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10 Wonderful Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Both Mom And Baby

Breastfeeding is an essential stage for the baby’s growth as it offers optimal nutrition for them. While most women know that it is crucial for the baby to be breastfed, some stop early for various reasons like going back to work.
However, it is vital that these mothers know that breastfeeding is not only essential for the baby, but it is also essential to them.

Here are ten wonderful breastfeeding benefits for both baby and mom:

1. Breast Milk Offers Ideal Nutrition for Babies

Most doctors recommend that mothers breastfeed exclusively for at least half a year. Progressive breastfeeding is recommended for at least twelve months while various foods are introduced into the diet of the baby. During the initial days immediately after birth, the breasts produce colostrum, a thick and yellowish fluid. The fluid has beneficial compounds, low sugar, and a lot of proteins. Colostrum is the perfect initial milk and assists in the development of the immature digestive tract of the newborn.

2. Breastfeeding has the Capability of Disease Risk Reduction

There are numerous benefits of breastfeeding. It may reduce the baby’s risk of contracting diseases and illnesses such as childhood leukemia, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, allergic diseases, sudden infant death syndrome, intestinal tissue damage, gut infections, colds and infections, respiratory tract infections, and middle ear infections. Statistically, breastfeeding is connected to a 64% decrease in gut infections.

3. Breastfeeding may Increase the Smartness of Children

Formula-fed and breastfed babies show a big difference in their brain development. This difference is as a result of eye contact, touch, and physical intimacy related to breastfeeding. According to research, breastfed babies have less likelihood of developing issues with learning and behaviour as they grow older, and they also have higher intelligence. The most pronounced effects are evident in preterm babies who experience a higher risk of developmental issues. Due to breastfeeding, their brain development is affected positively in the long term and is one of the essential breastfeeding benefits.

4. Breastfeeding has Significant Antibodies

Breast milk, especially colostrum, consists of antibodies which help your baby fight off bacteria and viruses. Colostrum has a lot of immunoglobulin A (IgA), together with numerous other antibodies. When the mother faces exposure to bacteria and viruses, she begins the production of antibodies. Then there is secretion of these antibodies into the breast milk, which is then passed to the baby during breastfeeding. IgA creates a protective layer in the digestive system, throat, and nose of the baby.

5. Promotion of Healthy Weight

Breastfeeding promotes weight gain which is healthy and curbs childhood obesity. According to research, rates of obesity are 15-30% lower in breastfed babies than in formula-fed babies. The reason for this is the establishment of various gut bacteria. Breastfed babies have higher amounts of gut bacteria which affect the storage of fat. Moreover, breastfed babies have more leptin in their systems when compared to formula-fed babies. As one of the breastfeeding benefits, leptin hormone is essential in regulating fat storage and appetite.

bus driver

Meet a bus driver who rescued a baby boy toddling down a busy roadway.

6. Contraction of the Uterus

Your uterus grows enormously during the period of pregnancy. After delivery, the uterus goes through the involution process that assists its return to the original size. Oxytocin hormone is high throughout pregnancy and assists in the driving of this process. The body produces high levels of oxytocin during labour to assist in the delivery of the baby and decrease bleeding. The hormone is also high during breastfeeding, and it promotes contraction of the uterus and bleeding reduction, assisting the uterus in returning to the original size.

7. Reduction in the Risk of Getting Diseases

One of the numerous breastfeeding benefits is protection of the mother in the long-term against numerous diseases including cancer. Breastfeeding also protects the mother against metabolic syndrome which is a condition that heightens the risk of heart diseases and other health issues.

8. Loss of Weight

While certain women add weight during breastfeeding, others appear to lose it effortlessly. Breastfeeding heightens the energy demands of the mother by 500 calories per day. Moreover, the hormonal balance varies from normal. As a result, lactating women have a high appetite and may store fat to assist in the production of milk. In the initial three months after delivery, mothers may gain weight or lose less. But after three months of lactating, they will face a rise in burning of fat, more than women who are not breastfeeding.

breastfeeding benefits

9. Low Depression Risk

15% of mothers suffer from postpartum depression immediately after birth. The risk of suffering from this depression is lower in mothers who breastfeed than mothers who don’t breastfeed or wean early. It is one of the top breastfeeding benefits.

10. Prevention of Menstruation

Progressive breastfeeding puts a pause on menstruation and ovulation. Some women use this as a form of birth control for the initial few months after delivery. However, this birth control method may not be fully effective.


If you are a mother, you now know that there is more to breastfeeding benefits than meets the eye.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Relationship Goals Every Long Distance Couple Should Have

Long-distance relationships have come a long way since the first handwritten letter. We live in an age where texting and instant messaging is the order of the day. With technology, the cost of interacting with a partner you have not seen for eons and who is miles away has become almost negligible.

Further, instead of waiting an entire day for a loved one to get to their computer and reply to emails, modern technology accords us a way to get instantaneous replies. For this reason, more people are increasingly willing to get into long-distance relationships, and Google search trends can attest to this fact. A quick review of Google trends reveals that “How to make long-distance relationships work” was the most asked question in the relationships category.

Technology has been instrumental in giving people more opportunities to share intimate moments with one another despite their geographical separation, allowing long-distance relationships to thrive. However, maintaining a long-distance relationship requires a little more effort, above and beyond that of a conventional relationship. Various complications could arise, such as loneliness and sadness. Therefore, to ensure that such relationships maintain a high degree of excitement, passion, and freshness, we discuss ten relationship goal tips every long-distance couple should seek to fulfill.

Here are 10 relationship goals every long distance couple should have:

relationship goals

Commitment Driven by Hope

Believing that the relationship can work continually renews the impetus that drives a couple to fulfill their relationship goals. Suppose any of the partners begin to lose faith. In that case, it adversely affects how much they are willing to contribute to the relationship and often leads to disharmony. It not only helps to deliberate on the various expectations each partner has, but it is also vital to maintain the faith in love.

Synchronize Your Schedules

While some people avoid the concept of deliberate planning in favor of spontaneity in relationships, a long-distance relationship is not accorded such luxury. Long-distance couples must contend with different time zones, work schedules, and sleep preferences. Thus, one of the partners is expected to be available when the other is not. Subsequently, the different schedules strain the relationship even further. One of the primary relationship goals for any long-distance couple should be to reserve time each day when both partners can engage in video chat or a long phone call.

Be Straightforward

Getting into a long-distance relationship comes with an understandably high suspicion of infidelity. Managing such risks requires a high level of trust between partners. Therefore, it is imperative to consciously avoid suspicious behavior that might set off your partner on a road of mistrust. For example, always be straightforward about new friends instead of your partner finding out through social media or friends.

Be Predictable

You want to be predictable concerning how you behave, communicate, or respond to communication. If you always respond to messages, then continue to do so. If you return calls or messages within at least two hours, then do so or explain why you could not get to the phone. Reassurance is the aim of the game. Set up periodic reviews of your relationship goals to ensure that your significant other has not developed any doubts.

The Value of “Silly” Talk

Small and dull aspects of how each person’s day went might seem pointless but are nevertheless necessary for establishing a predictable daily rhythm in your partner’s eyes. The desire to discuss solely “important” things can diminish the organic intimacy developed by bonding over small victories and failures in each partner’s daily life. Therefore, you ought to laugh at the small things and bond over seemingly “silly” stuff, too, not only on the serious stuff. Being goofy and having fun with each other online is one of the best relationship goals.

Honesty Above all Else

It is important to avoid hiding things from your partner. Secrets tend to go out of control and can cause irreparable harm if they come out in the open. A partner might start to ponder the other possible secrets one has and thus create doubt and mistrust about many other trivial issues.

The Virtual Date Night

Even though having online dates via video call might initially feel new, it is one of the primary ways for a couple to keep in touch and maintain intimacy. Video calls can be used as an opportunity for couples to dress up, cook each other’s favorite dishes, and engage in the intimate talk just like they would on a typical physical date night.

The Physical Visit

The ultimate highlight of any long-distance relationship is planning a physical visit. Being with one another, albeit for short periods, can rejuvenate the intimate connections such couples have. Unlike other couples, long-distance couples should make physical visits count. In such visits, the focus should be on intimacy, renewing their bond, and reflecting on relationship goals and achievements.

relationship goals

Keep In Touch

Real-time messaging is now a thing, and the beautiful thing about it is that it is easily accessible, convenient, and everywhere. Such forms of messaging provide a more natural communication than a long, boring email at the end of the day. Real-time communication engenders a sense of excitement, even of the recipient is far away. It makes the other partner feel like they are part of the action. Instant messaging apps also have myriad features to facilitate interaction without even saying a word. Emojis, stickers, gifs, or live pictures might be the perfect way to express emotion and offer a fun alternative to words.

It’s not all Fun and Games; Think Long Term

One of the most prominent relationship goal tips many couples should utilize is having a clear endgame. Couples should consider the distance as temporary and set a definite timeline for how long it will last. After that time elapses, couples should review and take another step toward cementing the terms of the relationship.

Final Thoughts on How Relationship Goal Setting Assists Long Distance Couples

In conclusion, long-distance relationships do not have to be doomed to fail. A couple can survive physical separation and strengthen their relationship with the relationship goal tips discussed here. Setting relationship goals early and having faith that the other person still loves you is vital.

10 Inspirational Wisdom Quotes To Read After A Long Day

Sometimes, it can feel like everything is stacked against us and we need a bit of a boost. A rough day might feel like a fluke, but we shouldn’t be expected to just shake things off. After all, what good will it do to try to not think about things? Let’s look to wisdom for inspiration.

We might not be able to change the past, but we can make the future better by improving our mindsets. Reading motivational quotes can help us realize that our problems are not forever.

Here are 10 inspirational wisdom quotes to read after a long day.

1. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius

We often think that our success relies on us achieving things almost instantaneously. Confucius reminds us that there is no timer for us to satisfy. The person who completes the marathon last is not the loser. They’re as much of a winner as the one who was first across the finish line, because they refused to give up.

2. “Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and enjoying it for everything that it is.” – Mandy Hale

Research from the Harris Poll found that only 33 percent of Americans consider themselves to be happy. Why so blue? It could be that we’re so focused on what we don’t have that we can’t appreciate what we do have. When you stop holding yourself to some standard of expectations that you can never fully achieve, you can value yourself more and appreciate life. This is one of the best wisdom quotes for reminding us to not take things for granted.

3. “Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone.” – Anonymous

Wisdom is gained through experiences and harsh life lessons. When we go through a difficult day, we might feel like it’s been a loss. However, it’s actually been a net benefit to us, because it’s provided us with a new perspective. It’s up to us to apply these lessons to our lives.

4. “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine

This is one of the best wisdom quotes for reminding us about the importance of being resilient. Research suggests that going through difficulties can have a positive impact on us. As we overcome obstacles, we come out of them stronger than before.

5. “Suffering is a gift. In it is hidden mercy.” – Rumi

Suffering isn’t necessarily something to be cherished, but it can be appreciated. We can realize that our difficulties can give us a better understanding of how to improve our lives. Just because things don’t go well in one instance doesn’t mean that things are doomed for us.

6. “Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.” – Francis Bacon

Sometimes, to find a solution, we need to be willing to take a step back and just appreciate the silence. Wisdom quotes like this remind us that the key to wisdom can often be found within ourselves. We just have to prevent ourselves from overthinking.

7. “The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection.” – George Orwell

Perfectionism only serves to frustrate us. While we should try our best, we should not aim for perfection. Instead, we should be willing to accept that giving things our all is better than getting everything we desire. We can feel much more satisfied by not holding ourselves to an impossible standard.

8. “Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child.” – Ron Wild

Think back to being a child and how wide-eyed and innocent you were. There was so much beauty to be found in the world, even when you weren’t looking for it. Those experiences can still occur. You just need to be willing to shift how you view things. Wisdom quotes like this remind us that children have more insight than we might realize.

wisdom quotes

9. “As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting better. And as you get better, you gain more confidence. That alone is success.” – Tamara Taylor

Satisfaction in life comes from staying the course when we could give up.

10. “If I fall, I’ll take the fall and get up and keep going.” – Mirai Nagasu

Failure shouldn’t be viewed as shameful, as those who fail are often ones who tried just as hard as those who succeeded.

It can be hard to find comfort when experiencing difficulties. That’s why it’s important to turn to wisdom quotes such as these. We can remember just how much trouble others have gone through and how much of a difference optimism and wisdom can make.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Experts Explain the Diabetic Diet Plan to Improve Blood Sugar Balance

Eating healthy foods and having a balanced diet is important for everyone, regardless of age, race, gender or social status. If you are one of the millions of individuals diagnosed with certain medical conditions, ensuring proper nutrition in your daily regime has probably become second nature. More specifically, if you or someone you know is diabetic, you have probably noticed that certain foods are off-limits while the consumption of others is necessary to maintain and improve blood glucose levels.

Diabetes occurs when an individual has increased levels of glucose in the bloodstream. In a healthy, non-diabetic person, the pancreas produces the right amount of insulin and releases the hormone into the bloodstream. As a result, the levels of glucose are regulated and the body functions normally. On the other hand, the pancreas of individuals diagnosed with diabetes does not produce sufficient amounts of insulin, and sometimes no insulin at all. Since the body’s cells require glucose to create energy, when the cells do not receive sufficient amounts of glucose, it remains in the bloodstream.

If excessive levels of glucose continue to exist in the bloodstream, serious health conditions may arise, including the development of diabetes. While there is no cure for the condition, intelligent lifestyle choices and a well-balanced diet are effective methods of managing it. More importantly, diabetics may incorporate a diabetic diet into their daily routine to maintain a sense of normalcy.

What is a diabetic diet plan?

As the description implies, a diabetic diet simply involves eating healthy foods while maintaining a daily routine of moderate portions within structured meals. Although it is essential that individuals with diabetes follow a well-organized eating plan to ensure blood glucose levels remain on target, a diabetic diet is safe for practically everyone, diabetic or not.

What is included in a diabetic diet plan?

The first step in any effective diet is maintaining a schedule. Having meals at the same time each day assists in the production and use of insulin, no matter if it is produced by the body or received through prescription medications. Then, create a personalized plan based on your level of activity as well as dietary needs and preferences. If you are not very familiar with nutrition, food groups, and defining your required caloric intake, you may want to consider consulting with a registered dietitian (RD) for the creation of a diabetic diet plan. The next essential step is determining the types of foods to include and which to exclude from your diabetic diet.

Food recommendations

Diabetics need to maintain a nutritious diet high in vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates are found in foods high in starch including:

  • whole grain foods with no or minimal amounts of sugar
  • whole grain foods including oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice
  • baked sweet potatoes.

Vegetables are good sources of fiber and include:

  • greens such as kale or spinach
  • fresh vegetables served raw, grilled, steamed, or roasted
  • canned vegetables with no salt or low sodium amounts.

Fruits are always a favorable option because they are naturally low in fat. Instead of junk food, consider healthy snack food alternatives such as:

  • fresh, frozen, or canned fruits with no sugar additives
  • applesauce with no sugar additives
  • preserves or jams with no or low amounts of sugar.

When planning your meals, do not forget to include proteins found in:

  • poultry and chicken (preferably breast meat instead of leg or thigh)
  • dairy products low in fat
  • seafood (including heart-healthy fish such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel)
  • plants and sprouts (bean, nuts, seeds, and tofu)
  • dairy products low in fat.

diabetic diet

What to avoid

“Diabetes increases your risk of heart disease and stroke by accelerating the development of clogged and hardened arteries” (Mayo Clinic, 2018). With this in mind, steering clear of certain foods is just as important as including others in your daily routine.

Refrain from foods high in:

  • cholesterol – i.e. fatty dairy products, liver, egg yolks
  • saturated fats – found in proteins such as hot dogs, sausage, and beef
  • sodium – limit your daily intake to 2,300 mg
  • trans fats – processed, baked, and prepackaged foods.

The Bottom Line

Although diabetes is incurable, individuals who suffer from the condition may rest easier that their glucose levels are under control thanks to a well-organized diabetic diet. The plan not only manages diabetes, it also reduces the risk of complications such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. With so many health benefits, is there any reason not to start a diabetic diet today?

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 DIY Face Masks For Girls Who Want Glowing Skin Instantly

60 million individuals in the US suffer from acne. Whether you want to cure acne or have glowing skin, homemade face masks will work for you.

Here are 10 DIY face masks for girls who want glowing skin instantly.

face masks

1. Coffee Mask

To make this face mask, you require 2.25 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice, 1.5 teaspoons of aloe gel, one tablespoon consisting of honey, and one tablespoon pf finely ground espresso beans. Form a paste by blending the honey and the coffee beans together. Add in the lemon juice and aloe gel and mix well. You can skip the lemon juice if you have sensitive skin. Apply the mask to your face gently and leave it on for ten minutes before you decide to wash it off. This works because the coffee’s caffeine gently exfoliates the skin while tightening it.

2. Papaya Greek Yoghurt DIY Face Mask

For this face mask, all you need is one tablespoon consisting of full-fat plain yoghurt and two tablespoons comprising ripe and mashed papaya. Mix the yoghurt and papaya together and apply it to the decollete, neck, and clean face. Apply in upward-sweeping motions. Leave these face masks for up to ten minutes depending on the sensitivity of your skin. Apply facial moisturiser and toner after washing it off with tepid water. This will work because papaya is rich in a protein-dissolving enzyme referred to as papain and vitamin C. Hence, the mask is ideal for creating clear and smooth skin.

3. Honey Rosehip Avocado Mask

Ingredients include a quarter of ripe avocado, ten drops consisting of rosehip seed oil, and one tablespoon comprising honey. Use a food processor to combine all the ingredients. Put the mask on and rinse it off after five minutes. This mask works because Rosehip seed oil improves the texture of the skin and makes the cellular walls strong while the avocado calms and moisturises the skin.

4. Potato Turmeric DIY Face Masks

Ingredients include a quarter teaspoon of turmeric, a few drops of rosewater, one grated cucumber, and one grated white potato. Combine the ingredients, put the mask on, and rinse it off after ten minutes. Use a towel to remove all the grated veggies from your face. This works because both potatoes and turmeric are anti-inflammatory. Wounds and bruises have been treated with potato paste for years. Moreover, cucumbers are rich in vitamin C, hydrate the skin, and give the skin a toning appeal.

5. Matcha DIY Face Masks

For this mask, use half teaspoon of honey, quarter teaspoon of matcha powder, and quarter cup cooked and plain oatmeal. Combine the mixture in a bowl together with fresh lemon juice. Put the mixture on your clean face for up to ten minutes. Make your hands moist and massage the skin for a light exfoliation prior to rinsing. This will work because matcha is a superfood and consists of powerful antioxidants. Additionally, the mask could help in reduction of sebum production by the skin.

6. Besan Mask

To make this mask, you need 1 tablespoon of milk cream, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons of besan or gram flour. Combine the ingredients to create a paste and add a little water for consistency. Apply the paste on the neck and face for up to 20 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

7. Banana Face Mask

Ingredients for this mask include 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 ripe banana. Use a hand blender or a grinder to blend the banana with honey. Apply on the face for up to fifteen minutes. Rinse your face with cold water after rinsing with warm water.

8. Triple-Action Turmeric Mask

For this mask, you will use 1 tablespoon of aloe, half teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of honey, and 1 tablespoon comprising organic Greek yoghurt. Blend the ingredients together and apply for up to ten minutes. It works because it is super hydrating, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial. Aloe and honey are good anti-septics and make your skin clear. Greek yoghurt boosts the hydration of the skin and turmeric is an anti-inflammatory.

9. Honey-Avocado Mask

Ingredients include 1 mashed mango, 2 tablespoons consisting of olive oil, 2 tablespoons comprising avocado, and 2 tablespoons comprising honey. Combine all the ingredients together. Apply for fifteen minutes and wipe with a warm cloth. It works since honey is hydrating and does not risk a breakout. Avocado restores the lipid layer of the skin through vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, the mango has vitamin C which assists to brighten the skin while the olive oil softens the skin. Olive oil reverses sun damage signs and is anti-inflammatory.

face mask

10. Orange Face Mask

For this face mask, use water or rose water, 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder, and orange peels. Dry the orange peels by exposing them to the sun for 2-3 days. Make a fine powder by grinding them and take two tablespoons of the powder and mix with water to create a paste. Put on this paste for up to half an hour and rinse your face.


Happy masking!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This Trainer Explains How To Lose Weight Fast With These Simple Exercises

Everyone would like to know the secret of how to lose weight fast. While fad diets and cleanses can be harmful, the best way to learn how to lose weight fast is to incorporate healthy eating and exercise into your daily routine. Trainers like myself know all about the best exercises you can use to whittle down body fat and encourage overall strength and muscle tone.

When you want to know how to lose weight fast, turn to these easy, yet effective exercises. They can be done at home with minimum equipment. These exercises will jumpstart your metabolism while trimming and perfecting your body overall. As you see the changes in your body, you will feel even better about yourself.

A Trainer Shares How To Lose Weight Fast

women who lose weight

An Easy Start for Sedentary People

If you haven’t been exercising at all, it might not be a good idea to leap right into demanding routines. It’s much better to ease your way into a healthy lifestyle by incorporating this simple exercise plan into your day. Try these exercises 1-3 times a day and you’ll be impressed by how quickly you build your endurance. When you feel comfortable with this level of activity, it’s time to move on to some of the more athletic exercises in this article.

First, do a brisk walk for 7 minutes. Follow your walk with 7 minutes of easy lunges and push-ups. Cool down with another 7 minutes of brisk walking. This will help your body get used to exercise so you don’t burn out or hurt yourself.

If you are already exercising, try some of these super fat burning moves to up your workout game.


Squats are a great exercise for the core and the lower body. By working your muscles and building your endurance, they will help you learn how to lose weight fast. To do a squat, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold your arms down at your sides. For an extra boost, you can hold hand weights. Rest your weight back on your heels and slowly lower yourself as you raise your arms in front of you. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then rise up steadily and come back to standing. Repeat this exercise in 3 sets of 15 reps.

You’ll love how strong and defined your thighs will be after you’ve faithfully done this exercise. You’ll also find that you have better balance and a stronger core.


Lunges build not only lower body strength, but also balance and flexibility. Stand with your right foot forward and your left foot back. Keep your feet about 3 feet apart. Bend your knees to lower your body toward the floor. Be sure to lower straight down, keeping your back straight. Don’t lean forward. Push with the heel of your front foot and come back to the position you started in. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Jumping Rope

When you want to lose weight fast, you will need to incorporate a solid cardio workout. Cardio workouts don’t have to be complicated and involve a lot of confusing footwork. Try letting your inner child out to play by using a jump rope. Jumping rope will build your cardiovascular endurance as well as strengthening the muscles in your entire body.

how to lose weight fast

To jump rope properly, make sure your rope is the right length. When you hold the ends of the rope at your shoulders, the rope should touch the ground. If it is too short or too long, you run the risk of injuries and improper form.

Hold your feet together. Keep your elbows in and swing the rope forward. Hop over the rope; don’t jump or bounce between swings. Keep jumping for 1 full minute, or for as long as you can.

It’s important to build your endurance slowly over time and not to push yourself beyond your limits. This will only make you sore and unwilling to try again. Repeat your 1 minute jumping set 3 times.

Final Thoughts

When you want to learn how to lose weight fast, you’ll need to make changes in your diet and in your fitness routine. Use these simple exercises to help build your strength and endurance. No one exercise can make you lose weight fast on its own, but a combination of exercises that work all parts of your body will set you on the path to good health. If you stick to your new diet and exercise plan, you’ll be thrilled by the changes happening in your body.

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