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Science Explains How Turmeric Can Give You Perfect Glowing Skin

When people are on a journey to find the next all-natural trend in beauty and skin care, most do not think to look in their very own kitchen pantry or refrigerator. The fact is, the most simple and cost-efficient skin cleansers, moisturizers and facial mask ingredients can be found at home. One of the most underrated and all natural ingredients which can help you manage and even alleviate a host of different skin ailments is turmeric.

You may wonder just how this naturally found remedy which has been used in so many different ways for centuries can help you brighten your skin. It contains powerful antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help bring out your skin’s natural beauty and glow. Curcumin is this key component which gives it such special abilities.

The following is a list of many ways you can use turmeric for skin care.


It is a natural and gentle exfoliant

By mixing the golden powder with plain water or rose water, gently massaging into your skin and allowing the mixture to sit on your skin for 15 minutes, then rinsing it off with warm water, you will be left with smooth fresh skin. If you have a little yellow residue left on your skin, simply use your favorite facial wash to clean it off.

It helps treat acne

Known for its antibiotic properties, it helps kill bacteria which is the main cause of breakouts. The anti-inflammatory properties also help control the swelling and severe redness associated with acne. Turmeric for skin goes even further by helping to diminish the appearance of acne scarring.

It can ease psoriasis

Psoriasis has been known to be treated by this natural remedy because it blocks inflammatory enzymes linked to this skin condition. It also reduces the levels of cytokines, which cause skin inflammation and can result in psoriasis. An easy treatment for psoriasis is to make a paste with turmeric and water. Apply this paste to any psoriasis flare-up location. Cover the spots with a bandage wrap and allow the mixture to do its magic overnight. Rinse the spots the next morning and pat dry.

Turmeric balances hormones

Another fantastic use for this natural miracle is to help control the growth of excessive facial hair caused by hirsutism. This condition is the result of a hormonal imbalance in men and women. Turmeric, when taken orally, has been said to help balance hormones, thus reducing the symptoms of hirsutism.

Another way to combat excessive hair that can appear on your face due to hormone imbalance is by creating a simple face mask of this golden spice, gram flour, and milk. Combine these ingredients and apply to the affected areas of your skin. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes or until it dries. Gently use your dampened fingers and scrub it off your face. Rinse with warm water and pat to dry. If used on a regular basis, you will notice a decrease in the amount of facial hair growing.

Helps skin appear more youthful

Skin bleaching or even a reduction of dark spots and circles can be achieved by using this natural ingredient, avoiding many of the chemicals and harmful agents found in many over-the-counter products found today. It allows your skin to stay youthful and glowing as curcumin kicks in to restrict the ACTH hormone which supports a protein called MC1R. MC1R is a key protein responsible for the production of melanin. A simple mask of turmeric combined with lemon juice can be used as an all natural facial mask.


Simple Precautions

As we have learned, turmeric offers us so many wonderful benefits for our skin. It is all natural and has been trusted by people for centuries; however, when it comes to today’s modern medicine, it is wise to air on the side of caution when you first start to consume it orally, whether it is in the foods you eat or as a supplement. Be sure to consult with your doctor to see if it will have a harmful interaction with any medications you may be taking. Before you start using it topically on your skin, be sure you perform an allergy test on a small spot of your skin. Keep in mind that sometimes it will leave a yellowish residue on your skin after use. Do not worry. This discoloration will wash away.

Curcuma longa is truly a natural-made miracle for many skin ailments and has been linked to many other various health benefits. Since it can be found in so many different forms such as powders, supplemental capsules or pills and even in an oil, there is really an abundant number of ways in which you could easily incorporate it into your daily routine and reap all of its benefits.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Stop Leg Cramps Immediately

Muscle cramps are uncomfortable, painful, and strike unexpectedly. If you are prone to leg cramps, you likely want to know how to stop leg cramps immediately.

While cramps sometimes ease without help within minutes, other times, they require a home leg cramp remedy to alleviate the pain.

Leg cramps occur when a muscle contracts involuntarily, causing momentary immobility. You will likely feel a hard lump or knot at the location of the pain, which is the contracted muscle. Leg cramps most commonly occur in the calf muscle or thighs but can happen in any leg muscle.

Sometimes cramps set in while you’re sleeping, waking you up with sudden, shocking, and excruciating pain. Other times they occur during or after exercise or for seemingly no reason at all. No matter the reason for your cramps, learning how to stop leg cramps immediately can help.

When the bundles of muscles fibers in your legs contract involuntarily, it causes a cramp that can last anywhere from seconds to minutes. Cramps hurt, with symptoms ranging in severity, but there are many ways to alleviate the discomfort at home by yourself. You can also work to prevent muscle cramps from occurring as frequently.

What Causes Leg Cramps?

Muscle cramps happen for a variety of reasons that often depend on your lifestyle. Some causes of leg cramps include the following:how to stop leg cramps

  • overexertion during exercise
  • sitting in one position for too long
  • having poor posture
  • not practicing ergonomics if you work at a desk
  • holding in stress or negative emotions
  • dehydration and electrolyte imbalances
  • working out in hot or humid environments
  • standing in one position for too long
  • nutrient and mineral deficiencies
  • a strained muscle
  • muscle fatigue
  • alcoholism
  • hypothyroidism
  • diabetes
  • weight training
  • medication such as birth control pills, diuretics, and albuterol
  • not stretching enough
  • poor circulation

Risk Factors for Leg Cramps

Some factors make you more likely to experience leg cramps or increase the frequency, including:

  • being pregnant
  • menstruating
  • overusing the leg muscles
  • being 65 or older
  • participating in recreational running
  • playing sports that require extensive running

How To Stop Leg Cramps

Most cramps go away within minutes as the muscle relaxes, but sometimes it isn’t so easy. Learning how to stop leg cramps immediately can help you ease the uncomfortable, painful experience and find relief.

how to stop leg cramps1. Stretch It Out

Stretching your leg muscles can help stop a cramp quickly. If the cramp is in your hamstrings, sit up straight and stretch both legs out in front of you. Stretch your arms out as far as you can, and hold the position for 30 seconds without locking your knees or rounding your back.

For a calf cramp, start with a calf stretch by leaning into a wall while keeping one foot in front of another. Keep your toes pointed forward and your feet flat, and bend your front knee while keeping your back leg straight. Hold the position for 30 seconds before switching to the other side and repeating the stretch.

You can ease a cramp in your quads by holding onto a wall or chair while keeping your knees close together. Lift one foot upward toward your bottom, and hold your ankle while bringing your heel into your body. Once you feel the stretch, hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

2. Increase Your Magnesium Intake

Frequent leg cramps are a sign of a magnesium deficiency. Try adding more magnesium to your diet by eating nuts and seeds, as they are excellent sources.

Studies show that increasing magnesium intake is especially helpful for pregnant people’s muscle cramps. If you think a lack of magnesium could be the cause, consider adding a magnesium supplement to your diet.

3. Heat or Cold Application

Using heat and cold for leg cramps treatment can help alleviate the pain and discomfort immediately. Using heat as soon as the muscle spasm begins can help loosen it up before the pain becomes too intense. It also improves blood circulation, helping your muscle relax.

You can use a heating pad, take a warm bath, or apply a warm towel to apply heat to the area. If you take a bath, consider adding Epsom salts to help with muscle relaxation. When using a heating pad, start on the lowest setting and don’t increase the heat unless you aren’t experiencing relief.

After the heat loosens the muscle up a little, apply cold to the area for further improvement. For a cold application, use a freezer pack or a bag of ice on the area. Wrap the cold item in a towel first to prevent skin damage.

4. Focus on Hydration

Drinking plenty of water is one of the best things to do when you’re learning how to stop leg cramps. You should drink at least eight glasses of water, but having 11 glasses is the best option. If you drink caffeine or alcohol, you should aim to take in even more water than usual.

You can also drink a sports drink with electrolytes to help speed up the relief. Dehydration is a common cause of leg cramps, so make sure you’re staying hydrating and replenishing your electrolytes.

5. Walk Around

When you’re trying to learn how to stop leg cramps quickly, get up and move around. As you walk, wiggle your leg to promote the relaxation of your muscle cramps. Walking signals the muscle to relax after it contracts, returning to its intended functioning.

Suppose your leg cramp sets in while you’re lying down. Simply standing up can make a difference. Put some weight on the affected leg to alleviate the stiffness and discomfort.

6. Massage the Area

A massage can make all the difference when you want to stop leg cramps immediately. Relax the muscle as much as possible, and then use your hands or a massage roller to loosen up the muscles and find relief. Additionally, you can massage your leg cramp with a heating pad or ice pack to further promote muscle loosening.

When you stretch, consider following up with a massage for further relief. Between the stretching and massage, you will find quick, lasting relief. Some people find that massaging the afflicted muscle during exercise helps, too.

7. Elevate Your Legs

Sometimes, a cramp will set in when your toes are pointed downward, and your knees are slightly bent. This position is the reason leg cramps happen so frequently when you are asleep in your bed. If you have a cramp, adjusting your position and elevating your legs are essential.

Keep your leg elevated until the cramp starts to subside. Consider using some of the other methods for how to stop leg cramps immediately to find quick relief.

How To Prevent Muscle Cramps

While there is no way to ensure you never get a cramp again, you can do things to prevent them from setting in. Some of the ways to prevent muscle cramps include:

  • Staying Hydrated: Drinking enough water and limiting caffeine and alcohol can help prevent muscle cramps. Dehydration is a leading cause of leg cramps, so if you can fix the underlying issue, you’ll experience less of them. Caffeine and alcohol contribute to this problem because they dehydrate your body.
  • Change Your Sleep Position: Adjusting how you sleep can help prevent cramps during the night. If you sleep on your back, prop your feet on pillows to ensure that your toes point upwards. Hang your feet over the edge of the bed if you sleep on your stomach. Propping your feet or hanging them over the bed both help keep you relaxed as you sleep.
  • Stretch Often: If you are prone to cramps during the night, try stretching your leg muscles before you sleep. Additionally, stretch before and after an exercise routine to help warm your muscles and prepare them for change.
  • Exercise Regularly and Safely: Doing frequent leg exercises can help prevent leg cramps, but you must avoid overexertion. You should also ensure that your shoes fit correctly and support your feet as you exercise. Don’t do exercises that make the pain worse, as finding ones to ease the pain is essential.

how to stop leg crampsFinal Thoughts on How to Stop Leg Cramps Immediately

When it comes to stopping leg cramps, you’ll want to do it as soon as possible. They often ease on their own within minutes, but that isn’t always the case. Cramps can make it hard for you to move, and they can cause excruciating pain.

Learning how to stop leg cramps immediately can help you keep moving and recover from the discomfort or pain. Plus, you might not have to take medication for cramps if you implement these natural ways to get rid of leg cramps.

Waking up in the middle of the night to a severe leg cramp is never pleasant, but you can stop it quickly and get back to bed. Plus, finding ways to prevent leg cramps can help decrease the frequency, potentially eliminating the experience. If you still get cramps, though, you can find a few easy home remedies that work for you.

5 Exercises That Make You Age Slower

Everyone wants to look younger, and you don’t have to resort to expensive face creams or dangerous surgery to get the results you want. Did you know that simple face exercises can help you age slower? They don’t take long to do, and best of all, they’re absolutely free of charge!

According to a Northwestern Medicine study, a 30-minute facial exercise program done daily or every other day over a span of 20 weeks improved the facial appearance of middle-aged women. Dermatologists rated the age of participants based on appearance at the beginning and end of the study and concluded that participants looked three years younger, on average!

In today’s stressed-out world, people tend to tense their facial muscles, which can give the appearance of looking older. So, learning to relax your face muscles can help you look (and feel) younger and happier! We’re positive that you’ll get some benefit from the following quick facial exercises that you can do anywhere.

Here are five exercises that make you age slower:


While this list involves face exercises that help you age slower, a toned neck can help you look younger as well. This exercise helps prevent a “turkey neck” that can result from sagging skin due to aging. To perform this exercise, simply lift your chin and tilt your head back until the skin under your jaw is firm. Push your lower jaw forward while pressing your tongue down and pouting your bottom lip out. Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat a couple more times.


One surefire way to age slower is to keep those dark circles under your eyes at bay. While remembering to breathe deeply, simply look up with just your eyes until you feel slight tension. Keep your head forward and shoulders relaxed. This will feel like you’re looking at the inside of your eyes, but don’t freak out. Hold this for 30 seconds and repeat four times.


A research study found that smile muscle training can improve muscle conditioning and make patients appear younger after corrective dental surgery. So, if you want to age slower and improve your smile, make sure to include this exercise in your regimen!

For this exercise, simply pinch the corners of your mouth while smiling as wide as you can. You’ll feel a resistance in your facial muscles that will help lift your cheeks and improve your smile.


Positive thinking can certainly help you look and feel younger, but doing an exercise for your upper eyes can give you a younger appearance as well. With the three middle fingers of both hands, press your fingertips against the lower brow line of your eyebrows. While frowning, press your fingers in and upward gently; this will create resistance and help lift your eyes.

face exercises


While this isn’t a face exercise, having a defined collarbone will help accentuate your neck and make you appear younger. With your neck turned, rotate your opposite shoulder forward about two to three inches until you see a hollow triangle shape form between your neck and collar bone. Repeat for each side.

Final thoughts

We hope that you get awesome results from these exercises that will help you age slower. If you want to look younger, try doing these daily or every other day for the best results. Also, make sure to eat plenty of fresh, whole foods and drink adequate amounts of water. Avoid things that make you look older such as smoking, excessive drinking, and eating processed foods with added sugar.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Acute Anxiety Treatment: Causes, Symptoms And Tips

Practically everyone at some point in their life feels a sense of anxiety. Anxiety is defined as the anticipation of a negative outcome. Furthermore, it is often associated with avoidance behavior and muscle tension. It’s a normal reaction when facing stressful situations such as a final exam, phobias, or even a business presentation. Acute anxiety can also be beneficial in times of need. Likewise, it alerts us and helps us prepare in dangerous situations.

At the same time, anxiety disorders affect over 30% of Americans. Acute anxiety disorder is a feeling of fear, apprehension, nervousness, or worry. It can be a debilitating disorder that causes people to avoid situations that may trigger their symptoms. It can affect their school work, personal life, and job performance. Anxiety likewise becomes a problem when the sufferer can’t sleep or function. Women and teenagers are the most susceptible to acute anxiety disorders.

Medical researchers are unsure about how anxiety disorders begin. They stem from a combination of things such as genetics, environmental stressors, and changes in the brain.

Common Types Of Anxiety Disorders 

Anxiety disorders can certainly impact a person’s daily life. It is an umbrella term that includes several conditions, including those that may require treatment:

• Panic Disorder 

This occurs when you feel a panic attack or a feeling of terror striking at random. It may cause you to experience heart palpitations, chest pain, the sensation of choking, or feeling like you are having a heart attack.

• Social Anxiety Disorder 

Also known as social phobia, social anxiety makes you feel overwhelmed in normal social situations. You may obsess about the potential for others to judge or embarrass you.

• Specific Phobias 

specific phobia is an intense fear of a specific situation such as flying or a fear of heights. Because the phobia can be so extreme, you may avoid ordinary activities.

• Generalized Anxiety Disorder 

Also known as GAD, generalized anxiety disorder is tension or worry for no apparent reason. It can come on unprovoked and cause restlessness, trouble with focusing, and constant worrying.

• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 

OCD is characterized by unwanted recurring thoughts (obsessions), and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Repetitive behaviors include excessive counting, checking, and hand washing. Another common symptom is obsessive cleaning. These compulsions may be out of hope that they will make the obsessive thoughts go away.

•Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 

Finally, PTSD commonly develops after one is exposed to a horrific ordeal or event. Examples of these traumas include accidents, natural disasters, violent assaults, or military combat.

Symptoms Of Anxiety 

All anxiety disorders share some general symptoms:

  • Fear, uneasiness, panic
  • Restlessness or insomnia
  • Tingling of hands or feet
  • Agitation
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dry mouth
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Tense muscles
  • Dizziness


If you believe you are experiencing panic attacks or anxiety you should contact your doctor immediately for acute anxiety treatment. They will examine you and your medical history as well as run tests to rule out underlying illnesses. A psychiatrist or psychologist can also speak with you in-depth and use specific testing to determine if you have an acute anxiety disorder. Finally, inform your physician of any herbal or over-the-counter medications you take, as they can interfere with anti-anxiety medications.

acute anxiety treatment

Acute Anxiety Treatment 

There are acute anxiety treatment options for anxiety disorders. The treatments and therapies can help people live life to their fullest. Many antidepressants and low-dose antipsychotic drugs can help lower anxiety. Additionally, counseling will likely address the emotional response to mental illness. Cognitive behavioral therapy will teach you to recognize your triggers and thought patterns and learn how to change them. A psychotherapist can probably help determine which acute anxiety treatment is best for you.

Suffering from anxiety can be completely overwhelming and disabling. However, the proper psychological and acute anxiety treatment can help you manage your symptoms. You can prevent the onset of an anxiety attack by limiting foods and drinks that contain caffeine including tea, coffee, soda, chocolate, and energy drinks. Caffeine is known to alter one’s mood and can heighten symptoms of anxiety disorders, making them worse. Eating right and exercising regularly will not only help you sleep better, but it will also release serotonin in the brain to improve your mood. Additionally, making a good night’s sleep a priority will minimize your chances of having anxiety.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Coffee Brewing Methods Every Coffee Lover Needs to Try

Coffee is probably one of the most versatile food products on the planet, which makes it easy for everyone to find a way to brew it that makes their soul happy.

This article will talk about different coffee brewing methods and coffee brewing tips so that you will be sure to impress any guest you invite over with your incredible skills.

Here are 10 coffee brewing methods every coffee lover must try:

1. Chemex

The Chemex is an aesthetically pleasing machine that allows you a pour-over method for brewing your coffee. Using this type of machine involves a special filter that is thicker than most, and the process requires that you wet the filter before adding your grounds. This machine also allows you to brew multiple cups at a time, and you only spend a couple of minutes waiting for the brew.

2. Pour Over

For this method, you simply add the cone filter and your grounds, then pour hot water over the top. This produces only one cup at a time and brews in three minutes or less. This is also one of the easiest coffee brewing methods because it is fast and cheap.

3. French Press

This method takes quite a bit longer to brew than some of the other methods, but provides you with a distinct flavor that makes the wait worth it. You will need a coarse grind because a fine grind will pass through and give you a bitter-tasting coffee.

4. Aero Press

You can think of this brewing technique as a sort of syringe. A filter sits at the bottom, full of coffee grounds and hot water. An additional plunger enters from the top and forces the coffee through the filter and into the cup. It is a quick method but only makes one cup at a time.

5. Stovetop Moka Pot

This is a three-part system that relies on water boiling to provide steam and pressure to produce a shot of coffee. The pressure forces the water into the grounds above to provide you with your drink. This is one of the quicker coffee brewing methods, although getting the grind size correct can be tricky.

6. Siphon

This method looks like an invention from a mad scientist, but its charm helps provide a mellow flavored coffee. Grounds are added to the top, heat forces the water up to brew, and then gravity pulls the liquid back down for your cup. It can also brew more than one cup at a time, making it very convenient.

7. Espresso Brew

A shot of espresso is strong and lacks bitterness, but also provides a hefty dose of caffeine for those mornings that you just can’t go without. Make sure you use a finer grind for best results. Your machine will brew your fix within a minute once it’s warmed up.

8. Nitrous Coffee

This mix comes from a cold brew and ends up being very crisp. It also has a nice froth on the top. The added nitrogen can help the caffeine pack a more powerful punch, so this coffee is great if you need a strong afternoon pick-me-up.

9. Coffee Bag

This is a basic brewing method that’s great for beginners. Your grounds are contained in a filter bag, similar to tea, and you simply drop the bag into your hot water. A few minutes later, your coffee is ready. Some coffee brewing tips for this method include not to over-steep the coffee as this can make it bitter, and to store your bags in an airtight container to keep them fresh.

coffee helps in losing weight

10. Turkish Brew

Turkish brew coffee uses a Turkish pot and very finely ground beans. You start by boiling the mixture and letting it simmer several times. This eventually offers a very strong brew that has a thick foam. It has a strong caffeine punch and a sharp taste.


As you can see, there are several different coffee brewing methods, and it all comes down to how strong you like your flavors. You can opt for something like an espresso shot that gives you a quick hit of caffeine, or you can spend longer and get a deeper flavor with something like the Chemex or Turkish grinder. Regardless of the method you use, make sure you do your homework so you have the right grind. (And follow any other special instructions.) No one wants to spend time on one of these excellent coffee brewing methods just to have it turn into a bitter mess.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Things Women Think About Most In A Relationship

Women, by nature, are the nurturers and healers of the world. Mother Teresa, Princess Diana; and more recently, people like Angelina Jolie and Oprah Winfrey have made it among their top priorities to contribute something to the world.

How does the above relate to the article’s topic?

Well, as you might know, men and women tend to think very differently, with women coming from a more emotional perspective. If you’ve been wondering what women think about, this list will cover a few common thoughts women have on a daily basis. 

Note that most of the thoughts have something to do with caring for others and making an impact on the world.

Here are six things women think about in a relationship:

1. What to wear

With so many options of what to wear, many women spend a good bit of time each morning picking out an outfit. However, they might change it a few times until they get just the right look for the occasion; for example, their job. Depending on their job, most women have a dress code they have to adhere to. Even if they choose an outfit that they think is suitable, though, they obsess over if their skirt is too short or if they’re revealing too much cleavage. Women typically think more about others’ emotions and opinions than men, so they don’t want to disappoint anyone or embarrass themselves. It’s hard being a woman, sometimes.

2. How are the kids?

Just as a mama bear keeps her cubs close, a woman keeps her babies at the forefront of her mind. Their child’s safety, health, and well-being always come before their own.

Not only do they think about how to arrange their schedules to accommodate their children’s needs; they are also contemplating how they can be a better mother. When your woman appears stressed out and overwhelmed, there’s a good chance that she’s pondering something related to her kids.

On a related note…

3. How does my house look?

Women love to stay organized, and one of the top priorities on a woman’s to-do list is cleaning her home. After all, this is where she goes after a long day of work to relax, restore, and rejuvenate her soul. It’s where she spends time with her family and makes valuable memories. She cannot possibly feel good about coming home to a dirty house, so even while she’s working or doing something away from home, she’s thinking about what needs cleaning or tidying.

Plus, a woman wants to keep the house clean for her family’s sake, too, because caring for them is a top priority for her.

4. How she looks

Whether it’s because of societal pressure or their own body image, women put a tremendous amount of thought into their looks. It’s isn’t because they’re superficial; they just want to feel good about themselves and feel confident in front of others. Especially with the advent of social media, women tend to think about how they compare to other women and can become a little too critical of their bodies or appearance at times.

They also think about if their makeup looks okay or if their hair needs a little sprucing up, along with if they should lose a few pounds or if their outfit is too tight. Sure, women may obsess over their looks, but they can’t help it; it’s just a part of their DNA.

5. If her significant other is happy

As we said before, women are natural caregivers and nurturers, so they always want to make sure their immediate family is taken care of. They will go out of their way to make their partner happy, because they don’t want to see them hurting or in pain. A woman won’t stay in a one-way relationship, however, but if her partner contributes to her happiness as well, then her significant other will most certainly get the love and affection they deserve.

6. Making things better for others

Whether or not you realize it, women – as the more emotional and benevolent of the two species – are always thinking about some way to make someone else’s life better.

Women absolutely love making some type of mark on the world. They want, and sometimes need, to make a notable difference in the world. Whether it’s leaving flowers and a note for a downtrodden co-worker, or volunteering to chaperone for their kid’s field trip, women want to uplift other people somehow.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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