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9 Foods That Slow Down Aging

Who doesn’t want to slow down aging? Everyone wants to have a long, happy, and positive life. The good thing is there are easy ways to achieve longevity by making the right lifestyle choices. Your food intake, for instance, can help slow down aging and provide your body with energy, strength, and good health. But what are the best foods to eat? Here are some foods you have to include in your diet every day:

Here Are 9 Foods That Slow Down Aging

“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” – Bethenny Frankel

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are antioxidants that contain lycopene, which helps prevent various skin conditions that contribute to aging. Antioxidants remove the free radicals that cause wrinkle development. If you love to spend time outdoors, tomatoes protect your skin from harmful UV rays (along with the use of sunscreen), according to a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology. Researchers learned that women who have tomatoes in their salad every day have 33 percent higher levels of procollagen that promote good skin.

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2. Avocados

Avocados contain natural oils that are loaded with vitamins. These vitamins help to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. The benefits of avocado in anti-aging have been documented in various studies. This fruit has carotenoids, lutein, and other active phytochemicals that work to slow down aging and lessen the risks of osteoarthritis and cancer development.

3. Carrots

Carrots are rich in nutrients like vitamin A and beta-carotene that promote skin healing, prevent wrinkling, and rid the body of free radicals. These nutrients also prevent macular degeneration that affects vision. Carrots also have vitamin B that protects the muscles and mucous membranes. Doctors recommend eating a carrot a day for the best benefits. Consume it raw, shredded, boiled, or mashed.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple has bromelain, which helps the body absorb and break down protein. As aging makes it harder for the body to digest protein, eating slices of pineapple two or three times a week can be beneficial. This sweet and tangy tropical fruit, which is also low in calories but rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, lessens the inflammation of the muscles and limits joint pains. A cup of this fresh fruit also contains 70 percent of the recommended daily allowance for vitamin C.

5. Nuts

Almonds, Brazil nuts, and walnuts are great for your anti-aging health. These foods are full of anti-inflammatory compounds. Inflammation is part of the downside of aging, which can lead to the development of chronic diseases like joint pains, cancer, diabetes, and heart conditions, as well as mental decline. The vitamins and minerals in nuts also stimulate hair growth to prevent hair loss. It has nutrients and good fats that promote bone and teeth health, lower blood pressure, and strengthen the immune system. Eat a handful of raw nuts a day as a snack. Also add them as an ingredient to desserts.

6. Berries

Strawberries, blueberries, and cherries contain high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, fiber, antioxidants, anthocyanins, and manganese. These fruits aid in bone strengthening, which sharply drops as you age. These fruits also have compounds that help with proper digestion, healthy skin, and mental cognition. Add berries to your pancakes, smoothies, cereals, and oatmeal for breakfast, or eat it fresh as a snack or dessert. A cup of berries (or about 114 grams per day) is ideal.

7. Salmon

Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that reduce body inflammation. It also has astaxanthin, a type of antioxidant that increases muscle strength and improves memory, problem solving skills, and nerve function. Grill, smoke, broil, or steam salmon for a mouthwatering and nutritious meal. You could even have it for breakfast along with mashed avocados, blueberries, and yogurt.

8. Olive oil

Olive oil is big part of a Mediterranean diet, which is one of the best and healthiest diets you can follow. The anti-aging benefits of olive oil have been outlined in a study on the journal Lipids in Health and Disease. Olive oil protects the body against diseases like cancer, dementia, and many types of heart conditions. But preferably, limit your use olive oil for cooking since it is sensitive to heat. Its beneficial compounds break down when cooked, so it is best to use olive oil for salads, dips, or sandwiches. Nutritionists recommend three tablespoons of olive oil every day.


9. Grapes

Grapes are known to trigger positive thinking and positive moods that help you feel young, according to a study in the Journal of Consumer Research. This fruit also contains polyphenolic substances that slow down the development of neurodegenerative diseases and improve cognition in aging adults. Like wine, grapes have resveratrol that can sharpen memory. Drink its juice or eat it raw for a nutritious dessert or snack.


Foods that slow down aging

Final Thoughts

As foods nourish your physical and mental health, making the right choices on what to eat can affect your wellbeing in the long term. Supplements and vitamins in pill form are no match for preparing and eating healthy foods. If you hope to slow down aging, it’s always best to get your nutritious needs directly from the source.

The Best Career To Choose According To Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone seems to be aware of their zodiac sign, even if they don’t tell you they know it. Some people may appreciate knowing, while others feel like it’s all a load of nonsense.

There’s actually a fair amount of science standing behind your sign and how it can affect your personality. This article will discuss some of the best career options to choose based on a person’s zodiac sign.

Here’s the best career for your zodiac sign:

true love


Aries are known for being leaders, not followers. This can work to your advantage in a way. You are good at getting projects started, but need a team to follow through on them. Competition is also a strong suit and you can handle stress. If you don’t end up as the CEO of a company, look to something like personal training.


Those who have a Taurus birthday are known for being stubborn, but they are also grounded. This makes them a nicely balanced person for the workplace. Your love for routine and great money skills would make you well-suited for something in the finance career path.


Geminis are very driven and fast-paced. You move from topic to topic rapidly, likely because you end up bored so easily. You would do well in a job like PR or a project manager. These areas would give you the space to control many factors without losing focus too quickly.


Cancer signs are great at caring for others and giving advice. This is where your zodiac sign naturally thrives. Jobs like childcare worker or giving advice as a nutritionist or dietician would be great options for you.


Leos are a finicky bunch. They can be high maintenance, which drives people away. Luckily their charm is able to bring those same people back so that Leo can jump in and inspire them. Teaching jobs or something in politics are both a great fit because it allows you enough attention while you enthusiastically entertain your audience.


Virgos are known for being perfectionists. They want things a certain way or not at all. This feature can also make them extremely hard on themselves. Virgos are going to be able to process large amounts of data and information very well, meaning they would excel at jobs that require researching. This could include things like a detective or an editor or fact checker.


A Libra is great at being a social butterfly. They are also great mediators, which makes them well-balanced when it comes to a career. This sign is going to excel at things like customer service or sales. They would also do well as a travel agent.


Scorpios are a zodiac sign with a legendary level of intensity. They are also excellent at being secretive and thrive on challenges. These people are going to gravitate to things that would typically repulse others, like surgery or being a forensic detective.


Those with a Sagittarius zodiac sign are great team players. They know how to rally the troops and inspire others to get the job done. Their only downfall is they feel suffocated by rules. They can avoid this by looking for a career in tourism or consulting.


Capricorns tend to be serious and organized. They are also always striving for the top and recognize the amount of work and ambition it takes to get there. This makes them a strong candidate for many career options. They would be ideal in a management or administrator role where they are able to work their way up.


Aquarians are the type of workers that don’t quite follow the rules. They will complete projects in the middle of the night or fumble at project discussions. You aren’t a bad worker by any means. You just have your very own way of getting things done. These traits are going to make your zodiac sign well suited for things like entrepreneurship or researching new science or technology.

zodiac sign


Pisces are flexible, compassionate, and have a strong sense of empathy. They love to heal and help restore people, which can make them feel right at home in a career like healthcare. Try something like nursing or a therapist, or even shoot for the top and become a doctor.


There you have it. Each zodiac sign has something they naturally excel at, whether that be the secretive nature of a Scorpio or the healing nature of a Pisces. Finding a career that lines up with those tendencies will help you have a job that feels more like home than actual work.

5 Relaxation Techniques That Calm Children Down Before Bed

Have you always wondered if truly helpful relaxation techniques exist to calm kids before bedtime? Putting the kids to bed can be a nightmare for many parents. Some children resist bedtime so much that every night turns into a power struggle. As a result, both parents and children get poor quality sleep, which may impact a family’s health. But bedtimes need not be stressful, so following are some relaxation techniques that will help calm children down before it is time for bed.

Here Are 5 Relaxation Techniques to Calm Children Down Before Bed

“Any situation we don’t control can trigger anxiety and stress…” – Beth Block

1. Use bath time to kick off the relaxation routine

For children, warm baths might simply be a way to get cleaned, but you can make this daily routine count more. Use bath time as a bedtime tool. A soak in the tub can be very relaxing for any age, including children. Too often, parents tend to rush their kids to get out of the tub. A bath time can be the start of a good ritual and relaxation technique before going to bed.

It’s beneficial to let your children indulge in a bubble bath with essential oils like lavender or chamomile to help their body relax. Lavender works to calm the nervous system, as per a study in the journal Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Chamomile, on the other hand, has calming properties as well. It can reduce tension in the body so that your child can calm down and sleep better at night.

Just make sure that your child doesn’t turn that bedtime bath into a playful soiree because it might supercharge their energy. Make it clear to your child that this bath is a time for calm, and carefully supervise this routine.

2. Read a sleepy storybook in bed

Having a ritual where you read a storybook to your child out loud before bedtime creates a lasting memory of family time in your child’s mind. It can boost the child’s positive behavior and attention development, according to Dr. Alan Mendelsohn in the journal Pediatrics.

As a relaxation technique before bedtime, however, make sure to choose stories that have calming and light-hearted themes to help the child get a more pleasant sleep. If you have older kids, let them read a paragraph from the book.

Make your voice low and full, and emphasize on the inflections in the story to sound interesting to the child. A story that will trigger positive thinking can definitely make bedtime relaxing.

3. Listen to calming music

Try playing the same track of music at a specific time night after night before your child goes to bed. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a lullaby, as you can play any soft music to trigger the sleep routine. Preferably, play the songs after you have done your bedtime reading.

This is actually a clever trick, especially for older babies and toddlers because they will learn to associate the music with bedtime. It will also help create a bedtime habit that your child can practice even as a grown-up. It will condition his body for bedtime at a specific hour every night, thus he won’t likely have trouble sleeping.

4. Try breathing or meditation

Teach your child breathing or meditation techniques to do before going to sleep. This is not just a form of physical exercise. Meditation can also improve the condition of a child with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to a study in the World Journal of Psychiatry.

Let your child lie down with his back straight on the bed. Ask him to close his eyes and be aware of the sound of his breathing. Let him count to 20 as you breathe along. Expect some hesitation or giggles from your child in the beginning, but be patient about it and persist on this exercise. You will both get the hang of this ritual eventually.

After counting to 20, let your child stay quiet, still, and with his eyes closed. Ask him to raise his hand slowly and be aware of the soft sound of his movements. Let him repeat this process at least five to ten times. Then end the exercise by letting him count his breathing to 20 again, but backward.

Sometimes, this form of relaxation techniques will make children fall asleep even before they can finish counting.

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5. Let them keep a bedtime journal

For older children, perhaps encouraging them to keep a bedtime journal might help calm down their body and mind when it’s time to sleep. They can write anything on their journal; any thoughts that are racing in their minds, or feelings that are causing them worries or anxieties. They could even draw on their bedtime journal and be as creative as possible.

Jotting down thoughts and feelings can clear your head. A child who cannot easily fall asleep might benefit from a writing exercise because a clearer head can signal the body to relax. Psychologists told The Guardian that writing exercises trigger positive thoughts and make the brain happy.

Final Thoughts

If your child still resists bedtimes despite these relaxation techniques, consider consulting a pediatrician. Your child might actually have a sleep disorder and early intervention will ease your concerns and correct the problems.

10 Signs It’s Time To Let Go Of The Past And Live Happily

People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime; it’s the same with situations in life, too. If there is one constant, it is change. But how do you know when it’s finally time to break from the past and move on living your happiest life?

To be our happiest, best self, we must be able to let go… let go of past hurts, past relationships that didn’t work, and most importantly, of the blame we put on ourselves in most every situation.

Here are 10 signs it is time to let go and live happily:

1) When fear of change or the unknown stops you from taking advantage of new opportunities.

When we are living in our fear-based mind, we resist change, even those opportunities that could propel us toward the happiness we seek. Let go of that fear and get out there!

2) You’ve lost the excitement for things that used to light you up.

Sometimes, when we are stuck in negative thinking patterns, we feel numb to all those things we used to love and enjoy doing.

3) When you talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk.

If you say you know what you want and need to do to achieve that life you dream of, but consistently find yourself not acting, or doing the opposite, this is a sure sign.

4) There is something that your heart tells you you want to do, but you resist it.

If there’s something you have always wanted to do, and your mind wanders frequently into daydreams about it, this is a definite sign you are ready to let go of the past and move on. Don’t let fear stop you in your tracks.

5) When you feel stuck in a rut, or as if you have settled for less than you want.

There may be no more obvious sign than this. When your life feels completely stuck in a rut, or the pangs of having settled for less than what you want and deserve plague you, it’s time to do some soul-searching and let go.

6) Your relationships feel lackluster, unfulfilling, or stale.

We are the sum of the people we surround ourselves with. Who surrounds you? Does your circle lift you up? Do they support, encourage, and have your back? Do they fan your flames, or do they douse your fire?

7) You spend more time daydreaming about how things “should” be, rather than making any progress and enjoying the here and now.

Much of our own suffering comes from the expectations of how we believe things “should” be, rather than accepting and working with things as they are. Look inside; is your soul searching for something you don’t have yet? If so, what’s stopping you from going after it?

8) You feel lost, confused, or unsure.

When even the simplest decisions and choices feel monumental, or confusion is the general rule of the day, this is a definite sign you are ready for a change and ready to move onto the next happier phase of your life.

9) You feel like a fake or a fraud.

This one is closely tied to 3 above. When you know what you need and want to do, but don’t – or worse, unconsciously sabotage yourself – you can begin to feel like a fraud or a phony.

let go

10) You know in the deepest, darkest part of your heart what you truly desire, but are too scared to do anything about it, or even tell anyone.

We all have our own unique, specific calling in this lifetime. If your heart and soul is urging you to do something you’ve always wanted to do, but you find yourself in resistance and fear, perhaps that is exactly what you need to be doing to move forward into your happiest and best life.

We all know holding onto the past isn’t healthy, but it can still be hard to let go. If you recognize yourself in any of the above, you owe it to yourself to take a good hard look at what it is you truly desire. Are you living your best life? If not, why? Examine what is holding you back. Get curious; ask yourself questions about why you can’t seem to let go of past hurts. Often, the familiar discomfort or pain of what we know seems easier than the potential discomfort of the unknown.

You are meant to be brilliant and shine in this life. You have your own unique gifts and calling, and all the rest of us in the world are waiting to hear from you. If your soul is urging you, listen to it; it already knows what you need to do.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Supplements For Common Skin Conditions

If you suffer from skin conditions, you are probably familiar with the feeling of “I’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work!” Most skincare products on the market are substandard. Additionally, many are produced with only one goal in mind: to make a profit.

Consider this: in terms of revenue, the skincare industry doubles the cosmetics business. In 2019, the skincare market will have grown by more than 20 billion dollars in just five years. Keep this in mind the next time you fork over 100 bucks for some magic “overnight acne clearing” serum.

Here’s a little secret that these money hogs won’t tell you: that so-called secret formula often consists of nothing more than a few natural ingredients mixed together. Okay, so it may be a bit more complicated than that, but it’s fair to say that people can either eliminate or prevent most skin conditions – and without paying an arm and a leg.

Here are the top 10 supplements for naturally treating common skin conditions!

  1. Antioxidants from raw honey

Raw honey (none of that manufactured stuff!) can do a bit of everything. Containing antibacterial properties and a soothing texture, honey is perfect for reducing inflammation and healing cuts. Honey also pulls moisture into the skin, helping to “plump up” the thin layer around the eyes that tend to darken. Finally, honey contains alpha-hydroxy acid which helps exfoliate and moisturize the skin, making it the best natural anti-aging ingredient around!

  1. Hydroxy acid from citrus

Like honey, citrus fruits contain hydroxy acid. Companies use hydroxy acid in their products for numerous reasons, including its firming effect on the skin. Lemon juice is commonly applied directly to the skin (i.e., “topically”) to help promote natural skin pigmentation. Topical application of citrus fruits, like lemon and grapefruit, is one option; another is to simply eat more citrus, which is packed with vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant that helps your skin look its best!

  1. Vitamin A1 (Retinol)

Also known as retinol, Vitamin A1 is needed to hydrate and moisturize the skin. Vitamin A and its compounds are often referred to as “retinoids.” Multiple studies demonstrate the effectiveness of topical retinoids in treating acne and photo-aging (aging by sun exposure).

Excellent food sources of vitamin A include fortified dairy products, dark leafy greens, dark-colored fruits, and beef liver.

  1. Bromelain and papain (from pineapple and papaya)

Bromelain and papain are enzymes that act very similarly to alpha hydroxy acids. Found in fruits like pineapple and papaya, these two enzymes work by stimulating the skin in addition to exfoliating away dead skin cells. The result is skin that appears younger and much healthier. Topically apply homemade pineapple or papaya juice to achieve the best results.

  1. Vitamin K

Certain nutrients are critical to treating skin conditions and promoting skin health. One such nutrient is vitamin K, which is thought to treat irritated skin, dark circles, pigment discoloration, rosacea, and spider veins. Excellent food sources of vitamin K include collard greens, kale, leafy vegetables, and mustard seeds.

  1. Ascorbic Acid (from guava)

The delicious guava fruit contains a whopping 120 milligrams of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, which is more than double the recommended daily value set by the FDA. Vitamin C helps constrict the pores, giving the skin a firmer look and feel. Per the University of Oregon’s Linus Pauling Institute, vitamin C helps synthesize collagen, promote cellular health, and reducing skin damage caused by the sun’s UV rays.

  1. Lycopene (from tomatoes)

Lycopene is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps safeguard the skin from toxins such as environmental pollution. Look no further than a plump red tomato for a good dose of the stuff. Besides giving the tomato its beautiful red hue, lycopene helps protect the skin from UV radiation, fight acne breakouts, and reduce redness and swelling. You can consume tomatoes for the lycopene; you don’t have to apply it to your skin.

  1. Water

While technically not a supplement, water is critical to treating skin conditions. Dry skin is often the result of a person not drinking enough H2O. Per the Mayo Clinic, men require about 15.5 cups of water daily, and women about 11.5 cups.

You may need a higher water intake if you:

  • live in a humid environment
  • are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • engage in intense exercise
  • have a high temperature or fever

skin conditions

  1. Copper

Some claim that copper peptide is the most effective skin regeneration element around. Peptides from copper help regenerate and rejuvenate the skin, stimulate collagen and elastin production, and eliminate free radicals. Multiple studies confirm copper’s skin-softening and tissue-building properties.

Good sources of copper include avocados, beans and legumes, mushrooms, nuts, oysters, and seeds.

  1. ALA

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), otherwise known as the “anti-aging miracle”, is perhaps the most potent natural skin supplement anywhere.

Topical application of ALA thickens the skin membranes, resulting in firmer and healthier skin. ALA also reduces swelling and puffiness of the face, resulting in a much more youthful appearance. Finally, ALA helps regulate the production of nitric oxide, which controls blood flow to the skin.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Unique Ways To Eat Banana For Weight Loss

Are you trying to lose weight? Most of us have been on and off the weight loss bandwagon a few times or more. To lose weight and keep it off, it is essential to follow a diet that is natural and easy to stick to. Choose healthy foods. Bananas are a healthy option that help enhance weight lossExperts explain how they regulate blood sugar, digestive health, and satiation. These amazing benefits work together to optimize your weight loss results.

So, how do they work? They are rich in fiber and vitamins and are low in calories. They also help with muscle spasms that often accompany exercise. Plus, they expand in your stomach to increase fullness. You’re probably wondering how you can get started. Incorporate them into your meal routine in 10 unique ways.

10 Ways to Eat a Banana for Weight Loss

This superfood is a fantastic and delicious addition to any meal. They keep you feeling good and your weight will decrease as well. Make sure to combine them with other healthy foods and exercise for the best results.

1. Overnight Oats

Do you have a busy morning schedule that allows zero time for a meal? Overnight oats are an easy way to prep a delicious and portable breakfast. Add one whole ripe banana to your oats for even more flavor. All you need is one sliced fruit, a few drops of honey, a cup of almond milk, and a half cup of rolled oats. Mix all these ingredients together in a sealable mason jar. Leave it in your fridge overnight. In the morning, you’ll have a fresh breakfast that’s ready to go!

2. Pancakes

Ok, so let’s say you have time for a fully prepared meal in the morning. Banana pancakes are a healthier alternative to standard pancake mixes. They are simple and don’t contain all those unhealthy additives. Combine 1 large fruit with 2 eggs in your blender. Add one-eighth of a teaspoon of baking powder for fluffiness. Blend until the mixture is smooth. After that, just spread it on to your skillet and cook it like regular flapjacks!

3. Chocolate Fruit Bites

Are you a chocolate fiend? This dessert recipe is for you. Make a chocolate sauce with 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil and 1 and a half tablespoon of cacao powder. Make sure it’s unsweetened. Cut your ripe fruit into 1-inch slices. Afterward, simply stick a toothpick into each banana slice and dip them in your chocolate mixture. You also have the option to roll them in your favorite chopped nuts.

4. Smoothies

Smoothies are a great snack or breakfast option. You may use frozen or fresh bananas for this recipe. However, fresh ones are easier to blend. Chop two medium-ripe fruits into 1 to 2-inch slices. Add them to your blender with almond milk and your favorite healthy sweetener. Blend the mixture until it is totally smooth. You can even add your favorite protein powder to the mix. Doing so will give it a thicker consistency.

5. Granola Cereal

Granola cereal is full of fiber and easy to prepare. Make your favorite healthy cereal even healthier by topping it with some of this freshly chopped tropical fruit.

6. Chocolate Peanut Butter Nice Cream

This is a wonderful dessert substitution. It even adds a banana for weight loss. This recipe is great if you’re vegan or lactose intolerant. Simply slice up 2 frozen fruits and add them to your blender. Follow up by mixing in cacao powder and almond milk. Finish your nice cream with a dollop of natural peanut butter. Blend until you find the right consistency and enjoy this sweet treat!

7. Sushi

Don’t worry, you won’t be adding these sweet fruits to a fish recipe anytime soon. This is a dessert sushi. If you want a trendy way to eat a banana for weight loss, this is it. Dip one in your favorite melted dark chocolate and nut butter mixture. Roll it over some yummy chopped nuts. Finish your recipe by slicing your fruit into 1-inch pieces.

8. Bread

Bread is not usually associated with weight loss, so make it the healthy way! This banana bread recipe is lower in fat than most dessert breads. Add some mixed nuts to enhance the protein content as well.


9. Nut Butter Dip

This classic snack is straight out of your childhood. Plus, it’s simple. Cut your fruit into 1 to 2-inch slices. You can plate your fruit with a side of peanut or other nut butter for dipping. Eat this as a quick and healthy snack option that will keep you feeling full and satisfied.

10. Yogurt

Yogurt is another snack staple. Although, it’s important to stick to healthy Greek yogurt. Top it with this sweet fruit to get those extra nutrients in for the day.

Final Thoughts

Use banana for weight loss in these delicious recipes. These tropical fruits contain several essential vitamins and nutrients that keep your body in shape and functioning properly. Experts say they are one of the best diet foods. This is vital if you’re trying to lose weight. Bananas can be added to your favorite snacks, breakfasts, and desserts. Use it in trendy recipes as well. It will keep you healthy and happy.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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