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This Is How Intermittent Fasting Has Transformed My Life In A Good Way

Intermittent fasting for weight loss has become a diet that many people embrace. This type of fasting is defined as having established hours when you eat and when you fast. Weight loss is just one of the benefits fasting provides.

Intermittent fasting has been the one and only diet that has worked for me long-term. As a female with little time left in my day for hours of exercise each week, this simple diet has been a blessing.

Part of the reason fasting has worked for me is because it fits into my busy lifestyle so easily. I’ve never been much of a breakfast person, so it was not a big deal to skip breakfast for the 16/8 fasting method I chose.

When you think about the term “fasting,” you imagine going days without food and suffering terribly. Thank goodness that is not the way you have to fast. There are a number of options to consider.

I reviewed all of them before deciding what would work best for me, based on my schedule and preferences. There is an intermittent fasting method that will work for almost anybody who truly wants to lose weight.

Here’s how intermittent fasting can transform your life:

intermittent fasting

Different Fasting Options Available

Healthline defines the three most popular intermittent fasting options as the 16/8 method, Eat-Stop-Eat and the 5:2 Diet. The 16/8 method is the easiest for me personally. This fasting plan involves skipping breakfast and choosing the eight-hour period of time you want to eat. A popular choice is eating between noon and 8pm.

Eat-Stop-Eat is another fasting schedule worth considering. You incorporate two 24-hour fasts into your week. It may sound difficult, but when you consider that you sleep through eight hours of that time, it is not that hard. Many dieters decide to go from dinner one day and fast until dinner the next day to get their two 24-hour fasting days worked into their week.

The 5:2 Diet is more of a calorie restriction fasting method. The way it works is that you eat a restricted diet of 500 to 600 calories on two days of the week. The other five days of the week you eat your regular number of calories.

Fasting as a Weight Loss Diet Strategy

Harvard reports that a review of 40 studies showed intermittent fasting to be a successful weight loss strategy. Dieters who actively participate in this form of fasting can expect to lose from seven to eleven pounds in about 10 weeks.

One of the most exciting discoveries related to intermittent fasting is that it appears to increase the body’s ability to utilize insulin. This is excellent news for people who worry about developing diabetes.

Scientific American published promising data found in a study conducted at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies where mice ate fatty foods for eight hours a day, then fasted the rest of the day without gaining weight or becoming obese as a result. Their insulin levels remained stable.

The Many Health Advantages of Fasting

While intermittent fasting for weight loss provides an excellent reason to give this diet a try, there are other health benefits associated with fasting. As a pre-diabetic person with an undeniable family history of diabetes, I have worried about developing diabetes. My fasting diet has improved my insulin levels to the point where I am no longer considered pre-diabetic.

intermittent fasting

As if that is not enough good news, studies have also linked intermittent fasting with living a longer life and staying healthy longer. Fasting is believed to decrease incidences of cancer, Alzheimer’s and inflammation. This lifestyle is also touted as a way to improve blood pressure and heart rate.


If you’re like me, you have tried many diets and failed. The disappointment of a failed diet impacts you both mentally and physically. Fasting has provided me with a lifestyle change that has improved my life dramatically.

When you finally lose the weight without worrying about regaining it, you will feel much better. I love to shop for clothes now knowing I will not be growing out of them in the future. Plus, I know this lifestyle shift has improved my health in every way possible. Nothing feels as good as doing something for yourself that is good for your health and your self-esteem.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Body Odors to Never Ignore

As with every other living creature, human beings are capable of producing less-than-pleasant body odors. Usually, these odors are quite harmless, provided you are not standing right next to someone – and you intend to take a shower ASAP.

However, some smells are more than just unpleasant in that they could signal an underlying health problem.

Here are seven body odors to never ignore:

  1. Fruity breath

While “fruity breath” may sound kinda nice, it may actually be a sign of something serious. The condition diabetic ketoacidosis (KDA) causes a lack of insulin and a spike in blood sugar levels. KDA forces the body to burn primarily fatty acids for energy, causing a buildup of acidic ketones. One such ketone, called acetone, produces a “fruity” smell that may indicate a severe (potentially life-threatening) health problem. If the symptom is accompanied by vomiting, frequent urination, and or abdominal pain, you should visit the emergency room.

  1. Funky shoes

Anyone who has used a pair of athletic shoes for an extended period will attest to their smelly nature. It is when this smell resembles that of your feet that you should pay close attention. Chronic foot (and shoe) odor is often a symptom of a bacterial and fungal infection, which can erode the webbing of your skin.

To counteract this nastiness, first, use an over-the-counter antifungal spray. If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a doctor or specialist (a podiatrist), who may recommend more aggressive treatment.

  1. Strong smelling poop

Okay, let’s try to make this one quick, shall we? When your small intestines do not produce enough lactase, a digestive enzyme, it cannot properly digest lactose – a sugar found in most dairy products. As a result, lactose is fed directly into the colon as opposed to the gut (which is where it’s supposed to go.) This digestion detour is what causes the foul-smelling stool and gas – and not to mention the dreaded bloat that often come with these body odors.

It is wise to check things out with your doctor, who can determine if any intestinal complications are to blame. If not, taking an over-the-counter lactose enzyme (like Lactaid) can help.

  1. Pungent urine

It is normal for the smell of urine to change from time to time (eat asparagus and see what happens). Dehydration, for example, causes a higher concentration of minerals to pass with less liquid. Provided one adequately hydrates, the smell will usually become a non-issue.

But when bacteria infiltrate the urinary tract, our pee can smell especially bad. Foul-smelling urine that is also cloudy or bloody may be a sign of urinary tract infection, or UTI. Infections of the urinary tract are usually treated with antibiotics. Staying hydrated, getting vitamin C, and taking probiotics may help prevent the condition.

  1. Inexplicably bad breath

If you brush your teeth, floss, use mouthwash – all of that – and still can’t seem to get rid of bad breath, you could be dealing with sleep apnea or some other sleeping disorder. Sleep apnea forces the person to breathe heavily through their mouth throughout the night; this produces excessively dry mouth, which is the leading cause of complications with bad breath. Sleep apnea – and poor sleep quality in general – has been linked to severe conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Medical treatments and devices are available that will open the airways and provide a more restful sleep, which should help improve the body odors as well. You should still see a doctor to rule out any of the conditions mentioned above.

flush toxins fat cells

  1. Smellier sweat

Sweat doesn’t smell lovely, but it shouldn’t smell like road kill either. While it is normal for certain areas of the body – the armpits, for example – to emit a stronger scent than other parts of your body, nothing should smell out of the ordinary. By “out of the ordinary,” doctors mean when the stronger scent from certain areas as mentioned earlier spreads to other parts of the body.

Fortunately, the cause is usually not serious. Typically, some kink in your digestion system is to blame. Simple dietary changes, e.g., adding more fiber, can help. If digestive issues continue, schedule an appointment to discuss these body odors with your primary care physician.

  1. Sour smell around the vagina

It is entirely normal for the vagina to emit a slightly acidic odor; a smell that isn’t usually detectable. However, if the odor around the vaginal area is very sour (“fishy”) or stale, it could signal a conditional called bacterial vaginosis (BV). BV is inflammation of the vagina, caused by the overgrowth of the natural bacteria gardnerella.

BV is very common, affecting nearly 30 percent of women in the United States. A simple bacterial imbalance, BV can usually be treated with prescription antibiotics or topical gels.

12 Health Benefits Of Long Pepper (You’ve Never Heard Of)

For centuries the long pepper has been used as one of the spices in cooking. Long pepper contains various nutrients such as fats, proteins, sugars, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamins C and A, dietary fiber and sodium ions. Long Pepper has a strong spicy taste that adds taste to food. The spice grows as a fragrant plant containing hairy branches. All its parts are used for various benefits for human consumption and health wise. Pepper fruits are small with alkaloid piperine.

Here are 12 health benefits of long pepper:

1. Cold treatment

Long Pepper is used to treat a variety of cold symptoms such as headache, mucus, fever and cough. It is best provided as a homemade cold treatment as a remedy of the mentioned cold symptoms.

2. Prevention of Diabetes

Diabetes is a phenomenon especially for people who have difficulties in blood sugar regulation. Pepper regulates the amount of glucose that is released into the blood. Unregulated blood sugars can cause diabetes. Therefore, prevention of diabetes is one of the Long Pepper benefits in the human body. Regular consumption of this food spice also boosts the rate of insulin production in the body. It can prevent all types of diabetes that affect human.

3. Relieve allergies

Regular consumption of pepper can control allergies such as asthma. The piperine element in this plant helps in relieving multiple allergies. Presence of Pepper elements in the body causes the decongestant effect that helps to treat allergies that cause respiratory disorders in the body. Additionally, the spice effects the reduction of frequency and intensity of asthma attacks.

4. Digestive related discomforts

Most of the health problems originate from the foods that people eat. Having a weak digestive system can cause imbalanced nutrients levels in the body. Amoeba is one of the common parasites that reduces the functionality of the body’s digestive system. Pepper spice treats digestive disorders such as heartburn and nausea. The element also increases the rate of digestive metabolism causing smooth digestion of food. It achieves this through enhancement of digestive enzymes secretion. Moreover, pepper helps the digestive system to avoid chemicals that endanger the body by producing carcinogenic products.

5. Reducing cancer risks

Cancer is among the deadliest diseases around the globe. It has claimed the lives of many heroes and heroines in different parts of the world. Researchers have spent sleepless nights to look for ways to combat this enemy of life. Research shows that pepper contains Piperingomerine that act as an anti-cancer. The element slows down the growth rate of cancer cells by cutting off the energy supply to the cancer cells hence making them experience self-destruction. However, the ability of the Pepper to prevent cancer is subject to more research.

6. Reproductive system boosting

A considerate number of men and women suffer from various disorders of the reproductive system. It is painful for a couple to live childless keeping it in mind the kind of joy that a baby brings to the family. Pepper is among the known aphrodisiacs that are responsible for boosting the functionality of the human reproductive system. It also stimulates sexual capability in both males and females.

7. Weight loss

Overweight is one of the disorders that are common in the world today. People use various approaches and medication methods to reduce. An overweight person is prone to different health difficulties that can be minimized through treating obesity. Losing weight is among the Long Pepper benefits. The spice is combined with honey to treat victims of overweight. The piperine in the plant causes increases in thermogenesis in the human body. Increased thermogenesis boosts the rate of heat production through oxidation hence reduction of body fats. In addition to that, Pepper helps to improve the bioavailability of nutrients in the body such as amino acids, pyroxide B6, beta-carotene, glucose and curcumin selenium. These nutritive elements help in boosting the metabolism in the body.

long pepper

8. Treatment of insomnia

Insomnia is the strange lack of sleep. People who have insomnia can get help by regular consumption of Pepper. Treating health disorders of lacking enough sleep is one of the best Long Pepper benefits. In most cases, people have insomnia as a result of stress. Pepper reduces the stress that causes insomnia conditions.

9. Nervous system

Another Long Pepper benefit is its ability to strengthen the body’s nervous system. According to some research studies, the fruit of this plant produces piperine that helps in improving the brain’s memory power. Consequently, the working of the nervous system that originates from the brain is optimized. When you have an enhanced nervous system, the risks of getting neuro illnesses such as Alzheimer is minimized.

10. Treatment of liver

Pepper helps in treating an overworked liver by eliminating the toxins that could be in the organ. By doing so, the liver works lightly, and the risks of developing liver disorders such as Hepatitis is significantly reduced.

Long Pepper has a list of health benefits in the body. Consider adding it to the list of your food spices and consume it regularly for better results.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Coping Tips For Girls Dealing With A Manipulative Boyfriend

manipulative partner uses several techniques to confuse, persuade and change the perception of their mate. They can employ charming tactics, abuse or deception to control your thoughts. It is a form of social influence used to make you conform and accept behavior that goes against your personal belief system.

Manipulators take advantage of your weaknesses and exploit kindness. They are experts at emotional abuse and are only concerned with having their needs met. Besides playing mind games, manipulators can physically harm victims to get what they want.

Here are 12 coping tips for girls dealing with a manipulative boyfriend:

1. Avoid Blaming Yourself

Do not take responsibility or feel down about your boyfriend’s behavior. He knows his actions are harming you, and he is trying to make you inadequate on purpose. Take control over your feelings and read self-help books on how to handle the situation. Recognize your place in the relationship and take responsibility if you are enabling the manipulation.

2. Place the Focus on Them

When your mate asks you to do something disagreeable, ask him questions. Find out why he wants you to follow his demands.

3. Say No

Just saying no firmly gets your point across and allows you to stand up for yourself. It also lets him know that you are not happy with what he is asking you. Even though it is difficult, you must be assertive without guilt when dealing with a manipulator.

4. Tips on Saying No

• Say no quickly with a brief explanation and refrain from going on and on.
• Trust your intuition, remind yourself of the opportunity of the cost and provide an alternative.
• Tell your partner that you are not comfortable with what he is asking.

5. Create Boundaries

At the beginning of the relationship, inform your partner of what is expected of him and explain your needs. Do not wait until you are already midway to alert him of unacceptable behavior. Tell your mate that you are not getting what you need from him on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level when necessary.

5. Recognize Mental Illness

Manipulators typically have much deeper emotional issues, and you may be unaware of a hidden psychological issue. If you believe your mate has mental issues, suggest that he gets treatment.

6. Do Not Excuse His Behavior

When your boyfriend engages in manipulative behavior, do not ignore how it makes you feel. Act as soon as it happens and confront him. Deal with it and do not wait until later. Holding off will give him the chance to play with your emotions later.

7. Evaluate the Relationship

Use the seven dimensions to evaluate the relationship and determine if it is worth pursuing. This test consists of seven questions for couples to answer on a scale of 0 to 4. A high score symbolizes a growing relationship. A lower score means there are problems and work needs to be done.

8. Be Assertive

When your partner is being manipulative, identify his behavior immediately and mentally prepare yourself to confront him without emotion. You should also evaluate the situation, state your question and get your point across without yelling.

9. Talk to Your Partner

If you want to continue the relationship with your boyfriend, talk to him about your concerns. Tell him how you feel about his manipulative behavior and ask if he is willing to change.

10. Build Self Esteem

Low self esteem can cause feelings of hopelessness, hating yourself and worrying. A manipulative boyfriend will only make you feel worse. Work on building your confidence by avoiding negative self-talk, becoming assertive and focusing on your positive assets.


11. Love Yourself

Besides changing your outlook out on life, learning to love yourself can disarm your manipulator. Take steps to develop self-love. Begin to face your inner obstacles, work on healing your past and forgive old hurts, which can help immensely.

12. Talk to Friends

Discuss your situation with your friends and ask them their opinions. Sometimes getting another point of view can help with identifying manipulative behavior.

Your boyfriend may also have a psychological condition. Manipulators can suffer from borderline personality disorder, a mental illness that inhibits a person’s capacity to handle his emotions. They tend to have negative personalities and impulsive behaviors. Their emotional outbursts can be violent and lead to physical abuse.

Narcissism is another mental illness to consider when dealing with a manipulative partner. A narcissist feels entitled to take advantage of your feelings without regard. They are oversensitive and are prone to outbursts of anger and irritability as well.

Since being in a relationship is difficult, the time may come when you need to leave. There is no reason for you to be emotionally and physically abused by a manipulator.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

3 Signs Your Best Years Are Still Ahead Of You

At a certain point, you will (if you haven’t already) inevitably ponder questions like, “Is this all there is to life?” and, “What is the meaning of life?” or, “What is my life’s purpose?” There are good reasons for asking such questions. We realize – at least, subconsciously – that life on this Earth is finite. It is human nature to contemplate the “fullness” of our existence and whether the state of our life reflects its potential. We can only hope to not beat ourselves up too much over the process of doing so. We need to maintain a positive attitude even while asking such deep life questions, choosing to be confident that our best years are still ahead.

Life is full of upheaval and turbulence. Our fallible human nature often times doesn’t do so well with either one. Many of us constantly question, seek clarity, and dig for answers – only to find that fulfillment and happiness, besides being elusive, cannot be acquired through anything external. Despite this fact, so many of us are focused exclusively outward in search of fulfillment: a good job, lots of money, nice cars, fat bank accounts, the latest clothes, the finest jewelry, and so forth. It’s no wonder there are countless millions of people who, despite appearing “successful” to observers, are in fact quite miserable.

While we may get a bit more clarity as we reach adulthood, the “meaning and purpose thing” may still prove elusive – and that’s okay. Given the unpredictable nature that is life, there is no way to know for sure whether your best years are still ahead.

But there very well may be signs.

Here are three signs your best years are still ahead of you.

1. You are devoted to personal evolution

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

Every single person who lives a purpose-driven life is committed to self-improvement and personal growth. If you make the commitment to improve every day, your best years may still be ahead of you.  No one who commits to personal evolution – growth, discovery, and adventure – can possibly fail. When you grow from the inside, you assuredly make an impact on the outside. This is the law of cause-and-effect at work. If you’re growing, you are working to perfect your character, and both you and those around you benefit.

This may sound contradictory – but personal evolution can feel stifling. There are plenty of reasons for this, but the predominant one seems to be the external pressures of society. When you do anything considered outside the realm of what’s “normal” – y’know, the “college, marriage, house, kids, retire” thing – you may very well be hit with labels, few of which are flattering.

Eventually, you have to put the middle finger up and get on with being you. That’s personal evolution, and that’s progress. It’s believing that your best years are still ahead.

best years

2. You are not (too) afraid of failure.

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.” ~ Confucius

Each and every one of us has failed – and will continue to fail. The reason is quite simple: human beings are fallible creatures. We aren’t gods. Heck, most of us don’t even know what we really want. (That’s okay, too, by the way!)

When you think about it, failure isn’t even bad. Does it suck? Sure – at the time. But at the very least, failure can build character, and it provides an awesome learning opportunity. There’s value to be found in failure. Think of it: if you hate failure, what does that say about you? Instead, expect progress. Failure translates into value and growth! If you can answer “Yes!” to the question, “Am I learning and growing from my failures?” then you have nothing for which to be ashamed! Indeed, the best years of your life are still ahead of you!

3. You have a clear vision for your life.

“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger.” ~ Muhammad Ali

A clear vision gives you something for which to aim, and it gives you the sort of drive necessary to see that dream through. Anyone who has ever achieved something great in life started out with a clear vision. Every. Single. One. The people we hear about on the regular, from Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to Oprah Winfrey and Justin Trudeau, all have a vision about their life. They share an unshakeable belief in their destiny that brought them to where they are today.

A clear vision is one in which you can engage all five senses. It’s an Academy-award-worthy motion picture that resides between your ears, one you play repeatedly (meditation is fantastic for this, by the way). A clear vision opens your mind to the endless possibilities of the universe. Then, it sets your intentions and channels the energy necessary to see that vision through.

At some point, your clear vision becomes powerful to the point that nothing is able to deny you what’s yours. Your will is indomitable. Your spirit, unshakeable.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things You Can Do Alone When You Feel Lonely

There are so many things you can do alone, simply because alone doesn’t have to be lonely. Everybody feels alone sometimes, and normally that is not a problem. However, when feeling alone sometimes turns into feeling lonely most of the time, it can create bigger problems in your life. Depression, anxiety, physical problems, and even alcoholism happen at a greater rate when people feel lonely often or all the time. It is difficult to pull ourselves out of that feeling of loneliness, because we tend to rely on others especially when we are not feeling well emotionally. But it is possible, and there are ways you can improve your feelings. Take a look at some things you can do alone when you feel lonely.

“Loneliness is proof that your innate search for connection is intact.” – Martha Beck

Here Are 10 Things You Can Do Alone When You Feel Lonely

1. You can adopt a dog.

Not only is getting a dog good for you in general, it helps you in a myriad of other ways as well. When you have a companion to take care of, you’ll find it easier to get out of the house (three times a day at least). You’ll need to provide food for your furry companion, so you need to go to the supermarket. And perhaps the best thing is that when you walk a dog, social contact is so much easier. People will stop and talk to you about your dog. If you have a dog park nearby, you will get to know the other dogs and their owners through daily contact with them. Sure, it might be superficial contact at first, but it is a step in the right direction. Most of all, you’ll have the companionship of a loving pet.

2. If you can, reach out to family.

If you have family that you generally get along with but have not seen in a while, it can be a good idea to reach out to them. Get together for a cup of coffee or invite them over to your house for dinner. Once you establish contact again, it is easier for them to invite you as well for things to do. This is NOT a good idea if you have family that is toxic or leaves you feeling worse or exhausted after seeing them.

3. You could go get a cup of coffee alone.

It is tempting to just stay alone inside. However, when you feel lonely it can help to go to a place where you are surrounded by other people but do not feel left out. Coffee places are great for that because you can be alone and sit and drink your coffee, but nobody looks at you weird. As an added benefit, drinking a warm beverage like coffee or tea makes you feel comfortable. You can take a book with you, or spend some time people-watching, or simply sit and be peaceful in that setting.

4. You can go for a long walk.

Not only is being outside good for you, it is a great time to disconnect from everything electronic. Putting on some shoes and going outside, with no specific destination in mind, just wandering around your neighborhood, is relaxing and soothing for any anxiety you might have. Maybe you even come across a dog or two who you can pet and chat about with their owner.

5. You could sing along with your favorite artist.

It is nearly impossible to feel lonely when you are singing. It is not real company but singing along with the TV sort of does feel like it. Make sure to pick upbeat songs and sing as loud as you can because alone doesn’t have to be lonely!

6. You can go see any movie you like.

There is no upside to feeling lonely, but there are good things about being alone. You can pick the movie you want, the time you want to see it, what you want to bring along for snacks, etc. And even when you are seeing a movie with someone else, you still sit alone in the dark and don’t interact. It is not that much different when you are alone. Also, you will be surrounded by people, so if you choose to interact with someone, you will have something to talk about.

7. You can try out a new hobby.

There are literally thousands of things you can do alone when you feel lonely, like a new hobby, for instance. When you feel lonely it often helps if you take your mind off that emotion. You could do this by starting a new hobby. Even if you do not feel like going out and joining a club, there are plenty of activities and hobbies that you can participate in alone. It will help to keep your mind occupied and not dwell on the feeling of getting lonely. As an added benefit, eventually, you could connect with other people who have the same hobby, either online or in real life.

8. You can start a new book.

The thing about reading is that it transports you into a whole different world where you can simply be someone else for a while. You can do what they do, feel what they feel, and experience what they experience. I do not recommend reading as a full-time activity when you are lonely because it does not solve anything; it can also leaving you feeling worse about your own life. However, as a temporary solution to an urgent situation of feeling lonely, it works great. An added benefit is that you can join communities such as Goodreads – an online reading community where you can talk about what you are reading and get new recommendations.

9. Find your tribe online.

Although online interaction is no substitute for real-life interaction with people, it is something at least. Especially if you manage to find places where people chat who have the same interests as you do. You can create meaningful relationships even if they are only virtual. The best places are forums specialized in something you enjoy – a hobby or movies, etc.

10. You can find something to do.

With the amount of information available online, you can usually find some local or online events going on that week, and you can join in. Websites such as, InterNations and even Facebook events all have ways to find something that is of interest to you, and open to new people. It can be scary to join something new but it is worth it, even if you decide it is not for you in the long run.

things you can do alone

Final thoughts

Feeling lonely is not a great emotion. It does not matter if you are alone or with company when you feel that way. However, there are things you can do alone to try to alleviate that feeling either temporarily or for the long term. Be positive, because with the help of positive thinking you will soon realize that being alone doesn’t have to be lonely. Hopefully, this list of things you can do alone helps you find something you can do and somewhere you can reach out to alleviate your loneliness.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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