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7 Signs You Are A Free Thinker

Perhaps you wonder what a free thinker even is. Well, look no further:

free-think-er: “a person who rejects accepted opinions, especially those concerning religious belief. Synonyms: nonconformist, individualist, independent, maverick” –  Oxford University Press

Are We “Sheeple?”

Do you remember those cliques from high school? Most of us were part of one – and then we “grew up.” Well, that’s what we like to think anyways. But the truth is that most of us would rather conform. More on this in a bit.

Most people have what is called a “herd mentality,” in which people base their actions on a largely emotional, rather than a scientific, basis. Multiple studies have confirmed – and re-confirmed – the presence of a herd mentality.  Consider this study by researchers at Leeds University in the U.K., aptly titled “Sheep in human clothing – scientists reveal our flock mentality”:

“… it takes a minority of just five percent to influence a crowd’s direction – and [the] other 95 percent follow without realizing [sic] it.”

Scientists instructed everyone participating in the study to simply walk around the halls without talking or gesturing to one another. Researchers then secretly instructed a few students to act confidently and walk in a certain direction, as if they knew where they were going. The result: those who weren’t given “special instructions” followed – without knowing it.

“Why do we blindly follow?”

Psychologists and other experts have their theories on why people would rather follow. First, we don’t like the idea of being wrong, especially when we’re in a large group. Second, we fear being left out. After all, we’re social animals – and we’d rather “go along to get along.” Third, it is much easier on our cognitive resources. Decision-making is exhausting, and our brain would rather take a shortcut rather than having to sift through information and find a solution.

Being a Free Thinker

“Freethinkers … are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customers, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking.” –  Leo Tolstoy

Being a free thinker is not easy, especially today. While the reasons for such are too numerous to list, we can confidently point to the political establishment, academia, social media, and overzealous religious groups as not only catalysts of the herd mentality, but proponents of it.

But we do have free thinkers in our midst – and, by being a Power of Positivity follower – you may well be one!

Check out these 7 behaviors that reveal you are a free thinker!

You’re Always Questioning

You don’t take things at face value – and you pride yourself on such. Chances are you were one of those kids who always asked “Why?” until your parents told you (forced you) to go nighty-night. Fast-forward to the present day, and you’ll realize that not much has changed! But instead of asking why you must eat vegetables, you’re doing more important stuff. Maybe you’re remarking on the bias of some news story, scoffing at a politician, or refusing to go along with a group idea. These are all signs of free thinking!

You Love to Read

Reading books adds to your knowledge base – and you love knowledge! As we’ll get to later, you – more than most people – know what you don’t know. But besides acknowledging what you don’t know, you actively seek out the source of knowledge. Intellectual curiosity is a personality trait that every book lover shares.

You Value Logic

There is a time and a place for emotion – and there is a time and a place for good old-fashioned logic and common sense. In no other area of your life is this fact more apparent than in making decisions. To this end, you are eager to put on your thinking cap when most others are saying what they think wants to be heard.

You’re Spiritual/Not Religious

We’ll tread carefully here – and with the utmost respect to those with religious beliefs. With that said, free thinkers are much more likely to report being spiritual or agnostic.

An observation: many self-purporting (promoting?) atheists are some of the most anti-free-thinking individuals on the planet. It’s as if, by their non-belief in a higher power, that they are somehow intellectually superior and therefore given a free pass into the “free thinking club.” (See: Dawkins, Richard)

You Admit What You Don’t Know

None of us have all the answers. But some of us sure like to think we do. Worse, when we think we know everything, even if we’re utterly wrong, we’ll go out of our way to prove how wrong right we are! This is called confirmation bias.

free thinker

You Enjoy a Good Debate

Oh, boy do you ever. While some people may be content that no argument was hatched – and nobody’s feeling hurt – you couldn’t care less. If the truth needs to be told, you’ll tell it. You won’t adjourn anyone until you’ve made your point, feelings be damned!

You’re Mindful

To be a free thinker you must have an open mind. More than keeping an open mind, you are careful not to allow anything that sets off your “B.S. meter” into such a wonderful place as your free-thinking mind. In other words, you are mindful about what you read, hear, and watch. Moreover, you are mindful about how you conduct yourself, ensuring that you don’t end up following blindly.

You Ignore the Media

Enough said.

7 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Scars

Acne scars are painful to live with, physically and emotionally, says anyone who has them. Anyone who has ever suffered from severe acne, particularly cystic acne, knows how unsightly and disheartening acne scars can be. This frustrating skin issue varies in shape and size, but it ultimately comes from the same cause–inflamed or infected pimples.

What Causes Acne Scars?



Acne scars occur when the skin is damaged due to severe or persistent acne. As the skin heals, collagen is produced to repair the damage, but if too much collagen is produced, it can form raised or scars. If too little collagen is produced, it can result in depressed or dimpled scars.

Hormonal changes, genetics, and skin irritation are some of the factors that can increase the risk of developing acne scars. People with oily skin or who pick or pop pimples are also at a higher risk of developing scars.

Acne scars can also come from inflamed skin lesions, such as pimples, cysts, or pustules. The more inflamed the pimple is, the more likely a scar will form. Unfortunately, the scars often form as the body attempts to repair damage to the skin, but there are ways you can minimize this scarring.


  • The best way to prevent future scarring is early treatment. If your skin doesn’t seem to respond to any over-the-counter treatments, see your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Choose cleansers, toners, and exfoliants that meet your individual skin needs. Don’t irritate already inflamed skin by using harsh scrubs or cleansers.
  • Don’t pop or pick at your pimples or scabs. Doing so can make the lesion more inflamed and increase the likelihood of scarring.

If you already have scars, all hope is not lost, but remember that the most effective treatment for acne scars varies by type.

Types of Scars

Take a moment to examine your acne scars. Are they raised above the skin or craggy? The four main types of acne scars are ice pick, boxcar, rolling, and raised.

  • Ice pick scars are deep, column-like scars that often resemble large, open pores.
  • Boxcar scars cause round or oval depressions that lead to uneven skin texture.
  • Rolling scars are similar to boxcar scars, except that they don’t have a well-defined shape. They are often deep depressions within the skin with a rough surface.
  • Raised scars are firm masses of scar tissue raised above the skin’s surface.

Permanent Acne Scars Treatment

acne scarring

Laser Treatments

Laser resurfacing treatments are perhaps the most effective way to remove scars permanently. During these treatments, a dermatologist burns away the damaged skin with a laser to encourage new skin growth. These treatments are expensive, usually between $4,000 and $8,000, but they give you smooth, beautiful skin. This treatment works best for boxcars and ice-pick scars.


During a punch excision, the dermatologist physically removes a scar with a small punch tool. This treatment is best for moderate to severe scarring of the ice pick type, especially when paired with other treatments.


Dermal fillers are injectable treatments dermatologists might utilize to fill in facial depressions with an FDA-approved substance that plumps up the desired area, such as hollows under the eyes or a deep scar. For acne scars, dermal fillers are a permanent way to treat rolling scars.

Silicone Treatments

These over-the-counter products flatten raised scars over time. Silicone treatments come in gels, creams, and bandage tapes, which are non-invasive and inexpensive. Over-the-counter silicone treatments work best for mild, raised scarring. The American Academy of Dermatology found that silicone gels flattened raised scars after about six months of continuous use. A silicone product is not a permanent acne scars treatment for moderate or severe scarring. These treatments can only minimize them.

Brightening Serums

Hyper-pigmentation is another result of moderate or severe acne. These dark or red spots occur when the skin produces too much melanin after the skin has healed from the lesion. Skin-brightening serums are an effective way to treat hyperpigmentation. These treatments can be both prescribed or over-the-counter and often contain retinoids (a synthetic form of vitamin A), niacinamide (a synthetic form of vitamin B3), or ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are mixtures of various chemical concentrates that are applied to the face for some time to slough off the first layers of the skin. Similar to brightening serums, these treatments can be either prescribed or over the counter. Three common chemical peels are phenol peels, glycolic acid peels, and trichloracetic acid peels. Certain types of scars benefit from specific peels. Phenol peels work best for rolling and ice-pick scars, whereas glycolic acid peels tend to work best for hyperpigmentation.

Exfoliation and Dermabrasion

While gentle exfoliation at home can help with skin texture and brightness, it will not permanently remove your scars. Because the scars are deep within the skin’s tissues, dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are the most effective exfoliation treatments for scarring. In both dermabrasion and microdermabrasion, abrasive materials sand down the outer layers of the skin, which effectively shed them and resurface them. Dermabrasion is best for fair skin, whereas microdermabrasion is recommended for darker skin tones.

acne scars

Final Thoughts on Acne Scars

Acne scars can be physically painful as well as damaging to your self-confidence. Fortunately, you do not need to live with this skin damage; you can try a range of home remedies and dermatological treatments to reverse the scarring and look great again.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Best Homemade Masks to Fight Frizzy Hair

It’s frustrating to spend time on your hair, only to have it frizz when you go outside. Although some people may ignore it and think that it’s only natural, you shouldn’t make that mistake because frizzy hair is due to lack of proper hair care.

Your hair needs proper hydration to avoid frizzing. To help keep your hair moisturized, I have compiled a list of 10 of the best homemade frizzy hair solutions.

Here are 10 frizzy hair solutions:

how to remove facial hair for women

1. Almond Oil 


  • 1 raw egg
  • 1/4 cup of almond oil


1. Blend the egg together with the almond oil.

2. Apply the mixture on your scalp and frizzy hair.

3. Let it settle for 40 minutes, before rinsing, shampooing, and conditioning it.

Schedule once every week.


Almond oil softens your hair, while the egg repairs damaged follicles.

2. Coconut Oil and Vitamin E 


  • 4 portions of organic coconut oil
  • 1 portion of vitamin E oil


1. Combine both oils and store them in an air tight container.

2. Apply the mixture on your frizzy hair.

3. Wait for 40 minutes and rinse.


Once or twice every week.


Coconut oil acts as a natural conditioner, while vitamin E eradicates free radicals on the scalp.

3. Olive Oil and Banana 


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 pureed banana


1. Mix the pureed banana with olive oil.

2. Apply the mixture on your frizzy hair and scalp.

3. After 30 minutes, rinse and shampoo.


Once every week.


Olive oil is a natural moisturizer, while the banana helps to maintain the hair’s natural elasticity and prevent breakage.

4. Avocado and Yogurt 


  • 1 cup of yogurt
  • 1 ripe mashed avocado


1. Mix the mashed avocado together with the yogurt.

2. Apply the mixture on your scalp and hair and let it settle for 45 minutes before thoroughly rinsing with hot water and shampooing.


Once or twice every week.


Avocado has vitamins B and E, which repair hair damage, while yogurt acts as a moisturizer.

5. Mayonnaise 


  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 egg for normal length hair
  • 1/3 cup almond oil


1. Mix the almond oil, egg, and mayonnaise and stir until you get a smooth paste.

2. Apply the mixture on your scalp and hair, then cover it with a shower cap or hot towel.

3. Rinse after 15 to 30 minutes and shampoo.


Once or twice a week.


It’s considered to be one of the best homemade masking treatments since it creates an extra moisture coating on the hair.

6. Beer 


  • 1 beer


1. Pour the beer in a glass and let it sit overnight to get rid of the carbon-dioxide.

2. Begin by washing your hair with shampoo, then pouring the beer over your hair while rubbing the scalp.

3. Wash the beer away with cold water.


Twice a month.


Beer helps your hair retain moisture.

7. Honey 

  • 2 cups of warm water
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


1. Mix the honey with the warm water and apply it on your hair.

2. Let it stay for half an hour before you rinse it.

3. Shampoo and condition.


Once or twice a week.


Honey makes your hair look shinier, smoother, and stronger.

8. Aloe Vera 


  • 1/4 cup carrier oil
  • 1/4 cup aloe vera gel


1. Mix the aloe vera with the carrier oil.

2. Mask your scalp and hair with the mixture.

3. Rinse and wash with shampoo after 20 to 30 minutes.


Twice per week.


Aloe Vera prevents your hair from losing moisture.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar 


frizzy hair


1. Mix the vinegar with the water.

2. Wash your hair with shampoo, then pour the mixture over it.

3. Let it sit for a few minutes, before rinsing and conditioning.


Once per week.


It keeps the hair moisturized.

10. Pumpkin and Honey 


  • 1 cup of pumpkin puree
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


1. Mix the pumpkin puree with the honey.

2. Apply on your hair, cover it with a hot towel.

3. Rinse after 15 minutes.


Once per week.


Pumpkin helps your hair trap moisture.


The above frizzy hair solutions should help you eradicate frizzy hair at a low cost. Try them and tell us what you think.

Nutritionist Explains How to Get Fast Results With Intermittent Fasting

Whether you are aiming for a fit body or a focused mind, intermittent fasting (IF) will help you reach your goal. According to research, IF assisted people lose 7% of their waste circumference within two years. However, many people attempt the program but they quit almost immediately because they fail to consider some points that are crucial to being successful in implementing the program.

Here are a few intermittent fasting tips for fast results:

1. Go Slow for More Success

In the case you are going with the 16/8 plan, and you are accustomed to having breakfast at 8 a.m., don’t push yourself the initial day till 12:00 p.m. Start by delaying your breakfast for half an hour, then one hour, and so on. It might take you up to one week to skip breakfast with comfort. When you slowly increase your window of fasting, you curb issues like low energy, dizziness, general sadness regarding not eating, and headaches.

2. Select a Suitable Plan

There are a few intermittent fasting plans. They include 16/8 where you fast for 16 hours and eat for eight hours; 5:2 where you essentially limit the calorie intake for two days per week and consume regular meals for the rest of the week; and Warrior Diet where you undertake fasting for 20 hours and eat your meals for 4 hours.
While some people might prefer skipping breakfast, others might prefer skipping dinner. So choose a plan that suits your schedule. If IF is something you want to do in the long-term, go for a plan that you can sustain. Be open to testing different plans.

3. Drink a Lot of Water

Within half an hour after you wake up, drink 12 ounces or more of water. In case you get hungry, drink at least another 12 ounces. Sometimes when you think you are hungry, it is usually boredom or thirst. Drinking massive amounts of water will keep your stomach full, assist you to be more alert, and help eradicate the need for eating. You can also drink sparkling water, black coffee, or tea.

4. Fasting is not that Bad

Most people are afraid of trying IF because they think fasting to be a difficult task. Fasting might be difficult for the first one week but the body will adjust, and it becomes a smooth sail onwards. IF will grant you mental clarity, a lot of energy, and you will not have to experience exhaustion that you used to experience after eating. Fasting will help you feel full for an extended period.

5. Carry out Research

Read a lot of articles and watch a lot of YouTube videos regarding intermittent fasting to make your decision solid. You will be more motivated to undertake IF when you know about its benefits. When you feel like you want to quit, remember that intermittent fasting cures overeating and food addiction, prevents bloating, improves digestion, increases lifespan, and prevents diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

6. Don’t Just Eat Salad

IF allows you to consume some of the foods that you had stopped eating such as pizza and carbs. You are also allowed to consume large amounts of food. Do not limit what you eat since you are already limiting your eating time. You can consume a bowl of rice and chicken and take it down with a bottle of beer. Enough food will ensure you are full during the fasting period. But it is appropriate to eat healthy most of the times and include complex carbs, healthy fats, and protein in your diet.

7. Keep Busy

The first day of IF will be amazing as you will be pumped with adrenaline from attempting something new. Moreover, you will love the high energy and clarity you will experience. But from day two to four, you will suffer from hunger and food cravings. You can get through this by keeping busy. Start the program on a day that you are busy at work. Avoid torturing yourself by being involved in activities that include food. Keep off the kitchen and away from restaurants and hotels. Don’t watch your friends prepare food, eat, or research on dinner recipes.

intermittent fasting

8. Take it Easy on the Workouts

When starting IF and you always have workouts in the morning, then skipping breakfast might seem impossible. You will have to put the exercise on hold for a few days until you get used to the program. You can then resume working out while you skip the breakfast and it should be a bit easier since you are already used to it. If necessary, you can adjust the workout or the time of the workout so that your body can handle both the exercise and the fasting.


If you have always wondered how people manage intermittent fasting, then these few intermittent fasting tips should shed some light on your questions. For a great body shape and a clear and focused mind, go for intermittent fasting, and you will see great results.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Gluten Free Diet Plan : A Complete Guide For Beginners

Gluten-free foods are popping up everywhere. While many people will never need to worry about what gluten is or what effects it may have on general health, it may be worth your while to find out what all the hype is about. How can you know if you have a gluten sensitivity? And if you do, how can you begin to create an enjoyable gluten free diet plan?

Gluten’s name comes from the fact that it is a group of proteins that stick together like ‘glue’ to enable bread to rise and have that chewy texture we so enjoy. But if you find you have a sensitivity to these proteins, removing them from your diet will be worth the sacrifice.

How to Begin Your Gluten Free Diet Plan

Unexplained fatigue, bloating and diarrhea or constipation, skin problems, headaches and joint and muscle pain are just a few of the symptoms of possible gluten intolerance. If you suspect you may have a gluten sensitivity, you may want to try a gluten free diet for a few weeks to see if your symptoms improve.

What NOT to Eat

A good place to start is to know what foods contain gluten. Here is a list of foods to avoid for a gluten free diet:

  • Wheat-based bread or pasta. Also avoid grains such as barley or rye.
  • Cereal. Many cereals contain wheat or malt. However, there are still some alternatives which will be marked as gluten free.
  • Most baked goods. Cakes, pastries, and even pizza crust are all wheat-based foods and become a no-no for a gluten free diet.
  • Beverages. Beer is definitely out unless labeled as gluten free, and other alcoholic beverages’ labels should be checked for malt or brewer’s yeast.
  • Snack foods. Many candies and snack products contain gluten. Read the label to be sure.
  • Condiments and sauces. Soy and other sauces and salad dressings must be marked as gluten free.

The Good Stuff

It may seem like quite a challenge to create a gluten free diet that will be palatable for the long haul. Many of the most nutritious foods are without gluten and also lower in calories, so you may find yourself losing weight on your gluten free diet. Your new diet may include:

  • Fruits and vegetables. These are all gluten free. 5-9 servings a day is recommended.
  • Eggs.
  • Meat. Meat that is not battered is gluten free, and any added flavors should be checked for gluten additives.
  • All nuts and seeds. These will make great snacks. Check flavored or roasted nuts for gluten additives.
  • Butter and vegetable oil.
  • Grains. Some grains such as oats, quinoa, and rice are gluten free. Check your store’s baking aisle for gluten free flour choices.
  • Drinks. Most non-alcoholic beverages are gluten free.

What’s Right for You.

If you feel you may have an intolerance for gluten, there are a couple of tests your doctor can run to prove or disprove your suspicions. Changing to a more healthy diet is always beneficial, and a gluten free diet plan could be an advantageous choice. There are numerous online sites which provide a week or two of menu suggestions to help you get started.

gluten free diet

It may help to keep a journal of your diet and any symptoms you experience for about a week before you begin your gluten free diet. Then continue to monitor for a couple of weeks afterward to see what improvements you notice.

Remember that natural foods are always better for you than processed. Eating more fresh, raw foods will ensure that you do not become deficient in necessary vitamins or minerals and that you are consuming enough fiber for your digestive needs. This will also be more cost-effective for you, as some gluten-free foods can be more expensive.

Once you have committed to remaining gluten free, you may find social events to be an issue. There are creative ways to avoid potential problems. Calling a restaurant in advance to find out what gluten free items they offer, making the host or hostess aware of your needs before an event, or bringing some alternative foods for yourself when attending social gatherings may all help them go more smoothly.

Any new diet can have its challenges, but, with a bit of planning, you can successfully adjust your diet for greater energy and focus, and possibly even some desired weight loss. In just a short time, you can discover the benefits of a gluten free lifestyle.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Things Smart People Never Tolerate

Throughout life, we have to deal with a lot of obstacles and hardship in order to appreciate the good things around us. However, just because life might deal us a difficult hand does not mean we should purposely choose turmoil in order to “learn a lesson”. Smart people know. Life is hard enough without having to deal with certain people or behaviors. That said, we want to go over a few key things you should not tolerate in your life.

Here are things smart people never tolerate:

1. The need for acceptance.

If you want to live a positive life, you need to give up the need to please other people. While you should care about the happiness of your friends and family, remember that you alone cannot make or break their happiness. In other words, you can care about people without needing to bend over backwards to make them happy. If you make a decision that they don’t like, their negative feelings toward that decision are solely their responsibility. Smart people don’t live in the prison of other people’s opinions.

2. Talking down on themselves.

“Be mindful of your self-talk; it’s a conversation with the universe.” – David James Lees

Smart people never engage in negative self-talk, because they know that will only bring them down. If they do have low self-esteem, they consciously work on it and utilize positive thinking in order to change their mindset about themselves.

3. Negative friends.

Just like you don’t want to put yourself down, your friends shouldn’t either. Smart people make sure to eliminate negative people from their lives and don’t allow other people to bring them down. Don’t hesitate to cut people out who only seek to see you suffer. Your friends should lift you up and inspire you, not make you depressed.

4. Staying stuck in life.

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” – Unknown

Smart people choose to get out of a bad situation instead of playing the victim. While you can’t always just leave a situation, you can make plans to get out or consider your options. This is exactly what smart people do when life presents them with a challenge or when they feel uninspired by their surroundings.

5. The herd mentality.

Smart people also don’t tolerate following the crowd when their heart doesn’t want them to. They listen to their own inner voice to make a decision, not the noise of the outside world.

6. Staying in a job they hate.

Smart people can’t stay in a job that doesn’t satisfy their soul; that just feels like death to them. They would rather struggle for a while doing something they love than spend all their hours in a job that drains them, even if it pays well.

7. Letting their health take a backseat.

Sure, all the responsibilities in life can put a damper on our energy, but that doesn’t mean we should neglect our health. Smart people always make time to take care of themselves, whether that means going to the gym after a long work day or getting up an hour early to make a healthy breakfast before work. It can get tiring, but they know their health is their greatest asset.

8. Letting money control them.

Anyone knows that we need money to survive, but that doesn’t mean you need to let it control your every waking thought. Smart people work with what they’ve got and don’t live outside of their means. They might strive for a higher-paying job or try to start a business, but they still want to live frugally and have a balanced life.

9. Explaining themselves to people who don’t listen.

Not everyone will understand how you think or even try to do so, and that’s fine. Smart people know when to walk away from people who don’t support them or whose soul doesn’t match up with theirs. Not everyone you meet in life is meant to stay, and smart people know this.

10. Being unhappy.

Life is too short to be anything but ridiculously happy, but with all the things we have to deal with, a lot of people forget that. Remember that you are in charge of your own happiness. Smart people let go of anything that no longer serves them so they can usher better things into their life.

quotes on life

11. Being lazy.

Smart people know that they have to work hard at things in order to see results, and even though we live in a very automated society now, we still have to move our bodies and take care of our responsibilities. Smart people still make time to work out, eat healthy, and do whatever they have to in order to improve their lives.

12. Being a doormat.

Simply put, allowing people to walk all over you shows a lack of respect for yourself. Smart people know the difference between being nice and letting people trample all over them. They will show kindness to everyone, but the second others disrespect them, the smart person will put them in their place or walk away if need be.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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