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10 Early Signs of Tonsillitis (And How to Get Rid of It)

Tonsillitis, though commonly a child’s ailment, affects people of all ages. The condition is characterized by an inflammation of the tonsils located at the back of the throat. It develops because of a bacterial infection or virus. While there are ways to positively treat the symptoms of tonsillitis, including a surgical procedure for recurring conditions, the best remedy is always prevention.

Here Are 10 Early Signs of Tonsillitis and How to Get Rid of The Symptoms:

“The throat also represents the creative flow in the body. This is where we express our creativity, and when our creativity is stifled and frustrated, we often have throat problems. Tonsillitis and thyroid problems are just frustrated creativity, resulting from not being able to do what you want to do.” – Louise Hay

1. Inflammation and swelling of the throat

Inflamed and swollen tonsils can be uncomfortable and might make swallowing food or drinks difficult. The inflammation usually causes the throat to appear red and feel tender. The lump on the throat can be bothersome as well, as it’s not just the tonsils that are swollen. Even the lymph nodes, the neck, and the area under the chin could be sensitive and tender. Drinking warm tea with raw honey can relieve the inflammation and swelling.

2. Pain in the throat

It’s common to feel pain when the tonsils are inflamed and swollen since the glands are irritated and stretched. The only way to relieve the pain is to relieve the inflammation.  Gargle water with dissolved salt for best relief from this condition, as per the National Institutes of Health. But it’s also best to consult a doctor for an antibiotic treatment regimen.

3. Difficulty in breathing or talking

Aside from making eating hard, you could have problems breathing properly when you have a developing tonsillitis. Because your glands are swollen, it can block the airways in your throat so it’s also an effort to talk.  You might want to use a vaporizer or humidifier in your room to help clear the airways.

4. Change in your voice

Because of what’s happening inside your throat, your voice might slightly change and become muffled, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. You might also experience a difficulty in opening your mouth. If gargling with salt and water won’t help, you could take lozenges containing benzocaine to relieve your throat.

5. Ear pain with a headache

The pain of tonsillitis might spread over the ear as the nerves on the back of the throat become inflamed. If the pain impacts the ears, it can cross over to the head as well. You could take over-the-counter painkillers to clear your headache and provide temporary positive relief. However, if the root of the problem isn’t addressed, which are your tonsils, the headache can recur.

6. Bad Breath

Developing tonsillitis might cause bad breath because of the increasing bacteria inside your mouth. Since you won’t have the appetite to eat when it’s too painful to swallow, your stomach might produce chemicals that can cause bad breath as well.

The tonsil stones that form at the back of your throat can leave your mouth smelling bad – and brushing your teeth won’t help remove the odor. According to dentist Thomas P. Connelly via Huffington Post, the tonsil stones have to be removed with an irrigator at the dentist’s clinic. To prevent the stones from forming, it’s a good idea to gargle with a mouthwash twice a day. Otherwise, a doctor might recommend removing the tonsils altogether as a final resort.

7. Presence of white coating

If you open your mouth wide and notice white spots around your tonsils, this is a sure indication of a bacterial infection. This is also a sign that your condition might be contagious, so be sure to cover when you cough or sneeze. If possible, limit your contact with other people or wear a mask when you do have to come face to face with people.

8. Flu

Influenza or flu might trigger complications in your tonsils because of your weakened immune system. If you have the flu, give yourself a complete bed rest so that your body can recover faster and you won’t have to deal with the complications. Drink plenty of fluids and take your flu medication as prescribed as well to speed up your recovery.


9. Cold sores

Cold sores, also known as herpes simplex virus, cause blisters and bumps around your mouth and lips. If this is not treated properly, it could lead to tonsillitis because of the presence of the bacteria around your mouth area.

10. Strep throat infection

Developing a strep throat infection can also lead to tonsillitis. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort in your throat along with fever and body pain, get yourself tested. If needed, take the treatment for Streptococcus bacteria so that it won’t progress to tonsillitis.

Best Treatment Course

In general, treating tonsillitis involves positive thinking and an antibiotic regimen, pain management, and fluid replacement therapy. In severe cases, hospitalization might be warranted especially if your condition affects the way your body functions and disrupts your activities. Tonsillitis that becomes chronic might have to be removed through a surgery called a tonsillectomy. Please always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new regimen.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Questions to Ask Yourself If You Think You Want Your Ex Back

A few months after breaking up with your partner, you find yourself with a ton of questions, wondering if you’ve made the right choice. You have this yearning to reunite with your ex and that’s a normal feeling. According to The Journal of Social Psychology, at least one-half to two-thirds of ex-couples experience wanting to rekindle their relationship. But before you do decide to take your ex back into your life, here are some important questions you have to ask yourself.

Here Are 5 Questions to Ask Yourself If You Think You Want Your Ex Back

“Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.” – Carrie Bradshaw

1. What did not work in your relationship?

Examining why you broke up might immediately answer your questions of whether you should get back together with your ex or not. If it’s a reason that you both can rationally discuss, work out, and find solutions to this time around, then getting back together might be worth a second try.

Obviously, you had problems in your relationship so you called it quits. But you need to figure out if this problem will rear its ugly head again when you reconcile. Otherwise, the same old patterns will crop up.

If the cause of your breakup was due to major differences in your personalities, values, and beliefs, figure out how much you’re willing to compromise and accept. Sometimes, differences in a relationship can be a great thing, if it complements both partners. However, if the differences cause clashes and tension, then it might not be wise to proceed with the reconciliation.

2. How much have you grown up after the breakup?

Relationships bring out the best and worst in people. You need to ask yourself if you have grown up and improved since the breakup. If you don’t believe you experienced growth and if you’ve observed the same things in your partner, then it might not be a good idea to get back together at all. Jumping back into each other’s arms when you’ve not evolved will only cause the same problems to return.

3. Are your reasons for getting back together sensible?

Some people who reconcile with their ex do it for the wrong reasons. One of the worst things you can do is to get back together so that you no longer have to feel the pain, sadness, and rejection. You believe that accepting your ex back in your life will also bring back the positive feelings. But if you have not discussed the real issues or if you have not agreed to settle your differences, then there’s a big chance this positivity won’t last.

Getting back together if you still harbor resentment towards your ex won’t also be sensible. Your issues in the relationship will still be there. Think of relationships as if you’re building a house. Would you lay down the old and used bricks as your foundation?

Figure out what will make this second try different than the first. So, ask yourself these questions – what are the real reasons you want your ex back? Do these reasons matter more than why you broke up in the first place? If that’s a yes, then go ahead and give it another try.

4. How much are you willing to make this relationship work?

If you are leaning toward reconciling with your ex, how much do you want this to work? As it is, maintaining love and respect in a relationship is hard work. Mending a renewed but once broken relationship is even harder.

Will you be on the same page as your partner? Will you pour the same efforts to protect and value what you have?  If you’re serious about getting back together, what will you do to prevent old issues and habits from returning? And if old habits that annoy you indeed come to the surface, are you prepared to deal with all that again? If you don’t feel good about these things, then it might be a sign you shouldn’t get back with your ex.

In some cases, you need to have a healthy dose of realism. Understand that giving the relationship another shot will not be a breeze. Some of the little issues you had in the past might still trigger and tick you off, even if you’re faced with new and different challenges. At this point, getting a therapist to guide and intervene might be helpful so that you can properly communicate with each other if you’re serious about renewing your relationship.

5. Have you forgiven each other and acknowledged your mistakes?

Apart from recognizing what went wrong in your relationship, ask yourself if you have truly forgiven each other and if you have acknowledged your own mistakes. Forgiving and owning up to your part of the problem is vital to moving on and starting a new chapter of your life together.

fall out of love- questions

A study found in the Journal of Family Psychology revealed that when forgiveness is absent in a relationship that has experienced a conflict, then it is likely that this conflict will never be resolved. A lack of forgiveness between couples can strip the relationship of its positive, interpersonal ways of handling problems.

Another study by experts at UC Berkeley stated that people who don’t take responsibility for their actions are the ones who aren’t willing to change their behavior or make compromises. That should be a red flag when you want to get back with an ex.

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on these questions before getting back with your ex will prevent you from making another mistake or wasting each other’s time. If it’s a bad idea to get back together, then it might be because the universe is clearing the path for you to meet somebody new. Remember, positive thinking is what you need right now to get through this confusing phase of your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Heartbreaking Reasons Why Men Leave Women They Love

Love is like a flower: sweet, beautiful, and sometimes very colorful! Love is also like a flower in that it requires frequent pruning and watering for it to grow. Therefore, without the necessary ingredients, love may wilt and fade altogether.

It is an understatement to say life can be hard for a woman who has been left by her spouse. Hopefully this is something you have not (and will never) experience. It can feel like the end of the world. The partner who did not do the leaving may have so many questions, and no answers. Trust me when I say it is the hardest time of a woman’s life.

Have you ever been loved so much by someone that it never crossed your mind that they may someday abandon you? Well, even though love is real, sometimes emotions change. Sometimes things just happen.

Here’s my story: All my life, I have loved just one man. And he loved me too. He loved me so much that I was sure our love would last forever. However, we dated for only three years when things started going south. I pondered and wondered where I had gone wrong. I tried asking him, but he only said he wanted to pursue further studies. I felt shocked stupid by his response. But there was nothing I could do about it.

Well, if you have experienced something similar and are left wondering why, here are some reasons why men leave women they love.

Why men leave women they love:

Dissatisfaction in the bedroom

As women, we have to accept that our men love intimacy. But it is funny that a man will never tell you to your face that he wants intimacy. But if he grows tired from asking for it, he may just walk away. Research shows that men express their love for their women through intercourse. Denying him intimacy is equal to denying him a chance to show you his love. Also, frequent denial lowers their self-esteem. This is because you make your man feel undesirable. I mean, who does not like being desired?

So, if a man does not get intimacy from you or if he is not getting enough from you, my dear sister, he may begin considering thoughts about leaving you. This might sound harsh, but it is important to know the facts of how men tend to think and operate. If he is not being satisfied intimately in a relationships, he will likely move on to find a woman who will satisfy him.


In most cases, dissatisfaction leads to unfaithfulness. Roughly 70% of men who cheat tend to leave the women they love shortly afterward. Not all men can give their love and affection to two different women at the same time. So, they tend to leave the woman they once loved for the one they have grown intimate towards. In all honesty, they may have mistaken this new romance for love.

Some say that men cheat because women allow them to. That if a woman does not treat her man right, another woman will. Although this might seem completely unfair, sadly, in many cases this turns out to be true. Sometimes men seek an outside relationship if they feel their current partner no longer gives him the love, care, and affection he desires.

Lack of intimacy

Over the years, you have likely read articles emphasizing men’s love for intimacy. However, it has never been indicated that men crave affection. Intimacy involves bonding with your spouse through kissing, hugging, cuddling, and sharing your innermost feelings and thoughts. When you wake up in the morning and kiss your man, that is being intimate.

Wait a minute, have you sent your man a simple text during lunchtime asking him how he is doing? Do you call him frequently to tell him you love him? If you have done this in the past, are you still doing it or have you stopped?

Women tend to feel comfortable and sometimes take intimacy for granted once they get into a relationship. They forget that love requires day-to-day actions. You have to work on it to keep the fire burning. Lack of intimacy is one of the reasons why men leave women they love.


Men love women who add joy to their lives, not someone who is always angry and does not enjoy anything. Boredom is one of the reasons why men leave women they love. Men want women who are open to new ideas that add zest to a relationship. Let’s face it, some people are boring to be with. Decide that you won’t be boring and that you will do what it takes to keep that deep connection alive.

Fear of losing freedom

Ladies, although men crave times of intimacy, they also want their freedom. Do not hinder him from watching a football match with his friends. You should know that men highly value their boy time. A man may end up leaving the woman he loves if fears that he will lose the freedom to do the things he loves.

Loss of attraction

Men love with their eyes. Sometimes women neglect taking care of themselves. If you forget to dress well and make your hair, this action may be driving him away. A man loves it when he sees his woman making an effort to be beautiful for him.

Loss of attraction is one of the heartbreaking reasons why men leave women they love.

Trying to fix him

This is an important item on the list. Men hate being made into something they are not. When you try making him into what he is not, he will leave you the minute he notices. And even if he stays, he may grow resentful or bitter that you do not accept him for who he is. We all want to be loved and a huge part of love is acceptance. So, do not try to take control of your man’s life in that way. Respect each other for differences, even weak points, because that makes you both who you are.

Lack of emotional bonding

A man who loves his woman shows his vulnerability to her. He shares with her all his fears, weaknesses, and failures. This is not easy for any man, because they like to be strong. So when a woman is hard to approach, it becomes very difficult to bond emotionally.

When this happens, a man just might leave a woman he loves.

Lack of respect and appreciation

Love begins with mutual respect and attraction. Unfortunately, some women tend to disrespect their men by calling them abusive names or even badmouthing them. When this happens, a man feels disrespected and has no reason to remain.

Also, some women do not appreciate what their men do for them and are always comparing them with other men. Lack of appreciation is one of the reasons why men leave women they love because it lowers a man’s self-esteem, which drives him away.

why men leave women they love

Emotional co-dependence

Some women use phrases such as, “Without you, I would die,” or, “I could never love another man,” to try to keep their men from leaving them. It becomes very dangerous if your joy depends on your man being in your life.

Closing Thoughts

Naturally, you’ll want to do what you can to make your man happy. You should be someone that he can rely on emotionally. You need to respect and appreciate him. But remember that, above all, you are a strong and worthy woman. You deserve love and respect. Even if a relationship does not continue the way you hope, or ends sooner than you would like, you can make it through this. You can come out stronger than before.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Essential Nutrients For Moms Who Just Went Through A C Section

Going through a pregnancy can be difficult for some moms. It is an emotional process that can be physically draining before you even get to the delivery and post-partum experience. The tiny baby at the end eases the pain, but it’s still important to make sure mom is taken care of throughout the pregnancy and delivery process.

This article is going to focus on some of the ways you can use nutrition to ease the transition through the post-partum phase. These tips are important for every mom, but those who just had a c section need to pay special attention to their bodies as that procedure is considered a major surgery.

Here are essential nutrients for moms who recently had a c section:


Protein is essential because it is one of the main building blocks of your cells. It can help the healing process run more smoothly and provide you with increased protection against infection. Adequate protein intake can also help you keep your energy levels up, which will be especially important during c section recovery.

There are many ways to get protein, even if you follow a plant-based diet. New moms are trying to care for themselves, plus a new baby, and are doing so on very little sleep. This means that simple and easy  sources are best. Try having some hummus on hand to use with crackers or vegetables.


Zinc is going to be a key driving force when it comes to your body repairing itself from having a c section. It’s a great nutrient that can also boost your immune system and reduce the amount of inflammation at your surgical incision site. Less inflammation will also lead to decreased pain levels.

One great source to use in order to boost your zinc intake would be pumpkin seeds. These can be tossed on a salad or into a smoothie for a great snack during the day. You can also incorporate more beans or lentils into a soup or stew for added nutrition.


Vitamins and minerals are great at any time, but certain ones become especially important during a c section recovery. You specifically want to think about vitamins A, C, and E.

Vitamin C is going to boost your absorption of iron, which will be discussed later. It will also help as your body tries to heal itself. You can find it in many citrus fruits, like oranges.

Vitamin A and E are also great for skin repairs and shortening the healing time from your c section. Try eating some fresh carrots or broccoli for a strong dose of vitamin A, and check out some sunflower seeds and hazelnuts for vitamin E.

Increased Calories

The healing process after a c section burns through a fair amount of energy in order to accomplish every step that needs to be done. This means that you will need additional calories from a nutrient-rich source in order to keep up. If you don’t, then you will likely begin to feel tired and you could put yourself at a higher risk for infection.

New moms also need a caloric increase if they are breastfeeding. Your body burns extra calories in order to produce enough milk to feed the baby. Plan to add a few extra healthy snacks and plenty of water throughout the day in order to keep your milk supply stable.


Often, there is a higher amount of blood loss through a major surgery like a c section versus that of a vaginal delivery. Iron is going to be a great addition to your diet because it will help your body produce more red blood cells to recover the amount that was depleted during delivery.

c section

Iron is found in foods like dark leafy greens, tofu, beans and lentils. You will need to make sure you maintain adequate vitamin C intake to help your body absorb the iron. You may also need to increase your fiber intake if you take an iron supplement, as they can be very constipating.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats can be found in things like walnuts and flaxseeds. They are going to help minimize the amount of inflammation in your body after delivery. In addition, they can help you increase your caloric intake in a healthy way.


Hopefully, this article showed you some of the great ways to increase your nutrition after having a c section. It may seem like a lot, but try to take things one step at a time. Remember to drink plenty of water and add in some small healthy snacks throughout your day in order to get started.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Health Benefits of Sprouts (That You Didn’t Know)

Sprouts are one of the most nutritious foods you can consume and one of the best superfoods. Sprouts are made by soaking seeds of various plants until small white shoots germinate from them. These sprouts can then be consumed with different meals for additional nutrition and freshness of taste.

Sprouting naturally reduces the anti-nutrients in raw legumes, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds. Sprouted seeds can be cooked at a much faster pace than raw seeds. Along with the easiness of preparation, sprouted seeds contain so many benefits that it is unreasonable not to make them part of any diet. Here are the twelve sprouts benefits that you may not know about.

12 Health Benefits of Sprouts


Aids Digestion

The precise reason that all beans and legumes benefit from sprouting before cooking is that, in their raw form, beans, and legumes contain anti-nutrients and phytic acid that can block the absorption of minerals and vitamins. When sprouted, seeds release their living enzymes that boost the metabolic processes in your body and improve digestion. Dietary fiber found in the shoots of the seeds regulates digestion and keeps things moving within the gastrointestinal tract.

Aids Weight Loss

Sprouts are a nutrient-dense food that also has insignificant amounts of calories. With them, you get all the nutrients you need without the calorie bulk from eating too much food. The fiber in the germinated seeds keeps you satiated longer after a meal. The fiber decreases the ghrelin levels produced — the hormone that stimulates you to eat more.

Boosts Immunity

Germinated seeds contain high amounts of Vitamins C, A, and many others. Vitamin C fights infections and diseases, contributing to a more robust immune system. Vitamin A is a potent antioxidant that prevents cell damage from free radicals.

Stronger Eyesight

The Vitamin A inside sprouts is essential for improving vision and eye health. Eyesight and vision quality highly depend on the amounts of vitamin A in the eye. The antioxidant properties of the vitamin protect the cells inside the eyes from the effects of free radicals.

Supports Heart Health

Germinated seeds are a legitimate source of omega-3 fatty acids. This compound boosts the good cholesterol in the blood and reduces bad cholesterol levels that are responsible for major problems in the cardiovascular system. Omega-3 may also reduce inflammation in the whole body. This naturally decreases stress on the cardiovascular system. The potassium levels in the germinated seeds reduce blood pressure.

Maintains PH Balance

The PH balance in the body is essential for maintaining a healthy environment for cells to function properly. The foods that are a part of the modern diet tend to create an acidic medium in the body. This brings about most of the health conditions found today. Alkalizing the body means bringing the much-needed balance, so the cells can begin functioning optimally. Germinated seeds are highly alkalizing to the body. Eating them in their raw form ensures that this alkalizing quality is maintained and passed onto your body.

Maintains Youthfulness

Germinated seeds are a powerhouse of many antioxidant compounds. The main reasons that cells must renew constantly is because of the environmental damage caused to them by free radicals from the environment, poor diet, and stress. These free radicals can also influence the DNA inside the cells. Antioxidants counteract the activity of free radicals. Eating more germinated seeds means maintaining the youth of individual cells and the whole organism as a result.

Beautifies Hair

Your hair is one of your most important attributes. The vitamin A found in a sprout stimulates the hair follicles to grow stronger hair strands faster. The zinc inside sprout shoots stimulates the production of sebum — the natural oil the scalp produces to keep hair hydrated and strong.

Improves the Condition of Skin

The antioxidants in germinated seeds counteract the aging effects of free radicals. Vitamin C inside them stimulates the production of collagen — the main glue that holds connective tissue cells tightly together. Silica inside germinated seeds regenerates the connective tissues and removes toxins from the body, revealing bright and glowing skin.

Protects The Body From Disease

The oxygen found inside germinated seeds protects the organism against various bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Abnormal cell growth also ceased in the presence of oxygen. Diseases like cancer resulting from abnormalities in cell growth are positively influenced.

Increases Nutrients

If you suffer from any nutrient deficiencies or a multitude of them, germinating seeds is an excellent practice to get your full array of vitamins and minerals without isolated supplementation.

Boosts Metabolism

The wide array of enzymes in germinated seeds seriously boosts metabolic activity. The high amounts of protein in the food also boost the performance of chemical processes within the body. This leads to increased skin regeneration, bone density, and muscle growth.


Final Thoughts on Trying Sprouts for Better Health

A sprout is a multi-functional food that can be added to any dish and is a great all-in-one supplement to boost the regeneration of your entire body. Germinating seeds is easy to do at home. But please ensure you adhere to the guidelines of clean sprouting to get the best results from this fantastic superfood dish.

10 Foods That Help Flush Water Retention

Water retention (or “edema”) is the buildup of excess fluids within the body. Commonly occurring in the cavities and tissues, this extra water often produces visible effects, including swelling of the ankles, feet, legs, and hands.

Though the swelling can appear strangely abnormal, most cases of water retention are not threatening to health. These are some of the more common reasons for retaining water:

  • Chronic inflammation
  • Lack of physical activity (e.g., when bedridden due to illness)
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Food intolerance
  • Excess salt intake
  • Poor diet
  • Exposure to environmental toxins

Keep in mind that water retention can also be a symptom of severe medical conditions like kidney failure. For this reason, if you’re retaining water while also experiencing more severe symptoms, it wise to seek the advice of your primary caregiver.

Here are ten foods that can help reduce and flush water retention:

water retention

Let’s do this!

  1. Whole Wheat

Whole wheat flour is an excellent source of magnesium at around 160 milligrams per cup. Magnesium is a vital nutrient for health and is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions within the body.

Concerning water retention, magnesium interacts with other electrolytes, including sodium, to normalize the amount of water within the body, or “water balance.”

  1. Bananas

Bananas are loaded with potassium, but they are also packed with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). A study published in the Journal of Caring Sciences found that B6 “had the most … efficiency in improving (premenstrual syndrome.)” One of the most frequently experienced symptoms of PMS is bloating, which is caused by the body’s increased storage of water during this time.

  1. Avocado

One medium-sized avocado contains more potassium than any other food, registering over 1,050 milligrams, or approximately 30 percent of the recommended daily value (DV).

Potassium works to reduce water retention by lowering the body’s sodium levels and increasing urine production.

  1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon may help re-balance water levels by increasing our body’s core temperature – a process known as thermogenesis. This process effectively speeds up our resting metabolic rate, resulting in more fat (and water) loss.

Cinnamon may also decrease insulin resistance, thereby helping the body to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

  1. Carrots

Bug Bunny’s go-to food is loaded with phytochemicals – active plant-based compounds – that promote diuresis, or the production of urine. The body produces this urine from water and salt within the system.

Carrots also contain important antioxidants and vitamins that work to help detox the body.

  1. Ginger

Ginger is a miracle spice, aiding the body in any number of ways, from relieving pain to curing loss of appetite. It is no surprise, then, that ginger helps expel water from the body. It does so by increasing the production of urine and eliminating harmful toxins.

  1. Parsley

In a noteworthy study published by the National Institutes of Health, rats who drank a liquid form of parsley extract eliminated “a significantly larger volume of urine” compared to water by itself. The researchers note that the diuretic effects of parsley extract are due to the timely elimination of potassium and sodium from the body.

  1. Cranberries

We can’t discuss diuretics without mentioning the sumptuous cranberry! Cranberries are excellent for flushing the byproducts of waste in addition to excess water. Cranberries are also loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C, protecting the body from damaging toxins and free radicals while boosting the immune system!

  1. Garlic

Speaking of miracle foods, you can confidently add garlic to that list. The widespread use of garlic as a natural treatment (especially for the common cold) is due to its mineral-dense properties. Garlic contains antioxidants (including the potent allicin), vitamins B6 and C, and manganese and selenium, all of which play at least a small role in promoting healthy water balance and overall health.

water retention

  1. Various herbs

For brevity, we could not include every single herb that helps flush water retention. Studies show that the herbs dandelion, horsetail, and hibiscus may be among the most potent natural diuretics as far as natural remedies go.

Here are a few things to keep in mind that may help if you find yourself retaining too much water:

  • Try cutting back on salt: Reduce your intake of processed foods by substituting healthy, organic foods on occasion. Also, stay away from fast food and microwaved meals.
  • Get the ‘Big 3′: Eating foods high in magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6 is a must if you are trying to rid flush excess water.
  • Eliminate the refined carbs: White bread, white rice, and any other form of sugar or starches, except natural sugars from food, should be eliminated. Consuming refined carbohydrates while retaining water will only exacerbate the condition.
  • See a doctor: If your symptoms do not improve, it’s better to play it safe and seek the advice of a licensed physician or your chosen wellness professional.

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