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A Complete Guide To Remove Acne Scars Using Home Remedies

Many people have the unfortunate experience of suffering from acne scars. The blemishes can be so awful that upon a visit to their doctor, they get prescribed the usual oral medications and chemical creams that are given in these cases. All of these pharmaceuticals have a long list of side effects that are just as detrimental to your health as the acne scarring itself.

If you desire a natural and holistic based solution and an acne scar treatment that works using home remedies, then read our exclusive list below. You will find that some of the ingredients in these treatments can easily be found at home, locally and online.

Here’s a complete guide to getting rid of acne scars:

Aloe Vera Gel – A Great Source of Vitamins and Minerals

Fresh aloe vera gel, straight from the plant itself, boasts a wide range of vitamins and minerals that can soothe and replenish your skin, dissolving scar tissue over time. It is so effective that it can act as a natural moisturizer that will leave your skin beautifully soft and glowing. Although you can source aloe vera gel in the shops, we highly recommend you purchase a small aloe vera plant. One of the greatest things about the plant itself is that it is extremely low maintenance and easy to keep. Just break off a small leaf, splice it, and apply the gel directly to your face. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes to allow the minerals and vitamins to penetrate and then wash off with a splash of cold water. You could do this daily for great results.

Unleash the Power of Turmeric – A Spice with Plenty of Benefits

Are you wondering how turmeric can give you perfect glowing skin? Turmeric happens to contain some rather powerful anti-inflammatory properties as well as antioxidants, making this spice a multi-functional medicine. Turmeric helps to kill bacteria on the skin. By mixing it with rose water or plain water, it acts as a natural exfoliant. The anti-inflammatory properties that it contains also help to eliminate acne scarring by controlling the swelling and redness that is often associated with acne scars.

Apple Cider Vinegar – One of the Best Home Remedies

This rather acidic but very useful pantry item has been reported to have so many delicious benefits for health that it is one of the best home remedies for acne scars.

Apple cider vinegar is jam-packed with magnesium, potassium, acetic acid and various enzymes that can get rid of bacteria and fungi growth. It can be used as toner that restores the natural PH levels in your skin. To use this acne scars treatment, just soak a cotton ball in it and dab a little on the affected areas.

Honey, Yoghurt and Cinnamon Mask – The Trio with a Lot of Punch

Raw, natural and organic honey has been touted “The Golden Syrup of Health” with an impressive list of health benefits for medicinal purposes, home remedies and for acne scars. Fortunately, raw honey can be sourced quite conveniently, both locally and online. Raw honey contains a slew of health properties and is well known for being anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral and rich with antibacterial compounds. Mix this raw honey with a dash of cinnamon, which is loaded with antioxidants, and a natural plain yoghurt and you have a wonderful, homemade mask that can help soothe irritated areas and prevent acne scarring. All you have to do is mix ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, a dash of raw honey and plain yoghurt into a smooth paste and apply to the affected area. Leave on for 10 minutes and wash off with a clean, damp cloth.

The Unusual Use for a Green Tea Herbal Remedy

Funny enough, although green tea is well known for its health benefits if you drink it, it is also a rather nice tonic to splash on your face once in a while to help tone the skin. Green tea happens to contain antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds that help to keep acne scars at bay. To use this tea extraction, just make the tea as per usual in a mug and allow the tea to cool. Once it has cooled, dab and soak a cotton ball in the tea and apply it to the acne scarred tissue. Use this refreshing mixture whenever it suits you.acne scars

Final Thoughts

Acne scarring can cause concern and upset. But that doesn’t mean you are without a solution. This article shows you that there are many easy home remedies that you can make to help get rid of your acne scarred tissue and soothe, tone and moisturize your skin. Over time, your skin will begin to heal and your skin can become beautiful and glowing. All these ingredients come from natural sources, are holistic in nature and contain properties that help to eliminate acne.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The 7 Key Elements Of An Ideal Anti Inflammatory Diet

An anti-inflammatory diet plan can reduce joint pain, reset and heal your gut, provide more energy and mental clarity, and offer more healthful benefits.

Your reasons for considering an anti-inflammatory diet can vary from losing weight to natural pain relief medicine to alleviate your symptoms. Autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, depression, and cancer are the leading reasons people consider one of these diets. Eating for your health can never be wrong.

Is It The Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean Diet is one of the most common anti inflammatory diets, focusing on fruits, vegetables, fish, healthy oils, nuts, and whole grains. Olive oil and tomatoes are key components of the lifestyle, both of which have well-researched anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is not the only one. Most diets do not have specific names, and the Mediterranean Diet wasn’t created to be anti-inflammatory; it simply contains plenty of foods that share those properties.

Your root cause can affect key elements of an anti-inflammatory diet plan. Inflation in your body can vary from the inflammation in another person’s body. While diet plans are easy to follow, you should consider your inflammation and research possible culprit foods. For example, if someone has celiac disease, they need to consider which whole grains they can and cannot consume to maintain 25g per day.

7 Key Features You’ll Find in an Anti Inflammatory Diet

Whole Grains

Whole grains are at the center of this lifestyle. They are filling but also contain vital nutrients like fiber to keep you full and keep things going. You should avoid heavily processed foods labeled with whole grains as a marketing ploy. These foods contain little if no more benefit than their white flour cousins (think pasta). Instead, consider including more oatmeal and barley for whole grain sources.

Fruits and Vegetables

Be mindful of the fruits and vegetables you choose because some are notorious for causing inflammation. Berries are a great choice because they contain high amounts of antioxidants and polyphenols. The same applies to dark leafy greens and tomatoes.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have plenty of science to support their addition to your anti-inflammatory diet. Diets rich in these essential nutrients will help you combat depression and anxiety, reduce inflammation, and much more. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids are genuine superfoods.

  • Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Fatty fish like salmon, cod liver oil, sardines, and anchovies
  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Walnuts

Meat, eggs, and dairy from actual grass-fed operations also contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids; however, these might not be suitable for an anti-inflammatory diet.

Healthy Fats

Fats are not created equal. An anti inflammatory diet limits saturated fat to 10%, which your body still needs, and contains anti-inflammatory properties. This does not mean your diet will be fat-free. Instead, you will consume natural, unprocessed sources of unsaturated, monounsaturated, and those omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Wild-caught fish
  • Pasture-raised chicken
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Avocados

No Processed Foods

Processed foods contain large amounts of salt, sugar, chemicals, and empty calories. Many ingredients in processed foods have been linked to inflammation or are questionable. While everyone should do their best to avoid them, if you are on an anti inflammatory diet plan, they won’t be allowed.


Light to moderate exercise is a crucial component to any healthy lifestyle. However, if you suffer from inflammation, you shouldn’t exercise more than one hour daily. Some studies suggest beyond an hour is when exercise becomes inflammatory.

If you’re a workout junkie, you should consider smaller sessions spaced throughout your day instead of long, vigorous sessions as part of your anti inflammatory diet. For those who don’t exercise, consider adding light walking, aerobics, or any activity you enjoy.

anti inflammatory diet

Fewer Symptoms

Some people experience remission when they switch to an anti inflammatory lifestyle. Others will see a vast improvement. More and more people are making the diet switch to prevent future diseases like cancer, dementia, or heart disease. One key component people have in common is seeing results on one level or another.

Few diets or lifestyle plans have the science to back them. An anti inflammatory diet does because it does not revolve around gimmicks or supplements, just natural whole foods in normal quantities. There is credence to filling your plate with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and proteins while still consuming moderate amounts of healthy fats.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water Every Morning

A friend recommended that I drink a glass of lemon water every morning at breakfast. She claimed that the benefits of lemon water were awesome. I was intrigued and decided to try it for a month. Each morning, I drank eight ounces of water with the juice of half a fresh lemon squeezed into it. The results were fascinating.

Lemon water contains powerful antioxidants in the form of Vitamin C. Just one lemon contains 51% of your daily value of Vitamin C. Citric acid, the active compound in lemon juice, has rejuvenating and freshening qualities for the entire body, from the breath to the skin. Read on to what happens when your body receives the benefits of lemon water impacted my health and well-being.

Here are the benefits of lemon water:

1. My Digestion Was Improved

I was impressed at how quickly the benefits of lemon water helped my digestion. It had especially potent effects when I used warm water. I felt lighter and healthier. I sometimes have problems with constipation, and this amazing water helped to remedy my problem.

2. I Lost Weight

This might be difficult to believe, but simply adding a glass of lemon juice water in the morning helped me lose weight. I didn’t do anything else differently for the month when I drank the water each day. Reportedly, this water increases your metabolic rate and helps you make better use of calories.

3. My Skin was Clearer

This was one of the most impressive benefits. When I was drinking the water, I noticed that my skin was clearer and less oily. As soon as I stopped drinking it daily, my skin returned to its original state, so I really think it had to do with the water.

4. No More Bad Breath

Drinking the water in the morning helped to freshen my breath and kill bacteria in my mouth. I talked to my dentist about the benefits of lemon water, and she warned me that drinking too many acidic liquids would be bad for my tooth enamel. I agreed to brush my teeth after drinking the water.

5. My Liver Worked More Effectively

While I don’t have any examples of how this water helped my liver, I know that it helps to detoxify the body so the liver works better. One month is probably too brief to see measurable impacts on my liver, but I felt better overall.

6. I Felt Better When I Had a Cold

One of the best-known natural health benefits is that this water helps to bolster your immune system. It also helps to reduce inflammation. I came down with a cold when I was drinking the water each day, and I think it made me feel better faster. I mixed the juice with warm water when I wasn’t feeling well and added a little raw honey. This mixture helped my throat feel better and lessened my coughing. The addition of honey doubles the health impact.

essential oils

7. It Helped my Hangover

I hate to admit it, but I had a little too much fun one night while I was on my lemon juice water regimen. I was in rough shape when I got up that morning. I found that the water helped me feel better faster. I discovered that lemon juice water is a source of potassium, which is beneficial to the body when recovering from a hangover because it helps to regulate hydration in the body.

Final Thoughts

While it isn’t a magic bullet, I feel that the benefits of lemon water really helped my overall health. If you want to give it a try, make sure you use fresh-cut lemons and not just concentrated lemon juice. This will give you the added benefits of consuming the whole fruit and the lemon oil from the peel. Taking lemon juice water in the morning can’t hurt, and it’s worth trying when it has so many amazing health benefits. Add it to your morning routine and see the benefits for yourself.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Bloated Stomach : 10 Proven Ways To Beat Bloating

Do you have “fat days” when suddenly you can barely button your pants? Excess gas in the intestines, or bloating, can make you puffy and swollen. It’s a fairly common problem affecting between about 16 to 30 percent of us. It’s especially common in women.

Being bloated often can be caused by a serious medical problem, but health experts say most of the time a bloated stomach is caused by certain foods, bad eating habits, or hormones. Numerous medications can cause excess gas. Prescription and over-the-counter meds to watch out for include antidepressants, iron pills, antihistamines, and calcium supplements with bicarbonate or carbonate.

If you’ve ruled out meds as the culprit, consider these 10 proven ways to get rid of a bloated stomach:

1. Rule Out Food Allergies

Food allergies are relatively common and can cause intolerance to certain foods. These foods can cause excess gas production, resulting in a bloated stomach and other symptoms. Common foods people have an intolerance to include lactose, fructose, eggs, wheat, and gluten. Use a process of elimination to determine if you may have a food allergy. Work along with your doctor to resolve the issue.

2. Eat Smaller Meals

Do you tend to eat a lot at one meal and feel stuffed? People who have a tendency to bloat feel over-full on smaller amounts of food than others. Try eating smaller meals more often. This may require adding an extra meal to your day.

3. Avoid Swallowing Air

Swallowing too much air when eating is a big cause of a bloated stomach. Try eating more slowly and chewing more thoroughly. This cuts down on the amount of air you swallow. Watch out for snacking on the go and eating fast. Other culprits of swallowing air include talking while eating, drinking through a straw, chewing gum, and drinking lots of carbonated beverages.

4. Avoid Gassy Foods

Some foods are known to be a problem, especially high-fiber foods like beans and some whole grains. Fatty foods can also cause problems for some people since they slow down digestion and the emptying of the stomach. Foods that make you feel bloated vary from one person to another. Keep a food diary to find your own triggers.

5. Watch Out for Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols are in sugar-free foods and chewing gums. Some consider them safe alternatives to sugar, but in high amounts, they may cause digestive problems. Sugar alcohols are digested in the large intestine and produce gas. They are a type of carbohydrates known as FODMAPs and can cause create gas, especially in people with irritable bowel syndrome.

6. Try Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Look for over-the-counter products to help with a bloated stomach. They contain supplemental enzymes that can help break down indigestible carbohydrates. Some to try include Lactase and Beano. Lactase breaks down lactose, and Beano contains alpha-galactosidase, an enzyme that helps break down hard-to-digest carbs.

7. Take Probiotics

Many different bacteria live in the intestines, but they vary from person to person. Studies support the theory that they can cause gas. Probiotic supplements have been shown to control gas and a bloated stomach. Some probiotics may reduce gas, but you can still feel bloated. The key is to find the right probiotic for you and give it time to work.

8. Natural Remedies

No research exists to show the effectiveness of natural products to reduce intestinal gas. Peppermint capsules may help by relaxing stomach muscles. Charcoal capsules absorb gas to help relieve bloating.

9. Increase Fiber

Adequate fiber helps prevent constipation which in turn exacerbates a bloated stomach. Bulk in the intestines helps food move through quicker. Most people don’t get enough fiber in their diet. Try adding a bran cereal to your breakfast and snack on fresh fruit throughout the day. Go slowly when adding fiber to your diet. Too much too fast can actually cause more gas.

bloated stomach

10. Stay hydrated and exercise

Drinking enough water makes everything in your body work better. This includes digestion. Water flushes out waste and helps you avoid constipation, which can cause gas.

Add at least a 10 minute walk to your day. Exercise helps pass gas through the intestines quickly, giving you immediate relief.

Don’t forget that being bloated often can be a sign of a serious medical condition. Pay attention to your symptoms. If making these changes to your diet doesn’t work, it’s important to discuss your symptoms with a doctor.

7 Secrets To Attract Money And Wealth Using The Law Of Attraction

How would you feel if you were told what every young child dreams of — that you have a superpower that can bring to you anything you wish for. Turns out that this dream might not be so far off from reality as one might think. In fact, this whole new concept has to do with the exact way in which reality operates. It is called the Law of Attraction.

According to this law of attraction, you can have anything you wish for, as long as you are able to first create it in your mind and emotional state of being. People mainly use the law of attraction for money, and many people have successfully improved their financial state in this seemingly illogical way. Here are the 7 secrets to using this law of attraction for money.

7 Secrets To Using The Law Of Attraction

give you strength

Achieve Clarity

It is important to take some time in realizing exactly what it is that you want. You have to be clear in your intentions in order for this to work faster. You set your intentions on how much money you want to receive.

Use Visualization Techniques

Visualization is one of the most powerful ways of invoking motivation and change in your mental and emotional state. According to physics, any energy you put out has to come back to you. When you visualize the thing you want to receive, you attract it into your everyday reality. Let’s say you want to have large amounts of money and financial freedom. You should envision yourself in this new state of being — how would you feel if you had all the money that you needed and more? Imagine holding the money, going into your new home, driving your dream car, or traveling to a foreign destination. The more you utilize your senses, the faster the result will be. You can even use the technique of smelling the money to get a sense of the way it feels when you have it.

Uproot Limiting Beliefs

Most people have a negative set of values when it comes to money. Because money has been a big struggle for humanity, it has become a topic of great negative scriptures. You cannot attract something that you judge or harbor negative stereotypes towards. It is true that you will experience difficulties at first, but notice the beliefs you have towards money. Do you respond negatively to rich people and have negative expectations of money? You can use visualization techniques to clear out the old patterns and allow abundance to flow into your life.

Focus on Abundance

The more you focus on a topic, the more prevalent it becomes in your life. Make it a daily routine to focus on the abundance you already have. Express appreciation for the money you already have, your home, your car, and all the other comforts you use in your daily life. Feel that you are abundant and are growing richer with each passing day.

Overpower The Inner Critic

Our beliefs are the ones that make us sabotage ourselves when things are really not as hard as they seem. Every time you try to attract abundance into your life, the inner voice may tell you that you can’t or don’t deserve it. This negative talk does not come from you — it is a reflection of your parents and the conditioning that society has received on the topic of money. Every time the inner critic contradicts a happy thought on money, you can use visualization techniques like a “stop” road sign or a big X, or you can simply state in yourself a phrase that is opposite to the criticism. This phrase could be “Making money is easy and everyone deserves to be abundant.”

Tend To Your Feelings

Being rich and abundant should make you feel a certain way. How would you feel if you had everything that you ever wanted? Try to keep this state of emotions as much as possible throughout the day. Many people want to be rich and then be happy. It works the opposite way, however. Like it was taught by most religious teachings of the world, faith precedes reality. Be kind to yourself, and tend to your emotional state of being as much as you can – the better you feel, the better you will perform in all aspects of your life.

Law of attraction

Let Go and Stop Overthinking

The one thing that can really sabotage law of attraction (at least for a while) is overthinking what you want. This can lead to feelings of tension and resistance. It is more important to tend to your emotional state and know that what you want is already coming your way. Let go, and let God — the Universe has your back.

Final Thoughts

You can use the law of attraction for absolutely everything. Just remember that the journey should be a pleasant one and does not require hardship. In fact, the easier you are about it, the faster and more efficient the law of attraction will be for you.

10 Foods That Lower Cholesterol

You may have heard that eating certain foods is bad for your health since they raise the fat content in your body and increase your chances of getting a heart attack, for example, fast foods. The same also holds for meals that are good for you, for example, eating foods that lower cholesterol helps you to maintain low density lipo-protein (LDL) levels and reduce weight.

Below are examples of top 10 foods that lower cholesterol fast.

1. Soya Foods

Eating as little as 15 g of soya meals per day can help you reduce cholesterol levels by as much as 6%. Examples include soy beans, soy milk, and tofu. Other health benefits of soya foods include being a source of Omega-3, fiber, and proteins.

2. Oats

Foods that lower cholesterol are not limited to main meals alone, they can also include breakfast. Oats are a healthy way to start your day. One bowl of oats gives you 2 grams of fiber and lowers your LDL levels. To spice up the combination, you can add some fruits to the oatmeal and increase the fiber levels by at least 1 gram.

3. Foods Fortified with Plant Sterols and Stanols

Plant sterols or stanols are generally found in vegetable oils, whole grains, seeds, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. There are also prescription drugs for plant sterols and stanols since some people cannot get sufficient nutrients from natural sources. Normally, consuming 1.5 to 2.5 g of plant sterols or stanols lowers cholesterol by between 7 and 10%.

4. Beans and Peas

Beans and peas are rich in fiber and take longer to be digested. As a result, you end up feeling full for extended periods. This effect makes beans the perfect meal for people trying to lose weight because it prevents them from eating all the time. A plate of cooked beans and peas reduce the LDL levels by up to 5%.

5. Fruits and Vegetables

Foods that lower cholesterol also include fruits and vegetables. Any fruit or vegetable that you eat has a small saturated fat content, which helps keep your LDL levels at the prescribed minimum. Additionally, fruits and vegetables contain fiber that stops the digestive tract from absorbing cholesterol.

6. Apples, Citrus Fruits, Strawberries, and Grapes

When talking about foods that lower cholesterol, there’s a special group of fruits that include apples, citrus fruits, grapes, and strawberries. These fruits contain pectin, which is a special type of water soluble fiber that holds together cholesterol in the stomach and prevents it from getting into the blood stream and clogging the arteries.

7. Nuts

Eating almonds, peanuts, and walnuts contain high levels of unsaturated fat, fiber, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, vegetable protein, and natural sterols, which help keep your heart healthy. In addition, taking 2 ounces of nuts reduces LDL levels by 5%.

8. Eggplant and Okra

Eggplant and Okra contain large amounts of soluble fiber which prevents the body from absorbing LDL. Research has shown that regular intake of eggplants can help reduce bad cholesterol levels by as much as 30%. Eggplant and Okra is also used by people with diabetes to lower their blood sugar levels.

9. Fatty Fish

There are two ways that fish lowers LDL levels: first, it gets rid of the LDL-boosting saturated fats, and produces omega-3 fats which is a source of healthy cholesterol. Omega-3 also reduces triglycerides in the blood and improves the heart’s health.

10. Avocado

Avocado is a good source of mono-saturated fats which helps to increase High-density Lipoprotein (HDL) levels. HDL is a form of cholesterol that transports bad cholesterol away from the arteries and towards the liver, where it undergoes chemical decomposition and is released from the body.

foods that lower cholesterol


A low cholesterol diet needs you to be flexible, you don’t have to eat all the above foods at once or stick to one meal for the rest of your life. Try to mix the different foods and work with them on a daily basis.

The preferred low cholesterol diet contains high levels of fruits and vegetables and the occasional fish. In addition, remember to stick with the diet if you want it to be effective.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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