensive Psychiatry disclosed an existence of “significant associations” between childhood trauma, negative family experiences, and psychiatric problems in the history of females and males who find themselves incarcerated. Such findings suggest what all of us know intuitively: trauma stunts the developmental capabilities of the individual.

5. Intense fear

Traumatic experiences are hardwired into the brain’s limbic (emotional) system. Brain scans of individuals with PTSD confirm differences regarding the onset and elimination of fear as compared to victims without PTSD. More specifically, trauma victims often possess a heightened fear response.

Because of changes in the brain, trauma victims are more likely to experience distressing emotions such as anxiety, fear, and panic. Researchers believe this to be a result of overactivity in the brain’s emotional center.

6. Suicidal thoughts

Numerous studies have found a causal relationship between exposure to trauma and suicide. Moreover, the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal Behavior put forth by esteemed psychology professor and scholar Thomas Joiner posits that individuals with trauma may be less hesitant to commit suicide than the general population. In a piece published by the American Psychological Association (APA), Joiner writes:

“…it is hypothesized that the capability for suicide is acquired largely through repeated exposure to painful or fearsome experiences. This results in habituation and, in turn, a higher tolerance for pain and a sense of fearlessness in the face of death.”

7. Flashbacks

Flashbacks, in the mind of a person with trauma, reenact the traumatic event in real time. The triggering of flashbacks can occur from ordinary, everyday experiences. For example, someone with a history of sexual abuse may experience a flashback when they see someone who reminds them of the perpetrator.

Without proper treatment, flashbacks may worsen over time. Fortunately, effective therapies are available that can help a person cope with extreme anxiety, panic attacks, and flashbacks. The widespread acceptance of natural relaxation techniques like mindfulness and transcendental meditation offers trauma victims more hope than they may have had in the past.

childhood trauma - emotional trauma

8. Problems sleeping

Sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleepwalking are more common in people with trauma, especially those who’ve been diagnosed with PTSD. Nightmares and night terrors are also frequent, along with sleep talking and night sweats.

Once again, researchers attribute these problems to changes in the brain’s natural chemistry. For people with a history of trauma who develop sleep disorders, these neurochemical changes are apparent in the amygdala, the area of the brain which releases the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol.

Alarming Signs You Have Hemorrhoids And How To Cure It

Got hemorrhoids? You’re not alone! In fact, recent surveys suggest half of all adults over the age of 50 experience at least one episode of hemorrhoids over the course of their lives. While this uncomfortable condition is rather common, it shouldn’t be taken lightly.

These literal “pains in the butt” are actually enlarged veins located either inside or outside of the anus. If left untreated, this condition could lead to serious complications like anemia.

Thankfully, there are many at-home treatments and medical procedures available for people suffering from this condition. Keep reading to learn the causes, treatments, and preventative steps you need to know to take care of your hemorrhoids.

Top Warning Signs & Risk Factors of Hemorrhoids

The most common symptom people with a hemorrhoid experience is an intense itch in the anus. This is sometimes accompanied by painful sensations, especially when going to the bathroom. In more serious cases, patients might see blood in their stool.

Doctors now know that there is a hereditary component to this condition. There are, however, other risk factors that come into play. Besides genetics, a few reasons people develop this painful condition include chronic constipation, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Pregnant women are also at a higher risk of developing a hemorrhoid.

Natural Remedies & Prevention Strategies

high-fiber foods

Eat these high-fiber foods to keep your gut healthy.

Relaxing Warm Baths

As mentioned above, there are many different treatment options available for this condition. The easiest treatment patients can try at-home is taking a warm bath for at least 15 minutes per day. You can add Epsom salt to this bath and/or soothing essential oils like cypress to reduce inflammation further. It’s best to take this bath right before bed because it can induce drowsiness. Not only will a warm bath help reduce inflamed veins, it can significantly reduce chronic stress.

Reduce Stress With Meditation

Numerous studies now show that heightened stress has a negative impact on our sense of well-being. While stress might not be the primary cause of a hemorrhoid, people often notice a significant reduction in symptoms when they get their anxiety levels under control.

In addition to the Epsom salt baths, one of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to practice meditation on a daily basis. Set aside at least 15 minutes every day to sit comfortably, close your eyes, and follow your breath. When thoughts come into your mind, simply acknowledge them with an attitude of non-judgment and bring your attention back to your breath. After a few weeks of dedicated practice, you should notice a tremendous improvement in your health.

How To Avoid Constipation

If chronic constipation is the root cause of your hemorrhoid issue, then you should consider changing your diet to include more fiber-rich fruits and veggies. A few excellent high-fiber foods to add to your diet include lentils, brussels sprouts, oatmeal, pears, and blueberries. You could also add fiber into your diet by taking a supplement like psyllium husk every day.

Benefits of Horse Chestnut

In terms of herbal remedies, some people experience tremendous benefits with horse chestnut. A few studies have suggested using horse chestnut has a positive impact on blood flow, which can help reduce the size and severity of this condition.

How To Use Cayenne Pepper

Another popular herbal remedy to consider is cayenne pepper. Like horse chestnut, cayenne is well known for its ability to assist the heart and improve the circulation of blood. Cayenne also has the added benefit of stimulating peristaltic motion in the colon, which helps clear out excess waste and prevents constipation.

Note: a little goes a long way with cayenne pepper. Just put a quarter teaspoon of cayenne powder in a glass of warm water and gradually build up to a teaspoon over a week or two. You could also purchase cayenne pepper in capsule form.

Standard Medical Procedures

For patients with a stubborn hemorrhoid issue, there are a few medical procedures offered by conventional doctors. The most common hemorrhoids cures performed in a hospital are rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy.

Basics Of Rubber Band Ligation

The first in-office hemorrhoids cure, called rubber band ligation, uses a special device to place a rubber band around the patient’s affected area. This therapy works because it temporarily starves the hemorrhoid of blood, which causes the vein to reduce dramatically.


What Is Sclerothearpy?

Sclerotherapy, on the other hand, is a hemorrhoids cure that uses a chemical called sclerosant to cut off blood supply and reduce the size of the hemorrhoid. Doctors who perform this procedure have to inject this chemical directly into the patient’s inflamed vein.

Of course, it’s always best to discuss your symptoms with a medical professional to discover the best possible treatment strategy for your needs.

12 Signs You’re Suffering From FOBO (Fear Of Better Options)

FOBO, or Fear of Better Options, is the opposite of FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out. Experts say these forms of human behavior are actually a phenomenon called satisficing and maximizing. But while the ‘maximizers’ look into every choice available to them, the satisfices are more than happy with choices that are just good enough. Here are some subtle signs you’re suffering from FOBO:

Here Are 12 Subtle Signs You’re Suffering from Fear Of Better Options

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman

1. You prefer staying in your comfort zone.

You like to keep your routines the way they are because of their familiarity. You’re so used to doing things a certain way that any disruption easily upsets you. You don’t attempt to change things up in your schedules and activities, even within reason, because you worry that stepping out of your comfort zone might only cause problems and inconveniences. While a comfort zone keeps things steady, it can also inhibit your growth and productivity. Harvard experts recommend making baby steps and setting mini goals outside your comfort zone to slowly conquer your FOBO.

2. You make safe choices.

You don’t attempt to think outside the box. Instead, you make safe choices and stick to your plans because you generally know the outcome. Sometimes, however, you need to take risks and go off the books with your choices in order to succeed or gain better opportunities. Unfortunately, for someone suffering from FOBO, taking a risk seems like the end of everything, not an option for something better.

3. You like having control.

Your obsession with control is almost to the point of perfection. Additionally, you feel like you need this rhythm or you lose the semblance of order in your life. But in reality, many things can go wrong in your life, over which you have no control. You can’t learn important life skills like flexibility and resilience if you cling too tightly to control.

4. You are afraid to fail.

Society has set the standard for why so many people see failure as a shameful thing. Those who suffer from FOBO are too wrapped up in making sure this doesn’t happen to them. But failure can be a character-building experience. In fact, the most inspiring stories of success come from those who have failed more than once in their life. Before Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling, and Oprah Winfrey became billionaires, they experienced failures like rejection and bankruptcy. Hitting rock bottom taught and motivated them to get back on their feet and seek better options for themselves.

5. You have so many excuses when it comes to taking chances.

According to a study published in the journal Motivation and Emotion, making excuses is apparently a defense mechanism. Someone with FOBO would rather avoid facing the possibility of failure than entertain the idea of success, so she makes up excuses. This is like a glass half-empty, half-full situation that also reflects on a person’s fear of failure.

6. You doubt yourself.

You don’t attempt to look for better options because you doubt yourself. Because you lack the confidence to manage bigger and challenging things, you don’t dip your feet in the water when opportunities come knocking. You get overwhelmed by just imagining the tasks you’re expected to accomplish, so you pass up on the chance to try out for that higher post at work, despite the perks and benefits.

7. You don’t voice your opinions and ideas.

You might have something substantial and positive to say about a matter that could affect your place of work or community, but you’d rather keep your opinion and ideas to yourself. You don’t like to rock the boat or deal with the consequences of sharing your thoughts, even if it’s actually better than what others have shared.

8. You don’t believe in following your passion.

What’s holding you back from getting better options? Could it be that you don’t believe you can make something out of your passion? Perhaps you consider practicality as the mark of success. For example, you pick a corporate job for the security rather than braving auditions to become a music artist. What would happen if you choose to follow your passion instead?

9. You stay at a job you hate.

You’re stressed, exhausted, and unhappy professionally. But even if you have enough money for a two-week vacation in Greece, you can’t enjoy the fruits of your labor because of the work demands. People who suffer from FOBO wake up feeling heavy as they drag themselves to work every morning. However, they refuse to quit and look for something better because the current job they have sufficiently pays the bills.

10. You put up with a bad relationship.

Does being miserable with someone seem more romantic than being single? For someone with FOBO, the answer to this is a resounding yes. They would rather put up with a person who hurts them than to be alone. They don’t realize time invested in a bad relationship is essentially time wasted. If you leave your bad relationship and stay single for a while, then you could pour more positive energy into improving yourself. When you improve yourself, you can attract the right person in your life and receive the love you deserve.

11. You feel guilty breaking off toxic friendships.

You know that one toxic friend you can’t seem to turn down or say no to, even if she’s bringing so much negativity in your life? If you have FOBO, you won’t turn your back on this person because of the guilt. Perhaps you were raised on the idea that real friends should be loyal to each other. But the reality is, people can outgrow each other. According to experts from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), holding on to toxic friendships is not only bad for your sanity, but it can physically make you ill with heart diseases, cancer, or diabetes.

better options

12. You procrastinate because you don’t like making decisions.

You put off looking for a better job, breaking off a bad romance, enlisting at the gym, or moving to a good neighborhood because not deciding on something is a lot easier than searching, weighing options, and committing to change. But then, you lose a lot of precious time and opportunities to get your life on track. If you continue to delay, before you know it, you’ve spent most of your life regretting the things you didn’t do.

Final thoughts

Despite positive thinking, FOBO can be paralyzing when you should be making full commitments in order to make something of your life. If you’re in this tough spot, it might be time to pause and take a long hard look inwards. Figure out what happiness and success mean for you, then start making plans and crafting your goals from this point.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. Albetter l rights reserved
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