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25 High Protein Foods That Make You Lose Weight Faster

Protein is known to be a weight loss catalyst, but do you think you’re eating enough to enjoy this benefit?

In a 1,824-person study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, women who reported “eating more protein” to prevent weight gain lost more weight than women who did not.

The above study is hardly surprising, as protein brings many health benefits. A building block of muscles, protein is shown to both reduce hunger and boost metabolism. Combined with a practical and consistent workout plan, protein can most certainly help with even the most demanding weight loss goals.

Which brings us to the topic of today: 25 high-protein foods that can accelerate a program to improve your chances to lose weight. Here they are!

25 Foods that Help You Lose Weight

high protein foods


Delicious avocados are a legit superfood. An anomaly among fruits, avocados are packed with healthy fats and protein and low in sugars. Add some sliced avocado to a salad for a real weight loss boon.


Dried apricots contain the highest amount of protein of any fruit with 3.5 grams per serving. Excellent sources of fiber as well, apricots must be dried to reap weight loss benefits.

Beans and Legumes

Certain beans and legumes – including black beans, kidney beans, and lentils – are high in both fiber and protein. Foods dense in both nutrients are known to increase satiety, or feelings of fullness.

Boiled Potatoes

Despite getting a bad rap for their high carbohydrate content, boiled ‘taters are a very nutrient-rich food. A small potato is good for enabling you to lose weight over the long term due to its satiety properties. Add a respectable two grams of protein, and you’ve got a good weight loss food.


Broccoli is nutrient-dense and very low in calories. Just one stalk of broccoli contains over four grams of protein. Its high reserves of healthy fiber will fill you up, too.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower have a unique combination of low energy density, high fiber, and decent protein.

Chili Pepper

While containing just one gram of protein per, chili peppers are excellent compliments to a protein-heavy meal. Per a study published in the journal Physiology Behavior, researchers found that consuming capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers leads to “…decreased body weight, total body fat percentage, and abdominal fat (loss).”

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are another powerful superfood. They register nearly 16.5 grams of protein per 100 grams. Containing high amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and fiber as well, chia seeds effectively stimulate fat burning and stave off hunger!


Besides containing a decent amount of protein, one medium-sized coconut includes a whopping 36 grams of dietary fiber!


Cranberries contain a substance called ursolic acid. In a 2012 study published in the journal PLoS One, researchers report that ursolic acid “decreases diet-induced obesity, glucose intolerance, and fatty liver disease.”

Cottage Cheese

While more research is needed, preliminary evidence suggests that foods that are high in calcium may help to burn fat. Low-fat cottage cheese contains relatively modest calories and around 25 grams of protein in only one cup.


While we don’t mention water here, proper hydration is absolutely critical to a healthy weight. Cucumbers are flush with H2O, low in calories, good fiber, and a bit of protein.


The “incredible, edible” egg is finally beginning to dissipate the once-widespread misinformation of being unhealthy. Multiple studies show that eggs are nutritious, promote satiety, and may help with weight loss. Of course, they are rich in protein at about six grams per large egg.

high protein foods

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish (e.g., salmon, mackerel) are excellent for enabling you to lose weight. They are rich in omega-3s and jam-packed with quality protein. What you get is a muscle-building powerhouse that also keeps you full.


Really, any fruit will aid your weight loss efforts. Getting into the habit of eating fruit is a smart move; because, eventually, you will begin reaching for the natural sugars found in fruit instead of some manufactured garbage. Raisins, guava, dates, and prunes all contain two-three grams of protein per serving.


In a landmark 2004 study published by the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, California, consuming grapefruit was found to help an individual lose weight without significant changes to diet and exercise. One cup of grapefruit also includes around three grams of protein.

Grape nuts

Grape nuts are a very healthy cereal option. They are loaded with fiber, whole grains, minerals, and a decent amount of protein at over 3.5 grams per cup.

Leafy Green Veggies

Leafy greens like collards, kale, and spinach are loaded with fiber and protein, which will help keep you full for a long time. Very low in calories, dark green veggies are also packed with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.

Lean Beef

While some may not appreciate the inclusion of lean beef on this list, it is nonetheless merited. Lean (non-processed) red meat is an excellent source of protein and nutrients. There is no link between non-processed red meat and an increased risk of disease and death, according to a 20-study meta-analysis.


A surprising addition to this list, mushrooms may assist in helping you lose weight by balancing hormones while regulating blood sugar levels. While not “loaded” with protein, one cup of whole mushrooms registers a respectable three grams.


When eaten in moderation, nuts can be an excellent addition to any weight-loss program. Not only do nuts contain a good dose of fiber, protein, and healthy fats, they also promote metabolic health.


Similar to lentils, oatmeal also takes a while to digest while helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. One cup of cooked oatmeal contains around six grams of protein. Oats also contain a viscous gel that is formed by the submersion of soluble fibers, which helps promote digestion, increase satiety, and lower cholesterol.

lose weight


Quinoa is truly a unique whole grain. Whereas most plant foods are not considered “complete proteins,” quinoa not only contains a whopping 14 grams per serving but it also provides all the essential amino acids for added weight loss benefits. It is a must for a vegan or vegetarian who aims to lose weight.


It does no good to load up on protein if your metabolism is out of whack. Iodine deficiency, which affects nearly two billion people worldwide, is the leading cause of thyroid disorders. While most cases are found in developing countries, the U.S. is seeing an increasing trend. Thyroid disorders can cause weight gain, and seaweed is perhaps the best dietary means of prevention.


While all yogurt is a pretty good source of protein (around three to four grams per cup), Greek yogurt takes the crown at a whopping 17 grams per cup! Yogurt also contains probiotics, which help promote healthy digestion and gut health!

10 Top Foods With the Most Calcium

What is calcium?

Calcium is our body’s most abundant mineral. Critical to bone health, calcium constitutes around two percent of our total body weight.

While calcium performs numerous functions in the body, the most important pertains to bone health. You can think of bones kind of like your calcium “checking account.” In other words, they make deposits and withdrawals of the mineral. Bones are living tissue and, while strong, are indeed living tissue and requires constant maintenance. On this note, calcium intake is the primary method of maintaining and promoting bone durability and strength.

“Your body uses 99 percent of its calcium to keep your bones and teeth strong, thereby supporting skeletal structure and function. The rest of the calcium in your body plays key roles in cell signaling, blood clotting, muscle contraction and nerve function.” – Arielle Kamps, R.D., M.S. (source)

Why do I need it and how much?

First, it is important to remember that your body absorbs calcium best when the nutrient is consumed throughout the day. Don’t scarf down two cartons of yogurt for breakfast and call it good, in other words.

In addition to providing sustenance to your bones and teeth, calcium also helps your body with:

  • forming blood clots
  • hormone release
  • muscle contraction
  • normal and steady heartbeat
  • transmission of nerve signals

The recommended daily allowances (RDA) for calcium are nearly identical for both males and females. The two exceptions are between the ages of 51 and 70, and for women who are pregnant or lactating between the age ranges of 14-18* and 19-50.** Here is an RDA table for your reference:

Age Male Female
0-6 months 200 mg 200 mg
7-12 months 260 mg 260 mg
1-3 years 700 mg 700 mg
4-8 years 1,000 mg 1,000 mg
9-13 years 1,300 mg 1,300 mg
14-18 years 1,300 mg 1,300 mg
19-50 years 1,000 mg 1,000 mg
51-70 years 1,000 mg 1,200 mg
71-plus years 1,200 1,200 mg

* 1,300 mg

** 1,000 mg

10 Foods with the most calcium

Now that you know the roles that calcium plays in the body and how much you need, here are ten foods with the most calcium!

1. Chia Seeds

Perhaps the world’s most powerful and versatile superfood, just one ounce of these miracle seeds yields a whopping 177 mg (17% DV) of calcium. Chia seeds are also packed with protein, omega-3s, and, well, way too many nutrients to list here.

2. Collard Greens

Loaded with just about every healthy nutrient available (nearly 10 grams of protein!), collard greens are a healthy addition to your dinner plate. One cup of chopped collard greens registers 266 mg (26% DV) of calcium.

3. Bok Choy

Actually called “pok-choy,” this fleshy vegetable packs a whopping 882 mg (88% DV) of calcium per head. Think that’s impressive? The veggie also holds 378 mg of vitamin C or 630% of DV.

4. Black Beans

Black beans are one of those rare foods that come packing a ton of protein and dietary fiber (30% and 60% DV, respectively). One cup of black beans also clocks a respectable 46 mg (5% DV) of calcium.

5. Amaranth

Considered a sort-of “pseudo-cereal,” this delicious grain is high in these minerals: iron magnesium, manganese, and phosphorous. Just one cup of cooked amaranth delivers some 116 mg (12% RDI) of calcium.

6. Parmesan cheese

Pasta lovers can take a bit of solace knowing that massive heap of “parm” that you shoveled onto your plate contains some real nutritional value (oh, so that’s why you ate it right?) Calcium count: 331 mg (33% RDI) per ounce. Mama-MIA!

7. Kale

Kale is just a super healthy food, period. Nutrition Data, a database holding, well, nutrition data for just about every food, rates kale a 5 out of 5 stars for its “weight loss” and “optimum health” benefits. Anyways, just one cup of chopped kale holds 91 mg of calcium (9% RDI).

8. Tofu

Tofu is one of China’s (not Japan’s!) greatest gifts to the rest of the world. The health benefits of this bean curd are too numerous to list here. The calcium count says it all – a ½ cup of raw tofu delivers a mammoth 434 mg of calcium (43% DV).

9. Low-fat Yogurt

Any kind of yogurt is good for getting your calcium, but the low-fat variety may just be the densest. While plain yogurt averages about 30% RDI, the low-fat stuff contains around 245 grams, or 45% RDI.

10. Milk

Whether you’re a milk fan or not, there’s no leaving it off this list. Not only is cow’s milk a good source of calcium, but it is also one of the cheapest and most widely available. Besides holding an average of 314 mg of calcium (31% DV), cow’s milk also contains a respectable amount of vitamin A, vitamin D, and protein.


Other tips (eat right)

Per the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, there are many things we can do to help build and maintain strong bones and muscles. Here are the big ones:

  • Ask your doctor about a bone density test if you are over 50.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol intake
  • Avoid second-hand cigarette smoke
  • Closely examine food labels for claiming to be high in calcium
  • Perform some form of weight training every day. Extension and contraction of muscles is key to healthy bones.
  • Quit smoking
  • Supplement vitamin D, which helps with the absorption of calcium

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Ways to Communicate Differently That Will Change Your Life

We all know the importance of interpersonal communication skills, but did you know it’s possible to communicate differently in ways that’ll change your life? Effective communication is important in any context of your life – whether it be personal or business. Communicating with others is a skill that is harnessed and developed more or less for your whole life; when you need this skill, you really, really urgently need it. That’s why it’s always good to train yourself into good habits of interpersonal communication.

It can be very difficult to find a common “language” or basis of communication with people. To some it comes naturally, while others can struggle to grasp even the basic methods to participate in fulfilling interactions. That’s why you should always take a step back and think about how your words might be affecting others. Good communication habits can change your life – so don’t be afraid to make that crucial change. Just to get you started, take a look at some great communication habits you can adopt into your everyday life. Starting today.

Here Are 6 Ways to Communicate Differently That Will Change Your Life

“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” – Yehuda Berg

1. Be prepared.

Conversation with people you don’t know can be hard work – especially if it doesn’t come naturally to you. One of the worst culprits in difficult conversations is small talk because it’s very difficult to keep up and can often dissolve into awkward silences. Many people opt for the “FORD” method. The acronym “FORD” stands for family, occupation, recreation, dreams; it’s a good order to follow when looking for small talk topics. The main goal is to establish a common interest with the person you’re talking to. Once you have that, you have pretty much found the key to better, more effective communication. Just don’t give up, and always think twice about things before you say them. (Avoid babbling!)

2. Be down to earth.

No one appreciates a smart mouth and even fewer people prefer a know-it-all. Even if you’re talking to someone about a complicated thing, always try to keep it simple. You don’t want the other person to think you’re a robot with no feelings. Include personal stories and anecdotes. Additionally, use simple, understandable language in any situation. Communication would be completely useless if no one understood you by the end of it, so always make sure your message comes across in accessible language.

3. Be a good listener.

Communication is always a two-way street. There’s nothing more annoying for your conversation partner than the feeling they’re not being listened to. When someone’s telling you something, don’t daydream. Focus on what they’re telling you. A good way to engage with other people’s ideas and thoughts is to ask questions. It’s good practice to think of at least three questions to ask for every talk you hear on a specific subject. That shows you’re engaged and listening carefully and not just a distracted spectator.

4. Be fully present.

This point fits well with the last one. In today’s constantly moving world, it’s so easy to get distracted when someone’s talking to you. One of the worst things you can do while someone’s talking to you is to look at your phone. Whatever it is that you’re looking at can wait; otherwise, the person talking to you will get the idea that your notifications are more important than what they have to say. Take the time to really listen to their feelings and concerns. Try to train yourself into maintaining a good eye contact with your conversation partner. We don’t mean staring – a great point to focus on is just above their shoulder, or the tip of their nose. There’s no better way to show that you’re engaged and listening than by remaining fully present.

5. Be enthusiastic.

There is a lot that your body language and tone of voice can betray when it comes down to relaying your message. Make sure to keep your body language open and welcoming, which will show your conversation partner that you’re open to comments about what you’ve just said. Always encourage further communication, because that will help you in the long run. Additionally, don’t just keep the same tone of voice – monotonous and repetitive. Shake things up when you can; add inflections and keep an appropriate volume and intonation. That way not only will you keep your audience interested, but you’ll also show them that you’re a real person – and not a robot or computer mechanically reciting words.


6. Be straightforward and to the point.

No one prefers a waffling talker or someone who takes ages to get to their point. If you have something to say, and you’re convinced it will contribute to the conversation, then don’t be afraid to just say it. The more you put things off or mention things in passing, the more it’ll make it seem like you have no idea what you’re talking about. Also, stop putting off getting to the point with filler words like “um,” “like,” and so on. Those are parasitic expressions that hold no meaning yet take up a significant amount of our speech. When you get rid of them, you’ll find that you’ll be able to communicate your thoughts much more easily and openly compared to before.

Final thoughts

Interpersonal communication doesn’t have to be difficult, but being a good communicator doesn’t just come down to positive thinking. Whether you’re presenting at a conference, talking at home, or at a job interview – these tips can be applied to any context, in any situation. Using them can bring about a positive change in your life, and you will know your message has been fully understood. Navigating the way of good communication can be very tricky, so make sure to come back to these tips when you need them. Change your life by communicating better today.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs You May Be Losing Yourself In A Relationship

According to popular dating advice, when you start a new relationship, it’s always very tempting to want to spend all your time with the new important person in your life. Whether it’s from a sense of obligation or excitement, many people find themselves at a point where their identity gets completely obliterated by their partners. As a result, they only exist as a “second half.” It’s difficult to notice this process happening, however. It’s so easy to become isolated and start ignoring other parts of your life for the sake of your relationship. You will, sometimes, forget to stay true to yourself.

There are many reasons why this is something you want to avoid. If you are not true to yourself, you might find yourself distancing from friends, family, coworkers, or your work. From everything that makes you who you are. Taking relationship advice is never easy, but you need to consider what makes you uniquely you and hold on to it as much as you can. Otherwise, you risk losing your sense of self and putting too much pressure on the other person too quickly. Take a look at some telltale signs that you’re losing yourself in a relationship – and what you can do about it.

Here Are 7 Signs You May Be Losing Yourself in A Relationship

“Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.” – Walter Winchell

1. You live through your partner’s problems like they’re your own.

Being empathetic is never a bad quality. On the contrary, it’s one of the best ones you can have to help you grow a steady relationship. But sometimes, empathy can go too far too quickly because you have forgotten to stay true to yourself. You might find yourself feeling obligated to suffer when they do or to take on any problem like it’s your own. Don’t blur that line. Your partner will need to learn how to personally cope with problems. It’s not your job or burden to take that on your shoulders. All you’ll be doing is bringing more stress to your partner’s existing stress. Empathize with them, but don’t make their problems your own. This is probably the best, and most truthful relationship advice out there.

2. You constantly ask yourself “what if”?

That kind of apocalyptic thinking is a telltale sign that you’re way too invested in your relationship. You’ll find that you’re constantly asking yourself what would happen if you don’t do what your partner wants you to do. You’re scared that one wrong step might end the relationship. That kind of constant anxiety is a trap of exhaustion and fear that you don’t want to fall into. Any dating advice will tell you to try to remind yourself why this person is with you and why they’ve told you they care about you. Remember that having a life of your own isn’t a betrayal to your relationship.

3. You lose your working out time.

Time at the gym or spent jogging is normally one of the few times where you can really be alone with your thoughts. If you find yourself slowing down on your exercise routine, that means you’re not making enough time for yourself. It’s very easy to find excuses not to go to the gym, and it’s even easier to pin those excuses on your partner. This is not a healthy habit, as you’ll end up resenting them for something that’s ultimately not up to them but up to you. Maintain your healthy living habits, even if it’s hard. You’ll be thankful for that time to unwind and chill.

4. You refuse life-changing opportunities for them.

In relationships, you often find yourself finding the right balance between priorities and compromise. If you find yourself disproportionately turning down more opportunities than your partner is, then something has gone wrong. Perhaps it’s a summer trip with friends, or a job opportunity. It may be  a great opportunity to move abroad. Turning down any of these can lead to losing your personality and who you really are. It may indicate that you are immersing yourself in your relationship so much that you only identify as the other part of a couple. Talk openly with your partner about your dreams and ambitions to find a solution. Make sure you’re on the same page together.

5. You say “we” instead of “me.”

This might seem like a small sign, but it’s definitely not one to ignore. People who speak in the first-person plural about their plans and dreams, or even their interests, are already deeply invested in a relationship and might need to take a step back. Not only are you losing your own identity that way, but you’re also speaking on behalf of your partner, which they might not necessarily appreciate. Try saying “I” and “me” and “mine” more often. Reaffirm your own identity – because you matter and your individuality matters, too.

6. You feel overworked, guilt-ridden, or anxious.

There might be many reasons why you feel like this, but an over-investment in a relationship is one reason that’s not often talked about. Losing your identity is scary. While not immediately obvious, you will subconsciously know it’s happening and it will stress you out. When you find yourself snapping at your partner, your family, or your friends for no reason, maybe it’s time to reevaluate where you stand in your relationship. Consider how you can take a healthier approach to your relationship without feeling overwhelmed or guilty.

7. You change your opinions out of fear of confrontation.

There’s nothing wrong in agreeing with your partner but doing it all the time because you’re scared to share your own opinions is very unhealthy. If you convince yourself that your social and moral views don’t matter, then you’re really losing a part of your identity. Don’t give up on your thoughts and feelings just because they might be different from your partner’s. If your partner really loves you, they will accept all of you – even the parts they don’t necessarily agree with. If they don’t, then you’re better off somewhere else.


Final thoughts

Keep an eye out for those signs that can show you you’re getting too invested in your relationship. Stay positive and remember that even if you see this, nothing is irreversible. If you can, try to talk to someone outside of your relationship, who can give you a balanced view of the situation. Enforce positive thinking. Ultimately, always make the best choice for yourself because losing yourself in a relationship might hurt you for as long as you’re committed to that relationship. Stay true to yourself because only you know what’s best for you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Games To Play With Friends That Get A Conversation Going

“Seriousity is a love repellent. You don’t have to be all serious all the time.” – Unknown

If you’re lucky, you have a group of friends that never run out of things to talk about and always have a great time. Sometimes, though, this isn’t the case. We’ve all been in the situation where nobody knows what should be done—a movie? Going out? Eating in, or going to a restaurant? One fun way to spark conversation and make plans is to discuss betting trends on; it could lead to exciting discussions about the latest games or events to watch together!

Sometimes, trying to figure out the best way to have fun with your friends can be met with endless choices. However, there are some great conversational games that you all can enjoy without spending a penny. This is great for a new group of friends, or ones who’ve known each other since childhood. After all, there’s always something new to learn about one another. For casino parties Winston Salem contact Southeast Casino Parties

Here Are 10 Fun Games To Play With Friends And Have A Good Time Together

avoid depression

1. 20 Questions

This is a timeless classic, and can be tons of fun for everyone, especially if someone thinks of something extremely specific. 20 questions is the game where one person thinks of something, and the rest try to guess it in 20 questions or less. You can make it even more fun by dividing up into teams and seeing who wins first.

2. Tell Me a Secret

This is a good way to bond with the people you’re with. What’s better to make a bond than sharing personal secrets with one another? Sharing the secrets may seem a little scary at first, but once everyone shares their secrets, you’ll find that you know more about the people you’re with than you did before.

3. Never Have I Ever

This fun game is a party classic, and can always get amusingly pointed when you’re trying to get someone out. One person says, “Never have I ever…” and something they’ve never done. Everyone else either puts up a finger or takes a drink if they’ve done that specific thing. For example, “Never have I ever traveled outside the country.” Everyone who has takes a drink.

4. The Alphabet Game

This one is fun for parties or just to pass the time while you’re waiting for your meal at a restaurant. For these games, you just pick a topic such as animals, countries, etc. and go through the alphabet naming something from that category. For example: Anteater, Bonobo, Cat, Dog… You carry on like that until you get to the end or someone loses! Find your favorite games at a kasino ilman kierrätystä for instant withdrawals.

5. Truth or Dare

This middle-school classic is just as – or even more! – fun as adults as it was when you were teenagers. After all, you have a lot more life experiences when it comes to telling your Truths, and a lot more ability to make silly or embarrassing choices when it comes to picking your dares!

6. Two Truths and One Lie

This is one of those fun ‘get to know you’ type of games if you’re unfamiliar with some of the people in your social circle, or just want to get to know the people at a party more. This is a game where someone tells two truths and one lie, and everyone has to figure out which is the truth and which is the lie.

7. Fact or Fiction

This is a great way to test everyone’s knowledge and just have a lot of fun. For this game, look up some obscure facts and common myths and see who can tell fact from fiction. It’s even more fun if your facts sound entirely made up, and your myths sound real.

8. This or That

A great way to learn a lot about another person is to give them two choices – cats or dogs? Coffee or tea? You’ll learn more about them while also seeing how many different choices you can come up with. You’ll be able to find out how much you and everyone else has in common.

9. Would You Rather?

This game is perfect for those who like to come up with extreme or obscure scenarios. It’s even more fun if you give everyone a choice between two impossible and also unsavory things. Everyone will have a ball and also come up with all kinds of ways to justify their choices. For example: Would you rather lie in a pit of snakes or eat ten spiders?

best friend- games

10. Just a Minute

This game is where someone is given a topic and they have to talk about it for one minute. This may seem like an easy thing to do – until the topics become obscure or you don’t know anything about it! The point is to sound like you do know what you’re talking about – which can be a whole lot of fun for everyone listening.

Next time you’re out with friends, at a party, or just waiting for your meal at a restaurant, suggest some of these fun conversational games. They’re a good way to generate laughs as well as getting to know the people around you more than you did before. Whether you are new friends or old, these conversational games are sure to make everyone feel included and have a great time.

Studies Show How Climate Change is Affecting Your Health

Climate change: a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular, a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.

~ The Oxford Dictionaries

97 Percent

That’s the percentage of climate scientists who agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are mostly due to human activities.

97 out of 100 of some of the world’s most brilliant minds are pleading, to those who will listen, that we need to do something – and fast.

97 percent is the equivalent of a scientific consensus. A scientific fact, in other words. Other scientific facts include the Earth being round, and that evolution is real.

The United States, the single greatest emission-producing country in the world, has been slow to implement any significant climate policy. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that the American public is catching on. In a March 2017 poll conducted by Gallup, 62% of Americans say the effects of global warming are happening now. 45% “worry a great deal” about the issue.

Climate change is a humankind, environmental, and animal rights issue. It’s an issue in which we need to give a damn about – and more importantly –  do something.

“What are the signs of climate change?”

The evidence, as presented by most climate scientists and leading scientific organizations (e.g., NASA, The Academy of Sciences) is irrefutable. Consider the following pieces of evidence put forth by NASA:

– Global temperature rise: The Earth’s surface temperature has increased by nearly 2 degrees Fahrenheit. 16 of the 17 hottest years on record have occurred since 2001.

– Warming oceans: The top 700 meters (2,300 feet) of oceans have warmed .302 degrees since 1969.

– Melting sea ice: Both the total area and total thickness of Arctic sea ice has declined rapidly over the last few decades.

Disappearing ice landmarks: For example, the snowcap atop Mount Kilimanjaro in Japan has been steadily melting.

– Sea level rise: Global sea level has risen about 8 inches in the last hundred years.

– Ocean acidification: Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, acid levels in the ocean’s water have risen by 30 percent.

– Extreme events: Since 1950, the U.S. has seen a dramatic increase in the number of devastating weather phenomena.

Climate change and global warming matter for many reasons; the main concerns being environmental and survival/health related.

Human Health and Climate Change

So, how is human health affected by climate change? Here are five serious health problems listed by Paul R. Epstein, the associate director for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School:

1. Allergies and Asthma

The number of asthma suffers in the U.S. has doubled since 1980. That’s right: a potentially life-threatening condition has skyrocketed two-fold in just over 25 years.

Rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, and warmer surface temperatures increase the amount of pollen released into the air. The molecules within pollen which stimulate an allergic reaction rise in proportion to CO2 levels. In other words, an allergy attack – something that’s already frightening and dangerous – is even more so.

2. Heatwaves

As mentioned, of the hottest 17 years ever recorded, 16 have occurred since 2001. Very hot temperatures don’t just raise the monthly energy bill, they threaten both human and animal life.

One of the more dangerous times during a heatwave is at night; when living creatures are granted a reprieve from the scorching sunlight. This reprieve is crucial to lowering body temperature and maintaining the health (and existence) of humans and wildlife.

Unsurprisingly, nighttime temperatures have risen as well. Since 1970, the average annual nightly temperature has been increasing by 200 percent over daytime temperatures.

3. Drought

Droughts – prolonged periods of abnormally low rainfall – have been increasing in number, intensity, duration, and scope (area affected) on a regular basis all over the globe.

Not only do droughts contribute to wildfires – destroying broad areas of animal and human habitat – they also proliferate diseases. Unfortunately, most devastation to human health occurs in places with poor resources and medical care (i.e., developing nations).

Unpredictable wind patterns from changing temperatures and fluctuation in global air pressure are thought to be the primary causes of both drought and wildfires. Both threaten humans and animals, but particularly animals, as their sustenance is wholly dependent on water from rainfall and food from land sources.

4. Weather anomalies

As mentioned, the human race has seen more destructive weather patterns per annum than at any other time in recorded history. Tornadoes, floods, droughts, wildfires – and yes, hurricanes – have all been proliferating.

In the wintertime, as surface temperature rises, the Northern Hemisphere experiences more rain than snow. As rain hardens into ice when exposed to freezing temperatures, we’ve seen an increasing number of ice storms. Consequently, motor vehicle accidents are higher, as are power outages and cardiac illnesses.


5. Destruction of crops, forests, marine life

As areas around the world contend with warmer temperatures, pests and diseases that kill off crops, forests, and marine life thrive. As temperature rises, so does the number of destructive insects and their birthed diseases, relocating at higher altitudes – in the mountains, deserts, forests – in life-sustaining ecosystems, in other words.

The result? Every living thing within the affected area is threatened. Every beautiful animal, plant, tree, flower, and fish. Crops that provide sustenance are eradicated.

With just enough willful ignorance, maybe those same pests will bear witness as the most intelligent species to have ever graced the planet destroys itself.

Unless of course that same species wakes the hell up.

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