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10 Things Every Man Loves to Hear

Maybe you’re one of those people rolling their eyes after reading this article’s title!  We know how many selfless partners love to comfort their man. The purpose of this piece is to do so through a few spoken words.

Here are ten things every man loves to hear:

“Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.” – Jim Carrey

We don’t exactly know what Mr. Ventura thought when he said this. But the pet detective has been fortunate enough to have some good partners in his life…and many probably were up in arms about his antics. (Can you imagine living with Jim Carrey?)


1. “I love you!”

Even the most formidable man will melt when his partner professes their love for him. We love hearing that you love us. Also, we like hugs, kisses, and cuddling too. Even a nicely worded email or text message will work.

2. “I appreciate what you do.”

Men need to feel like they are good providers for those they love. If we believe anything less, we don’t perceive ourselves as the man we should be. As such, when we’re told you’re thankful for our hard work, effort, and providing, it means a tremendous deal to us.

3. “You’re the best (dad/husband/boyfriend/etc.)!”

Most men can attest to this statement’s power as a man fortunate enough to have a woman who frequently verbalizes her fondness. It’s less of an ego-boost as it is a verbalization of respect. It’s a testament to our efforts and priorities – the woman and her well-being.

4. “I appreciate you as a man!”

As stated, men need to feel like men. This need has nothing to do with bravado. It has everything to do with knowing that our partner appreciates something about our character (honesty, integrity, selflessness, etc.) or something else.

loved -man

5. “I respect you!”

As men age, we have less of a need to be recognized for selfish reasons (or we should!) This feeling is replaced by the need to feel respected out of love. We love feeling admired and respected from the people who love and care about us!

6. “Let’s do what you want to do! / Go do what you want to do!”

Here is when we forget our age and hop into the car like a kid going to get ice cream. If we’re told this from our partner, odds are we’ll take full advantage of it. Unless, of course, we’d rather kick our feet up or take a nap. These are viable options as well. Heading off to the living room and firing up the video game console is also an option.

7. “You look great!”

This one’s a no-brainer, right? After spending a significant amount in a relationship, we still love hearing that our partner finds us attractive. This is particularly true if we’ve spent some time at the gym. Your compliments serve as a reward for our hard work and as motivation to keep going.

8. “I’m listening.”

Men and women communicate very differently. For example, a woman is usually more willing to sit down and have a dialogue in an argument. The man often seeks solitude to think things over or distract himself. We do love hearing “I’m listening” or “I’m ready to listen when you’re ready to talk” in any case.

9. “Thank you.”

Similar to women, men appreciate recognition for efforts, small and large. “Thank you” is a straightforward yet powerful phrase showing your appreciation for our work. (Here’s a tip, ladies: if you say “Thank you” regularly for something we do, we’re much more likely to do it again.)


10. “I trust you.”

There are fewer things more sacred than trusting someone with your life. When you’re in a relationship, this is an essential truth. Here’s a bit of advice from Georgianna Donadio, Ph.D., “The best time to share your feelings (is) just before or during close intimacy. At that time, oxytocin levels, a hormone that enhances feelings of trust, love and intimacy, are elevated, making it the best moment to love talk with your partner.”

7 Things Intuitives Do Differently

Many of us underestimate, or are ignorant of, the power of intuition. Western Society has taken Descartes’s declaration, “I think, therefore I am,” to a whole other level. We tend to prioritize slow, logical thought and all but dismiss our intuitive gifts.

But intuition is very real – and essential to one’s quality of life. But before we get into all of that, let’s first define what intuition is:

  • The inherent tendency to exhibit certain intuitive behaviors over others (e.g., survival instinct, self-discipline, routine.)
  • That “gut feeling” that many of us talk about.
  • The primary means of knowing or understanding that exists beyond logical thought and analysis.
  • The “gap” existing between our conscious, thinking mind and our subconscious mind.

7 Things Intuitives Do Differently

“Don’t try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.” – Madeleine L’Engle (source)

First off, it is important to emphasize that point that everyone possesses intuition. The differences between one who is highly intuitive and everyone else is that they take the time to tune in to their “inner GPS.”

Second, let us consider the benefits of being intuitive.

  • It expands creativity: To quote Einstein, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.”  We’re at our most creative when we allow thoughts to flow freely.
  • It welcomes self-actualization: Your personality is rooted in the subconscious. You can’t possibly “know thyself” without stilling yourself and listening to your inner voice. Self-actualization (or self-realization) also applies to our spiritual nature.
  • It brings better health: Using your instinct saves massive amounts of energy, energy that would normally be allocated to the thinking mind. The result is less stress, more relaxation, and better health.
  • It improves decision-making: Numerous studies, such as those undertaken at the Max Planck Institute, conclude that intuition is a better marker of good decision-making than effortful thought.

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of intuition, let’s discuss 7 things that intuitives do differently (and so can you)!

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – Albert Einstein

1. Intuitives practice mindfulness and/or meditation.

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, allow us to dissolve our thoughts and to rest our awareness. This mental rest empties the mind of non-consequential (read: distracting) thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness meditation is a favorite practice of these folks because it allows them to become more self-aware, thereby sharpening their already formidable instincts.

2. Intuitives listen into their inner voice.

Our inner voice is our intuition – and it’s always vying with other voices for our attention. The problem is that too many of us are not listening. Intuitives innately understand the importance of instinct – and pay attention accordingly.

3. Intuitives embrace solitude.

It’s pretty much impossible to develop a sharp, intuitive sense among the noise of daily life. The outside world – and society, in general – rewards busyness and “results” while neglecting silence and introspection. For those who want to develop intuition further, it is crucial to set aside alone time.

4. Intuitives are creative.

With a penchant for solitude and empathy, it’s no surprise that many intuitives have a knack for the creative. Moreover, the disproportionate number of intuitives in creative fields (e.g., artists, musicians, writers) demonstrates their ability to listen to their gut instincts. This is necessary in a world that emphasizes the “practical” over the magical.

5. Intuitives have “empathetic accuracy.”

The term “empath” applies to many, if not most, highly intuitive people. To see people hurting is difficult for these people, particularly when it seems that little or nothing can be done. Some people refer to the ability to “read” someone else’s emotional state as “empathetic accuracy.”

6. Intuitives prioritize rest.

While finely-tuned intuition can certainly be advantageous, it can also be tiring. Fatigue is a common problem for intuitives, particularly of the empathetic variety, many of whom take on the emotional state of others with relative ease. Intuitives are more likely than others to heed to their emotional state when it is necessary and advantageous to do so. You’ll rarely, if ever, witness an intuitive suffer from work-related burnout.


7. Intuitives are non-reactive.

The energy-conserving nature of intuitives comes into play once again. Besides being emotionally mature (i.e., having high emotional intelligence), intuitives practice mental self-restraint because it is within their nature to do so. That is, emotional restraint and a mature disposition are relatively effortless.

11 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently

15 Body Language Signals That Reveal Your Relationship Is In Trouble

There’s a lot you can tell from a couple based on their body language. If there are issues coming to the surface, gestures, expressions, and body movements can give clues as to what your partner is feeling. Think there’s trouble in your relationship? Here are some body language secrets to help you determine the status of your connection with your partner.

Here Are 15 Body Language Secrets That Reveal the State of Your Relationship

“Body language is more powerful than words.” – Ricky Gervais

1. Your partner is distracted

How many times have you tried to engage your partner in a conversation, but he doesn’t seem to be paying attention? He’s on his gadget, he fidgets, or he looks somewhere else if you’re in a public place. Something could be up if he can’t focus on you.

2. You don’t walk in sync

If you observe famous couples like Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, you’ll notice how in sync they are when walking side by side. They have a pattern that’s common with any intimate couples in love with each other. But when this pattern is broken or if you notice that there’s a consistent disconnect, then it could signal a potential problem in the relationship.

3. Your facial expressions don’t match in photos

Ever notice couple photos on social media where the wife is smiling and looking so pleased, but the husband appears as if he’s not in the mood? Couples who are in sync have similar facial expressions when they have a positive experience, such as when they’re having a group picture taken. The partner who isn’t showing the right response to this experience might be manifesting signs of stress and discontent.

4. Your partner pulls away when you’re together

Ideally, people who are intimate with each other stand or sit at a distance of about 18 inches from each other when they are together, according to Susan Constantine the author of the book “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Reading Body Language.” Pulling away and keeping a distance could be a sign that there are issues in your relationship.

5. Your partner crosses legs or arms when talking to you

In any situation or relationship, crossing the legs or arm during a conversation or a confrontation is a red flag. It indicates defensiveness. The person is protecting himself or herself and feeling vulnerable, according to Psych Mechanics. However, don’t take every body movement at face value. The royals do cross their legs when sitting down because it is part of their protocol or etiquette. Women also frequently tend to sit with their legs locked as a matter of decency.

6. You’re smirking at your partner

A smirk can be seen as a condescending facial expression in any social situation. It tells a person you’re feeling superior over him or her. Between couples, a smirk may indicate that one feels more dominant than the other when partners should treat each other as equals. Smugness is a red flag indicating that couples need to resolve their issues and resentments before it gets worse.

7. You’re touching your neck when talking to your partner

Body language experts say that when a person touches his neck or throat when discussing or trying to open up to another person, it’s usually a sign of discomfort, according to the FBI on CNN. A touch on the neck is the brain’s natural response to appease themselves in a situation they don’t want to be in. It may also indicate doubt, deception, or feeling threatened.

8. Your partner has furrowed brows when you’re talking

Furrowed brows indicate that your partner disagrees with what you’re saying.  It may also be a sign of aggression or anger. This form of body language can trigger fights and more problems in the relationship (not to mention cause wrinkles). Be conscious of how your expressions come off when you’re in an intense conversation.

9. You use your hands a lot when you need to stress a point

Using hand gestures when you want to prove a point can manifest frustration or dominance. You want your partner to get on board your way but he or she is showing signs of refusal. This could be an indication of tension in your relationship.

10. You have your hands on your hips

People in authority put their hands on their hips to show control. This is the body language of dominance. It shows who is the boss in the dynamics of any relationship, like the ones between a parent and the child, or the worker and the boss. But between intimate couples who are supposed to be equals, this is an expression of arrogance that might only escalate an argument.

11. Your eye rolls when your partner talks

Similar to a smirk, this body language can be seen as a condescending act or disrespect. Interestingly, however, eye-rolling used to be considered a form of flirtation in the Middle Ages, according to Slate. Today, however, it’s mostly associated with signs of annoyance. Clearly, there are issues you need to thresh out in your relationship if you or your partner do this a lot.

12. You have no eye contact with your partner

Eye contact is such a powerful form of nonverbal language. It conveys trust and openness. People who are into their partners wouldn’t mind spending hours gazing into each other’s eyes. However, in normal conversations, eye contact is all about focusing and listening.  If your partner can’t hold your gaze or refuses to make eye contact, it might be his way of saying he’s not interested in what you have to say.

13. You don’t kiss with your tongue

Couples show their love and passion when they kiss each other with enthusiasm using their tongue and if this is happening less and less in your relationship, something could be wrong. Kissing passionately taps into your emotions. If that passion is gone, you have to figure out why there’s no more excitement. It may be because you aren’t bonding with our partner as much. Perhaps a holiday together will bring this passion back.

body language

14. You’re no longer caressing each other

While you haven’t stop touching each other, something could still be off in your relationship if your caresses and strokes have been replaced with pats. This gesture is more appropriate for friends, co-workers, and acquaintances, not someone you’re intimate with.

15. You don’t have closeness

You and your partner sleep apart and you no longer have intimate moments. This physical distance is a glaring sign that there could be trouble in paradise.

Final Thoughts

Now, you know your partner better than anyone else. While you might have observed these nonverbal signs, the best way to deal with it is to sit down and discuss the real state of your relationship. Jumping to conclusions may only set you up for a conflict when you can clarify what’s the real deal with an actual conversation. Remember, positive thinking is the way to go.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Psychologists Explain 6 Ways to Make Your Marriage Happier

Living happily ever after in a marriage isn’t always so simple and perpetually filled with happiness, as couples have to make an effort for their relationship to last for the long term. We all agree that in any relationship there will be some deal-breakers and compromises that need to be made. Nothing is ever perfect! Having said that, couples in a successful marriage know how to improve and tolerate, persuade and influence their better halves – a sure-fire recipe for a happier marriage.

Psychology Explains 6 Ways to Make Your Marriage Happier:

“Sensual pleasures have the fleeting brilliance of a comet; a happy marriage has the tranquility of a lovely sunset.” – Ann Landers

1. Use the right words and devices of persuasion carefully.

You’d like your husband to try out a new diet because you’re concerned about his health, but he’s not a fan of diets. You want your wife to take a vacation with her girlfriends because she’s too stressed at work and it’s affecting your home life, but she declines. So, how can you convince your spouse to do something they might not like to do? According to psychiatric nurse Allison Sweet-Grant via Redbook, you can try to change their mind by choosing the right words or devising subtle hints to elicit positive reactions.

Start by making small requests if they are resistant to make big changes. Persuade by hinting that certain people you know are doing the Keto diet successfully. Or make casual comments about this couple you know who take separate but enriching vacations.

These psychological tricks might seem manipulative. However, Grant said that if you want what’s best for your loved one or you know a change will be good for them, then convincing them to try something new isn’t a deception nor a manipulation.

2. Focus on positive thinking and positive things.

Many arguments between couples arise from differences in values, personality, lifestyle, and background. So, even if a wife tries hard year after year to change her husband, it might likely never happen.

A study from the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships showed that if your main focus in the marriage is in trying to change your spouse, then you could end up becoming dissatisfied and unhappy with each other. The better way is to focus on your partner’s positive traits and characteristics. Improve on these rather than trying to correct and change the behavior that annoys you.

According to psychologist Dr. Ted Houston, couples in a happy marriage know how to resolve conflicts and differences. More than that, however, their main focus is to perpetuate positivity in their relationship, as per Psychology Today.

3. Experience exciting things together.

Up for a date night? Ditch the pleasant and romantic candlelight dinners. Instead, do something adventurous and exciting. A study from 1993 followed couples for 10 weeks as they went on pleasant and exciting date nights. Couples who did novel and stimulating things together manifested more marital satisfaction compared to couples who shared activities that they’ve done many times before.

Spending time together won’t be enough, as you need to be engaged with each other to strengthen your bond. So, if you’ve been wining and dining to romantic music on most weekends, why not organize a trivia or game night with some of your friends, or register for a ballroom dancing class next time?

4. Dial down on the unrealistic expectations.

Everyone has expectations in relationships but those who feel that the best marriages should be magical, with elements of fairy tales, are doomed to be disillusioned. Bringing magic into a marriage is not solely about intense emotions, passion, and romance; it takes a lot of effort and work to keep that spark alive.

If you hold on to unrealistic expectations and use them as the basis for judging your partner’s actions, then you could be disappointed if he or she does not meet your standards. How often have you heard that unmet expectations cause problems in the marriage?

In long-term marriages, couples evolve from being lovers to comfortable companions, so it’s natural to lose that spark eventually. Your expectations from each other should not only be realistic but also flexible. Happiness will not be elusive if you acknowledge this in your relationship.

This isn’t to say, however, that you should not have expectations from each other since there’s no such thing as an unconditional love in a marriage. There are boundaries you’re expected to uphold. For instance, you can’t cheat on your partner over and over and expect forgiveness each time.

5. Make room for your own interests and pursuits.

When the relationship is new, couples only have eyes and time for each other. However, if your activities are centered on just the two of you after two years of marriage, then it’s no longer a healthy passion.


You need to make room for other things or people in your life, even if you’re married. It’s a good thing when couples find something to do together to connect. Even greater, however, is pursuing your own interests with other people. It’s for your own growth and development. In life, you never stop learning and discovering things about yourself. You won’t be able to do this if everything revolves around your spouse.

6. Always show appreciation and gratitude.

Showing gratitude is one of the most important elements of a happy marriage and it goes beyond saying “thank you” to your partner. You should specifically express your appreciation in words and deeds to affirm how you really feel. For instance, if you received a gift from your husband, you can also compliment him for being so thoughtful and generous.

A study from psychologists at the University of Georgia showed that couples who openly express and reciprocate their gratitude for each other have fewer arguments and higher marital satisfaction. Another study from experts at Berkeley stated that gratitude is a like a booster shot for long-lasting happy marriages.

Final Thoughts

All marriages go through rough patches. While some end up in divorce, plenty of couples manage to remain happy together after the challenges and trials. By following these tips and putting effort into your marriage, you’ll reap the rewards of a successful marriage.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Ways to Fix A Broken Relationship (That Most People Ignore)

Relationships are complicated. At first, they may start magically, but it never stays that way. If you want to know how to fix a broken relationship, here are some tips that can bring the spark back.

Here’s how to fix a broken relationship (that most people don’t think make a difference):


1. Let go of social media!

Three billion people are on social media. That means that when you talk negatively about your broken relationship on social media, up to 3 billion people can see it! Many people use social media to vent and express themselves, but that only allows people into their personal lives. It can also create quite the divide between you and your partner. Your partner may feel that your friends won’t like them anymore or that you are the enemy. It will make the fight even worse! Just stay away from social media to learn how to fix a broken relationship. Keep those conversations between you and your partner, and stick to sharing memes and pictures of your latest culinary accomplishment.

2. Get a makeover

Sometimes people let themselves go after a certain amount of time in a relationship. Increasing the spark is essential, so get a sexy makeover for a date night! Do it on a night when you know you and your partner have plans. Wear a sexy dress and heels, do your makeup, and don’t forget the sexy lingerie! It will allow you and your partner to connect like you did in the beginning. Be sure not to spend too much money to cause another fight if that’s an area of contention for you. You can do wonders with the things you have in your own closet!

3. Set healthy boundaries

There are things that you should never have to put up within a relationship. There are obvious things that will not be tolerated including:

  • physical abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • theft
  • emotional abuse
  • cheating

These are just a couple of extreme examples, and you should end any toxic relationship. You have your boundaries, and you need to set strong boundaries to avoid a relationship that makes you feel uncomfortable. Remember that your partner will have their own boundaries. While this is important, you also want to make a point to be reasonable in your expectations if you want to know how to fix a broken relationship.

4. Stay close together

Many people come to a point in their relationship where they have to decide between staying together or physically separating. If your relationship is important to you, it is extremely important to stay together physically. Long-distance relationships are almost always doomed. It can lead to boredom and loneliness. These things can lead to temptation and developing a life without your partner. If you want to know how to fix a broken relationship, come back together!

5. Be attentive to your partner

You never want your partner to feel neglected, so be sure to go out of your way to talk to them about what is going on in their lives. Make time for each other and truly listen. While this should go both ways, make a point to take the first steps. While talking to your partner, you can bring up things that you need from them. This can take a broken relationship to a loving relationship more quickly than anything.

6. Focus on yourself

Your relationship is the most important thing in your life, but there are other things that need attention, too. Make a point to work on your career, relationships with your friends and family, health, and other things. It’s desirable to see your partner bettering themselves, and it might even convince them to follow your example.

how to fix a broken relationship

7. Laugh

When you stop laughing in your relationship, that’s a very negative sign. Always make a point to joke around with your significant other and have a good time. If you want to know how to fix a broken relationship, just lighten up and watch a funny movie or start a food fight. Create private jokes and enjoy each other.

If you’re wondering how to fix a broken relationship, these are some tips that should help. If these don’t help, your relationship might be too far gone to be saved. Don’t forget that you always have the option to move on from a relationship, too.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Reasons Why Men Leave Women They Love

Relationships are, at times, unpredictable. The back and forth banter in a man’s mind greatly influences every decision concerning relationships. It is possible to be in an incredible relationship with a man who shows nothing but adoration for a woman only to wake up to the news that the man is no longer interested in the relationship. Before a majority of men arrive at such a decision, they will have considered every angle to the relationship, most likely without consulting anyone. This is why such decisions leave some women dumbstruck and with a myriad of questions about what could have gone wrong.

Only when a person probes into the issues affecting them does a man begin to open up and reveal what hurts their feelings. Some women laugh it off when a man begins to share their feelings of depression or hopelessness. This is probably because most of the time, men communicate by displaying anger but rarely get into the specifics of the particular issues that hurt their feelings. This article seeks to demystify why men leave women they love.

Here are 6 reasons why men leave women they love:

The Lack of Respect

Men find it incredibly challenging to build a life with a woman who shows little to no respect for them. In the contemporary society, many women misconstrue respect for a man for submission. Respect is not about the weaker or stronger sex and men wish women would understand this fact. Respect is crucial for any relationship to work. Partners should always show respect towards one another and appreciate each person’s uniqueness.

A man cannot feel loved or develop trust in a woman who continually disrespects him. Men often need to feel like their opinion matters. Additionally, they need to feel like the woman they love always has their back. The effect of ingrained respect in a relationship is two-fold. A highly respectful woman inspires a man to take greater risks knowing that he can achieve anything while still enhancing the commitment and tenderness the man has towards a woman.

If a man allows himself to be vulnerable and loves a woman, then he is aware that the woman will see his weaknesses. It is essential for a woman to show that she accepts the man with all his shortcomings, as the lack of respect is one of the reasons why men leave women they love.

Inability to Handle Emotion

Relationships evoke a lot of emotion. It is possible for such emotions to overwhelm a woman to the point that it affects the stability of a relationship. Some men are not equipped to handle high-level emotions and typically become distant due to the intensity of emotions. In contrast, some men can handle such situations. Mature men show a sense of calmness and often avoid unraveling when emotions run high. Maturity in a man instills stability in a relationship.

However, there are instances when even mature men are pushed beyond their limits and end up becoming distant. It is essential for couples to learn how to communicate more effectively to avoid emotions overpowering every disagreement or discussion. Therefore, an emotionally charged relationship is a potential cause of conflict and is one of the reasons why men leave women they love.

Feelings of Inadequacy

Feelings of inadequacy usually go hand-in-hand with the lack of respect. If a woman is overly aggressive and always wants to fix things in the relationship, then a man could feel pressured into thinking he is not good enough. Additionally, overly demanding women, and those who get into the habit of telling a man to try harder (e.g., during intimate moments), can make a man feel trampled on. Men find that the only way to handle such pressure is to run. Men who are always under pressure at home usually feel like they are never good enough and could easily block their hearts and minds. Subsequently, the man completely avoids facing his fears of inadequacy.

Some women drive their men to an abyss of inadequacy by forcing their partners to live above their means and by having too many expectations. For example, if a woman insists on getting a $1000 necklace even when her partner cannot afford it at the moment, then it is hardly surprising when the man begins to look for a way out. It is like cornering a terrified cat. The cat eventually finds a way out even if it means hurting the attacker on the way out.

A Sense of Competition

If a man always seems like he is competing for control in the relationship, then it only seems prudent to leave. A majority of men prefer a relationship where both partners complement one another as opposed to one controlling the other. Men prefer working together and not competing with their partners.

Physical Rejection

A majority of men often feel unloved if intimacy is left on the backburner in a relationship. If a woman consistently makes excuses not to be intimate with a man, then the man begins to feel dejected and likens the woman to a glorified roommate. The man could start getting misconstrued ideas about a woman’s priorities. Some women dress well for work or night-outs with their girls but fail to put in any effort around their men. This sends the message that the man means nothing in the relationship.

why men leave women they love

Some women also fall into the habit of diverting their full attention to their children and neglecting their men. Eventually, a man begins to feel sexually and emotionally rejected, and this might be the tipping point in the man’s mind. These are some of the significant reasons why men leave women they love.

A Sense of Loss of Freedom

A relationship characterized by a high number of negative interactions as opposed to positive ones easily dissuades a man from staying in a relationship, and it is likely that the man will seek a form of release or a way out. Healthy and emotionally intimate relationships invoke devotion and commitment in a man while negative interactions stifle a man’s sense of freedom. The man could feel like he cannot be genuine to himself in a bid to avoid arguments.

Great relationships allow partners to be their genuine selves without any fear of judgment. If a man feels like he has to be a different person around his partner, then this is enough to make him leave. A relationship that makes a man feel stifled shows a man that he will only receive negativity as the woman tries to “fix” what is wrong with him. The issues discussed here are the common reasons why men leave women they love.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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