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Believing This ONE Thing Makes Men Happier in Relationships

Believing This ONE Thing Makes Men Happier in Relationships

Building and maintaining happier relationships can be challenging for anyone, regardless of gender. Men, in particular, may struggle with relationship issues that stem from societal expectations and stereotypes surrounding masculinity. The expectations of masculinity can cause men to feel like they need to be strong, stoic, and independent.

Unfortunately, these expectations can lead to men believing they cannot be vulnerable, express their emotions, or seek help when needed. These societal pressures can lead to a lack of self-confidence. And they can make men feel like they cannot live up to the expectations set for them. This almost always creates challenges in relationships.

Often, partners may feel disconnected from their male counterparts due to their inability to express themselves and connect emotionally. However, developing self-belief can help men overcome these challenges and become more successful partners. By building self-confidence, men can learn to express themselves better and become more emotionally available to their partners.

Self-awareness and self-acceptance can help men identify their relationship needs and desires, leading to improved communication and greater intimacy. By developing a strong sense of self-worth, men can improve their relationships and lead more fulfilling lives. If one thing will make men happier in relationships, that’s learning how to believe in themselves.

NOTE: If you hope to read about the ONE thing women can do to be their happiest in relationships, read this companion article.

How Can Men Learn to Believe in Themselves and Have Happier Relationships?


1.  Happier Men Recognize Their Strengths

Recognizing one’s strengths is essential to building self-confidence and developing a positive self-image. It helps create a foundation for self-belief and enables men to bring their best selves to their relationships. When men recognize their strengths, they can leverage them to overcome challenges and build healthy relationships.

Additionally, recognizing one’s strengths can help men to focus on what they bring to the relationship. This will help bring greater satisfaction and create happier relationships. Recognizing strengths also helps to shift the focus from weaknesses and failures, which can negatively impact men’s self-confidence and self-belief.

Instead, it provides a positive perspective and encourages men to celebrate their accomplishments and talents. It also leads to a sense of pride and confidence. In this way, recognizing one’s strengths can be a powerful tool for building self-belief and becoming happier in relationships.

2. Happy Men Practice Self-Care

Self-care involves taking care of oneself physically, mentally, and emotionally. When men practice self-care, they can build strong self-worth and self-confidence. And one of the outcomes of self-care is that men can learn how to impact their relationships positively.

Self-care can involve various activities, such as exercise, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and relaxing and unwinding. It is also essential to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist when needed. Taking care of oneself can help manage stress and negativity, leading to improved mental health and a more positive outlook.

When men practice self-care, they can bring the best version of themselves for their partners. They can better manage stress and negative emotions, communicate effectively, and create a supportive environment for their partners. Self-care also allows men to prioritize their needs and desires in relationships, leading to greater intimacy and satisfaction.

When men take the time to focus on themselves and their well-being, they can show up more fully in their relationships. They can also learn to be more present with their partners. This can lead to a deeper understanding and connection between partners.

3. Happier Men Challenge Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk can be a significant barrier to building self-belief and finding happiness in relationships. It can cause men to doubt themselves, feel unworthy, and become overly self-critical. This negative self-talk can create a cycle of low self-esteem, leading to relationship insecurity and anxiety.

Challenging negative self-talk is essential for building self-belief and finding happiness in relationships. Men can do this by becoming aware of their negative self-talk and replacing it with positive self-talk. When they notice themselves saying negative things about themselves, they can replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations.

By challenging negative self-talk, men can break the cycle of low self-esteem and build a more positive self-image. They can also become more confident and self-assured in their relationships, leading to greater satisfaction and happiness. Challenging negative self-talk allows men to become more compassionate and understanding toward themselves and their partners. Thus, they can create a more supportive and happier relationship environment.

4. Happier Men Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals can be essential to building self-belief and finding happiness in relationships for men. By setting achievable and realistic goals, men can build confidence in their abilities. Day by day, they can start to see their progress in their personal and professional lives.

In relationships, setting realistic goals can help men to communicate effectively with their partners and work towards shared objectives. Creating a plan to have regular date nights or to improve communication skills can help men to build happier relationships. By working towards achievable goals, men can become more invested in their relationships and see the impact of their efforts.

However, it’s essential to note that setting unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and disappointment. This can negatively impact self-belief and relationships. Therefore, men must set realistic and achievable goals, considering their strengths, weaknesses, and limitations.


5. Happy Men Learn from Mistakes

Men who make mistakes can feel disappointed, frustrated, and even ashamed. However, it’s important to remember that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Moreover, they can be an opportunity for growth and development. By learning from their mistakes, men can build self-confidence as they become more aware of their strengths and limitations. They can also become more resilient as they learn to bounce back from setbacks and challenges.

Learning from mistakes can help men communicate effectively with their partners and develop stronger and happier relationships. For example, if a man realizes he has neglected his partner’s needs, he can learn from that mistake. He can work to improve his communication and prioritization skills. By doing so, he can create a more supportive and positive relationship environment.

6. Happy Men Communicate Effectively

Learning to communicate effectively is a crucial skill for building self-belief and creating happier relationships for men. Communication is the foundation of all healthy relationships, and it involves expressing oneself and listening to and understanding others. When men communicate effectively, they can build trust, respect, and understanding with their partners.

Effective communication also helps men to express their needs and desires. Plus, it allows them to listen and respond to their partner’s needs and desires. This can lead to a more harmonious and satisfying relationship experience for both partners.

Additionally, communicating effectively can help men build self-confidence and self-belief. As men become more skilled in expressing themselves and understanding others, they can feel more empowered and in control of their relationships. Effective communication also allows men to develop a deeper sense of self-awareness. This is because it helps them learn to articulate their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs clearly and concisely.

7. Happier Men Develop Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. And it is a critical component of building trust, respect, and understanding in relationships. When men develop empathy, they can better understand their partner’s needs, desires, and perspectives. This allows them to build stronger emotional connections and respond more effectively to their partner’s emotions.

Empathy also helps men to develop a more profound sense of compassion and understanding. This can lead to a happier, more nurturing relationship dynamic. Furthermore, developing empathy can help men to build self-confidence and self-belief. As men become more attuned to the emotions of others, they can create a stronger sense of emotional intelligence.

This allows them to navigate social situations more easily and feel more in control of their relationships. However, developing empathy requires practice, patience, and a willingness to put oneself in another’s shoes. Men should be open to feedback and willing to learn from their mistakes as they work to develop this skill.

8. Happier Men Celebrate Your Partner

Celebrating their partner is essential to building self-belief and happiness in relationships for men. When men celebrate their partners, they appreciate their unique qualities and contributions to the relationship. This not only fosters a positive and loving relationship dynamic, but it also helps men to build self-confidence and self-belief.

By celebrating their partner, men can recognize their role in creating a successful and fulfilling relationship. This can lead to a greater sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction and a stronger sense of connection and intimacy with their partner. Furthermore, celebrating their partner can help men to build a more positive mindset and outlook on their relationship.

This can lead to greater resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges or setbacks. It also provides a greater sense of emotional well-being. Men can celebrate their partner in many ways, such as expressing gratitude, showing affection, or recognizing accomplishments. It is essential for men to be genuine in their celebration and to show their partner that they truly value them.


Final Thoughts on How Men Can Be Happier in Relationships

Building self-belief and happiness in relationships is essential for men, and it requires intentional effort and commitment. By acknowledging their value, men can cultivate strong self-worth and create more fulfilling relationships. Men need to understand that self-belief cannot be achieved overnight.

Rather, it is a continuous process that requires consistent effort and self-reflection. However, the benefits of building self-belief are undeniable for men’s personal growth and their relationships’ success. There are a few tips that can help men achieve a better self-image. One of the most important ones is learning to recognize their own strength while also learning from their mistakes. Practicing self-care and developing a greater sense of empathy are also essential factors in a man’s pursuit of happiness.

All happy relationships require that the partners celebrate each other. And this is something that can help men feel more engaged in their relationships. By investing in their personal growth and well-being, men can become better partners and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling relationships. As men continue to learn and grow, they will find that the rewards of building self-belief are worth the effort.

10 Hidden Signs of a Narcopath

Narcissism and psychopathy are two personality traits, mainly used to describe narcopathy, that can significantly impact a person’s behavior and relationships with others. While these traits are well-known, there are many subtle aspects of these behaviors of a narcopath that most people don’t realize. These traits can combine to create a “narcopathic” personality, which can be incredibly dangerous for those around them.

It is essential to understand these traits to protect oneself and those in danger. Narcopathic individuals can display a range of behaviors that may seem harmless at first. But they can quickly escalate into dangerous situations. These individuals may have a superficial charm that allows them to manipulate and control others.

They usually also have an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement. They may also lack empathy for others and have a limited range of emotions. This makes it difficult for them to understand or care about the feelings of others. In addition, narcopathic individuals may engage in criminal behavior without feeling guilt or remorse.

They may have a strong need for control over situations and people around them. It is essential to recognize these warning signs to protect oneself and others from potential harm. By gaining a deeper understanding of these traits, you can take steps to avoid being manipulated. You can also better understand what makes narcissism and psychopathy so dangerous.

10 Narcopathic Traits Most People Don’t Realize


1. Narcopathy Means Superficial Charm

Narcopathic people are skilled at presenting charming and likable personalities to others. But their intentions are often manipulative and self-serving. They may use this charm as a tool to gain the trust and admiration of others. This allows them to exert control over them. It is essential to be aware of this facade and not to take it at face value. The pretty outside may hide a darker, more manipulative side of the individual’s personality.

The superficial charm that narcopathic people display is often described as being incredibly persuasive and magnetic. They can be skilled at engaging in small talk and putting others at ease. This allows them to gain the trust and admiration of those around them. Narcopaths often have a way with words and may use this skill to manipulate others into doing what they want.

2. Grandiosity

Narcopaths have a grandiose sense of self-importance and believe they are superior to others. They may exaggerate their achievements, talents, or abilities and demand admiration and praise from those around them. This behavior can be seen as a form of self-aggrandizement. The individual seeks to inflate their self-worth and importance in the eyes of others.

Narcopaths may also have an exaggerated sense of entitlement, believing they deserve special treatment or privileges that others do not. They may demand loyalty and devotion from those around them. But they become angry or resentful if they do not receive the attention or respect they deserve.

3. A Narcopath Has a Lack of Empathy

Another sign of narcopathy is a limited capacity for empathy. This can make it difficult for them to understand or care about the feelings of others. They may see other people as objects to be used for their benefit. They often don’t view others as individuals with their thoughts, feelings, and desires. This trait also indicates that someone may be a sociopath, which is an even more dangerous issue. So, you should always try your best to avoid such people.

This lack of empathy can manifest in several ways. For example, a narcopathic individual may be unable to recognize the emotional impact of their actions on others. Or they may disregard the feelings of others in favor of their desires. They may also lack remorse or guilt for their harmful actions toward others. This is often because they are more concerned with their needs and desires.

4. Narcopathy Causes Manipulative Behavior

Narcopaths are often skilled at using a variety of tactics to manipulate and control others to get what they want. These tactics include charm, lies, manipulation, intimidation, and coercion. For example, a narcopathic individual may use their charm and charisma to gain the trust and admiration of others. This allows them to manipulate and control them. They may also use lies and manipulation to distort the truth and convince others to do what they want. Sometimes, they may use intimidation or coercion to force others to comply with their demands.

These tactics can be incredibly dangerous for those around them, leading to abuse, exploitation, and harm. It is essential to recognize these warning signs of manipulation and control when interacting with individuals who may exhibit narcopathic tendencies.

5. A Narcopath Displays a Lack of Remorse

Often, narcopaths have a limited sense of responsibility for their actions. They may not feel guilt or remorse for the harm they cause to others. They may tend to blame others for their own mistakes or to minimize the impact of their harmful actions. In some cases, a narcopathic individual may even take pleasure in causing harm to others.

This lack of empathy and sense of responsibility can make it difficult for them to form genuine connections with others. It’s usually the case that they can’t engage in healthy relationships. If you start hanging around someone with narcopathy, you may quickly feel used, manipulated, or mistreated.


6. A Narcopath Needs Control

Narcopathic people often strongly desire to control situations and the people around them. They may try to exert control over others through manipulation, intimidation, or coercion, among other tactics. This desire for control can manifest in several ways. Narcopaths may try to control the behavior of those around them. They dictate how others should act, what they should wear, or who they should associate with. They may also try to control the information that others can access by withholding information or spreading misinformation.

In some cases, narcopaths may even try to control the thoughts and emotions of those around them. They usually do this by gaslighting or manipulating tactics to make them doubt their perceptions or experiences. This can make it difficult for people to trust their instincts or seek help if mistreated.

7. Narcopathy Increases Impulsivity

If an individual is struggling with narcopathy, they’ll act impulsively without considering the potential consequences of their actions. They may engage in risky behaviors without regard for their impact on themselves or others. This lack of consideration for consequences can manifest in several ways.

Narcopaths may engage in reckless or irresponsible behavior, such as driving under the influence or spending money impulsively. They may also make impulsive decisions that have significant negative consequences. Such a decision may be quitting a job without a backup plan or ending a relationship out of the blue. In some cases, narcopaths may even engage in criminal behavior without regard for their actions’ potential consequences.

8. A Narcopath Feels Entitled

Narcopaths may feel entitled to special treatment or privileges others do not receive. They may believe they deserve success, attention, or resources more than others around them. This sense of entitlement can manifest in several ways. Narcopaths may expect to receive preferential treatment, such as promotions at work or special privileges in social settings. They may also believe that they are above the rules and laws that apply to others. As such, they may engage in unethical or illegal behavior without any sense of guilt or remorse.

In some cases, this sense of entitlement may be driven by a belief that they are inherently superior to others. Or it can be because they believe they have a unique destiny or purpose that justifies their behavior. This can make it difficult to understand why their behavior is harmful or unacceptable.

9. Shallow Emotions

Having a limited range of emotions and not experiencing deep feelings like love or empathy is a sign of narcopathic behavior. Such people may have difficulty understanding or relating to the emotions of others. They may have a shallow emotional response to situations that elicit strong emotions in most people.

This lack of emotional depth can manifest in a few ways. Narcopaths may have difficulty forming genuine emotional connections with others. They often struggle to maintain close relationships over time. They may also lack empathy for others and have trouble understanding or caring about those around them. Sometimes, this emotional shallowness may be driven by a fear of vulnerability or a desire to maintain control.

10. Narcopathy Emboldens Criminal Behavior

Narcopaths may engage in criminal activity without feeling remorse or guilt. They may engage in criminal behavior, including theft, fraud, and violence. Often, they feel justified in their actions or believe that the rules don’t apply to them. In some cases, this criminal behavior may be driven by a desire for power or control over others. A sense of entitlement can even cause it to the resources or possessions of others. Narcopaths may also engage in criminal behavior to seek attention or to prove their superiority over others.

It is important to note that not all narcopaths engage in criminal behavior. Not all criminal behavior is motivated by narcopathic tendencies. However, when criminal behavior is combined with other warning signs of narcopathy, it can be a red flag for potential danger.


Final Thoughts on Some Hidden Signs of a Narcopath

Narcopathic traits can significantly impact a person’s behavior and relationships with others. Some traits, such as entitlement and a lack of empathy, are more well-known. But there are many subtle aspects of these behaviors that most people don’t realize. These traits can combine to create a dangerous and destructive personality that can harm those around them.

By being aware of these warning signs, you can take steps to protect yourself from potential harm. You can also avoid being taken advantage of by individuals who exhibit narcopathic tendencies. Seeking help and support is essential if a narcopathic individual has harmed you. Keep in mind that recovery can be a difficult and complex process.

Through education and awareness, society can work to create a safer and more empathetic society. Thus, the world can become where individuals are held accountable for their actions and encouraged to develop healthy relationships.

10 Daily Mantras to Silence Your Inner Critic

Everyone has an inner critic that can negatively affect you if you don’t learn to quiet it. Negative thoughts become harmful mantras. They feed the issue, leading to it happening more often and becoming more severe. Letting your inner critic take over your thoughts leads to making them habitual. It can eventually become a constant stream of negative thoughts about yourself and your life. You might not always even realize when you’re thinking this way.

Your inner critic is there to try and protect you from embarrassment, danger, and mistakes. It’s a way to help you avoid doing the wrong things, but it doesn’t work that way. Instead, it can make you miserable and cause you to miss out.

Why It’s Important to Silence Your Inner Critic

If you don’t learn to silence your inner self-critic, it can limit your possibilities. It leads to sabotaging opportunities for improvement and growth. On the other hand, learning to silence these thoughts can help you develop a growth mindset and improve your chance of success.

Self-criticism prevents growth, learning, and trying new experiences. Experts indicate it can also contribute to anxiety, depression, fear, and guilt.

Negative thoughts often target your insecurities and steal your joy. They convince you you aren’t good enough or can’t make your dreams happen.

Plus, while your inner critic might make you admit your faults, it doesn’t help you move forward positively. When the thoughts creep in, you can recognize them and then release them rather than letting them spiral. Once you hear negativity, replacing it with a positive affirmation can make a difference.

inner critic

Ten Mantras to Shut Down the Noise From Your Inner Critic

Using these mantras can help you hush your inner critic. Repeat the phrases at least once daily, and don’t be afraid to use them throughout the day to shift to positive thinking.

1 – I am choosing self-compassion each day.

With self-compassion, you’ll be kinder to yourself and push away harmful self-talk. This affirmation can remind you to focus on the good things throughout your day if you use it in the morning.

If your negative self-talk creeps in during your daily tasks, you can take a few minutes to repeat this phrase. Remembering to treat yourself with compassion can make all the difference in silencing your inner critic. With positive thoughts, you can change the world.

2 – I am embracing the things that make me unique.

Everyone is unique, but sometimes you might give yourself a hard time for the things that make you different. Comparing yourself to others triggers your inner critic, and you might think you’re not good enough. If you stop comparing yourself, you’ll embrace what makes you unique.

Repeating this daily mantra can help you push away those hurtful thoughts and love who you are. It can also help you avoid frequent comparisons to others, helping you celebrate yourself and your accomplishments.

3 – I am enough and love myself for who I am.

You are good enough as you are right now, and recognizing it can help you feel happier. Anytime you have thoughts of not being enough, repeat this affirmation to remind yourself of the opposite. Learning to love yourself and silencing your inner critic requires self-acceptance and an acknowledgment of self-worth.

4 – I believe in myself and can do anything I focus on.

Your inner critic might tell you you can’t achieve your goals and make things happen. However, you can release that thought and silence the negativity when you repeat this positive phrase.

As you look in the mirror, say aloud how much you believe in yourself. Reaffirm that you can do anything, and you’ll suddenly see yourself progressing.

5 – I am my best friend and talk to myself like I communicate with others.

Consider how you talk to your friends and loved ones and compare it to your inner critic. You likely wouldn’t say the harsh things you say to yourself to others.

If you take on that mindset and consider yourself your best friend, you can hush your inner critic and show compassion. It can help you realize that you deserve good treatment without harsh criticism. Plus, it can help you have the courage to take risks, persevere, and try again when things don’t work out the first time.

6 – I am happy and feel great in my skin.

You can hush your inner critic by being happy and confident. Repeating this phrase can help you focus on your best traits and qualities. It can also help you push away negative thoughts before they cause you to spiral.

7 – I learn more daily, and my mistakes help me grow.

Making mistakes frequently leads to negative thoughts and being unkind to yourself. This mantra can help shift those thoughts and allow you to learn and grow.

You’ll push away the negative thoughts that you can’t accomplish something and replace them with positivity. It can help you improve all areas of your life and focus on a growth mindset.

Repeating this positive phrase can help you stop focusing on your mistake and instead consider the lesson. Then, you’ll be ready to try again with your newfound knowledge. You can take something from every experience, good or bad, and continue learning daily.


8 – I am mindful of my thoughts and choose positivity.

Mindfulness can help you focus on positivity and ease any negative thoughts that threaten to take over. When you tell yourself you’re being mindful, you’ll remember to consider your thoughts more often.

You’ll be more likely to recognize when your mind shifts, and you can repeat the affirmation anytime it happens. Before you know it, this phrase will frequently run through your mind without you having to remember to repeat it.

9 – I am trying my best, and it’s good enough.

When you know you’re doing your best, it should be a good feeling. You might not be better than others or fail at something you tried hard to do. That’s okay, and it’s still good enough because you put in your best effort.

This affirmation can also help you focus on positivity if people around you say harsh things about your effort. You know when you’ve tried your most challenging, and there is nothing more you can do. There’s no reason to beat yourself up or to replay other people’s negative opinions because everyone makes mistakes.  I always prioritize self-love.

Practicing self-love is essential to silencing your inner critic. When you love yourself, you’ll have fewer negative thoughts. You’ll also have an easier time pushing them away or replacing them with positivity.

Self-love helps you become more accepting of yourself and can boost your confidence. You’ll also be more likely to recognize your value and live up to your potential. This daily mantra will help you embrace everything about yourself and focus on the good parts of your life.

How to Use Daily Mantras

When you’re ready to use daily mantras to silence your inner critic, start with ones that resonate with you. Choose phrases that work for you and apply them to your life.

Each day as you do your morning routine, repeat your chosen mantra aloud. It’s usually helpful to look in a mirror, even if you initially feel silly. Once you get used to repeating mantras, you’ll become more comfortable with the process.

You can also repeat the phrases in your mind or repeatedly write them down. These affirmations help you focus your mind on something other than negative self-talk. It can help you replace harsh thoughts with positive ones that make you feel good.

Other Ways to Hush Your Inner Critic (Besides Those Awesome Mantras!)

Daily mantras aren’t the only tool you can use for silencing your inner critic. You can do other things to ease stress and negativity and help you view yourself more positively.

Practice Breathing Techniques

Using breathing methods to silence your inner critic helps you calm your mind and body. It releases anxiety and negativity, allowing you to embrace yourself and your surroundings. You can consider the box breathing method, but there are others to choose from.

Daily Meditation

Meditating helps you determine why you’re mistreating yourself with criticism. While you might not want to think about these things, it’s essential if you want to heal and overcome negativity. It can also help you learn to ease self-judgment before self-anger settles in.

Celebrate Yourself and Your Accomplishments

Your inner critic will make your accomplishments seem minor, but any progress deserves celebrating. Celebrating yourself can help you recognize that you’re better than your negative thoughts make you feel. It’ll help you focus on the good parts of who you are so that you can fully love yourself.

inner critic

Final Thoughts on Reciting Mantras to Silence Your Inner Critic

Your inner critic can make you dislike yourself and prevent achievement. If you experience negative self-talk, using daily mantras can help shift your mindset.

Read through the list of positive phrases and choose the affirmations that resonate the most. Then, repeat one or two each day until you notice an improvement. Daily mantras aren’t the only thing that can help, but they can make a difference in your life.

5 Behaviors That Reveal Someone With Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity is an excessive and ineffective overgeneralizing of positive thinking. It is the belief that one should always have positive thoughts and emotions and that anything less is unacceptable.

This thinking can lead to individuals suppressing negative emotions and not allowing themselves to process and cope with difficult experiences fully. As a result, toxic positivity can ultimately lead to an unhealthy mindset and unrealistic expectations of oneself. It can also lead to the invalidation of others’ feelings and experiences.

5 Behaviors That Often Reveal Toxic Positivity

  1. Suppressing negative emotions: Individuals who engage in toxic positivity may try to suppress or ignore negative emotions such as sadness, anger, or frustration instead of allowing themselves to process and cope with difficult experiences fully.
  2. Constantly putting on a happy face: People who participate in toxic positivity may always feel pressure to appear happy, even when facing adversity.
  3. Invalidation of others’ feelings: People who engage in toxic positivity may dismiss, invalidate, or minimize the feelings of others, telling them to “just cheer up” or “look on the bright side.”
  4. Refusing to seek help: People who display toxic positivity may resist seeking help for mental health or emotional issues, believing they should be able to handle everything on their own with a positive attitude.
  5. Unrealistic expectations: People who engage in toxic positivity may create unrealistic expectations for themselves and others. Indeed, they could believe that life should always be positive and that negative experiences should be quick and easy to overcome.

What Causes Toxic Positivity?

toxic positivity Toxic positivity can stem from a variety of factors, including the following:

  1. Societal pressure: There may be societal pressure to always appear happy and positive, leading individuals to feel like they need to suppress negative emotions to fit in.
  2. Fear of vulnerability: Some individuals may engage in toxic positivity to avoid vulnerability, as expressing negative emotions can be uncomfortable and expose one’s weaknesses.
  3. Lack of emotional intelligence: Some people may lack the emotional intelligence to process and cope with negative emotions and instead try to suppress them with positive thinking.
  4. Trauma: Traumatic events can also cause toxic positivity, as people who have experienced traumatic events may try to suppress their negative emotions as a coping mechanism.
  5. Confusion with healthy positivity: People may be confused between healthy and toxic positivity and think avoiding negative thoughts will make them more positive, but this can be harmful.

It’s important to note that these factors can influence individuals differently, and toxic positivity can manifest differently in different people.

Toxic Positivity Is a Hidden Form of Emotional Avoidance

In short, toxic positivity is a covert way to avoid dealing with painful emotions while hiding behind a facade of happiness.

Emotional avoidance can be dangerous because it prevents individuals from processing and healthily coping with difficult emotions. When people avoid dealing with their emotions, they may suppress them or push them down and out of their awareness, but those emotions will continue to exist. They can manifest in different ways, such as physical symptoms, addiction, or behavioral issues.

Some of the potential dangers of emotional avoidance include these consequences:

  1. Increased stress: Avoiding emotions can lead to increased stress as the emotions build up without relief.
  2. Interference with relationships: Emotional avoidance can cause difficulties in personal relationships as one may not be able to communicate effectively, empathize or form healthy connections with others.
  3. Development of mental health issues: Avoiding negative thoughts can lead to the development of several mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, as well as perpetuate existing mental health conditions.
  4. Physical health problems: Avoiding emotions can also lead to physical health problems, such as headaches, stomach pain, and high blood pressure.
  5. Difficulty in problem-solving: Emotional avoidance can make making decisions, solving problems, and setting or achieving goals harder.

To avoid these dangers, individuals must learn healthy ways of dealing with their emotions, such as talking to someone, practicing mindfulness, or seeking therapy.


5 Phrases That May Reveal Toxic Positivity

The examples below show the pressure to suppress negative emotions and invalidate the individual’s feelings and experiences. These phrases can be harmful and prevent people from properly processing and coping with difficult situations.

It’s important to remember that it’s part of the human experience to have a range of emotions, including negative ones. So it is necessary and healthy to acknowledge and process them.

Doctors warn of the platitudes people often say if they engage in toxic positivity.

  1. “Just think positive, and everything will be okay.”
  2. “Don’t worry, be happy.”
  3. “You shouldn’t feel sad, you should be grateful for what you have.”
  4. “It’s not that bad, you should just move on.”
  5. “You’re just overreacting, there’s nothing to be upset about.”

5 Ways to Acknowledge and Eliminate Negativity in a Healthy Manner

  1. Use the RARE method to acknowledge and release your negative emotions: It is typical to have a range of emotions, including negative ones. Allow yourself to feel and process your emotions. So please do not try to suppress them with positive thinking. It is okay to acknowledge your sadness once in a while! Only then can you learn a lesson and let them go. The RARE method, developed by PoP Founder and CEO Kristen Butler, and explained in her best-selling book, 3 Minute Positivity Journal, can help. The acronym RARE signifies: Recognize, Accept, Redefine, and Evolve. It explains the four steps necessary for healing as follows:
    • R: Recognize your negative thought.
    • A: Accept the negativity at face value.
    • R: Redefine the situation. For instance, you might start to understand a life lesson you might take away.
    • E: Evolve, or become the best YOU.
  2. Practice self-compassion and kindness: Be kind and understanding to yourself when you walk through difficult times. Recognize that it’s normal to have negative emotions and that everyone goes through difficult times.
  3. Seek help: If you’re struggling with your emotions, don’t be afraid to seek help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide you with strategies for coping with difficult emotions and situations.
  4. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people: Surround yourself with positive, supportive, and understanding people willing to listen to you when you need to talk.
  5. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you remain present in the moment and acknowledge your emotions without judgment. This calm mindset can help you healthily process and cope with difficult emotions.

It’s important to note that implementing these strategies can take time and effort and may not be the solution for everyone. Seeking professional help can be the best way to break the toxic positivity cycle.

toxic positivity

Final Thoughts on Toxic Positivity

The root cause of toxic positivity can be difficult to pinpoint as it can stem from various factors, including societal pressures, fear of vulnerability, lack of emotional intelligence, past traumatic experiences, and confusion between healthy and toxic positivity.

Societal pressures to always appear happy and positive can lead individuals to suppress negative emotions to fit in. Some people may engage in toxic positivity to avoid vulnerability, as expressing negative emotions can be uncomfortable and expose one’s weaknesses.

Individuals who lack emotional intelligence may not have the skills to process and cope with negative emotions. Instead, try to suppress them with positive thinking. Past traumatic experiences can also cause toxic positivity, as people who have experienced traumatic events may try to suppress their negative emotions as a coping mechanism.

Furthermore, some people may be confused between healthy positivity and toxic positivity, thinking that avoiding negative thoughts will make them more positive, but this can be harmful. Finally, it is crucial to acknowledge that toxic positivity can manifest differently in different people and that the root cause may be a combination of different factors.

3 Reasons Canned Water Is Better Than Bottled Water

As the world becomes more conscious about environmental sustainability, plastic in packaging has come under much scrutiny. One of the most significant contributors to our plastic pollution problem is single-use plastics. One solution to this problem is canned water, which many environmentally conscious companies see as an eco-friendly alternative to bottled water, with the hopes that it will reduce waste and lower our carbon footprint. But is canned water better for the environment?

Let’s explore.

Why Canned Water Outperforms Bottled Water

Here are a few excellent reasons to reconsider how we think about taking water on the go.

canned water

1 – People recycle aluminum more predictably than plastic

One of the most significant advantages of canned water is that it is fully recyclable. Also, we are already in the habit of recycling cans. With a recycling rate of over 75%, aluminum remains the most recycled beverage container on the planet. This is because aluminum has recyclable value while plastic doesn’t. Furthermore, aluminum can be recycled indefinitely, significantly reducing the environmental impact of producing new cans.

2 – Canned water is stackable

Another factor to consider is that canned water is lightweight and stackable, which makes it easier to transport and store. This significantly reduces the carbon footprint associated with shipping and delivery. Compared to bottled water, canned water is also more compact and efficient regarding space utilization. This makes it ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking or camping, where space is limited.

3 – Canned water creates less harm to the environment

Canned water also has fewer negative environmental effects during production than bottled water. Plastic bottles require more energy to produce, and this results in a higher amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Canned water production requires less energy, which makes it a more environmentally-friendly option. But perhaps the most excellent argument for using aluminum is the amount of time it takes for them to biodegrade. While plastic bottles can take up to a thousand years to biodegrade, aluminum cans take only a fraction of this time.

4 – The cans come from recycled aluminum, a more sustainable material

Not only are the water cans easy to recycle, but they also come from recycled materials. The United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that aluminum container comes from 68% recycled materials. On the other hand, plastic water bottles contain only 3% recycled materials. This adds to what the EPA labels a “circular economy,” which reduces usage, reimagines materials, and keeps still usable materials out of the nation’s waste stream.

canned water
Photo: Ellie Shoja

Is Canned Water the Way to Save the Planet? Jason Momoa Appears to Think So

With all the advantages of using aluminum over plastic, it is no wonder that so many new and existing companies are jumping on the bandwagon of offering consumers a canned water alternative. Some companies go beyond just selling water in cans and using their resources to clean up the plastics polluting our oceans. One such company is Jason Momoa’s venture Mananalu [], which provides still, sparkling, and flavored waters in reusable aluminum bottles.

At the recent Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, California, I spoke with Lindsey Fischer, VP of business development at Mananalu, whose tagline is “Bottled water for planet lovers.”

According to Fischer, only 9 percent of all plastic water bottles are recycled. The rest end up in landfills and the ocean, causing mass-level pollution and poisoning sea and land life.

Mananalu is going beyond replacing single-use plastic bottles with aluminum. With the help of their partner, rePurpose Global, they are removing one plastic bottle from the ocean for every bottle of water sold. “One of our biggest problems in terms of plastic waste is water bottles,” Fischer said in our interview. “There’s billions of them. We have a big mess to clean up.”

But getting consumers to purchase canned water instead of single-use plastic bottles is challenging. For one thing, canned water tends to be slightly more expensive, for another, consumers don’t immediately associate aluminum cans with water. Some changes to consumer habits must happen for the shift to canned water to take off.

I was excited to see the number of companies offering resealable, sturdy aluminum bottles for reuse. This design choice, too, is intentional. Canned water companies often commit to more sustainable production and use of their products.

What Are Some of the Brands That Lead the Way?

Mananalu, Path, Proud Source, and Brita designed their aluminum bottles with reusability in mind. They even encourage consumers to refill them after they drink the original contents. Indeed, reusing is the best form of recycling. “We recommend refilling the bottle,” Fischer said when I asked her. “I have a bottle that I carry with me on every trip and refill at the airport once I’m through security. The bottle will last you a long time.”

When I asked what Mananalu’s vision for the future is, she replied, “To eliminate all single use plastics. That’s the vision, but it’s grandiose. So, really it’s to raise awareness and bring consciousness to the problem of plastic waste. It’s not really going to change until the big brands do their part. Those that are modeling in plastics need to follow the trends of the little brands. That’s what we’re hoping to do: Shake up the industry, get the consumers on board, get their votes, and start shifting consumer behavior until the big brands have to come on board.”

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Final Thoughts on the Arrival of Canned Water in the Marketplace

Canned water is undoubtedly a step forward in terms of eco-friendliness. If enough of us buy into Fischer and Mananalu’s vision, we might be able to move the dial back on the plastic pollution of our beautiful planet. By choosing canned water instead of bottled water, you consciously reduce your carbon footprint and positively impact our oceans – one recyclable aluminum bottle at a time.

Psychology Explains Why Hugging Is So Important in a Marriage

Hugging is essential in marriage because it’s a bond that requires love, commitment, and communication to thrive. It is a union of two individuals who have chosen to share their lives. As such, it requires constant effort to maintain. Hugging is an often-overlooked aspect of a healthy marriage, yet this touch can significantly impact the overall well-being of the relationship.

At its core, hugging is a form of physical touch that can convey many emotions, from love and affection to comfort and reassurance. It is a nonverbal way to communicate that you care for your partner and are there for them. Hugging has numerous benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving physical health by lowering blood pressure and promoting relaxation. It can boost the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with social bonding and feelings of trust and affection.

Many couples struggle to incorporate hugging into their daily routines despite its benefits. In a busy world filled with work, kids, and other responsibilities, physical touch can be seen as a luxury. And, unfortunately, it is often neglected. However, by trying to hug your partner regularly, you can create a positive habit to strengthen your relationship. Also, it makes you both feel more connected.

Why Hugging Is So Important in a Marriage


1. It Strengthens the Emotional Connection Between You and Your Partner

Hugging is a powerful tool for strengthening the emotional connection between partners in a marriage. The act of hugging involves physical touch, which can convey emotions and create a sense of intimacy. When couples hug, they can communicate non-verbally and express emotions that words may not be able to capture. Hugging creates a sense of physical closeness between partners.

This closeness can make partners feel more emotionally connected and create a stronger sense of intimacy. Plus, it promotes the release of oxytocin. This is a hormone that is released during physical touch. It is associated with social bonding and feelings of trust and affection. When couples hug, it can lead to an increase in oxytocin levels. This can strengthen the emotional connection between partners.

Providing comfort and reassurance is an essential aspect of any healthy relationship. And hugging can be an effective way to achieve this. The emotional closeness created by hugging can help to develop a sense of safety and security in the relationship. Ultimately, this can enhance the emotional connection between partners. Plus, hugging can create an environment where partners feel comfortable being vulnerable with each other. When you and your partner embrace, you become physically and emotionally closer. This means that you become more open to sharing your feelings and emotions.

2. Hugging Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Hugging can effectively express feelings of love, support, and comfort in marriage. Research has shown that hugging can have numerous physical and psychological benefits. For example, it can help reduce stress hormone cortisol levels, which can contribute to anxiety and tension. As mentioned before, hugging can also stimulate the release of oxytocin, which has been shown to have a calming effect on the body.

It helps reduce stress and anxiety through difficult times; hugging can provide comfort and reassurance. It can also help reduce tension and promote a sense of calm during stress. The closeness it creates can help promote a positive, supportive dynamic in the relationship. Hugging can also be a way to manage conflict and stress in a marriage. When couples are going through a difficult time, hugging can provide a sense of comfort and reassurance. It can also help reduce tension and promote a sense of calm during stress.

3. It’s a Way to Show Your Love and Support

Many married people struggle to convey their feelings and support for each other, especially during stress and difficulty. However, hugging can be a simple and effective way to communicate non-verbally that they care about one another. It’s a way to show that you support one another through good times and bad. Hugging can create a sense of closeness and intimacy between partners that can be difficult to achieve through words alone.

It can provide a physical reminder that partners are not alone. When you hug someone, you tell them you support them, even when words fail. Hugging can create a sense of closeness and intimacy that can be hard to achieve through words alone. It can provide a tangible reminder that partners are not alone and have each other’s support. Even if you don’t know what to say, you can hug them and let them know everything will be fine.

Hugging can be a way to show that you are there for each other, no matter what. As such, it can help build a strong foundation of emotional connection and support in a marriage. You might need hugging if you’ve ever struggled to express your emotions verbally. Some people are more comfortable showing their feelings through actions rather than words.


4. Hugging Can Help Maintain Intimacy

Intimacy is something that was mentioned a few times before. But this is because it’s a core aspect targeted by hugging. Even if it seems like such a small act, it does more for a relationship than anyone might think. Intimacy can be defined as a sense of closeness and connection between two people. It involves a feeling of emotional and physical closeness and a sense of being deeply understood and accepted by one’s partner.

So, it’s a vital component of any marriage. And it’s one thing that seems to slip away the most as time passes. When partners hug each other, they create a physical connection that can help to deepen their emotional bond. In addition, hugging can also help to promote a sense of acceptance and understanding between partners.

When one partner hugs the other, it can communicate a message of love and acceptance. This creates a supportive, caring environment in the relationship. This is vital because people cannot be intimate without feeling cared for. Physical touch creates a sense of emotional closeness and intimacy that can be difficult to achieve through words alone.

5. It Can Help You Manage Conflict

Hugging can be a helpful way to manage conflict in a marriage. Still, it’s important to note that it’s not always appropriate in every situation. Sometimes, partners must step back and cool down before hugging or reconnecting. Plus, you must ensure that you still talk your issues through and don’t just hug and pretend nothing happened. However, in many cases, hugging can be a way to break down barriers and promote understanding and empathy between partners.

When couples engage in conflict, they commonly become emotionally and physically distant. This can create a sense of isolation and tension, making resolving the issue challenging. Hugging can help to break this cycle by creating a physical connection that can help to bridge the emotional divide. By hugging each other, partners can communicate a message of support and reassurance, even amid conflict.

This can help to reduce tension and promote a sense of mutual understanding and empathy. Furthermore, hugging can also help to diffuse anger and other negative emotions that can escalate conflicts. When partners are upset or angry, it can be challenging to communicate effectively and calmly. Hugging can help to calm both partners down while promoting a connection that can help them to work through their issues together.

6. Hugging Is a Way to Keep Things Fun and Loving

Keeping things fun is essential in a marriage. A healthy and happy marriage is not just about managing day-to-day responsibilities and challenges. But it’s also about finding ways to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. There are many ways to keep things fun in a marriage. And it will depend on the interests and preferences of each couple. Some couples enjoy taking trips and traveling together, while others prefer staying in and watching movies or playing games.

Some couples enjoy trying new activities together, such as cooking or taking dance classes. Others prefer to stick with familiar hobbies or interests. Hugging can be a great way to keep things fun in a marriage by promoting a sense of playfulness and spontaneity. Couples can hug each other for no particular reason or create fun games or challenges around hugging. If you want, you can have a daily “hug challenge” where you give each other many hugs daily.

Overall, hugging is a simple yet powerful way to keep things fun and loving in a relationship. A hug can express affection and appreciation towards your partner through physical touch. This is just what people need to feel cared for and to feel like the relationship is still something exciting and fresh. So, finding ways to keep things fun in a marriage is essential to maintaining a healthy and happy relationship.


Final Thoughts on Why Hugging Is So Important in a Marriage

Hugging is an essential aspect of a healthy and happy relationship. It can help to promote emotional connection, intimacy, and physical touch between partners. It has been shown to have numerous physical and psychological benefits. Even though it’s a simple act, it can do much more than you might give it credit for.

Hugging can be a way to express feelings of love, support, and comfort, especially during times of stress or difficulty. It can also be a way to communicate non-verbally and convey support and affection. It can help create and maintain intimacy in a relationship, manage conflict, and keep things fun and loving. Finally, it can also help promote a positive relationship atmosphere.

Hugging has also been shown to promote mutual appreciation and gratitude. All this while strengthening the emotional bond between partners. Overall, hugging is a simple yet powerful way to strengthen relationships and promote emotional connection and intimacy between partners. It is an essential tool for maintaining a healthy and happy relationship and should be prioritized.

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