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Meditate DON’T Medicate: Why Meditation Can Actually Help You More

The practice of meditation has been around for centuries. Historically, the practice has been strongly associated with religious beliefs; although this association has been steadily declining. Some of the earliest texts to describe meditation were found in religious Hindu books, for example. Interestingly, the underlying principles remain mostly the same in both religious and secular contexts; most notably, conscious awareness of the present moment and quieting of the mind.

Today, many experts have supplemented, even replaced, the religious intonation behind meditation. The reason? Because the benefits of meditation supersedes any religious connotation. This permits the delivery of potentially life-changing benefits to anyone, regardless of religious belief.

A number of different meditative practices exist, each with their own purposed benefits. Guided meditations; mantra meditations; mindfulness meditation; transcendental meditation; Vispassana meditation; Zen meditation…and so on. Since meditation began being practiced thousands of years ago, practitioners have steadfastly advocated the benefits of “quieting the mind.”

Incredibly, many of the claims made by practitioners of meditation have been verified by rigorous scientific research (more on this later). Proponents of meditative practices have made such research known to many within the medical community; and although the medical benefits of meditation is slowly becoming known, the “diagnose, prescribe, repeat” cycle remains the all-too-common theme within traditional medicine.

Now, the purpose of this article is not to demonize prescription medication. Science has continually validated the benefits of many such medications. Medical research and scientific advances have resulted in a higher quality of life and a longer lifespan for everyone – and prescription drugs have contributed to these efforts.

“We found long-term meditators have an increased amount of gray matter in the insular and sensory regions, the auditory and sensory cortex. Which makes sense. When you’re mindful, you’re paying attention to your breathing, to sounds, to the present moment experience, and shutting cognition down.” – Dr. Sara Lazar, Neuroscientist at Massachusetts General and Harvard University

Instead, we approach this article by posing a two-part question.

(1) Just how much are we overprescribed as a society?

(2) When is meditation, given the research, potentially a better solution?

Society’s “Drug Problem”

transcendental meditation

In April of 2015, The Wall Street Journal published the following in an article appropriately titled ‘Pharmalot’:

‘Prescription drug spending in the U.S. ballooned last year to nearly $374 billion, which was not only a hefty 13.1% increase in growth, but also represented the highest level of spending since 2001, according to a new report from IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics.’

$374. Billion. Dollars. The amount of money that the U.S. spent on prescription drugs is higher than some countries total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the entire year.

Now consider this:

– The U.S. has the highest rate of prescription drug abuse in the world.

– 3 in 5 Americans take at least one prescription medication.

– Doctors may overprescribe nearly every known medication, including painkillers.

– Doctors can legally (!!!) earn more income promoting a drug than by practicing actual medicine.

Something is seriously wrong here. That much IS for certain. 

Now, about that two-part question posted earlier…

Meditate DON’T Medicate: Why Meditation Can Actually Help You More

First, it’s necessary to provide some insight into the scientifically-proven benefits of meditating. This research was conducted – and subsequently published – by some of the world’s most prestigious medical and academic institutions.

Harvard Medical School (HMS), for example, notes meditation’s positive effects on anxiety and mental stress. This is a groundbreakingly-noteworthy proclamation for a couple of reasons: (1) HMS is among the most scientifically-rigorous institutions of medicine in the entire world, and (2) anxiety and stress-related conditions – not to mention, depression – account for a disproportionate amount of money spent of prescription drugs. We’re talking billions of dollars a year.

In an article published by HMS, the author cites another study by Johns Hopkins University (JHU) where the latter institution lists no less than 47 scientifically-valid studies affirming the reduction of symptoms for “psychological stresses like anxiety, depression, and pain.”

Psychological stressors are at the forefront of our list because of their ubiquitous nature. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting over 40 million people. Depression is the second-most common.


That brings us to stress-related disorders. According to WebMD, 75 to 90 percent of all doctor’s office visits are for complaints relating to stress. Of course, stress manifests into a myriad of health conditions, including “headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.”

Other Benefits of Meditation

Then there are other studies noting the other amazing benefits of meditation, such as: enhancing creativity, improving libido/sex health, decreasing risk of cardiovascular disease, increased tolerance to pain, better focus and attention, and more.

What lesson can we learn? Simply that meditation has not gotten the recognition that it warrants from within the health community. The continued cycle of “diagnose, prescribe, repeat” is all too prevalent.

In simple terms: meditation should (and eventually, probably will) supplement traditional medical treatment, including prescription medicine.

You, reader, are now equipped with the necessary knowledge to benefit from the many benefits of meditation.

Put Peppermint In Your Home And Say Goodbye to Spiders, Mice, and Pests

I think everyone can agree that peppermint smells wonderful. But it offers more benefits than just adding a nice fragrance to your house. This amazing plant can actually help to keep household pests such as spiders, mice, and mosquitoes away. Besides that, it doesn’t have any harsh chemicals to worry about! However, if you’re facing a persistent mosquitoe problem South Florida, additional measures or professional pest control might be necessary to fully manage the situation.

When dealing with household pests like rodents, proactive measures such as rodent exclusion services can significantly enhance pest management strategies. Incorporating methods that prevent rodents from entering homes, such as sealing entry points and implementing barriers, is crucial. Alongside natural repellents like peppermint, which rodents find unpleasant, these integrated approaches offer effective and environmentally friendly solutions. For more persistent infestations, Mouse exterminators provide expert services to ensure your home remains rodent-free in the long term.

You can either buy actual plants or use essential oils, but either way, you’ll get to reap the benefits. With the peppermint plant, you’ll have two different varieties to choose from – black or white. You can see a distinct difference between the two plants because the black plant will have darker leaves and a stronger scent, while the white peppermint will have a lighter color and fainter scent.

Peppermint plants need to grow in either a pot of soil or a bottle of water. But the container needs to have adequate drainage for plant growth. They need indirect sunlight and grow best in daytime temperatures of around 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures of 55-60.

So, now that you know the basics of taking care of your peppermint plant, we’ll get into how this wonderful gift from nature can help you keep your home pest-free.

Put Peppermint In Your Home And Say Goodbye to Spiders, Mice, and Pests

You can use peppermint for various things, including in natural bug sprays.

In one study, M. piperita (peppermint) showed evidence of repelling mosquitoes and their larvae; the mosquitoes were completely killed 24 hours after exposure (in water) to 3 ml of M. piperita per square meter of water.

Another study done in Israel compared seven different commercial bug repellents. The results speak for themselves about the power of the peppermint plant: the All-Natural Essential Oil Mosquito Repellent (a mixture of cinnamon, eugenol, geranium, peppermint, and lemongrass oils) tied with OFF!, one of the biggest brands of mosquito repellents, as the most effective of the seven. A further study found that peppermint oil offered complete protection from mosquitoes for 150 minutes, with just 0.1 mL of oil applied on the arms. However, after those 150 minutes, the researchers found that the effectiveness of the oil decreased and needed to be reapplied.

Spiders also don’t like the smell of peppermint. So keeping a plant in the corner of your bedroom can work wonders in keeping them away while you sleep.

Of course, taking preventive measures such as closing doors and windows tightly, keeping the house clean and free of crumbs, and turning off some of the outdoor lights that attract bugs can help also.

As far as rats and other rodents go, some studies have proven that peppermint can keep these types of pests away or one can hire Proper Pest Control for professional pest control services. In high concentrations, peppermint oil changes the white matter of the cerebellum and also creates cyst-like spaces within the white matter, according to one study. So, keeping peppermint plants around the house and even diffusing oils might help deter household pests like rodents.

Additionally, professional pest control services, such as those offered by McCauley Agricultural & Pest Service, can provide comprehensive solutions for pest management, incorporating natural repellents like peppermint into their arsenal. By leveraging their expertise and access to advanced technologies, these professionals can effectively address pest infestations, providing long-term relief for homeowners and businesses alike.

Peppermint plants can even work to keep pests away from your pets.

Keep a plant near their bed, or even sprinkle some essential oils where they sleep to discourage bugs and rodents from visiting your furry friend.


Of course, peppermint plants not only smell great and keep pests away, but they add a nice color to your home and allow you to bring a little piece of nature into your living environment. What’s not to love?

Peppermint plants offer more than just a refreshing fragrance and aesthetic appeal in your home; they also serve as a natural pest control solution. The aromatic qualities of peppermint act as a deterrent for common household pests, making it an eco-friendly and pleasant way to keep your living space bug-free. By cultivating these plants, you not only create a delightful atmosphere but also provide an effective barrier against unwelcome critters.

For a more comprehensive understanding of natural and safe pest control methods, consider visiting the Safe Pest Control website. It offers valuable insights and resources to help you maintain a pest-free home while minimizing the use of harmful chemicals, ensuring a healthier and more sustainable living environment.

Ansari M.A., Vasudevan P., Tandon M., Razdan R.K. 2000. Larvicidal and mosquito repellent action of pepper- mint (Mentha piperita) oil. Bioresource Technol 71:267-271.
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Relationship Experts Explain 7 Tips That Help People Find True Love

Most people want to find true love and enjoy sharing their life with another person. For some individuals, it can be challenging to find the right person that you share a connection with long-term. Without love, it can be easy to feel alone and isolated.

Fortunately, there’s hope if you haven’t had luck landing a partner. It’s important to look towards the experts for professional help and advice. If you want to know how to find true love that will last, there are a few simple tips to follow that are recommended by relationship experts.

1. Remain Positive

Although you may still be looking to fall in love, it doesn’t mean that the rest of your life is in a bad state. Make it a point to remain positive and have a better outlook on life and the future, which will attract the right person. Those who are negative or complain frequently have difficulty attracting people because they don’t seem happy or cheerful. Keep in mind that no one wants to spend time with someone that is always finding the negative in people and in certain situations or events.

2. Have an Open Mind

One of the most common reasons that many people have difficulty falling in love is because they’re too picky. You may have a list of the type of person that you want to marry, but it’s important to understand that the right individual will still have flaws and won’t be perfect. Have an open mind with the people that you date as you look for true love to ensure that you don’t overlook the good qualities that they have. Focusing on minor details or flaws can cause you to miss out on finding romance that is sustainable.

3. Stay Authentic

Remaining authentic when meeting new people and while dating is essential to ensure that they can fall in love with who you really are instead of someone that you’re pretending to be. You can’t expect to obtain true love if you’re not revealing who you are by putting on a facade. Remain confident and know your value in advance to ensure that you don’t have to lie or deceive the other person.

4. Communicate Effectively

Finding true love will require brushing up on your communication skills to ensure that you can remain close and transparent to the person that you begin to date. You’ll need to be upfront about personal details or how you feel in the relationship to ensure that a strong bond is formed. Effective communication is also necessary to establish trust, which is the foundation of any relationship. Suppressing your feelings or what you want to say will only create distance and animosity over time.

5. Forgive Your Exes

Forgiving your exes is crucial to ensure that you can move on and have a healthy relationship. Without forgiveness, you won’t be able to trust the new person that you’re with due to the pain that you’ve experienced in the past. Let go of old memories and ask yourself what you learned from the situation to begin viewing the past relationships in a positive light. Letting go may also mean you need to write a letter of forgiveness to the individual or journal your thoughts to release the pain and move forward.

6. Put the Work into the Relationship

Although it may be easy to fall in love with someone, the hard part is making the relationship last long-term. Over time, the honeymoon stage can wear off, which can cause some people to want to move on to another person. True love requires hard work to keep the sparks alive, which will require prioritizing your time together and have fun. You may also need to attend counseling to have a professional assist with working through specific issues and helping you to communicate more effectively.

true love

7. Know What You Want

Although it’s important to be open with who you date, you also need to know what you want to ensure that you can find the right person to fall in love with and who is compatible. Make a list of characteristics that you want in a partner, which can include a sense of humor, a good work ethic, or value for family. Finding someone who shares your same view and perspective on life can allow you to be on the same page and be a good fit.

It doesn’t have to feel impossible to find an authentic relationship despite your history in love. By following the right tips from the experts, you can increase your odds of attracting someone that is a keeper and can enhance the quality of your life.

6 Early Warnings of A UTI to Never Ignore

What is UTI?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is defined as “an infection in any part of your urinary system – your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.” The majority of UTIs occur in the bladder and urethra.

Being a female can be considered a risk factor for UTI. Women are as much as 30 times more likely to develop this infection than men. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, women have shorter urethras than men, meaning that bacteria have a better chance of infiltrating the bladder. Additionally, the female urethra is closer to the rectum, increasing the risk of germs spreading from the latter.

UTI complications can be severe. Unless the infection is treated promptly, complications may include:

  • Sepsis, a life-threatening blood infection where the immune system is compromised.
  • Recurring infections
  • (For pregnant women) premature birth or low birth weight
  • Long-term kidney damage or acute kidney infection
  • (In men) narrowing of the urethra (gonococcal urethritis)

Risk factors for UTI

Additional risk factors associated with UTI include:

  • Kidney stones or enlarged prostate
  • Abnormal urinary tract physiology
  • A suppressed immune system
  • Use of a catheter
  • Urinary surgery procedure
  • Previous UTIs (around 40 percent of people who have one UTI will have a second.)

Signs of UTI to Never Ignore

If you experience any of the following symptoms, please seek medical care. (Also, continue reading after this section for prevention tips!)

  1. Abdominal Pain

When bacteria are transferred from the rectum to the urethra, and up to the bladder, abdominal pain can result. Overgrowth of E. Coli, a common bacteria found in UTIs, may worsen due to a slow immune system response – and may trigger painful symptoms.

Aching and cramping of the lower abdomen are among the most common symptoms of UTI. When this pain is frequent and ongoing, it is wise to seek the advice of a medical professional.

  1. Exhaustion

For some reason, the immune system can be a bit slow in responding to a urinary infection. If this happens, when the immune system does get to work, it will kick into overdrive. An immune system in overdrive requires a considerable expenditure of energy – and this can quickly drain us.

The only antidote here is to get plenty of rest following proper treatment.

  1. Frequent Urination

The presence of an infection in the urinary tract can play games with your bladder. No doubt you’ve felt the urge to go pee only to find that you don’t have much “in there.” This false sense of urgency is a common symptom of UTI.

Speaking of pee, you may also find that yours may smell a bit funny. The presence of bacteria in the urine may produce this strange smell.

  1. Urine discoloration

Normally-colored urine is light yellow to yellowish-brown, depending on your hydration levels. (It should almost always be the former color, by the way!) But urine that appears cloudy, gray, or pink may indicate the presence of bacteria. Blood in the urine is a possible sign also, and one that requires medical intervention.

(Foods such as beets, blackberries, and rhubarb may also alter urine color.)

  1. Pain while urinating

The development of white blood cells, or pyuria, causes inflammation of the bladder wall. This inflammation, combined with the infected urine, is what produces pain and irritation during urination.

It’s also likely that your pee will produce a pungent odor. This is also a byproduct of bacteria within the urine.

  1. Stomach flu-like symptoms

Besides abdominal pain, you may experience symptoms that resemble a stomach bug. If the infection spreads to the kidneys – which is a result of delayed treatment – symptoms become more severe and variable. These symptoms include a backache, chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting.

If you are also experiencing pelvic discomfort and or pain while urinating, it is wise to see a doctor, as your infection may have possibly spread to the kidneys.

overactive bladder - uti

Prevention and Treatment of UTI

As prevention is always the best medicine, we like to start here. To prevent UTI, here are some tips:

  • First, drink plenty of water.
  • Try some cranberry juice.
  • Also, avoid feminine products with fragrances.
  • Urinate after intercourse, if necessary.
  • Finally, choose a new method of birth control (talk to your doctor or wellness professional about this one).

Treatment of UTI usually comes in the form of prescription antibiotics. Typically, antibiotics will clear up the condition within a few days. For more severe infections, a longer treatment duration and or a stronger type of antibiotics may be prescribed. Additionally, your doctor may prescribe a pain medication to relieve the irritation and burning during urination.

Other potential treatments include:

  • Intravenous (IV) antibiotics
  • Self-treatment (on doctor’s approval)
  • Estrogen therapy
  • Alternative remedies, including probiotics, garlic, and apple cider vinegar (there are plenty of natural remedies that may reduce UTI symptoms.)

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

If You’re Over 40, You Should Only Work 3 Days Per Week. Here’s Why…

Work; just that word alone makes most of us want to hide under our covers, sleep past our alarms, and pretend that reality doesn’t exist. We live in an overworked, overstressed society that seems to demand more and more from us each day, and work responsibilities continue to pile up. We must work so many hours just to barely scrape by, often sacrificing our health, family time, and other important aspects of life to make ends meet.

While we all could benefit greatly from working less hours a week, our readers over 40 should definitely consider cutting their work down to three days per week, if possible.

This might seem like a drastic change to make depending on your current workload, but one study reveals why people over 40 should cut down on hours spent working. We’ll discuss more of the details of said study in the article below.

If You’re Over 40, You Should Only Work 3 Days Per Week. Here’s Why…

A recent study done by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research found that, while the cognitive performance of people over 40 improved with up to 25 hours of work per week, any more than that caused a decline in performance and an increase in fatigue and stress. 

Researchers invited 3,500 women and 3,000 men over 40 years old to participate in the study, and made them take cognitive function tests while working to monitor their performance.

Overall, they found that those working 25 hours or less per week performed best, while those working 55 hours a week or more showed worse cognitive impairment than even the retired or unemployed participants in the study.

The researchers tested the participants based on their ability to read words aloud, recite lists of numbers and match letters and numbers in speed trials, known as the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey (Hilda). One of the authors of the study, Professor Colin McKenzie, said that both ‘thinking’ and ‘knowing’ would be considered in the study. For the ‘knowing’ portion, participants would read aloud, while the ‘thinking’ part dealt more with reasoning skills, memory, and abstract concepts.

While some mental stimulation is necessary, especially as we age, too much of it can actually harm our cognitive functions. Crossword puzzles and other mind exercises can help people retain cognitive abilities, without causing unwanted stress and fatigue.

Professor McKenzie told The Times:

“Many countries are going to raise their retirement ages by delaying the age at which people are eligible to start receiving pension benefits. This means that more people continue to work in the later stages of their life.

The degree of intellectual stimulation may depend on working hours. Work can be a double-edged sword, in that it can stimulate brain activity, but at the same time long working hours can cause fatigue and stress, which potentially damage cognitive functions.

We point out that differences in working hours are important for maintaining cognitive functioning in middle-aged and elderly adults. This means that, in middle and older age, working part-time could be effective in maintaining cognitive ability.”

However, the Hilda survey doesn’t take into account the type of work being done, so that could make all the difference when it comes to overall cognitive performance, as well as stress levels.

Professor McKenzie says, “It’s very difficult to identify the causal effects of the type of work on cognitive functions. People may be selected into certain occupations according to their cognitive abilities.”

criticism - work

In general, however, working longer hours in a very demanding job would take a greater toll on cognitive functions and stress than a part-time job with less responsibilities. Sadly, many people over 40 must continue to work long hours due to financial and family obligations. What’s more, most can’t even access retirement funds until their late 60s, and even then, they might still have to keep working to make ends meet.

So, what is the real answer here? Well, it pretty much comes down to your personal situation. If you have the means to do so, then cut down on your work hours and fill your time with other, less stressful ways of keeping your mind healthy. Do crossword puzzles, talk to family often, read books, and find other brain games that you enjoy doing.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Things to Never Put Up With In A Relationship

You should never accept certain behaviors in your relationships, no matter if they’re romantic, platonic, or familial in nature. Many people tolerate abuse or other toxic behaviors in relationships simply because they fear being alone or don’t have a lot of self-worth. However, getting into unhealthy relationships only deepens this sense of insecurity and prevents you from finding a positive partner.

No matter how lonely you feel, you should never keep a relationship in your life that makes you unhappy. You will be better off in the long run being alone than accepting someone who treats you poorly. Look out for the following things that you should never tolerate in a relationship so you can wait for the person who deserves you.

Here are 11 things to never put up with in a relationship:

1. Controlling behavior

Partners who attempt to control their significant other in a relationship have serious self-esteem issues. Often, they feel that they can’t leave their partner out of their sight. They must know their whereabouts, who they’re talking to, and what their plans are at all times. This type of behavior should never be tolerated.

According to Psychology Today, controlling people have a lot of techniques up their sleeves to dominate their partners, and oftentimes, people don’t realize what’s happening until they’re deeply entrenched in the relationship. Even if this behavior doesn’t lead to more severe forms of abuse, it’s still a sign of a toxic relationship that no one should be a part of.

2. Breaking your trust

This one seems like a no-brainer, but we feel the need to reiterate it. Too many people stay in a relationship where they feel they can’t trust their partner, which means the relationship will never move forward. You can’t have a relationship without trust, because that’s one of the key elements a relationship needs to thrive. If your partner does anything to make themselves untrustworthy, it’s best to leave the relationship behind because it will only lead to heartache.

3. Codependency

While a relationship does mean taking care of your partner from time to time and being there for them, there’s a fine line between support and care-taking. You should never feel like you have to babysit your partner and their emotions or watch over them like a child. If your partner can’t live an independent life and show that they can take on adult responsibilities, then perhaps it’s time to move on. Partners should be equals in a relationship and no one should feel like they have to do everything for their partner.

4. A negative attitude

Of course everyone has good and bad days, but a constant negative outlook on life will only bring you down. Your partner should inspire you and lift you up, not drag you down. In a relationship, it takes motivation and determination to make it succeed; otherwise, both of you will remain stagnant and complacent. Never accept a partner who doesn’t want the best possible life for themselves, because they won’t be able to provide what you need, either.

5. Emotionally unavailable

A romantic partnership involves being emotionally vulnerable; after all, who else can you share your deepest, darkest secrets and thoughts with? If you can’t feel comfortable sharing what’s on your mind with your partner, then they probably aren’t ready for the same type of relationship as you. You should be able to talk about anything with your significant other; if you can’t, the relationship will not bring you security or happiness.

6. Not listening to you

Anyone in a long-term relationship will tell you that communication is one of the keys to making it succeed. Without clear communication, couples can start to lose their bond and seek outside relationships for emotional support. Relationships do take a lot of effort, but it’s worth it to keep the love alive. If your partner doesn’t seem interested in what you have to say and doesn’t want to open up to you, they will not make a good partner for the long haul. No one should tolerate this type of disrespect in a relationship.

7. Lack of support

If your partner can’t support your goals and constantly second-guesses your abilities, why should they get a place in your life? Never tolerate someone who doesn’t have your best interests in mind and doesn’t believe in you, because they will only drag you down. A partner should be your number one cheerleader in life and make you feel good about yourself and your dreams!

8. Not taking responsibilities seriously

Unfortunately, part of growing up and being in a stable relationship involves paying the bills and keeping a steady job. If your partner can’t do this, then perhaps they aren’t ready for a serious relationship. You should never tolerate a partner who doesn’t want to pay their share of the bills and who just wants a free ride. It takes two people to make a relationship work, so don’t ever settle for someone who only takes and never gives

9. Constant arguing 

If your partner nitpicks every little thing and makes a mountain out of a molehill, it will only add stress to your life. Never put up with a partner who makes every interaction a negative one. Even if you practice positive thinking, a negative partner will only hinder your efforts.

toxic relationship quote

10. Mental or physical abuse

This should go without saying, but you should never tolerate abuse in a relationship. This is the deepest form of disrespect and is absolutely unacceptable in any type of relationship.

11. Making you feel ordinary

Your partner should make you feel like the most amazing man or woman on the planet. Of course, they may not tell you or show you every day, but if they can’t even buy you dinner or take you out on a date once every week or two, or show you they care in some way, then you deserve better. A relationship should make you feel wanted and cared for, not neglected and depressed.

Final thoughts

A relationship should make you feel better about yourself and life, not worse. If you feel negatively in your relationship the majority of the time, we hope this article will encourage you to reevaluate it and hopefully make a decision that you can feel good about.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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