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Relax Your Stomach With These Healthy & Delicious Easy To Digest Foods

Regardless of how clean any of us eat, upset stomachs are one of the more unfortunate realities of life. With symptoms like bloating, indigestion, nausea, constipation, and diarrhea, it makes sense to do your best to avoid an upset stomach at all costs with an easy to digest foods list.

Easy to Digest Foods Can Help You Feel Better

Despite upset stomachs being unavoidable at times, you can change your way of life too with an easy to digest foods list that will ease any negative symptoms. Curious as to what these incredible feel-good easy to digest foods are? Keep reading for a rundown of these seven great roots, fruits, and supplements.

Here are some easy to digest foods:

“It’s not a diet, it’s a way of life that teaches you better skills.” – Jennifer Hudson

1. Use Ginger to Relieve Vomiting and Nausea

Ginger is one of the best natural remedies for vomiting, nausea, and motion sickness. You can eat ginger cooked, raw, as a supplement, or steeped in warm water for tea. Pregnant women use ginger to ease morning sickness, vomiting, and nausea.

Recent studies have shown that more than 500 pregnant women that ingest a gram of ginger a day were five times less nauseous during their pregnancy. Similarly, patients that undergo major surgery or chemotherapy use ginger to relieve their symptoms.

2. Soothe Intestinal Discomfort with Chamomile

When looking at your easy to digest foods list, you’ll see that chamomile is a long-standing herbal remedy for upset stomachs. Chamomile can be brewed into tea, taken dried, or as a supplement. Use it to treat gas, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and other intestinal troubles.

3. Use Peppermint for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Anyone struggling with IBS should try peppermint to ease their symptoms. An upset stomach is a common symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. As a chronic disorder, IBS also causes stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. While the symptoms of IBS can be unbearable, peppermint is an effective and natural way to relieve IBS symptoms.

Peppermint oil is said to work by relaxing muscles inside the digestive tract. This helps to relieve any intestinal spasms that may occur with diarrhea.

4. Try Licorice for Stomach Ulcers

Licorice is commonly used as a supplement to treat stomach ulcers. The supplement known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice or DGL is the preferred form of licorice used to soothe stomach pain and inflammation and protect tissues from excess stomach acid.

5. Use Flaxseed for Stomach Pain and Constipation

Another wonderful benefit of easy to digest foods like flaxseed is their effectiveness in treating stomach pain. Anyone suffering from the discomfort of chronic constipation should take flaxseed in its ground, oil, or meal form. In a recent study, adults suffering from constipation could improve their bowel movement with one ounce of flaxseed oil a day for a two week period.

5. Treat Digestion Issues with Papaya

The sweet and orange fruit known as papaya contains the powerful enzyme papain. Papain breaks down proteins and makes it easier for bodies to digest, then absorb their food. Anyone that struggles with indigestion, bloating, constipation or stomach ulcers should eat papaya.

6. Relieve Diarrhea with Green Bananas

Upset stomachs and diarrhea are common symptoms of food poisoning or infections. In several studies, children suffering from diarrhea were given cooked green bananas that ultimately reduced the severity, amount, and duration of the diarrhetic episodes.

easy to digest foods

7. Drink More Clear Liquids to Avoid Dehydration

Dehydration often leads to an upset stomach or diarrhea. Do your best to avoid these unpleasant symptoms by increasing the number of clear liquids in your diet. People that tend to suffer from frequent diarrhea or vomiting lose electrolytes easily and need to maintain their body’s fluids in order to keep the body’s nervous system functioning properly. By drinking the recommended amount of water and clear liquids that are high in electrolytes like sports drinks, you’ll be able to restore any electrolyte or fluid imbalance.

Healing Yourself with Easy to Digest Superfoods

You don’t have to suffer from the pain and discomfort of an upset stomach. By adding these easy to digest foods to your regular diet, you’ll be able to keep your body functioning the way it should.

You can solve many health concerns by taking a natural and holistic approach to them. Use this guide to help you explore the healing powers of these easy to digest foods. With these seven easy to digest foods, you’ll find yourself feeling better and stronger than ever before.

10 Stellar Ways To Lose Weight Fast By Drinking These Healthy Smoothies

Losing weight is a practice that is beneficial to the body. Fortunately, there is a great way to combat excess weight, and that is by making healthy smoothies at home.

You control the ingredients and what you put in your body. You will not find any shortage of options here; experimenting is always fun.

Here are ten healthy smoothies for weight loss you should try.

smoothie lose weight

1. Purple Passion Green Smoothie

The Purple Passion Green Smoothie combines the rich antioxidants in berries with spinach to provide a delicious and creamy solution to help you lose weight. Strawberries increase your metabolism because of the rich vitamin C present and also serve as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

  • 1/2 cup of strawberries
  • 1/4 cup of blueberries
  • One cup of raw spinach
  • 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt
  • Water

2. Apple Pie Green Smoothie

This drink combines the healthy effects of vegetables and the sweetness of apple spice and vanilla extract.

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 peeled apple
  • One tablespoon of chia seeds

3. Mango Cucumber Green Smoothie

Combining a great flavor with a light texture, the mango cucumber green smoothie contains many helpful nutrients.

  • 1/4 cup mango
  • One chopped cucumber
  • One peeled orange
  • 1 cup flaxseeds
  • 1 cup spinach

4. Kale Berry Smoothie

This kale berry smoothie gives you the entire package. Kale is one of the healthiest plants, as it contains a high amount of vitamin C.

  • 1/2 cup cherries
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup kale
  • Two teaspoons of honey
  • 1 cup almond milk

5. Pineapple Avocado Smoothie

“Avocados are full of healthy fats that keep you feeling full longer; cucumbers also work to keep you full with their hydrating properties,” says chef Jason Roberts.

  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1/2 banana
  • One cup pineapple
  • 1 1/2 cup coconut water
  • 1 teaspoon hemp seeds
  • 1/2 peeled avocado

6. Orange Protein Shake

A staple of healthy smoothies includes high protein and high fiber, and the orange protein shake has both in abundance. This drink will leave you full.

  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein
  • 1/2 cup almond milk

7. Strawberry Orange Smoothie

Berries are low sugar fruits, and the orange is rich in Vitamin C. If you want to make healthy smoothies, you should focus on what will make you feel full for longer periods.

  • 3 oz strawberries
  • 1 orange
  • 1 cup water
  • 4 oz mini peppers

8. Blueberry Protein

Abundant in healthy fats and protein, this drink will help your overall nutrition and wellness due to the high amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids in flax seed.

  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • 1.5 cups unsweetened almond milik

9. Tomatillo Smoothie

Combining savory and spicy, try this smoothie full of great things for your diet. Healthy smoothies for weight loss should include vegetables, and you won’t have trouble with that here.

  • 2 roma plum tomatoes
  • 1 juiced lime
  • Pinch of cayenne
  • 1 cup water
  • 1.5 oz baby spinach

healthy smoothies

10. Grapefruit Delight

Each ingredient is high in fiber and nutrient-dense, essential in healthy smoothies. “Grapefruit is great for burning stored fat and reducing cellulite. All ingredients are high in fiber and nutrient dense, which will keep you feeling full longer”, says Diana Stobo.

  • 1.5 cups water
  • One green apple
  • Three stalks celery
  • One banana
  • Juice of one grapefruit

Making healthy smoothies for weight loss at home gives you the power to fight off excess weight by watching what you put in the drink.

While exercise and maintaining a healthy diet are the most prominent practices needed to lose weight, one behavior you can begin to practice is making healthy smoothies at home. Give these a try, and good luck!

Scientists Explain 10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Wearing Makeup

For most women, makeup is a part of our daily routine. Research has shown that 44% of women never leave their house without makeup on – yes, even just to go to the supermarket across the street. Makeup has become so normalized in our culture that we marvel when we see someone not wearing it. But what makes cosmetics so tantalizing to wear?

Recent psychological research has shown several psychological reasons why women choose to wear makeup. The main reason is that they feel it underlines their naturally beautiful parts – like their eyes, their lips, or the contours of their face. Additionally, cosmetics can also be easily used as camouflage, to help us hide the features of our bodies we don’t like – such as scars or acne. Finally, makeup can be used because women believe men find it attractive. However, some women make the decision to never wear cosmetics in their lives. The question is, does that mean they’re healthier?

You may be surprised to learn that not wearing cosmetics does actually have noticeable effects on your body. If you’re curious, here are the most common things that women experience once they stop wearing the makeup that has become their second skin.

Here Are 10 Things That Happen When You Stop Wearing Makeup

“As cheesy as it sounds, nothing beats a smile and a bit of confidence! As long as you feel good on the inside, you can still look beautiful without any makeup at all.” – Zoe Sugg

1. Your eyes don’t infect as easily.

This is particularly important for people wearing contacts. Pink eye or conjunctivitis is most commonly spread by using and reusing other people’s eye makeup, so think twice before sharing your mascara with a friend! Additionally, eye infections are very common with people who apply their contacts with the same hands they’ve used to put cosmetics on their face. Once you stop wearing makeup altogether, you’ll notice your eyes are much more resilient to infections.

2. You don’t break out as much.

While we love cosmetics for hiding our breakouts, it might actually be partially causing the problem. Makeup has a lot of toxins that can block up your pores and cause dirt to accumulate inside of them, especially if you don’t remember to wash your face every night. Furthermore, makeup brushes are one of the main culprits for breakouts. So, deal with one last breakout and resist putting any cover-up on it – and you’ll notice your face clear significantly.

3. You have smaller pores.

Again, this may be surprising considering that makeup helps your pores looks smaller. However, it’s all about what’s going on underneath. If you use a lot of makeup, it’s very easy for your pores to get clogged and then infected and filled, making them look large. When you stop wearing cosmetics, you’ll see your pores reducing in size because they’re no longer be filled with the ingredients of your foundation or bronzer.

4. Your face slows its aging.

Dermatologists are unanimous in the fact that using more makeup in your day-to-day life actually accelerates aging. In fact, the more you use cosmetics to try and cover imperfections, the more light you shine on them because, no matter how much you clean it, it always settles in your wrinkles and makes them look even more on show. Stop using these products and you’ll definitely see the difference!

5. You have more hydrated skin.

One of the aftereffects of makeup is that its residue stops new skin from forming while you sleep, which means your old skin tends to peel and scab, leading to dry patches and dry skin. The toxins in cosmetics hinder the skin renewal process. When you stop using it, you will feel your skin being naturally more vibrant and hydrated!

6. You get more sleep.

Have you noticed just how much time of your day your beauty routine can take – usually between 20 to 30 minutes? Well, imagine having those minutes to get more sleep! Extra sleep makes your skin look healthier. Additionally, it keeps you energized and happy during the day. That’s one benefit you might not have foreseen from stopping your makeup routine!

7. You improve your skincare routine.

Without makeup to cover up your blemishes, you will realize just how important healthy and clean skin is to your life. You will most likely invest in a nice toner, cleanser, and moisturizer or start doing more natural masks. Gradually, your skin will gain a natural shine – and you’ll find you never needed cosmetics in the first place!

8. You gain confidence and self-love.

This is a very personal thing and it’s not guaranteed for everyone. But it might help to know that even beauty writers whose life revolved around makeup found that they gained confidence once they started going makeup free. They could look in the mirror and see their natural beauty for what it is, not covered by layers of foundation. Of course, others find confidence in wearing cosmetics and that’s completely okay. Do what keeps you thinking positive and happy.


9. You have less allergic reactions.

Sulfates, parabens, and metals are very often found in makeup, skincare products, and hair products. They cause many problems, the most common of which is infections. Many people who get rashes or other unpleasant reactions from using cosmetics often have to eliminate products one by one. If you can’t find the culprit, going makeup free might be the solution you’re looking for. It will definitely help your skin breathe better in the long run.

10. You’re less protected in the sun.

Keeping it real here, one of the uncommon benefits of makeup, especially some foundations, is that they have an SPF factor. This means they protect you from the harmful UV lights of the sun. Therefore, dermatologists agree that going makeup-free may increase the likelihood of sun damage. They also stress the importance of always wearing an appropriate SPF factor to save yourself from nasty sunburns. In other words, don’t just rely on foundation.

Final thoughts

Many women who have tried going makeup free have found it an extremely positive and rewarding experience. Why not try it and see if it works for you? You will see the benefits to your skin, confidence, and general health straight away.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Do These 3 Simple Things Daily To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark under-eye circles are a common problem plenty of adults face. You might try changing your sleep schedule, adjusting your diet or loading up on over-the-counter beauty products, but the truth is that dark circles under eyes can be genetic.

According to New York City cosmetic dermatologist Paul Jarrod Frank, the skin under our eyes is some of the thinnest on our bodies, and darkness and puffiness around the area can be inherited. Increased pigmentation in the area is a possible culprit, but just because you have your DNA to thank for your dark circles, reducing their severity and restoring a refreshed appearance isn’t totally out of your hands.

Three Ways to Lighten Dark Circles Under Eyes

The best way to treat your under-eye circles is to weed out the underlying cause. Even if it’s genetic, there are plenty of home remedies to treat dark circles under eyes. Here are three that we recommend.

Use a Retinoid Cream

Expensive laser treatments and cosmetic procedures are often advertised as the best treatments for under-eye darkness, but you can try some more affordable options to save cash.

If the skin under your eyes is very thin, the application of retinol can improve the appearance. Retinol is a pure molecule found in Vitamin A; retinoids are the primary component of most anti-aging beauty creams and cosmetic products.

As we age, the retinol in our bodies decreases, which contributes to wrinkles and fine lines.

Retinoid creams help stimulate collagen production. Patricia Ceballos, a dermatologist in New Rochelle, New York, says, “Retinoids help rebuild dermal collagen and thereby contribute to vascular support in the area and the recovery of skin volume and firmness.”

Don’t immediately start slathering on the retinol cream, though. For optimal results, doctors say you should develop a schedule that regulates your application and builds up the amount you use over time.

Buy Better Bedding

If you wake up in the morning with dark, puffy bags under your eyes, you may not be sleeping with enough support.

Consider investing in a fluffy pillow that keeps your head slightly elevated while you sleep; this prevents fluid from pooling under the eyes overnight and can reduce the appearance of darkness and puffiness in the morning.

You should also make sure that you frequently wash your bed linens; some people only change their sheets but leave out their comforter and pillowcases, and this can create a buildup of dust mites, dead skin and other allergens that irritate the eyes and leave you with dark pigmentation and puffiness.

If you suspect allergies are the culprit behind your tired appearance, consider buying some hypoallergenic pillows. If you know allergies are to blame, then talk to your doctor about taking an antihistamine like Zyrtec.

Cut Back on Salt

We all know our diets impact our health and appearance in more ways than we even want to acknowledge. A lot of things can happen when you eat too much salt, including fluid retention, bloating and puffiness under the eyes.

Under-eye bags leave us looking worn-out and run-down even after a full night’s sleep.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends adults limit their sodium intake to 1,5000 mg per day or three-quarters of a teaspoon. There are lots of ways to consume less salt; if you find that most of your sodium intake comes from junk food, switch to some healthier protein snacks that will keep you full and help curb cravings.

Other Diet Suggestions to Reduce Dark Circles Under Eyes

If you want to lighten up the dark bags beneath your eyes, cut back on alcohol. Drinking too much causes dehydration, which leads to water retention. Your body holds on to fluids when it’s dehydrated, so you’re more likely to find bags under your eyes and dark circles forming if you don’t drink enough water or have a diet that dries your body out.

dark circles under eyes

Stick to 8 ounces of water eight times per day. This is the baseline amount of water you should consume every day, but you should adjust your intake if you workout and sweat more.

Also, be sure to consume lots of fruits and veggies packed with Vitamin C. Just like our parents tried to tell us, it really does pay to eat your Brussels sprouts!

Dark Circles Under Eyes Aren’t the End of the World

If your under-eye circles are ruining your self-esteem, don’t worry. There are lots of inexpensive concealers and creams you can get at the drug store to reduce their appearance and feel more confident. Primers and concealers with a yellow tint can help cancel out darkness and lighten your under-eye region.

Before you run out and buy everything you can to cover your face, make sure you’re practicing body positivity. It’s not always easy to love the skin we’re in, but our imperfect bodies are ours to love and nurture.

It’s perfectly natural to want to improve little things about our appearance, but when we love our bodies, we can operate from a place of love rather than hate and make better changes that feel like an improvement, not a necessity.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Wisdom Teeth : 10 Best Home Remedies To Relieve Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom teeth happen to be the last teeth to protrude from the gums and are positioned at each back corner of the mouth. In some cases, such teeth can become painful, resulting in a characteristic dull ache at the back of the gums. Research shows that around 85% of people with wisdom teeth have to get them removed. Pain results because by the time such teeth protrude, there is usually no room for them in the gum.

Therefore, such teeth may emerge at an awkward angle and can easily trap food, leading to the proliferation of bacteria. In some cases, wisdom teeth could become impacted resulting in tenderness, pain, and aches. Unfortunately, most people rarely have the opportunity to see a dentist right away. Therefore, there is a need to manage pain arising from wisdom teeth using certain home remedies before one gets the opportunity to visit the dentist.

This article discusses effective wisdom tooth pain relief strategies that one can use at home.

Warm Salt Water

Dentists usually recommend salt water as a temporary wisdom tooth pain relief until the next appointment. Salt water is known to have natural disinfectant qualities and numerous studies have shown that using salt water as a rinse for the mouth can significantly reduce bacteria. Therefore, the salt water can accelerate treatment, and thus, minimize discomfort at the wisdom tooth.


Clove is an effective home remedy for tooth pain. With its anesthetic qualities, clove can be used to numb pain. Also, the antibacterial properties of the herb can be utilized to prevent infections. To use clove, one can apply some clove oil on a cotton ball and hold it directly on the wisdom tooth and the gums around the tooth until the pain recedes. Another way to use clove is to chew whole clove, only spitting it out when the pain diminishes.


If the pain at the site of the wisdom teeth results in swelling, then it could be beneficial to apply an ice pack. With ice in a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel, it is advisable to place the ice pack on the swollen area because it can relieve pain and also reduce inflammation.


Ibuprofen is a type of pain relief medication usually dispensed over the counter that helps to reduce inflammation. The drug can be used to alleviate discomfort and pain around the affected teeth. Such medications act as temporary pain relievers until one gets the opportunity to visit the dentist.


Peppermint is regularly used as an excellent pain reliever for wisdom teeth. The leaves contain essential oils that have prominent anesthetic properties responsible for curbing pain. Such oils also have antibacterial properties that prevent infection. To use the herb for this purpose, one can soak a cotton ball in peppermint extract and apply it lightly on the affected area or directly rub the oil on the affected area. The additional advantage with peppermint is that the natural fresh aroma of the herb is pleasant and can significantly refresh the mouth.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is effective in relieving wisdom tooth pain. The oil acts as a powerful antibacterial agent that eradicates bacteria in the mouth. Since the remedy is highly potent, it is advisable to dilute it with coconut oil. For this remedy, one can rub the diluted tea tree oil at the site of pain. Usually, the remedy will dissipate pain on the affected tooth after a short while. It is crucial to spit out the oil once done because it is not safe to swallow it.

Numbing Gel

Numbing gel for the gums can be used to decrease the feeling of pain in the gums. Such gels are dispensed over the counter and can also be found in numerous online stores. The active ingredient in such gels is usually benzocaine. Usually, the dental gels are applied to the gums, but it is imperative to avoid such gels if one is allergic to benzocaine.


Vanilla is effective in alleviating the discomfort associated with tooth pain. Using a cotton swab, one can add a few drops of the extract and place it on the affected site for approximately fifteen minutes. The extract has ample amounts of antioxidants and has active numbing qualities. Also, it is allowed to apply to the extract using one’s fingertips.


Turmeric is a widely recognized antiseptic and antibacterial wisdom tooth pain relief remedy. For toothaches, turmeric can be massaged into the aching gum to alleviate swelling and pain. Alternatively, one can rinse the mouth with water that has been boiled with turmeric mixed with cloves.

wisdom tooth - Turmeric

Oregano Oil

Oregano is known as a potent healer because of its ability to eliminate bacteria. Consequently, it is regularly used to curb infection. Oregano is commonly used to reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation. Due to its highly potent nature, it is advisable to dilute oregano oil by mixing a drop of the oil with a single teaspoon of carrier oil. Alternatively, one can use a cotton ball to rub oil on the gums.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Healthy Breakfast Recipes That Will Keep You Full All Day

Eating a wholesome, healthy breakfast can help to alleviate the hunger pains that cause people to make bad food choices later in the day. In fact, eating the right healthy foods can keep you full all day long. A wholesome morning meal can also keep you mentally sharp and reduce midday fatigue.

Here are 12 healthy breakfast recipes that are simple and will keep the hunger pains at bay.

1. Peach-Spinach Chia Smoothie

Chia seeds absorb several times their weight, so a small amount can make you feel full for a while. With four simple ingredients–peaches, chia seed, spinach, and apple juice–it only takes about a minute or two to make this smoothie. Check out Real Simple’s recipe here.

2. Vanilla Cinnamon Chia Pudding

This is another chia seed recipe that you can easily throw together and it tastes great. Mix together almond milk, chia seeds, agave nectar, cinnamon, and kosher salt. Let it sit for a couple of hours in the refrigerator and you can quickly eat a cup and be on your way. Get the recipe for this breakfast here from Real Simple.

3. Hot Chocolate Banana Nut Oatmeal

Oatmeal is full of fiber, which keeps you fuller longer. For this, you will be mixing cocoa, chocolate chips, nuts, bananas, and oatmeal together to make this quick and easy healthy treat. Check out the full recipe here on Food Network.

4. Ham, Egg, and Cheese Oatmeal

This isn’t a typical type of breakfast bowl. In the south, they eat ham, eggs, and grits. If you replace the grits with oatmeal, you will be getting a healthy dose of protein and fiber, two things that keep you full during the day. View the entire healthy breakfast recipe from Food Network.

5. Chickpea Scramble

This chickpea scramble is yummy, healthy, and vegan. Chickpeas will keep you full for a long time because they are high in soluble fiber. For this scramble, you just soften some chick peas and mash them. Then you scramble in your favorite veggies. Check out the recipe from Catching Seeds.

6. Jumbo Chickpea Pancake

This recipe takes a little bit more preparation, but if you pre-prep the veggies and keep them already chopped in your refrigerator, that will save you time in the mornings. Using some chickpea flour, green onion, red pepper, and other seasonings, you can whip together the most tasty and wholesome pancake you’ve ever had. Find out more about this recipe from Oh She Glows.

7. Peppered Butter and Pear Toast

Black pepper and pears probably don’t sound like a great combination, but you have to try it before you judge it. The contrasting flavors actually end up complimenting each other. This super easy recipe only calls for pears, whole grain toast, butter, black pepper, and a couple of other easy ingredients. See the whole recipe here at Bon Appetit.

8. Healthy 5 Minute Avocado Toast

Avocado is a great food to keep you full all day. This recipe is very simple and quick. Start by toasting your favorite bread. Mash some avocado in a bowl and season it with cilantro, salt, pepper, and lime and then spread it on your toast. Serve with an egg cooked any way. Check out the full recipe here at Gimme Delicious.

9. Bacon Baked Egg in Avocado

This is another yummy avocado dish that is quick and easy to make. Cut an avocado in half and scoop out around two tablespoons of the avocado. Drop in an egg and bake at 425 degrees. Add some pieces of bacon and drizzle it with yummy sriracha sauce. Check out the whole recipe from

10. Avocado Chocolate Smoothie

Since avocado is so awesome, here is another simple avocado recipe. All you need is avocado, frozen spinach, cacao powder, almond milk, maple syrup or honey, and ice cubes. Blend the ingredients together to make an amazing, quick, healthy smoothie that will keep you full for most of the day. Check out this video with the recipe at

healthy breakfast

11. Berries with Pistachio Yogurt Compote

Not only is this a yummy and healthy breakfast, but it is also a yummy and healthy treat. Nuts are known for their ability to keep you full for a while. Simply put the berries and the juice in the bottom of a cup or jar, next comes the yogurt, then top with the pistachios and drizzle with maple syrup. See the whole recipe at

12. Fruit and Nut Bars

These are like do-it-yourself granola bars with no fillers. It is a blend of fruit, nuts, dates, juice, and more. They don’t take very long to make, but they require baking, so you may want to make these in advance. You can store them for up to four days.

Now you don’t have to skip healthy breakfast due to time constraints and be plagued by mid-day hunger. These quick and easy recipes will help you start your day off right. You will stay fuller for a longer period of time and probably also have more energy and a better mood. Bon appetit!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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