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How To Grow Herbs At Home: An Easy 7 Step Guide

Having a few plants around the house can brighten up any home, but not everyone has the space to contain more than a couple of large, leafy green houseplants. Many don’t even have backyards to grow their own foliage, let alone an entire garden. Whether you want to bring a bit of life into your house, experience the serenity of gardening on a smaller scale, or even if you just want to try something new, learning how to grow herbs at home is fun and surprisingly easy.

These simple steps will show you how to grow herbs:

1. Start Shopping

To grow herbs, choosing the best type of seeds for an indoor garden is the oh-so important first step. There are plenty of herb seeds amazon that are commonly grown indoors and are perfect for first-time herb garden growers. You may want to try mint, parsley, rosemary, or basil to start, especially if you’re of a culinary mindset, but take a good look at the different types of herbs and see which looks like the best fit for your garden. It’d be easiest to start with just two or three different seed types, then expand more as you learn how to grow herbs more comfortably.

2. Soil Selection

Choosing your soil comes next. You can opt for a seed starting mix to help with the germination of your herb seeds, which is lighter than most garden soil and is better for some of the more delicate seed types. However, most herbs are able to grow in regular, well-drained garden soil, so no need to break the bank or get too particular when it comes to this step. The same garden shop where you purchased your seeds will be able to supply you with perfectly good soil for your indoor garden, no matter which option you choose.

3. Planting Position

Now to find the perfect spot for your garden to grow. Many people choose to have their garden live in the kitchen or on a windowsill near it. If your kitchen receives around six to eight hours of sunlight, then its the ideal place for your garden to live and thrive. If not, then it’d be best to find a sunnier spot. Herbs prefer more heat and warmth than cold on the whole, but be careful of roasting or drying them out as well.

4. Seed Sowing

With your planter packed and the soil lightly watered, take your chosen seeds and simply sprinkle them on top of the soil. Depending on the type and size of the seeds, you may need to spread them out more, but typically two or three seeds per planter will suffice. You won’t need to press the seeds deeper into the soil, as they will find their roots on their own.

5. When to Water

The soil should ideally remain damp to the touch, so its best to check your herb garden daily to test the moisture level on top. If you go to check the soil and it’s become dry on top but still damp on the lower layers, that means its time to water your herb garden again. Just a bit of water to re-dampen the top layer will do, as your herbs won’t take well to being drowned.

6. Germinating Guidelines

Depending on the type of seeds you planted, the time it will take your garden to grow herbs will vary. However, most herbs will start germinating within one to two weeks on average, with longer holdouts like parsley taking about three weeks. Though you’ll begin to see the sprouts poking through the top of the soil, you’ll have to wait a bit longer before the herbs are ready to be snipped and plucked.

Used how to grow herbs

7. How to Harvest

Now that you know how to grow herbs, its time to reap the benefits of your hard work. Different herbs are collected in different ways; for example, basil is cut off in a large leaf versus the more meticulous plucking of mint leaves from the central stem. It’d be a good idea to do some further research on your particular herbs and learn how they can best be harvested.

Your garden has flourished! Now what? Many people know how to grow herbs and use them in recipes, of course, but herbs such as peppermint and tarragon can be used in a number of holistic medicines and home remedies as well. Lavender is a lovely aromatic, as is sage, and both add light touches of fresh color to your garden. You can use the herbs grown in your garden in any number of ways, and, after reading through this how-to guide, the process of growing them will no longer be daunting.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Not Losing Weight On Keto Diet? Here Is What You Are Doing Wrong

The Keto diet is all the rage. It’s a sister plan to the Adkin’s, but people swear by the fat burning potential that comes along with eating this restricted lifestyle. The rigorous regimen demands higher fat, moderate protein, and low carbs. Have you seen the hundreds of testimonials, yet you feel like it’s not working for you? Don’t worry; we have a few tips for you.

If you are not losing weight eating a keto diet, then here are the possible seven reasons why:

1. You Are Overeating Protein

When considering the keto diet for weight loss, many people think they can consume as much protein as they like. Unlike other low-carb plans, this one wants you to consume more fat than protein. If you are pounding the protein, you could be causing an upset in your body’s burning potential. Erase all the other low-carb mindsets that teach you to eat as much protein as you like. On this plan, you want to increase the fat and eat about 20 percent meat.

2. Your Calorie Consumption Is Too High

While many of the advertisements for weight loss products guarantee that you can eat what you want and lose weight, there is no such plan. In fact, if you overeat on the keto diet, you will still gain weight. When you increase your fat, it increases your burning potential. However, if you are eating more than you burn, you will not lose any weight. The beauty of this diet is that when you eat more fat and protein, you feel fuller. The fuller you feel, the less you need to eat to be satisfied. Document your caloric intake and see if you need to make adjustments.

3. You’re Not Eating Enough

Part of the problem that many people have on a low-carb diet is that they cannot change their mindset. They try to start this eating plan using the knowledge they learned on previous diets. On this plan, less is not more. You need to eat adequate calories to provide your body with enough fuel. If you live on 1,200 calories, you are not going to lose weight. No carbs and 1,200 calories will make your body feel that it’s in starvation mode, and it will hold onto the fat.

4. You’re Consuming Carbs You Don’t Realize

The goal is to have under 20 grams of carbs per day. While that sounds easy in theory, even healthy fruits and vegetables are loaded with sugars. Forget having any sweet or regular potatoes. Even carrots have high carb content. You want to fill your plate with broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and lettuce. However, you still must consider that these foods have carbs. You can easily max out your daily limit just by having a small side salad.

5. Too Many Cheat Days

Many people love the thought of doing the keto diet for weight loss, but they can’t seem to stay on track. Do you have too many cheat days? Everyone is going to cheat occasionally, and you’re only human. The problem is that when you take a day off, you often consume more calories than you should. You feel deprived, and you try to make up for lost time. All the progress you made that week gets erased by a binge session with your favorite high carb goodies.

6. You Need To Eat More Fat

It sounds like an oxymoron to say that you need to eat more fat to lose weight. However, on the keto diet, that is precisely what you must do. The body normally gets fuel from carbohydrates. Since the body is lacking on sugars to give it the proper fuel, then it must burn fat instead. Fat burns fat. It sounds weird, but it’s scientifically proven. You need to be eating about 80 percent fat each day, and that’s a tall order for anyone.

control blood sugar

7. You’re Not In Ketosis

The keto diet gets its name from ketosis, which is the state when the body is burning fat for fuel. You may be following the diet as closely as you can and eating what you should, but your body may not be in ketosis. While the average person can go into this ultra-fast burning state at about 20 carbs per day, some people can eat up to 50 and still be burning fat.

The truth is that this diet requires a lot of math and body analysis to ensure that the carbs and macronutrients are in balance. Even then, your body may or may not cooperate. The only way to tell for sure if you are burning fat is through a breathalyzer or urine strip. These test will be able to see if the body is passing ketones.

The keto diet is a great way to lose weight for those who are incredibly disciplined. If you can journal your foods and keep track of your macros and carbs, then it may be a good option. However, your body still may not cooperate, and if you don’t go into ketosis, then this diet won’t do you any good.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Healthiest Herbs And Spices You Should Be Eating To Improve Your Health

The health benefits and healing powers of herbs and spices have been known since ancient times. Various herbs and spices have been used in religious rituals and medicines around the world for centuries. Although today we mostly use herbs and spices for cooking, research shows these long-ago civilizations were on to something.

Monica Auslander Moreno, dietician for the Miami Marlins and a professor at the University of Miami says, “Herbs and spices make food tastier while boosting your health.” She encourages her clients to use herbs and spices for cooking regularly. All herbs and spices are parts of plants and are loaded with healthy compounds found to fight illness and disease. All are rich in phytochemicals to combat inflammation and damage to the body. Try growing your own fresh herbs and spices for cooking to make food tastier and boost your health at the same time. With practice, you’ll find the right combinations to use in the same dish.

Here are the healthiest spices for cooking:

herb plants

1. Cumin

If you want to lose weight, incorporate cumin into your recipes. It’s the main ingredient in Indian cuisine. A study using overweight women as subjects found that about a teaspoon a day together with a low-calorie diet resulted in more weight loss and body fat reduction than those on similar diets without it. Cumin is also a good source of iron.

2. Turmeric

If you suffer from chronic pain, reach for the yellow spice turmeric. It’s a good source of curcumin, an antioxidant known to ease inflammation. Curcumin may also reduce the chance of a heart attack and prevent or slow Alzheimer’s disease. Turmeric is one of the best spices for cooking because of its many physical and mental health benefits.

3. Cardamom

Cardamon may sound uncommon, but it’s not. It’s a zesty spice used in pumpkin spice mixes. It’s especially high in magnesium and zinc and can soothe an upset stomach. Even more impressive, cardamom has been found in lab studies to fight inflammation, help prevent cancer, and lower blood pressure.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is recognized as one of the most valuable spices for cooking to control blood sugar. The American Heart Association says most Americans eat way too much sugar. A sugary diet can lead to several serious conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. They recommend using cinnamon for flavor rather than sugar.

5. Cocoa

Some may think cocoa to be unhealthy since it’s in chocolate candy and other sweets. It’s actually a spice with health perks associated with flavonoids, which are antioxidants proven to boost heart health. They work by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

6. Chili Peppers

Most people love the kick that fresh, powdered or dried chili peppers add to food. One of the best spices for cooking ethnic foods, chili pepper can boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.

7. Garlic

Garlic contains a powerful compound called allicin which lab studies show may provide a host of health benefits. It can help stop cancer cells from growing, regulate cholesterol and blood pressure, and lower your chances of getting heart disease. Be sure to chop or crush the clove to release the allicin.

8. Ginger

Ginger is a tasty spice often used along with cinnamon as spices for cooking around the fall and winter holidays, but it’s also one of the “pain spices.” Along with black pepper, cayenne, and garlic, it’s used to relieve pain caused by inflammation due to arthritis.

9. Rosemary

Rosemary is a fragrant herb rich in antioxidants that boosts brain activity and prevents cell damage. A study found that people who merely sniffed rosemary’s fragrant aroma did better on memory tests. Older people with cognitive decline will benefit by using rosemary liberally in cooking.


10. Cayenne Pepper

If you want to tame your appetite and boost metabolism, sprinkle cayenne on your prepared dishes. It adds to the flavor and works the same as chili peppers to bump up the body’s metabolic rate. People who participated in studies reported feeling less hungry after eating food spiced with cayenne pepper.

11. Peppermint

The minty aroma of peppermint tea can lift your mood and sharpen your thinking. Peppermint tea can also soothe an upset stomach. Many studies show peppermint oil useful in easing the pain of irritable bowel syndrome. It seems to reduce bloating and relax muscles in the colon.

12. Oregano

The tiny leaves in oregano are high in nutrients like vitamins K and E, iron, calcium, manganese and fiber. Oregano is bursting with all the antioxidants that fight things like heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Capsules or the Real Thing?

Many herbs and spices are sold as supplements in capsule and oil extract form. Doctor Adrienne Youdim, associate clinical professor of medicine at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, says using herbs and spices directly in food improves the flavor, helping us to cut down on fats and salt. One downside to using supplements is there aren’t many government regulations on them. Youdin says it’s best to eat the herb or spice instead of taking it in pill form, and anyone would agree that it’s tastier when fresh.

9 Proven Ways To Remove Toxic People From Your Life

The kind of people you spend time with matters a lot as you age. If you spend much of your time with friends or relatives that make you feel bad about yourself and bring you down, that feeling will persist even when you’re with a person that uplifts you. A toxic person can resent your progress when he or she feels that you’ll no longer be in their life. Others think that your ideas of change could threaten them or are afraid your improvement could expose their shortcomings.

It can be hard to stay away from toxic people, as they are sometimes enmeshed with your family or work life and can sometimes appear like something else. Nonetheless, there are smart steps that anyone can take to get rid of toxic people.

Below are incredible steps to avoid toxic people and remove their influence from your life.

Surround Yourself with Helpful Friends

It can be excruciating to get rid of toxic people, as you could be caring for some of them in spite of how harmful they are to your life. Nonetheless, you can cope up with any sadness and maintain resilience by staying close to people who make you feel happy, cherished, and safe. Of course, you want to hang out with people who will help you build a healthy relationship and remind you why you need helpful friends.

Focus on the Solution

Evil friends will always make you feel sad and angry, and if you focus on them, you will get frustrated and make your life miserable. Instead, turn your attention to positive things and strive to clear up all emotional and psychological mess crippling your life. You’re likely to waste a lot of your efforts and resources if you spend much of your time trying to understand the behavior of a toxic person.

Own Your Weaknesses

A toxic friend will always capitalize on your flaws and use them against you. However, understanding yourself and learning to own all your weaknesses can help reduce the likelihood of this happening. Commit to self-improvement, believe that you’re a successful person, and balance all your difficulties and weaknesses against your strengths. That way, you won’t feel intimidated when a toxic person tries to highlight your perceived flaws, and such tactics won’t manipulate you.

Choose Your Battles Wisely

You will require a lot of time and energy to resolve conflicts with toxic people. A wise person doesn’t have to engage in every fight that an evil friend might try to instigate. Instead, use that energy elsewhere to nourish relationships that are genuine and look after yourself.

Never Get Pulled into Crises

A friend with ill-intentions will always behave as if he or she is in a crisis and needs your assistance. Toxic friends are dramatic and can create crises to attract more attention and manipulate you, so keep this in mind the next time a friend asks you to run to their side. While you might not be happy with that, remember you’re dealing with a toxic person.

Build Boundaries

A friend or family member who isn’t genuine will push you to work hard until you get exhausted so that they can use that as an opportunity to compromise you. However, one can overcome this by determining things to tolerate and what not to entertain from friends, workmates, relatives, and partners. Once you realize that something isn’t right in your relationship with a friend, partner, or relative, look for ways to enforce your mental boundaries rigidly.

Know Toxic Friends May Throw Tantrums

A toxic relative or friend can throw tantrums to confuse you and use that as an opportunity to control or manipulate you. They can use their previous tactics to entice you, but eventually back off and look for ways to exploit you. However, never give in to such friends or relatives even if their tactics escalate; instead, remind yourself that you don’t want their behavior to sway you.

Reduce their Influence Over Your Emotions

One of the ways to stay away from toxic people is to reduce their influence over your emotions. However, you need to recognize and remind yourself that you’re not feeling any effect even if they continue to hurt you. Toxic people can use any tactic to attack you and project onto you the side of their lives that they don’t want to accept or acknowledge. As such, view their cruel behavior as it is, and avoid falling victim to their tricks.

toxic people

Don’t Expect Your Toxic Relationships to Change

You first need to accept that toxic people can’t change so that you can stay away from past evil relationships. Toxic friends are motivated by their needs and problems, but not what is right for your relationship with them.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Delicious Sweet Potato Recipes For People Who Want To Lose Weight

If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to lose weight, there are a number of foods you can incorporate into your diet that can help you accomplish your goals. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help you shed extra pounds and boost your energy, and one of the vegetables you can start eating more of is sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are high in iron, which help to purify the blood and provide your body with more energy to make workouts easier and more efficient. They are also a significant source of magnesium, a mineral that strengthens the bones and calms the nervous system. Sweet potatoes are also higher in fiber than other types of potatoes, which means they give you a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time. This can help you manage your cravings for sugar or fat and keep you from taking in excess calories.

Here are 12 delicious sweet potato recipes for weight loss:

1. Orange Sweet Potato Pancakes

These pancakes have 249 calories and less than three grams of fat. They are also cholesterol free and have 50.6 grams of carbohydrates, so you’ll get energy without feeling sluggish after meals. These tasty pancakes are made with whole wheat flour and sweet potatoes, as well as orange juice and applesauce for defined flavor and sweetness you don’t have to fill guilty about. You can also round out the meal with a bowl of fresh fruit.

2. Overnight Oats

The overnight oats trend is becoming pretty popular, and you can add sweet potato for weight loss to make your morning meal healthier. These oats have over 8 grams of fiber and more than 11 grams of protein. The breakfast also has a low glycemic index, so it won’t make your blood sugar spike after eating. The oats also have chia seeds for added fiber, maple syrup for a healthy sweetener, pecans for omega 3s and nutmeg to further balance your blood sugar.

3. Apple Cinnamon Sweet Potato Waffles

These delicious waffles are low in fat and cholesterol and only have 22 grams of carbs and 56 mg of sodium. To make these “waffles,” you’ll need to put the sweet potatoes through a spiralizer to make them look like noodles. Combine the spiraled sweet potatoes with eggs, apples and cinnamon and put them in the waffle iron for a tasty breakfast that is grain-free.

4. Grilled Fries

This healthy alternative to traditional French fries is high in fiber, low in sugar and has only 255 calories per serving. Grilling the sweet potatoes gives them a smoky taste, and you can dip them in ketchup and enjoy them with your favorite turkey or veggie burger for a low-fat meal.

5. Quinoa Salad

At just over 500 calories, over 10 grams of fiber and 22 grams of fat, you can enjoy this tasty salad with no guilt. You prepare this salad in a mason jar for easy cleanup and to make it easy to eat on-the-go. Spinach serves as the greens for the salad, and roasting the sweet potatoes with coconut oil gives it a light, nutty flavor.

6. Masala Khicdi

This sweet potato dish is great if you’re a fan of Indian food, and it only has 2g of fat. The meal also has 12 grams of protein and 9 grams of sugar. Vegetable oil is used instead of ghee, and you can make everything in one pot. The sweet potatoes are seasoned with cayenne, turmeric and ginger, and peas, eggplant and lentils are added to make the dish complete.

7. Carbonara

This delicious pasta substitute has more than 15 grams of protein and only 213 calories. Spiralize the sweet potatoes to make pasta and top with bacon. You can also use Sriracha in the dish for a spicy kick that will boost your metabolism.

8. Sweet Potato Black Bean Quinoa Bowls

These filling bowls are a great choice for lunch or dinner and have almost 15 grams of fiber and over 23 grams of protein. This is a tasty deviation from tortilla bowls, and the sweet potatoes make this especially protein-rich.

9. Egg-Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

If you’re looking for something different for breakfast, this high-fiber, high-protein breakfast contains 15.3 grams of fat and is a delicious choice. The eggs for the dish are poached and served as a sauce for the top of the sweet potatoes. If you don’t care for the spiciness of arugula for this dish, substitute with kale or spinach.

10. Nachos

This low-carb approach to nachos has 10.3 grams of fat, 8.3 grams of fiber and over 13 grams of protein. Adding ingredients like cheese and black beans makes the meal more filling, and the sweet potatoes make a nice substitute for tortilla chips.

11. Sweet Potato, Corn and Kale Chowder

This warm meal is less than 500 calories and has 12.5 grams of fiber. You’ll also be getting over 10 grams of protein in each serving of this delicious soup. The corn makes for a creamy chowder, and the sweet potatoes, leeks and kale add a savory addition to this satisfying soup.

sweet potato

12. Enchiladas

When you want a Mexican meal, this high-fiber meal is a healthy choice. The enchiladas also have 20 grams of protein and only 518 calories. This dish is free of meat and cheese for a tasty vegan meal, and flavors like lime and cilantro help to give the enchiladas an authentic Mexican flavor.

As you can see, there are lots of ways you can make sweet potatoes delicious for any meal of the day. Consuming these meals often can also help you reach your health and weight loss goals.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Use Magnesium Chloride Rich Foods To Supercharge Your Health

We all grow up with a precise understanding that we need to take our vitamins and supplements to stay strong. We’re told to take vitamin C to help our immune systems, and to take iron and vitamin B to keep our energy levels high during the day. However, most of us do not become aware of magnesium chloride benefits until we are much older.

Taking magnesium chloride for health reasons seems to be a no-brainer when you consider just how many health benefits it holds. Magnesium chloride can be found in many common foods such as spinach, almonds, and dark chocolate.

What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is considered a nutritional micromineral that the body requires to stay healthy. Magnesium chloride benefits many processes of the body and plays a crucial part in ensuring the body runs smoothly. It systematically regulates muscle and nerve activity, keeps the blood sugar levels balanced, and helps to prevent high blood pressure.
To receive the full magnesium chloride benefits, it is recommended that the average woman intake between 310 and 320 milligrams a day. The average male should have between 400 and 420 milligrams a day.

Long-Term Effects

If you aren’t getting the recommended milligrams every day, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not receiving magnesium chloride benefits at all. When the average person is only taking in small amounts, the kidneys will instinctively step in and help to retain traces of magnesium. They achieve this by limiting the amount that is typically lost in urine.

A person who consistently has low magnesium levels throughout their lives over an extended period, however, is prone to magnesium deficiency. A body that is magnesium deficient will often fall victim to ailments like high blood pressure and heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and migraine headaches.

Magnesium Chloride Benefits

Magnesium is an essential component for bone formation. It helps the calcium absorb into the bone and plays a crucial part in stimulating vitamin D within the kidneys. We know that vitamin D is basically the number one contender to support healthy bones. However, magnesium intake is the key component to achieving greater bone density, improving the crystal formation within the bone, and lowering the threat of osteoporosis in women.

What Foods to Use

Using magnesium chloride for health benefits can be achieved by eating everyday foods rather than taking supplements and vitamins. One of the most apparent foods rich in magnesium are dark, leafy greens. The chlorophyll molecule held in the leafy vegetables is what encompasses the magnesium. For optimal amounts of magnesium chloride benefits, stick to dark green vegetables such as spinach, swiss chard, and okra.

magnesium chloride benefits

Fish for Thought

If vegetables aren’t really your thing and meat is more your speed, try fish instead. Fish, specifically halibut, is unusually high in magnesium chloride. Fish provides about 20 percent of the recommended dietary allowance of magnesium. Halibut contains about 90 milligrams of magnesium per the 3-oz. serving size.

Grains, Grains, Grains

Grains are very high in magnesium. To get the full magnesium chloride benefits, try sticking to unrefined and unprocessed grains. Products such as shredded wheat and brown rice provide great magnesium resources. Oat bran contains the highest levels, at 96 milligrams per 1/2-cup serving size.

Nuts About Nuts

Nuts can also be a good source of magnesium chloride for your diet. The best nuts that provide the highest amounts of magnesium are almonds, hazelnuts, and peanuts. The magnesium content in nuts is measured by the ounce. In their rawest form, almonds contain 78 milligrams per ounce, peanuts contain 48 milligrams per ounce, and hazelnuts contain 46 mg per ounce.

Utilizing magnesium and magnesium chloride for health reasons is a huge benefit when taking into account how many parts of the body it is vital to. Magnesium is crucial to the proper functionality of hundreds of enzymes. It can help to reduce premenstrual symptoms in women. A decent amount of magnesium intake can help to prevent bone problems, cardiovascular system complications, and diabetes.

Magnesium may also be used as an antacid, as it performs in conjunction with the stomach acid to increase gastric pH. The addition creates the relief of indigestion and heartburn. The benefits that come along with this micromineral are genuinely endless.

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