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5 Simple Ways to Get Thin

Many of us make losing weight more difficult by (a) not having a plan and (b) not understanding the science of weight loss. Concerning the latter, scientists, dietitians, nutritionists, and other “experts” haven’t exactly done us any favors (how many times have we been told that eggs are “good … wait, we mean bad … no, we mean good … for you”?

Though this may sound ridiculous, losing weight isn’t that complicatedif you understand the basics of food science and human physiology. Which brings us to the topic of today’s article: 5 simple ways to get thin.

“What I know for sure is this: The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. There’s just you, this moment, and a choice.” – Oprah Winfrey (lost 67 pounds in ’88; 42 pounds in 2018)

There’s a reason the writer has chosen the word “simple,” and not “easy.” You see, the proven catalysts of weight loss that have stood the tests of time are very plain and straightforward. But no matter how simple a concept, no good comes of it when the execution is poor.

So do yourself a favor and stick to the plan. Besides seeing the results of your efforts much sooner, you’ll have less trouble keeping the weight off!

On that note, here are 5 simple ways to get thin!


1. Limit the starches and sugars

While going “no-carb” or even “low-carb” isn’t altogether unnecessary for losing weight, cutting back on or eliminating starches and sugars (a.k.a., “bad carbs”) makes shedding pounds that much easier.

When you cut back on bad carbs, your body stops burning them for energy; instead, it uses fat stores as its primary source. Limiting carbs also helps expel excess water from the body (water retention).

In a 2014 study published in the journal Obesity Reviews, researchers found that individuals on a “ketogenic low carbohydrate diet” reported feeling “less hungry” and a “reduced desire to eat.” Scientists attribute these stated effects to ketosis – burning stored fat instead of glucose.

2. Incorporate strength training

While you don’t need exercise to lose weight, it helps. Not long ago, scientists harped about cardiovascular exercise (running, jogging, etc.). While cardio is most certainly healthy, strength training may be a better weight loss option overall.

Strength training – most commonly performed by lifting weights – pulls double duty: burning fat to help you get thin and build muscle mass. If you insist on getting a bit of cardio in, a quick 5-minute HIIT session is all that you need.

Try hitting the weights three times per week!


3. Eat three things every meal

Fat, protein, vegetables. Eat them. Often. Now, not just any source of fat or protein will do. Here’s a short list of some good food choices for each:

Fat and protein: lean meats, avocado, fish and seafood, eggs, seitan, tofu, chickpeas, olive oil, quinoa, chia seeds.

Vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, kale, spinach, Swiss chard, tomatoes. Try to make sure that your veggies contain non- or low-starch content.

If you stick to the foods on this list, you’re almost guaranteed to lose much weight. (Especially with a bunch of water; see #5!). If, after eating three full meals, you feel hungry later – a normal reaction when transitioning to a lower-carb diet), it’s A-OK to eat again! After a period of adjustment, your hunger levels should begin to decline.

On the last note, ensure you keep plenty of healthy snacks on hand like nuts, seeds, celery sticks, peanut butter, etc.

4. Drink ice cold water

Drinking water throughout the day may boost metabolism between 10-30%. This one practice alone will help you along the road to getting thin. Researchers of the study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, attribute the surprising results to thermogenesis produced through the normal activation of ion channels in excitable cells.

Ice cold water may increase this fat-burning effect, as the body must burn additional energy to warm itself. Additionally, people who prioritize drinking water over sugary beverages have better weight-loss outcomes than those who don’t. These individuals are also far more likely to keep their weight off, thus avoiding the dreaded “yo-yo dieting.”

5. Cut back on the “veg out” sessions.

Okay, so no one likes a good movie or TV show more than the person writing these words. But come on, people. According to the Nielson Total Audience Report, the average American watches nearly five hours of television daily. Yet we still complain that we have “no time” for exercise … uh-huh. (Surprisingly, the 18-34-year-olds watch the least amount of television, at just over two hours.)

If the desire to get thin so you reclaim your health isn’t enough of a reason to get off the couch, it turns that the T.V. may lead to a decline in cognitive abilities. Over the past quarter-century, researchers have found that people who watch more television have slower brain processing speed, worse verbal memory, and slower overall executive function. The executive area of the brain, the prefrontal cortex (PFC), helps us pay attention, organize information, and execute complex tasks.

10 Astonishing Things That Only Happen When You Meet Your Soulmate

Many people wonder about what happens when you meet your soulmate. Who doesn’t look forward to that incredible day? Meeting the person that you know you are meant to be with can be a life-changing experience.

Your life will seem to take on a new layer of meaning, and you might be surprised by how deeply you feel that transformation. These ten astonishing changes that only happen when you meet your soulmate will keep you looking for that special someone.

Here’s what happens when you meet your soulmate:

You’ll Notice the Little Things in Life

When you ask yourself what happens when you meet your soulmate, one major change is that you’ll notice the little things. When you are confident in your relationship, you are free to take joy in the ordinary.

You Experience Your Life With the Anticipation of Sharing It

Instead of experiencing life as a series of disconnected events, you’ll begin to experience life through the filter of the anticipation of sharing it with your soulmate. You’ll love making your partner smile with your ordinary life experiences.

All of Your Other Relationships are Better

Your friends and family will notice what happens when you meet your soulmate. Your relationships will stop feeling like something you have to deal with, and will feel like a part of yourself that you want to share. You’ll become more joyful in your interactions with friends and family. Your loved ones will notice the change and love the way your soulmate has affected you.

You’ll Feel a Little Indomitable

When you meet your soulmate, don’t be surprised if you start to feel like you can achieve anything. Whether it’s a boost in self-confidence, or the knowledge that somebody will always have your back, you’ll feel like you can take on any challenge and that any setback is temporary.

You’ll Wake up With a Smile

An article in Scientific American shows that being in love releases dopamine in the brain that makes you feel good. Life will still be filled with challenges, but waking up next to the person you belong with will give you a sense of stability that will make those challenges feel a lot more like opportunities.

You’ll Spend More Time Pursuing Your Passions

Being able to check the “Find soulmate” box off your list will leave you worrying less about being alone and free your energy up for actually enjoying your alone time. Instead, you’ll be filling it with your interests and passions.

You’re More Open to Change

Part of finding your soul mate is learning about them on every level. That means thinking about things in a new way and trying things you never would have before. The crazy part is how you’ll love every minute of it!

You Might Have to Censor Yourself a Bit

Some people are stuck in a mental rut. Unfortunately, these people might be a little turned off by your new-found positive outlook. Try to remember that you might have reacted the same way before you found your soulmate. Everyone should try to be happy when the people they care about are happy, but it’s hard to be reminded of what you don’t have.

You’re a Little More Optimistic About the State of the World

Before you meet “the one,” the problems of the world can make it seem like the world isn’t a very good place. You might worry about the state of humanity. An article published by Harvard Medical’s neurobiology department revealed that being in love can block negative emotions by shutting down the associated neural pathways. If people can feel the way that you do, somehow, the problems of the world are worth it.

You’ll Manage Your Time Better

You might be surprised by what happens when you meet your soulmate. It’s amazing how much time people waste worrying about what they don’t have instead of being grateful and taking advantage of what they do have. Because a certain amount of your time will be allocated to spending time with your soulmate, you’ll become much better at taking advantage of your free time.

what happens when you meet your soulmate

There Is a Lot To Look Forward To

It’s hard to overstate the significance of what happens when you meet your soulmate. Everything you experience will be colored by the prism of your relationship in the best possible way.

For those of you who are longing for the day when you’ll meet that special someone, there’s nothing wrong with looking forward to that connection. If you treat yourself the way you would want your soulmate to treat you, you can have some of that feeling today, and your happiness will be like a beacon that will invite good things into your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 People Who Lost A Ton Of Weight By Switching to A Vegan Diet

Whether you go vegan for the environment, the animals, or your health, switching to a vegan diet can provide numerous mental and physical benefits. Many people choose a vegan lifestyle for several reasons, and if done correctly, it can result in losing a ton of weight! People who have never gone vegan before might feel a bit apprehensive about their food choices as a vegan, but you don’t have to go without on a vegan diet.

Pretty much anything you ate before, you can eat as a vegan, just without the cruelty inflicted upon animals and the environment. So, without further ado, let us show you some people who got healthier and live a more positive life by going vegan!

Here are 10 people who lost weight on a vegan diet:

1. A vegan diet definitely looks good on her!

2. Mae lost nearly 40 pounds using intuitive eating and following a raw foods diet!

3. Following a vegan diet not only shrunk Mike Tyson’s waistline; it also saved his life!

4. Can you believe this is the same guy? A vegan diet rewarded him with a 40 pound weight loss!

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5. Same shirt but entirely different bodies. Good job girl!

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6. A vegan diet took her from 300 pounds to a healthy weight.

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7. “I’ve never been better physically, mentally, or spiritually.” All thanks to a vegan diet and working out!

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8. Natasha says a vegan diet helped her find balance and make progress with her body, and it definitely shows!

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health quotes

9. Six month vegan fitness transformation!

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10. The man on the left was on medication and waiting for a kidney stone surgery. The man on the right is medication free and healthy due to a vegan diet!

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As you can see from the photos above, veganism can literally change your life. By eating whole foods, you can lose weight, get in touch with your body again, implement positive thinking more easily, and just feel better! Which of the vegan transformations was your favorite? Share with us in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Avocado Face Masks Your Grandma Swears By That Actually Work

Avocados have gained massive popularity in recent years. They are a tasty choice on the trendy food market, plus their health benefits are amazing. They can help with weight lossmineral deficiencies, and stretch marks. However, experts recommend using them in your skincare routine as well! Face masks that utilize these beautiful fruits are a natural way to treat your skin. They provide a plethora of nature’s elements to enhance your skin’s vitality, elasticity, and luminosity. Plus, they’re safe for all skin types.

As their popularity grows, the beauty industry continues to offer a wide selection of masks containing avocados. On the other hand, it is often easier and more natural to make your own! These homemade avocado face masks are simple and will leave your skin feeling great.

10 Homemade Avocado Face Mask Recipes

1. Classic Face Mask

This recipe is quick and easy. Mix it up and use it before bed for extra moisturizing benefits.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Scoop out half of a ripe avocado.
  • Find some natural honey.
  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in 2 tablespoons of hot water.
  • Mash your fruit with a fork. Mix your ingredients together.
  • Apply the mask.
  • Relax and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

2. Toning Face Mask

This skin treatment utilizes fresh apricots. They provide vitamins C and A, which help tighten your skin and reduce pore size. The other ingredients help to balance your skin tone.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Take one apricot and cut it into small slices.
  • Mash the slices up with a fork.
  • Mix the apricot with a medium-sized ripe avocado.
  • Make sure your fruit is mashed evenly before mixing it with your apricot.

3. Anti-Blemish Mask

Do you suffer from oily skin? This is one of the best avocado face masks for that affliction. It naturally lessens the amount of sebum your skin produces. As a result, you will see your acne and blemishes reduce.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Mash up a small avocado.
  • Find a ripe banana. Mash it as well.
  • Crack 1 egg. Separate the egg yolk from the white.
  • Mix the yolk with the other ingredients.
  • Gently apply to your face. Let it process for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.

4. Moisturizing Mask

Do you deal with excessively dry skin? Inflammation and flaking can result if it is not addressed. Use this recipe to feel the wonderful moisturizing relief it provides.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Mash one-fourth of a ripe fruit.
  • Mix one-half of a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of organic plain yogurt.
  • Mix the ingredients until you get a paste.
  • Apply this mask with a soft face brush.
  • Let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it with warm water.

5. Radiance Mask

Sometimes, all your skin needs is a little boost. This simple recipe gives your face a natural and healthy glow.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Use one medium fruit.
  • Mash it well.
  • Stir in 1 tablespoon of organic honey.
  • Softly apply the mask.
  • Let it moisturize your face for 10 to 15 minutes.

6. Exfoliating Face Mask

Exfoliation is a vital part of any skincare routine. However, only use this about once a week. Over-exfoliation may cause excess inflammation.

This mask will remove any dead skin cells. It improves elasticity by increasing cell turnover.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Take a couple drops of chamomile oil and mix them with a mashed fruit.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Mix in 2 tablespoons of organic orange juice.
  • Mix well. Apply it evenly.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes.

7. Nourishing Mask

Use this recipe to naturally brighten and moisturize your face. It will add a touch of luminosity as well.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Mash your ripe fruit.
  • Add one-half of a tablespoon of honey to the mix.
  • Mix in one-half of a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes.

8. Oatmeal Mask

Oatmeal is a naturally hydrating addition to any face mask. If you have dry skin, give this recipe a try.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Prepare your oatmeal as you normally would.
  • Let it cool.
  • Mash up one-half of a ripe fruit. Mix it with your oatmeal.
  • Apply and let it process for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse well with lukewarm water.

9. Anti-Blackhead Treatment

Occasionally, the simplest solution is the best one. If you have bothersome blackheads, consider trying this treatment.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Find a ripe avocado.
  • Cut it into slices.
  • Rub the slices on your face to help remove any blackheads and add a natural glow.


10. Smoothing Mask

Is your skin’s texture a little rough? Try this amazing face mask to achieve a soft and smooth surface.

Ingredients and Directions

  • Juice one-half of an organic lemon.
  • Mix it with 2 egg whites.
  • Mash your fruit well. Mix all the ingredients.
  • Let this treatment process for 20 minutes.


As this fruit gains popularity, people are finding new and improved ways to use it. Several beauty experts have recommended using avocado face masks. These homemade recipes contain the essential vitamins and minerals your skin craves. Each one offers different benefits, so you will surely find one to meet your needs.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

9 Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes That Melt Body Fat

Exercise definitely helps burn fat, but weight loss largely has to do with the foods you put in your body. Most people know fruit is good for them, but they might not have the time in the mornings to chow down on a bunch of fruit. This is where weight loss smoothies come in! You can quickly throw fruits and veggies in a blender, pour it in a thermos, and take it with you to work.

With that said, we bring you some yummy-looking weight loss smoothies that will help you lose weight.

Here are 9 weight loss smoothie recipes to help you melt body fat:

1. This delicious smoothie bowl is full of healthy carbs, fats, and proteins to keep you full!

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2. This smoothie will have you burning fat in no time.

health quotes
3. This smoothie bowl almost looks too beautiful to eat! (But you should eat it because it’s good for you.)

4. Full of berries, chia seeds, and dark chocolate, this smoothie is sure to leave you feeling satisfied!

5. This low-carb, high-fat smoothie should have your mouth watering!

6. When a smoothie isn’t enough, just throw a popsicle into it!

7. Adding granola to your smoothie can help you burn fat + stay full.

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8. Weight loss smoothies don’t have to be boring!

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9. Sweet potato almond butter smoothie, anyone?

Which weight loss smoothie looks the best to you? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

best foods for weight loss infographic

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(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Warning Signs Of A Stroke You Should Never Ignore

Having a stroke is a serious life-changing event whose long-term repercussions can last from months to years. A stroke is like experiencing a fire in the brain, making it vitally important to understand that the more rapid the response to aid someone having a stroke, the more of the person you can save.

However, signs of a stroke can be experienced differently between men and women and even between age groups. A stroke is a wake-up to those who experience it, and there’s only a short time once a stroke has started to lessen the long-term damage.

However, many don’t understand the warning signs of a stroke between different genders. A stroke operates in two different areas depending on the area affected.

Two Types of Stroke

First, let’s look at the two types of stroke someone may experience, ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke:

stroke signs

Ischemic stroke

An ischemic stroke, the more common of the two, occurs when a blood clot obstructs a blood vessel in the brain, leading to a reduction or complete halt in blood flow to a part of the brain. This deprivation of oxygen and nutrients causes brain cells in the affected area to die, resulting in various neurological deficits depending on the brain region involved.

Hemorrhagic stroke

On the other hand, a hemorrhagic stroke happens when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, leading to bleeding in or around the brain. This bleeding can cause brain cells to die, and the accumulated blood can create pressure on the surrounding brain tissue, causing additional damage. Hemorrhagic strokes are less common but are often more severe, with a higher risk of mortality compared to ischemic strokes.

Both types require immediate medical attention to minimize brain damage and optimize recovery chances.

A stroke can lead to permanent damage such as partial paralysis, long-term memory loss, and speech impairment. While stroke is more common in women, a man’s health can also remain negatively affected for some time after the event. Strokes are one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and many people worldwide will experience a stroke in their lifetime, making it vital to understand the warning signs of a stroke across genders and ages.

8 common stroke signs: 

  • Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, an arm or leg often centered along one side on the body
  • Trouble seeing out of one or both eyes
  • Sudden confusion
  • Trouble with speaking and understanding
  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause
  • Sudden trouble walking
  • Dizziness with loss of balance
  • Inability to reach both arms

The way strokes present in women

Women are at a higher risk than their male counterparts, but the signs in women are often harder to detect. Because women often live longer than men, more women will be living alone when they have a stroke. Women report several key differences or additional signs of a stroke in women that are distinct from the more common signs of a stroke. Women experience the most common signs of a stroke, but they also report additional signs which include the following:

  • Loss of consciousness or fainting
  • Weakness throughout the body
  • Shortness of breath
  • Disorientation
  • Hiccups
  • Agitation
  • Pain
  • Sudden behavioral changes

These types of unique female symptoms are more challenging to detect because they aren’t always noticeable as stroke symptoms.

Men and strokes

Male stroke patterns are generally quicker to spot than in females. However, men are often the least likely to be able to spot signs of a stroke in men. Having a stroke can be common across all male racial groups, such as African American, Native American, Asian, and White Men. In general, men more often experience transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) or ‘mini-strokes’ before a potential complete stroke occurs. Signs of a stroke in men often manifest as brain dysfunction, including the following:

  • Slurring of speech
  • Fatigue
  • Stomach pain
  • Face dropping on one side
  • Dizziness
  • Inability to understand the conversation
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of Vision in one or both eyes

signs of a stroke
The lifetime risk of a stroke is lower in men than for women with generally positive recovery outcomes. Men are also less likely to experience long-term disability after the event.

Final Thoughts: There Is Life After a Stroke

Understanding how strokes operate across genders can make all the difference in how to handle their potential long-term effects. A stroke can occur across all racial and gender groups, making continuing research and understanding the conditions of its varying symptoms important front-line tools in lessening its negative effects.

Men and women present symptoms of a stroke differently, making it especially important to understand those differences. An ounce of prevention is with a pound of cure, so if you’re at risk from a stroke, be sure to include healthy changes in your life that can help prevent a stroke. Such changes could include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Controlling high blood pressure
  • Reducing red meat by eating more fish, poultry, and organic foods

There is life after a stroke, and knowledge backed by understanding will continue to save lives from a worldwide killer.

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