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Which Zone Are You Living In, According to This Quiz?

Which Zone Are You Living In, According to This Quiz?

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Embarking on the journey of self-awareness and growth means understanding the different zones of life we might find ourselves in–and we have a fun quiz to help you determine just that! Each of us exists within one of the Three Zones of Living. These are the complacent, survival, or comfort zone.

These are not linear, as most people occasionally float in and out of each, riding along with the ebbs and flows of life. Why?  Because life is not static.

You might be in the Complacent Zone, stuck and unable to change due to hopelessness, fear, or both. You might yearn for more but are unable to shake off the inaction. Suddenly, life throws a curve ball your way, forcing you to act with a newfound courage you never knew existed. Thus, you shift from the complacent to another realm.

Together, let’s explore the three distinct zones of living and help you identify which one you currently reside in. Knowing your zone will empower you to make intentional changes and craft a more fulfilling, happier life.

This Fun Quiz Provides Crucial Insight Into the Three Zones of Living

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Read a little bit about each zone. Please note what it looks like to the casual observer and how that outer appearance may conflict with inner feelings. With each of the three zones of living, we will also provide an example of a famous artist who exemplified each to provide a more concrete point of reference.

zones of living

1 – The Complacent Zone

The Complacent Zone is the most familiar and secure realm for many individuals. It’s a space where you appear at east, at least to onlookers. But inside, you might feel anxious, fearful, or doubtful of your ability to change. 

It’s not your fault! For decades, family members, friends, and co-workers told you to smile and be grateful that you’re not worse off. Perhaps it began when well-meaning parents chastised you to hold back your emotions in public–the old “stiff upper lip” trope might come to mind. So you did as you were told, put a smile back on your face, and carried on as though nothing was amiss.  All the while, your emotions roiled inside, becoming venom to your spirit. Still, you carried that erroneous belief into adulthood.

That emotional suppression means you avoid challenging situations or opportunities for growth. While the Complacent Zone might feel safe, it secretly robs you of the chance to build an even greater life. Staying within this zone often leads to stagnation and–as the name suggests–complacency.

An example of the complacent zone, Thomas Gainsborough

An example of a historical artist who operated in the Complacent Zone is Thomas Gainsborough, a renowned 18th-century English portrait and landscape painter. While Gainsborough was an immensely talented artist, he focused on catering to the tastes and preferences of his patrons. He rarely, if ever, explored more innovative and experimental artistic styles.

Gainsborough achieved great success and popularity during his lifetime, with his portraits and landscapes in high demand among the British aristocracy. His style, characterized by elegance and refinement, was well-suited to the tastes of his patrons. However, this focus on meeting his clients’ expectations may have limited his willingness to push artistic boundaries. 

By primarily producing works that were in line with his time’s prevailing tastes and preferences, Gainsborough probably operated within his Complacent Zone. This approach brought him significant financial success and recognition. But he constrained his artistic growth and exploration, leaving many art historians asking if he could have become one of the greatest painters ever.

It is important to note that operating in the Complacen Zone does not negate the achievements or talents of Gainsborough. And we can only speculate about how he felt about his lack of growth. Instead, this example serves as a reminder of the potential for more significant growth and development when individuals are willing to push their boundaries and embrace new challenges.

2 – The Survival Zone

The Survival Zone is a realm of existence marked by extreme anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. It’s a chaotic space where you may feel paralyzed or unable to cope with the challenges and demands life throws at you. 

In this zone, you strive for more. But your frantic efforts may not reap the payoff you long for. Many people admire those in the Survival Zone as hard workers, overachievers, and go-getters. 

So while the outer appearance is one of success, this zone feels like burnout, failure, or helplessness on the inside. 

If you live in this space, you may take on too much or face situations beyond your current abilities, leading to burnout, failure, or helplessness. Recognizing when you’re in the Survival Zone and learning to step back into the Comfort Zone for sustainable growth and well-being is essential.

An example of the survival zone, Vincent Van Gogh 

An example of a historical figure who may have experienced moments in the Survival Zone is Vincent van Gogh, the renowned post-Impressionist painter. Van Gogh struggled with extreme emotional turmoil, mental illness, and personal struggles. These could have contributed to moments of feeling overwhelmed and unable to grapple with the challenges he faced.

Van Gogh’s artistic career, which lasted only a decade, was characterized by intense productivity and the creation of numerous masterpieces, such as Starry Night and Sunflowers. 

However, his mental health struggles, including bouts of depression and anxiety, made it difficult to find stability and success during his lifetime. His mental state may have pushed him into the survival zone. He grappled with overwhelming emotions, isolation, and self-doubt on various occasions.

Vincent van Gogh’s tragic story serves as a reminder of the importance of diagnosing and addressing mental health issues and the need for support and understanding for those who may find themselves in the Survival Zone. Despite his struggles, Van Gogh’s extraordinary artistic legacy left a permanent mark on the art world, inspiring generations of artists and enthusiasts. 

comfort zone

3 – The Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone is the growth zone where real progress begins. This realm is characterized by embracing challenges, taking risks, and pushing your limits. 

Stepping out of either the complacent or survival mode and into the Comfort Zone takes courage. Some refer to this as “finding their flow.” It is where you can overcome obstacles and learn from mistakes. Because you have a high degree of self-awareness within this zone, you can make wise decisions. You’ll also find improved emotional balance and social intelligence, thus improving your relationships. 

Someone in the comfort zone appears poised, calm, and confident–but not arrogant. Think of someone you know who is unruffled and seems to meet challenges head-on and without fear. They have found their flow and now exist in their comfort zone.

While taking the first leap of faith can be scary, you’ll find increased confidence, improved skills, and a heightened sense of purpose in this zone. Venturing into the Comfort Zone is essential for personal and professional development, as it helps you build resilience and adaptability during times of change.

An example of the comfort zone, Leonardo Da Vinci

A prominent historical figure who operated in the Comfort Zone is Leonardo da Vinci, a true Renaissance polymath known for his incredible contributions to art, science, engineering, and various other fields. Da Vinci’s insatiable curiosity, desire for knowledge, and willingness to explore new concepts and ideas are hallmarks of someone who thrives in the Comfort Zone.

Throughout his life, Leonardo da Vinci sought to push boundaries and expand his understanding of the world around him. He constantly challenged himself to learn and develop skills in multiple disciplines, evident in his extensive notebooks filled with sketches, scientific observations, and innovative inventions.

Some of his most incredible works, including The Last Supper and Mona Lisa, demonstrate his artistic mastery. At the same time, his research in anatomy, botany, and engineering highlights his broader intellectual pursuits. Da Vinci’s achievements in these diverse areas confirm his growth-oriented mindset and commitment to lifelong learning.

Leonardo da Vinci’s relentless pursuit of knowledge and desire to explore new ideas and concepts make him an exemplary figure who operated in the Comfort Zone. His legacy inspires individuals across various disciplines to push their limits, embrace challenges, and strive for continuous growth and improvement.

Knowing Where you Are Right Now Can Spur Personal Growth

It’s crucial to know which of the three zones of living you reside in right now if you hope to lead a more fulfilling and balanced life.

But how do you learn this?

Reflect on your daily habits, mindset, and behavior to determine where you stand. If you find yourself in the Complacent Zone, consider setting new goals, seeking challenges, and stepping into the Comfort Zone. If you’re in the Survival Zone, learn to recognize your limits and practice self-care, gradually returning to the Comfort Zone for sustainable development.


Final Thoughts on Knowing Where You Fit in the Three Zones of Living

Personal growth is continuous, and moving between the three zones of living is natural. Recognizing your current realm and taking intentional growth steps can create a more fulfilling, resilient, and purpose-driven life.

Are you curious to discover which three zones of living defines your place in life at this moment? Embark on self-discovery and growth by taking our free, fun, and insightful online quiz. This assessment will help you identify your current realm of existence and provide valuable insights to guide you toward a more productive and purposeful life. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and start living your desired life. Click here to take the quiz and reveal which zone you’re in right now!

5 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Doesn’t Care

It’s never nice to find out that the behaviors of someone close to you reveal that they don’t care. It’s even worse if you’ve wasted your time on that person when they weren’t interested in building a connection. This is why it’s better to look for the actions that tell you when someone doesn’t care.

Because if you don’t, you risk being blindsided. You might even get your hopes up and create fantasies of how perfect your relationship will be when that will never happen. And this can happen whether we’re discussing a platonic or romantic relationship. Even a friend can pretend to care or hang out with you even when they can’t even be bothered to give you the time of day.

Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a romantic partner, you never want to believe that the people you care for don’t feel the same. It’s an idea that most people never even entertain. Even those who think about it are only overthinking and letting their anxiety control their thoughts. But unfortunately, some people genuinely don’t care.

And, even then, they might still hang out with you out of convenience. Some people even go as far as sticking around out of malice or because they are toxic or abusive. An abusive partner doesn’t truly care for you. But they’ll stay because they enjoy having someone to torment. And, even though this sounds horrible, it’s the truth.

Actions speak louder than words, and the people who don’t care will show it through their behavior. Even though they’ll never admit it, their actions will give them away.

5 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Doesn’t Care


1. Their Behaviors Suggest How They Don’t Truly Know You

People who genuinely care about you will be excited to learn everything there is to know about you. Even if they don’t know every little detail, they still know you and some of your core traits. For example, not everyone feels comfortable sharing their whole life with their parents.

Maybe they don’t want to chit-chat about their romantic endeavors at dinner with the family. But that doesn’t mean your parents don’t know you. They probably know you better than anyone else, even though they don’t know how many shots you can handle at a party. They know what your dreams are and what you value most in life. And they will always be excited to learn more.

The same is true for your friends and romantic interests. If they genuinely care, they will always want to learn things about you. They’ll know your favorite foods or how you take your coffee. And they will probably know how quickly you get tipsy when you go out. Someone who doesn’t care won’t know these things. They might not even know obvious things, such as your eyes’ color. Sure, they will pretend to know things.

But their knowledge will be superficial and limited. They might know a song you like, but that’s about it. So, just because someone knows a few insignificant details doesn’t mean you should swoon over them. Trust your instincts and keep an eye on specific actions or behaviors. If they don’t even bother to ask you a question about yourself, you shouldn’t bother with them.

2. Their Actions Appear That They Don’t Put in Any Effort

Sometimes, it’s active behaviors that are red flags. But passive behaviors are just as bad. In this case, when someone doesn’t try to do anything nice for you and doesn’t put in any effort, that’s a bad sign. Sure, they might go out to dinner when you plan everything. Or they might text you when you text them first. But you should ask yourself if they ever take the initiative and try to do something for you.

If you ever hang out only when you ask them to, that’s probably because they wouldn’t mind not seeing you again. Or maybe they do text you sometimes, but they are only content with doing the bare minimum. They don’t ever ask you to go somewhere nice, or they never plan anything other than a casual hang out. This is not enough, even from a family member or a friend. Any relationship requires special moments, so both parties must put in some effort.

When someone truly cares about you, they will actively show it. They’ll want to make an effort to make you happy. Even if they are busy, they’ll still try their hardest to meet you and at least have a coffee. Or, if you’re romantically involved with someone, they’ll surprise you and prepare a nice date night. No matter your relationship with someone, you’ll know if they care by watching their behaviors and seeing if they take the initiative.

3. They Don’t Communicate

Next time you want to test someone, don’t text them and see how long they take to text you. Some people you talk to are just there because you always communicate with them. This also is related to how much effort someone puts in, but it’s not the same. Not getting texts from your friends and family is an obvious red flag.

But some people in your life will refuse to communicate, even though they might keep in touch. Some people refuse to take about heavier stuff and are just content with cracking a joke or two when you meet. As you probably know, relationships are based on communication. So, when someone doesn’t stay in touch or open up, that will affect your relationship.

That said, if someone can’t open up, that doesn’t always mean they don’t trust you. Some behaviors can point towards that, but you must notify the nuances. If they flat-out refuse to communicate things like where they are or to give you answers to simple questions, that’s shady. If they don’t reach out or constantly shut down discussions, that’s not something you should accept. But if they are just scared to open up, then it’s understandable why they’d keep to themselves.


4. They Engage in Angry Behavior for No Reason

One of the worst behaviors people engage in is getting angry, especially when they don’t care to control it. Sure, some people are more predisposed to being angry. But if they are good people, they will work towards managing that anger. At least they’ll do it for the people they care for. But, if someone doesn’t care about you, that will show in their actions.

Especially when they start getting angry at you for no apparent reason, they will scream, shout, and indulge in harmful actions to make you feel bad. People who don’t care about you will tend to have a weirdly competitive and defensive attitude. So, they will blow things out of proportion when an issue arises instead of trying to solve the problem. And they will attack and demean you without giving it a second thought.

When someone truly cares about you, they’ll try to focus on solving the issue instead of lashing out. They won’t act condescendingly or try to devaluate you in any way. Most importantly, they’ll reign in their anger and try to listen to your side of the story instead of just screaming—for example, a parent who cares more about themself than you will constantly demean your looks.

This often happens with overly strict parents who lose their marbles when their kids dye their hair. Maybe you’ve been yelled at and chastised by a parent because you dared to dye your hair. If something like that happened, it’s a sign your parents don’t care. If someone cares about you, they won’t randomly pick fights. And they won’t get angry out of the blue.

5. They Don’t Accept You

Unfortunately, some people have no interest in accepting you. Instead, they’ll want to change you so that you fit whatever image they have constructed of you in their head. Or maybe they want to force you to tick the boxes on their imaginary requirements list. The previous example can illustrate these behaviors about having dyed hair. Only know it’s not about them getting angry and yelling at you.

It’s about them gaslighting you and making you feel terrible about who you are. If you have a friend who doesn’t accept you, they’ll act in ways that make you feel inadequate. For example, if you show up one day with blue hair, they’ll probably make fun of you and gaslight you into dyeing it back to what they deem an acceptable color. But this is not just about something as shallow as hair color. It’s also about friends or family not accepting who you are, your dreams, or who you love.

Someone who cares will put their ideas and emotions aside if they see you happy. Say you have a good friend and share with them that you want to start a business, and it’s more of an unconventional idea. If that friend genuinely cares, they will encourage and accept you even if you have crazy dreams. And their actions will never make you feel like you must act a specific way to warrant their love.


Final Thoughts on Some Behaviors That Reveal Someone Doesn’t Care

Many behaviors tip off what someone’s true intentions are. And it’s usually enough to allow your intuition to guide you through understanding who your true friends are. But, although it’s primarily intuitive when someone doesn’t care at all, it’s not always so clear.

Sometimes, a friend, family member, or partner might fake caring. And this isn’t always obvious, which is why some people end up being hurt by the lack of emotion and care others put into relationships.

Someone who doesn’t care about you doesn’t take the time to get to know you, not in a real sense. They don’t put any effort into their actions and sometimes don’t even communicate. The worst part is that sometimes they don’t even accept you or always seem angry with you. If you spot any of these behaviors, you might want to consider ending that relationship.

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body if You Drink Cardamom Tea

Cultures worldwide have used cardamom for centuries to treat illnesses and flavor dishes. The spice comes from the seeds of several plants in the ginger family and has a minty taste with hints of cinnamon. Because of its unique flavor, cardamom is a popular ingredient in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Native to Southern India, historians consider it one of the world’s oldest spices, dating back to around 4000 years ago.

The Greeks, Romans, and even Ancient Egyptians relied on this spice for medicinal purposes and cooking. Some chewed on cardamom pods to keep their breath fresh and teeth clean. Greeks and Romans also created perfumes and essential oils with this aromatic spice. While people often use cardamom in curries, desserts, and other foods, it’s also popular in beverages like chai tea and coffee.

If you’ve never tried cardamom tea, you may want to after reading about the numerous health benefits. Not to mention, the warm, comforting aroma of the spice can help you relax after a stressful day. Read on to find out why you should consider drinking this delicious tea.

Here’s Why You Should Drink More Cardamom Tea

cardamom tea

1. Cardamom contains anti-inflammatory properties.

The root cause of many chronic diseases stems from high inflammation levels. While acute inflammation can help fight infections and heal wounds, sustained inflammation weakens the immune system. Thankfully, the spice contains numerous compounds that have anti-inflammatory effects. For example, the herb is rich in antioxidants that help ward off diseases and fight free radical damage.

One rat study confirmed that taking 23-46 mg of cardamom extract per pound of body weight suppressed the production of four different inflammatory compounds. A human study also found that taking cardamom supplements can enhance antioxidant activity by 90%. Participants had lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of developing blood clots as well.

2. It can help relieve digestive issues, including bloating.

If you have IBS or other gastrointestinal disorders, you know firsthand how uncomfortable and painful they can feel. However, drinking cardamom tea could alleviate some of the discomfort caused by poor digestion. Cultures worldwide have used this powerful spice to treat indigestion for thousands of years. Research shows it can soothe common stomach problems, such as bloating, gas, nausea, and ulcers.

In a recent study, researchers gave rats high doses of aspirin to cause stomach ulcers. Then, they fed the rats cardamom, turmeric, and sembung leaf extracts in hot water. The animals given the spice mixture had fewer stomach ulcers than those that only took aspirin.

Another rat study produced similar findings, discovering that cardamom extract could inhibit or reduce the size of stomach ulcers by 50%. Doses of 5.7mg per pound of body weight proved more effective than medications at treating gastrointestinal ulcers.

3. Cardamom may improve blood sugar levels.

If you have high blood sugar, consider drinking cardamom tea to improve your levels. In one animal study, researchers fed rats a high-carb, high-fat diet and gave cardamom powder to some animals. The team discovered that rats given the spice had lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and body weight than the other group.

human study also revealed that participants with type 2 diabetes who ate green cardamom had lower insulin, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), triglycerides, and cholesterol levels after ten weeks.

4. The spice could help with weight loss.

While weight loss isn’t one of the main benefits of consuming this spice, it may still help your fitness goals. A study of 80 overweight and obese prediabetic women found that cardamom supplements significantly reduced their waist circumference. Researchers believe the anti-inflammatory effect of the spice may have eased fluid retention, which can help with weight loss.

5. It can improve breathing and enhance oxygen levels.

There’s nothing more important than breathing to ensure our survival. However, we often forget about the significance of breathing slowly and deeply in our hectic lives. If you struggle to calm your breath, cardamom might cure your ailment. A study in rats and rabbits discovered that cardamom extract could increase lung airflow. People with asthma can benefit from this since it relaxes the throat and improves oxygen levels.

If you feel out of breath during workouts, the spice can come to your rescue in this case as well. In one study, researchers asked participants to inhale cardamom essential oil for one minute before walking on a treadmill. The group seemed to respond positively to the stimulating scent because they had higher oxygen availability than the control group.

cardamom tea

6. Cardamom contains cancer-fighting phytochemicals.

This potent spice contains many antioxidants and other compounds to prevent cancer. In a test tube study of human cells, researchers found that certain compounds in cardamom prevented oral cancer cells from propagating. However, more research is needed to determine the spice’s effectiveness at treating or stopping cancer.

7. It can fight infections due to antibacterial and antifungal compounds.

If you get sick often, add cardamom tea to your home remedies. Research shows that the spice contains potent compounds that fight common strains of bacteria, like E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Salmonella. All these bacteria can cause food poisoning, a common sickness in the modern world. However, researchers found that cardamom extracts and essential oils treated this condition more effectively than medications in some cases.

Another test-tube study discovered that cardamom spice extracts might inhibit drug-resistant strains of Candida, a yeast that can trigger fungal infections.

However, you shouldn’t ingest essential oils directly and consult with your doctor before taking supplements. Cardamom may interact with certain medications or cause side effects in some cases. But, most people can safely drink cardamom tea by infusing the seeds in hot water or using tea packets.

Here’s a Quick, Easy Cardamom Tea Recipe

Now that you know how healthy this tea can be, here’s how you can make and enjoy a quick cup:


  • Two cups water
  • Two teaspoons of loose black tea leaves or two tea bags
  • Four to six cardamom pods, lightly crushed
  • One or two teaspoons of honey (optional)
  • 1/4 cup milk (optional)


  1. Boil two cups of water in a small saucepan.
  2. Add the lightly crushed cardamom pods to the boiling water.
  3. Reduce heat to low and simmer for five to seven minutes to allow the cardamom flavor to infuse into the water. (Less time will have a milder flavor).
  4. Add two teaspoons of black tea leaves or two tea bags to the saucepan and let it steep for three to five minutes.
  5. If you prefer sweetened tea, add a couple of teaspoons of honey to the saucepan and stir until dissolved.
  6. If you like your creamy tea, add 1/4 cup of milk to the saucepan and stir until heated.
  7. Strain the tea into your teapot or mug, and enjoy your delicious cardamom tea!

Note: You can adjust the amount of cardamom and honey to your liking. You can also use other tea leaves, such as green tea or Darjeeling. Have fun and experiment!

cardamom tea

Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Cardamom Tea

If you’ve never tried cardamom tea, you may want to for its mental and physical health benefits. Studies show it can lower blood sugar, improve breathing, reduce inflammation, and inhibit tumor growth. It may help with weight loss and bacterial infections as well. Plus, it tastes delicious and can comfort you after a stressful day.

7 Ways to Flush Mucus From Your Body (Without Medication)

With cold and flu season upon us, you might notice excessive mucus in your nose and sinus cavities. No one likes to have a stuffy nose and sore throat, typical side effects of having mucus and phlegm.

However, when you come down with a cold, your body produces mucus to help clear viruses and bacteria from the body. When you blow your nose or cough, it eliminates many foreign invaders that can cause illnesses.

Most people rely on over-the-counter cold and flu medications when they feel sick. However, these don’t always work or may take a while to have an effect. When you can’t breathe and feel miserable, you want something that can provide immediate relief. That doesn’t mean you should give up medications entirely, but take them alongside other natural remedies that alleviate cold symptoms.

7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mucus

Below, we’ll give a few ideas for home remedies that can eliminate the excessive build-up of mucus.

excessive mucus

1. Eat soups and spicy foods to eliminate mucus.

People have eaten chicken soup and other broths for centuries to ease cold or flu symptoms. What makes hot, comforting soup so appealing for someone trying to restore their health? Chicken soup, in particular, contains many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help fight infections. It’s also rich in electrolytes and fluids that can protect you from dehydration if you have stomach flu or a fever.

Finally, studies show that warm or spicy foods can act as a decongestant, helping to unclog your sinuses and flush mucus out of the body. So, whether you have covid-19, a cold or flu, or a sinus infection, try making a warm, comforting chicken soup or spicy meal. You’ll start feeling better once you clear trapped mucus and phlegm from your sinus cavities. However, spicy foods may exacerbate nausea and bloating if you have an upset stomach.

2. Drink hot tea.

Like chicken soup and other hot foods, a warm beverage can help flush excessive mucus from your nose. Tea contains many natural herbs and polyphenols to boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. Virtually any tea can ease cold or flu symptoms, even those containing caffeine, since studies show they don’t cause dehydration.

Look for teas that contain peppermint, lemon, echinacea, elderberry, turmeric, and ginger, as these have potent antioxidants that improve health. Peppermint can help loosen stubborn mucus because of a compound called menthol, a common ingredient in cough drops. Menthol can help you breathe more easily and open up your sinuses.

3. Relax in a hot bath or shower.

Nothing feels better than standing in a hot shower with a cold or flu. The steam opens up your airways and helps clear excess mucus from your nose and throat. The warm water can relieve pain if you have sinus pressure or sore, achy muscles.

Finally, a soothing bath or shower promotes relaxation and temporarily removes your mind from being sick. Shower at night when cortisol levels naturally increase for the most pronounced effect. Since cortisol suppresses the immune system, you might notice more severe symptoms at nighttime.

4. Don’t take too many decongestants.

When you struggle to breathe and blow your nose endlessly to no avail, you naturally want instant relief. It’s tempting to reach for the decongestants every time mucus accumulates, but this can worsen the problem. While decongestants dry out the sinuses and alleviate a runny nose, they can also make it more challenging to eliminate mucus. You might grow weary of blowing your nose, but it’s your body trying to flush out a virus or bacteria.

eliminate excess mucus and phlegm


5. Stay hydrated.

It’s hard to remember to drink enough water, especially when you have a cold or flu. However, keeping hydrated will help thin mucus and make it easier to eliminate from your body. But blowing your nose frequently can cause fluid loss, making it even more important to increase your water intake. Especially if you have a fever, it’s essential to remain hydrated and take electrolytes to help your body retain fluids better.

6. Try eucalyptus oil or vapor rubs.

Many people use chest or vapor rubs when coughing and excessive mucus. These creams and lotions help break up mucus and make breathing easier. Some contain eucalyptus, which studies have shown can fight bacteria, reduce inflammation, and ease cold and flu symptoms. You can either rub eucalyptus oil on your chest or place drops in your diffuser to flush mucus and improve your breathing.

7. Go for a short walk.

We don’t blame you if you’re scratching your head in confusion at this one. For most people, exercising is the last thing they feel like doing when they’re under the weather. However, sitting in bed all day only prolongs sickness by blocking the natural energy flow in your body. Going on short walks around your neighborhood is essential to keep that energy moving. Just 10-15 minutes of fresh air and sunlight can improve your mood and help break up trapped mucus.

Vitamin D from the sun can help protect against respiratory infections and strengthen your immune system, according to studies. Also, other research found that exposure to sunlight can reduce the risk of severe coronavirus infections. People living in areas with ample sunshine, high humidity, and high temperatures, mainly, had fewer virus infections

excessive mucus

Final Thoughts on Natural Remedies to Eliminate Mucus

Perhaps the most annoying, dreadful symptom of the common cold, having excessive mucus, can make you desperate for relief. You might rely on decongestants when your nose feels clogged and you can only breathe through your mouth. While OTC medicines can provide relief, they often have unwanted side effects like insomnia, anxiety, and high blood pressure.

If you want natural remedies for cold or flu symptoms, try drinking warm tea, eating chicken broth or spicy foods, and taking a hot shower. Other ways to reduce mucus include going for a walk, drinking plenty of water, and using eucalyptus products. Hopefully, these home remedies will help you kick your cold to the curb and feel better in no time.

Psychologists Explain 7 Foods That Are Bad for Mental Health

The foods we eat can have either a negative or positive impact on our mental health. Unfortunately, the sheer amount of choices in the modern world only leads to confusion about what people should eat. In the past, the only food available came from nature, so people took whatever they could get. Now, we’ve made eating far more complicated than necessary, making our brains exhausted from debating what diet to follow.

But eating doesn’t have to feel like rocket science, and it shouldn’t. In general, if you eat natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, you’ll have sound mental and physical health.

Also, keeping stress low helps you maintain a balanced mindset, as high cortisol levels can contribute to mental illnesses. Stress and anxiety also make it more difficult for your body to assimilate nutrients because they affect the digestive system.

Therefore, being healthy requires more than just eating a nutritious diet. You must also care for your spiritual health by meditating, doing yoga, and practicing deep breathing. In addition to following a plant-based diet, these modalities will ensure your vitality and give you bountiful energy.

But to become healthier, you must know what foods to avoid. We’ll review some of the worst foods for mental health below so you can stay on the right track.

Experts Reveal 7 Foods That Create Poor Mental Health

mental health

1. Highly processed foods harm mental health by causing inflammation in the brain

Unsurprisingly, ultra-processed foods like cakes, pastries, chips, and fast food cause poor mental health. These foods have little to no nutritional value and cater to people who don’t have time to cook healthy meals. However, they’re a poor substitute for a home-cooked meal since they contribute to various diseases. Processed foods increase inflammation, which leads to cognitive decline, anxiety, depression, and even neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s.

One study confirmed this by feeding rats a highly refined diet that mimicked “Western” prepackaged foods for four weeks. Researchers found the rats had elevated inflammatory markers in the hippocampus and amygdala, which led to memory loss and cognitive dysfunction. However, they discovered that giving the rats a DHA (an omega-3 fatty acid) supplement helped reduce inflammation caused by processed foods.

Still, it’s best to avoid these foods even if you take supplements, as they can cause other health problems. Cancers, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions have been linked to a diet high in processed foods.

What to eat instead of processed foods:

Unprocessed foods can positively impact brain health by providing essential nutrients. These foods contain high levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds that can improve cognitive function, boost memory, and reduce the risk of neurological disorders. For example, omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish and nuts can help to protect the brain from inflammation and oxidative stress. B vitamins found in whole grains and leafy greens can improve brain function and reduce the risk of dementia. Additionally, whole, unprocessed foods are typically low in added sugars and unhealthy fats, which can contribute to chronic health conditions like obesity and diabetes that negatively impact brain health. A diet that focuses on whole, unprocessed foods promotes brain health and improve overall mental health and well-being.

2. Refined sugar and carbs

Refined sugars are one of the worst ingredients in modern diets, contributing to adverse mental health and numerous physical ailments. Sugar itself isn’t the problem when it occurs in nature, as fruits, vegetables, and grains have it in various forms. However, when it’s isolated and extracted, sugar becomes more concentrated and lacks the fiber necessary to balance blood sugar. Consuming large amounts of refined sugars can lead to insulin resistance, raising the risk of diabetes and other health problems. Plus, studies show that processed sugars raise cortisol levels, which may result in anxiety and depression.

Processed foods and refined sugars create a chemical imbalance in the brain and trigger inflammation. Your mental health suffers because you’re not getting the nutrients you need to power your mind.

What to eat instead of sugar:

Need to sweeten your tea or coffee? Reach for organic honey. Sweetening with honey is much better for your well-being. Unlike many processed sugars, organic honey is a natural sweetener,  free of artificial additives. This means that it can be a healthier alternative for people who want to reduce their intake of refined sugars. In addition, honey contains various beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that can provide health benefits beyond just adding sweetness.

3. Trans fats

Trans fats, a type of unsaturated fat also called hydrogenated vegetable oils, can harm mental health. You can find these fats in foods like margarine, shortening, prepackaged desserts, and frosting. They also occur naturally in meats and dairy products but don’t affect the brain negatively. However, studies show that eating artificial trans fats can lead to depression because they reduce serotonin production.

What to eat instead of trans fats:

Healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, nuts, and fatty fish are essential for brain health. These foods contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are the types of fats that are beneficial for the brain. These fats can help to improve cognitive function, memory, and mood by supporting the growth and maintenance of brain cells. For example, omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon and sardines can help reduce brain inflammation and support new neuron growth. On the other hand, monounsaturated fats found in avocados and olive oil can help to improve blood flow to the brain and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

4. Alcohol

Moderate alcohol consumption usually doesn’t cause health problems, but excessive drinking can have devastating consequences. A study found chronic alcohol use can disrupt neurotransmitters, causing mental imbalances such as anxiety, depression, or panic disorder.

Many people drink alcohol to numb or avoid mental pain, but the effects wear off eventually. Then, they’re left with the same feelings they tried to suppress, creating a vicious cycle. Because of this, it’s best to drink socially in moderation and have other coping mechanisms for stress.

What to drink instead of alcohol:

Drinking sparkling water or a mocktail at the next party can be a better choice for mental health than drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant that can affect mood,  impair judgment, and decrease cognitive function. But sparkling water or mocktails provide a refreshing and hydrating alternative. You lose the harmful effects of alcohol while still joining the fun!

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5. Fried foods

Fried food may taste delicious, but it causes hidden damage to your brain and internal organs. One study found that participants who ate fried foods frequently weren’t as resilient to depression. However, those who ate more fish had the lowest prevalence of depression and other mental health problems. Experts believe that the high amounts of trans fats in fried foods contribute significantly to poor brain functioning.

What to eat instead of fried foods:

Healthy cooking methods like baking, broiling, grilling, and steaming are better alternatives to frying foods. Fried foods can add extra calories and unhealthy fats to your diet, contributing to weight gain, high cholesterol, and decreased brain health. On the other hand, healthier cooking methods can help to preserve the nutrients in foods, reduce the amount of added fats, and promote better overall mental health.

6. Red and processed meats

You have probably heard that overeating red meat could lead to diseases such as cancer. In addition, studies show that red and processed meats may cause mental health disorders like depression. That’s because red meats increase levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL)-6. Also, red meat contains high amounts of saturated fats, which may increase free radical production and inflammation.

What to eat instead of meat:

Vegan alternatives to red meats, like legumes, tofu, tempeh, and seitan, are healthy and beneficial for mental health. While red meats are a good source of protein, they can also be high in saturated fats and cholesterol. That means they can increase health problems. Plant-based protein sources, on the other hand, are typically lower in saturated fats and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Thus, they promote better overall health (including better cognitive function) and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

7. Caffeine Can Harm Mental Health

Coffee lovers may not want to hear this, but caffeine may cause adverse mental health in some people. One or two cups daily won’t affect your brain. However, studies show that having more than four cups daily could trigger panic attacks. In this case, keep a food journal to document how caffeine makes you feel. You can always cut back to one or two cups if you’re anxious or jittery.

What to drink instead of caffeine:

Feeling sluggish? Try a nice, tall glass of water! Drinking water can help to make you more alert because dehydration can cause fatigue, dizziness, and confusion. When your body is dehydrated, your brain tissue loses water, affecting your cognitive function and making it more difficult to concentrate. You’ll rehydrate your brain and improve mental clarity and alertness with a few big chugs of H2O.  In addition, water flushes toxins and improves your overall health, increasing alertness.

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Final Thoughts on Foods That Harm Mental Health

Instead of fighting disease, it makes more sense to create wellness in the first place. That way, you don’t have to take expensive medications or suffer from low energy levels. So, knowing what foods to avoid is essential to succeed on your health journey. Generally, eat from nature and avoid processed foods in grocery stores and restaurants.

Trans fats, red and processed meats, refined sugars, alcohol, and carbs create disease in the body and mind. However, fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats promote wellness, helping ward off mental and physical ailments.

5 Things That Cause Acid Reflux (And How to Stop It)

Do you experience heartburn and acid reflux often? If so, you’re probably eager to find a remedy for the pain and irritation these conditions cause. Luckily, you don’t need to take expensive medications or shell out thousands of dollars for treatments. You can ease your symptoms by utilizing at-home remedies that cost very little. In addition, specific lifestyle changes can help alleviate acid reflux and improve your digestion.

According to studies, around 28% of adults in America experience acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Unfortunately, doctors have noticed that younger patients have started complaining about frequent heartburn and digestive issues. Experts believe poor dietary habits, elevated stress levels, sedentary lifestyles, smoking, and high body mass indexes (BMI) have increased GERD prevalence.

GERD occurs when stomach acid travels back into the esophagus, which causes a burning sensation in your chest and throat. Heartburn can last anywhere from several minutes to a few hours, depending on the severity. Many people use prescription or over-the-counter medications to combat symptoms, but lifestyle changes can also work wonders in treating acid reflux. Below, we’ll review some of the most popular home remedies to alleviate heartburn.

5 Common Causes of Acid Reflux

  • Eating large meals: One of the most common causes of acid reflux is overeating. When you eat a large meal, your stomach produces more acid to digest. This increased production of acid can lead to acid reflux. 
  • Eating certain foods: Certain foods can also trigger acid reflux. These include spicy foods, fatty foods, chocolate, caffeine, and acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits. 
  • Smoking: Smoking is a well-known cause of many health problems, including acid reflux. Smoking can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). That’s the muscle that keeps stomach acid from flowing back up into the esophagus. This weakening of the LES can lead to heartburn.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol consumption can also contribute to acid reflux. Alcohol can relax the LES. That allows stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. 
  • Obesity: Obesity is another common cause of GERD. When you are overweight, it puts extra pressure on your stomach. In turn, acid can flow back up into the esophagus. 

Acid reflux is a common condition that can impact your daily life negatively. By understanding the causes of acid reflux, you can take steps to reduce your risk and improve your overall health. 

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5 Popular Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux

Now that you know the causes of GERD, let’s look at the remedies that can quell the burn.

1. Eat earlier in the evening.

One natural remedy for acid reflux that stands the test of time involves eating dinner at least three hours before bed. If you eat too late, your body won’t have a chance to digest the food before you sleep. When you lie down, it makes digestion more challenging, which can trigger acid reflux and heartburn. One study found that people who ate late-night meals had 5% higher esophageal acid exposure than they did eating earlier.

2. Avoid trigger foods that exacerbate acid reflux.

Did you know certain foods can make acid reflux symptoms worse? Common offenders include coffee, spicy foods, carbonated beverages, tomatoes, chocolate, alcohol, and fried foods. Although some people can consume these foods and drinks without problems, many find they cause heartburn.

For instance, alcohol can aggravate acid reflux because it increases stomach acid and relaxes a valve called the lower esophageal sphincter. This valve relaxes to allow the food you’ve eaten into your stomach; however, certain beverages like alcohol cause it to open at inappropriate times.

Studies show that coffee causes this same problem and can even damage the esophagus because of increased acidity. This news may disappoint coffee lovers, but you can always limit your intake to see if that helps. Also, many healthcare professionals recommend that patients avoid or limit their consumption of carbonated drinks. That’s because fizzy drinks like soda can increase heartburn and burping, allowing more acid into the esophagus.

In addition, health experts advise people with acid reflux to avoid foods with high levels of ascorbic acid, like tomatoes. Excessive intake of ascorbic acid, especially on an empty stomach, can lead to diarrhea, indigestion, abdominal pain, and heartburn. Furthermore, tomatoes have elevated malic and citric acid levels, which can also trigger acid reflux.

Fried or fatty foods like pizza and potato chips may also cause heartburn because they relax the lower esophageal sphincter. One study found that over half of the participants experienced acid reflux after eating high-fat, fried foods. However, once they stopped eating foods that irritated their stomachs, heartburn reports decreased from 93 to 44% of patients. In addition, regurgitation decreased from 72 to 28%.

Finally, spicy foods can irritate the esophagus and hinder digestion, making acid reflux more likely. Researchers also found that chocolate can reduce pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), increasing acid exposure.

However, if you enjoy these foods and drinks, you can always eat smaller portions and see if that alleviates your symptoms. It may not be necessary to avoid these trigger foods altogether.


3. Lose weight, if necessary.

Shedding a few pounds helps you control heartburn and indigestion. Research shows that having excess abdominal fat puts pressure on the LES, pushing it upward and causing it to malfunction. Typically, the diaphragm located above the stomach supports the LES. However, being overweight may result in the upper part of the stomach pushing through the diaphragm, a leading cause of GERD. Studies show that losing 10% of your body weight can significantly improve symptoms.

4. Manage stress levels to reduce acid reflux symptoms.

Global stress levels have skyrocketed in recent years due to compounding factors like work burnout and financial concerns. However, research shows that all this tension can wreak havoc on the mind and body. It’s unclear if stress increases stomach acid production; however, studies show it can enhance pain sensitivity. In other words, anxiety and stress lower your pain threshold, making you more susceptible to gastrointestinal discomfort.

Therefore, it’s essential to practice stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. Anything that calms your nervous system will automatically ease bodily aches and pains, including heartburn.

5. Eat smaller portions and chew your food slowly.

Unfortunately, many of us need to remember the art of mindful eating in our hectic lives. We don’t take time to slow down and taste our food; instead, we rush through our meals in a distracted, haphazard manner. But, this can have devastating consequences that you may not consider, like increasing the prevalence of acid reflux. Also, eating large meals puts immense pressure on the stomach and LES, potentially worsening reflux symptoms.

Try eating smaller meals more regularly to reduce your heartburn risk. Also, remember to practice mindfulness at mealtimes to make eating more enjoyable and increase nutrient absorption.

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Final Thoughts on Ways to Control Acid Reflux

If you experience acid reflux often, you know how painful and uncomfortable it feels. Heartburn and indigestion make it challenging to enjoy meals, but natural remedies can alleviate these troubling symptoms. Eating slowly and mindfully, reducing portion sizes, controlling stress, and maintaining a healthy BMI can drastically improve GERD. Also, eating dinner a few hours before bed can enhance digestion and reduce stomach acid. Finally, avoiding trigger foods like coffee, alcohol, chocolate, spicy foods, and tomatoes may ease heartburn and acid reflux. If you experience frequent acid reflux or other symptoms like chest pain or difficulty swallowing often, speak with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment.

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