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10 Best Home Remedies For Treating Acne That Really Work

Chronic acne is a very unpleasant issue to deal with. Frequent breakouts and flare-ups can be quite frustrating, especially when they don’t end. Acne can plummet your self-esteem and confidence, possibly hurting your social life as well. While acne doesn’t make you look hideous, it is definitely something that most people would rather go without.

A lot of people feel as if they have very little control over their acne, and for some people, this is the case. While this is true, most people can control and even reduce their acne to a great degree. The secret to getting rid of acne may not be as obvious as you think, and there are quite a few ways you can lessen your acne in the comfort of your own home. By following the home remedies that we are about to cover here, you can quickly and effectively reduce the severity of your acne.

Here are 10 of the best home remedies for acne:

how to get rid of acne

1. Quit Touching your Face

Touching your face is a great way to introduce your skin to germs and bacteria. In doing so, you are basically asking for a breakout. Do yourself a favor and refrain from touching your face, at least until your hands are clean.

2. Use Masks

Another way that you can alleviate your acne from home is to use masks. According to, face masks are a great home remedy for reducing acne. Masks are effective because they prevent acne formation by removing dirt from your face and unclogging your pores.

3. Cut out Dairy and Sugar

According to, dairy and sugar aren’t your friends, at least if you want to promote healthy skin. Drinking milk increases hormone levels and eating lots of sugar spikes your insulin. Both of these factors increase your chances of developing acne or blemishes on your skin. As a preventative measure, try cutting back on dairy products and limit your sugar intake (except for fruit) to once a week.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

If you want to get rid of acne at home, apple cider vinegar is another great option. Apple cider vinegar contains acids that can kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. To use this trick at home, mix one part vinegar to two parts water and apply the mixture to your skin using a cotton ball. After a couple of minutes, rinse it off and pat your skin dry.

5. Get your Zinc

There is strong data that points to zinc supplements as a remedy for reducing acne. In a study covered on, 38 out of 48 people who were given zinc supplements on a daily basis saw an 80-100% decrease of acne altogether.

6. Apply Green Tea

Oddly enough, green tea is another effective home remedy for treating acne. Rather than drinking the tea to receive its benefits, experts suggest mixing it in water and applying it to the skin or face to reduce acne and scarring.

7. Aloe Vera

According to, aloe vera should be included on your list of home remedies for acne. Aloe vera makes for a great moisturizer, and using it after you wash your skin could prevent acne. The reason that aloe vera can work is that it has salicylic acid and sulfur, both of which are used in treating acne.

8. Fish Oil says that fish oil is one of the best home remedies for acne. Fish oil not only helps to maintain hydration of the skin, but it also contains acids that have been shown to manage oil production and decrease inflammation.

9. Clean your Household Items

Over time, the items in your house become bacteria-ridden and full of germs. If you touch these items and then touch your skin, you are exposing your pores to everything that was on them. Because these bacteria can lead to acne on your skin, you should consider disinfecting your belongings every so often.

10. Stay physically active

Another way to alleviate acne is to exercise. Exercising benefits all of your organs, your skin included. When you get active, stress and anxiety fade away and your hormones are balanced. All of these factors play a role in acne reduction.


Extra tip: Don’t overdo your skincare regimen!

Sometimes, people get frustrated because they feel like they are doing everything in their power to get rid of acne but still have it. Chances are, you might be doing too much. Washing or exfoliating too often can dry your skin out and promote even more acne.

Hopefully, this article has given you some insight regarding the treatment of acne in your house. If you begin to follow a few of these tips that we have discussed, you should see results very soon. Don’t give up on your battle with acne if things don’t work out; simply try a new remedy and hope for the best.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Teeth Care: Home Remedies To Whiten Your Teeth Instantly

A bright, white smile can really make a difference in how you look. Your smile is something that stands out a lot when other people look at you. Pearly white teeth not only improve your appearance; they can also boost your self-esteem and improve your social life dramatically.

The color of your teeth is drastically affected by your diet, daily habits, and oral health. The better that you take care of your teeth, the whiter they will be. Unsurprisingly, there are many people out there who have failed to take good care of their teeth. As a result, teeth that are improperly cared for will begin to turn yellow. Although it may not be very noticeable, discoloration certainly builds up over time. Thankfully, there are ways that you can make your teeth white again. In fact, teeth whitening is simple and there are many ways that you can do it at home. In this article, you are going to learn about some home remedies that you can use to instantly whiten your teeth.

Here are some tips on teeth care that will whiten your teeth:

Brush when you should 

The best habit for teeth care at home is to brush regularly. This means you should brush after you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Doing this consistently over a long period of time will drastically whiten your teeth. says that brushing after you eat or drink is an important part of teeth care because it “..improves overall oral hygiene and prevents teeth yellowing.”

Baking Soda 

Rubbing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide on your teeth is another great way to whiten your smile. According to, the combination of these ingredients make for a great teeth care remedy. Hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial properties and works to kill off germs in your mouth. It can also keep your breath fresh if you add it to some water and swish it around in your mouth. Baking soda adds a paste-like texture to the mixture. This way, you can rub it on your teeth like you would toothpaste and it can absorb and eliminate more bacteria. In doing so, your teeth will instantly look whiter.

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Another home remedy for teeth care and whitening is apple cider vinegar. According to, apple cider vinegar can effectively remove pesky stains from your teeth. This vinegar has strong antibiotic properties which also make it great for keeping your gums healthy. There are many key ingredients found in ACV that have been shown to do great things for oral health, including magnesium, potassium, probiotics, enzymes, and acetic acid. Studies have been performed to test the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for teeth whitening and have found that it works just as well as most teeth whitening products found in stores.

Oil Pulling 

Oil pulling is a process where you swish oil around in your mouth so that it can draw toxins from your teeth and gums. According to, it is a useful remedy for teeth care at home and can whiten your smile by eliminating bacteria in your mouth. To perform oil pulling, obtain coconut oil and simply put a tablespoon of it in your mouth and swish it around for 15-20 seconds.

teeth care

Activated Charcoal 

One of the most commonly used teeth care remedies for whitening is activated charcoal. highlights many key reasons why you should consider trying this out. First of all, activated charcoal (not the same charcoal that we use in grills) is made from bone char and coconut shells. It is very effective at trapping and eliminating toxins that come into contact with it. When activated charcoal is added to your teeth, it removes stains and it also changes the pH balance in your mouth. Both of these play a key role in whitening. The acidity of this product also helps freshen up your breath.

Healthy Diet 

The final home remedy for whiter teeth is to follow a healthy diet. The type of food that you consume can make or break your oral health. Some things are known to directly cause stains to your teeth, including wine, tea, coffee, and berries. Sugar is another culprit of bad oral health and should be avoided at all costs. Just like the rest of your body, a nutritious diet is necessary for proper development and maintained well-being of your teeth. says that eating fruits and vegetables is an important part of teeth care. Certain fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, celery, and strawberries can all fight stains on your teeth.

Now that you know some teeth care tricks for whitening your teeth at home, you should put them to use. Although they might not all work for you, each of these remedies has been shown to work for at least some people. With that being said, try them out and see if you notice a difference in how white your teeth are.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Ways To Use Long Pepper To Lose Weight Faster

Ever heard of long pepper? This pepper comes from the same family as black and white pepper, and the best part about using this fruit is how it comes with a variety of great benefits. Because we ingest oil junk foods like French fries and oil-slicked fried foods, it can eventually give you liver problems. However, this pepper purports to have benefits for overworked livers, and it can eliminate the toxins that build up inside of the liver because of the metabolism with foods.

Not a Silver Bullet

Before you go into the long pepper for weight loss, you should first understand how this isn’t a panacea for the problem, but it can help to burn the fatty acids of the body. The advantages mean you don’t have to deal with the side effects, and you have a far healthier alternative to clinical or synthesized weight loss. It works by mobilizing the stagnant body fat and eliminating some of the toxins that get released through the fat pockets.

Perhaps one of the most debilitating diseases that a person can suffer from, diabetes can strike anyone of any age, and it will wreak mayhem on the entire system of the body. You have over 62 million diabetics in India, and they have the cases with some of the most with this disease. Long pepper has been seen as largely beneficial because of how it regulates the glucose, and it releases it within the body. In addition, insulin levels get boosted because the glucose releases itself into the bloodstream. The regular consumption of it can help diabetics to take control of their glucose levels.

Long Pepper Benefits

1. Consume It with every Meal

In a 2014 study, researchers learned how the people who consumed long pepper with every meal had increasing feelings of fullness, and they experienced fewer cravings as a result. The study suggests how adding capsaicin to your diet can help to suppress your appetites so that you lose weight.

2. Add It to a Smoothie or Protein Shake

You can choose to buy long pepper and add it to a protein shake or a smoothie. It takes about 28 grams of long pepper for weight loss benefits.

3. Do the Master Cleanse Diet

This diet lasts you anywhere from three to 10 days, and while you do the diet, you drink maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water. This detoxifies your body.

4. Used with Exercise and Diet

While you can use long pepper for weight loss, you can’t forget to use it in close conjunction with healthy eating as well as exercise. These will prove the most effective tools over the long term.

5. Using a Positive Outlook

This ingredient alone won’t cause a drastic loss of weight, and we have to understand its place. You have to make sure that you drink enough water because hydration keeps your body from getting accustomed to the pepper.

6. Add Other Herbs

You may want to add extra herbs to the diet to help you. Some research suggests that the combination of green tea and red pepper can lower the effects of hunger and increase your feelings of being full.

7. Plant-Based Diet with It

You have to set fitness goals with this plant-based diet. You want the pepper to assist you in achieving your goals, and you will use this with a healthy plant-based diet to get better results.

vegan diet

8. Throw Out Your Black Pepper

When you throw out the black pepper, you eliminate the possibilities of using it in foods, which means that you have to use the long pepper. You can also use this ingredient as an exotic dry rub for your meats.

9. Add it to Your Curry

Considering this ingredient comes from India, this becomes a great ingredient to spice up some Indian curry. If you want a healthy curry, however, you should drop the ghee and use olive oil instead.

10. Experiment

You can add this to many different foods, but the important thing is to experiment with this ingredient to figure out what you like to use it with for weight loss. This is the best way to proceed to figure out how to sustain yourself.

These are some of the ways that people have used this ingredient for losing weight. The ingredient has also become known as pippali, and if you ever hear it said this way, that’s what it is. This is a close relative to Piper Nigrum, but it has a more complex taste. The flavor is fruitier with a hint of cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg. This means that cooking with it will give you more creativity than if you cooked with regular round pepper.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

If You Want To Lose Weight, Eat These 10 Fiber Rich Foods

Many people looking to lose weight forget the importance of fiber. There are a number of things that contribute to your health and weight, and the amount of fiber you consume every day is one of them. Learn more about fiber and the highest fiber foods.

What is fiber?

Fiber is a carbohydrate that isn’t digested but aids with digestion. There are soluble and insoluble fibers. Foods can have one or both types of fibers. Soluble fibers slow down the digestion process and lower sugar levels and cholesterol. Insoluble fibers help make waste easier to pass. Women should have 25 grams of fiber per day, and men should have 38 grams of fiber per day by eating the highest fiber foods. The main problem with consuming too much fiber is bloating.

Why It Is Essential to Choose the Highest Fiber Foods

unclog arteries

High fiber foods can do wonderful things for your body, including:

  • Absorb sugar slower: The sugar in foods high in fiber is introduced into your bloodstream much more slowly than other foods. This helps you maintain stable glucose levels.
  • Feel full faster: Fiber goes through your digestive system quickly. This will signal your body that you are full earlier, helping you avoid overeating.

Highest Fiber Foods for Weight Loss

Try these foods high in fiber and will also help you lose weight.


Many people don’t eat artichoke regularly, but it’s a fantastic source of fiber with 5.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams. This is a great option for salads and pasta.


Avocado tastes amazing, and it’s the main ingredient in guacamole. People eat avocado all of the time without knowing exactly how great it is for them. It’s a double whammy – delicious and healthy! Avocado has 6.7 grams of fiber per 100 grams. It’s full of good fat, vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium. Now you have a good reason to pay extra for guacamole!


Not only is fruit absolutely delicious, but it’s also low in fat! To top it off, pears have 3.1 grams of fiber per every hundred grams, making it one of the highest fiber foods in the fruit category. Consider adding pears to a salad or having a pear for dessert.

Brown rice

Brown rice still has the husk on it, which is what contains the fiber. Whenever you have an option, always choose brown rice!


Raspberries are a delicious treat, especially in summer. They are also full of fiber. A cup of raspberries has eight grams of fiber. Try adding raspberries to your breakfast cereal or as a dessert.

Chia seeds

These seeds are becoming more and more popular because of their health benefits. As one of the highest fiber foods on this list, it’s definitely something to try. They contain 34.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams. They also contain phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Eat them alone or add them to your favorite rice bowl or salad.

Dark chocolate

This one is for the chocolate lovers out there. Dark chocolate might have fat and sugar, and you shouldn’t eat too much of it, but it’s a great substitute for milk chocolate. Look for fiber or protein bars with dark chocolate in them, or eat it like a candy bar. It contains 10.9 grams of fiber per hundred grams.


Oatmeal is a simple meal, but you can make it absolutely delicious by adding some of the other items on this list. There are four grams of oatmeal per cup of cooked oatmeal.

highest fiber foods

Whole wheat pasta

Pasta is usually food you eat on a cheat day. However, if you switch out the regular pasta for whole wheat pasta, you will get 6.3 grams of fiber per cup of cooked pasta.


Some people have an aversion to vegetables which is a shame. They can taste delicious, especially when cooked. You will also get 5.1 grams of fiber in every cup of cooked broccoli.

Final Thoughts on Including the Highest Fiber Foods in Your Daily Diet

These highest fiber foods will help you look and feel better. Many people solely focus on calories or fat. Change your diet habits today and start eating high fiber foods.

If You Want To Lose Weight, Eat These 10 Fiber Rich Foods

Many people looking to lose weight forget the importance of fiber. There are a number of things that contribute to your health and weight, and the amount of fiber you consume every day is one of them. Learn more about fiber and the highest fiber foods.

What is fiber?

Fiber is a carbohydrate that isn’t digested but aids with digestion. There are soluble and insoluble fibers. Foods can have one or both types of fibers. Soluble fibers slow down the digestion process and lower sugar levels and cholesterol. Insoluble fibers help make waste easier to pass. Women should have 25 grams of fiber per day, and men should have 38 grams of fiber per day by eating the highest fiber foods. The main problem with consuming too much fiber is bloating.

Why It Is Essential to Choose the Highest Fiber Foods

unclog arteries

High fiber foods can do wonderful things for your body, including:

  • Absorb sugar slower: The sugar in foods high in fiber is introduced into your bloodstream much more slowly than other foods. This helps you maintain stable glucose levels.
  • Feel full faster: Fiber goes through your digestive system quickly. This will signal your body that you are full earlier, helping you avoid overeating.

Highest Fiber Foods for Weight Loss

Try these foods high in fiber and will also help you lose weight.


Many people don’t eat artichoke regularly, but it’s a fantastic source of fiber with 5.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams. This is a great option for salads and pasta.


Avocado tastes amazing, and it’s the main ingredient in guacamole. People eat avocado all of the time without knowing exactly how great it is for them. It’s a double whammy – delicious and healthy! Avocado has 6.7 grams of fiber per 100 grams. It’s full of good fat, vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium. Now you have a good reason to pay extra for guacamole!


Not only is fruit absolutely delicious, but it’s also low in fat! To top it off, pears have 3.1 grams of fiber per every hundred grams, making it one of the highest fiber foods in the fruit category. Consider adding pears to a salad or having a pear for dessert.

Brown rice

Brown rice still has the husk on it, which is what contains the fiber. Whenever you have an option, always choose brown rice!


Raspberries are a delicious treat, especially in summer. They are also full of fiber. A cup of raspberries has eight grams of fiber. Try adding raspberries to your breakfast cereal or as a dessert.

Chia seeds

These seeds are becoming more and more popular because of their health benefits. As one of the highest fiber foods on this list, it’s definitely something to try. They contain 34.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams. They also contain phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Eat them alone or add them to your favorite rice bowl or salad.

Dark chocolate

This one is for the chocolate lovers out there. Dark chocolate might have fat and sugar, and you shouldn’t eat too much of it, but it’s a great substitute for milk chocolate. Look for fiber or protein bars with dark chocolate in them, or eat it like a candy bar. It contains 10.9 grams of fiber per hundred grams.


Oatmeal is a simple meal, but you can make it absolutely delicious by adding some of the other items on this list. There are four grams of oatmeal per cup of cooked oatmeal.

highest fiber foods

Whole wheat pasta

Pasta is usually food you eat on a cheat day. However, if you switch out the regular pasta for whole wheat pasta, you will get 6.3 grams of fiber per cup of cooked pasta.


Some people have an aversion to vegetables which is a shame. They can taste delicious, especially when cooked. You will also get 5.1 grams of fiber in every cup of cooked broccoli.

Final Thoughts on Including the Highest Fiber Foods in Your Daily Diet

These highest fiber foods will help you look and feel better. Many people solely focus on calories or fat. Change your diet habits today and start eating high fiber foods.

15 Natural Ways To Control Blood Sugar With Home Remedies

When your body has difficulty transporting sugar in the blood to your cells, your blood sugar levels rise. If you have high blood sugar and don’t see a doctor, diabetes may occur. As it turns out, 50% of all adults in the United States have either diabetes or pre-diabetes. If you fall into one of these categories, you may be looking for ways to control blood sugar naturally.

Without further a due, here are 15 effective ways you can control blood sugar by using home remedies.

1. Get Regular Exercise

Regular exercise will help to maintain the overall health of your body and it will also help to control blood sugar by increasing your sensitivity to insulin. This means that your body will be able to more effectively use the sugar that is present in your bloodstream. Try weight lifting, walking, running, dancing, or even something crazy you’ve always wanted to try like surfing or mountain biking!

2. Watch Your Carb Intake

One of the easiest ways to control blood sugar naturally is by watching the number of carbohydrates you are taking in on a daily basis. Your body turns carbohydrates into sugars, and then insulin is responsible for transporting the sugars into cells. Eating too many carbohydrates can disrupt this process and cause your blood sugar to spike.

3. Consume More Fiber

Make sure you are getting your daily amount of fiber, as it slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and allows for sugar to be better utilized by the body. This will help you to control blood sugar because it will produce a more gradual rise instead of a spike.

4. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated will help keep your blood sugar at a healthy level. In addition to making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients, drinking water will also help your kidneys to flush out excess blood sugar through urine. Studies show that those who drink enough water have a lower risk of developing high blood sugar.

5. Portion Control

When you control your portions, you control blood sugar. Portion control helps you maintain a healthy weight, which keeps blood sugar levels at bay.

service dog

Meet a service dog who can respond to the owner’s blood sugar level.

6. Eat Foods with a Low Glycemic Index

Foods with a low glycemic index include lean meats and seafood, eggs, beans and legumes, and non-starchy vegetables. These foods will regulate your blood sugar levels.

7. Manage Your Stress

Stress can affect many things in your body, including your blood sugar levels. Make sure you are managing your stress levels by partaking in activities that relax you and give you peace of mind such as reading, exercising, going to places in nature you enjoy, or whatever else floats your boat!

8. Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels

One of the easiest ways to control your blood sugar is by monitoring it. By checking it regularly, you can figure out what causes your blood sugar levels to spike and avoid those things.

9. Sleep!

If you’re skimping on sleep, your insulin sensitivity will decrease and your blood sugar levels can rise as a result. It also decreases the release of growth hormones and increases cortisol levels which contribute to blood sugar levels.

10. Get Plenty of Chromium and Magnesium

Chromium is involved in helping the body metabolize fat and carbohydrates. A lack of chromium can create a carb intolerance in the body, leading to higher blood sugar.

A magnesium deficiency can be a contributing factor in the development of diabetes. One study found that people with a healthy intake of magnesium had almost a 50% lower risk of becoming diabetic. It’s best to get these nutrients from your food; however, if you are seriously deficient, a supplement may be best for you.

11. Give Apple Cider Vinegar a Try

Try taking a shot of apple cider vinegar to lower your blood sugar levels. Vinegar influences your body’s response to sugars and improves your insulin sensitivity. You can also add it to your salads, teas, and smoothies.

control blood sugar

12. Cinnamon

Cinnamon decreases insulin resistance at a cellular level and can reduce blood sugar levels by up to 30%. Try ingesting 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon each day for the best results.

13. Berberine

Berberine is the active component of an herb used by the Chinese to treat diabetes. It can enhance the breakdown of carbohydrates in order to better utilize them for energy.

14. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are full of soluble fiber which helps to lower blood sugar. Try putting them into your salads or smoothies on a regular basis to ensure you’re getting enough fiber.


Blood sugar level

15. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most important things you can do to achieve healthy blood sugar levels. All of the tips found in this article will help to promote weight loss and aid in preventing future health problems.

Try any or all of these methods to control blood sugar from your home!

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