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Psychologists Explain What Causes Someone to Become a Narcissist

Psychologists Explain What Causes Someone to Become a Narcissist

Narcissism is often thrown around as an insult to a narcissist. You might associate it with when someone is accused of being “full of themselves” or “too obsessed with their own image.” But it’s a psychological disorder. And it’s characterized by an excessive focus on oneself, a lack of empathy for others, and an inflated sense of self-importance. So why does someone become a narcissist? Psychologists and sociologists have explored that question for a long time.

It may be easy to dismiss narcissistic behavior as simply arrogance or vanity. But there are deeper psychological reasons why people become narcissists. Understanding why someone can become a narcissist is an essential research topic. This is thoroughly studied in the fields of psychology and sociology. Some possible factors contributing to narcissism’s development include childhood experiences, genetics, personality traits, social and cultural factors, and trauma.

Power, success, and environmental factors are also often associated with narcissism. Examining these underlying factors is vital for better understanding this disorder. Psychology focuses on understanding the complex psychological and social mechanisms that lead individuals to develop narcissistic behaviors. This is done to work towards preventing and treating these behaviors more effectively.

But it’s just as important for everyone to understand the roots of this issue for themselves. This can help you spot the signs if you are dealing with such a thing. Or, even more importantly, it can help you spot it in others. You’ll be better equipped to deal with a potentially selfish friend or partner.

7 Factors That Can Cause Someone to Become a Narcissist


1. Childhood Experiences

Narcissism can often develop because of experiences in childhood, such as neglect, abuse, or excessive praise or criticism. The nature of the experiences matters just as much as their frequency. For example, neglected or abused children may develop narcissistic tendencies to cope with insecurity and low self-worth. By focusing excessively on themselves, they can shield themselves from the pain and trauma of their past experiences.

On the other hand, children who are excessively praised or criticized can also be at risk of becoming narcissists. When children receive too much praise, they may believe they are superior. This is especially true if parents don’t care to teach them to value the effort behind their accomplishments.

This mentality often leads to them feeling entitled to special treatment. Similarly, when children are constantly criticized without constructive feedback or positive reinforcement, they may develop low self-esteem and a need for validation that can manifest as narcissism later in life.

2. Genetics

Genetics’ role in narcissism’s development is not yet fully understood. But recent research suggests that there may be a genetic component to the disorder. Studies have shown that individuals with a family history of narcissistic traits are likelier to exhibit similar behaviors. This strongly suggests that there may be a genetic link to the disorder. This is likely due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

One possible explanation for this link is that certain genes may increase the likelihood of developing narcissistic traits. For example, research has identified specific genes associated with personality traits such as impulsivity and risk-taking. These genes are also commonly associated with narcissism.

Variations in these genes may predispose individuals to develop narcissistic tendencies. Or it might be the case that specific genes may increase the likelihood of developing narcissistic traits only if triggered. These genes may only be expressed in certain environmental triggers, such as childhood trauma or social and cultural factors.

3. Personality Traits

Personality traits are essential in developing narcissism, as in many other aspects of your life. Individuals who exhibit certain traits may be more susceptible to developing narcissistic tendencies. The traits that can lead to narcissism are often tied to low self-esteem, insecurity, and a need for validation and attention.

Low self-esteem, in particular, is strongly linked to narcissists. Individuals with low self-esteem may feel a deep sense of insecurity and need validation from others. To compensate for these feelings of inadequacy, they may develop an excessive focus on themselves and their achievements.

This can often manifest as narcissistic tendencies. Similarly, highly insecure individuals may also be at risk for developing narcissistic tendencies. They may constantly seek attention and validation from others. This is because they believe they are not worthy of love and respect unless they are in the spotlight.

4. Social and Cultural Factors

Social and cultural factors also play a significant role in the development of narcissism. Societal and cultural factors can shape how individuals perceive themselves and their relationships with others. So, they can contribute to the development of narcissistic tendencies.

One example of a social factor that can contribute to narcissism is the rise of social media. Social media platforms provide individuals with a tool to seek validation and attention from others, which can exacerbate narcissistic tendencies. Individuals use social media to present an idealized version of themselves to the world. And this is all done in the pursuit of likes and comments as a form of validation.

This can lead to a need for constant attention and admiration from others. Cultural factors can also contribute to the development of narcissism. In some cultures, individual achievement and success are highly valued. This concentrates the focus on personal achievement and status-seeking. In these cultures, individuals may constantly feel pressure to strive for success and recognition. This pressure can, unfortunately, lead to the development of narcissistic tendencies.


5. Trauma

Trauma is another one of the causes of narcissism. Unfortunately, individuals sometimes experience significant loss or endure extremely difficult life events. And it can be incredibly challenging to process and cope with these experiences. In some cases, individuals may develop narcissistic tendencies as a coping mechanism.

For example, individuals who experience trauma may feel a deep sense of insecurity and a need for control. So, they develop a focus on the self and an excessive need for attention and admiration. This is done to cope with these feelings of powerlessness and vulnerability. They may also use narcissistic tendencies to avoid painful emotions or memories associated with the trauma.

However, not all individuals who experience such emotional wounds will become narcissists. Many individuals can cope with trauma in healthy and adaptive ways without developing harmful behaviors or thought patterns. Nonetheless, trauma can be a risk factor for developing narcissistic tendencies, mainly if it is not properly addressed and treated.

6. Power and Success

Another factor that can contribute to the development of narcissism is achieving a high level of success. Or even gaining a significant amount of power leads to similar outcomes. When individuals achieve success or gain power, they may receive much attention and admiration from others. This can create an environment that reinforces narcissistic tendencies.

These individuals may believe their success and power result from their inherent superiority. Sometimes, people may begin to think they’re entitled to special treatment or privileges because of their success or power. They may become increasingly focused on their achievements and less concerned with the needs or feelings of others.

They may believe that they are above the rules or expectations that apply to others. Plus, individuals in positions of authority tend to have more control over their environment and the people around them. This can further reinforce narcissistic tendencies. This makes them lose empathy, as they begin disregarding how others feel as long as they can control them.

7. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors can significantly impact the development of narcissistic tendencies in individuals. Competitive environments, such as those in certain professions, can create a culture that values achievement above all else. Individuals who grow up or work in these environments may develop a strong need for validation and recognition.

Along with that, they will gain a belief that their worth as a person is tied to their achievements and status. As individuals become focused on promoting their interests at the expense of others, they will become increasingly more narcissistic. In addition to competitive environments, exposure to toxic environments can contribute to developing narcissistic tendencies.

Individuals who have experienced abuse, neglect, or other forms of trauma may develop a heightened sense of self-importance. This is usually a means of coping with the trauma. In some cases, individuals who have experienced trauma may even use narcissistic behaviors as a defense mechanism. They protect themselves from further harm by distancing themselves emotionally from others.

These environments can create a culture that reinforces narcissistic behaviors and thought patterns. This is particularly true if individuals are not careful to maintain a healthy perspective on their achievements and interactions with others.


Final Thoughts on Some Factors That Can Cause Someone to Become a Narcissist

Understanding the various factors contributing to developing narcissistic tendencies is vital. It is the primary way to prevent the harmful impact of this personality trait on individuals and society. It is worth noting that not all individuals who exhibit narcissistic tendencies are classified as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

But, even if someone does not have this diagnosis, they may still need help. It is essential to seek professional help if an individual’s behavior is causing significant distress to themselves or others. In today’s society, where people rely on social media, it is essential to understand how it can exacerbate narcissistic tendencies.

Social media platforms provide an easy outlet for individuals to seek validation and attention. This can further reinforce a sense of entitlement and self-importance. Maintaining a healthy perspective is crucial as not allowing social media to become the sole source of self-worth. Furthermore, creating supportive environments can go a long way in reducing the prevalence of narcissistic tendencies.

Emphasizing the value of hard work and empathy is crucial in preventing the development of harmful behaviors. And so is providing support for those who have experienced trauma. By understanding the various factors that can cause someone to become a narcissist, we can take steps to help them and ourselves.

Emotionally Unavailable Women Do These 10 Things Without Realizing It

Being in a relationship is exciting, but emotionally unavailable women can complicate the experience. You or your partner might be emotionally unavailable, but it’s not always easy to identify unless you know what to look for. A fear of commitment is something people typically plan for when falling for someone,

You might assume you’ll find someone who loves how you do, but that’s not always how it works out. The differences don’t always show until later in the relationship when it’s time to take the next step.

Emotionally unavailable women struggle to get close to others, including romantically or friendly. They tend to keep their loved ones at a distance to allow themselves to escape if it gets too deep. During this time, commitment gets tested, and you’ll recognize emotionally unavailable women.

Whether you or your partner are emotionally unavailable, recognizing the signs can help you identify the issue. Then, you can determine which steps to take next or if you want to stay in the relationship.

NOTE: We acknowledge that males, too, can have closed hearts. But because they exhibit varying behaviors, we discuss them in a separate article.

What It Means to Be Emotionally Unavailable

When romantic partners share a healthy connection, discuss feelings, and respond to one another, it signifies emotional availability. When someone lacks emotional availability, they struggle with connecting on a deeper level. They might distance themselves when things go beyond the superficial.

The reasoning for this unavailability differs depending on the person, but anyone in this situation should focus on self-growth. It shows that there are emotional issues they must heal and grow from.

Emotionally unavailable women often experience detachment and have a guarded heart to protect themselves. It often accompanies an unhealthy or toxic relationship, with emotional unavailability causing a fear of commitment.

unavailable women

Ten Behaviors of Emotionally Unavailable Women

Knowing the signs of emotionally unavailable women can help you identify if you or your partner struggle. It can help improve the relationship or guide you toward your next step.

1 – Emotionally Unavailable Women Don’t Want to Meet One Another’s Friends and Families

If a woman doesn’t want to meet your friends and family and doesn’t want you to meet hers, it’s a sign of emotional unavailability. Waiting is acceptable early in a relationship, but it’s time for introductions after a few months.

Keeping these aspects of the relationship separate is an emotionally unavailable person’s way of shielding herself from vulnerability. She knows that meeting her closest friends and family involves commitment, so it’s something she’ll avoid as long as possible. Plus, she’ll turn down any requests for her to meet your closest circle for the same reasons.

2 – A Fear of Commitment Makes Her Inconsistent and Unclear

Unavailable women are often inconsistent about what they want. One day she’ll seem interested in deepening your connection, but the next day she may disappear or seem disinterested. Sometimes she’ll take a while to respond to texts and offer a vague reason for not responding.

You might even notice that she seems irritated when you disturb her, but she does the same to you without a second thought. It’s hard to understand what she wants from you when she behaves one way and wants you to do differently.

You might even specifically ask her what she wants from the relationship and receive an unclear answer. She won’t tell you where she sees things going because she can’t engage in deep discussions. Her responses will be vague and may not match her behavior.

3 – She Avoids Labeling the Relationship or Says She’s Not Ready

If you’ve been with someone for a while and she still doesn’t label the relationship, it indicates emotional unavailability. They don’t want to commit, and labels can make them anxious.

Emotionally unavailable women will say they don’t want to define your romance, making excuses why it should stay as it is now. She might do this to keep her options open, avoid making plans or protect herself from life-changing decisions. Sometimes she’ll say she doesn’t want to give up her independence or isn’t ready for a serious relationship.

4 – Emotionally Unavailable Women May Have Feelings for Another Person

If a woman still has feelings for someone else, she won’t be available for another relationship. She might be in touch with her ex and still have feelings for them. If this is the case, it’ll be hard for her to move on and commit to your relationship because her heart isn’t in it.

Other times the person she has feelings for isn’t an ex but someone else. She might be into someone else if she spends lots of time and gives energy and attention to them.

5 – She Doesn’t Want to Discuss Feelings

Emotionally unavailable women aren’t interested in discussing feelings and will avoid it at all costs. She won’t ask about your feelings and will change the subject or give vague responses if you bring them up.

This kind of woman will also struggle with empathizing when you discuss your emotions. She might pull away when you tell her about things in your life rather than supporting you.

You might also notice that she won’t discuss her feelings, often deflecting the discussion back to you. It’s hard for her to be intimate and vulnerable, so avoiding emotional conversations will be a top priority for her.

Sometimes this behavior stems from learning it at an early age. Or, it could be that the woman doesn’t know how to vocalize her feelings.

6 – Emotionally Unavailable Women Do Not Engage in Deep Conversation

Deep discussion is difficult for emotionally unavailable women, preventing you from getting to know one another. She doesn’t want to reveal herself, so she tries to prevent you from giving too many details about yourself. If you pressure her, she’ll walk away or distance herself so she doesn’t have to engage in the discussion.


7 – She Avoids Confrontation and Conflict

Communication will be an ongoing issue in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable woman. She won’t want to talk about feelings, your relationship, or anything else that isn’t surface-level. If you confront her, she’ll get defensive and do what she can to end the discussion.

She’ll view every discussion as a potential argument, creating negative tension before it begins. These women think it’s better to pretend there aren’t issues rather than addressing and overcoming problems. You might notice detachment in these situations, making it seem like she isn’t listening.

They’ll maintain a guarded heart so that they don’t have to engage in confrontation or conflict. It might result in relationship problems, but the alternative option is too overwhelming.

8 – Women Who Fear Commitment Strive for a Perfect Partner

A woman with perfectionist standards might not have an easy time connecting emotionally. She wants to stay available for the man of her dreams, no matter how far out of reach.

No one is perfect, so she won’t find what she wants until she lets go of unrealistic ideals. Until she refocuses, she’ll find every minor flaw as a dealbreaker, potentially getting angry over small issues.

9 – Women Who Fear Commitment Have Trust Issues

A woman with trust issues is typically emotionally unavailable. Without reason, she might say she doesn’t trust you. It often occurs because she fears being hurt or has dated someone untrustworthy.

A woman must heal from whatever pain caused the trust issues if she wants to get over them. When she recovers, it can help her become available for a healthy relationship.

10 – She Doesn’t Put in an Effort

Emotionally unavailable women don’t always put much effort into relationships. If you date someone like this, you’ll likely feel you’re the only one working on keeping the romance alive. They won’t want to engage in problem-solving or discussing your relationship.

One of the reasons she won’t put in an effort is that it’s harder for her to be available and open herself to you. The hard work might drain her, becoming more exhausting than fulfilling.

Can Emotionally Unavailable Women Change?

It’s possible to break through the defenses of emotionally unavailable women, but it takes work. She must want to overcome and heal from trauma and pain, which involves identifying the underlying cause first.

Therapy can help her work through her issues, or you could consider couples counseling. In other cases, giving her more time can help her open up and become available. Every situation is different, and the healing path will vary, too.

However, you shouldn’t stick around if her behavior negatively impacts your life. Considering your priorities and desires is essential in finding someone you’ll be happy with.

Being close to an emotionally absent person can negatively impact your mental health. It requires patience and doesn’t always work out the way you hope. However, it could go well if you’re willing to put in the effort.

unavailable women

Final Thoughts on Emotionally Unavailable Women

Emotionally unavailable women struggle with discussing emotions and building a deeper connection. Working through it with her fear of commitment can be tricky, but it’s possible if you’re willing to put in the effort. Helping her find a solution can help you develop a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

Identifying their behaviors is the first step to overcoming the situation. Once you know the underlying problem, you can decide what to do from there. Remember to prioritize yourself and your mental health because you deserve a happy and meaningful romance.

Emotionally Unavailable Men Do These 10 Things Without Realizing It

Emotionally unavailable men can leave their partners with a nagging feeling of insecurity, doubt, and fear. These men can’t develop and maintain emotional bonds. A guarded heart prevents them from having healthy relationships.

When a man is emotionally unavailable, he’ll seem uninvested in the relationship. He might be into it at first, but eventually, the connection stops deepening, and they seem to distance themselves. These men will be close-minded regarded deeper topics in a romance, preferring to keep things surface-level.

An emotionally unavailable man might want to spend time with you, and their feelings can be intense. However, their unavailability makes them guarded and prevents them from moving past casual dating. If you suspect a man in your life is emotionally unavailable, recognizing the signs can help you figure it out.

NOTE: We recognize that women, too, can display behaviors that reveal closed hearts. We discuss females in a companion article. 

Emotionally Unavailable Men Do These Ten Things

If you think your partner (or yourself) might be emotionally unavailable, you can look for the following signs:

unavailable men

1 – Emotionally Unavailable Men Avoid Defining the Relationship

Emotionally unavailable men will treat you like you’re his partner but be reluctant to define it. He might take you on dates, spend the night with you, and meet your family but still not call you his significant other. It shows he fears commitment and doesn’t want to define his romance even if he has deep feelings.

These men will be okay with casual dating, but when you try to take the next step, they shield themselves by walking away. They might say they aren’t looking for anything serious, and you may be unable to change their minds.

2 – Men With Guarded Hearts Seem to Live in a Fantasy World

Someone experiencing emotional unavailability often has big plans he doesn’t work toward. He’ll have dreams and spend time basking in the ideas but doesn’t do anything to make them possible.

On the other hand, a man with a healthy mindset sets his goals but stays aware of his reality. It helps him take small steps that’ll help him grow.

3 – The Emotional Rollercoaster Never Stops

Being on an emotional rollercoaster with your partner will make you happy one minute and confused the next. Things might go well, and without warning, emotionally unavailable men distance themself for a while. Another example is pouring his feelings out one day but saying he needs a break from the relationship the next.

It’s exhausting because you never know what to expect, and it almost makes you afraid to be happy about the good times. His guarded heart does this to distance himself from vulnerability because he fears being open with others.

4 – Emotionally Unavailable Men Don’t Like Making or Keeping Plans

Commitments are scary for emotionally unavailable men. Even committing to plans can be stressful, and they’ll often try to get out of it.

They’ll tell you they want to do something and promise to get back to you about when, but then you don’t hear from them. Or, when the time comes, they’ll have an excuse for not fulfilling plans.

If they show up for your plans, they might be late to keep their distance between you. They care more about doing what they feel like and aren’t always willing to change their routine for you.

5 – Men With Guarded Hearts Lack Responsibility and Blames Others

Emotionally unavailable men often don’t feel bad for mistakes they’ve made or for hurting others. They might hurt many people and still behave like they didn’t do anything wrong.

It could occur because they lack empathy and don’t realize how they make people feel. Or, it could happen because they don’t want to or don’t feel the need to apologize for what they did.

These men act like nothing is their fault and constantly blame other people. They think highly of themselves and think they’re perfect, and blaming others makes them feel powerful and in control. It also allows them to justify their actions.


6 – Men With Guarded Hearts Cannot Fully Develop Relationships

Early in the relationship, it’ll seem like things develop, and both partners share vulnerabilities. However, the progress quickly slows once emotionally unavailable men realize it’s happening.

You might notice that you don’t experience warm, happy feelings when you think about or spend time with your partner. There will be good feelings, but they won’t include a deepening relationship that sparks joy.

Emotionally unavailable men often tell you they feel the same way when you pour your heart out. They’ll vocalize your emotions rather than coming up with anything of their own to contribute. It prevents a developing relationship because it prevents being open and honest about your feelings.

Healthy relations develop with time, regularly becoming more fulfilling. The initial infatuation will ease, leaving you with a partner who understands you and wants to connect as much as possible. You’ll experience conflict, but you can move past disagreements when you have a positive bond.

7 – You Feel Insecure and Uncomfortable Sharing Emotions with Them

You might feel insecure or misunderstood when you share feelings with an emotionally unavailable man. It’ll seem like they don’t value your emotions because they seem to dismiss them or take it the wrong way.

It shows that the man isn’t fully grasping what you’re sharing and doesn’t take the energy to understand. If you get upset about how he reacts to your emotions, he’ll explain that he’s trying and might say you’re too needy. You’ll feel insecure and like you’re asking for too much.

Sometimes they’ll even make you feel judged for your emotions. Being afraid to share their feelings can cause them to make it seem weird that you share yours. Their judgment is a warning sign that they’ll shut down emotionally anytime you try to open up with them.

He’ll keep things to himself, giving you vague answers that don’t offer insight into his life. When he’s emotionally unavailable, he’ll avoid discussing his feelings or thoughts on issues in his life.

You might notice that everything goes well when you’re having fun and things are playful. However, when emotions arise, or you discuss your feelings, your partner distances himself from you. They also might become defensive when you confront them about being disconnected.

8 – Unavailable Men Can Be Selfish

An emotionally unavailable man will be selfish and want to control everything about your romance. They’ll choose what you do, where you eat, what you watch, and every other aspect of your relationship.

If you make a suggestion, they might disregard it. They might seem irritated if you suggest something other than their plan and will rarely ask what you want to do. A different man would be receptive to your ideas and desires, but being emotionally unavailable can limit this ability.

You might also notice that they only want to spend time together on their terms. They may not invest time in the romance, only being present when it’s convenient for them. If this is the case, you’ll likely also notice that the man forgets essential things you’ve told him.

9 – They Have a Sketchy Relationship History

While you can’t judge someone based on their relationship history alone, it can give you insight into their emotional availability. People tend to unconsciously follow patterns, so you can learn how they engage, respond, listen, and love.

Emotionally unavailable men may have only experienced:

  • casual flings or romances
  • friends with benefits
  • toxic relationships
  • codependency
  • unfilling romances

You might also notice that they blame the other person for everything that went wrong in relationships. They won’t take accountability for anything, portraying themselves as victim in every situation.

Another sign that they’re not emotionally available is that they leave relationships when they get serious. Their guarded hearts indicate a fear of commitment and emotional intimacy, often resulting in the man disappearing without explanation.

10 – Men With Guarded Hearts Don’t Put in the Effort

If you feel like you do all the work in your relationship, it could indicate that a man isn’t emotionally available. He might not reply to a message or answer phone calls, going for long periods without contact. This kind of man likely also doesn’t make plans, waiting for you to suggest getting together.

They might suggest discussing essential topics in person, then avoid seeing you for a while. Then, they’ll do anything to avoid emotional discussions about your romance when you see them in person.

You might want to keep investing your energy, hoping that the man decides to embrace it and get closer to you. It can be draining and leave you feeling bad about yourself.

Can an Emotionally Unavailable Man Fall in Love?

Emotionally unavailable men can fall in love, although it might be more complicated than it is for others. Their unavailability often stems from fear, but finding someone who makes them feel safe can make a difference. He also must be willing to work on overcoming it, working on continual self-growth and development.

If you’re dating an emotionally unavailable man, you can try the following:

  • discussing concerning behaviors that cause issues
  • openly explain how his unavailability affects your relationship
  • supporting them and their healing process
  • encouraging them to talk with a therapist

unavailable men

Final Thoughts on Things Emotionally Unavailable Men Do

Being emotionally unavailable can make a man avoid deepening relationships. His guarded heart can also cause him to sabotage anything that seems to be going well. The behaviors can be frustrating and cause distress, but his guarded behavior won’t allow him to open up to you.

Understanding these behaviors can help you determine if it’s worth the wait. You might want to keep trying to get through or decide to walk away. Either way, it can help you determine what is right for you, allowing you to embrace meaning in your life.

An emotionally unavailable man can change and stop being close-minded regarding relationships. It’s up to you if you want to stick around and see if he’ll adapt. Do what makes you happy and helps you find fulfillment.

20 Romantic Quotes About Finding True Love

Love triggers many emotions, and while it’s not always easy to find words, romantic quotes can help. Falling for someone leads to feeling butterflies in your stomach, an increased heartbeat, and sweaty palms. When you’re in the presence of the person you’re falling for, you’ll know there’s something different with them.

You can read romantic quotes if you want true love or need words to describe your feelings. As you read the romantic quotes, note the ones that resonate within you. It can help you tell another person how you feel and give you the courage to jump in when it’s time to deepen the romance.

You can use romantic quotes for encouragement or to share your feelings. Sharing love quotes can make your partner feel good and offer inspiration and positivity to your relationship.

Romantic Quotes About Finding True Love

These romantic quotes are the perfect option whether you need courage or want to share them. It can empower you to look for romance and embrace the experience when it comes your way.

romantic quotes

1 – “When you find that one that’s right for you, you feel like they were put there for you, you never want to be apart.” – Joe Manganiello

Feeling like someone fits your life and brings value can make it seem like that’s how it’s supposed to be. You won’t want to be away from them and will constantly think about them when you’re apart.

Plus, when you’re doing things without them, you’ll likely think you’d enjoy it more if your partner were with you. This romantic quote makes it easier to explain your desire to spend all your time with them. It also gives insight into what to watch for when spending time with someone you have feelings for.

2 – “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein

When you’re in love, the only thing that’ll matter to you is your partner’s happiness. Their happiness will bring fulfillment and signify that you’re on the right path.

3 – “There’s all kinds of reasons that you fall in love with one person rather than another: Timing is important. Proximity is important. Mystery is important.” – Helen Fisher

If you’re looking for romance, keep this quote in mind. Sometimes finding your partner depends on timing, proximity, and mystery. Don’t be afraid to accept new experiences because you never know when it’ll be your turn.

4 – “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.” – Katharine Hepburn

You’ll want to give the world to your partner and won’t consider what you’ll get in return because your focus is on their happiness. You may not have found your match yet if you don’t feel this way about your partner.

5 – “Spend less time trying to change someone and more time trying to love and understand them.” – Kristen Butler

Having deep feelings for someone requires accepting their flaws and helping them grow. As Butler explains, understanding your partner is more effective than trying to change them. Remember that you fell for who they are, not who you wanted them to be.

6 – “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning

When you find your match, you’ll appreciate who you are when they’re around. They’ll make you want to be the best version of yourself, encouraging you to chase your dreams and experience self-growth. As explained in this quote, the best relationship should improve your life.

 7 – “Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” – Loretta Young

You won’t find what you want or need if you’re constantly searching for it. It’s best to experience life and new opportunities and see where they lead you. Living your life to the fullest can lead to romance finding you when you least expect it.

8 – “To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow – this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

Everyone has flaws and shortcomings, but it’s okay when someone truly cares for you. As Gilbert explains, when someone accepts you for who you are, it’s a miracle that makes you comfortable being yourself.

9 – “True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” – Ricardo Montalban

Remember this romantic quote if you have feelings for someone but are unsure if it’s love. Deep feelings typically develop after you go through hardship as a couple. You may notice it after you’ve created memories and seen past the surface of your partner’s personality.

10 – “Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” – James Baldwin

You won’t want to hide who you are from your partner when you have a deep connection. You’ll be comfortable showing them things you hide from everyone else.


11 – “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Loving relationships aren’t always calm and easy, with Nietzsche describing them as involving madness. It’s a feeling you won’t experience in any other situation and can make you feel off-kilter.

12 – “Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.” – Maya Angelou

You might have gotten hurt in the past, but it shouldn’t stop you from embracing romance. Remain courageous and know that the right person won’t hurt you. It might take many tries, but the best relationship will work out if you remain open and trusting.

13 – “The practice of love offers no place of safety. We risk loss, hurt, pain. We risk being acted upon by forces outside our control.” – Bell Hooks

You become vulnerable to loss, hurt, and pain after falling for someone. Even with the risk, it’s worth embracing the experience when it comes your way. When you find your match, don’t push them away due to fear because you never know if it’s the one that’ll last.

14 – “I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self-respect. And it’s these things I’d believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn’t all she should be. I love her and it is the beginning of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Finding your match involves seeing great things about your partner that others might not recognize. You’ll fall for them for who they are and all the aspects they only let you see. It’ll keep you together through hardship because your partner matters most to you.

15 – “We loved with a love that was more than love.” – Edgar Allen Poe

True love is much more than anything you could imagine. When you find it, you’ll recognize it as different from other relationships where you thought you had deep feelings. It’ll be deeper and more fulfilling than you ever expected.

16 – “Continue to share your heart with people even if it has been broken.” – Amy Poehler

You might want to shield yourself if your heart has broken in the past. However, doing so can cause you to miss out on romance. Keep sharing your heart and embracing romance despite what happened before.

17 – “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” – Sarah Dessen

You might feel discouraged if you can’t find romance, but this love quote reminds you that you can’t force it. It’ll often happen when you least expect it, and as Dessen explains, it occurs suddenly. You might fall for them before you even realize what’s happening.

18 – “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep burning and unquenchable.” – Bruce Lee

Deep romance often begins as a friendship and turns into much more. As your relationship develops, your feelings will deepen into a long-lasting experience.

19 – “Love isn’t something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn’t a feeling, it is a practice.” – Eric Fromm

After the early stages of falling for one another, you’re likely to experience hardship. It requires effort and practice to overcome negativity. When you find your match, it’ll be something you strive for together.

20 – “I think… if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.” – Leo Tolstoy

Everyone shows their feelings differently, and developing a long-lasting romance involves finding someone compatible. You don’t have to find someone who shows their feelings how you do to find a good match.

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Final Thoughts on These 20 Romantic Quotes About True Love

These romantic quotes about finding true love can help you find the words to describe your feelings. They can also give you the courage to pursue romance until you find what you want.

No matter your situation, these romantic quotes can help you understand and recognize the feeling. Save the quotes that resonate the most with you and share some with your partner to help them see how you feel for them.

18 Heartbreaking Reasons Women Break Up With Men They Love

Women break up with people they love, although it isn’t easy for them. You might wonder how they do it, but it’s often to protect and respect themselves.

Love can’t always keep a relationship together, primarily when one partner engages in unacceptable behavior. Additionally, changing feelings and heartbreak can disrupt the dynamic of the relationship.

Men sometimes leave women they love, too. You can read about it in a separate article for more information from that perspective.

18 Reasons Why Women Break Up with Men They Love

The reasons women break up with someone they love can differ depending on the person and the relationship. However, some of the common reasons include the following:

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1 – Women Break Up Due to Infidelity and a Lack of Trust

Infidelity and lack of trust are reasons a woman will leave someone they love. Research shows that men are likelier to cheat or be unfaithful than women. If it happens, she’ll experience heartbreak and might be unable to stay in the relationship.

Everyone defines cheating and infidelity differently, and it could be different depending on the relationship. It might involve emotional or physical infidelity and quickly break the trust in your relationship.

Cheating isn’t the only thing that can lead to a lack of trust. If a man lies, his partner might walk away even if she loves him. Lying might help avoid drama or hide issues, but it eventually comes out and can destroy the relationship.

Sometimes being secretive or defensive can break down trust levels, too. If a woman thinks her partner keeps hiding things from her, she won’t want to stick around.

2 – Communication Issues

Effective communication is essential in a healthy relationship and can boost satisfaction. If a woman feels like her partner doesn’t listen, it can cause her to break up with him. Everyone wants to feel heard in a relationship, which can worsen issues if it doesn’t happen.

Sometimes this occurs when a woman says something, and her partner tries to fix the problem rather than discussing it. She might only want him to listen rather than try to do something to save the day. Listening is just as essential as talking (sometimes more) and can make or break a relationship.

Research shows that more than 50% of couples say lack of communication is one of the most common reasons for breaking up. If you think you should work on this aspect of your relationship, start by hearing your partner before offering your thoughts.

3 – He’s too Jealous

Excessive jealousy is hard to deal with and can lead to a breakup. If a woman feels smothered or can’t do anything without her partner getting jealous, she might walk away. It’s overwhelming and shows there’s a lack of trust between you.

4 – Women Break Up if He’s a Workaholic

If a man works too much, his partner might break up. Having drive and ambition is admirable, but she’ll want to feel like a priority. She might feel neglected if she doesn’t see him, talk to him, or check in regularly.

5 – The Connection Wanes

Feelings can change, sometimes leading to the connection fizzling out. If a woman doesn’t feel an emotional connection anymore, she might realize that her partner isn’t right for her. Shared experiences and a deepened bond can usually help strengthen the bond, but that doesn’t always happen.

6 – He’s Abusive

Abusive behavior is unacceptable, and strong women will walk away from it. According to statistics, more than 10 million people experience violence from an intimate partner each year. It could involve physical violence, emotional abuse, stalking, threats, and other toxic behavior.

7 – A Lack of Positivity Within the Relationship

A woman will likely get tired of engaging in a negative relationship. If her partner doesn’t seem to have anything positive to say, it can take a toll and affect her.

Frequent arguing can have the same effect because it creates more negativity than positivity between them. Studies show that it is one of the most significant factors in divorce.

Healthy relationships require positive connections so the couple can create a deep emotional bond. Without it, one partner might feel a constant need to defend themselves and like they must tread carefully in all situations.

8 – Women Break Up if He Misuses Substances

Substance use disorder (SUD) negatively impacts everyone, including the individual engaging in the behavior and those closest to them. If a woman loves a man who misuses substances, she might break up with him to protect herself. Trying to help a partner through these issues can be draining and is one of the biggest reasons for divorce.

9 – Misaligned Goals

It can make it hard to build a future together when a couple has misaligned goals. A woman might walk away before the relationship deepens if they don’t want the same things. It might involve where they want to live if they want a family, or what they’ll do to achieve their goals.

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10 – Lack of Empathy

Without an empathetic partner, a woman might feel like she’d be better off leaving the relationship. Experts indicate that empathy is essential in a healthy relationship, with both partners feeling one another’s pain and sharing joy.

A woman might think the relationship won’t work out if there’s a lack of empathy. They also might feel they deserve someone who can connect on that level.

11 – He’s Different Around His Friends

If a man treats his partner differently when his friends are around, she might choose to walk away. She doesn’t need excessive PDA or constant attention but does require respect and kindness.

Some men mistreat their partners in this situation, and it can make a woman realize she deserves better. She wants her man to be consistent so that she knows what to expect. Mistreatment in the presence of others doesn’t allow for consistency or stability in the relationship.

12 – Lack of Acceptance

If a couple doesn’t accept each other, it can lead to a break up. Neither partner should force the other to change, so if there’s no acceptance, the best option is to part ways. If one can’t accept the other, there’s someone else out there who can.

A lack of acceptance will only lead to worsening issues, so it’s not something you should ignore. You can identify this situation if negative qualities come to mind quicker than good ones.

13 – She’s Scared

Fear of vulnerability can cause a woman to break up with someone she loves. As the relationship gets deeper, she might realize she must open up and share intimate parts of her life and thoughts.

It’s an uncomfortable idea, especially if she’s afraid of commitment. Instead of embracing the experience, she might push her partner away or break up with him to protect herself from discomfort.

14 – She Feels Like He’s Not Right for the Long Haul

A woman might leave a man she loves if she thinks he’s incapable of a long-term relationship. If he can’t provide what she wants or needs, she won’t always stick around to find out what happens.

She’ll know what she wants and recognize that this romance isn’t the one for her. Breaking up allows her to find someone who aligns with her vision of a long-term partner.

15 – Women Break Up When He’s Immature

Immaturity can hinder a relationship, and a strong woman won’t put up with it. If she sees traits in a man that seems immature or he can’t take anything seriously, it could lead to a breakup.

She’ll want a man who can behave like an adult and show maturity when the situation requires it. It’s okay to have fun and act silly sometimes, but there’s a time and place for that behavior.

16 – She Feels Disrespected

Being disrespected will quickly cause a woman to leave a man she loves. Respect is one of the essential aspects of a healthy relationship, and she’ll always expect it from her partner. She’ll leave if she recognizes broken boundaries, unnecessary stress, and disrespect that threatens her self-esteem.

17 – She’s Experiencing Changes Within Her Life

A woman might fall in love during a specific stage in her life, and significant changes can shift her feelings and mindset. Changing jobs, experiencing the loss of a loved one, or wanting to re-evaluate her path can affect a romantic relationship. Sometimes she’ll have to move to a different city, focus on other areas of her life, or experience other situations that interfere with the romance.

18 – He Has Mood Swings

Frequent mood swings can be challenging for a romantic partner to handle. She wants stability, including knowing how her partner will react and behave. If he seems to be in a bad mood without reason or it happens daily, she might get frustrated and walk away.

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Final Thoughts on Why Women Break Up with Their Partner

Many reasons can contribute to a breakup, even when a woman loves her partner. Love isn’t always enough to keep a relationship alive, and understanding these reasons can help.

When you know why a woman might leave, you can avoid those situations and maintain a healthy relationship. If you’re a woman leaving a relationship, these reasons can help you understand why you’re ready to leave.

16 Heartbreaking Reasons Men Break Up With Women They Love

Men sometimes break up with women they love, leading to questions about why it happened. Sometimes love isn’t enough to make a relationship last because other factors come into play. Leaving while still in love causes heartbreak for both partners, but understanding the reasons can help.

Most people learn that relationships can end even when you still love one another. Some factors interfere with the connection and cause one of you to pull away. The other partner might not see it coming, but there are often signs.

Knowing why a man might break up with someone they love can help you recognize issues within the relationship. It might help prevent the breakup or help you realize that you can’t change some aspects. These reasons can also help you understand why a man might say he loves you and still end things.

NOTE: We realize this situation can also go for women, and we discuss their behaviors separately.

Sixteen Reasons Men Break Up With Women They Love

Breakups happen for many reasons, even when the couple is still in love. When a man breaks up with a woman he loves, it could be for the following reasons:

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1 – Some Men Break Up if They Don’t Feel Heard

Men want someone who will listen to them and give them a chance to speak. When a man talks, he doesn’t want his partner to make him feel like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Even if he has a differing opinion, he doesn’t want to feel like he doesn’t matter. You want him to listen to you, so give him the same kindness in return.

2 – Too Must External Influence

No one wants their business spread around to others, including your partner. Telling your closest friends and family every time you have an argument or disagreement can result in too much external influence.

The people you tell might not like your partner much afterward, making things awkward when you’re all together. If your partner feels uncomfortable with or disliked by the people you spend the most time with, he might break up with you.

Additionally, listening to your friends about your relationship can cause problems. Your friends have different situations, and listening to them about something they don’t understand can disrupt your relationship. You wouldn’t want him listening to everything his friends say, and the same applies the other way around.

3 – Clinginess or Being too Dependent

If you make a man feel like he must constantly be with you, he might leave the relationship. He also doesn’t expect you to go everywhere with him, and clinginess will turn him off. Spending time away from one another makes it more meaningful when you’re together.

You each like and dislike different things, and it’s okay for you to embrace your differences. Spend time with your friends and allow your partner to do the same rather than dragging one another along each time. He’d prefer to do his own thing than sit there and listen during girl time.

Being too dependent on your man isn’t good, either. Some men can’t (or don’t want to) handle a needy woman who constantly needs help or attention.

He wants someone who can handle things for herself but speaks up when he can help her out. Making him feel like you can’t do anything for yourself can cause him to walk away.

4 – Some Men Break Up Due to Infidelity or a Lack of Trust

A man might break up with a woman if he cheated on her and doesn’t want to own up to it. Infidelity can make him despise himself, and he’ll walk away seemingly without reason rather than being honest.

Additionally, a man might walk away if he doesn’t feel trusted. If he didn’t do anything wrong, he won’t enjoy constant questioning after spending time away from his partner.

They might also end a relationship if they don’t feel forgiven for a past mistake. You might say you’ve forgiven them but continually bring it up. Of course, they’ll also break up with a woman if she cheats or betrays their trust.

5 – They Don’t Feel Needed

While a man doesn’t want his partner to be clingy, he also wants to feel needed sometimes. He won’t want to feel like you only want him for sex, so find ways to show him that he improves your life.

6 – Some Men Might Feel His Partner Criticizes Him Too Much

Constant criticism will beat a man down, and he’ll eventually walk away from the relationship. Everyone makes mistakes, but no one needs to hear about them daily.

7 – Leaving Might Be Because You Don’t Like His Friends

A man’s friends are important to him, and he doesn’t want to hear negative comments about them. He knows his friends, likely longer than he’s known you, and doesn’t need you to point out their flaws. If you do, he might decide the relationship won’t work out.

Criticizing a man’s friends can make him feel you don’t trust him. It shows insecurity because it implies that you expect his friend’s negative behavior to influence the relationship.

8 – He’s Afraid of Commitment

A man might break up with a woman they love if they fear commitment. It might make him feel like he’s losing his freedom and doesn’t want to take any serious steps. If the next stage of the relationship requires commitment, he might bail.


9 – Leaving May Result When the Circumstances and Timing are Off

If a man and his partner want something different, it’s a valid reason to break up. You might want a traditional lifestyle while your man envisions traveling or exploring rather than settling down. A man might walk away if you’re in a similar situation, so neither of you sacrifices what you want.

Other factors play a role, including one person needing to move for work or family. Long-distance relationships don’t work for everyone, and breaking up isn’t about how much he loves you. When this happens, it’s a heartbreaking scenario will no one being at-fault.

The timing might be off if the man isn’t ready for a serious relationship, being another reason for a potential breakup. It’s not that he’s afraid of commitment, but it could be that he’s not yet at that stage.

10 – Some Men Break Up Because of Ongoing Disagreements

A man might walk away if you have ongoing disagreements that you can’t resolve. It might involve differing opinions or issues neither of you will compromise. Sometimes the ongoing problem stems from a behavior one of you refuses to change.

11 – Leaving Might Be Necessary as a Result of Toxicity

Constant shouting and screaming are signs of a toxic environment. If this happens, a man might walk away even if he loves you because he knows you deserve better. You’ll experience heartbreak in this situation, but it’ll be for the best.

12 – Some Men Break Up as a Result of Incompatibility

Early in a relationship, you and your partner will notice all the good things about one another. You’ll likely have a great sex life because you strive to please one another. However, as time goes on, you might realize you’re incompatible.

Your personalities might not align, showing that you’re not suited to being together long-term. Or, you might discover a lack of sexual compatibility once the newness wears off. Either situation can cause strain and eventually lead to a breakup.

13 – He Doesn’t Feel Accepted

If a man feels you’re always trying to fix him, he’ll think you don’t accept him. You might consistently get at him about one or two things, making it seem like he’ll never get your approval. It can make him feel inadequate, leading to him shutting down and leaving.

A man also might walk away if he doesn’t think he’s good enough for you. If he loves you, he might convince himself you deserve better if you don’t let him know you accept him.

14 – Leaving May Result From Too Much Competition

When a man feels like his woman works against him, it’ll feel like too much competition. He wants someone who supports him and builds him up rather than someone who always wants to be correct. Likewise, he doesn’t want to compete to make decisions within the relationship because it should be equal.

15 – May May Leave Due to a Lack of Respect

Without respect, there’s no future for a relationship. Your man won’t recognize you as someone he can let his guard down with if he doesn’t feel respected.

Respect lets him see that you’ll accept and support him during his weakest moments. He’ll also begin viewing you as a positive part of his life. With respect, he’ll be more likely to commit and give his all in a relationship.

16 – Leaving May Mean He Has More Pressing Priorities

A man might love a woman but break up with her because he has other priorities. If this happens to you, it’s essential to remember that it’s not your fault.

Whether the man prioritizes work, his children, or anything else, it’s best to know when you’re not at the top of the priority list. It allows you both to move on, with you finding someone who prioritizes you and him finding someone who doesn’t mind.

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Final Thoughts on Men Who Break Up With Women They Still Love

Being in love isn’t always enough to prevent breaking up. Men often break up with women they love, although the reasons vary.

If you notice any of these reasons in your relationship, you might consider making a positive change. You might have already experienced your man leaving, but understanding can help you in future relationships.

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