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4 Psychic Abilities You May Have – And How to Find Out

Project Stargate was an initiative the CIA undertook in response to international hostilities, particularly the very real threat posed by Russia (at that time called the Soviet Union.) Defectors from the Soviet Union informed the U.S. government that they had been effectively using people with psychic abilities against U.S. interests. Such testimony was enough to convince the powers that be that the phenomenon was at least worth investigating.

“The evidence for ‘psi’ [psychic abilities] is ten times stronger than the evidence that aspirin prevents heart attacks.” – Russell Targ, laser physicist and chief scientist for the CIA’s “Stargate” program

After some preliminary research, the evidence for psychic ability was so overwhelming that the U.S. government established an entire department for experiments at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).

Dr. Russell Targ, a pioneer in the field of laser physics, says that the results convinced Congress to continue funding the research over the next two decades. It was Targ who coined the phrase “remote viewing” to describe the practice of an individual (“viewer”) detailing the characteristics of distant and unseen “targets” – the person, place, or thing that was to be viewed.

According to Targ, the remote viewers generated quite a list of accomplishments, including:

  • Locating a downed jet pilot
  • Discovering hidden nuclear piles
  • Describing China’s failed launch of a nuclear test missile
  • “Checking in” on the hostages during the Iran hostage crisis


The 4 Psychic Abilities

“Everyone has psychic abilities, but not everyone is able to identify which psychic ability they are working with.” – Laurie Barraco, author, and psychic medium

Here are four other common types of psychic abilities – and how to know if you have them.

1. Clairaudience:

Clairaudience is the ability to perceive spiritual information through hearing. Clairaudient people report hearing spiritual communications, either externally (in the environment) or internally (in the mind. Of all the psychic abilities that go undiscovered, clairaudience is thought to be the most common.

Here are signs that you may be clairaudient:

–  You always think that you “heard something,” and nobody else ever seems to hear anything.

– You have constant ringing or buzzing of the ears.

– You’re able to give superb advice without even thinking about it. (You probably get “I needed to hear that!” often.)

– You frequently hear creaking, dragging, knocking, or whispering sounds.

2. Clairvoyance:

Extra-sensory perception (ESP) falls under the umbrella of clairvoyance – the ability to perceive things beyond the five senses. Development of clairvoyant abilities goes all the way back to Gautama Buddha, over 2,500 years ago – and possibly further. Dogzchen Buddhism teaches the absolute truth of this ability to some of its followers.

Here are a few signs that you may possess this hidden talent:

– You have pictured future events with relative accuracy.

– Your dreams are ultra-vivid, and you’re able to remember them the morning after.

– You have an extraordinary “mind’s eye”; perhaps you’re an artist.

– You seem to see things out of the corner of your eye.

3. Telepathy:

You’ve probably had a telepathic experience more than once in your life. Telepathy involves the sending and/or receiving of non-verbal, non-local communications through belief and thought. Telepathy, as with many other “super-normal” abilities, is thought possible due to consciousness’s non-local nature.

psychic abilities

Here are a few signs that you may be telepathic:

– You’ve “felt” a strong yet unknown sense of worry about a loved one (this happens to mothers frequently).

– You predicted that someone was trying to call or otherwise make contact.

– You directed a genuine sense of love and care to someone, and they confirmed “receiving” it.

4. Intuition

Uh-huh … intuition is psychic ability! In this case, your subconscious mind tries to communicate with your forebrain. The question is: do you listen to it?  If you do, your life is probably better off because of it. People who don’t listen are often too busy thinking to stop and contemplate. Yours truly definitely weighs heavier on the thinking than the listening. Without attempting to dodge responsibility, this is natural. “Logical” and “rational” types are more likely to place too much importance on our conscious faculties, albeit wrongly. The answer lies in quieting the mind and tuning into the sixth sense we already know is present!

Here are a few out of a countless number of ways you have experienced intuition:

– You, all of a sudden, come up with an answer to a complex problem without thinking.

– You’ve avoided someone out of a suspicion that was later confirmed.

– You’ve “felt” someone watching you who was out of your field of vision.

– You “chose” a “worse” alternative that ended up being better than the original (enter husband/wife joke here).


Final Thoughts on Awakening Your Psychic Abilities

In today’s day and age, where endless distractions surround us, learning to silence the mind isn’t easy. But, and this is important, silencing the mind is absolutely critical to awakening your innate gifts.

Almost as important is tuning into your intuition – and listening to your “gut instincts.”

We, especially in the West, place a high premium on “logical” and “rational” thinking. In doing so, we “think ourselves out” of opening up any possible alternate reality – and then wonder why happiness seems to elude us.

You needn’t forgo your thinking mind to awaken your innate gifts. You must stop identifying solely with your logical and critical mind and open up to other possibilities. The rest will take care of itself.

Say Goodbye To Acne With These Effective Homemade Face Masks

We all desire fresh, healthy-looking skin. The pathway that we take to get there is different for all of us, and for those of us suffering from acne, it may be fraught with frustration and stress. Acne is a condition suffered by more than 50 million people, and we all seek ways to heal this unsightly condition as a means of regaining our self-esteem and a clean countenance.

While many acne products on the market today are effective at reducing and even eliminating breakouts, many of these products contain chemicals that are harsh and abrasive to sensitive skin. There are natural ingredients that you have in your home right now that can fight and reduce breakouts caused by acne and leave you with a clean, clear complexion without the introduction of chemical additives on your already stressed skin. Whipping up a quick face mask using ingredients that you have in your kitchen and pantry will have you looking and feeling good in no time.

Want a face mask to clear acne? Try these:


1. Oatmeal and coconut oil face mask 

Rich coconut oil has strong antimicrobial properties that neutralize harmful bacteria that can clog pores, while the soothing power of oatmeal balances the PH of skin again almost effortlessly. Mix 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with 1/4 cup of warm water, and to this add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply to your moistened skin and leave for 15 minutes. Before rinsing the mixture off, gently massage the paste into skin to allow for the sloughing of dead skin cells and other impurities. You will see a fresher, cleaner complexion in no time.

2. Avocado and vitamin E oil face mask

Powerful healing properties of vitamin E and avocado come together in this wonderful blend. Simply mash the pulp of one avocado in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil. Apply the mixture to moistened skin and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing off. Finish with your favorite oil-free moisturizer to seal the deal.

3. Aloe vera and tomato juice face mask

Aloe vera and tomato juice form a mighty duo to cleanse, tone, tighten, and eliminate acne scars with this diy face mask. Combine 2 tablespoons of tomato juice with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera and mix well before applying to moistened skin. Leave the mixture on affected areas for up to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel. You’ll be glowing after this mini facial.

charcoal mask

Learn how to treat yourself with a charcoal face mask.

4. Egg white and papaya 

This diy face mask combines acne fighting vitamins A and C, while the mixture of egg white, papaya, and honey softens the skin and tightens pores all at the same time. Whip the white of one egg and add 1/2 cup of mashed papaya. Drizzle in 1 tablespoon of honey and apply it to your face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and pat dry. Feel the supple softness of your skin and appreciate the healthy dose of vitamins and minerals that you just bathed your skin with.

5. Kefir and honey 

Kefir is a type of yogurt that is power packed with 40 times more beneficial bacteria than regular yogurt. This extra dose of helpful bacteria and lactic acid will combat breakouts and redness associated with acne, while the antimicrobial properties found in honey will treat existing breakouts and help prevent new ones from occurring. Combine 1/4 cup of kefir with 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well. Apply to moistened skin and watch the magic happen. Rinse off after 10-15 minutes and follow with your favorite PH balancing facial cleanser for added benefit.

6. Baking soda and coconut oil

This powerful face mask is simple to make yet very effective when used regularly. Mix together equal parts coconut oil and baking soda until the mixture becomes a smooth paste. Apply to moistened skin and wait 15 minutes. Rinse and pat dry; your skin will feel softer, smoother, and more youthful with every application.

No one should needlessly suffer from acne and all the emotional and physical stress that it brings. Taking a few simple, natural steps to balance and cleanse the skin using these wholesome ingredients is effective at clearing up nasty breakouts and preventing future ones from occurring. Here’s to your newly cleaned and clear complexion!

Science Explains 11 Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water Every Day

A drink as simple as lemon water has a number of health benefits you never would have guessed it did. Some claims about its health properties are bogus. But there are actually many ways water with lemon in it improves your health, all backed by science.

The benefits of lemon water are numerous.

Here are 11 amazing benefits of lemon water and how it can help keep your body fit and healthy.

1. It Improves Your Mood

Water with lemon in it can markedly improve your overall mood. Scientists aren’t sure why – it is likely linked to proper hydration and the vitamins found naturally in lemons. This can serve to simply make you feel better or aid in the fight against serious mental illnesses like depression.

2. It Keeps You Hydrated

Your body needs plenty of water each day to survive and remain healthy. Dehydration can cause irritability, headaches, dizziness, dry skin, muscle cramps and more. If you are the type to not like drinking regular water, adding lemon for flavoring is a great way to ensure you get the fluid you need throughout the day.

3.It Helps Digestion

Water containing lemon helps promote a healthy digestive system. It can alleviate bloat to make you feel better throughout the day as well as keep bowel movements natural and regular. It works as a natural, mild diuretic to accomplish this.

4. It Boosts The Immune System

One of the most significant benefits of lemon water is that it boosts the immune system. This is because of its high vitamin C content, as well as other vitamins, which help your body stave off infection. Drinking water with added lemon will make it harder for you to get sick and up your recovery time.

5. It Decreases Muscle And Joint Pain

The vitamin C contained in lemons acts as a natural reliever of pain, especially in the legs and knees. This is helpful for anyone experiencing joint pain from arthritis, obesity or any number of other causes. It can also help relieve muscle soreness after a long workout.

6. It Improves Skin Health

The vitamin C that is found in lemons can reduce the wrinkling and drying of skin, and water naturally keeps the skin hydrated, healthy and free of signs of aging. Aside from being consumed, water with lemon in it is also commonly used directly on the skin to treat a number of issues, including rashes, acne, dark spots and more.

7. It Helps With A Sore Throat

Lemon works as a general, natural anti-inflammatory substance. This makes it very helpful if you do end up with a cold. Warm water with a bit of lemon is well-known for being able to soothe a sore throat. Try it the next time you have a cold to get some relief.

8. Cleansing The Liver

The liver sees many benefits of lemon water consumption because this drink causes the liver to produce more bile. It does this because the acid in lemons is very similar to your stomach acid. The liver’s functions are thus better protected and optimized to keep you healthy.

9. Aids Dental Health

Lemon works as a natural cleanser, along with water, to help prevent gingivitis and relieve pain from toothaches. Be careful not to overdo it, however, as lemon is also acidic which can wear away at your teeth enamel. Aside from improving dental health, water with lemon also keeps your breath fresh by killing bacteria in your mouth.

benefits of lemon water

10. It Helps Prevent And Treat Kidney Stones

Another one of the benefits of lemon water is its positive impact on kidney stones. Lemon is high in a compound known as citrate, which is used to break up kidney stones. Adding lemon to your water can therefore help prevent the formation of kidney stones as well as help them pass when they do form. It does this by preventing calcium from binding with other substances to create stones in your urine.

11. It Promotes Weight Loss

There are a number of reasons drinking lemon water can result in weight loss. Water has no calories, unlike the sugary drinks most Americans consume on a regular basis. Lemon does not add many additional calories at all, making it a flavourful drink you can enjoy without adding to your waistline. One of the benefits lemon has on the digestive system is to increase your metabolic rate, which also promotes weight loss. Replace sodas and juices with water with a touch of lemon for a change that will help you lose weight.

So as you can see, this simple drink has a lot of power. There is a reason water is often served with lemon – besides tasting good, it will also offer you some important health benefits. Start adding this drink to your diet and you will likely begin noticing some of these improvements to your health.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

15 Ways People Show Love to Their Partner That Will Melt Your Heart

While some traditional romantics enjoy being wined and dined, there are so many ways to show someone you care about them that don’t involve dinner and fancy chocolates. We searched across the Twittersphere for statements that prove that many people find love in simple positive interactions and little moments shared with their significant other. She asked “What’s one thing your partner does that’s not necessarily romantic but makes you love them a bit more?” and people sent in plenty of unusual responses!

Love can be expressed in thousands of ways, so we hope you enjoy these responses from people who found love in unlikely places.

Here are 15 ways people show love to their partner that will melt your heart:

1. When you love someone, you take care of them no matter what it takes.

2. Couples who eat together, stay together.

3. A good partner should have your back no matter what.

4. When positive thinking doesn’t work, a good old-fashioned meme can make any day better.

5. Being called beautiful every day of your life? What could be better than that?

6. Because everyone loves puppies!

7. Guinea pigs and Disney movies can brighten up anyone’s day and offer a great way to show love.

8. When your partner understand that you need some self-care time once in a while, you might just fall in love all over again.

9. Who doesn’t love a surprise, especially an unexpected adventure with someone they love?

10. Playing video games with the kids is a surefire way to win over your SO.

11. That IS love.

12. Even the little, mundane, everyday gestures can make a positive impact on your relationship.

13. That’s one lucky girl right there.

14. Everyone knows cold feet are the worst, so that is definitely love.

15. Another definite sign of true love…when your boyfriend encourages your love of adopting stray pets.

As you can see, people express feelings in many different ways. Some people prefer a more romantic approach while others connect through humor or simply being there for their partner. Love cannot be put into a box and labeled because there isn’t just one definition of it. Everyone feels it differently, so naturally, people will show it in various ways as well.

Relationships should make you feel loved, safe, and happy, so if your partner makes you feel this way, make sure you show your appreciation! Relationships are hard work, but as you can see in the examples above, the little things matter the most.

Which of these unusual ways to show adoration was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How These Healthy Smoothies Can Prevent You From Binge Eating And Help Lose Weight Fast

Keeping your weight loss plan from going off the rails can be difficult. When people get discouraged that their healthy eating plan is not going well, they are prone to indulging in sugar- and fat-laden meals and snacks. Enter healthy smoothies that can help keep you on track.

In its most severe form, binge eating disorder or BED affects many people from all walks of life. People are triggered to eat until they are excessively full and then feel shame and sadness about their actions. Stress and depression are two common triggers. When people binge eat, they are at a greater risk of obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Healthy smoothies can be an important part of your toolbox in turning your binge eating disorder around. With nutritious recipes for healthy smoothies at the ready, you can fill up on healthy food and feel satisfied for a long time.

When you choose healthy smoothies for weight loss, you can be assured that you are doing the right thing for your health and well-being. Check out these 8 recipes and find something that will satisfy your appetite and keep you on the path to wellness.

How these 8 Healthy Smoothies can Prevent You from Binge Eating and Help Lose Weight Fast

smoothie lose weight

1. PB & J Protein Smoothie

This smoothie contains plenty of protein and healthy unsaturated fats. It will keep you satisfied longer, making it more likely that you will stay away from temptations.

Combine soy milk, natural peanut butter, protein powder, and fresh berries in a blender. Puree until smooth. This smoothie makes an excellent breakfast.

2. Spinach Berry Flax Smoothie

Add frozen berries, plain yogurt, skim milk, fresh or thawed frozen spinach, (if using frozen, drain the thawed spinach well) a banana, and flax seed meal. Process in the blender until smooth. You won’t even notice that there is spinach in your smoothie.

3. Orange Berry Blast Smoothie

Combine 1 peeled and segmented orange, Greek yogurt, frozen berries, and dairy milk or soy milk. Add a scoop of protein powder and / or chia seeds to amp up the nutritional value. This smoothie is packed with protein and Vitamin C.

4. Creamy Peach Oatmeal Smoothie

Blend frozen peach slices, nonfat Greek yogurt, oatmeal, almond milk, and a little bit of vanilla extract. The vanilla makes the smoothie taste richer. This is one of the tastiest healthy smoothies we tried.

5. Mango Coconut Smoothie

Soak chia seeds in water overnight. Shake the jar a few times in the evening and a few times in the morning. This will let the chia seeds expand and maximize their nutritional value.

Blend chia seeds, coconut or almond milk, vanilla extract, and frozen mango. Add dried coconut to the smoothie if you wish, or sprinkle it on top for a fun twist.

6. Piña Colada Smoothie with Chia Seeds

Blend chia seeds, chopped fresh or canned pineapple, plain Greek yogurt, coconut flakes, and coconut oil. You can also add a little bit of almond or coconut milk if this smoothie is too thick.

7. Tasty Banana Almond Smoothie

Blend almond milk, a frozen banana, chocolate syrup, and almond butter together with ice. The double punch of almond flavor will keep you feeling satisfied. This would be a great place to add protein powder as well. Healthy eating--and scrumptious!

healthy smoothies

8. Strawberry Spinach Green Smoothie

This recipe may sound strange, but spinach has a mild flavor in a smoothie. It is a great recipe for beginner green smoothie drinkers.

Combine 1 peeled orange, strawberries, 1 cup of fresh spinach, and almond milk. You can also add chia seeds to give this smoothie a hit of soluble fiber.

Final Thoughts

Healthy smoothies for weight loss are easy to make, and you can customize them with any number of nutritious ingredients. Adding high-fiber additions like oatmeal and chia seeds helps your body feel full longer, lessening your chances of binge eating. You will find it much easier to lose weight if you add these healthy smoothies to your diet. Since you’re filling up on nutrient-dense food, you won’t be tempted to snack on those fattening favorites that can ruin anyone’s diet.

12 Exercises That Burn Fat And Tone Your Whole Body

If you are looking to burn fat, remember that it is never too late to begin an exercise routine. While it’s easier to gain weight, it’s difficult to get rid of it, hence you should keep in mind that results from losing weight isn’t going to happen overnight. Then again, there are truckloads of exercise programs out there on the internet, but which ones are truly effective? This is where we come in! So, if you want a workout that helps burn fat faster, as well as tone your whole body, then try some of these exercises below:

Here Are 12 Exercises That Burn Fat and Tone Your Whole Body

“A huge part of losing weight is believing you can do it and realizing it’s not going to happen overnight.” Unknown

  1. Step-ups

Step-ups give you leaner and stronger legs, as well as a tighter rear. Trainers consider this one of the best workouts for the bottom, according to Shape. You can do this exercise in the park using a bench. If you’re at home, you can use the stairs and add more weight to the routine with dumbbells.

To do this, firmly place your left foot on the step. Then press on this foot as you push your body up to the steps until you straighten your left leg. With your right leg, slowly lower your body back until it’s on the ground or floor. Repeat the process and do 16 reps each. Balance out your weight so you won’t hurt yourself or accidentally fall on the steps.

  1. Jumping Jacks

This game you played as a child is an effective form of exercise for burning fat. Jumping jacks elevate your heart rate to boost your metabolism. Additionally, moving your arms up and down as you jump tones your muscles. This is a full workout, as you’re burning the fat on your upper and lower body while doing a cardiovascular activity.

  1. Push-Ups

No muscle toning workouts are complete without the classic push-up.  It’s still popular because it is one of the most reliable routines. It provides upper body strength and muscle toning for the arms and legs. Any movement that activates your muscles helps you burn fat better, and push-ups offer great results.

  1. Spiderman Push-ups

Put variety in your push-ups by adding one movement. As you lower your body, bend your knees to the sides one at a time, as if you’re doing Spiderman’s moves. This exercise will also activate the muscles around your hips and buttocks.

  1. Mountain Climbing

No need to scale an actual mountain for this exercise, but you can mimic the movement that climbers make. This routine targets your abs, one of the hardest spots to get rid of fat. In a push-up position on the floor, spread your hands evenly. Slowly bend your knee as you move your left leg forward, as if you’re climbing a mountain. Alternate with your right leg. Be conscious of the way you inhale and exhale and avoid drooping your back. It should be on level with your pelvis as you keep moving your legs forward.

  1. Leg-slimming lunge

This exercise mainly targets your hips, hamstrings, quads, buttocks, and calves but it can also firm up your shoulders and biceps, as well as your abs. Stand firmly with your legs far apart. Then move your left leg forward, with your knees bent to 90 degrees. Align your left knee to your left ankle as you lunge. Hold this position for three seconds. Then bring your left leg back into the starting position and repeat with the other leg. To burn fat more effectively, swing dumbbells with your arms as you lunge and do 10 reps for each side.

  1. Leg swing with a resistance band

Use an elastic resistance band to make these exercises more challenging. This promotes muscle toning and brings similar results as using traditional gym equipment, as per a study on the European Journal of Sport Science. Place the band around your ankles when you do your leg swings. The tighter it is, the more you have to push forcefully so you can strengthen and tone your lower leg muscles. Do at least 16 reps for each leg.

  1. Side steps with a resistance band

Don’t remove the resistance band yet. Instead, raise it around the thigh area when you do your side steps. With your feet apart and aligned to your shoulders, carefully step to the side and feel the pressure of the resistance band. Do 16 reps for each leg.

  1. Squats with resistance band

This exercise targets the buttocks and thighs, where there’s a large area of body fat. With the band still on your thighs, do basic squats of around 16 to 20 reps. Be sure you’re sticking out your buttocks when you’re squatting down to get the most out of this movement. Your chest and back must also be straight, while your heels support most of your weight. Widen the position of your feet if you feel your movement is limited.

  1. Jumping Lunges

This exercise works the same way as basic lunges, except you’re giving your body more cardio workout because you need to jump as you switch legs. Jumping lunges pumps up your heart rate and makes use of multiple muscles in your body, so you’re definitely getting a full workout with this routine.

burn fat

  1. Farmer’s Walk

This exercise requires good balance and you might have actually done this movement without realizing it. Ever carried several bags of groceries in one go with both your hands to the side? That’s the idea behind the Farmer’s Walk.

Using dumbbells, walk as you would with your hands to the side but keep your pace steady. This might seem like a simple movement, but it’s actually tough on your body to hold the weight in your arms as you’re moving your legs. However, this exercise can really give your arms and leg muscles a solid workout.

  1. Bridge

To achieve a full and rounded rear, do the bridge routine regularly. Lie down with your back to the floor and your arms to the side. Bend your knees but keep your feet flat. Slowly raise your hips and make sure that your knees are diagonally aligned to your shoulders. Hold this position for five seconds and flex your abs. Lower your hips and repeat the process 16 times. To make this exercise more challenging, put a resistance band just above your knees as you do the bridge.

Final Thoughts

Apart from positive thinking, remember to be consistent when you’re doing these exercises so that you burn fat and tone your muscles faster. However, give your body time to rest well so you avoid a burnout and enjoy your workouts in the most positive way.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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