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10 Reasons Avocado Is One Of The Healthiest Foods On The Planet

There doesn’t seem to be an apparent end to the health benefits avocado can give you. This makes this fatty fruit one of the best on the planet. From its value in numerous avocado recipes to its delicious and creamy taste, everyone stands to benefit from increasing their intake of this fruit. In fact, here is what would happen if you ate an avocado every day.

The term avocado originates from the Nahuatl language which was spoken by the Aztecs, and it means testicle. There’s a reason for that, which we shall discuss below.

If you are not sold yet, here are the top ten reasons why avocado is among the healthiest foods on the planet:

1. It Functions as an Aphrodisiac

As we mentioned above, the name of this fatty fruit means testicle. The reason for this is that the Aztecs believed that it was a strong aphrodisiac. Well, even though these fruits are not true aphrodisiacs, the Aztecs were on to something. Avocados are packed full of unsaturated fats, which are essential in testosterone synthesis. A spike in testosterone in the male body translates into an enhanced libido. As such, the fruit can indeed help with bedroom matters.

2. Relieving Pain from Arthritis

Chronic rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are debilitating diseases that cause extreme pain and discomfort to the patient. And even though over-the-counter medication can provide temporary relief, they do not help in the long-term. Avocados, however, can help offer relief from the inflammation and pain. Studies reveal that there is a compound in these fruits that assists in reducing pain and stiffness while improving joint mobility.

3. Helps in Diabetes Treatment

Controlling diabetes is a tough endeavor, and there are not many foods that can help with this task. People often will try and find better carbohydrate sources, but that is not usually enough. Avocados are not only carbohydrate heavy, but they also contain a lot of good fats which slow down the rate of sugar absorption into the blood. And for those who have type 2 diabetes, slowing down the speed of this absorption is essential as it allows the insulin more time to work on the carbs.

4. Promoting Skin Health

If you are looking to get better skin, an avocado helps improve skin health. These fruits are packed with skin-healthy fats in addition to antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Additionally vitamin C is actively involved in the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity. This ensures that your skin stays healthy and supple for many years.

5. Helps in Weight Loss

This might come as a surprise considering that avocados are fatty fruits. However, avocados contain unsaturated fats which are good fats that aid in hormone production and regulation, as well as other processes. An avocado assists in weight loss by suppressing your appetite which reduces your overall caloric intake. We gain weight by eating more calories than our bodies need; therefore, by consuming less, the body turns to the stored fat for energy production which results in weight loss.

6. Rich in Fiber

Most people are not getting enough fiber from their diets today. This could be attributed to either overindulging in processed foods or not eating enough whole foods. It also doesn’t help that a lot of people do not like vegetables. By consuming avocados, however, you will get your daily share of essential fiber, which plays a critical role in the digestion process.

7. Boosting Brain Health

Avocados are full of monounsaturated fats. Research revealed that eating monounsaturated fats helps with boosting brain function and memory. A South African University study found out that the fruit’s leaf has an anticonvulsant effect on seizures by improving neurotransmission in the brain.

8. Reducing Metabolic Syndrome Risk

Another study revealed that people who consumed avocados regularly halved their chances of getting metabolic syndrome, the risk factors for type-2 diabetes, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

9. Improving Eye Health

While avocados help boost nutrient absorption, they are also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which are the eyes’ preferred antioxidants. These antioxidants help inhibit the development of cataracts, as well as slow down the muscle and nerve degeneration of the eyes.


10. Promoting Liver Function

Although our livers are self-regenerating, it does not mean that you shouldn’t help take care of this vital organ. The best way of supporting this hard-working organ is by helping it function optimally. Avocados are essential in mitigating fatty liver disease symptoms which are caused by elevated levels of blood triglycerides and cholesterol. Additionally, these fruits help boost the synthesis of glutathione – the body’s most potent antioxidant – which safeguards you from free radicals.

It is no secret that consuming avocados is good for your health. However, if you needed reasons to start consuming this sweet fruit regularly, we have given them to you. Additionally, you can consume avocados as they are, or you can try out these creative avocado recipes. The takeaway, however, is that by increasing your uptake of avocados, you will be doing your body a lot of good.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Use Oranges To Get Long, Lustrous Hair

Oranges are a little-known secret in the natural beauty toolkit. Since oranges are loaded with healthy vitamin C and folic acid, it’s no surprise that they contribute to your overall health. When you are searching for natural ways to enhance the beauty of your hair, you may be surprised to find that this delicious fruit can make your hair long and lustrous.

Oranges for hair can help to alleviate an oily scalp as well as lessen dandruff. They also promote the strength of hair and lessen hair loss. Sweet orange essential oil can be used along with the juice and ground peels of the orange fruit. Discover how many ways you can enhance the growth and appearance of your hair by using this miracle fruit.

How to use Oranges to get Long, Lustrous Hair

Eating the fruit enhances your overall health, which leads to the beauty of your skin and hair. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which fights against cancer, sun damage, and the hardening of the arteries. It is necessary for healthy cell functions throughout the body. It also promotes blood flow to the scalp, which makes hair grow and flourish. Along with encouraging hair growth, vitamin C also strengthens the hair and makes it less prone to breakage and hair loss.

Different parts of the fruit can be used for different applications. Here are some of the many ways to use
oranges for hair.

To Promote Shine and Natural Glow

Combine the juice of one orange with one teaspoon of honey and a little water. Apply this conditioner to your freshly washed hair. Allow the conditioner to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. When you rinse it out, you will be impressed by how soft and shiny it is.

To Alleviate Dandruff

Dandruff, or a flaky, dry scalp, is an uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing condition. When you are searching for a remedy, consider using oranges.

Dry orange peels in the sun. When they are dry, put them in a blender to make a powder. Use this powder and water to make a paste. Apply this paste to your scalp and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. When you are finished, rinse with lukewarm water. You should find that your dandruff has been lessened. Your scalp will be soothed by the power of orange peels and you will not experience as much flakiness.

To Promote Shine and Health

This easy hair mask will encourage your hair to grow while lessening breakage. Chop up a whole orange, peel and all, and puree it in the blender. Apply this mask to your hair once a week and you’ll be impressed by its strength and shine. To maximize the benefits of this mask, wrap your hair in a warm, damp towel while it sits on your hair. This will encourage the mask to penetrate to the scalp.

Control an Oily Scalp

Fresh oranges are not the only ingredient for soft and shiny hair. You can also use sweet orange essential oil to control greasy hair and an oily scalp. To take advantage of the power of sweet orange essential oil, mix vinegar or lemon juice with a few drops of oil. This combination of powerful ingredients will make your hair soft and shiny and lessen the oil on your scalp. Leave the mixture on your hair for a few minutes to fully experience the benefits.


Brighten Hair

Orange juice can brighten hair naturally, much like lemon juice. Since orange juice is not as acidic, the effect is more subtle. Comb orange juice into your hair and sit in the sun. You will find a gradual highlighting effect that will look more natural than if you used lemon juice.

Final Thoughts

Using the power of oranges to enhance your hair is easy. Make fun and simple hair conditioners and masks using fresh orange, dried orange peel, and essential oils. Whichever method you choose, your hair will be soft, strong, and less oily. You will notice that dandruff has been lessened. You will also be less prone to hair loss and breakage. Share your fresh, new beauty secret with your friends.

7 Evening Habits That Will Make Tomorrow Morning Better

Developing positive evening habits is vital to your success in life and at work. It will help you gain the energy and motivation to face the challenges of the next day. We all know the importance of starting your day with positive thinking and a positive attitude, but know that it’s equally important to end the day with good evening habits so your next morning will be better.

Remember that your evening preparation will be the reason for your success the following day. Have you wondered why evening habits make tomorrow better? That’s because a great evening relaxes you, helps you unwind, and also recharges you so that when tomorrow comes you’re in the best physical, mental, and emotional state.

Here Are 7 Evening Habits That Will Make Tomorrow Morning Better

“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” – Wayne Huizenga

1. Plan out what your next day should be like.

Before bedtime, make a list of things you have to do tomorrow. If possible, set the times for these activities so that you’ll have a clearer idea of your schedule in your head. Planning your day gives you a brief visual concept of what to expect the next day. It will also steer you from distractions that can hamper your productivity.

Listing down your goals the night before allows your subconscious to continuously work and generate ideas. A study from the Dominican University of California revealed that people who wrote down their goals daily were 43 percent more likely to accomplish them. People become their thoughts and if you train your mind to think of your goals even when you’re sleeping, you are maximizing your capacity to become a success.

2. Prepare your things for tomorrow.

What can quickly mess up your day? Ever notice that when you’re rushing and cramming in the morning, you feel more stressed and out of sync with yourself? You likely also tend to waste time making more mistakes than you need to.

To avoid this and save precious time, always prepare what you need for tomorrow. Set out the clothes you’ll wear, including your accessories or socks, or clean up and organize the contents of your purse. If you’re in the habit of packing lunch to work, prepare what you need in the kitchen too, so that it will be easier to cook in the morning.

If you make these small adjustments, you avoid struggling every morning. Instead, you can channel your energy to other things that will make your day more productive.

3. Make your family a priority.

There’s nothing like winding down the day with your loved ones. Despite your busy day, you must keep and honor family rituals after dinnertime. (In other words, you set the work aside.) It’s emotionally beneficial to take advantage of this bonding time because, in a few short years, your kids will be out of your house. You can always have work to fall back on, but you can never bring back the time you should have spent with family.

So, read to your younger kids before tucking them to bed. For older kids, a private and personal time with mom or dad can strengthen the bonds of trust and togetherness.

4. Unplug when you’re winding down your day.

It’s easy to get stuck with screen time if you’re used to sleeping with a television in the bedroom or with gadgets by your bedside table. Apart from other negative health effects, habits of being addicted to devices promotes “randomness” that messes with your sleep.

Motivational speaker and trainer Brendon Burchard said that when you do random things when you should be winding down at night, your brain remains activated. You’re still using and draining energy that should have been reserved for rest. It might be challenging to keep electronics off in your bedroom, but realize that you do need a rest from these both mentally and physically.

5. Shift your mood to positive.

When you lie in bed at night, don’t think about what you’re supposed to do the next day, the deadlines you need to accomplish, or bills you have to pay. When your mind starts racing, it could be impossible to turn off and you’re likely not going to get a good sleep as a result.

A study from researchers at the Binghamton University in New York found links between poor quality sleep and nagging, repetitive thoughts. So, force yourself to think positive thoughts and shut down the negative ideas, at least when it’s time to rest.

You won’t be able to act on a problem at work anyway if it’s midnight and the rest of your co-workers are likely already snoozing. So, deal with the problem in the morning and at the proper place – at work. In the bedroom, welcome positive thoughts and moods.

6. End your day with gratitude.

Establish a routine where you end your day by expressing gratitude before you go to sleep. It might be for the most mundane things, such as having new bed sheets, or a meaningful event that took place earlier, such as getting recognized during a board meeting.

A study revealed that if you put more attention on the positive things that have happened to you, you’re likely to increase your life satisfaction, energy, and emotional health. It might be even better to share this gratitude with your family too. So, why not create habits of encouraging each other to discuss the best parts of your day during dinner?


7. Do mental exercises in the dark.

When the lights are off, close your eyes and create stories in your head as you try to fall asleep. Use your imagination to daydream. If possible, heighten your senses with some instrumental music that’s great for bedtime.

Imagine visiting places and people you’d like to see. You can let your thoughts run wild, in this case, as imagination has no limitations. Olympians apparently use mental stimulation and visualization to prepare themselves for competition the next day.

Final Thoughts

When you follow a good bedtime routine, you’ll also have a splendid morning routine. Developing these habits will alleviate the unnecessary stress of a busy morning. You also avoid draining your physical energy or getting into tough encounters with people that could be otherwise avoided.

Scientists Explain What Makes Men and Women Parent Differently (And Why They’re Both Important)

“The best kind of parent you can be is to lead by example.” – Drew Barrymore

Parenting is a difficult job, and a lot of times it’s something that you learn as you go. Ultimately, different sets of parents always have different goals for what they want their children to achieve, which leads to significant differences in parenting worldwide. And after all, every child is different also and no mold fits everyone. However, is it true that there are differences between mothers and fathers as parents, too?

Science Explains How Men and Women Parent Differently

A number of studies conducted over the years suggest that mothers and fathers approach parenthood differently. According to a 2007 article by Glenys Conrade and Robert Ho, men normally see their fathers as the authoritative parent and mothers as the more permissive parent, whereas with women it was the other way around. Other research demonstrated that, even when it comes to raising adolescents, mothers and fathers definitely have very distinct parenting styles.

Another study by the UK’s Parenting Research Center showed that dads can spend a lot less time discussing real-life issues such as relationships, growing up, and schoolwork. This can make them seem isolated and detached from their children. The study also demonstrated that fathers are less likely to be confrontational with their children.

The way a couple deals with their children can be affected by many factors. Research has shown that if a partner feels that their significant other is critical of or non-responsive to their parenting efforts, they may not perform that well as a parent. This was a common response seen in fathers in particular. Researchers adamantly conveyed that their findings show how the role of the mother is more or less still dominant in society when it comes to raising children.

The Role of A Mother and A Father in A Society

The study by the Parenting Research Center seemed to confirm this suspicion – in 84% of the cases, the household rules were set by the mother. This makes them more confident in their interactions with children, but also more likely to suffer from depression, feelings of unfulfillment, and anxiety about their family’s future.

Conditions such as postpartum depression play a significant factor in this as well. Over 70% of women will experience postpartum depression – or “baby blues” – to at least some degree after giving birth. According to the study, this can be directly linked to the fact that mothers are expected to take on the brunt of parenting immediately after the birth of the child.

Such studies do not imply that one parent is doing more work than the other, or one parent is more concerned than the other in situations of parenting. Every family operates on its own set of rules. Every couple works out between themselves just how important every duty is and separates those duties accordingly. Despite the pronounced differences in parenting styles between moms and dads, they both have something different and valuable to bring to the table of their children’s lives.

The Father

Dads, on the one hand, are the ones who are normally tasked with bringing in the family income. This task is particularly emphasized right after the child is born – as maternity leave in most cases only extends to the one parent. In a nuclear family, fathers then project an image of stability. As the child grows, it is only natural that the father would be the more lenient parent. As a result, they may not be as close to their son or daughter as the mother. This easygoing nature establishes the father not just as an authoritative, bread-winner figure, but also as a friend. Fathers should want to be a parent children can always turn to.


The Mother

On the other hand, mothers’ authoritative style of parenting is also very important. In our modern world, women still struggle to receive equal pay and equal rights to men. For this reason, every child should be taught to respect women and treat them equally. An ingrained respect for one’s mother is a great way to ensure this. Additionally, when a mother establishes herself as the home runner and the more authoritative parent, it will teach children positive thinking as well as the discipline they need to move forward successfully in life.

Final thoughts

Young parents can often struggle with parenting, especially when it comes to their first child. If you are in that situation, stay positive! Different things work best for different families. Above all, you and your partner should act as a team in your child’s eyes. Make sure that you do not encourage splitting behavior, which can be very damaging long-term. Also, think about your personal experiences with your own parents. Are there any pages you want to take out of the book of parenting? Any mistakes you want to avoid repeating? Finally, there is no guide on how to be a good parent. The good news is that we can learn as time goes on.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Exceptional Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Glowing Skin

Apple cider vinegar is made from a mixture of sugar, yeast, and apples. Primarily, it is extracted from apples by crushing the apples. Crushing squeezes out the juice present in apples. To come up with apple cider vinegar, yeast and bacteria are added to the squeezed juice to allow it to ferment.

The sugars present in the juice are converted into alcohol. This alcohol is afterward turned into vinegar by the acetobacter. Most people know apple cider vinegar for its popularity in making salads and chutneys and for food preservation.

However, research shows that apple cider vinegar displays tremendous results when used for beauty purposes.

Apple cider vinegar for skin can do the following:

apple cider vinegar

Balance the skin’s PH

The skin has a naturally regulated PH balance. However, due to the frequent use of different beauty products, the skin’s natural PH balance is offset.

Measure a half cup of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with a half cup of water. Use the resulting solution to cleanse your skin using a clean cotton cloth. Leave the mixture on your skin for about 15 to 30 minutes.

Repeat the procedure for some days, and it will help you restore your skin’s natural PH balance.

Remedy aging skin

Apple cider vinegar for skin can eliminate dead skin cells causing aging. Bathing in apple vinegar for a couple of weeks can immensely help in getting rid of aging spots. Today, it is interesting that even the old grannies are moving mountains to look younger. No need for plastic surgeries anymore. Your remedy is cider vinegar.

Heal bruises and soothe sunburns

How many times have you visited your dermatologist asking for hydrocortisone cream (sunburn creams)? You can heal injuries and soothe sunburns using cider vinegar by following this procedure.

  • Take a certain amount of cider vinegar and mix it with an equal amount of water.
  • Use the solution to rinse the affected skin parts.

Remarkably, bruises and sunburns will be completely healed and soothed.

Detoxify your face

Our skins are usually exposed to numerous toxins which, if not removed, cause acne. However, apple vinegar has an acidic content which detoxes the skin. For it to work, dip a clean cloth in diluted apple vinegar, then wipe your face with it.

The acidity present in the vinegar helps to detoxify the skin. Also, beta-carotene present helps in preventing future skin damage.

Postpone wrinkles

The beta-carotene ensures that skin cells are protected and healthy, hence delaying the occurrence of lines. Also, the apple vinegar for skin detoxes the skin, thus keeping it healthy.

Most importantly, it leaves the surface with a radiant glow, making it look younger.

Prevent pimples and acne from appearing

Apple cider vinegar cleanses and heals the skin, thus restoring its normal PH levels.

This procedure will guide you.

  • Make a mixture of one part of apple vinegar with two portions filtered H2O.
  • Apply the concoction to your skin using cotton balls.
  • Use warm water and a mild cleanser to wash it off after 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this 3 to 4 times daily.

Tone the skin

Oily skins are not the best. Apple cider vinegar helps you get rid of oily skin by doing the following.

  • Mix half a cup of cider vinegar with filtered water.
  • Use cotton to apply the solution on your skin.
  • Use cool H2O to wash it off after 5-10 minutes.
  • For best results, repeat the procedure twice daily.

For sensitive skin, increase the amount of water to dilute the apple vinegar.

Diminish aging spots

Apple cider vinegar for skin gets rid of aging spots by you dabbing it directly onto the tender spots. The alcohol present acts as an antibacterial which fights off bacteria and other germs.

Also, it washes away the dead skin cells which appear on the skin as aging spots. Once washed away, the skin is left young, healthy and radiant.

If you experience irritation, dilute the cider vinegar with water before using it.

apple cider vinegar

Soothe blade bumps

Painful red bumps caused by shaving can be healed using cider vinegar.

  • Apply a layer of honey on the bumps for softening.
  • After 10 minutes, wash it off and apply apple cider vinegar using a cotton cloth.
  • Leave the clumps to dry.

Remove cellulite

Cellulite is the mass of subcutaneous fat occurring slightly below the skin. Apple cider vinegar for skin contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These minerals stimulate the elimination and circulation of excess body fluids.

It removes cellulite by;

  • Make a mixture of a part of cider vinegar with two parts of water.
  • Add honey to the mix. Dab the resulting solution onto the affected area and leave it for about 30 minutes. Afterward, rinse off with warm H2O.
  • Repeat twice daily till you get the desired outcome.

20 Foods That Put Your Metabolism Into Fat Burning Mode

What are the best ways to jump start your metabolism? Consider this thought:

“…a new study published (in) JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) …found that people who cut back on added sugar, refined grains, and highly processed foods while concentrating on eating plenty of vegetables and whole foods – without worrying about counting calories or limiting portion sizes – lost significant amount of weight over the course of a year.” – Ahahad O’Connor (source)

Reread the above quote if you must. “Calorie counting” diets have taken a lashing through the years – and rightfully so. The study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association may just help put the final nail in the coffin.

JAMA’s research simply reconfirms what most of us intuitively understand: the quality of the food we eat is far more important than the quantity. The study also reconfirms the utter worthlessness (and dangers) of sugar – again, and of processed foods – again. Let’s not forget about those refined grains – a process that involves the removal of any essential nutrition within whole grains.

But what may not be expected is that the researchers, faculty members at the Stanford University School of Medicine, found “no significant difference” in weight loss between a healthy low-fat and healthy low-carbohydrate diet over a 12-month period.

What does this all mean? Merely this: incorporating more healthy fruits, vegetables, and whole foods will probably improve your metabolism significantly. More importantly – you needn’t count every single calorie. (Within reason, folks!)

Moreover, adding fat-burning foods to your diet will further hasten your efforts toward weight loss! Speaking of fat-burning foods, here are 20 of the best!

20 Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

metabolism boosters


While not quite as well-known for its weight loss properties as some other foods on this list, artichokes have a lot to offer. First, they’re rich in dietary fiber which helps promote feelings of fullness (“satiety”). Second, they help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


Long gone are the days when people thought all fat was “bad fat.” Avocados are a legit fat-burning food, thanks to their loads of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.


Bananas are delicious – this we all know. But they’re also packed with healthy fiber and are very low in calories. Moreover, the natural sugars found in bananas are just fine to eat.


Speaking of natural sugars, berries are another excellent choice if you want to improve your metabolism. Blueberries are a favorite because of their high fiber and antioxidant properties.

Brown Rice

Brown rice is a savior for those of us who love our rice. Unlike its white counterpart, the brown stuff regulates blood sugar and helps to burn fat.

Chia Seeds

Ch-ch-ch-chia! (Sorry about that; couldn’t help it.)

Anyways, chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse – and a potent fat burning food. Chia seeds contain a water-soluble fiber that helps suppress appetite. They’re also rich in omega fatty acids.

Chili Peppers

Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, has been found in multiple studies to burn fat and accelerate weight loss. Many (most?) of these studies have found that chili peppers, when consumed regularly, help a person maintain a healthy weight.


One medium egg contains a whopping seven grams of protein – and only 75 calories! Studies show that the body burns more fat digesting eggs than other breakfast foods, like cereal. How’s that for a metabolism boost?


In a study published by researchers at the Scripps Clinic, individuals who consumed grapefruit were found to lose weight without any alterations to their regular diet.

Grape nuts

Grape nuts are a very healthy cereal option. They are loaded with fiber, whole grains, minerals, and a decent amount of protein at over 3.5 grams per cup.

Green Tea

Clinical studies indicate that green tea helps to promote health of your metabolism. The phytonutrient EGCG, which is plentiful in green tea, helps you feel full.

Greek Yogurt

The Greek variety of yogurt is, by far, the healthiest and most conducive to weight loss. Greek yogurt contains nearly 17 grams of protein per cup and is flush with gut-healthy probiotics.

Hemp Seeds

Like chia seeds, hemp seeds are rich in fiber, high in protein, and contain a good amount of omega fatty acids.


Kale is one of the healthiest superfoods around. It’s loaded with fiber and low in calories. Brimming with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, kale also contains a decent amount of protein.


Low-fat kefir contains high amounts of calcium and probiotics, which helps to maintain gut health. A healthy gut optimizes any effort to lose weight.


Oatmeal is a fantastic weight loss food. It’s high in fiber, water density, and protein. Add a sliced banana or a handful of berries for a fat-burning breakfast that’s hard to beat.



Quinoa is the rare grain that is both loaded with fiber and protein. It also provides all the essential amino acids for added benefits in boosting your metabolism.


Fatty fish are outstanding for weight loss. Rich in omega-3s and high-quality protein, salmon can help burn fat, build muscle, and suppress appetite.


Seaweed may be just the thing to prevent iodine deficiency – a condition that affects around two billion people globally. If you’re determined to maximize your weight loss, include seaweed to help keep your thyroid humming.


Per a study published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, walnuts may help with “restraint in the face of (less healthy) foods.” Researchers believe that the nutrients in walnuts act on the right insula, a brain region associated with appetite and impulse control.

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