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Oranges For Skin: 11 Effective Homemade Face Masks For Girls Who Want Glowing Skin

When it comes to skincare, your local farmer’s market has all you need to create homemade non-toxic face masks that will replenish moisture, sluff away dead skin cells and brighten your skin. You will need a few simple natural ingredients such as oranges, yogurt and honey. As you read on, you will learn 11 different ways you can combine various natural ingredients with oranges for skin that is healthy and glowing.

11 Ways to Use Oranges for Skin Health

Orange and Banana is an amazing combination that will leave your skin supple and glowing. It also fights oily skin. Ingredients for this mask are:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 orange

Mash a banana and mix it with the honey. Add a few drops of fresh orange juice. Apply this to your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Oranges and green tea leaves are a natural way to exfoliate. All you will need is:

  • 1 tablespoon orange pulp
  • 1/2 a teaspoon crushed green tea leaves

Mix these together and apply. Use your fingers to gently massage the mixture in circular motions. Leave it for 20 minutes before rinsing it off.

Orange peel powder and turmeric combine together to make a magical face mask that will help prevent acne and even out skin tone. For this mask you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon orange peel powder
  • a pinch of turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Combine everything and apply the mix to your face. Allow this to dry. Afterward, wet your fingers with water and gently massage this mask off. If the turmeric leaves a yellow residue, wash with a gentle face wash.

Oranges and coconut make an amazing face mask that hydrates and brightens skin. All you will need is:

  • 1 tablespoon orange pulp
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil

Mix these together and apply the mixture to your face. Leave it for 30 minutes to soak into your skin. Remove it with a soft cloth.

Oranges and yogurt may sound like breakfast, but these healthy ingredients also moisturize and brighten skin.

  • 2 teaspoons orange peel powder
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon yogurt

Mix these together and apply to your face. Leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal and orange peel powder can be combined with water to make an exfoliating face mask. For this you need:

  • 1 teaspoon oatmeal
  • 2 teaspoons orange peel powder
  • water or rose water

Combine the oatmeal and o.p.p. with enough water to form a paste. Apply this to your skin and massage in circular patterns. Allow it to sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Orange and lime face masks can help oily skin and acne. You will need:

  • 2 teaspoons orange peel powder
  • a few drops fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder
  • 1 tablespoon fullers earth

Combine these ingredients to form a paste and apply to your face. Allow the mask to sit for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water.

An orange and tomato mask will even skin tone, heal acne and help control oil. For this mask you need:

  • 1/2 a tomato mashed
  • 1 tablespoon orange peel powder
  • 1 tablespoon rosewater

Mix these together and apply to your skin. Leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Milk and orange peel powder can be combined with coconut oil to create a mask that will leave your skin silky smooth. For this mask you need:

  • 1 teaspoon milk
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons orange peel powder

Blend these ingredients and apply to your skin. Leave the mask for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Aloe and orange combined with lemon juice create a mask that gives you beautifully soft and brilliant skin. For this mask use:

  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 2-3 drops of fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons orange peel powder

Mix the aloe with the o.p.p. Add a few drops of lemon juice to form a thick paste. Apply this and allow it to dry. Rinse with cool water.


Rose water and orange peel powder work together with multani mitti to make a mask that will deep cleanse your skin and clear whiteheads. For this mask you need:

  • 1 tablespoon orange peel powder
  • 1 tablespoon multani mitti
  • enough rose water to form a paste

Mix the dry ingredients then gradually add the water until you get a paste. Apply this to your skin until it is almost dry. Rinse with warm water.

With the powerful dose of citric acid and vitamin C provided by oranges, your skin will be soft and glowing when you use any of these natural masks.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Feeling Bloated And Constipated? You Need To Eat These High Fiber Foods

Bloating and Constipation, What Are They?

If your stomach is bloated, it expands and you feel full. Bloating may occur for a number of reasons, but constipation is the most common one. Constipation is the feeling that you get when you go to the toilet, and you are unable to comfortably empty your bowels. Other symptoms include loss of appetite and stomach pains.

How You Can Deal With Bloating and Constipation

Luckily, the condition can be remedied, and you can go back to having healthy bowel movements. If you want to get rid of the pain associated with constipation, you need to eat fiber rich foods.

In case you don’t know where to start, try the following highest fiber foods:

1. Berries

If you want something sweet and fiber rich, go for strawberries, raspberries, blackberries or kiwi. Eating any of the mentioned fruits can provide you with adequate fiber; in fact, research shows that one kiwi has more than 2 g of fiber; a cup of fresh strawberries contains 3 g; blackberries 7.6 g; and raspberries 8 g. Therefore, the next time you want to make pancakes for breakfast, add some berries to the mix for a healthy start to the day.

2. Beans

Whether its baked, lima, garbanzo, kidney, or pinto beans, each cup contains more than 10 g of fiber. These are some of the highest fiber foods on the list. The amazing thing about beans and black-eyed peas is that they have both soluble and insoluble fibers to keep the food in motion during digestion.

3. Artichoke

When talking about the highest fiber foods, artichoke is among them – a medium serving of boiled artichoke contains more than 10 g of fiber. This vegetable may look thorny and inedible, but it’s actually quite sweet when you boil it or roast it. Therefore, the next time you go the grocery store, pick up some artichokes and try cooking them; you can try a few online recipes to see which one works for you.

4. Sweet Potatoes

Another yummy and delicious vegetable that will help you cope with constipation is sweet potatoes. One medium baked sweet potato contains approximately 3.8 g of fiber, while a regular baked one has around 3 g of fiber. An important point to remember when dealing with these foods is that you should never peel them because the majority of nutrients are found on the skin.

5. Popcorn

This one is a bit tricky because movie theater popcorn is not the same as air-popped popcorn. The former has more calories and is more likely to cause constipation due to the high fat content, while the latter is the fiber rich one. Three cups of air-popped popcorn offer 3.5 g of fiber and few calories.

6. Nuts And Seeds

The three most effective nuts for dealing with constipation are pecans, almonds, and walnuts. An ounce of walnuts has 1.9 g of fiber; the same amount of pecans contain 2.7 g; almonds have the highest with 3.5 g. In case you are allergic to nuts, you can go for seeds. You can’t mention highest fiber foods without talking about pumpkin seeds – one ounce contains 5 g of fiber. Whether you go for nuts or seeds, remember to consume them dry roasted or raw instead of roasting them in oil because the fat can worsen your constipation.

highest fiber foods

7. Pears, Plums, and Apples

This is another group that belongs to the highest fiber foods list. One apple or one pear contains more than 5 g of fiber, while a cup of dried plums or prunes has 12 g. Before consumption, don’t peel off the skin of these fruits because most nutrients are found there.

8. Whole Grain Bread

Bread made of pure grain has at least 3 g of fiber per slice. Usually, such loaves are labelled whole grain on the cover. An alternative is the diet bread, which has more than 3 g. If the bread package doesn’t say whole grain, don’t expect it to be one of the fiber rich foods. Varieties such as seven-grain and multigrain breads are only made from special flour and not nutritious grains.


The above list contains 8 highest fiber foods for your choosing. Just remember to stick to eating these foods if you want the positive health changes to be permanent.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Delicious Ways To Turn An Avocado Into A Healthy Dessert

Over the past few years, the avocado has really had its time in the sun. Not only are they delicious, but they are also packed with minerals and vitamins. They have about 20 vital vitamins, including vitamins K, C, E, B5, B6, and potassium. It is a little-known fact that avocados contain more potassium than bananas.

While many may think the avocado is part of the vegetable family, it is actually categorized as a fruit distinguishable by its pit. The phantom fruit is one of the most versatile ingredients for many a delicious dish. There are a ton of avocado recipes out there, including some really healthy dessert options.

Here are 5 delicious avocado dessert recipes:


Any smoothie is a fantastic alternative to its sugary sister, the milkshake. By adding simple ingredients such as vanilla extract or almond milk, you are still able to achieve the same sweet taste that your tummy may be craving after a meal, but with far fewer calories.

Incorporating half a standard-sized avocado into your smoothie will not only taste great but will also give your drink a creamy, fatty texture that is ideal for mimicking a real milkshake. To preserve the other half of your superfruit, add some lemon juice to its zip-locked bag before returning it to the refrigerator.

Avo-Ice Cream

Its creamy texture definitely screams for ice cream, and any homemade ice cream done well is hands down the best tasting. Before starting the actual ice cream making process, blend the avocados with a food processor while blending ¾ of a cup of granulated sugar, 1 cup of sour cream, ½ a cup of heavy cream, one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lime juice, and a pinch of salt. Blend this mixture until it has become entirely smooth.

This mixture makes a great ice cream that is not only refreshing but is also healthy too! Studies have shown that avocados may help weight loss. They do this by creating the illusion that you are full for more extended periods of time.

Avo-Banana Bread

There’s no better morning snack than a few slices of warm banana bread with some buttery spread. Incorporating an avocado or two in with your favorite banana bread recipe will only increase its ability to stay moist for a more extended period of time. The taste is still very much banana driven if that may be one of your concerns. All that you might have to get over is a slightly greenish tinge that the banana bread takes on.

Break Out the Cheesecake

If you’re obsessed with avocado recipes, then you will definitely want to try incorporating it into your cheesecake. If you know the amount of time and effort that goes into making a regular cheesecake, then you also know that the cost of the ingredients for one can get pretty pricey. Typically, a New York cheesecake calls for almost 2 pounds of cream cheese.

A ripe Hass avocado is naturally creamy and rich in texture, which is why making an avo-lime cheesecake is easily achieved with just 4 of the large-sized fruits. It’s a great treat that is bound to delight your taste buds on a warm summer night.


The fan favorite when it comes to avocado recipes has got to be brownies. We all love a hot-gooey brownie after a great meal. Whether it’s topped with ice cream or hot chocolate fudge, there’s no going wrong with a brownie.
By just adding in 1 or 2 ripened avocados to your favorite brownie recipe, you not only get to indulge in a highly sought-after desert, but you also greatly benefit from the superfruit at the same time.


Not only are avocados delicious, but they are also super easy to add to your everyday foods so that you may benefit from their valuable vitamins and minerals. In addition to the 20 vital vitamins they hold, they have also been known to contain traces of magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Magnesium plays a crucial part in regulating the body’s blood pressure and keeping the heart’s rhythm steady. If you are health conscious and also happen to have a sweet tooth, avocados are a no-brainer when it comes to upholding certain diet restraints while still enjoying life.

How To Eat Sprouts For Weight Loss, According To These Dieticians

Exercise and healthy eating habits are two well-known factors in losing weight. Although people are aware that exercise is an effective method for losing weight, they may not know the best exercise for getting the desirable results. The same concept applies to eating habits – people understand they should eat healthy but are not aware of what healthy means. Plant-based foods, like sprouts, are shown to have health benefits, while significantly contributing to weight loss.

Sprouts should be a staple food for those interested in a diet that promotes weight loss. A staple food is one you eat regularly and in significant qualities. Traditional staples of cultures throughout history are rice, beans, and wheat, all of which you can sprout. The process of sprouting these plant-based foods is to soak them in water, rehydrating them and germinating the seeds to grow.

Beans are the most common and easiest sprouts to grow. Some examples of beans that you can find (or grow!) easily are red beans, chickpeas, and lentils. These foods are high in nutrients such as fiber, B-vitamins and digestive enzymes and are low in calories.

Here’s how to eat sprouts for weight loss:

weight loss mantraLow Calorie Dieting

Many people are told to eat low calories, again, without the understanding of how. They end up reducing calories by eating less, yet the foods they eat are also low in nutrients and keep them feeling hungry. After a while, hunger pangs outweigh the motivation to reduce calories, and people end up binge eating. Suffering through calorie restrictions can compromise the efforts of weight loss.

Beans are generally high in fiber, resulting in satiation. They are also known as a resistant starch, making them different from other carbohydrates such as processed bread, crackers, and pasta. Fiber helps with regularity as well, flushing the body of unnecessary components. Sprouting beans fortifies them with vital enzymes that aid in digestion. These foods are also low in calories and high in nutrients, which leaves people feeling fuller and even providing more energy throughout the day.

Energy and Digestion

B-vitamins are a plentiful nutrient in beans. These vitamins provide a sustainable source of energy throughout the day. Energy is especially useful for those who are exercising regularly to lose weight. The enzymes contained in sprouts aid in digestion while burning calories from exercise.

Other Benefits Contributing to Weight Loss

Sprouted beans are full of protein, which helps burn fat and build muscle. Chlorophyll is another component of sprouted plants, promoting oxygen in the blood. Other minerals occurring in these foods also help to purify the blood. Healthy blood fuels muscles and organs in the body. The characteristics of the particular vitamins and minerals present can also help lower cholesterol and boost the immune system. A healthy immune system protects the body against infection and illness.

Preparation and Recipes

Bean sprouts are not only nutritious and great for weight loss, but they can be easily grown at home. When soaked in water overnight and rinsed for a period of 2-3 days, these rehydrated beans will then begin to sprout a small white tail. At this point, the sprouts are ready for consumption, carrying a plethora of weight loss elements.


Once the plants have sprouted, The same recipes used with regular beans can also be used as sprouts recipes. For example, when making chili, sprouted beans can be added with or in place of black, red, or kidney beans. Other sprouts recipes include 3-bean salads or as a topping for regular green salads.

The weight loss trends of the day can be costly and difficult to source. Finding the right protein powder mentioned in that self-help book can be a hassle, especially if there are no health food stores nearby. However, dry beans are available at any local grocery store and for an affordable price. Dry beans are easily stored in a kitchen cupboard. Sprouting may seem arduous at first, but creating consistent habits will make the process easy and straightforward in the long run.

A combination of exercise and diet is ideal for weight loss. Research from blogs and articles similar to this one are important to help understand these terms and how to properly incorporate them into your weight loss journey. The most effective way to achieve optimal weight loss results is to integrate physical activity and healthy foods into an overall lifestyle.

12 Beauty Benefits Of Coconut Oil You Won’t Believe

Coconut oil, also known as cocos Nucifera Linn., has quickly gained popularity within the last five years. You might have heard about how people use coconut oil for skin care and to lose stubborn body fat. Labeled as a superfood and touted as a miracle cure, this delightfully fragrant and sumptuous oil is versatile and oh-so useful, particularly regarding health and beauty.

Coconut Oil for Skin and Hair

coconut oil

Softens Chapped Lips

Chapped lips aren’t just unsightly; they can also be painful. Use virgin cocos Nucifera oil in lieu of commercial lip balm for soft and healthy lips all year round. Simply put the oil in a small container for a quick and cost-effective way to moisturize and nourish your lips. You can also blend it with other oils to create your luxurious lip balm for pennies on the dollar.

Soothes Eczema

Anyone who’s ever dealt with eczema knows just how awful it can be. If you’re suffering from the redness and painful itching that this condition brings, try applying some coconut oil to combat dryness and irritation. It’s a natural and hypoallergenic way to ease an eczema flare-up.

Prevents Cracked Cuticles and Hang Nails

This wonder oil is a great way to moisturize yourself from head to toe, including your cuticles. Moisturizing your cuticles regularly improves the look of your nails and hands and helps prevent those pesky hang nails.

It Helps With Wrinkles and Crow’s Feet

Wrinkles are an annoying yet inevitable part of the aging process. Like most things, wrinkles are best dealt with through preventative measures. Applying cocos nucifera oil regularly to the face can do wonders for your skin’s look and feel, helping you maintain that healthy and youthful glow for years to come.

Supplements Psoriasis Treatments

While it is not an adequate alternative, this sumptuous superfood is an excellent supplementary treatment for individuals suffering from psoriasis. It is deeply moisturizing, affordable, and has no adverse reactions when combined with other medications. If you suffer from psoriasis, you should still speak to your doctor before integrating anything into your treatment plan.

Soothes Sun Burn

Most people know that aloe vera helps relieve the pain that comes with sunburn. But did you know that coconut oil can also be used to help soothe a sunburn? If your sunburn is particularly painful and/or is accompanied by blistering, consult your doctor before trying any natural or home remedies.

Prevents Athlete’s Foot

About ten years ago, a study concluded that virgin coconut oil effectively cured candida. Since then, the superfood has been widely accepted as an anti-fungal, leading some people to use it as a home remedy for tinea pedis, the fungus that causes athlete’s foot. Several personal reports demonstrated positive results.

coconut oil

Straightens and Smoothes Hair

This luscious oil isn’t just for the skin. Deeply moisturizing and nourishing, it can also be used on the hair as a conditioner and anti-frizz serum. Massage into your hair and wash as usual for smoother, more manageable locks.

Strengthens and Detangles Hair

On top of serving as an excellent deep conditioner and serum, cocos Nucifera oil also helps detangle hair without commercial products. One study even found that regular use can strengthen hair.

Other Unbelievable Benefits


Beauty benefits of coconut oil

Whitens Teeth and Improves Oral Health

With the recent popularity of this magnificent oil, you have probably already heard of the concept of “oil pulling.” In case you didn’t already know, oil pulling is a practice that uses coconut oil to cleanse the mouth, detoxify the body and gently whiten the teeth. This cleansing method originated in ancient India and has been used for centuries to keep one’s teeth bright and healthy. Any cold-pressed vegetable oil can be used in this process, but coconut works especially well because of its antimicrobial properties.

Aids Wound Healing

Out of antibiotic ointment? You can use this fragrant oil for natural first aid. It goes without saying that deep or serious wounds require medical attention, but if you have a small wound or scab, cocos Nucifera oil will help your wound heal faster. A scientific study suggests that coconut oil has mild antibacterial properties.

An Effective Personal Lubricant

Just as cocos Nucifera oil treats hair, skin, and nails dryness, it also treats the vaginal dryness that comes along with menopause. You could use the oil as an alternative to a commercial lubricant during intercourse, but keep in mind that oil-based lubricants can damage condoms and dental dams.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

What Kind Of Man You Are Going To Marry According To Your Zodiac Sign

What kind of man will you marry? Each day, more research is proving that power that exists behind zodiac signs. The way that the stars align at our births can unveil everything from who we should befriend to the job we should hold.

According to a recent study by the National Science Foundation, nearly two-thirds of Millennials believe that astrology is an important science, and The Atlantic states that several neuroscientists are making solid connections between your birth month and potential disorders and challenges you may face.

With research further proving the validity of zodiac signs, it only seems natural to consider what the stars say about our relationships. Read on to discover what kind of man you should marry according to your zodiac sign.

NOTE: If you are wondering what woman you should marry, please see the separate article addressing this topic.

The zodiac sign dates below will guide you to your ideal zodiac sign love match.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries are true and honest people who prefer their freedom. You are most compatible with other fire signs, like Sagittarius, who understands your unpredictable behavior and who will share your love of adventure. You may also benefit from an affectionate, sociable Gemini; he will share your sense of adventure yet keep you at peace.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Ever-practical yet romantic and devoted, you crave a dedicated and down-to-earth man. Fellow earth signs like Virgo and Capricorn or Water signs like Scorpio and Cancer may be the best matches for you. Pisces may be a particularly ideal match, as he will balance your need for beauty with his creativity and talent.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

As a Gemini, you need a man with a strong intellect who charms you while listening to your problems. Your adventurous side could benefit from a playful Aries or fun-loving Leo, though the strongest connection is usually another Gemini or a rational, adoring Aquarius.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancers desire both attention and affection; you will marry a man who can offer you both. A family-oriented and gentle Taurus, a practical and loving Capricorn, or a detail-oriented Virgo may be the best match to provide an anchor in your love life.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

As a strong and dominant sign, you need to marry a man who accepts a subordinate role. Find another Leo and you will form a beautiful power couple together. A loving and warm Aries will keep your love life passionate, or a playful Gemini could guarantee endless fun for your entire marriage.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo is a zodiac sign that needs a grounded and ambitious partner. You’re happiest with a motivated man who has a sense of direction. Trustworthy Cancer or smart, reliable Capricorn lead to strong connections, though passionate Scorpio or Pisces would be fun.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

As a social and outgoing Libra, you need a husband who will continue to expand your social circles and keep life fun. Another Libra is a realistic and exciting match. You could also marry a Gemini with whom you would form a trusting bond, or a Leo who would keep your love life passionate.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

As a mysterious and eccentric Scorpio, you may find that another Scorpio is your best love match. You want to ensure you don’t find a guy who is too forward and flirtatious. An Earth sign like a focused Virgo or a reliable Taurus could be the best connection for you.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You don’t want a man who will pressure you into settling down before you are ready. Avoid grounded signs like Cancer or Virgo in favor of someone more spontaneous. By marrying a fun-loving Gemini, a sincere Aries, or an adventurous Aquarius, you will be sure to have an exciting marriage.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn is a zodiac sign that needs a partner who understands the value of hard work. You will likely choose a man who is a little older than you. Earth and Water signs like Taurus, Cancer, or Virgo will offer you the strength and security you crave.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius is a zodiac sign that appreciates the space to be your own person while still offering a sense of adventure. A Gemini will listen to and discuss your grandiose ideas while a Leo man would offer you an explosive and passionate love life.

zodiac sign

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You need a realistic but loyal lover. A grounded Virgo or a Taurus can keep you in reality, while a fellow Pisces will keep you feeling a strong and eternal bond. A Capricorn or Scorpio will bring out your rationality in different ways while keeping life passionate.

Zodiac sign dates can determine the powerful love connection you find with your other half. This compatizbility chart can help you learn more about your perfect match.

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