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How To Stop Being Afraid Of What Could Go Wrong (Even When Nothing Is Going Right)

When things already aren’t going right, we often focus on what else could go wrong. This negativity makes it almost impossible for us to focus on fixing the things going wrong in the first place! It’s a never-ending cycle. It’s never a good idea to focus on hypothetical things. Nor would you obsess about things that are out of your control.

Business coach Bob Reish says, “If we spent more time excited about what will go right, we would not have time to dwell on why it won’t work. Don’t assume you will fail. Celebrate your victory as you run toward the destination.”

But still, it can sometimes feel impossible to stop focusing on them, especially when nothing seems to be going right in the first place. Fortunately, there are definite ways to train your brain to stop focusing on all things that could go wrong. Once you’re able to let those worries go, you can focus on how to make things right in your life.

“If you go around being afraid, you’re never going to enjoy life. You have only one chance, so you’ve got to have fun.” – Lindsey Vonn

Four Ways To Stop Being Afraid Of What Could Go Wrong


1. Focus on what you can control

You can only focus on a few things at a time. Instead of struggling to focus on the things that you can’t possibly control – other people, the weather, your boss – you should focus on the things that you can control.


As Steve Maraboli once said, “Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.

When we’re worried about what could go wrong, the things that worry us most are those we have no control over. Usually, the only things you can control are your actions, your thoughts, and your own words. If you’re worried about money, start squirreling away a rainy-day fund. If you’re concerned about losing your job, clean up your resume and have it ready to send out to places you’re qualified for. These are the things you can control in your life, so take control!

2. Write a list of all the things you’re afraid of

This may seem counterproductive, but trust me on this one. When you imagine all of the things that could go wrong, they don’t seem very concrete. That is to say this. They’re much scarier in your head than they are.

Sometimes seeing your fear in writing gives you control over the fear rather than the other way around,” says author Eileen Bailey. Therefore, when you start putting the things you’re afraid of into words, it’ll be easier to talk yourself down from worrying about them so much.

If some of the things that you’re afraid of are unlikely to happen, you’ll be able to see them better once you write them down. Remember: your worst-case scenarios aren’t likely to happen! Things often go much better than you anticipate.

3. Talk to someone

Talking to a friend, family member, or professional counselor can make it much easier to release all of those pent-up feelings of fear. If your brain seems overwhelmed by all of the possibilities of things that can go wrong, you may need a little extra help talking yourself down. A close friend or family member may be close enough to know just what you need to calm down and help you re-center your thoughts. But, you may also benefit from an outside perspective that can help you realize that all of the things you’re worried about aren’t worth worrying about in the first place!


4. Make contingency plans

Sometimes, the best way to help ourselves get over the fear of something going wrong is to make out a plan “just in case.” If you’re afraid of losing your job, plan what to do if that happens. If you’re scared of a fire breaking out in your house, make sure you have a program that everyone knows to follow if such a thing happens. Worrying about what could go wrong is sometimes heightened by not knowing what you would do if those things ever went wrong. Having a plan can be just what you need to make you feel better and stop worrying.

Final thoughts

If you’re a worrier, you may find that you’re worried about everything that could go wrong in your day-to-day life. Or you may feel stressed about the significant, catastrophic things that could go wrong. Either way, being afraid of those things is likely causing you a lot of distress. That’s why it’s best to learn how to let those things go. Instead, learn to focus on what you can control, and focus on what’s going right in your life. Even if everything is already going wrong, worrying about what else could happen makes it harder to deal with the essential things.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

What Will 2019 Be Like For You According To Your Zodiac Sign

Love and Life Predictions for 2019 by Zodiac Sign Dates

“For all its complexity, however, astrology remains fundamentally simple. It offers a time-honored system of symbols that sum up key aspects of human life while providing profound insights and practical guidance.” —Anne M. Nordhaus-Bike

While astrology isn’t a crystal ball, it can provide important insights into your personal gifts and challenges. Looking ahead to the coming year, your Zodiac sign can provide you with a guide to both the troubles and the rewards on the horizon.

Check your Zodiac sign dates and have fun with these 2019 predictions. The sun sign of your birth predicts many different kinds of situations for the year to come. You may be able to take advantage of special opportunities based on your Zodiac sign. Read along and make a note of the amazing changes that may be coming your way.

Love and Life Predictions for 2019 by Zodiac Sign Dates

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries will find inner peace this year. Thanks to the January 21 Lunar Eclipse, Aries will find that everything is calmer and easier to handle than it was in 2018. The stars point to a time when it is right to make changes big or small.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Under the influence of the planet Uranus, uncertainty and change may be on the horizon. Partnerships may feel unstable and affected by a partner who is feeling moody. However, the July 2 Solar Eclipse will bring balance and power back to your life.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

You may find that life is moving so quickly, you don’t have time to catch up. You may need to find a new way of dealing with stress. You may be inclined to reminisce about your past, and you may have an encounter with an old friend or lover.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Cancer, you are about to live your best life. Your year ahead will be marked by positive changes and a feeling of accomplishment. The July 2 Solar Eclipse in your sign brings you a feeling of optimism and balance. Try to keep yourself from becoming greedy.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, your Zodiac sign may start off 2019 with a feeling of stress and unease. If you are feeling worried, rest assured that you will have the opportunity to make your dreams come true.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, change is coming, but it won’t bring as much upset and disruption as it has in the past. You may find an opportunity to start a new relationship or to revive an existing relationship with new energy. Around the holidays, be prepared to enjoy yourself fully, but don’t let gluttony take over.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra finds the opportunity to solve past relationship problems this year. Your work or school life may become challenging, with authority difficulties included. You will be able to find peace if you are patient.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You may find that you experience overwhelming changes in your career and personal life at the beginning of 2019. If you keep an open mind, Scorpio, you will be able to conquer these difficulties and move forward with optimism.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, you will have an easier time relaxing and being yourself. You will be able to promote your ideas and bring yourself success. You can meet your goals this year, but you may need to adjust your expectations.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Finding a new relationship is favored in 2019. With your confident energy, you will also be able to bring new life into an existing relationship. Your fast-paced life may make you anxious. Ground yourself and try to keep control of your emotions.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, watch out for impulsive actions this year. You may feel trapped by the constraints of your life and want to break out. Your year will calm down as the summer approaches, and you will be able to find success, health, and wealth. Enjoy time with your family.

zodiac sign

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, your Zodiac sign will find room for self-expression in 2019. Your openness attracts opportunities. You may find a new job or a promotion at your old one. Even with all the change and upheaval, you will have a pleasant year.

Final Thoughts

Using your Zodiac sign dates, you can find out what the stars and planets have in store for you in 2019. These predictions should give you a road map to the exciting things coming in your future. Each Zodiac sign will have challenges this year, but they will all experience positive change in some way.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Ways to Still Help Others (Even When You Have Your Own Problems)

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

As good people, we want to help others. Sometimes, life gets in the way of that. We all have our own problems, whether they are work problems, family problems, money problems, or relationship problems. Sometimes, life can get so stressful that it’s hard to figure out how to continue to be a good person while still focusing on ourselves and making sure that our problems and issues get taken care of.

Wanting to help the people around us can feel so incredibly overwhelming, especially when life is throwing us our own curve balls. Fortunately, there are ways to still help others around you, even when you have your own problems. All you have to do is try and do some of these nice things every day, and you’ll be able to help others in ways that count.

Remember, Barack Obama once said, “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope. It’s time to make a change!

5 Little Ways To Make A Huge Difference In Others’ Lives

1. Donate things you no longer use

If you’re having money problems, trying to help others who are having the same issues can be difficult. Instead, donate things that you no longer need. There’s always going to be people who can use something that you don’t use. Getting rid of old clothes that you don’t wear, or that don’t fit you anymore, can really benefit people who can’t afford to go clothes shopping and need new things to wear and “You never know, it might make someone else feel great…” says Fee Gilfeather, Trading Head of Retail Brand for Oxfam.

You can also consider donating those cans of non-perishables that you thought you were going to eat, but ended up never using. Donating to a food bank means that people who can’t afford food will be able to get enough to eat. Don’t forget to donate sanitary items to food banks, too! Everyone could use a helping hand, and this is a great way to help people even if you have your own problems.

2. Make a monetary donation

If you don’t have money troubles, then making a monetary donation to a charity or foundation can really help those in need. Stopping to donate to your local homeless shelter, or women’s shelter, can make a huge difference in the lives of people who depend on those services. You can also donate to your local low-income health center for people who can’t afford insurance and depend on those types of places being funded so they can take care of their health and medical needs.

No donation is too small! What seems like very little to you can mean a lot when added up with all of the people who have donated, just like you. This is a great way to help people, even if a lot of your energy is taken up by your own problems. Charity Science Foundation of Canada states that monetary donation, “… gives us perspective of lives less privileged than our own and it nourishes our empathy. The sacrifice we make by leaving our comfort zone makes us truly feel like we’ve given something back. And most importantly, action gives us tangible results.

3. Volunteer whenever you can

Even if you have your own problems, you may find that you have some extra time that could be put to good use. Volunteering for a local charity or organization can make a ton of difference in people’s lives. You could volunteer for your local food bank and help organize, move boxes, and give out food to the people who need it. Without people running those types of places, there would be no food bank to help the people in need.

Co-founder and CEO of Mark Horoszowski once said, “I feel like we’ve stumbled on this incredibly obvious epiphany, when you give what you’re good at, you get better at it. You help others while helping yourself. The most important thing that people have is their brain, time, and passion. By giving all three, not only do people contribute their energy towards solving some of the world’s greatest challenges, but research shows they also return having learned new skills, feeling like they have more time, and feeling even more loved and passionate…

So, even if you can’t donate food, you can always donate your time. Or, you could try volunteering at an animal sanctuary or the local humane society. While it’s not directly helping people, there are plenty of people looking for the perfect pet to help get them through tough times. And making sure those animals are happy and healthy is a way to make sure they get to their forever homes and change someone’s life.


4. Stop and help

How many times have we seen people pulled over on the side of the road, with their hazards blinking and driven right by them? Or seen someone in distress on the street and thought to ourselves, “Someone else will help.” It’s a pretty common thing, so don’t feel bad if you haven’t been able to take the time to stop and help. But, this is a good way to help others.

Not only does it help someone in need, but it makes you feel good, too, and gives you a boost through the rest of your day. Next time you see someone pulled over on the side of the road, assume that they need your help and pull over and offer it. If they have it under control, you’ll know that you did the right thing anyways!

5. Be friendly

Sometimes, when life overwhelms us and we’re caught up in our own problems, the only thing that we can do to help other people is to be friendly, and smile. Offer to lend an ear to a friend in distress and they’ll be able to offer the same to you. Smile at strangers and hold the door open for people behind you in line. Pay for the person’s coffee behind you in Starbucks – do whatever you have to do to put just a little bit of positive energy back into the world, especially when you’re stuck with your own overwhelming problems. Being positive and helpful is infectious, and soon all of the people around you will be doing positive, helpful things, too.

Final thoughts

Helping others doesn’t always mean that you have to put your own life struggles on hold. When things are just a little too tough, helping people can actually be one of the best ways to de-stress and put your life back on track. The next time that things feel overwhelming, remember all of the little, helpful ways that you can still help others.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Reasons Your Dog Should Sleep With You Every Night

If you own a dog, then you probably know how amazing it feels to cuddle up with him/her in bed after a long day. After an exhausting day of working, cooking, chores, and other responsibilities, who wouldn’t want to lay down and enjoy the warmth and love that man’s best friend can offer?! Some people might say sleeping with pets isn’t hygienic, but as long as your pet is trained, then there shouldn’t be any issues.

In fact, sleeping with your dog provides multiple health benefits that completely outweigh any negatives you might think of. Plus, our furry friends need love and affection too, and what better way to give them that than allowing them a spot in your warm, cozy bed for the night?

If you have a dog, you probably consider them a part of the family, and would do anything you could to keep him/her happy. So, allow us to explain why you should sleep with your dog, and what benefits both you and your furry pal can receive.

You won’t ever want another cuddle buddy after you fall asleep next to your fluffy, adorable best friend. 🙂

5 Reasons Your Dog Should Sleep With You Every Night

1. They provide comfort.

Everyone knows that pets provide companionship, warmth, love, and even security, in some cases. For example, elderly people who live alone can especially benefit from sleeping with a dog at night, for both security and comfort. Anyone with a pet, however, can attest to the sheer bliss that comes from cuddling with him/her, because animals just understand the human condition, somehow. They give us love, support, and comfort without asking for anything in return, and these effects can still be felt while sleeping next to them.

2. They help with insomnia.

So many people today suffer from insomnia that it’s easily become an epidemic. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, 1 in 3 adults have at least mild insomnia, and many sufferers don’t know where to turn for answers. However, sleeping with a dog can help you fall asleep easier due to the comfort, security, and love that pets give so unconditionally. If you have insomnia or just trouble sleeping occasionally, invite your beloved pet to sleep with you one night and see how quickly and effortlessly you head to dreamland. 🙂

3. Dogs can help with depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.

These conditions sometimes accompany insomnia, as people with depression, anxiety, or other mental illnesses tend to ruminate on thoughts which can keep them up at night. However, dogs have proven time and time again to greatly aid in helping people with mental issues, as therapy and service dog owners can attest to. Dogs tend to have a calming effect on humans, especially when they cuddle up close to you and doze off to sleep right by your side. 

4. They act as personal heaters!

Of course in the summer, you might want to take a blanket or two off the bed, but in the winter, a little extra warmth in the bed is usually welcomed. If you live in a cold climate, you’ll find yourself getting attached to sleeping with your pet pretty quickly!

health- dog

5. You’ll be helping your dog, too.

Your dog loves you unconditionally, and would do whatever you needed or wanted to make you happy. So, why not return the favor and offer your dog some warmth and comfort, too? The benefits of sleeping with a dog are felt by both you and your beloved pet, so if you still make your dog sleep in the doghouse, you might want to reconsider.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Beauty Tips for Healthier Skin

Skin health is essential. As such, it’s vital to seriously consider natural beauty tips that help improve the health of the skin. While we tend to think of skin in terms of physical appearance, our largest organ serves many vital roles in the safeguarding of our health. The skin has three primary functions:

  • Protection: Protection from bacteria, chemicals, pressure, impact, and temperature variance.
  • Regulation: Monitoring and adjustment of body temperature, fluid (e.g., electrolyte and water balance), and storage of vitamin D.
  • Sensation: The skin includes receptors for cold, heat, pain, and touch, all of which are necessary for detecting changes in the environment.

What’s interesting is that skin health and underlying health is inclusive. Consciously or not, people make associations between complexion and lifestyle choice, self-care habits, and other personal attributes. Perhaps it is this association that gave birth to the human infatuation with not only skin appearance but of the multitude of beauty products used throughout the world.

Here are 10 Beauty Tips for Healthier Skin

  1. Exfoliate with hot water

Every person who prides themselves on a healthy skin appearance knows the importance of exfoliation. Our skin continuously sheds hard, dry, old skin to make way for new skin cells – a natural process known as desquamation.

Exfoliation is the manual removal of dry and shedding skin, and it’s one of the best beauty tips to get healthy and glowing skin. You don’t need anything fancy either. Using a washcloth soaked in hot water, use small circular movements to exfoliate your face.

  1. Apply facial essence and moisturizer

If you moisturize your face, consider adding something called facial essence. Facial essence is a hydrating liquid that is applied after washing and before moisturizing. Essence is believed to add necessary hydration to the skin – improving its appearance and elasticity.

Facial essence can be applied as a post-toner treatment, or it can replace skin toner.

  1. Try some lip balm

Adding color to your lips makes your skin appear younger and healthier. Lip balm with pH color-changing pigments can also bring out your lips’ natural glow. A quality lip balm will also hydrate the delicate, thin layer of skin on your lips’ surface. Certain balms come in your skin’s natural pigmentation – adding some more beauty to your lovely face!

  1. Put on a sleeping maskface masks for acne

Sleeping masks have gotten super famous for good reason. The science behind sleeping masks is quite simple: the body essentially fasts when we sleep. We don’t take in any nutrients (like water) capable of moisturizing and nourishing the skin during this time. A good sleeping mask will hydrate and replenish your skin while you snooze away, which is usually apparent when you look in the mirror the next morning.

  1. Drink some barley tea

Loaded with antioxidants and minerals, barley tea is a favorite of serious beauty enthusiasts. Barley tea may also help protect against photo-aging or the appearance of aging as a result of sun exposure. Barley helps protect and heal skin cells and improves the immune system as well.

  1. Try some ampoule

Ampoule is a “supercharged” serum that “generally deliver(s) a higher potency of skin nourishing ingredients.” A staple in Korean skincare, ampoules provide great beauty tips because they target skin issues such as dark circles, liver sports, photoaging, and dry skin. Because of their potency, ampoule serum isn’t intended to be used long-term; instead, if you choose to use an ampoule product, do so when your skin truly needs some extra nourishment.

  1. “Chai-yok”

Another Korean innovation, a chai-yok (also known as a “V-Steam”) is a favorite of celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow. Here’s how Ironman’s squeeze describes the experience:

“You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et. al. It is an energetic release (that) balances female hormone levels … You have to do it.”

  1. Try a charcoal mask

While the research is still a bit iffy on charcoal masks, some people swear by them. Supposedly, activated charcoal (which is really just carbon) works by absorbing the oil and toxins on the skin’s surface.

More intense charcoal treatments are thought to be more effective. The problem is that they’re quite painful and may irritate the skin.

beauty tips


  1. A D-I-Y facial

Massaging your own face, even for a mere five minutes per day, could help tighten your skin and improve its appearance. How good are D-I-Y massages for skin health? Well, dermatologists and facialists swear by, recommend, and practice the techniques.

Experts recommend focusing on areas of the face such as the brow bones, forehead, cheek bones, and jawline. (You can find a number of techniques online, including here.)

  1. Know what not to do

While keeping in mind the above beauty tips, there’s also a bunch of stuff that can make your skin look bad. While this is by no means an exhaustive list, here are some things to avoid for the sake of your skin health:

  • Smoking: it reduces blood flow to your skin and damages the proteins that give your skin proper structure.
  • No using sunscreen: Ultraviolet (UV) rays can be damaging over time. Contrary to popular belief, sunscreen isn’t just for sunny days. Apply a minimum strength of SPF 30 every two hours while outside.
  • Not washing up before bed: Your skin is exposed to dirt, oil, and pollutants all day, every day – which can result in episodes of inflammation and breakouts.
  • Overeating sugar: Again, manufactured sugar proves that it’s garbage. Refined carbs such as pasta and white bread aren’t much better.

Best home remedies for treating acne that really work

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20 Moments From Children That Make Life More Interesting

Kids are weird and gross. If you have kids, then you already know. But, despite being totally inhibition-free and uncomfortably exploratory, they are also free with their love and affection.

Kids will keep you on your toes and their outrageous behaviors will definitely make life more interesting for you.

Here are 20 moments from kids that make life more interesting:

1. They Play With Their Poop


..and Nutella. Not going to lie – I thought this was poop in the picture at first glance, but thankfully, they’re holding a big jar of Nutella.

They will dig it out of their diaper, rub it on themselves and throw it against the wall. It is like crap flavored play-dough to them.

2. They Repeat Things At The Most Awkward Times

Remember that “Dammit” you said a few weeks ago. Yeah, they will scream it out at the worst possible time and make you look like a crappy parent. You will try not to laugh when they do.

3. Kids Run Around Naked


They have no shame about their bodies. They’ll happily run full speed around the house buck naked. They think clothing is optional.

4. Everything Is a Canvas


They will color, draw, or paint anything, anywhere at anytime. They’ll draw pictures on your furniture. They will create elaborate masterpieces on the walls in their room. If you fall asleep, they may paint your hands or face with markers.

5. Simple Things Are Amazing to Kids


Everything, no matter how ordinary and mundane, is a long lost treasure to them.

6. An Intense Imaginary World


They live in a world that we cannot perceive. Imaginary friends, ghosts, monsters and make-believe are the norm for them. They live in an incredible world full of wonder and amazement that we left behind as we aged.

7. They Eat With Gusto


They shove food in their face, rubbing it all over themselves and their clothes. They’ll throw it around the room. To them, food is another toy as well as nourishment.

8. Kids Have No Filter


They will tell you exactly what they are thinking without tact. If you are talking too much, they will tell you to “zip it.” There is no filter also between their love and you. They will tell you often, and with gusto, how much they love you.

9. They Will Talk To Anyone


There are no strangers to them. They will talk to everyone they pass by even if it is just to say “hi.”

10. They Live At Full Speed

There is no slow mo for them. It is either standing still or running at full speed. They crave excitement and new experiences. They suck the marrow out of life.

11. Kids Will Fight To Stay Awake


If you have ever seen a kid fall asleep while eating, then you know what we mean. No matter how tired they are, they will fight to stay awake and do stuff. To them, sleep is the enemy and they resist it mightily.

12. They Are Not Afraid To Boogie Down

They will dance anywhere they hear music. If a phone ringtone has music, they will give you a 5 second dance party. They dance in their car seat or in the frozen section of the supermarket.

13. They Will Lie Right To Your Face


They will tell you they have never heard of chocolate cake with their faces and hands covered in the stuff.

14. Kids Want To Try Everything

They want to do everything you are doing. Eat whatever you are eating. Talk with whomever you are talking to. They want to try everything they can.

15. They Will Poop Anywhere It Strikes Them

They will poop wherever the mood strikes them. There is no holding it in or back for them. They have things to do and that sh*t is just holding them back. They will poop in the grocery store cereal isle, in the tub, in the pool or on Santa’s lap.

16. Like Having a Perpetually Drunk Little Friend


They slur their speech, talk nonsense, throw up on themselves, wet themselves and say weird things. It is like having that drunk friend you know inhabiting a tiny person in your backseat.

17. Kids Put Everything In Their Mouths


They will stroll out of your bedroom sucking on your vibrator like a lollipop. Or theyhey will sneak up and put your toe in their mouth. They will find an old gummi bear that rolled under the table a week ago and pop that sucker into their mouth. They will eat dog vomit off the floor.

18. They Are Houdinis

They will escape whatever sort of confinement you put them in. They’ll wiggle out of car seats, backpack leashes, and their clothes. The little escape artists and you have to keep your head on a swivel at all times.

stubborn kids

19. They Have The Craziest Dreams

They will tell you long, convoluted stories about the craziest things. You will become convinced that your three year old is secretly doing drugs when they are sleeping.

20. Kids Lick Everything


They will lick the table when out at a restaurant. They’ll lick your face, the dog, or the wall in a public building. They are driven to explore and have no shame about what looks weird to other people. They think, “What does that taste like” and then go find out.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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