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12 Women Who Prove That Bikinis Aren’t Just For Skinny People

When you scroll through Instagram, you might compare yourself to other people’s “perfect bodies” and get a little jealous. It happens to the best of us, but it really shouldn’t. Why? Well, what most of these popular Instagrammers won’t tell you is that lighting, poses, and Photoshop can make quite a difference. What you see online isn’t reality, and even if someone looks the same in their photos as in real life, everyone is beautiful in their own way. At the same time, everyone has something they’re insecure about; for example, maybe that person you envy because of their skinny body might actually wish they could gain weight. Never judge someone’s online profile, because you have no idea what their real life is like.

With that said, since summertime is here, many people are hitting the beach and throwing on the bikinis for some fun in the sun. No matter your size, we hope these women will inspire you to feel confident and proud of the person you are.

Here are 12 women who prove that bikinis aren’t just for skinny people:

1. Bikinis are for everyone, and this woman is absolutely rocking hers!

2. Body confidence activist and plus size model Iskra Lawrence helps women everywhere feel comfortable in their own skin.

A post shared by i s k r a (@iskra) on

3. Jordyn Woods, one of Kylie Jenner’s best friends, shows women that curvy bodies look great in bikinis too!

A post shared by HEIR JORDYN (@jordynwoods) on

4. One of the most famous plus size models, Ashley Graham shows off her beautiful bikini body at the beach.

5. Tara Lynn, a lingerie model, also promotes body positivity and self-love.

A post shared by t a r a l y n n (@taralynn) on

6. Barbara Ferreira, a plus size model, won’t work for companies who airbrush or Photoshop her pics.

A post shared by barbie ferreira (@barbienox) on

7. Bikinis are for every type of body, and this woman proves it!

8. You don’t need rock hard abs or sculpted thighs to feel confident in bikinis. You just need self-love!

9. Thick thighs are perfectly welcome in bikinis, too. 🙂

10. Have stretch marks? No worries; those are acceptable in bikinis, despite what you’ve been told.

A post shared by Marina de Prada (@silk_marina) on


11. She’s absolutely killing it!

12. We hope you feel as confident in your bikini as she does!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 People Who Will Make You Love Your Imperfect Body

Feeling good about yourself and your body in today’s world can seem downright impossible at times. With the advent of social media, it can feel like we are under constant scrutiny, which makes us feel like we have to work that much harder to reach perfection. So many people deal with body image issues and feel like they will never look good enough, no matter how hard they try. Again, having social media accounts can make body insecurity even worse due to the pressure to compare ourselves to others.

However, these inspiring Instagram accounts are putting the message out there that you should love yourself and your “imperfect” body and stop being so hard on yourself! We hope that these people will make you love your imperfect body and help you see yourself in a more positive light.

Here are 10 people on Instagram who will make you love your imperfect body:

1. This woman is doing a great job of helping women everywhere feel happy and confident in their own skin and love their “imperfect” bodies!

A post shared by Rini Frey (@ownitbabe) on

2. Don’t just tolerate yourself; celebrate yourself!

3. This beautiful woman simply radiates body positivity, showing us all how good it feels to love yourself!


4. You don’t have to be skinny with flat abs to be absolutely beautiful and worthy of self-love, as this Instagram account demonstrates.

A post shared by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on

5. Stretch marks and thick thighs are not features to be hidden away; don’t let anyone tell you any differently!

A post shared by Summers VonHesse (@summers.vonhesse) on

6. You definitely need to follow this body positive yoga teacher on Instagram!

A post shared by Dana Falsetti (@nolatrees) on

7. Don’t worry guys, we didn’t leave you out. It’s important for EVERYONE to love their bodies, not just women.

A post shared by Tyler Hall (@timewithtyler) on

8. Too many woman are afraid of putting on a swimsuit, but this woman can help your put your fears to rest!

9. And this woman too! A positive body image starts with positive thinking about yourself. 🙂

A post shared by sade pramberger (@mythrivingon) on

10. We leave you with this photo of a plus-size model to show you that any size is the “right” one as long as you’re happy with yourself.

A post shared by Bree (@treebracy) on

We truly hope these photos help you feel more positive and secure with yourself and your body, because you deserve love and acceptance from yourself, always. Remember that only your opinion of yourself counts, and that society will always be critical. So, love the skin you’re in anyway, because all of you reading this are beautiful just the way you are. 🙂

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

15 Of The Most Motivating Quotes Of All Time

Sometimes in life, you feel like you just can’t keep going through the motions anymore. We’ve all been there, and it isn’t a fun or pretty place to be. It can feel like you’re walking down a dark tunnel with no light at the end, or attempting to swim to the surface of the ocean, but feeling like something is dragging you down. We all lose motivation at times, and it’s okay to take breaks and rest our souls. However, we must get back up at some point and work toward our goals, because no one else will do it for us.

If you’ve been feeling unmotivated and exhausted lately, we hope the following quotes will help you to gain inspiration and motivation once again.

15 Of The Most Motivating Quotes of All Time

1. “No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always become a better version of yourself.” – Madonna

We all are a continual work in progress, so we can’t beat ourselves up for not being where we want to be in this very moment. It takes hard work, dedication, and serious soul-searching to become the best versions of ourselves, but we can always keep striving for better. We can always rise above our self-imposed limits and accept more than mediocrity. No matter what though, if you haven’t given up yet, then you should be extremely proud of yourself. This life is no cake walk, and it takes a true warrior to see it through to the end.

2. Never give up on something you really want; it is difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret. 

At the end of your life, you don’t want to look back and see a story book full of regrets. You want to know that you gave this life your all and went for every dream. Life is happening right here and right now, and you have all the tools within you to succeed and live the life you’ve always wanted. Never, ever give up on what makes you feel alive. Never give up on you, because you matter, and don’t let anyone tell you any differently.

3. “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow.” – Robert Tew

Life is full of struggles, but as long as you keep striving and working towards what you want, you’ll get there in time. If life was easy, it wouldn’t feel so rewarding to finally get what we want out of it.

4. “A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle”. – Buddha

Your greatest obstacle in life, believe it or not, is yourself. You can be your worst critic if you listen to the voices inside your head trying to bring you down. You have to learn to become friends with yourself first if you want to succeed in life. 

5. “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” – Maya Angelou

Life experiences can change us, most definitely. However, they don’t have to define us or limit us from our true potential. Use your obstacles as opportunities rather than excuses.

6. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

You have the whole world inside of you, if only you’d stop looking outside yourself for the answers. You can do whatever you set your mind to in life, as long as you believe you can. The past and future don’t define you; what you do with the present moment does.

7. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

No matter your age, you can do whatever you want in life. Don’t let anyone tell you any differently, because it simply isn’t true. Ordinary people do extraordinary things every single day, so don’t reduce yourself to mediocrity based on what the critics may say. Follow your bliss, and do what makes your soul come alive!

8. “My goal is not to be better than anybody else, but to be better than I used to be.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

The only person you need to compare yourself to or compete with is the one in the mirror. Period. We do live in a competitive world, but life is not a race. Set goals for yourself and do what it takes to reach them, but don’t let yourself become depressed if someone else gets there faster than you. It isn’t about how long it takes; it’s about the journey along the way.

Related article: 15 Powerful Quotes That Will Shake Your Soul

9. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” ~ Steve Jobs

I think this powerful quote speaks for itself, but just to add our two cents: You’ll never live a happy life if you only fulfill someone else’s dreams. You can either go after your dream or help someone else build theirs, but I think we both know the better decision of the two.

10. “I am the greatest; I said that before I even knew I was.” – Muhammed Ali

Just like the world-famous boxer, you have to tell yourself your worth every single day, even if you don’t feel you deserve it yet. You, not anyone else, determine your worth, so every time you look in the mirror, remind yourself that you matter, you’re awesome, and you can do this.

11. “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.” – Confucious

It’s okay to fail; in fact, it’s part of the human experience. Without failing, we would never learn and grow. However, we must get back up and try again, because if we remain persistent, we will eventually succeed.

12. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

Even great basketball players have off games every once in a while. So, if you have setbacks in your life, don’t let them stop you. Simply learn from them and do your best every single day.

Related article: 11 Quotes to Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up

13. “Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” – J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling was on welfare and had just gone through a divorce when she wrote her first book, just to let you know. And, I think we all know what a huge success story she became. Even if you feel like you can’t see light in the darkness, just know that you CAN find your way out. 

14. “If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.” –Anonymous

You don’t need permission to become the best version of yourself, so stop asking for it. Go after your goals, and don’t let anyone, especially yourself, stand in your way.

15. “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs

If people look at you like you’re crazy, good. You’re probably doing something right. No matter how farfetched you think your dreams are, go after them anyway. Everyone else is just sitting on the sidelines critiquing you while you’re out there actually playing the game.


20 Amazing Benefits of Petroleum Jelly

There’s a pretty fascinating history behind petroleum jelly. In 1859, it’s said that Charles Chesebrough came upon a substance called “rod wax” that oil workers had been using to treat their burns and cuts.

After taking samples of this byproduct, Chesebrough traveled back to Brooklyn, New York. He discovered that the residues of petroleum, after undergoing a two-stage distillation process, had some redeemable value. The rest, as they say, is history.

Chesebrough decided to call his new product Vaseline – a combination of the German word for water (wasser) and the Greek word for oil (oleon). Today, Vaseline – and other petroleum jelly brands – are commonplace in households around the world.

As it turns out, there are numerous benefits of the product – benefits that Mr. Chesebrough wasn’t aware of.

Here are 20 amazing benefits of petroleum jelly:

“To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, Robert A. Chesebrough, of the city, country, and State of New York, have invented a new and useful Product from Petroleum, which I have named “Vaseline;” … – United States Patent No. 127,568: “Improvement In Products From Petroleum.”

1. Adding shine. Petroleum jelly can help restore some of the original shine of leather products. A few seconds after applying a thin layer to the surface, wipe it clean with a cloth.

2. Removing makeup stains. Should you accidentally stain your clothes with makeup, dab a bit of petroleum jelly on the stain. Then wash the garment per usual.

3. Jarring a zipper loose. A stuck zipper is easier to fix after lubricating the affected area with some jelly. After a bit of finagling, the zipper should work.

4. Adding some polish. Dab some petroleum jelly on a piece of cloth to add some shine to wooden tabletops and other surfaces. This will not only add shine, but it will keep the furniture cleaner by repelling dust.

5. Unsticking a nail polish jar. Lubricate the threads on the jars bottle after each use to prevent sticking.

6. Nail shine. If regularly rubbed onto nail plates, they will begin to shine and strengthen.

7. Cuticle care. Use petroleum jelly to lubricate your cuticles occasionally before going to bed. This will prevent the cuticles from drying.

8. A clean manicure. Before applying nail polish, apply some petroleum jelly to the cuticles. This will prevent the polish from getting onto the skin.

9. Styling gel. Rub petroleum jelly between your fingers, apply to the hair, and style as usual. As with any other style gel, don’t use too much.

10. Healing split ends. Apply a bit of the product to dry hair ends and wait 15 to 20 minutes. Petroleum jelly helps to seal the split ends; and after a few uses, the hair’s condition should improve.

11. Dye protection. Applying petroleum jelly to the hairline will protect the skin from hair dye.

12. Makeup gloss. Applying a bit of petroleum jelly to the eyelids prior to putting on eye shadow will add a “wet” look. Also, the product helps the makeup last a bit longer.

13. Shaping the ‘brows. Using a clean brush, squeeze a drop of petroleum jelly and brush in the desired direction. This will keep the eyebrows in the right shape throughout the day.

14. Eyelash styling. Applying a bit of petroleum jelly to the eyelashes before going to bed can help them grow faster and add a bit of thickness.

15. Makeup removal. Saturate a cotton ball with petroleum jelly and use it to remove makeup. This technique works with waterproof makeup, as well.

16. Lip balm. Petroleum jelly is effective as a lip balm, and also protects the lips from chapping and weathering. To “plump up” your lips, add a dab of cinnamon to the product.

17. Baby skin care. Petroleum jelly is a wonderful ointment for treating diaper rash. Prior to applying the product, wash the affected skin area thoroughly and pat dry with a towel.

Skin Care Tips You Need To Know About

18. “Tanning.” Lubricating the body’s dry areas with petroleum jelly before applying a bronzer will ensure an even, nice-looking tan.

19. Enhancing scent. Prior to spraying on perfume, apply some petroleum jelly to the skin. This will absorb the perfume and enhance its scent.

20. Delicate skin scrub. A good body scrub involves the use of natural abrasive particles (coffee, cane sugar, sea salt). Mixing in some petroleum jelly with the scrubbing particles will make the scrub a bit easier on the skin.

Patent US127568 – Improvement in products from petroleum. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2017, from

What is Petroleum Jelly & What is it Used for? (2017). Retrieved April 29, 2017, from
Wikipedia. (2017, April 23). Vaseline. Retrieved April 29, 2017, from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”

– Buddha

“Studies have shown that you can help prevent cognitive decline…with some basic good health habits…there are various strategies we can use to protect and sharpen our minds.”

– Harvard Medical School

Intro: The Buddha and…Harvard?

Quoting the Great Buddha – a sage that lived in ancient India, and Harvard Medical School – a preeminent institution of medical education – may appear to be a juxtaposition of the highest degree.

The opposite, however, couldn’t be more true. Harvard Medical School has published various research studies predicated on the very practices that Buddha himself promulgated thousands of years ago: mindfulness, self-awareness, meditation, and other means of harnessing the power of the human mind.

Similarly, both the Buddha and Harvard Medical School posit that one’s mind is a uniquely human component – one meant to be developed and strengthened. The very latest neuroscientific research studies (e.g. neuroplasticity, neurogenesis) have all reached one important conclusion: the mind/brain possess the innate capacity to develop throughout life.

Which segues into the topic of this article: methods of sharpening what is undoubtedly our greatest gift, our mind.

Here, we present 11 scientifically-validated means of keeping the mind and brain sharp. Additionally, these practices will further enhance many of the mind’s unique capabilities: critical-thinking, judgement, creativeness, focus, attention, and even spiritual connection.

Here are 11 ways to keep the mind and brain sharp:

1. Prioritize lifelong learning

According to Harvard University, “A higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in old age.” However, that doesn’t mean you need a Ph.D. to take advantage.

The ultimate goal is to challenge your brain. It doesn’t matter the challenge is a Master’s thesis, pursuance of a new hobby, or learning a new skill. If your brain is learning something, it’s staying sharp.

2. Believe in the power of your mind

Negative stereotypes about aging and memory are mostly untrue – and can actually contribute to memory problems. On the other hand, if you possess confidence in your ability to maintain and improve the sharpness of your mind, you’re much more likely to engage it in activities that promote mental acuity.

3. Create a routine for the simple things

Lost keys, forgotten birthdays, getting lost…all of these trivial annoyances drain the mind’s capacity.

When you use tools (e.g. calendars, maps, lists, etc.) to keep these things in order, your brain is able to concentrate on learning and development. As far as misplacing things, designate a specific place in your home to keep the keys, eyeglasses, wallet…etc.

4. Repeat, repeat, repeat…

When you come across some piece of info that you want or need to remember, either write it down or repeat it out loud. Repetition helps to reinforce the neural connections responsible for remembering things.

5. Don’t “cram”…at any age, or for any reason

Related to #5, using repetition to memorize information is wonderful – if the timing is correct. Most people are not very adept at remembering unrelated information in a short period of time.

When you need to “study” or remember important details, it is extremely beneficial to designate periods of time to do so. Don’t “cram”…it doesn’t work.

6. Get your body moving

Researchers believe that regular exercise “may be the single most important thing you can do” for brain health, especially over the long-term. While our heart and lungs are pumping, the brain is getting fit as well.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise every other day.

7. Understand and remember the importance of nutrition

Fitting that nutrition comes after exercise, as they are two of the most important determinants to long-term mind health.

First, it’s important to understand the intricate relationship between nutrition and brain health. Glycogen is the brain’s number one source of energy – and this source is expended quickly. The best option is a low glycemic nutrition plan – high fiber, moderate protein, and low fat.

8. Get plenty of sleep…but not too much

We’ll keep this simple: you should be sleeping 7 to 9 hours per night. Our brain cannot effectively consolidate and reorganize the prior day’s activities, otherwise. On the opposite end of the spectrum, hibernating for 10-plus hours a night accomplishes nil.

Poor sleep over the long-term is directly linked to cognitive decline in old age. If you’re not prioritizing sleep, you’re sacrificing your mental and physical health.

9. Mitigate and manage stress

Stress causes the instantaneous release of cortisol – a harmful chemical that interferes with a number of important brain and body functions. Obviously, this is bad.


That said, we’re realists. Stress is a daily occurrence for everyone and everything alive on this planet. The solution: eliminate stressors where they can be (e.g. move away from that annoying co-worker) and find a healthy method of stress relieve (e.g. a Chinese massage, video games, a book, whatever…)

10. Embrace cognitive challenges

We want reemphasize the importance of exercising the mind. Just as your body can not get healthy without being pushed, neither can your brain.

And here’s the thing…a brain challenge can be fun! Use your smartphone and find a brain teaser; pick up the newspaper and look for the daily crossword; play a board or computer game. As long as your brain is “active,” it’s all good!

11. Meditate

We can’t quote Buddha without mentioning the benefits of meditation and/or mindfulness. We’ll stick with the same theme and include Harvard in on this one, as well.

Here’s a quote by Dr. Sara Lazar, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School:

Although the practice of meditation is associate with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation provides cognition and psychological benefits…This study demonstrates that changes in brain structure may underlie some of these reported improvements and that people are not just feeling better because they are spending time relaxing.”

Denninger, J., Lazar, S., Vago, D. (2016). Now and Zen: How mindfulness can change your brain and improve your health. [PDF]. Retrieved from

Harvard Health Publications. (2015). Improving age-related memory loss. [PDF]. Retrieved January 6, 2017 from
Nixon, R. (2011, February 11). 10 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp. Retrieved January 06, 2017, from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Ways To Make Life Simple Again

We have so many gadgets and services in today’s world that claim to make life simple, but instead, they just overcomplicate it. We all long for a simpler life with less stress and more downtime, but how do we actually attain that?

In short, life isn’t inherently complicated – we just make it that way. Once you understand that you have created your reality up until this point, you can use that same energy and power to move yourself into a simple life that you can actually enjoy. You can use the tools within you to bring that simplicity back into your life and do away with anything that doesn’t make life easier for you.

Of course, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to how to make life simpler, but we have come up with a few ideas that will hopefully get you started down a path to less stress and more happiness.

5 Ways To Make Life Simple Again

simple living

1. Work on your dreams, but don’t overwork yourself.

Everyone tells you to follow your dreams, and by all means, you should! However, don’t allow your dreams to turn you into a workaholic. Take time for yourself and don’t forget to actually live your life in the present while you’re in the process of creating your future life. Let’s be honest – any kind of work can exhaust us eventually, so it’s extremely important to pace yourself and allow your dreams to slowly take shape. Remember, no one created an empire overnight – it takes time, dedication, and patience. 

You have to remember to take care of yourself along the way and breathe life in, rather than suffocating your spirit just to make it to the finish line before everyone else. Life is not a race, so don’t treat it that way. Be content to watch life take shape and go with the flow rather than trying to force things to happen.

2. Don’t buy more than you need.

We live in times where being able to afford even the basics is tough for most people. Many of us need multiple jobs or streams of income in order to just survive. With that being said, one way to make your life simple is to only buy what you absolutely need, and do away with anything that doesn’t serve you and enhance your life. Buying more than you need or purchasing things that you can’t afford will only lead to more stress and debt, which will create the exact opposite of a simple life. Plus, studies have shown that more material items DON’T bring more happiness, and just lead to more clutter, stress, and feelings of emptiness.

Live within your means, and you will enjoy much lower stress levels and less debt in the long run.

3. Work smarter, not harder.

This one may not apply to some people, but for those who have more control over their schedules, try to get tasks done in a set window of time, and then move on to the next task. Multitasking doesn’t really exist, anyway, so don’t try to do multiple things at once. Our brains can only process one thing at a time efficiently, so focus on doing one thing at a time. You’ll save your brainpower and actually finish your work more quickly.

We have finite energy, so only use it on things that will benefit your life and don’t waste it on anything that simply keeps you “busy” but not productive. We all lead busy lives, but mostly because we do things we don’t truly want to do. Focus your energy on what will bring you the most happiness and abundance, and choose to eliminate anything that doesn’t serve your highest good.

4. Don’t take life too seriously.

We spend a lot of time worrying over the future, thinking about what others think of us, and in general, wasting way too much energy on thoughts that only destroy us in the long run. None of us will make it out of here alive, so why spend our limited time here worrying about things that may not even have an answer? It can seem tough to break that habit of endless worrying and taking life so seriously, but if we want to maintain any level of sanity, we must remember to spend time laughing, loving, and focusing our energy on the present moment.

We spend too much energy overthinking everything, stressing out, and not ever really taking time to appreciate the fact that we are alive. Right now, take the time to let that sink in. We don’t get to live this life forever, so don’t worry so much about how much money you have and how many bills you have left to pay this month. Breathe, my friends, and don’t allow petty life drama and responsibilities to weigh you down. Separate yourself from all that human stuff for a little while, and you’ll see everything a little more clearly. 

5. Embrace imperfections.

Another way to make life simple again is to not expect perfection. In this reality, nothing will ever go exactly as you planned. Of course, sometimes, it will go even better than you thought, but most of the time, we get our hopes up only to have them crushed by reality. We have to find a middle ground, a balance, in order to find happiness. We have to let go of all those expectations and simply live in the moment.

You might be having the worst possible day – you spilled your morning coffee, you can’t find your work clothes, your kids are crying about some catastrophe, your boss piled more responsibilities on top of you, and you feel like you’re drowning in a sea of stress and exhaustion. We get it; we’ve been there. However, at the end of the day, you sort of have to laugh at it all and find some way to appreciate life’s imperfections. This is all just an experiment, after all, and you get to be a part of it. 

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