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Scientists Explain How to Double Your Weight Loss With A Vegetarian Diet

Medical research demonstrates the positive results of a vegetarian diet over a low-calorie (“hypocaloric”) diet. In addition to weight loss, studies show that vegetarian diets beat out hypocaloric diets in virtually every important health and fitness benchmark, including:

  • maximal optimal consumption (VO² max)
  • maximal performance output
  • insulin sensitivity
  • LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels
  • cardiovascular disease risk
  • diabetes risk
  • obesity rates

This article will focus on the weight loss results observed in a 2017 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. In the study, researchers sought to measure the effects, if any, of a vegetarian and conventional diet on fat tissue distribution in subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2D). To conclude matters, we’ll discuss the types of foods used by the researchers and what food science has to say about their health benefits!

Benefits  of a vegetarian diet

Vegetarian diets contain fewer calories and unsaturated fats. Eating a vegetarian diet increases your fiber, vitamin C, and potassium levels. Studies suggest that most vegetarians weigh less and have a lower death risk from heart disease or cancer. But researchers aren’t sure if it’s just the vegetarian diet that gives all these benefits. In general, in the United States, individuals who eat a vegetarian diet have a higher socioeconomic status, are more physically active, and have healthier habits.

weight lossEating vegetarian is more than skipping meat in your diet. True vegetarians work hard to eat a variety of foods to be sure you get proper nutrition. It’s important to get enough iron, calcium, vitamin B12, and zinc in a vegetarian diet. With some planning, you can safely eat a vegetarian diet and still meet all your health needs.

Different types of vegetarian diets

There are different types of vegetarian diets. These are defined by what is allowed in your diet.

  • Flexitarian-Eats dairy, eggs with small amounts of meat, seafood, poultry, or fish.
  • Pescatarian-Eats dairy and eggs, plus seafood and fish, but no beef or chicken.
  • Lacto-Ovo vegetarian-You can eat dairy and eggs but no seafood, fish, beef, or chicken.
  • Vegan-Eats no animal products at all.

Here’s the research that proves how you can double your weight loss with a vegetarian diet:

“[This study] is important for people who are trying to lose weight, including those suffering from metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes. But it is also relevant to anyone who takes their weight management seriously and ways to stay lean and healthy.” – Hana Kahleova, M.D., Ph.D.

74 individuals with T2D were randomly assigned to one of two groups – an isocaloric anti-diabetic diet or a vegetarian diet. An isocaloric diet is when a person consumes the same amount of calories from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. An isocaloric diet is relatively low in carbohydrates and high in protein and fiber.

(Sidenote: In a 2014 study published in the Iran Journal of Medical Science, individuals placed on an isocaloric diet “significantly” reduced total body mass index (BMI) over comparison with a “balanced diet.”)

In the interest of not turning this reading into a scientific paper, we’ll cut to the chase.

The Weight Loss Diet

“We showed that a vegetarian diet reduced subfascial fat more and tended to also reduce intramuscular fat more than a conventional hypocaloric diabetic diet.” – Kahleova, H., et. al.

Now that we’ve established the weight loss benefits of a vegetarian diet let’s go over the kinds of foods most likely used (and presumably, recommended) by the study’s research team.

First, researchers define the vegetarian diet as 60% calories from carbohydrates, 25% from fat, and 15% from protein. Animal products were limited to an optional, single portion of low-fat yogurt. Otherwise, the diet was entirely made up of “vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, and nuts.”

juicing recipes for weight loss


The Results

Here are the findings as reported in this study (among many other previous studies) as they pertain to the advantages of a vegetarian over a conventional isocaloric, anti-diabetic diet:

  • Lower oxidative stress (“an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants.”)
  • Better normalization and maintenance of blood sugar levels.
  • Lower fat density in the area(s) measured. In this study, the vegetarian group tested for a 27% greater total leg area reduction than the isocaloric group.
  • A loss of fascia fat was exclusive to the vegetarian diet group. (Fascia is defined as “a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen.” Fascial fat accumulation is associated with the development of cellulite.)
  • A 300% greater reduction in intramuscular fat in the vegetarian dieters over the isocaloric dieters.
  • More fat loss in the subcutaneous regions of the body in the vegetarian group.

Researchers conclude that the “vegetarian diet was almost twice as effective in reducing body weight compared to the (anti-diabetic, isocaloric) diet.”  The vegetarian group had an average weight loss of 13.7 pounds (~6.2 kg), compared to 7.1 pounds (~3.2 kg) is the isocaloric group. The research team attributes these findings to accelerated fat loss due to lower and more stable blood sugar levels and decreased insulin sensitivity.

Best vegetarian diet foods for weight loss

Eat a wide variety of foods to get the proper nutrition. Choose these foods for your vegetarian diet to guarantee you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals you need.


Your body needs protein to build your bones, muscles, skin, cartilage, and blood. Good sources of protein include nuts, seeds, eggs, whole grains, and beans. If you’re eating dairy products, they’re a good source of protein.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Your body doesn’t make fatty acids, so you need to get these from what you eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for good brain function. The production of healthy cells controls inflammation and helps your thyroid and adrenal glands. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and soybeans. If you eat fish or seafood, choose salmon, mackerel, tuna, or herring are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids.


Iron is critical for the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen throughout your body. Iron also produces hormones and ensures the proper development and growth of your body. Good sources of iron include

  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • Chia seeds
  • Kale
  • Figs
  • Raisins
  • Quinoa
  • Fortified Cereals
  • Dark leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale
  • Clams, oysters, and mussels


Calcium is instrumental for healthy bone health. Foods like yogurt, cheese, and milk are great sources of calcium. Other calcium packed foods include

  • Dark leafy green veggies like okra, spinach, and cabbage
  • Soy milk
  • Oats
  • Fortified cereals
  • Fortified orange juice

B vitamins

You need B vitamins for energy, good brain function, and healthy cell development. Foods rich in B vitamins include

  • Brown rice
  • Beans and lentils
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dark leafy greens like broccoli, spinach, or kale
  • Fruits like citrus, avocados, bananas
  • Eggs
  • Salmon

 Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption. It also helps build your bones’ growth and development. Lack of vitamin D can cause osteoporosis, making you susceptible to bone fractures—foods like soy milk products, egg yolks, and fortified orange juice. You also get vitamin D from the sun.  If you live where it’s cold in the winter,  you should take a vitamin D supplement, so you get enough Vitamin D.

pop memeFood prep tips for a vegetarian diet and faster weight loss

Preparing healthy and delicious vegetarian meals isn’t that hard, but it does take some planning ahead. Use these tips to help expedite your veggies meals.

Master Using Your Slow Cooker:

Use your slow cooker to create healthy vegetarian meals with no hassle. Vegetarian soups, macaroni and cheese, veggie stews, and meatless chili are delicious meals you can cook in the crockpot.

Crockpot Spaghetti squash noodles recipe


  • 1 spaghetti squash (5 pounds) * bigger if you want more noodles
  • ½ cup of water


  • Wash the spaghetti squash rind on the outside
  • Place the spaghetti squash and the crockpot with the water
  • Cook on high for one to two hours until tender.
  • Remove and cool.
  • Slice the spaghetti squash in two.
  • Remove the seeds and stringy material.
  • With a fork, scrape out the spaghetti squash noodles.
  • Serve topped with fresh, diced tomatoes and grated parmesan cheese for a delicious meal.

Frozen foods

Don’t forget those frozen veggies and fruits!  In fact, frozen vegetables and frozen fruits have more nutritional value than fresh. Keep a supply of frozen fruits to snack on or make a smoothie for breakfast. Store frozen beans, corn, broccoli, kale, or spinach for quick meal prep for dinner. Just remember that frozen foods begin to lose their taste and nutrition after 3 months. So, it’s best to eat your frozen fruits and veggies within three to four weeks after buying them.

 Prepare meals ahead of time.

When possible, prepare meals ahead and freeze them. Healthy frozen meals are great on the days when work is crazy, and you have to take the kids to their sports practice. Pull out the meal to thaw in the morning. Then when everyone is home in the evening, reheat your meal in the oven or microwave. Meals you can make ahead include

  • Enchiladas
  • Meatless chili
  • Vegetable soup
  • Pasta dishes
  • Tikka Masala
  • Spinach lasagna
  • Veggie burgers (prepare sandwich and place individually in Ziploc bags and freeze)

 Buy organic when possible.

If you can, purchase organic fruits and vegetables to guarantee the food is pesticide-free and wasn’t raised with chemical fertilizers or growth hormones.

Farmer’s markets sell lots of organic fruits and veggies, plus more….

  • Apples
  • Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries
  • Honey
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Watermelons
  • Cantaloupe
  • Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Turnips
  • Zucchini
  • Green onions
  • Herbs
  • Fresh spices
  • Whole-grain bread

Why not try your hand at growing your own veggies and fruits?  It’s a fun project for your whole family to participate in, and your food can’t get any fresher. Here’s an easy green salsa recipe you can make with your leftover green tomatoes at the end of the summer.

Green tomato salsa recipe


  • Gather three or four green tomatoes
  • One jalapeno washed and chopped.
  • One bunch of cilantro washed and chopped.
  • Kosher salt


  • Wash them
  • Slice and drizzle with olive oil.
  • Sprinkle with kosher salt.
  • Lay them on a baking sheet.
  • Roast them in a 400-degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes or until the edges are brownish in color.
  • Remove the tomatoes. Allow to cool.
  • Throw the chopped jalapeno, a bunch of cilantro, and the roasted green tomatoes into your blender. Blend until smooth.

Serve with chips, veggies, or pita bread chips.

Eat breakfast for dinner.

Vegetarian breakfasts make great evening dinners. Your kids will love these meals, and you’ll love how easy it is to prepare them.  Whip up some blueberry walnut pancakes and eggs. Serve with honey or chopped up fruit on top.

 Canned beans

Canned beans are packed with vitamins, protein, and minerals, but they can be high in sodium. So, if you have high blood pressure, steer clear of canned beans. You can use dried beans. They look intimidating, but they’re not too difficult to prepare. Typically, you need to soak the dried beans in a bowl of water all night. Put them into your fridge to soak. Then in the morning, you drain off the water. Put the beans in a pot and add some water or vegetable broth and cook on low heat until the beans are tender. Add salt, pepper, and other spices. Yummy!

Don’t eat too much of these foods.

Eating a vegetarian diet is a healthy choice, but it’s still possible to eat unhealthy foods while you’re on this diet. Avoid eating too much cheese. Dairy foods can pack on the pounds. If you’re craving protein instead, choose nuts or seeds, beans, or leafy greens to satisfy your protein cravings.  Also, beware of meat substitutes. Some of these have an excess amount of sugar and salt. Read the labels before you buy them.

Avoid these foods to continue your weight loss journey.

You want to eat fresh, whole foods while you’re on a vegetarian diet. Avoid processed foods that are packed with calories, fat, sugar, and sodium. These include

  • Chips
  • Crackers
  • Frozen pizza
  • Premade pasta dishes
  • Candy
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Granola bars
  • Dried fruit
  • Ramen noodles

These foods are easy to grab when you’re hungry, but they’re really not good for you. Try to have lots of fresh and frozen fruits and veggies in your fridge for quick snacks.  Keep nuts and seeds in your pantry for extra protein, so when you’re hungry, you won’t be tempted to grab something processed.

vegetarian diet for weight lossFinal Thoughts of Consuming a Vegetarian Diet to Double Your Weight Loss

Eating vegetarian can help you lose weight, lower your cholesterol, and improve your blood sugar levels. There are so many amazing veggie recipes available. Find the recipes you love and prepare them ahead of time, then freeze them.  This way, they’ll be ready when you need a quick meal. Keep lots of healthy snacks in your fridge and pantry, so you’re not tempted to eat processed foods. Enjoy your new diet, and enjoy the new way you feel about your healthy vegetarian diet.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Eyes Fast

In 2006, about 53% of 13,000 surveyed Clinique users stated that dark circles were their top beauty concern. If you have dark circles under your eyes and you keep wearing makeup to no avail, then you are in luck.

This article will guide you on how to use makeup properly to get rid of dark circles under your eyes, and also the natural remedies you can use to accomplish the same.

Here are some of the tips to assist in getting rid of dark circles under eyes fast:

Using Makeup

1. Select the Right Concealer

Get a concealer that is lighter than your skin by one to two shades. The majority of the makeup brands have concealers made particularly to cover circles under the eyes. Select a concealer that is wet enough and that will not settle into the eyes’ fine lines.

2. Get the Right Color

A majority of the circles take on a purplish or bluish tinge. Counteract that colour with yellow-toned concealer. Research the concealer tone which will counteract the colour of your circles.

3. Apply the Concealer below the Eyes

Only apply the concealer where the circles are present. The circles are mostly present under the eyes towards the cheek. Use a soft makeup brush or the tip of your finger to apply the concealer gently.

4. Use a Translucent Powder to Cover the Concealer

A translucent powder is a finishing used to brush over the skin to set the foundation, concealer, and other makeup. Use a wedge sponge to apply it under your eyes to blend it in.

5. Apply a Dark-Colored Eye Pencil

Dark eyeliner makes your eyes look more vivid and sparkling, detracting from the circles. Use a dark brown eye pencil to line your lower and upper lids. You can add a dark blue layer of eyeliner on the upper eyelids’ outer third.

6. Use Waterproof Mascara

Waterproof mascara will prevent you from getting mascara smudges below your eyes, which leads to darker circles. Apply two coats of mascara on your upper lashes.

7. Apply a Highlighter Makeup Pen

Perk your look and add a glow to your skin by using a highlighter pen. Apply to the area under the eyes to reduce the circles. For the application, use light feathery strokes to brush the pen over the skin. Use your finger to blend in the makeup.

Using Natural Remedies

1. Tomatoes

An excellent solution to removing the circles is the use of tomatoes since it naturally helps reduce the circles and make the skin supple and soft. Mix one teaspoon of lemon and one teaspoon of tomato juice and apply it under the eyes. Use water to wash it off after ten minutes. Do this daily as you drink a cocktail of tomato juice, lemon juice, and mint leaves.

2. Grated Potatoes

To remove the circles, grate raw potatoes and extract juice from it. Then, soak cotton balls in the potato juice and put them on your eyes after closing them. Ensure the whole area covered by the circle has been covered by the cotton balls. Wash your eyes with cold water after ten minutes.

3. Cold Tea Bags

Cold tea bags are also an efficient way of removing the circles. Soak green or chamomile tea bags in water and place them in the refrigerator for some time. Then, put them on your closed eyes.

4. Almond Oil

Vitamin E is contained in almond oil which helps in making the skin supple. Using almond oil on your eyes for a week can help eradicate the circles. Apply some almond oil on the dark circles under eyes and gently massage the area. Leave through the night and wash your eyes in the morning.

5. Cold Milk

In addition to soothing your skin and eyes, cold milk can reduce the circles when used regularly. Put some cotton balls in the cold milk for some time and apply them to the dark circles under eyes. Remove and wash your face after some time.

6. Orange juice

Orange juice is another home remedy for removing the circles fast. A mixture of a few drops of glycerin and some orange juice can be applied over the dark circles under eyes to give a natural glow to the eyes and to diminish the circles.

dark circles under eyes
7. Mint Leaves

Mint is popular for its refreshing qualities and attractive scent. However, it can also be used to rid your eyes of the circles. Crush some leaves with water to form a paste and apply on the dark circles under eyes. Wash with cold water after ten minutes and repeat the same for one week.

8. Buttermilk Paste

Turmeric has numerous health benefits. Take two tablespoons of turmeric powder and buttermilk and mix well. Apply to the dark circles under eyes and wash with lukewarm water after fifteen minutes.


Whether it’s because of sickness, tiredness, allergies, dehydration, or hereditary nature, these natural and makeup remedies will make your circles disappear.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Lower Your Cholesterol And Get Fit With This Meal Plan

A low cholesterol diet is associated with better cardiovascular health and a lower body weight. You can add foods that lower cholesterol to your healthy diet and boost your overall wellness as well as protecting your body from future disease.

It’s easy to create a low cholesterol diet using heart-healthy foods. This meal plan will give you great ideas of how to make over your diet so that you are reaping the maximum benefits from the food you eat. When you eat foods that lower cholesterol, you can feel good about your family’s diet.

Get Healthy and Fit This Summer with Foods That Lower Cholesterol

Soluble Fiber Lowers Cholesterol

Beans and other legumes, yams, oats, barley, Brussels sprouts, and berries are all packed with soluble fiber. Oats are one of the proven foods that lower cholesterol. Beans are an especially important part of a lower cholesterol diet. A recent study found that eating one serving of beans each day lowered LDL cholesterol and promoted artery health. The benefit was especially pronounced in men.

Avoid Foods that Raise Cholesterol

You may have the impression that saturated fats such as butter and coconut oil are good for you, but if you want to lower your blood cholesterol, you need to limit these foods in your diet. Other foods to avoid include processed meats, organ meats, trans fats, and foods high in cholesterol like egg yolks.

Plant Proteins are Better than Animal Proteins

Even the leanest animal proteins contain some saturated fat and can raise your cholesterol. It is best to balance your diet with more plant proteins than animal proteins. Beans and tofu can replace meats in your diet. It is also worth checking out the health benefits of fish, which is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids. While fish is not one of the foods that lower cholesterol, it has fantastic benefits for the entire cardiovascular system, including lowering inflammation.

Making Over Your Diet

When you are adapting your diet, you don’t have to sacrifice good taste. Here are some meal makeover ideas that will keep you on the path to wellness.

For breakfast, skip the refined grains and sugar. Have whole wheat toast with an egg. Use egg whites if you are especially concerned with cholesterol. Top your egg with salsa and eat it with a banana or another piece of fruit.

During the day, snack on heart-healthy favorites like blueberries, which are also packed with antioxidants.

foods that lower cholesterol

For lunch, make a salad with chickpeas and crunchy vegetables. You can add almonds to make it more filling and to provide more heart-healthy unsaturated fats and Omega-3s. Be sure to stay away from commercial salad dressings, which can be unexpectedly full of sugar and fat. Use a light homemade vinaigrette instead.

For dinner, have a delicious piece of pan-seared salmon. Salmon is one of the most nutritious fish in the sea. Serve it with steamed vegetables and a baked potato. Skip the butter and sour cream, and serve your potato with a little bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper. You’ll enjoy your potato just as much, and you won’t have the damaging health effects of butter and sour cream to worry about.

For dessert, stick to fruits and berries. With its impressive amount of antioxidants, dark chocolate is also a heart-healthy dessert. When you become accustomed to eating foods that lower cholesterol, you won’t miss the high-fat indulgences.

Final Thoughts

Eating a diet low in cholesterol for heart health doesn’t have to be difficult. Eat as many foods with soluble fiber as you can, since soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol. It also helps you feel fuller longer. Substitute as many animal proteins as you can for plant proteins. Plant proteins have no fat and are accompanied by tons of heart-healthy fiber. Cut out refined sugars and flour from your diet. Instead, snack on fruits and vegetables. Limit dairy fats like butter, and substitute them for fat-free dairy whenever possible.

When you remake your diet, you will find that your cholesterol is lowered, increasing your chances of living well into old age without any heart problems. Anyone can eat a low cholesterol diet if they put their mind to it.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

What Can You Do With Long Pepper? Here Are 11 Amazing Ideas

If you are looking for an exciting new addition to your spice cabinet, why don’t you consider long pepper? This spice is native to India. While it is often confused with the chili pepper family, it is closely related to the plant that produces black pepper.

You can find long pepper in Indian grocery stores, where it goes by the name “pippali.” The flavor of long pepper is more complex than that of black pepper. The pepper has a longer finish on the palate, and the flavor reminds some people of tobacco. Some say the taste resembles garam masala, an Indian spice blend.

This beneficial spice is not well known in the United States, but its culinary and health applications shouldn’t be overlooked. Here are 10 fantastic ways to use the long pepper in cooking as well as for your health.

11 Reasons (and Ways) to Use Long Pepper

1. Long Pepper Fights Cancer

The active ingredient in this pepper, piperlongumine (or PL), has been shown to fight against many different types of cancer. These include prostate, lung, and breast cancers. Long pepper benefits people with cancer and other chronic illnesses.

2. This Amazing Pepper is a Traditional Medicine

In India, this pepper is used in Ayurvedic medicine. Scientific studies are finally catching up to this ancient form of medicine, and have begun to seriously consider the benefits of long pepper.

3. It Tastes Great in Curry Dishes

This delicious pepper is a perfect ingredient for use in curry dishes. It goes especially well with red meat curry dishes, such as in Indonesian and Thai cuisine. It also augments savory vegetables. When you use this pepper in your curry, you will achieve an authentic flavor that isn’t possible with supermarket blends.

4. This Pepper Encourages Weight Loss

Along with its other fantastic qualities, long pepper benefits a healthy body while helping with weight loss. It helps the body to burn fat and metabolize food.

5. Spice Up Your Love Life

This pepper is also considered a traditional aphrodisiac in Indian culture. Its properties are listed in the Kama Sutra. Consuming this pepper may bring you happiness in the bedroom as well as in the kitchen.

6. Use It to Fight Diabetes

While this pepper isn’t a cure-all, it has documented benefits for diabetics. It helps to regulate blood glucose and to encourage insulin production.

7. Good for Stomach Ailments

While too much long pepper may cause stomach upset, using it in moderation may help with many types of digestive ailments. Diarrhea, constipation, and even infectious digestive diseases like cholera may ease up with this pepper.

8. Make Delicious Tea

Combine one half tablespoon of this pepper with cardamom seeds, 6 cinnamon sticks, and 4 slices of fresh ginger. Simmer these ingredients in 2 quarts of water for 30 minutes. Strain the tea and add milk and honey to taste. This preparation is the famous “yogi tea.” It is an easy way to incorporate the benefits of this pepper in your daily diet.

9. Traditionally Used for Allergies

In Ayurvedic medicine, this pepper is used to help with springtime allergies. It can help with sniffling, sneezing, and mucus production. Spicy foods in general help improve congestion and sinus problems.

10. Substitute for Black Pepper

You can use this pepper anywhere you would normally use black pepper. It provides a special flavor that will stand out in your everyday dishes. Unlike black pepper, it is tricky to grind. Try using a mortar and pestle, food processor, or microplane grater. You will find success with any of these methods.

long pepper

11. Good for Menstrual Problems

This pepper also helps to ease menstrual problems such as cramps. Drink the “yogi tea” whenever you are having a rough day during that time of the month.

Final Thoughts

While this spice may be obscure, it offers a host of exciting benefits for the entire body. Medical studies have begun to show that this pepper has clear and documented uses for diabetes, weight loss, cancer, seasonal allergies, and menstrual difficulties. Add this incredible superfood to your diet and reap the benefits of this traditional Indian ingredient.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Amazing Benefits Of Eating Sprouts For Your Body, Hair And Skin

Sprouts are an amazing super food that offer healthful benefits even when you consume a small amount. Whether you eat them as a snack or in a salad, adding sprouts to your daily diet will do wonders for your hair, skin, and digestive system. They can also benefit your mental health.

You can grow your own sprouts, which packs the biggest punch, or you can buy a vast variety right in the produce aisle. Eating different types can offer you an array of nutrients, but bean and alfalfa are the most common varieties of sprouts.

Types of Sprouts

• Mung Bean
• Alfalfa
• Fenugreek
• Graham
• Brussels

You can grow them from any type of seed. If you combine multiple types in a single dish or snack on them throughout the day, you will reap plenty of benefits. However, enjoying one type of this superfood can still offer value to your diet.

Nutrients Found in Sprouts

• Vitamin C
• Folate
• Iron
• Vitamin K
• Manganese
• Zinc
• Selenium

Protein enzymes are another reason to add a cup to your daily diet. These enzymes actually allow you to extract more vitamins and minerals from other food sources, too. Plus, bean sprouts contain a healthy dose (up to 35%) of plant protein. Vitamin contents are generally higher in sprouted seeds, beans, and nuts when compared to their whole food counterparts.

Here are 12 benefits of sprouts:

Here are twelve great reasons to add sprouts to your plate.

Health Benefits

1. Digestion: The added enzymes and fiber work through your body. By increasing your stomach’s natural juices, the enzymes can work efficiently to break down your food. They can also help with constipation and diarrhea. Additionally, they might help to prevent colorectal cancer.

2. Weight loss: The same enzymes will also provide a boost to your metabolism. In addition, sprouts offer protein and fiber. Both fill you up, so adding them to your meals can also promote weight loss.

3. Anemia: Low iron affects many people, especially women. The iron content in sprouts not only works to prevent anemia, but you can use this food as a natural medicine to restore your iron levels. The bioavailability of iron in sprouts makes it an excellent preventative and treatment.

4. Heart healthy: They offer a boost of good cholesterol while possibly reducing the bad cholesterol in your body.

5. Lower blood pressure: The omega-3 fatty acids found in sprouts can benefit your cardiovascular health. They are anti-inflammatory, and their potassium content benefits blood pressure. Therefore, eating this food daily can help you reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Hair Benefits

6. Vitamin C: They can help strengthen weak, brittle, or thinning hair in both men and women.

7. Vitamin A and K: Both of these vitamins help your scalp and roots, thus aiding and supporting hair growth. You can enjoy these benefits with as little as a serving a day.

8. Omega acids: The omega-3’s strike again, but this time they directly affect your hair’s shine and elasticity. If you suffer from dull, lifeless hair, you should consider consuming more omega 3’s to attack the root cause (no pun intended).

Skin Benefits

9. Prevention: Eating sprouts could protect you from skin cancer because of the antioxidants that fight cancer-causing free radicals.

10. Hydrate: Vitamin B controls excess sebum. To gain this benefit, you can enjoy sprouts raw or juiced, or make a face mask with them and apply it directly to your skin.

11. Fights acne: Omega-3’s truly work wonders for the whole body, so enjoying more sprouts can also help problem skin. Whether you have acne, occasional blemishes, or psoriasis, the anti-inflammatory properties can repair your skin from the inside.

12. Youthful glow: A well-balanced diet that includes plant-based protein can do wonders for your skin. Much of this benefit is due to the regenerative cell properties, courtesy of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Final Thoughts: Selecting, Growing, and Storing Your Sprouts

If you are purchasing your sprouts, check the container for signs of mold. Yellow or wilting leaves are okay, because you can trim them at home.

Store this product in the fridge, preferably in a plastic bag that you have added a few holes to; this allows them to breathe.

Growing your own sprouts is economical and offers the most health benefits, since you harvest them when you need them. Food is always freshest from your garden, and sprouts can grow in almost every location, from a pot on a balcony to your windowsill. For best results, choose organic seeds.

By the way, cooking these foods will destroy their health benefits. You can, however, sprinkle them in a bowl of soup or another warm food dish without risk. However, when consuming sprouts for health, raw is best.

10 Tools That Cleanse Negative Energy From Your Home And Body

Do you feel you must cleanse negative energy from your presence?

There are several tools to help you live in domestic bliss and cleanse negative energy from your home and body. Many of us have experienced moments where we’ve felt something uneasy in our home, or in someone else’s house. This could have been the feeling that someone is watching us, or unexplained opening doors and noises. Most people experience negative energy from homes where traumatic events have occurred.

It’s important to learn how to cleanse negative energy for peace of mind and feeling of tranquility. Energy cleansing should be a part of your daily wellness routine and come from a place of love and light. If you notice your environment feeling heavy or stagnant, it’s time to cleanse negative energy around you. You will experience harmony and balance in your life once your home is purified. Learning how to cleanse negative energy will ease anxiety and stress and give you and your family a healthy place to rejuvenate the spirit.

Here’s how to cleanse negative energy:

release negative energy

1. Sage, Frankincense, And Copal

Burning sage is one of the first things that comes to mind when it comes to getting rid of negative energy. It has been used for thousands of years among Native Americans for healing, during ritual ceremonies, to help heal sick tribal members, and to cleanse negative energy. Sage enhances intuition and neutralizes your energy field. Frankincense can be added or used as an alternative to purify energy and chase away bad frequencies with its honey aroma scent. Frankincense provides protection, eases feelings of anxiety and stress, and elevates spiritual awareness. Copal incense is one of the oldest forms of cleansing that was discovered in the burial grounds of the Aztec and Mayan ruins. Copal has powerful medicinal properties from natural tree resin that will create a positive state of mind.

2. Go Green

Plants naturally filter out and cleanse negative energy. It’s ideal that you place one in each room or space of your home. Plants can put you in a cheerful mood, purify the air, and drive away household pests. Orchids are mood boosters and can release extra oxygen at night, helping you sleep better. Succulents can ward off feelings of malice and envy, absorbing bad electromagnetic energy. Jasmine plants can build romance and strengthen relationships in a chaotic home.

3. Salt

Salt crystals have a built-in ability to absorb and cleanse negative energy. You can sprinkle salt on the carpets and vacuum after an hour, or place bowls of salt in areas of the room and remove after a few hours. To soothe your body with salt and clear the mind, take a bath with 1-2 cups of sea salt or Epsom salt a few times per week.

4. Use Room Spray

Buying or making a room spray with pure essential oils helps remove negative energy. Adding a few drops of sage oil into a spray bottle mixed with water works wonders. You can mix in some small crystals like obsidian, black onyx, and hematite to repel excess negative energy. Use the aromatherapy spray on your furniture, the air, your pets, and even yourself.

5. Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is one of the best crystals to cleanse negative energy. You can use it to decorate your windowsill or keep it in your purse or pocket while traveling. Black tourmaline crystals work well with those who need a little extra protection. Many crystal enthusiasts believe that they hold specific energies that can be transmitted into a room or human body.

6. Take a cleansing bath

You can prepare yourself for spiritual cleansing by merely taking a warm bath. Use essential oils or sea salt and focus on specific areas of your life that need cleansing.

7. Meditation

Praying to your higher power, practicing yoga, or repeating mantras are all forms of meditation. Meditation helps to dissolve negativity and allows yourself to detach from worries in a natural way. Through meditation, you will find deep inner harmony and peace.

8. Open Windows

Sunshine and fresh air have fantastic cleansing powers. The energy of the warm sun on your face and the wind blowing through your hair will help you feel like a new person. As long as the weather permits, open up all of the windows in your house and feel the cleansing air. Breath in and exhale all of the negative energy and repeat.

9. Feng Shui

This ancient system of balancing and harmonizing the environment requires specific placement of objects. There are specific rules when it comes to Feng Shui, but everyone has a unique energy system. You can change the furniture around and stay conscious of how the shifts make you feel emotionally.

cleanse negative energy

10. Remove Or Repair Things That Are Broken

Broken items in your home set a negative tone for what you will tolerate and accept in your life. If an object is irreparable, remove it from the house and your life. Instead, focus on maintaining existing working items such as plants and furniture and notice the change in your mood.

Negative thinking patterns must be dealt with to enhance our home environment and well-being. A cleanse of negative energy can solve any problem or situation you may be coming across in your life. All it takes is 5 to 10 minutes a couple of times a week to transform your life. When you cleanse negative energy, it will provide astounding results.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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