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25 Foods That Make Women Age Slower

Nobody stays young forever, but eating the right kinds of food will slow down the aging process! Yes, it’s true. There are certain foods that make women age slower. We’re all looking for that one magic pill that’ll help slow down the aging process. We buy expensive creams, do everything we can to remain young, but most of us don’t realize that there are foods that make women age slower. So, if you’re looking for some anti-aging miracle, you won’t find it in creams or pills, you’ll find it in these foods.

Here Are 25 Foods That Make Women Age Slower

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

  1. Almonds

Among the most commonly consumed nuts, almonds have the highest protein content. They’re also rich in copper, biotin, and vitamin E, which keep your hair, nails, and skin from looking aged.

  1. Apples

One medium-sized apple contains 17 percent of the daily fiber requirements your body needs. Apples also have a compound called quercetin that works against inflammation or body pain that makes you feel weak and old.

  1. Blueberries

Add blueberries to your breakfast or snack to help reduce your Alzheimer’s risk. This fruit protects your neurons from proteins that clump together in your brain cells.

  1. Carrots

At least half a cup of carrots daily can increase your body’s protection against inflammation that triggers arthritis. You don’t even have to cook carrots; you can crunch on a raw one. They’re so convenient to have in the kitchen.

  1. Cheddar cheese

If you’re worried about maintaining a sweet smile as you age, then snacking on cheese might help. Cheddar cheese apparently maintains the mouth’s pH levels. As a result, discoloration and cavity formation on the teeth is prevented, according to a study in General Dentistry.

  1. Cherries

Most age-related diseases arise from inflammation, but cherries can provide relief and reduce those body aches and pain. Cherries also have anthocyanin, which blocks enzymes that cause inflammation.

  1. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has loads of anti-aging benefits, but you must be sure to eat the type that has 70-percent cacao for best results. It also stimulates the hormone serotonin, which makes you feel young, happy and positive, as per a UC Berkeley study.

  1. Eggs

If you’re looking for super foods that make women age slower, your best bet is eggs! Aside from its high-protein content, eggs are a wonderful source of biotin, which keeps the nails from growing brittle as you age. Eggs also build bone strength.

  1. Grapefruit

Like oranges, grapefruits contain loads of vitamin C that helps protect the skin from premature aging. One grapefruit is rich enough to deliver the body’s recommended daily vitamin C needs.

  1. Green Tea

Wonder why older Japanese women have a longer lifespan? Apparently, they enjoy drinking green tea a lot. This drink contains high amounts of polyphenols that can block cholesterol buildup in the arteries, thus preventing the development of vascular diseases. Green tea also fights off inflammation, improves the elasticity of the skin, and limits wrinkle development.

  1. Kale

Kale is among foods that make women age slower. Its vitamin K content can help slow down cognitive decline in older women, as per a study conducted by experts at Rush University Medical Center. Those who ate at least two servings of kale daily improved their cognition as significantly as if their brain function was 11 years younger.

  1. Lentils

Lentils are rich in vitamin B9, which the body needs to prevent the hair from going gray. Add lentils to salads and soups for a yummy and textured dish.

  1. Milk

You need lots of calcium and vitamin D for strong bones and teeth. Well, milk is definitely one of the richest sources of these nutrients. To ward off brittle bone and osteoporosis, a common condition that affects women, drink at least three glasses of milk a day.

  1. Oranges

Soccer moms love preparing oranges for their kids a lot and they could be on to something. Oranges are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, which have great anti-aging properties. Oranges also aid in the oxidation of bad cholesterol that might cause blockages in the arteries, so it’s also good for the heart.

  1. Oysters

Oysters are rich in zinc and vitamin A, which are nutrients essential to the health of the eye. A diet rich of zinc can prevent macular degeneration in older adults, according to experts at the National Eye Institute.

  1. Salmon

Salmon is rich in omega-3 that will increase good cholesterol content in your body. It also reduces the blood clots in your arteries and thus lower the risks of heart attack, as per a study in the journal Lipids.

  1. Sardines

Bone-building is crucial as a women age. Eating sardines regularly will keep the bones stronger because this food is rich in vitamin D and calcium.

  1. Shiitake mushrooms

Worried about the premature graying of your hair? You could be deficient in copper. But if you eat a cup of shiitake mushrooms daily, you can reverse this aging process.

  1. Spinach

Spinach, one of the superfoods, has high amounts of folate and omega-3.  A cup of fresh spinach or half a cup of cooked spinach can do wonders for your body against age-related diseases.

  1. Strawberries

Like other red and dark fruits, strawberries contain polyphenols, so here’s another great anti-aging food to indulge in for breakfast or desserts.

  1. Sweet potatoes

Bring back the luster to your skin and maintain your youthful looks by eating sweet potatoes daily. This food has loads of carotenoids. If you eat at least half a medium-sized sweet potato boiled or baked, you get at least 200 percent the daily allowance of carotenoids your body needs.

  1. Tomatoes

A popular staple in Mediterranean diet, tomatoes can boost your skin’s appearance because it’s an antioxidant and it’s rich in carotenoids too.

foods that make women age slower

  1. Walnuts

Snacking on walnuts isn’t only delicious, this food is also packed with antioxidants and omega-3 that prevents heart disease development. Ideally, eating about a handful of walnuts every day can decrease heart attack risks by 40 percent, according to a study found in BMC Medicine.

  1. Whole grains

Swap foods that use refined grains as ingredients, such as white bread or pasta. Instead, go for foods that use whole grains. Refined grains could cause your sugar levels to increase, which isn’t good for your overall health.

  1. Yogurt

A cup of plain yogurt has all the calcium your body needs for the day. Yogurt is also a probiotic, which balances the health of your gut and protects your body against cancer.

Foods that slow down aging

Final thoughts

Positive thinking itself isn’t enough because women of a certain age have to embrace a healthier diet to better manage (or prevent) the development of health problems. Keep these foods that make women age slower on your grocery list and your weekly menu in order to enjoy a fuller, longer life with family and friends.

7 Thoughts About Life From Aretha Franklin (That Will Change Your Life)

Known as the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin died on August 16th at 9:50 a.m. at her home in Detroit surrounded by family and friends. She was 76. According to a family statement, the “official cause of death was due to advanced pancreatic cancer of the neuroendocrine type, which was confirmed by Franklin’s oncologist, Dr. Philip Phillips of Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit.”

Aretha started singing gospel music as a child at New Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit, where her father, C. L. Franklin, was the minister. In 1960, at the age of 18, she began recording for Columbia Records but didn’t get the breakthrough she needed as an artist. After signing to Atlantic Records in 1967, Franklin achieved major success with some of her most famous songs such as “Respect”, “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman”, “Spanish Harlem” and “Think”.

Fans of Franklin left flowers and a crown on her Hollywood Walk of Fame star in Los Angeles to honor her memory, and former President Barack Obama tweeted “Aretha helped define the American experience. In her voice, we could feel our history, all of it and in every shade — our power and our pain, our darkness and our light, our quest for redemption and our hard-won respect. May the Queen of Soul rest in eternal peace.”

She will certainly be missed, but her powerful, soulful music will live on forever. To honor her life, we have gathered some important thoughts and positive quotes from the Queen of Soul that will change your life.

Here are 7 thoughts about life from Aretha Franklin:

1. “We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It’s our basic human right.”

One of her most iconic songs “Respect” earned her two Grammy Awards in 1968 and was one of the most influential songs for the feminist movement. Aretha Franklin‘s version of this song made Rolling Stone’s list of “The 500 Greatest Songs of all Time,” coming in at number five. Not only did “Respect” become an anthem for the Women’s Rights movement, it also was an important song for the Civil Rights movement. The song’s message was loud and clear: you have to demand respect from people, because otherwise they’ll just walk all over you. If someone doesn’t respect you, then just turn the other way, because you deserve better.

2. “You cannot define a person on just one thing. You can’t just forget all these wonderful and good things that a person has done because one thing didn’t come off the way you thought it should come off.”

Acceptance of others played an important role in her music as well, and this quote sums that up perfectly. We can’t simply judge others on their mistakes, because who doesn’t mess up at some point in life? We should remember others mostly for all the good things they’ve done, because most people in the world are good souls who are trying to figure things out just like the rest of us. Positive thinking helps to reframe life and keep us focused on the good intentions of those around us.

3. “Being the Queen is not all about singing, and being a diva is not all about singing. It has much to do with your service to people. And your social contributions to your community and your civic contributions as well.”

Aretha Franklin knew that God didn’t give her the ability to sing just for the fame, money, or other material gains. She used her voice to deliver the importance of social justice, and always answered the call to raise money and write checks for the Civil Rights movement. Her music truly unified people because it transcended race, social status, and religion; it was about human equality.

4. “Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It’s transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, it’s uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening.”

Aretha Franklin’s music was certainly all of those things. She captivated crowds with her powerful voice and important messages throughout her music. In her career, she won 18 Grammy Awards and sold over 75 million records worldwide.

5. “Sometimes, what you’re looking for is already there.”

This quote can remind us that maybe what we’ve been searching for is right in front of our eyes already. We often become blinded by what society wants us to do, think, or say and instead of listening to our own soul, we give into popular opinion. However, maybe what we really need is within us already if we search hard enough. Aretha Franklin never looked outside herself for the answers, because she knew that her natural talents would change people’s lives. Though she had plenty of people guiding her along her musical journey, Aretha found most of her inspiration within.

6. “Who hasn’t had a weight issue? If not the body, certainly the big head!”

Aretha struggled with her weight for years and suffered from health problems in her later life. However, she didn’t let her health stop her from delivering music to thousands of people, and despite the fame, she always remained humble.

stay strong quotes

7. “People really don’t have to give you anything, so appreciate what people give you.”

Perhaps this is one of the most important lessons we can learn from Aretha Franklin: never take for granted what people give you. Remember that no one owes you anything, so accept what others offer you with grace and humility, and try to give them something in return. Life is much more fulfilling when you focus on what you can give rather than what you can gain, as the Queen of Soul did throughout her life.


(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved</h6

10 Essential Spices That Help Fight Depression

Millions of people in the United States suffer from depression each year. Depression causes sadness and loss of interest in things that used to be enjoyed. Unfortunately, depression sometimes even leads to suicide. It can be difficult for some depressed people to identify the cause of the depression, though. Without finding the cause, most people resort to pharmaceutical drugs to alleviate the symptoms. There are other ways to treat depression, however.

There are herbs and spices that have been found to alleviate the symptoms of depression. This allows the depressed person to get in the right state of mind to find the cause or get help. While the healing properties of herbs and spices are not well known to most people, they are not just cooking spices. They are an all natural way to help treat depression. These cooking spices help balance hormones in the body so hormones that are lacking are increased. Usually, hormones being back in balance will alleviate the symptoms of depression and help the person suffering return to a happier state of mind.

10 Essential Spices For Cooking that Help Fight Depression


An ingredient in turmeric called curcumin has been in several studies as a treatment for depression. Each study found that curcumin helped in treating depression. A psychiatry and pharmacology professor from the University of Toronto weighed in on the possible healing properties of turmeric and curcumin for treating depression. He stated, “curcumin does have an effect on several physiological systems that are implicated in the causes of depression. It certainly would be a reasonable hypothesis that it could be in possession of antidepressant properties”. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps those with depression because oftentimes, a depressed person has more inflammation than normal, causing depression.


Clinical research shows that rosemary can reduce the symptoms of depression. A study where 30 students with moderate depression were treated with rosemary and 30 were treated with a placebo showed that rosemary does work. At the end of the 30 days, the students who were treated with rosemary were down to only mild depression. The students who took the placebo still had moderate depression.


Saffron helps treat depression by balancing the levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the body. An Iranian study was done where one group of depressed individuals were given saffron and the other group was given Prozac, an antidepressant pharmaceutical drug. At the end of the trial, saffron was found to be just as effective as Prozac.


Thyme is another one of the spices for cooking that are effective in helping treat depression because it contains lithium. Lithium is a mineral that is already used to treat depression but using thyme to get lithium is an all natural way to do it.


Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the symptoms of depression. It also helps control blood pressure, which helps with depression. Cinnamon is one of the easiest spices for cooking to use for depression.


Nutmeg is another spice that reduces the inflammation that leads to depression and anxiety. Regularly adding nutmeg to a drink or food recipe can significantly improve the symptoms of depression. This all-natural method is delicious and nutmeg can easily be added to recipes.


In Hong Kong, studies were performed on over 1,200 people to see if vanilla could help with depression and anxiety symptoms. After the studies, it was determined that vanilla does improve the symptoms, and helps with anger, hostility, and overall well-being. This study showed that just the scent of vanilla would do the trick.


Cloves contain potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate. This provides relief for depression and anxiety.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds help with mental health disorders, such as depression. There are many minerals in fennel seeds that allow them to return the body to a more normal state, easing the symptoms of depression.


Sage, also known as salvia, helps improve the nervous system and blood circulation. This leads to a decrease in depression and the symptoms that accompany it.


Depression is a serious illness affecting millions of people every day so it is important to know your options. There are more natural ways to treat depression than through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Spices for cooking have many more benefits than just making a meal taste delicious. The spices can help your body return to its natural hormonal balance, potentially easing the symptoms of depression. Spices for cooking are an easy, all-natural method. Simply find ways to use the spices in your favorite recipes and you may find relief from the symptoms of your depression.

8 Telltale Symptoms of Heart Attacks in Women According to a Cardiologist

Heart attacks can happen to anyone. But the symptoms of a heart attack in women are different than those in a male.

The American Heart Association explains that women are more likely to die from a heart attack than men are. One in three women die of a heart attack, and this high rate is likely due to the differing symptoms.

Most people know the common symptoms of a heart attack but don’t realize that women experience it differently. While chest pain is a sign, it isn’t the only one, and some women don’t experience it at all. Sometimes the pain feels more like pressure or heartburn than people realize, too.

A heart attack happens when the blood flow to your heart becomes disrupted. Research shows that women might experience symptoms for weeks before the attack, as they don’t typically occur suddenly. Plus, symptoms can seem to stop and then start again later.

According to the CDC, heart attacks are the leading cause of death in women in the United States. Knowing the silent signs of a heart attack in women can be life-saving. The sooner medical treatment begins, the more likely the person is to survive.

Symptoms of Heart Attack in Women

Do you know the main silent signs of a heart attack in women?

heart attack in women1. Chest Pain, But Not Always

As the most common heart attack symptom, chest pain seems to be the sign everyone waits for. While it is common, not everyone experiences chest pain or discomfort at all. Other people experience tightness, pressure, squeezing, or aching rather than the pain they expect.

Studies show that 42% of women who have had heart attacks did not experience any chest pain before or during the attack. Those that did experience pain didn’t always have it on the left side of their body, as most people believe happens.

When chest pain is present, it might ease or completely go away for a while. Then, it returns later that day or even more than a week later.

2. Unusual Fatigue

Women are often tired because they lead busy lives. Whether they work outside of the home, care for children and other family members, or run the home, women tend to be stressed. However, new or increased fatigue could be the first sign of heart attack in women.

Signs of fatigue to watch for include:

  • suddenly becoming worn out after a typical activity
  • you feel like you can’t exert yourself
  • your chest feels heavy when you’re moving

Fatigue can occur anytime in the weeks leading up to the heart attack or just before it occurs. Even after resting for a while, the fatigue will still be present. The fatigue occurs as a result of the excessive stress to your heart when blood flow is blocked.

3. Pressure In The Lower Chest Or Upper Abdomen

Another sign of heart attack in women is pressure or discomfort in the lower chest or upper abdomen. Some women describe the feeling as being similar to a bra that is too tight.

Just like with chest pain, this pressure can go away for a while only to come back. If that happens to you, it could be a sign of a heart attack.

When the pressure happens in the lower chest area, many people mistake it for a stomach issue. Sometimes the discomfort seems to spread to other parts of your body, as well.

4. Jaw, Neck, Or Upper Back Pain

When there is an issue with your heart, it triggers nerves in that area and other areas of the body. You might experience pain in your jaw, neck, or upper back for no specific reason. If the discomfort or pain begins or worsens when you exert yourself, it’s a good sign of a heart attack.

This symptom isn’t as prevalent in men, but women often report the experience. The jaw pain typically occurs on the left bottom side, which is closest to the heart.

Pain in other parts of your body usually happens when the chest pain spreads. You might not even notice the chest pain first, though, so don’t rely on it as a warning. Sometimes the pain will happen suddenly and can even begin while you are sleeping at night.

5. Shortness Of Breath

Shortness of breath is an often-overlooked symptom of a heart attack in women. Since women’s bodies go through so many changes, it isn’t unusual to experience this symptom. It’s an important thing to watch for because it could be a serious indication.

The heart pumps oxygenated blood to your tissues and recycles oxygen-depleted blood through your lungs. This function can’t occur when the heart isn’t working properly, resulting in a lack of oxygen throughout your bloodstream. When this happens, you experience shortness of breath.

Leading up to a heart attack, a woman might experience shortness of breath without exertion. The breathless feeling will worsen as time goes on, as well. Plus, it might get worse when you lay down and improve when you are propped up.

breathe darling meme6. Nausea Or Vomiting

When nausea or vomiting accompanies any of the other symptoms, it could indicate a heart attack. It’s often confused for food poisoning or other gastrointestinal problems, especially with upper abdomen discomfort.

Since the heart is your vital organ, the slightest blood flow problem can make you feel sick. If your heart isn’t getting enough blood flow, it starts to die, and your entire body suffers. You will feel an overall sense of being unwell, and your nausea will likely be intense.

7. Indigestion

Indigestion is a common symptom of a heart attack in women because the heart rests above the stomach. Sometimes, heart attacks are mistaken for indigestion, causing someone to believe they are fine. Indigestion typically eases when you rest, so if yours doesn’t go away, it could be something more serious.

If you experience indigestion that feels unusual or lasts for more than a couple of minutes, see a doctor immediately. Additionally, if you’ve never had indigestion before and it’s now regularly occurring, you should get it checked. Likewise, if intense indigestion happens suddenly, it could be a sign of a heart attack.

8. Fainting

Fainting, also known as syncope, is a serious warning that something is wrong, and it could be a heart attack. Feeling like you will faint isn’t normal, and it’s a sign of insufficient blood flow to the brain. This is especially true if it happens when you’re exercising or doing other strenuous activities.

If you feel weak or shaky, it could be a sign that you might faint. This feeling often occurs because of low blood pressure because the heart can’t pump enough oxygen. You might also experience anxiety, dizziness, or feeling lightheaded.

When to Call Emergency Services

Do you think you or someone else might be experiencing a heart attack?  Act quickly! You should never ignore the signs of a heart attack.

At the First Sign of a Problem

If you think you or someone else might be having a heart attack, call emergency services immediately. Don’t wait to see if symptoms improve because it is better to call for help and be wrong than to wait. Every minute that you wait potentially causes more damage and could lead to death.

When Someone Experiences Upper Body Pain

Any chest discomfort or pain can indicate a heart attack. If it lasts more than a few minutes, call for help right away. If the pain spreads to the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach, don’t wait to call an ambulance.

If  the Shortness of Breath Occurs with Other Signs

Shortness of breath with other issues can indicate a serious problem. Oftentimes, the person will break out in a cold sweat or feel faint and nauseous. If doing simple things like walking to the restroom causes the issue, call emergency personnel immediately.

The Person Becomes Extremely Weak

If someone suddenly becomes weak, it is a sign that oxygenated blood isn’t circulating. The person’s heartbeat might become irregular, and they could begin vomiting. Don’t assume these are signs of a virus, as it could be a heart attack.

heart attack in womenFinal Thoughts on Telltale Symptoms of Heart Attack in Women According to a Cardiologist

The symptoms of a full-blown heart attack in women differ from men, and the differences often lead to women not calling for help. A heart attack doesn’t happen suddenly, even if it might seem like it sometimes. There are usually signs in the weeks leading up to the event that indicates a problem is imminent.

Don’t wait to call for help if you think you or someone else is having a heart attack. The sooner help arrives and medical treatment begins, the higher the survival rate will be. Don’t diminish the symptoms and assume they are less serious or wait around to see if they get worse.

It is always better to call for help and get diagnostics tests to confirm you were wrong than risk losing a life. Every minute counts for heart disease, and knowing the symptoms of a heart attack in women can make all the difference. When you know what to watch for, you will immediately recognize any heart attack symptoms and know when to get help.

8 Foods That Help An Autoimmune Disorder

The immune system’s job is to protect us from infection and disease. But for people with an autoimmune disorder, the system responsible for keeping them healthy turns on them. Instead of an immune system that protects them from illness, they have an immune system that may cause illness.

Common autoimmune disorders include celiac disease, diabetes type 1, Graves’ disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), multiple sclerosis (MS), psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. By no means is this list all-inclusive. According to the Office on Women’s Health, there are an estimated 80 different types of autoimmune diseases affecting nearly 24 million Americans.

Common symptoms of autoimmune diseases include:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Muscle pain
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Low-grade fever
  • Hair loss
  • Skin dryness and skin redness

The common denominator behind every autoimmune disorder is chronic inflammation. As we’ve discussed many times before, the foods we eat significantly affect our inflammation levels. On that note, we’re going to talk about foods that reduce inflammation and also help alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune disorders.

Here are 8 Foods That Help an Autoimmune Disorder

“It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses – including heart disease, many cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease.” – Dr. Andrew Weil (source)

1. Halibut

One small portion of halibut contains an entire day’s worth of vitamin D. A lack of “D” is linked to a number of autoimmune diseases, including lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Other fish sources of vitamin D include mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna, and whitefish. Vegetarian sources include egg yolks and organic mushrooms.


Here are 15 excellent benefits of including seafood in your diet twice weekly.

2. Turmeric/Curcumin

Various studies conclude that the main ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, encourages immune system health through its anti-inflammatory properties. Per the Arthritis Foundation, curcumin suppresses the symptoms of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, including inflammation, joint pain, and joint stiffness.

A more bioavailable form of curcumin, called nano-curcumin, has even been approved in some countries as a legitimate treatment for HIV/AIDS and cancer.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli contains a potent antioxidant called glutathione, which may help alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Glutathione is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant shown in some studies to be deficient in people with an autoimmune disorder.

Cauliflower, cabbage, kale, onions, radishes, and other foods high in sulfur also contain glutathione.

4. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a favorite among vegans and vegetarians for its high omega-3 content. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, notes that Omega-3s contain “the most potent immunomodulatory” properties of any fatty acid. Many clinical trials attest to the benefits of omega-3 supplementation in relieving some of the most common types of autoimmune diseases, including Crohn’s disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis.

5. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is an excellent source of probiotics, which help to balance the gut’s levels of good and bad bacteria, or microbiome. When the microbiome is healthy, our gut is less prone to permeability, a condition known as “leaky gut.” We are less susceptible to an autoimmune disorder and related symptoms. Other good sources of probiotics include fermented veggies, kimchi, pickled ginger, and kefir.

6. Green Tea

Preliminary studies examining the effect of green tea on autoimmune diseases show tremendous promise. Researchers believe that green tea, due to its effect on specialized immune cells (or “T-cells”) – and a high concentration of a compound called EGCG – is possibly beneficial to both preventing and potentially treating autoimmune disorders.

autoimmune disorder

7. Fortified Cereal (Vitamin D)

Fortified cereal is a potentially rich source of vitamin D, and it is an excellent choice of vegans and vegetarians. Just one small serving of cereals containing enriched bran, fortified whole grain, and raisin bran have between 12 to 13 percent of recommended daily vitamin D value (or RDI).

Fatty fish, dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, and cheese are some other good sources of vitamin D. But without a doubt, the best source of vitamin D is good old-fashioned sunshine!

8. Coconut milk

People with an autoimmune disorder know better than to go crazy with milk (or any other dairy product, for that matter). Enter coconut milk, which has both pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Various studies indicate that coconut milk helps to reduce inflammation and swelling, heal ulcers, and neutralize bacteria and viruses.

10 Foods to Avoid to Fight an Autoimmune Disorder

Next up, we will share ten foods for people concerned about an autoimmune disorder to consider eliminating from your diet. Science proves these foods can trigger inflammation or otherwise aggravate an autoimmune disease.

1. Alcohol

Researchers prove time and again that alcohol causes inflammation, especially in your gut. Drinking too much alcohol causes gut problems, which can spread inflammation to your entire body.

2. Dairy products

Eating dairy products and drinking milk may also cause inflammation as well as lactose intolerance and stomach problems. So nix the dairy if you are feeling this discomfort.

3. Eggs

Eggs are controversial because in some people they increase inflammation, while in other people they actually reduce inflammation. No studies have been found to prove that eggs cause inflammation. If you have an autoimmune disease, you may want to try eliminating eggs from your diet for several weeks to see if you feel differently

4. Red meat

Studies found that red meat increases inflammation as well as a high risk for cancer. Processed meats are also inflammation culprits. Avoid red meat as well as these foods

  • Hot dogs
  • Bacon
  • Deli meats
  • Sausages

5. Refined flours and gluten

Gluten can trigger inflammation. Before you go off all gluten, you may want to take it out of your diet for a few weeks to see if you feel better. Totally eliminating gluten from your diet means you’ll lose out on some critical vitamins and minerals. These include

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folate
  • Vitamin D
  • Iron
  • Thiamin
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin

So, be sure to eat foods high in these vitamins and minerals to make up for not getting them in foods with gluten. Here’s a list of what you can eat to still get these important nutrients in your diet.

  • Vitamin B6-Chickpeas, tuna, chicken breast, salmon, bananas
  • Vitamin B12-Salmon, trout, beef, milk
  • Folate-Spinach, broccoli, peanuts
  • Vitamin D-Dairy products, sockeye salmon, egg yolks, orange juice fortified with Vitamin D
  • Iron- Beef, oysters, turkey, tuna, lentils
  • Thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin- Peas, lima beans, potatoes, acorn squash, beef, chicken, and fish

6. Omega-6 cooking oils

Omega-6 fats can create inflammation in your body. The Omega-6 cooking oils include the following:

  • Canola oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Safflower oil
  • Mayonnaise

7. Sugary drinks or foods

Sugary drinks or foods-Recent studies found that autoimmune diseases are made worse by eating a high sugar can boost inflammation

8. Nightshade veggies

Nightshade vegetables and foods-Nightshade vegetables include peppers, tomatoes, and white potatoes. These veggies can increase inflammatory flare-ups in people with autoimmune diseases. Other nightshade foods to avoid include

  • Cayenne pepper, chili powder, paprika, chili pepper flakes, curry powders
  • Hot sauce
  • Goji berries
  • Tomato-based foods like ketchup, tomato sauce
  • Tomatillos
  • Jalapenos
  • White and red potatoes
  • Steak seasoning
  • Barbeque sauce

Stop eating nightshade foods for two to three weeks to see if you notice a reduction in inflammation.

9. Excessive carbohydrates

Research suggests that eating too many carbs may escalate inflammation. Of course, many foods high in carbs are healthy, so be careful totally avoiding all carbs. Try to eat healthy carbs like whole grains or sweet potatoes is a good way to include some carbs.

10. Salt

Eating too much salt can boost inflammation. Salt increases inflammation in your tissues, making an autoimmune disease worse. This elevated inflammation due to salt can hurt your organs. Substitute lemon juice for salt in stews, soups, or salads. Add spices or herbs to your cooking instead of salt. These can add flavor without the harmful side effects of salt.

Other Self Care Tips for Autoimmune Disorder Relief


Exercising every day is important if you suffer from an autoimmune disorder. Exercise helps lower your stress levels, which worsens an autoimmune disorder worse. Exercise also increases your energy and endorphins, which give you an overall improved mood. Get your blood flowing with exercises such as

  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Biking
  • Rowing
  • Jumping jacks
  • Squats
  • Push-ups

Stress management

You must manage your stress if you suffer from an autoimmune disorder. Stress can make this ailment worse. Try yoga to help relieve your stress. Find ways to get outside since enjoying nature can lower stress.

Find a support system

Whether it’s family or a group of good friends,  a support system is important if you are dealing with an autoimmune disorder. Having a group of people who understand your autoimmune disorder’s complications and side effects and know how to encourage you on a bad day will make a huge difference. You may need to explain to your friends or family the different nuances of the disorder, what meds you take, or how you need extra rest. That’s okay. Having a supportive community will give you peace of mind and hope.

Mindfulness is vital

Practicing mindfulness is another way to care for yourself if you suffer from an autoimmune disorder. Practicing mindfulness helps you to release tension, anxiety, and stress, which makes autoimmune disorders worse. You may want to join a mindfulness group or you can practice mindfulness at home. Here are a few simple ways to practice mindfulness throughout your day.

  • Try connecting your senses to the things around you. Listen to your breathing. Do you hear a bird chirping outside? What do you smell? How do your hands feel right now? What colors do you see outside that you’ve never noticed before? Use all your senses throughout your day and find peace as you practice this sensitivity.
  • Look and listen when you talk to others. Listen to their voice, look at their face in a new way. Find things about them you’ve never noticed. Do they have a cadence in their sentences? Does their face have smile wrinkles? Do their eyes twinkle when they talk?
  • Change up your routine. Don’t follow your normal routine. Go for a walk before your morning coffee. Or find a new dog park for your dog. Eat outside on your patio. Find a new coffee shop for your afternoon coffee. Whatever you normally do, try to do something different. Change elevates your brain function. It energizes you and who knows, you may find some new places you enjoy.


Drink water to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated can be difficult with some autoimmune disorders, so carry a water bottle around with you so you can easily drink wherever you are. Drink tea or coffees too. Avoid sugary drinks since they will make you feel worse.

Manage your doctor appointments

Don’t skip your scheduled doctor appointments or lab work tests. These may feel inconvenient, but the appointments are critical for you to be able to manage your autoimmune disorder best. Skipping these appointments only upsets you and can upset your regular meds or treatment.

Get enough sleep

Fatigue is a normal side effect of an autoimmune disorder. Sleeping well can help your body rid itself of toxins refreshing your brain and body. Not sleeping messes with your metabolism and sometimes causes you to eat more. Have a bedtime routine that helps your body wind down about an hour before you go to bed.

  • An hour before your bedtime, turn off all electronics, including your kindle, computer, and cellphone. Blue screens have been found to stimulate your brain, causing you not to be able to fall asleep.
  • Take a shower or a bath to relax.
  • Be sure your bedroom is the correct temperature-not too warm, not too cool, so you’ll sleep all night.
  • Please don’t drink alcohol too close to bedtime since it may wake you in the middle of the night.
  • Play relaxing music.
  • Wear comfortable sleeping clothes.
  • Avoid tense conversations with your partner before bedtime. Save them for the morning.


Allow yourself a bit of relaxation every day. Whether lying on the couch or sitting in your favorite chair to read for an hour, your body needs a little rest every day. It’s easy, especially when you feel good, to push through your day, but having an autoimmune disease means you must avoid stress and wear yourself down. Resting gives your body a chance to recharge. Your stress levels will be lower and ultimately you’ll feel better.

autoimmune disorderFinal Thoughts on Learning to Live with an Autoimmune Disorder

Having an autoimmune disorder can make you feel different from everybody else. You have limitations others don’t have. You may need medications during the day. Your diet is different, and exercise is non-negotiable. So stop comparing yourself to others and embrace who you are with an auto-immune disease. Weirdly, having an autoimmune disorder broadens your horizons, making you more compassionate. It slows you down, causing you to embrace your life in a way healthy people can’t appreciate. Find grace and peace even in this unwanted illness. It’s part of who you are, and that’s okay.

Auto-immune disorders are on the rise across the United States. If you suffer from an autoimmune disorder, you know the importance of eating well, avoiding inflammatory foods, exercising daily, staying hydrated, resting, and sleeping well. Stay current on your doctor appointments and lab work. Be sure to manage your stress with mindfulness or yoga. Find support from family and friends so that you can get the encouragement and help that you need. Finally, be at peace with yourself and with the autoimmune disorder. These challenges are part and parcel of your life’s journey. So find enjoyment in your life, appreciating the small joys you encounter every day.

8 Hormone Imbalances That Make It Hard to Lose Weight

As you well know, losing weight is more than diet and exercise. To nobody’s surprise, hormones can play a role as well. With that in mind, we want to share eight hormone imbalances that make it hard to lose weight.

Eight hormone imbalances that make it hard to lose weight

“…where your body stores excess weight is not a random occurrence but rather a complex hormonally driven process.” – Hormone Rebalance Centre (source)

  1. Chronic inflammation

Studies show that long-term problems with inflammation may lead to weight gain and obesity. Chronic inflammation is also linked to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Dr. Mark Hyman, a licensed physician and New York Times bestselling author, recommends a 1- to 4-week anti-allergen protocol that may help deal with many problems associated with inflammation and weight gain. Dr. Hyman calls for eliminating “some foods that irritate the immune system more than others,” including:

  • Dairy: butter, cheese, milk, and yogurt
  • Gluten: barley, oats, rye, and wheat
  • Nightshade vegetables: bell peppers, eggplant, potatoes and tomatoes
  • Yeast, including fermented foods
  1. High cortisol levels

Cortisol is the fuel that ignites our fight-or-flight system. Our primary stress hormone, cortisol also communicates with the brain to manage emotions like motivation. While it gets a bad rap, cortisol is essential to many bodily functions. For example, it helps keep inflammation down, regulates blood pressure, and manages our circadian rhythm (“sleep/wake cycle”).

But cortisol also increases blood sugar, and too much of it can boost the rate at which our body stores fat in cells. Of course, this malfunction can lead to weight gain.

  1. Excess Estrogen

Certain forms of estrogen influence how the body manages weight gain. When estrogen levels are low – during a woman’s menstrual cycle, for example – the body’s metabolism slows, and this can result in weight gain.

Other causes of this form of hormone imbalances include:

  • anorexia
  • intense exercise
  • lactation
  • ovarian surgery
  1. Hypothyroidism

Disorders of the thyroid are notorious for causing weight problems. Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. When this happens, the metabolism is essentially handicapped; the body’s ability to convert fat into energy slows, and the chances of gaining weight increase drastically.

Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, oversleeping, and brain fog.

  1. Low testosterone

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in men and influences fat-burning, muscle mass, and skin tone in both sexes. Testosterone deficiency can result from a stressed-out lifestyle, poor diet, and obesity. Regarding the last, it is thought that low “T-count” can be both the cause and the effect. In other words, low testosterone is a potential catalyst for weight gain.

Most frustrating is that an individual may still experience weight gain with low T-counts despite a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Fortunately, treatment of low testosterone can effectively reverse any side effects of the condition.

  1. Excess insulin

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that converts sugar glucose into energy. A proper balance of this hormone is crucial to ensuring normal blood sugar levels.

After we eat, pancreas cells are activated that release insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin then clings to and signals cells to absorb sugar and to use it for energy. When insulin levels too high, the body feels hungrier more frequently. As a result, we may overeat and experience difficulties in losing weight.

  1. Menopausal imbalances

Menopause throws the female hormones through a loop (but you probably don’t need me to tell you that!). It’s the odd behavior of hormones that causes those lovely symptoms such as mood swings, cramps, hot flashes, fatigue, and night sweats.

As is the case with any type of hormone imbalances, weight gain may also result. Per the Mayo Clinic, menopause may occur between the ages of 40 to 50, with the average age being 51.

  1. Serotonin imbalance

Imbalance of the brain chemical serotonin is commonly linked to depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Per a 2006 study published in the journal Neuron, serotonin – the neurotransmitter that regulates mood and sleep – inhibits cravings by acting on receptors that curb appetite while blocking other receptors that cause cravings.

It can be stated, then, that a lack of serotonin in the brain may increase appetite. Anecdotal evidence exists that humans are more likely to crave refined carbohydrates (e.g., sugar and starches) when deficient in serotonin.

serotonin- hormone imbalances

Correcting hormone imbalances

Now that you have a good idea as to how and why hormone imbalance can cause weight loss, here are some ideas to help get your hormones back in sync!

  1. Limit exposure to stress: Common stressors that may facilitate weight gain include trouble at work, financial difficulties, toxic relationships, and poor self-esteem.
  2. Use progressive relaxation techniques: Active relaxation techniques include anything that takes your mind off of things. Get a massage, take a hot bath, or practice deep breathing.

Diet and exercise: While diet and exercise aren’t the “be all, end all” of weight loss, eating right and working out regularly can help maintain a healthy weight and balance hormones.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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