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Single Mom Missed A Class, But Professor’s Response Is Going Viral For Perfect Reasons

“Told my professor I missed class yesterday bc I couldn’t find childcare & this was her response. I’m literally crying. So blessed/thankful.”

– @morganking on Twitter

“Childcare falls through sometimes, and it does for me as well, and I bring my kids to work. We all need people around us, people supporting us. Nobody can do this journey by themselves.”

– Dr. Sally Beville Hunter

A single mother’s struggle

This subheading is a bit misleading. Millions of single mothers struggle every day to make a living and care for their children.

Google “affordable/quality childcare” and you’ll get hit with over 1 million results. Yale University has done studies; Washington Post has written extensively on the issue; health care and child care agencies have published studies, and so on.

Morgan King, a 21-year-old single mom, is a perfect example. In addition to working nights at a restaurant and caring for her infant daughter, King is studying recreational therapy at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UT). Her career goal: to assist children with disabilities.

Realizing that she’d have to miss class, King emailed her professor, Dr. Sally Hunter.

Bring her!

King emailed her professor and explained her situation. She didn’t have anyone to care for her baby daughter and couldn’t make it to class.

Most professors would do one of two things (from experience): shoot off a quick reply with something like “Ok, just read ‘x’ and study ‘y,'” or not bother to respond at all. In their defense, most ‘profs’ are busy people, and most lectures are not mandatory.

Dr. Sally Hunter is not most professors. Of course, Dr. Hunter outlined the lecture’s topics and what work needed to be done; but it was her second paragraph that really stood out – here it is verbatim and in original format:

“In the future, if you are having trouble finding someone to watch Korbyn, please feel free to just BRING HER with you to class. I would be absolutely delighted to hold her while I teach, so that you can still pay attention to the class and take notes. I work for the Department of CHILD and FAMILY Studies – so how terrible would it be, if I was unwilling to have a child visit our class? I’m very serious with this offer – just bring Korbyn with you!”

Mom and Professor go viral

When the Knoxville News Sentinel reported on King’s story, the Tweet had been shared over 5,000 times. Even the UT Chancellor (head of the school), Beverly Davenport, got in on the action. Davenport re-tweeted and then added: “Morgan, thanks for showing us challenges college students face. Prof Hunter, thanks for being part of the solution.”

Others responded in-kind – students, single moms, and others who are struggling. The underlying premise of most replies: admiring Dr. Hunter, advocating for single mothers, and the essentiality of simple acts of kindness.

Readers: Have you or your child ever been on the receiving end of someone else’s act of kindness? Please share!

Paying it forward

Dr. Hunter is quite a humble individual. (In all the articles read and referenced, she [subtly] redirected the spotlight.) In fact, the professor discussed her need for help at one point:

“I had Issac, my oldest son, 10 years ago. It was March and I didn’t finish the semester until May. It was my last semester of graduate coursework to get the Ph.D. My professor, Dr. Blanton, said ‘Why don’t you just bring him with you to class?'”

Dr. Hunter also points to her duties as a Professor. Working within UT’s Department of Child and Family Studies, she remains sensitive to the personal needs of students outside of the classroom.

kindness quote - professor

A bigger issue

Childcare Aware of America, a non-profit institution that studies the effects of child care cites the following:

Research tells us that quality child care, for the first five years of a child’s development, provides “a (foundation) for future success and has long-term academic and social benefits (for) child and society.”

Affordable child care is not just a single mother issue; it is a problem that affects working families. At the macro level, child care (or lack thereof) has an impact on all of us. Children who are enrolled in quality programs “demonstrate lasting effects on IQ, (academic) and economic achievement, and lower incidences of childhood obesity and chronic illness.”

What do you all think of the story? Do you have any personal or professional insight on child care? Please do share with us!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Foods That Cause Mucus In Your Body

Many people only think about mucus or phlegm when they’re feeling ill. Mucus is that sticky, annoying substance that makes your nose feel blocked. Phlegm is very similar to mucus in that way. But it’s produced from your lungs instead. Mucus is different, as it’s mostly in your nose, and it can cause some nasty conditions such as sinusitis or make you wake up with crusty eyes and a puffy face. It might not surprise you that some foods cause mucus. Consuming these foods, especially when you are already under the weather, can make you feel worse.

The best way to avoid being affected by the effects of mucus is to rid your diet of foods that cause mucus production. That might not be very easy – and you don’t have to quit those foods cold turkey – but making a conscious effort to reduce them in your diet will yield effects straightaway. Eating these foods in moderation is also a good step to take. If you suffer from problems caused by excessive mucus, you’ll feel much better after a week of adjusting your diet. Without further ago, let’s get to this list of foods.

Here Are 7 Foods That Cause Mucus In Your Body

foods that cause mucus

1. Milk and dairy

Cheese, milk, yogurt, and all other dairy products contain casein – molecules many believe may increase mucus secretions. Therefore, consuming a lot of dairy products means that there will be more mucus in your throat and sinuses. They also believe the lactose may be bad for mucus production, too.

So try replacing the milk in your coffee or cappuccino with a dairy alternative like almond. There are also a variety of plant-based milks that can do the trick – and feel free to experiment until you find the one you like. If you’re feeling adventurous, try some dairy-free cheese and ice cream! You’ll be surprised at the great tastes you can find.

Much information on thickening mucus after consuming dairy is anecdotal, and research is ongoing. Some scientists believe that any increase in mucus after dairy consumption is most likely a sensitivity or allergy. One study disputes that milk can cause mucus, calling it a myth.

Still other suggest that the perception of milk causing mucus might be due to the texture and viscosity of milk, which some may mistake for the feeling of mucus in the mouth and throat.

Long story short – talk with your doctor and ask it you could have a dairy sensitivity causing increases of mucus.

2. Sugar

As much as you love sugary treats, you need to be aware of the fact that sugars are one of those foods that cause mucus in your body. Even sugar in your coffee or tea is in danger of making your body produce more mucus, as well as processed fruits and even simple things like glazed fruits. Try replacing sugar with anything you can find; honey and agave nectar are always good alternatives. In baking, you can use more fruit, a natural sugar source.

In fact, consuming high amounts of sugar can lead to inflammation, which may increase mucus production. One study discusses how excessive fructose consumption (a type of sugar) can lead to inflammation and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

3. Meat and oil

This doesn’t mean that you need to turn vegetarian. However, if you do have the flu or a cough, it’s a good idea to avoid any meat or fish because they could make your mucus discharge even worse. In the long term, limit your meaty meals to several a week rather than eating meat daily. With fish, try to consume even less because fish is very rich in fatty acids and oils that can also contribute to mucus production.

foods that cause mucus

4. Wheat

Some people are sensitive to wheat and may experience increased mucus production after consumption. The sensitivity to wheat and its potential effects on mucus production are usually linked to conditions like wheat allergy, celiac disease, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

A study on wheat allergies notes that while some individuals may experience increased mucus production or respiratory symptoms after consuming wheat, these are not the primary or most common symptoms associated with wheat sensitivity or allergy.

5. Nuts

Some individuals are allergic to specific nuts, and an allergic reaction can manifest in various ways. Symptoms of a nut allergy can include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, and postnasal drip, all of which may stimulate mucus production. In severe cases, an allergic reaction to nuts (or various other foods, according to studies) can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical attention.

6. Alcohol

No matter whether it’s beer, whiskey, vodka, or any other type of alcohol – drinking is discouraged while you’re ill because alcohol tends to dehydrate you. Dehydration means that the remaining mucus feels more concentrated in the body. If you’re thinking about replacing alcohol with soft drinks, take note that carbonated sugary drinks can dehydrate you, too. The best source of hydration while you’re ill is water – because there are no additives in it, and it can easily break down the mucus.

7. Fried foods

Your favorite fast-food burger and fries might be your go-to meal on the way home from a hectic or stressful day at work. But does it leave you feeling sluggish the next day? That’s because these foods can increase inflammation in the body, potentially leading to increased mucus production.

As a study explains the association between fried foods, inflammation, and potential health consequences. Fried foods often contain trans fats and are cooked at high temperatures. As a result, it can form harmful compounds that promote inflammation. It causes particular inflammation in the bowel and can lead to inflammatory bowle diseases.

alcohol - foods that cause mucus

Final thoughts on the foods that cause mucus in your body

It’s difficult to deal with excessive mucus because it feels like it’ll never go away – but it will, as long as you keep up the positive thinking and the healthy mucus-defeating diet! Continue to be positive and don’t deprive yourself of useful nutrients, though, and if you feel very ill, always consult your doctor!

Editorial Note 08/24/2023: Added updated studies and food products, according to updates in research

10 Bedtime Drinks That Burn Stomach Fat

The road to losing weight, specifically stomach fat, can be such a discouraging process, especially when you have to deal with stubborn belly fat. But it is possible to trim off a muffin top even while you sleep. We want to share several bedtime drinks that will help burn stomach fat faster:

Here Are 10 Bedtime Drinks That Help Burn Stomach Fat

“Both belly bulge and love handles are about excess body fat, not lack of muscle… The best way to reduce these problem areas is to reduce your overall body fat percentage, and we all know that that requires diet and exercise.” – Jillian Michaels

1. Cucumber juice

Juice fresh cucumbers for a flavorful and healthy bedtime drink. Add water as desired if the cucumber blend is too strong to drink “straight”. To make the drink tastier, squeeze some lemons and grate ginger on the juice before drinking. Drink this every night for a month and you will notice your stomach fat trimming.

Cucumbers are low in calories but loaded with antioxidants, fiber, minerals, and vitamins that work for weight loss. An intake of cucumbers in plenty amounts won’t have you packing the pounds.

Instead, it helps the body level off its blood sugars and promotes hydration.

2. Lemon and cucumber juice

Do you notice how some restaurants serve water with slices of lemon? Drinking lemon water provides heaps of benefits, including losing stomach fat.

A study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine showed that people who drank lemon juice four times a day while fasting reduced their body fat mass and improved their lipid profile.

To make your bedtime lemon drink taste better and be more effective, combine the fruit with two cucumbers, an orange, and a pitcher of water. Add honey to taste and garnish this drink with mint as well, if you like.

3. Cucumber and cilantro drink

Here’s another drink filled with antioxidants that will help flush the toxins and bad fat from your body. Combine cucumber, a cup of cilantro (or fresh parsley), lemon, and half a glass of water in a blender.

Sprinkle the drink with grated ginger and a tablespoon of Aloe Vera juice. Let this combination sit for a few minutes before drinking it all the way down.

4. Ginger tea

Ginger has widely-known medicinal properties but a study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences revealed it also works effectively against obesity. Drinking ginger tea before bedtime also helps the body absorb nutrients better. Additionally, it aids in food digestion and alleviates stomach discomfort (especially if you’ve had a bad meal a few hours before going to bed).

If you want to make ginger tea tastier, squeeze in some lemon and add a tablespoon of honey to your drink. You can also make it into iced ginger tea if you’re drinking this concoction during the summer.

5. Pineapple juice

Pineapple adds positive value to your weight loss goals because it’s an antioxidant, low in calories and rich in fiber. According to the Joslin Diabetic Center, fiber-rich foods and drinks make you feel full without adding to your stomach fat.

Like lemon, a glass of cold, delicious, and freshly squeezed pineapple juice is always refreshing. However, you can enjoy this as a warm and soothing drink instead. Blend or squeeze pineapple juice with lemon.

Add slices or chunks of pineapples to your drink, if you like. If the fruit is sweet enough, you won’t need to add honey.

6. Strawberry with lemon and herbs

Strawberries and other berry extracts have phytochemical properties that aid in diet and protect the body from cancer and heart disease, according to a study in the Journal of Medicinal Food.

This fruit has components which block the hormones that trigger inflammation, raise blood sugar levels, and hinder weight loss.

Juice a lemon or lime and add a few slices of the peels into the cup. Then cut up strawberries and include herbs such as mint and tarragon into the mixture. Pour hot water over it and let this mixture settle together. Remove the lemon or lime peels and transfer the mixture to a jar. Pour cold water and ice and then add honey, depending on your preference. Drink away!

7. Dandelion tea

Dandelion tea is effective in relieving stomach bloating, heartburn, and other forms of stomach upset. As a natural diuretic, dandelion tea also helps flush out water weight so you will feel lighter after having a cup at bedtime.

8. Green tea

Green tea’s chemical composition is so complex that even experts debate on its health benefits. But scientists from Japan stated, in a 2017 study published in the journal Nutrients, that drinking green tea before bedtime can promote better sleep quality among middle-aged people.

The caffeine content found in green tea is low, so it helps the body become more relaxed. And if you sleep better, you can boost your metabolism better to prevent weight gain. But there’s an added benefit to this drink. Because green tea is an antioxidant, it also aids in weight loss and cutting down that unwanted stomach fat.

9. Apple cider vinegar juice

Whether freshly made or bought in stores, apple cider vinegar juice offers many health benefits. As it has antibiotic and antibacterial properties, this drink can help with stomach upset, bacteria-causing diarrhea, and intestinal spasms. Mix one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. If you prefer, you can combine this with lemon juice and a few slices of fresh apple.

apple cider vinegar - stomach fat

10. Grapefruit and cinnamon juice

People who love a detoxifying diet mainly eat or drink grapefruit because it’s hydrating and filling. Aside from that, it’s packed with nutrients and helps with metabolism. Grapefruit juice may also be freshly blended or store bought. Extract at least half a glass from this fruit, which will be added to a syrup mixture.

You can make the syrup by mixing a glass of water, sugar to taste, and cinnamon sticks. Let this mixture simmer in a pan for seven minutes before adding the grapefruit and cold water in a pitcher. Garnish the drink with mint.

Final Thoughts on Trying These Drinks That May Help Melt Stomach Fat

These drink suggestions are so easy to prepare. You can modify or add more healthy ingredients to any of these bedtime drinks. If consumed regularly, you will soon see the effects of the drinks on your stomach fat. Remember, positive thinking and the will to lose weight is all you need to achieve your stomach fat weight loss goals!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Autistic Man Begins To Cry At Airport, Then Airline Worker Shows ‘Utmost Compassion’

Strangers can change our lives in extraordinary ways. When someone reaches out to us in a moment of need or distress, it can turn our whole perspective upside down – or, right side up. Different people handle stress in different ways. Autistic people in particular have a hard time dealing with stress.

When stress piles on, it can be difficult to remember that there are people around us who would take a moment out of their day to help us out. Russell Lehmann discovered one such person while he was trapped in an airport during a stressful travel, and he was so moved that he spoke out about it.

Russell Lehmann is a motivational speaker. He talks about his experience with being autistic, which means he has a spectrum disorder involving symptoms such as difficulty with social situations as well as being overwhelmed by things that other people might not be. It’s a different way of experiencing the world, and Russell was on his way to give a speech about just this.

Unfortunately, he was having a terrible travel experience. He was trying to fly to Cincinnati to give a speech the next day, but was being met at every turn with missed connections and flight delays. It was starting to feel like he was never going to make it out of the airport at all. Russell was having a hard time handling the stress.

Autistic Man Begins To Cry At Airport, Then Airline Worker Shows ‘Utmost Compassion’

Finally, he just couldn’t hold it in. Russell started crying and had a total meltdown sitting there in the airport. Russell had managed to curl himself up behind an unoccupied ticket counter. He was hyperventilating and his muscles were shaking as he rocked himself back and forth, a common self-soothing method for autistic people.


Russell Lehmann: Speaker, Author, Advocate

He never expected anyone to approach him, but that’s just what one American Airlines employee did. The employee, named David, slowly approached Russell and asked him what was wrong. Russell was so distraught that he could hardly speak. Finally, he managed to get the words out: “I don’t know. I can’t think. I have autism.”

David could have simply walked away, but instead, he extended some much-needed compassion. He crouched down next to Russell, speaking to him calmly. He also explained to him that he would still be able to make it into Cincinnati that night. That flight would allow Russell to make it to his speech the next day.

David offered to help Russell reroute his flight. However, Russell was cautious and afraid of causing another meltdown after boarding another plane. After all, it would be a very tight space with a lot of stimuli and no way for Russell to shut it out or walk away if he needed to (which can greatly help someone who is autistic). David allowed him time to calm down and think about what he wanted to do. In fact, he even offered to buy Russell a slice of pizza!


Love What Matters/Facebook

David gave Russell space to calm himself down and think about his next move. Ten minutes later, he returned again. This time, David brought with him the pilot of the plane that Russell would be boarding if he wanted to reroute his flight. David had taken it upon himself to notify not only the pilot, but the rest of the flight crew about Russell’s situation.

He cleared a whole row of seats, so that Russell would have space to himself during the flight. Seeing such compassion and understanding from everyone involved, Russell decided to board the flight. David walked him down the runway, and even introduced him to each of the flight crew members.

Russell shared his story and the compassion that he was shown by these people online, and it got a massive response, with over 11,000 shares in just under 24 hours. It’s absolutely amazing what people can do for one another when they take the time to reach out and ask.


Russell Lehmann: Speaker, Author, Advocate

Something so simple and within his capabilities allowed David to take Russell’s horrible experience and turn it into something good. It’s a good reminder for all of us to do what we can to make other people’s lives easier. When more people find the compassion in their hearts to extend their energy to help others, it makes the world a better place, little by little.

Elderly Man Has An Unfortunate Accident In His Pants, But Woman’s Reaction Brought Him To Tears

When we allow ourselves to connect with other people, it can be an amazing experience. Human beings are a social species that often get caught up in modern individualism. We avoid strangers if we can, and mind our own business unless absolutely necessary.

After all, everyone has their own struggles in life, and being able to see past our own problems can be incredibly difficult. Everyone is dealing with something. It can take great strength to be able to put aside our own troubles and reach out to someone else.

It can be difficult to believe, but there are people in the world who reach out to others, no matter the situation. Lisa Lemming Jackson is one of those people. It all happened on an otherwise ordinary shopping trip.

On a warm, early August day, Lisa Lemming Jackson, who lives in the state of Georgia, headed out for the supermarket to do some shopping. It was a routine trip, but as Lisa roamed through the aisles, weaving between pastries and pastas, she made eye contact with an elderly man.

Lisa Lemming Jackson/Facebook

Elderly Man Has An Unfortunate Accident In His Pants, But Woman’s Reaction Brought Him To Tears

The man was sitting in a motorized cart with all of his groceries, but he didn’t seem to be heading for the checkout. He had a pinched and pained look in his eyes. Lisa smiled at him, but she could tell that something wasn’t right.

Most people would quickly look away, and hurry on with the rest of their day, maybe hoping that someone else would have stopped to inquire if the man needed any assistance. Fortunately, Lisa wasn’t one of those people.

After passing him, Lisa realized that she was the only one who would say something. She circled back around, and reached out to the man. This simple act of kindness would end up changing them both. She asked if he was okay, and if he needed any help.

The elderly man’s eyes immediately began to fill with tears as he explained his situation. He currently had colon cancer, and while he was in the store he had a bad accident. His clothes were ruined, and he was afraid that if he stood up out of his cart, then the whole store would know. He didn’t know what to do, so he was stuck there, paralyzed by shame and the loss of his dignity.

Lisa Lemming Jackson/Facebook

Lisa called the grocery store staff. They immediately helped the man discreetly escape into the employee’s washroom, armed with wipes and fresh undergarments for him. They even gave him new clothes so that he would be able to leave the store.

The elderly man, despite battling through cancer, apologized and cried. He was anxious to leave, because his wife was back home and alone, and he wanted to get back to her. When they returned to gather his groceries, they had already been rung up and paid for.

The elderly man had fought in the Vietnam and Korean War, and like most veterans, felt very forgotten by the country that he has loved so much he risked his life fighting for. He was overwhelmed to discover that people still did care. After all, Lisa’s act of kindness had inspired the staff at the grocery store to ring up and pay for his groceries so he could get back to his wife.

kindness quote - man

Lisa sat with the elderly man, after all had been said and done, and they cried together. Lisa was so moved by his story, and felt so connected with him, that she began to share her own fears and her own life struggles. He imparted on her some sage wisdom that only comes with age and life experience, and the two of them began to feel as if humanity was a little more connected.

Lisa’s story is an inspiring one, reminding us all that other people are going through rough times, and that simply reaching out can make an enormous difference. Especially for veterans or people who are elderly, finding someone who will look at us and see a whole person can be difficult. It’s easy to avert our eyes and walk away when it seems like someone needs help, hoping the next person has more time than us. When we take the time out to connect with people, it makes the world a better place.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Woman With A Heart Of Gold Helps Transform Life Of An Elderly Living A Nightmare

“Up until 10 days ago this elderly lady was living in horrific filth and squalor. There was no food, filthy clothes, nobody to help her bathe, and just never-ending loneliness and despair.”

– Lucy Ashen

An angel among us

Lucy Ashen didn’t have to do anything. Upon seeing the atrocious conditions that “The Lady” (which Ms. Ashen calls her) was living in, she could have thought “meh” and went on her way.

Not only did Ashen do something, but she also changed the woman’s life. She possibly directed the public eye to a demographic often neglected: the elderly. Further, she demanded accountability. She wanted an answer to the question “Why was this mentally ill, isolated, and forgotten person allowed to live in such despicable conditions?”

The 39-year old and mother of three said, “I’ve known for a while that she was living in pretty bad conditions, but it’s taken me a long time to get her trust enough to let me into her house.”

One day, The Lady was locked out of her home. Ashen was called upon to help.

“It was absolutely horrific.”

On opening the lady’s bedroom window, Ashen discovered what can only be described as utter filth. Human droppings, rotted furniture, no food, no clothing – and no one around. Something was obviously wrong. “It was horrific. No one should ever be left to live like that. She has no family and no friends.”

For confidentiality and legal purposes, Ashen is not allowed to state the 76-year-old pensioner’s name. However, from all accounts, the woman suffers from severe mental health issues.

13 years

That is the length of time that this poor, disabled woman went without bathing. Not a word spoken to a health authority in London or anywhere else. 13 years, and not one person knew of her condition.

As mentioned, Ms. Ashen states that the woman suffers from mental health disorders – a common characteristic of the elderly. Per the World Health Organization (WHO):

“Over 20% of adults aged 60 and over suffer from a mental or neurological disorder. The most common neuropsychiatric disorders in this age group are dementia and depression.”

No particular mental health condition was cited; but one can infer, given the woman’s living conditions, she suffers from some type of dementia. Dementia, which is an umbrella term for numerous psychological disorders, is defined by the Alzheimer’s Association as:

“a (term) that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with decline in memory of thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities.” This description seems right on.

13 years. That’s how long it took for a stranger of all people, to make a real home for this woman.

Woman With A Heart Of Gold Helps Transform Life Of An Elderly Living A Nightmare

“I gutted the entire place.”

Lucy Ashen spent “ten days binning (trashing) the rotted furniture and cleaning the place.” She went no holds barred on the living space, tearing the place apart; even putting in a new bed and toilet. In the meantime, Ashen’s 14-year-old daughter, Ruby, cared for the woman.

A mother of three’s resources only goes so far – and Ms. Ashen turned to others for some help. She turned to Facebook (of course!) for “asking for donations of furniture, clothes, and food.”

That’s when strangers from around the globe started showing up. “It was shared and shared. It went far beyond my friends and family. (Even) people from Thailand and America got in contact.” Per The Sun, a UK news outlet, Lucy was “overwhelmed by the huge response.” She was sent fridges, sofas, clothes, and even some spending money.

She created a Facebook page, ‘My Lady and Me,’ which quickly grew to over 50,000 followers. Ashen, according to sources, took the lady on vacation. More importantly, perhaps, “She’s coming out of herself bit by bit. She’s been singing songs with my daughter Ruby.”

The greater good

We hear constant rhetoric about “personal responsibility” and “when government doesn’t step in, people will.” Well, Thailand is approximately 5,820 miles away. The United States of America is about 4,500 miles. The total area of Greater London? 683.

Not one visit from a registered nurse, a doctor, or – from what can be extrapolated from the story – a human being in over 13 years, probably more. What if this lady had passed away in such filth? None of it being her fault.

Mental health problems, particularly in an aging population, is a humanitarian issue. Both a personal and government responsibility. The woman worked long enough to earn a pension and entitlement to healthcare; only to have the system abandon her.

“When I first saw the flat (“apartment”) I was angry. This lady was defenseless and helpless. She had nobody and didn’t have the capability to ask for help,” Ms. Ashen explains, “The good thing about this is that it’s bigger than her or me or anything. It raises awareness of mental health and elderly isolation.”


Other stuff

– “Care for elderly ‘close to collapse,” according to the The Guardian online.

– Per the same source, “the leaders of the four main political groups” expressed their displeasure, “as the UK Prime Minister (Theresa May) dismisses talk of a crisis despite calls from politicians, NHS leaders, doctors, and others.”

The Guardian explains the troubles facing seniors: “the quality and safety of care for our elderly is at risk, and the vulnerable will increasingly struggle to receive the help they need to meet basic needs such as washing, dressing or getting out of bed.”

This last point was published by the largest newspaper outlet in England just a couple of weeks after Ashen’s pleas went viral. A coincidence?

Should we even have to speculate?

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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