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Overthinking Quotes : Remember These 12 Quotes When You Are Overthinking

We have all been in situations that have caused us to overthink. Everything from job interviews to meetings with long lost friends can make us fall down the “what if” rabbit hole. We will roll the unknowns around our heads trying to prepare for every eventuality or wonder if we could have said or done something differently to change an outcome.

When we overthink, it can cause far more harm than good. Worrying not only affects your mental health, but it can cause disruption to your physical health as well. People who overly worry and overthink are more prone to anxiety and depression; the stress can also raise blood pressure and impact digestive health. So when you find yourself worrying and beginning to overthink, reach for one of these overthinking quotes to help get you out of your head.

Read These 12 Amazing Overthinking Quotes to Help You Stop Worrying

When You Are Worried About the Future

We all worry about the outcome of an unknown event. Generally speaking, most of us are made uncomfortable with the notion of unfamiliar events, situations, and people. But when we think too much about a future event, we may end up inadvertently creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” – William Shakespeare

“Stop thinking, and end your problems.” – Lao Tzu

“Don’t get too deep, it leads to overthinking, and over thinking leads to problems that don’t even exist in the first place.” – Jayson Engay

“Too much thinking leads to paralysis by analysis.” – Robert Herjavec

“Overthinking will not empower you over things that are beyond your control. So, let it be if it is meant to be and cherish the moment.” – Mahsati A

Overthinking Quotes for When You Cannot Stop the “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda” Train of Thought

They say to err is human. Each of us at some point in our lives has made a faux pas, social gaffe, or said something we wished we could take back. We cannot undo what has been done and there really is no point in beating ourselves up about it. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and make sure not to repeat them. But if you find yourself beating yourself up too much, reach for one of these overthinking quotes.

“They say, “Look before you leap.” So look. But do not look for too long. Do not look into the void of uncertainty trying to predict each and every possible outcome, to evaluate every possible mistake, to prevent each possible failure. Look for the opportunity to leap, and leap faster than your fear can grab you. Leap before you talk yourself out of it, before you convince yourself to set up a temporary camp that turns into a permanent delay on your journey into your own heart.” – Vironika Tugaleva

“Some thoughts should never be conceived. Some questions should never be asked, because they have no answer, and the questions themselves serve only to haunt with grinding guilt and second guessing.” – Bobby Adair

“The more you overthink the less you will understand.” – Habeeb Akande

“Overthinking is parasitic. It’s viral. It’s deadly, even. Letting yourself fall victim to overthinking doesn’t just kill your happiness, it destroys who you are. The mind is a beautiful and complex thing, and the only person who can hurt it is yourself.” – Genereux Philip

“Don’t dull the voice of your heart just to please your brain
As it swells into overthought and the desire to be right
Switch on the light of your inner lamp.
Listen to your heart so you can feel from your soul
Don’t discount your heart to make your logic fit.” – Christine Evangelou

overthinking quotes

“The more you rationalize, the more you move farther away from your authentic self.” – Shannon L. Alder

“Your addiction to thinking will come back to haunt you.” – S’seki Natsume

Final Thoughts on These Overthinking Quotes

Inevitably, we will all find ourselves worrying about a situation that we simply cannot change or is beyond our control. However, if we allow ourselves to continually be disrupted by the cycle of worry, we can cause serious mental harm. When we worry or allow ourselves to overthink, we rob ourselves of peace of mind and the benefits of being in the here and now. When you find yourself cycling into overthought, reach for one of these overthinking quotes to remind yourself to remain in the present.

Dating A Hopeless Romantic? Here Is What You Need To Know

While it might sound like the hopeless romantic will be doomed when finding love in the dating world, this isn’t always true. You have women who dream of discovering their soul mate that they can live happily ever after with. They also believe that they exist, and they’re just waiting for the right guy to come along.

Here are some hopeless romantic tips that could make things easier for you.


1. Romantic Comedies are More Than Mandatory—They’re Relationship Goals

If you’ve ever watched the Notebook, 27 Dresses or P.S. I Love You, you should thank the woman who made you watch it. Women use this material to form their own relationship goals, and they’re a hopeless romantic that memorizes every line and daydreams about finding themselves in similar situations that are highly romantic. A woman who is a hopeless romantic likes to have her boyfriend watch these shows with them because it helps them to form their relationship goals.

2. Make Use of the Sappy Love Song

A hopeless romantic will have her heart flutter if you play a sappy love song, but you’ll make her heart burst if you know how to play this song on guitar. If you don’t know how to play a musical instrument, you could also create a hopeless romantic a mix CD or a special playlist that is intended just for her. While women like this know that love songs tend to be overly cheesy, they can’t help but love listening to them. In fact, they become emotional up every time the radio station puts one on.

3. Pinterest Boards Galore!

The average woman who likes romance will be all about love. You will most likely find that she has a Pinterest board to plan her dream wedding, and even though some people believe that planning a dream wedding is unrealistic, this type of woman will have hers sorted out and understand the plan down to the smallest details.

One important thing to note. This doesn’t mean that the hopeless romantic will be anxious to get married tomorrow. Instead, they want to have a good plan for when they do get married. Some women will keep this very private. Indeed, they would feel petrified if they left the tab open on a laptop. On the other hand, you have other women who like to be quite open about it.

4. The Details Will Make or Break You

When it comes to women who like romance, the tinier details should always be the first thing that you pay attention to. Contrary to popular belief, these women aren’t difficult to satisfy. You don’t have to send them extravagant gifts because what they often want most is your love and affection.

hopeless romantic

What These Women Want

They want you to show them how much you love them. However, if you give them a gift, these women will often be elated and jumping with joy if you plan it correctly. You only have to do simpler things from your heart. Most likely the gesture will be appreciated and remembered well.

5. Passionate About Love

These women will love it when you romance, and if you know how to give it to them, you will keep them enthused. In fact, you might even feel like you’re living in one of the romantic comedies that you watch with her. These women are also good at kissing you and taking care of you.

Why These Women?

The advantage of these women is how they give you every ounce of their energy, and they will put a lot of time into making sure that you feel satisfied. In addition, you never have to question if this girl actually loves you because they will remind you of it daily.

6. Wearing Their Hearts on Their Sleeves

With women like this, you never have a hard time understanding what they might be thinking because they will either tell you or show you. If you’re tired of dealing with women who play mind games, then you need to find a girl who likes romance. These are the types of women who tend to give you all their trust.

These are some hopeless romantic tips that you can use to better your relationship. You’d be surprised to learn that these women are easier to please than most other women. Besides that, you don’t have to worry about them cheating on you. When a woman like this loves you, they will take care of you. Another great thing is how they tend to be the easiest to please. You romance them, and they will be happy. These women aren’t the types that ask for as much of your money, but they’re the types that deserve your love and affection in any way that you can give it to them.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

20 Foods to Eat That Can Relieve Stress

There is an undeniable link between food and stress. The reason is quite simple: foods contain substances (nutrients, vitamins, minerals, caffeine, additives, sugar, etc.) that interact with our body on a cellular level. The body and brain then respond accordingly. Unsurprisingly, many of the foods considered to be junk tend to produce more stress than, say, fruits and vegetables. (Pretty much any junk food should be considered a “stress food.”) Fortunately, there are also foods that help to relieve stress.

We must understand this relationship and make the right dietary choices if we want to limit stress. And make no mistake: you’d be wise to limit as much stress as you can. Consider these recent statistics on stress:

  • 77% of people experience physical symptoms caused by stress (tension, headache, rapid heartbeat, etc.).
  • 73% of people regularly experience psychological symptoms of stress (irritability or anger, nervousness, low energy, depression, etc.).
  • 54% say stress has caused conflict within some relationships.
  • 48% report a disturbance in sleep as a result of stress.
  • 48% report an increase in stress levels over the past five years.
  • $300 Billion: The amount of money lost by American employers due to health care costs and absenteeism from stress-related disorders.

Good Foods that Help Relieve Stress

“Probably the most common (definition of stress) is, ‘physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension,’ (or) ‘a condition of feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.” – The American Institute of Stress (source)

Your diet is one of the most important factors regarding stress. Here are some excellent food choices that will help you relieve stress:

  1. Apples with Tahini

Apples contain a bunch of what are called phytonutrients, which help to produce mood-boosting brain chemicals such as serotonin. Tahini, a condiment made from sesame, is packed with mood-boosting calcium. Combine the two for a real treat!

  1. Balsamic Kale Salad

Kale can be kind of boring to eat by itself, so add a bit of tasty balsamic vinegar! Kale is way too healthy to avoid. In fact, kale may be the best food for helping to relieve stress. It is a wonderful source of antioxidants, which can ward off damage caused by stress. Kale is perhaps the richest food source of magnesium, which is affably referred to as “nature’s chill pill.”

  1. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts have a high concentration of selenium, which fights damaging free radicals and reduces inflammation in the body. Selenium is also thought to have anxiety-relieving properties.

  1. Bananas with almond butter

Bananas have a good dose of vitamin B6, which is a natural serotonin booster. Tasty almond butter, which has a nice mix of protein and fat, can stabilize the blood sugar while giving the banana a little kick!

  1. Cashews

Cashews are sometimes called “nature’s Prozac” because of its high content of both magnesium and tryptophan. The cashew also has a good amount of zinc, which protects the immune system from stress damage.

  1. Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Forget the bread here, as it can weigh you down. Instead, wrap high-quality chicken into some greens to keep your energy levels up. Chicken is high in protein, which helps stabilize mood and enhance focus.

  1. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate, when consumed in moderation, can be wonderful in helping to relieve stress. The variety with more than 70% cacao contains antioxidants that can boost both endorphin and serotonin levels.

  1. Edamame

Rich in the amino acid tryptophan, edamame can help stimulate the production of serotonin. The pod vegetable also contains a good amount of folate, which can boost the mood.

  1. Grass-fed Jerky

Processed jerky won’t do here because of the extra garbage that’s added. Opt for grass-fed jerky, which is rich in vitamins C and E, and contains plenty of stress-busting antioxidants.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea contains the natural relaxant theanine. It is also packed with antioxidants.

  1. Hard-boiled Eggs

Eggs are excellent sources of protein, but that’s not all. Egg yolks contain choline, an essential nutrient for supporting memory, and tyrosine for enhancing alertness and improving memory.

  1. Lean Beef

Lean beef is an outstanding source of zinc. Zinc is critical for proper brain function, helping to increase alertness, reduce anxiety and relieve stress, as well as prevent depressive symptoms.

  1. Oranges

Vitamin C is always given props for its immune-strengthening properties, but “C” is also a stress-buster. Vitamin C fights off inflammation in the brain, thus helping prevent the release of the “stress hormone” cortisol.

  1. Oysters

Oysters are another food rich in zinc. They also contain the natural relaxant, selenium. This combination of zinc and selenium makes oysters a great food for stress.

  1. Salmon with Brown Rice

Salmon is heavily concentrated with omega-3s, a fatty acid that protects the heart from stress. Studies researching the mood regulation benefits of omega-3 are promising as well. Brown rice is a healthy complex carb that can promote serotonin production.

  1. Seeds

Chia, hemp, and sunflower seeds are high in omega-3s and protein. They are excellent for helping to sustain day-long energy, promote a positive mood, and are also a great food for fighting stress.

relieve stress

  1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great food to help relieve stress because of their hefty dose of antioxidants. Furthermore, the tastiness of sweet potatoes and their ability to fill you up may help to keep you from reaching for a sugar-laden snack later on.

  1. Quinoa

Quinoa is an all-around potent food for fighting stress. This grain contains protein, which is important to eliminate stress; but it also contains magnesium, which helps manage cortisol and stress levels.

  1. Water with Lemon

Proper hydration is critical for stress prevention. A dehydrated brain and body are an unhappy brain and body. A slice of lemon adds a good dose of vitamin C and antioxidants.

  1. Whole Grain Crackers with Nut Butter

Whole grain crackers contain a plentiful helping of complex carbs, which helps to normalize blood sugar levels. Delicious nut butter provides a healthy kick of protein and healthy fats.

12 Priceless Quotes About Loneliness To Comfort You

The world around us moves at lightning speed. It can often feels as if our lives are chockablock with things to do and social events to attend. Our cell phones send us constant updates from our social media feeds, and for those of us that live in more metropolitan areas, we are constantly surrounded by people. Despite having social calendars that are full to the brim of commitments and activities to keep us busy, we may find ourselves feeling alone.

From time to time we will all find ourselves feeling rather lonely. This is part of the human condition. Recent studies have shown that even in our ever-connected lives — with access to social media at any time — people are feeling more and more alone and isolated. Loneliness can have a detrimental impact on our physical health and mental well-being. When it feels like we are cut off from the world and are especially lonely, it is important to find ways to dig ourselves out of that mental rut.

Feeling Alone? Use these 12 Loneliness Quotes to Comfort You

Being alone and loneliness are two different things. It is important to experience occasional solitude so that you can recharge your mental batteries — especially if you tend to be naturally introverted. The best loneliness quote can remind you that you are enough.

“At the innermost core of all loneliness is a deep and powerful yearning for union with one’s lost self.” — Brendan Behan

“All great and precious things are lonely.” — John Steinbeck

“I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.” — Warsan Shire

remedy for loneliness

Loneliness Quotes for When You Need to Be Reminded That This, Too, Shall Pass

Loneliness does not last forever, though it can sometimes feel like it will. When it feels like there is no end in sight to the aloneness that you are feeling, reach for one of these quotes to remind you that the feeling of loneliness will pass.

“When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone.” — Tennessee Williams

“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” — Paul Tillich

Loneliness Quotes for When You Need to Be Reminded That You’re Not Alone

Sometimes, even when we are surrounded by people, it can often feel like we are very alone. It can be helpful to remember that while we are all similar to each other. Indeed, each of us is unique and even those close to us may not always “get us”. Reaching for the best loneliness quote can remind you that you are not alone.

“I am lonely, yet not everybody will do. I don’t know why, some people fill the gaps and others emphasize my loneliness.” — Anaïs Nin

“And if I’m alone in bed, I will go to the window, look up at the sky, and feel certain that loneliness is a lie, because the Universe is there to keep me company.” — Paul Coelho

“What is man without the beasts? For if all the beast were gone, man would die of a great loneliness of the spirit.” — Chief Seattle

Loneliness Quotes for When You Need to Be Reminded That, Sometimes, Being Alone is OK

Solitude is a condition that we will all find ourselves in from time to time. The time that we spend alone can be used for inner reflection, to pursue interests, or reacquaint ourselves with ourselves.

“My peers, lately, have found companionship through means of intoxication – it makes them sociable. I, however, cannot force myself to use drugs to cheat on my loneliness – it is all that I have – and when the drugs and alcohol dissipate, will be all that my peers have as well.”
— Franz Kafka

Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” — Henry Rollins

loneliness quotes

“I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.” — Henry David Thoreau

Loneliness quotes can remind us that we are not alone in the world — even when it feels like we are. Instead, we must know the experience won’t last forever. When we look for words of inspiration to help us get through trying times, it can spur us on to overcome obstacles and find the inner power to triumph over times of loneliness. When we use our favorite quotes to comfort us, we are never really alone.

12 Undeniable Signs You Have Met Your Soulmate And Should Never Let Him Go

About 73% of Americans believe in finding a soulmate. Of this, 74% are men while 71% are women.

Who is a soulmate? These twelve soulmate signs will illustrate to you exactly who a soulmate is, and you will know if you have found yours.

Here are 12 surefire signs you have met your soulmate:

connect with your soulmate

1. You feel complete around a soulmate

Finding a partner that complements you is a sign that you have found your soulmate. The parts of you that you fail to understand, be it your lousy cooking or your bad temper, your partner can make up for by cooking well and calming your rage, for example. When your partner does the things that you are not able to do, you know that you are made to complete each other. A complete relationship is created from a combination of your differences.

2. They make you feel safe

After a hectic day, there is nowhere else you would rather be than with your partner because you know they will lift up your spirits. In a way, a part of you relaxes when you are with them. You are no longer afraid, worried, or anxious. The thought of being with them makes you blush.

3. You prioritize their happiness

When your partner is happy, you are so glad, and when they are sad, you make it your priority to make them happy. Despite the number of things you give up for them, it does not matter because they are happy. Since genuinely loving someone is the most selfless act, you don’t mind your partner’s comforts coming before yours.

4. Forgiveness is integral in a soulmate relationship

Having a soulmate does not mean that you no longer fight. You might even fight a lot because you are two opposites. In spite of this fact, you can fight calmly and discuss every issue that you have. From this, you can forgive each other, and you can come to an amicable agreement as opposed to holding each other guilty.

5. You respect each other’s differences

As mentioned earlier, being soulmates does not exempt you from disagreements. The most significant thing is that your disagreements on ethics, culture, and religion don’t affect your view of each other. Your relationship has an open environment for discussing these disputes, and you allow each other to express your opinions without judgment.

6. You meeting was at the right time

It is true that everything happens for a reason. Despite the feeling that you didn’t expect to be in a relationship or feel that you were ready to be in one, you could not help yourselves. This is because, despite thinking that you were not prepared, the two of you were ready to be with each other. You now realize that the horrible breakups you endured led you to this moment. They were preparation for your future with your partner. If you had never met, you would be waiting for each other for the rest of your lives.

7. You’ve never felt this way before

You always thought that your past partners were “the ones,” until you broke up with them. But, being with your current partner is different, as you have never felt this way before. You realize that you never knew love before and your partner has been the one to teach you. You cannot find a comparison for the love the both of you share, because you feel it is out of this world. This is one of the top soulmate signs.

8. Every day is an adventure

Before your meeting, both of you had a thirst for life. You wanted to travel the world and experience various things. But after starting your relationship, your desire for life multiplied tenfold. This is because now, you not only want to experience things alone – you want to experience them together, which makes it more fun and unique.

9. You have the same sense of humor

Life is a roller coaster; things might be great today, but a chain of unfortunate events happen on the following day. You need someone who can make you laugh the same way you make them laugh. When your relationship is full of laughter, you will always be happy and looking forward to spending time with each other.

10. You are open with each other with a soulmate

During communication with your partner, it has never been necessary to hide your opinions and emotions. You are always open with each other and communication is always essential to your relationship.


11. You want similar things

You might not be the same, mainly because being different is what makes you perfect for each other, but you have the same ideas regarding where your lives are headed.

12. You have an undeniable chemistry

From the moment you saw each other, you experienced a spark. It was different from the others and it overwhelmed you. You are both extremely drawn to each other and the attraction is unending.


Experiencing love is a beautiful thing, but finding a soulmate is the best thing in life!

You Can Fix Your Broken Relationship By Just Talking : Here Is How

Relationships have their up and down moments. You get into a relationship and the first few months are bliss. Some time after that, arguments emerge from very small matters, feelings of being unwanted come to the surface, and loss of connection seem to appear in your once beautiful union. You seem to get on each other’s nerves quite often. Well, you should learn what it takes to fix a broken relationship, and you can do that by just talking.

Communication is paramount for any relationship to survive the hurdles and make the connection stronger. You have to let your partner know what is on your mind and how their words and actions make you feel. Speaking up relieves you of tension, anxiety and built up resentment. When you bottle up your feelings, your partner will not know what to address because he is totally clueless. Let’s discuss the steps to follow below.

How to fix a broken relationship

Listen attentively

Humans are attention-seeking beings, and that is why most connect on social platforms to keep abreast with each other’s issues. When you are talking to someone, all you need is for them to be attentive. Your partner deserves undivided attention from you as much as you require it from her. It is not a good feeling if you are trying to get a point across and the person you are speaking to seems like he would rather be doing something else, or he is busy scrolling down his phone.

Remember happier times

The moment you are in now is sad and gloomy and laughter is just vocabulary. Remember what it was like to see your partner’s face light up when she saw you or when you saw her and the craziness that belonged to only the two of you. Try to remind yourselves what it felt like to share love that was immeasurable or the goosebumps that you always felt and try to revive that. If you are both working on how to fix a broken relationship and building a stronger reconnection, you’d better show determination.

Respect and trust

Respect is essential in any relationship. From friendships to family relations, respect tops the list of how to treat each other. Respect your partner always and trust him or her to make sound decisions without you meddling in their choices. You can tell whether a person respects you or not according to how they speak to you. Trust is when you choose to believe a person can handle a situation and make a sound decision without your help. Reassurance in a relationship is one step on how to fix a broken relationship, and when you give it, your relationship will flourish.

Take responsibility for your actions

Blame games have become a way of life for many couples. No one wants to be accountable for his actions. Couples might argue and up hurling insults at each other, and at the end of the day, they will have to face each other and deal with their issues. The choices that you make every single day have consequences, and you must be ready to bear them without excuses. You need to show maturity on how you handle yourself when dealing with adverse situations and admit your mistakes if you make them. Accepting your shortcomings implies that you are reasonable and reliable in your judgments.

how to fix a broken relationship

The past belongs in the past

Whatever happened two years ago or six months ago belongs in the past; do not drag it into the present time. To fix a broken relationship, tackle issues as they come and don’t bring up previous experiences in the present just because you feel they might be connected somewhat. A partner that uses this technique might feel like he is losing the argument at hand and therefore save his situation by digging into the past. It is not only hurtful, but unfair to the other partner.

Communication is the key to better and healthier relationships. After experiencing hurtful spurts with a partner, talking might be how to fix a broken relationship. When you partner is speaking, accord them the courtesy of your attention and listen to understand rather than to give a reply. Serve respect to her no matter the circumstances, and when arguments arise, both of you need to solve them with level-headedness. If things heat up, take time to cool off. Remember not to hurl insults at each other.

You might have asked yourself how to fix a broken relationship, and now you have the answers right on your fingertips. Words are powerful, but the ones that have the most impact are the ones followed by action. When you make a promise, be sure to fulfill it. Consider the points listed above, and you will surely be on the road to a happier relationship than ever before. Communication is crucial to fix a broken relationship.

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