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Things I Wish People Knew About Autism

When you think of individuals with autism, you might have the impression that these people cannot succeed in life or in the classroom. You might have the image of a strange person who engages in repetitive behaviors and speech. These hurtful misconceptions make life much more difficult for people on the autism spectrum.

Autism is much more common than many people realize. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) one in 59 children in the United States are on the spectrum. It is more common in boys than in girls, with one in 37 boys and one in 151 girls diagnosed with this disorder.

As the parent of a child on the spectrum, I wish more people knew the truth about autism. Being on the spectrum takes many different forms. Various aspects of life are affected in different ways, but people on the spectrum are thinking, feeling individuals who should be respected in the same way as everyone else.

Things I Wish People Knew about Autism

1. Stereotypes Can Be Harmful.

When you ask the average person to name an autistic person in popular culture, most of them will respond with Rain Man or Sheldon Cooper on “The Big Bang Theory.” These are one-dimensional characters who project very different portraits of people on the spectrum. Expecting every autistic person to be like Rain Man or Sheldon is damaging.

People on the spectrum have the same range of intelligence as everyone else. Expecting them to be savants is a harmful stereotype.

2. People with Autism Have Feelings.

Since people with autism are reputed to be “unsympathetic,” people may have the mistaken impression that they do not care about what is going on around them. According to neuroscientist Rachel Moseley, a new study found that autistic children felt stressed by photographs of people who were upset or in distress. Just because they may not show emotion in the ways we are accustomed to doesn’t mean that they are not deeply affected.

3. People with Autism Can Succeed in School and Work.

A popular misconception exists that people on the spectrum cannot perform in a regular classroom or in the workplace. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Many people are able to succeed not in spite of, but because of their neuro-diverse backgrounds. Accommodations may be necessary due to the behaviors of autism, but many people on the spectrum are successful students and employees.

4. People on the Spectrum are Observant.

Even though it may seem that some autistic people are wrapped up in their own world, they still pay attention to their environment. Some of them don’t interact much with the people around them, yet they are always aware of their surroundings. Those with autism may not always have the social facility to deal with others’ expectations. At the same time, they are aware of the world.

5. Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.

This harmful piece of misinformation has spread for several years. A discredited scientist claimed that thimerosal, a preservative in some vaccines, was responsible for autism. This damaging information has caused people to be wary about vaccinating their children. This only increases the chance of deadly diseases reaching vulnerable people. Many scientists and parents of children with autism have publicly discredited this theory. Still, it is insidious and plays on people’s fears.

6. Bad Parenting Does Not Cause Autism.

As recently as the 1960s, psychologists believed that inadequate parenting by “refrigerator” mothers caused the behaviors of autism. This misconception has survived to this day. It has caused some people to judge the parents of autistic children. This mistaken belief is deeply hurtful to families and children alike. Today, researchers understand that the disorder has a strong genetic component.


7. Many Therapies Help.

Children and adults on the spectrum benefit from many different kinds of therapy and interventions. Speech therapy and occupational therapy are helpful, along with applied behavior analysis. With proper treatment and associated therapies, many children and adults on the spectrum develop in their ability to participate in school and social events.

Final Thoughts

As a parent of a child on the spectrum, I deeply feel the effects of public misconceptions about the disorder. I am dedicated to giving my child the best possible start in life. The above points only convey a few aspects of the disorder that I would like people to be aware of. Perpetuating stereotypes in popular culture does not help. If everyone exhibits patience and understanding, children and adults on the spectrum can get along in the world much more easily.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Top 10 Foods with the Most Vitamin A

Our body needs vitamins to properly grow and develop. Yes, there’s a reason why it seems we heard “get your vitamins” more frequently during childhood – because we needed them – and still do. One vital vitamin is vitamin A.

What is vitamin A?

There are two varieties of vitamin A. The first type is preformed vitamin A, which is found in dairy, fish, meat, and poultry. The second type is provitamin A, found in fruits, vegetables, and plants. Beta-carotene, a red-orange pigment in more colorful fruits and vegetables, is the most common type of “A” and is found in foods and supplements.

Why do I need vitamin A and how much?

“Vitamin A’s most critical role is in vision. While vitamin A has many forms, it’s converted into a form called retinal in the light sensing portion of the eye.” – Dr. Mehmet Oz (source)

Vitamin A, which is stored in the body’s fatty tissue, is essential for:

  • A healthy immune system
  • Bone growth
  • Cell growth, maintenance, and protection (vitamin A is an antioxidant)
  • Good vision
  • Reproductive health

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 900 µg (micrograms) for men, and 700 µg for women. For those with children, here’s an RDA chart, courtesy of the Institute of Medicine:

Age  RDA
1-3 years (both sexes) 300 µg
4-8 years (both sexes) 400 µg
9-13 years 600 µg
14-18 years 900 µg
9-13 600 µg
14-18 700 µg

(Women who are pregnant require an additional 50-70 µg of vitamin A. Also, note that µg is equivalent to mcg. As the source listed uses the metric system, µg is listed.)


If you live in a developed nation, you’re more likely to over-consume this vitamin than to be deficient – a condition called toxicity. People are at risk of vitamin A toxicity if they take too many supplements and or overindulge in foods containing vitamins (e.g. athletes). The upper limit of vitamin A intake is 2,000 micrograms per day.

Vitamin A deficiency is common in poorer countries, however. Symptoms of deficiency include:

  • Dry hair and skin
  • Infections
  • Infertility
  • Underdevelopment of bones in young people
  • Skin irritation
  • Vision disorders (including damage to the cornea)
  • Vision problems

Specific demographics are more at-risk for deficiency than others, including premature infants, infants, young children, pregnant women, and those diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.

Foods with the most Vitamin A

Here are the ten foods high in this vitamin (with nutritional data, including daily value – DV – of Vitamin A):

  1. Sweet potato, 1 cup, baked: 1922 µg (214% DV); 180 calories.
  2. Carrots, 1 cup, cooked: 1329 µg (148% DV); 55 calories.
  3. Tuna, 6-ounce fillet: 1287 µg (143% DV); 313 calories.
  4. Butternut squash, 1 cup, cooked: 1144 µg (127% DV); 82 calories.

(Alternatives to butternut squash high in this vitamin: canned pumpkin {1 cup, 212% DV}, Hubbard squash {1 cup, 76%}, winter squash {1 cup, 59%.})

  1. Spinach, 1 cup, cooked: 943 µg (105% DV); 41 calories.

(Alternatives: kale {1 cup, 98%}, mustard greens {1 cup, 96%}, collards {1 cup, 80%.})

vitamin a

  1. Cantaloupe, 1 cup: 299 µg (33% DV); 60 calories.
  2. Lettuce, 1 cup: 205 µg (23% DV); 8 calories.
  3. Red Bell Peppers, 1 cup, raw: 198 µg (22% DV); 38 calories.
  4. Broccoli, 1 cup, cooked: 120 µg (13% DV); 55 calories.
  5. Grapefruit, 1 cup: 106 µg (12% DV); 74 calories.

Here are some other notable foods with high “A” content:

  • Cod liver oil, 1 teaspoon: 1,350 mcg (150% DV)
  • Mackerel, 1 fillet: 776 mcg (86% DV)
  • Salmon, 1 fillet: 458 mcg (50% DV)
  • Goat cheese, 1 slice: 407 mcg (47% DV)
  • Butter, 1 tablespoon (tbsp.): 97 mcg (11% DV)

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Don’t Drink Enough Water and Workout

“Water regulates your body temperature and lubricates your joints. It helps transport nutrients to give you energy and keep you healthy. If you’re not hydrated, your body can’t perform at its highest level. You may feel tired, have muscle cramps, dizziness, or other serious symptoms.” – American Academy of Family Physicians (source)

We’re Mostly Water…

As you may know, your body is made up of 60 percent water. To help put this number in perspective, let’s consider the average weight of men and women over the age of 20.

Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average male over the age of 20 weighs about 195 pounds (88.5 kg), and the average woman over the age of 20 weighs approximately 168 pounds (76.2 kg). So, the average “water weight” of a man is 117 pounds (53 kg), and the average for a woman is 101 pounds (45.8 kg).

The real and purported functions of water are numerous. Among the most important:

  • Regulation of core body temperature
  • Protection of the joints, neurological system, and tissues
  • Removal of toxins and waste
  • Control of digestion
  • Nourishment of cells and other bodies

Here’s something worth pondering: a person, depending on their fat accumulation, can survive between 30 to 40 days without food – but only a week to 10 days without water.

Exercise and Proper Hydration

Our body mainly loses water through perspiration (sweating), defecation (pooping), urination (peeing), and exhalation (breathing out.) Other ways we lose H2O include diet, medications, stress, and variations in temperature.

When we work out, our body temperature rises, and we sweat. (Sweat actually “wicks away” heat, allowing us to exert ourselves physically without overheating.) While exercise may, to a certain extent, affect the other systems that contribute to water loss, the dramatic increase in sweat production is probably the most significant factor.

On the above note, it is critical (literally) to consume water before, during, and after working out. If we do not get adequate hydration, for whatever reason, serious health problems may surface.

Here are 10 things that may happen to your body when you don’t drink enough water during a work out:

lemon water

1. You lose focus

Your brain demands adequate hydration to function properly. Due to its intricate balance of chemicals and substances, dehydration of the brain inhibits the activity of neurotransmitters, which can impair short-term memory and hinder concentration and attention.

2. You swell up

While low water intake and swelling may sound contradictory, it isn’t. If the body detects any type of fluid imbalance, a condition called edema may result. Edema causes fluid to accumulate in the skin and tissues, producing a swollen appearance.

3. Your heart acts wonky

Water intake is necessary for the proper constriction and expansion of blood vessels. A shortage causes blood to thicken, thereby constricting blood vessels. Vessels then become narrower, which puts more pressure on the heart. This may lead to shortness of breath and high blood pressure.

4. You get aches and pains

Speaking of constriction and expansion, our muscles require the same. Water is the catalyst here as well. Cramping is often the body’s way of telling you to get some water.

5. Your workout is affected

Water is essential to produce energy. The body expends this energy very quickly during periods of physical exertion. This physical relationship helps to explain why consuming H2O during a workout is also essential.

6. Your fat loss slows

Per a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, drinking just 17 ounces of water – a little over two cups – boosts metabolic rate by around 30 percent in healthy men and women. While the research provides no number pertaining to water, metabolism, and working out, it can be safely assumed that adequate H2O consumption before, during, and after working out will significantly accelerate fat loss.

7. You age yourself

If your attention wasn’t fixed before, it is now! While drinking water won’t make you ageless, there is overwhelming evidence that it will promote skin health – including skin elasticity and smoothness.

8. Toxins stick around

As you probably know, we sweat profusely during intense exercise. Heavy perspiration helps to eliminate these toxins. Furthermore, drinking water exacerbates perspiration, resulting in the elimination of more toxins than when our H2O levels are low.

9. You eat more

Of all the antidotes for a big appetite, drinking lots of water may be the best one. There are at least a couple of reasons for this. First, water makes us feel fuller – and for longer. We’re much less likely to crave a sweet treat after drinking a big glass of H2O. Second, it enables the transportation of nutrients, including fiber and protein.

Among all nutrients, fiber and protein may be the best for promoting fullness and decreasing the frequency of cravings. While you may not feel hunger pangs during your workout, you’ll probably feel them afterward.

flush water retention

10. You may risk your life

Water is the basis of life. Such is true whether or not we’re exercising. That said, we’ve all heard the unfortunate stories of people dying from dehydration during intense exercise. In no uncertain terms, it is absolutely necessary to consume it before, during, and after work out.

Water Tips and Advice

  • Drink 17 ounces a couple of hours before working out.
  • Always keep a bottle with you while working out.
  • Drink the entire contents of your bottle before leaving the gym or place of exercise.
  • Drink your water cool or cold instead of lukewarm, which helps keep the body’s core temperature down.

The 24 Hour Meal Plan to Flush Gas and Bloating

First, it is important to understand that bloating, gas, and most other gastrointestinal symptoms are both common and natural. A common problem that many people face is the excess production of gas, which can manifest into uncomfortable physical sensations, interrupt daily life, and cause embarrassment.

What is gas?

Gas is simply air trapped within the digestive tract. Our body releases gas through the mouth or rectum. Excess gas in the stomach and small intestines is called flatulence, which may also cause bloating. Bloating is characterized as a strong feeling of fullness or swelling in the abdomen, and most often occurs during or shortly after eating.

As the name implies, this gas leaves the body by passing through the anus. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that the average person passes gas between 13 to 21 times a day.

Chronic discomfort and abdominal pain surfaces when there’s a problem with gas passing through the intestines. Swallowing too much air while eating and drinking can exacerbate these symptoms, which may happen if you:

  • Chew gum often
  • Drink sugary and carbonated beverages
  • Drink or eat too fast
  • Smoke
  • Suck on hard candy

Foods to Avoid

In keeping with the view that “Prevention is the best medicine,” let’s first detail foods, drinks, and other consumables known to cause excess gas. For ease of reference, these are categorized into foods, beverages, and other products.

Foods (Fruits) (Dairy)
Asparagus Apples Cheeses
Artichokes Peaches Ice cream
Black beans Pears Yogurt
Brussels sprouts (Whole grains)
Cabbage Bran
Cauliflower Whole Wheat
Kidney beans
Navy beans
Pinto Beans
Apple juice Carbonated drinks Drinks with high fructose corn syrup
Fruit drinks Fruit juices Milk
Other (Artificial Sugars)
Candy Mannitol
Gum Sorbitol

The 24-hour Meal Plan to Flush Gas and Bloating

Now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for (hopefully), here is the 24-hour meal plan to help flush gas and bloating!


  • 1/2 to 1 cup of whole oatmeal
  • 1 cup of fresh blueberries and/or strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of natural peanut butter

Why: Whole oats are very nutritious and filling and, unlike boxed cereal, contain no added sugar. Berries provide additional fiber and water volume, which helps ease digestion. A tablespoon of natural peanut butter, with its quality protein, will help to keep you full until your morning snack.

Morning snack:

Option 1:

  • 1 tangerine or clementine
  • 1/3 to ½ cup of unsalted nuts

Option 2:

  • 2-3 celery sticks
  • 1 tbsp. of nut butter

Both morning snack options offer a nice mix of protein, healthy fats, and fiber. The extra water content in the clementine, tangerine, and celery sticks will increase satiety (without the bloating effect).


  • 1 cup of romaine lettuce
  • ½ cup of artichoke hearts
  • 4 ounces of canned tuna in olive oil
  • ½ tablespoon of vinegar (optional)

Clinical studies have found artichokes to be effective in improving digestion. They are also known to help lower bad cholesterol count. Tuna and olive oil add a nice dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which may help prevent and reduce intestinal inflammation. Vinegar is another excellent ingredient for easing the bloating. The bed of water-rich and mineral-dense romaine lettuce further eases digestion.

For a vegetarian version, add some fresh tofu in place of tuna.

Afternoon Snack:

Option 1:

  • ½ cup of kefir
  • ½ banana
  • ¼ of an avocado

Blend all ingredients.

This is a good gut health smoothie. Kefir is packed with antibiotics, “good” bacteria that encourage gut health and normal digestion. Bananas are rich in water volume, high in electrolytes, and packed with fiber to aid digestion. Finally, the avocado adds a good dose of healthy fatty acids and fiber.

Option 2:

  • 6 ounces of Greek yogurt
  • ½ cup of fresh berries

A quicker, easier gut-healthy snack.



  • 6 cups of vegetable stock
  • 1 pound of diced carrots
  • 1 cup of chopped onion
  • clove of garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp of minced ginger
  • 1 tbsp of canola oil
  • 3 medium beets (pureed)

Bring the canola oil to a simmer and sauté the chopped onion until golden. Add ginger and garlic. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer until the carrots are tender.

If you’re dealing with some nasty bloating, the last thing you want is a heavy meal before bedtime. This simple vegetable soup is all you need. If you want a bit more substance, puree three medium beets (or puree the entire batch using a food processor).

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Cleanse Negative Energy From Your Home With This Quick Ritual

A house can hold negative and bad energy caused by your feelings, thoughts and family members. Neighbors and visitors can also bring unfavorable energy into your home. This bad energy affects your body, mind and spirit. It takes you down into a lower vibration and attracts more problems into your life. The positive energy that you do have is slowly depleted when you are surrounded by negativity.

When you feel like negative energy is building up in your home, you need to cleanse it spiritually. Raising the vibration in your home improves your mood and gets rid of adversity. You should go through every room of your house when performing cleansing rituals. Here are some ways to cleanse negativity energy from your home:

How to cleanse negative energy from your home

release negative energy

Smudge your home with white sage

White sage is a Native American plant that is traditionally used in sweat lodges. It is used to cleanse people and their homes spiritually. This herb gets rid of bad spirits and will cleanse negative energy. Smudging sage and wafting it through your house will clear the lower vibrations. Make sure you close the windows and smudge every corner in each room, too.

Burn incense

There are many types of incense that contain spiritual qualities and cleanse your home of adversity. Sandalwood, Nag Champa, Palo Santa holy wood and Frankincense and Myrrh clear away unpleasant vibes. Just burn an incense stick in the edges and corners of every room for an extra boost. Incense should be burned on your staircases, hallways and any area with dark energy.

Singing Bowl

A singing bowl is used in Feng Shui and clears up stagnant, dull energy in a stuffy home. The sound and vibrations of the bowl will cleanse negativity from your home. Strike the bowl, and, using the mallet, circle the bowl, walk around the rooms of your home, and allow the sound to permeate each corner to bring in light.

Meditation Music

The frequencies in meditation music align the energy in your home and will cleanse negative energy. Besides ousting negativity, music relieves stress and penetrates imbalances in the air. Alpha and theta brain waves purify the environment and expel any harmful spirits that are hanging around. When you play the music, burn some incense or white sage to enhance the effects.


Sprinkle or place bowls of sea salt around the windows and doors of your home to cleanse negativity energy. You can also spray salt on your walls and put it in the corners of each room for protection. The salt acts as a barrier against bad spirits and protects you from unfavorable entities. Mixing herbs such as lavender, tea tree thyme or rosemary in the salt makes it more powerful.

Clean your home

Another way to cleanse negative energy is to thoroughly clean your home. Pick up a broom, mop and vacuum and clean every room of your house. Accumulated dust and debris can have a gloomy effect on your mood and invite dark energy into your home. Organizing furniture and rearranging it to allow Feng Shui energy into every room also assists with clearing up stifling energy.


How to cleanse negative energy with crystals

Crystals have spiritual energy that cleanses, heals and balances your body and mind. They are also used to cleanse negative energy in the atmosphere and protect against negativity.

Black tourmaline, lapis lazuli, hematite and smoky quartz are known for their protective energy and can be placed around your home for cleansing. Each crystal vibrates at various levels and has a specific purpose.

Black tourmaline: This is a grounding crystal and prevents psychic attacks and shields against electromagnetic smog.

Lapis lazuli: This is a good luck stone that attracts abundance and prosperity into your life. Placing them in your home allows positive energy to flow and it awakens spirituality.

Hematite: A crystal with the ability to absorbs toxicity from the environment. Hematite releases stress, anxiety and worry and creates a neutralizing effect on your body and home.

Smokey Quartz: Use this crystal to shield your home from electromagnetic and geopathic stress. It has a clearing and purifying vibration that eliminates disharmony from the home.

When you cleanse negative energy from your home, make sure you keep a positive frame of mind. Believe light and happiness will enter every room of the house and repeat positive affirmations. Stay confident while you cleanse and refresh hallways, basements and dark corners.

Set an intention for your home and visualize it being surrounded by a protective shield to prevent bad energies from entering. Asking your guardian angels for help and guidance is another way to safeguard your house and expunge negativity.

10 Soulmate Signs : Here Is How To Identify Your Soulmate

Dating in today’s world is not easy since people are more informed and look at life differently. There are those that wish to get married and settle down someday, while others just want to find someone that makes them happy. Whether you are the former or the latter, one factor remains constant – you would love to be in a relationship with a person that understands you or shares your interests. Most people would refer to this person as a soulmate.

Interestingly, not everybody finds their soulmate since they don’t know how to identify them.

Luckily, we have discovered 10 signs that can help you figure out whether or not someone is your soulmate.

1. They Feel Too Familiar

Usually, when you meet someone for the first time, there’s some nervousness and awkwardness since you are both new to each other. However, on rare occasions, you may meet a person and immediately click because they seem familiar. You feel like you have met before even though it’s your first time getting acquainted. You become so comfortable with each other that you don’t feel the need to hold back on the conversation.

2. They Complete Your Thoughts

This sign is very interesting. If you have ever thought about calling someone, and they happen to call you before you press the call button, they might be your soulmate. Alternatively, you may be having a conversation with someone and they just happen to finish your sentences for you as if they knew what you were thinking. You may downplay it and call it coincidence, but we see it as one of the soulmate signs.

3. There’s Perfect Chemistry

Not everybody that you meet will understand your behaviors. There are some that may find you weird and others may think that you are annoying. However, there’s one person that seems to get you and doesn’t mind your presence. They understand your silence and emotions.

4. Share Similar Values

You may argue over certain things, but when it comes to the final decision, you both believe the same thing. For example, you may fight over which fashion brand is the best, but agree that your actions define you, not what you wear. Alternatively, you might share the same life goals with your mate.

5. Something Greater than Logic Unites You

You may have certain conditions for your ideal lover; however, you may meet a person that fails to meet that criteria and still stick with them. It’s as if you are both attracted towards each other by some external imaginary force.

6. No One Like Them

Despite having your arguments with this person, you feel content that they are by your side. They complete you and give you total happiness. Even if you left the person and tried something new, the relationship won’t feel quite as natural or the same.

7. Intuition Connects You

You may wake up one day feeling as if something is not right with your partner and when you call them, you realize that your intuition was correct. For such a scenario, there’s a spiritual or soul connection between the both of you. It alerts you whenever something is not right with your other half.

8. Life is Incomplete Without Them

Although it’s perfectly normal to fall for someone in a relationship, nothing compares to the bond you form with a soulmate. When this person leaves, you feel as if you can’t live life by yourself. These people have a tendency of becoming a necessity.

9. The Love is Real

More often than not, you will hear couples breaking up because they can’t tolerate each other’s behaviors. This situation happens because most people never show their true colors when dating. It’s only after everyone has gotten what they want that they begin to reveal themselves. Only someone that is meant for you can tolerate your behaviors because their love is real.


10. You Challenge Each Other

If you meet someone that encourages you to do things beyond your comfort zone, there’s a soul connection between the both of you. That person understands the importance of personal growth and knows how it will benefit you. They also support you throughout the entire journey.


You may have experienced one or all of the soulmate signs on this list. If you haven’t, just be patient you will experience them at some point. When that happens, grab the opportunity and experience love like you have never felt before.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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