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5 Things You Need to Do During A Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening doesn’t happen by itself. If you’re waiting for the magic moment to occur when your cup of experience is full enough to overflow with enlightenment, you might be waiting a long time.

If we want to develop spiritually, we need to work toward that goal with purpose and intention, but how? Every person’s spiritual path is unique, but there are many commonalities. If you feel like you aren’t making progress, use these spiritual awakening tips to get back on track.

Here are daily habits that will help you during a spiritual awakening:

Awakening is Part of Everyday Life

There is a common belief that spiritual awakening happens in far off corners of the world or on top of mysterious mountain peaks. Some people believe you have to hide from the world or go on a three year trek to find yourself. While it can help to remove the distractions of life, unless you become a monk, you’ll have to return to the world. When you do, you might find that your realization doesn’t fit with the way you must live.

For those of us that can’t so easily shrug off our responsibilities, we must incorporate our spiritual practice into our lives. That means setting aside a part of every day to incorporate spirituality into your life. In a Goalcast article, the Dalai Lama expressed the importance of daily practice. If establishing a consistent practice means getting up an hour early to meditate, pray or whatever practice is important to you, do it, and be consistent.

Connect With Nature

One of the greatest spiritual awakening tips is to spend time in nature. You can take this literally by hiking trails or seeing natural wonders, but there are mundane ways to reconnect with nature that are equally powerful. Spending a little time gardening or running in your neighborhood can remind you of your connection with the world. A Japanese study shows how spending time in nature has many beneficial psychological effects. Our body, our mind and our spirit are all connected. One cannot be in harmony while the others are out of balance.

Putting it to Work and Helping Others

What is the point in working toward spiritual awakening if it doesn’t affect the world around us for the better? Make helping others a part of your daily practice. You don’t have to go to a soup kitchen every day, although volunteering is an excellent way to put your spiritual practice into action. Affirming and simply being there for the people in your life is just as important, if not more so, than saving the world. Your daily interactions with the people in your life are your greatest opportunities to put your spiritual growth into practice.

Learning and Codifying Spiritual Development Goals

To facilitate your spiritual awakening, you should set clear goals and approach learning in a rigorous, systematic way. Constantly look for guidance, and set time aside each day to study your teacher’s words, even if it’s only for 20 minutes. An article in Psychology Today shows how spacing out your study with short intervals can help you master material more quickly.

If you want to get grounded in meditation, make it a goal to meditate every day at the same time of day. Make it a goal to read a certain number of books each month or year. When you meet your goals, extend them. Like a bodybuilder who wants to constantly add weight to his exercises, keeping yourself under stress will force you to grow spiritually.

spiritual awakening

Hold Yourself Accountable and Confront Your Shortcomings

At the end of every day, before you go to sleep, review your day and hold yourself accountable. Review your practices and your interactions with the people in your life and ask yourself if you acted in a way that is consistent with your spiritual goals. Identify the ways that you fell short and, with determination, consciously decide to improve.

It’s not about punishing yourself; that is the ego puffing itself up. It’s about using your failures to grow toward spiritual awakening. Start a journal and keep track of the ways that you fall short and how you intend to improve.

It’s a Life-long Journey

Working toward spiritual awakening is a life-long pursuit that has no end. Even if you believe in a state of ultimate realization, you must still apply that realization. You must still live your life.

No one ever said that working toward your spiritual improvement would be easy. There are many challenges along the way. Be ambitious with yourself in your goals, but compassionate to yourself about your shortcomings. If you’re ever feeling a little lost, use these spiritual awakening tips to get back on track. Above all, remember that this is a process of love and discovery and never obligation.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Things People Get Wrong About People With Autism

For all the “awareness” campaigns flooding our social media, there’s still an astonishing amount of well-intended but incorrect or even harmful misinformation circulating about the experience and behaviors of autism. Are autistic people a code to be de-mystified? Are our behaviors strange and irrational? How can we connect with you?

There should be a brief definition of terms, before we begin: “allistic” means anyone who isn’t autistic, while “neurotypical” means anyone without a psychological condition or personality disorder; anyone who isn’t “neurodivergent.”

And finally, as you’ve probably noticed already, this article will use identity-first language. This decision was made for a complex but very important reason: this is the phrasing recommended by ASAN and the Autism Women’s Network, which, unlike Autism Speaks, are autistic-led organizations. Individuals have their own preferences about what manner they should be referred to, but as in any community, defining umbrella terms is a complicated and ongoing discussion.

Here are 5 things people get wrong about autism:

Misconception 1: Autistic people are trapped inside their minds.

Note that we didn’t say “autistic children.” It’s critical that we acknowledge the existence and work of autistic adults.

The misunderstood behavior in this case is autistic communication. Perhaps a person is nonverbal and communicates through grunts and sounds, physical gestures, or text. Perhaps a person avoids eye contact when speaking. Every day, we’re bombarded with stories about the miraculous healing of people like this, “unable to connect,” who finally “broke free of their body.”

This misconception comes from the idea that because autistic communication is different, autism must hold people back, or “trap” them away from their true (neurotypical) expression. This is far from the case and, in fact, there are many examples of autistic people who suffer when forced into neurotypical modes of communication and thrive when alternative communication is enabled. Carly Fleischmann’s parents believed her completely unable to connect with the world around her—until she was given the chance to type. Fleischmann grew up to start her own talkshow, still nonverbal, but heard.

More often than not, all autistic people are “trapped” in is the societal standards by which they’re expected to operate.

Misconception 2: Autistic behaviors are resistant and disobedient.

A child who covers their ears during class is “making a scene.” An adult who still won’t eat vegetables with certain textures “needs to grow up.” A student who won’t follow instructions is “resistant.” …Right?

The truth is that, while autistic people can struggle to learn societal standards of manners and socialization, there are real reasons for what they do.

Sometimes it can be as simple as explaining “why.” Compliance for the sake of compliance can be a challenge—one of the perhaps more virtuous behaviors of autism!

Sometimes, it can be helpful to ask “why.” Would a different classroom seating arrangement help them deal with noise? Would a different preparation help them eat vegetables? Human behaviors happen for a reason, and autistic behaviors are no exception.

Misconception 3: Quiet hands and bodies are self-controlled, well-regulated bodies.

It can be so painfully easy to want this. Maybe you’re a parent, and want for your child the same behaviors that signal a mind and body at peace to you.

In truth, many self-stimulatory behaviors (or “stims”) serve a self-soothing purpose. Being allowed to stim can improve focus, reduce stress, and help cognitive and executive function, and giving it up can be traumatic. When you see someone rocking, humming, flapping, or doing other non-harmful behaviors, know that the behavior doesn’t need to be trained away for them to be happy and successful.

Sometimes, stimming can be an important kind of communication! With time and patience, you can learn their language, just like they’re working to learn yours.

Misconception 4: They’re just “behaviors.”

Both through sensory differences and unique perspectives, autistic people experience the world differently. What would be an unreasonable tantrum for a neurotypical teenager, for example, can be a reasonable reaction to a shopping mall that is, to an autistic teenager, as loud and bustling as a death metal concert.

Seeing this as irrational behavior, and not a rational reaction, delegitimizes this individual’s needs (and teaches them their needs aren’t legitimate). Instead, know society can adapt.


Misconception 5: Autism stands in the way of love.

Some worry that autistic individuals will never feel loved or connected. But if anything it’s society, not autism, that’s isolating! The way to love an autistic person is not to force every indication of neurodivergence out. Some of us will grow up to speak more, hug more, make eye contact more, and some of us won’t, but none of that means we can’t feel or express love.

Autism is a way of being. Understanding its traits is a crucial part of understanding us.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things That Happen When You Meet Your Soulmate

Everyone wants to find their soulmate and fall in love. It’s a fact. Building relationships is human nature, and falling in love is something that people simply can’t help. Why would a person even want to prevent falling in love? It’s incredible, it can make you happier, and it can increase your self-confidence.

But what happens when you meet your soulmate? There are several changes you will undergo when you find that special someone. Your life won’t stay the same. You’ll have to make adjustments to meet the needs of your loved one. Love can last forever, and your body will have to go through changes to prepare. Below you will find 10 changes that happen when you finally meet your soul mate.

Here’s what happens when you meet your soulmate:

1 – Your Outlook Changes

You will no longer view the world the same way. You will start to notice things you have never noticed before, and you will find joy in things that you previously did not. You’ll be more optimistic, outgoing, and loving. Even a person that was truly happy prior to meeting their soulmate will experience a previously unseen happiness.

2 – It’s Not Just About Intimacy

According to NBCNews, you will begin to notice that your relationship isn’t all about being intimate. The relationship between your new soulmate may begin with a lot of time in the bedroom, but when you are truly in love, you will enjoy doing anything with your partner.

3 – You Will Become Vulnerable

This one isn’t always a good thing; however, it is nice to know that someone else has control of your emotions sometimes. Your partner’s feelings will become your feelings. This opens you up to vulnerabilities that you didn’t even know existed. These types of things happen when you meet your soulmate because you become more open to them.

4 – You Will Become Less Obsessive

According to Mary Lynn, the co-director of the Loyola Sexual Wellness Clinic, love lowers serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is responsible for many elements that make someone obsessive-compulsive.

5 – Your Brain Undergoes Changes

It isn’t only the serotonin levels that change in the brain. So in the brain, what happens when you meet your soulmate? A variety of feel-good chemicals are released in the brain, including dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine. These chemicals create a range of physical reactions.

6 – You Will Smile More Often

You will not be able to stop smiling. This doesn’t only apply to times when you are with your soulmate. You will be smiling everywhere you go. You will be thinking about your special someone all the time, resulting in a constant smile gracing your lips.

7 – Productivity Will Increase

You want to make your soulmate happy, so what happens when you meet your soulmate? You become more productive. Productivity can increase because you want to let your partner know that you are good at something. You want to be a provider, and you want to be able to show your partner that you can become one.

8 – You Will Go Through 3 Stages

No one falls in love right away. Love happens in stages. These three stages are lust, attraction, and attachment. When you first meet someone, you will feel lust. If you truly click, you will feel attraction. Finally, you will become attached to this person. It can be hard to know if you are falling in love with someone; however, there are some surefire signs to look out for.

9 – You Will Become An Addict

Don’t worry, you won’t begin doing hard drugs when you fall in love. You will become addicted to your partner. A study confirmed that social attachment fires the same points of the brain that addictive substances do. There are plenty of examples of people truly becoming addicted to each other.

what happens when you meet your soulmate

10 – Your Problem Solving Skills Will Increase

When you are in love, you become more intuitive. Not only will you be able to intuit what your partner will do, think, and want, you will be able to solve more complex problems in other areas of your life. This is mainly because you will have someone to help you. You always have a second opinion that is ready to help you in any way they can. You’ll have a lot to thank your partner for once you find them.

Final Thoughts on Learning What Happens When You Meet Your Soulmate

Love is truly a magical feeling. It makes sense that it would affect you in so many ways. Love can have bizarre effects on the body, resulting in deep, profound changes to how we behave and think. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Now that you know what happens when you meet your soulmate, you can prepare for these changes and enjoy them to the greatest potential.

How To Make Your Own Sprouts At Home For Much Less And Healthier

Sprouted things like alfalfa and mung beans definitely provide a lot of health benefits, but when you buy them in the store, they tend to be quite pricey. However, sprouting is actually very easy to do at home. You can regrow sprouts forever so you always have access to tasty, fresh foods.

Sprouting plants is such an easy thing to do that even people without a green thumb can accomplish it. They take up very little space, so you can get many delicious meals out of one tiny mini garden set up on a windowsill or countertop. Keep reading to learn all about the process of sprouting at home.

Here’s how to grow your own sprouts at home:

The Health Benefits of Homegrown Sprouting Plants

Growing sprouted plants at home has some unique health benefits. All of the moisture involved with sprouting often causes commercial setups to be infected with dangerous bacteria like listeria. Sprouting items at home lets you carefully control the process and ensure that you get the health benefits without any bacterial contamination.

Most stores just have plain things like bean sprout and alfalfa sprout options. When you are making them at home, you have the option of more unusual plants that provide special health benefits. Great choices include adzuki beans, celery seeds, fenugreek seeds, hemp seeds, radishes, and sesame. Sprouting makes certain nutrients in seeds and legumes more bioavailable.

The DIY Guide to Sprouting Plants at Home

Follow these steps to get started on your culinary journey:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

You just need some sort of glass jar that is roughly one quart in size. A mason jar is handy, but it is not required. You then need a piece of cheesecloth or some other straining mesh to fit over the jar. The outer metal rim of the mason jar comes in handy for securing it, or you can use a plain old rubber band.Once you have everything else, all you need is your sprouting seeds. There are plenty of delicious and healthy sprouts options.

Step 2: Soak the Seeds

Measure out the amount of seeds you want to sprout. Keep in mind that they will expand rapidly as they grow. For a quart sized jar, roughly ¼ cup of seeds is the maximum amount you can fit in the jar. Rinse your seeds thoroughly and place them in the jar with a couple cups of water. Attach the cheesecloth or strainer lid and allow them to soak for 8 hours at room temperature.

Step 3: Drain, Swirl, and Drain Again

After the initial soaking, drain all the water from your sprouts. Run fresh water in through your screen and swirl around to thoroughly wet each seed. Then drain the sprouts out again, and shake the sprout jar to make sure all water is removed.

Step 4: Store and Repeat

Put your sprout jar somewhere where direct sunlight will not get to it. You can place it a darker corner of your kitchen or wrap some foil around the jar. Just be sure that plenty of fresh air and some indirect light can get in through the screen. You then need to repeat step 3 somewhere between two to four times a day. This does not need to be at very precise times. You can just do the swirling and draining process each evening and morning.

Step 5: Wait and Enjoy

Wait until your sprouted seeds have the desired length. This may take between two to seven days. Once they are as grown as you would like, you can store them in the fridge or eat right away!

Tasty Sprouts Recipes to Try

The possibilities are endless once you get started with sprouting. An easy way to include them in your diet is just tossing a fresh handful into any salad. The hearty texture of sprouted seeds makes them a great inclusion on any vegetarian sandwich. Sprouts easily mix into a blended drink without impacting the flavor much, so you can easily toss them in with meal replacement smoothies. You can also use sprouts in tasty juiced beverages that extract all the great nutrients of sprouting and turn them into a refreshing juice.


Final Thoughts

Once you create your sprouting setup, the process is even easier. Each time you want another tasty batch of sprouted plants, all you need to do is clean everything out and add new seeds. There are plenty of great sprouts recipes out there, so you have plenty of ways to use up your produce. How do you like to turn your sprouted veggies into meals? Let us know your tasty ideas for sprouts recipes.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Early Warnings You Are Dealing With Toxic People And How To Handle Them

Toxic people can cause more than their fair share of pain and anxiety in your daily life. Their selfish, narcissistic ways can make your life difficult. The hallmark of a toxic person is that he or she is far more interested in their own advantages than in taking care of others and being supportive. When it is time to get rid of toxic people, you may have a difficult time extracting them from your life. Here are 7 signs that you are dealing with a toxic personality, as well as some hints as to how to remove them from your life.

7 Alarming Signs You Are Dealing with Toxic People

1. You Often Lose Your Temper with Them

Toxic personalities love to push other people’s buttons. When you are dealing with a destructive personality, you will often find yourself angry or frustrated by their constant need for drama. They can cause you to lose control of yourself when your emotions boil over. If you often find yourself blowing up at a person, it’s worthwhile to examine whether or not they might be a toxic person.

2. They Are Always the Victim

In any given situation, toxic people will paint themselves as the helpless victim. Nothing negative that happens to them is ever their fault. Whenever you have dealings with this person, they will try to blame their problems on everyone else, including you. This can be extremely stressful to deal with.

At the same time, you may find yourself blaming the toxic person for everything that is going wrong in your life. If you catch yourself thinking this way, it’s a sign that this person has too much influence in your life. Consider whether it is time to get rid of toxic people in your life.

3. They Damage Your Self-Esteem

A toxic person is always looking for ways to bring other people down. They use rude and degrading language, and they often search for our weaknesses so they can hit us where it hurts. If you always feel badly about yourself after you have dealings with this person, it’s likely that they are a toxic personality.

4. They Can’t Let Go of Negative Feelings

If a person in your life constantly ruminates over things that have gone wrong, they may be unhealthy to spend time with. Since toxic people exist to cause drama, they can’t let go of these perceived slights and injuries. Even if you’re not personally affected by these problems, they may rope you into emotional sympathy with them. Getting you invested in their problems is a sign they might be toxic.

5. You Dread Seeing Them

Any time you are consumed with feelings of dread about dealing with a person, it’s worthwhile to think about whether they might be toxic. If you’re sure that interacting with them will only bring you trouble, they are not healthy to be around. It’s fine to avoid them as much as possible.

6. Your Coping Mechanisms are Unhealthy

When you do have to deal with a toxic person, you may find yourself reaching for unhealthy comfort measures. Whether you find yourself smoking or drinking more or indulging in too much food, these coping mechanisms won’t help you at all and may cause other problems for you down the road. Don’t let a toxic personality rule your life in this way. It’s difficult to see these problems in ourselves. Sometimes outside perspective is necessary to help you discover your reasons behind doing something.

7. They Are Affecting Your Relationships

The fallout from dealing with toxic people may spill over into other relationships in your life. They may leave you short-tempered and easily upset. If these people are distressing you enough that you lash out at other friends and family, it’s a definite sign that they shouldn’t be in your life.

toxic people

Final Thoughts

Dealing with a toxic personality can be extremely difficult. Only you can decide how much this person is disturbing your peace of mind. In less extreme cases, simply spend less time with them. Talk about them less and interact with them less. If they come after you, seeking another victim, turn them away. Keep your boundaries strong and don’t let their negativity bring you down.

In extreme cases, it may be time to cut toxic people from your life completely. This is a last resort, but it might save your sanity and your other relationships.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Are Bananas The Key To Your Weight Loss?

Bananas have got a bad wrap lately. Dieting experts say that they are loaded with sugar and one of the worst fruits you can eat. However, we know by now that you cannot trust everything the experts say. Remember what they said about eggs just a few years ago? Now eggs are hailed as a superfood that is full of protein and a great addition to any diet. So why are bananas being picked on so severely? They are full of potassium and resistant starch that can support weight loss. There are some other things about this fiber-rich fruit that you may not know.

Here’s how bananas are the key to weight loss:

1. Not Too High In Calories

While bananas may not have the low caloric content of strawberries, they certainly are better for you than a chocolate bar. If you need a sweet treat that is filling and helps satisfy that sweet tooth, then this fruit may be all you need. The average size of a banana is around eight inches, which has about 120 calories. A smaller six-inch banana is around 90 calories. Forgo the sugar-laden granola and protein bars that are overloaded with sugar, and reach for nature’s bounty instead. No one is going to get fat or throw off their diet plan because they eat fruit; it’s the other stuff that will derail you quickly.

2. Full of Nutrients

When considering a banana for weight loss, you must also be aware of the amazing nutrients it contains. First, they are packed with vitamin C and B6 and provide over ten percent of the recommended daily allowance of nutrients your body needs. These large yellow fruits are considered a low-energy-dense food, which means they are mostly water. Almost all fruits and veggies are dense because of their water content. They will help fill you up faster to promote weight loss.

3. A Great Support Of Digestive Health

Your digestive system is very finicky, and it seems to be extra sensitive when you are dieting. You need around 25 grams of fiber daily. Bananas provide four grams of dietary fiber. How does that help you with weight loss? Well, it slows your digestive system by making you feel fuller. They help to prevent blood sugar spikes and keep your insulin levels stable. You want your body to burn fat for energy and it cannot do that when your blood sugar levels are all over the place.

4. Full of Resistant Starch Your Body Needs

Most foods contain starches that are called complex carbohydrates. The body uses the sugar from those foods to fuel your energy levels. However, there are some foods that have a different type of starch that is called resistant. This type of starch does not fully digest in the body. Rather, it sits in your colon and ferments. The body absorbs less of it, so you don’t get all the sugars. Green bananas are better for you. As they ripen, the resistant starch levels decrease as do the added benefits. You will absorb fewer calories when you eat a green banana.

5. The Carb Content Is Not Too High

Why are all the experts picking on the banana? Did you know that an apple has about the same amount of sugar as one of these yellow cuties? You can expect to get anything from 23 to 31 grams of sugar from a larger banana. However, you must keep in mind that these carbs are not all absorbed by the body. The resistant starch plays a big hand in keeping you from getting all that sugar. Apples don’t have this starch, so your body feels the entire impact of the carbs. If it helps you, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition did a study on this popular fruit. They found that they have a small impact on the overall body sugars because they fall into the low-glycemic range. So you have nothing to worry about.

Best foods for weight loss6. Everything In Moderation

Go ahead and eat a banana for weight loss! When it comes to the battle of the bulge, it’s all about moderation and keeping everything in balance. There is nothing in nature that is bad for you or that should be cut off altogether. If you ate these yellow fruits all day long, then you may have unhealthy sugar levels. The point is that you can enjoy all the fruits and vegetables and incorporate them into your diet no matter what your limitations.

You may be glad to know that bananas are good for you and provide many of the daily nutrients that your body needs to function. So have yourself one with breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s one sweet treat that has ample benefits.

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