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Motivational Experts Explain 5 Exceptional Ways To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

We all have dreams that keep us going throughout the day. There is always something that we long to do, but can’t ever seem to get started. Maybe you have dreams of learning how to play the piano, or writing a book or learning to paint a masterpiece.

All of these things come from inspiration deep inside of us – but how do we go about letting it out? How do we turn that inspiration into reality? It’s way easier than you think.

The key is harnessing that spark of inspiration—whatever it may be—to alter your conduct. It starts with a decision followed by immediate action, which when sustained over time, can improve your life in ways you couldn’t possibly predict,” says author and vegan ultra-marathoner Rich Roll.

Turning inspirations into reality just takes a little time, and some key things to remember. Here are ways to turn all of that bubbling inspiration into reality.

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou

Here Are 5 Exceptional Ways To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

precognitive dreams

1. Focus on goals that excite you

Sometimes, there are things that you give yourself to achieve that you just don’t feel passionate about. Maybe you have a goal to become the CEO of your company – and if that doesn’t make you feel excited, then there’s no reason to keep pursuing it. Check out this expert’s guide on how to set goals and keep your focus on the goals that light your inspiration on fire and make you feel full and excited.

Whatever your goals are, they need to inspire you. They should cause a well of longing or excitement at the mere mention or thought of them. If you’ve got goals that make you about as excited as getting your teeth cleaned, then it’s time to get some new ones,” says author and musician Christina Sarich.

Allow yourself to enjoy the goals that make you happy, even if that goal is something niche like starting a succulent garden, or learning to whittle soap. They’re your inspirations, and if they make you feel happy, then that’s all that matters. If you focus on goals that don’t make you feel inspired, then you’ll have less time to focus on the goals that do.

2. Don’t overthink your dreams

Just like anything, overthinking your inspirations will probably stall you from actually getting anything done! Overthinking is “… neither productive nor healthy. There is a proven connection between rumination and depression, and another word for rumination is overthinking—the kind of thinking that doesn’t move you forward,” says author Sophia Dembling.

Don’t think too hard about what achieving your inspirations means – just get out and do it! Don’t focus on what people will think of your inspirations, or what your family will think. All you need to do is focus on how it makes you feel, and what you want to do with your inspirations. Once you stop letting yourself overthink it all, you’ll be amazed by how easy it is to turn all of that inspiration in your veins into reality.

3. Take a break from social media

How do you feel when you see other people posting on social media and their life looks perfectly tailored? Sometimes, seeing the perfect Instagram posts from our friends can make us feel like we aren’t achieving our dreams the way we should. Or, being on social media can make us feel like we should be sharing every second of our inspirations with the world. Don’t fall into the feedback loop.

In many ways social media, “… can be a ‘false reality’ – simply a window through which you see a snapshot of another person’s life. As such, when seeing others though social media it’s natural to make assumptions about how their life might be and you might believe that they, and others, are all having a great time while you’re missing out,” says director of psychological services, Dr. Mark Winwood.

Take a break from social media and focus on your inspirations. You’ll be amazed by how much more focus and drive you will have when you’re no longer competing with people on social media. Once you’re happy and content, go back and share the things you’ve done!

4. Tell someone about your dreams

When you get ready to turn your inspiration into reality, you may not want to tell someone for fear of letting them or yourself down. However, it’s proven that once you have some accountability, you’re far more likely to follow through with your goals. So, tell someone! Or tell a lot of people.

Find a support group of people who share your inspirations and do it with them! When you tell people, you’ll be more likely to follow through, especially if they’re someone that you love and trust to support you no matter what. When you have a support group, there won’t be anything to fear from having setbacks or reaching stumbling blocks.

follow your dreams

5. Don’t be afraid to fail

Fear of failure keeps us from doing all kinds of things! When we stop fearing failure, we become absolutely unstoppable! This isn’t to say that you’re going to fail – in fact, you’re much more likely to succeed than fail! But the fear of failure can stop you in your tracks before you even realize what’s happening!

If you are going places, failure is just part of the deal, but that’s OK. You can fix failure. You can’t fix the things you never tried.  If you stop trying, you’ll always wonder about what could have been,” says author and independent public board director, Jill Griffin.

So, kick that fear of failure to the door. Failing at things is just a part of life, and you’ll never know if you’re going to fail or succeed if you never try.

Final thoughts

Everyone has inspiration inside of them that is waiting to turn into reality. The only difference between you and someone else is taking those extra steps to explore that inspiration and make it into something that you love. These are ways to turn your inspiration into reality and make your dreams come true.


5 Foods That Detox Your Blood

Very few people think about just how important blood is on a day-to-day basis. Blood is the main source of transportation in our bodies – it helps move nutrients to where they’re needed most and remove toxins as quickly as possible. So naturally, blood needs to be as clean as possible. Toxins in the blood can cause problems such as acbloodne and other skin issues. Not to mention that some of the most important organs in our bodies, such as the kidneys and the liver, bear responsibility for blood detoxification. Failure to detox regularly and keep a healthy diet can lead to many unpleasant blood disorders.

But, you might say, I’ve seen so many positive detox tips on Instagram and they all seem useless. Well, to solve this, we need to first understand what a detox is. It’s not just about diet – it’s about regular exercise and body vitality too – but the addition of high-nutrient foods helps flush toxins out of your system. Summer is normally the best time to detox, as a lot of the foods that help with it are fruit and vegetables, and summer is the best season to obtain these foods. In addition, If you manage to lose weight, you get yourself ready for the beach, too! Here are some foods you need to focus on if you’re looking to detox your blood.

Here Are 5 Foods That Help You Cleanse Your Blood

“Food changes into blood, blood into cells, cells change into energy which changes up into life … food is life.” – Vertamae Smart-Grosvenor

1. Green leafy vegetables

Even if you’re not their biggest fan, green leafy veggies are a great source of iron, antioxidants, and other great nutrients. We’re talking about veggies such as spinach, kale, mustard greens and lettuce. It’s always best to eat them fresh – like in a salad – but if you feel like it, sauté them in a pan with other vegetables. Leafy greens increase enzymes, which in turn help with blood detox and reduce the possibility of infection.

2. Lemon and/or cucumber water

Water is generally very important for cleansing your blood. You need to drink at least two liters of water daily to feel healthy. But the addition of lemons or cucumbers will make your water infinitely healthier and tastier to drink! Both lemons and cucumbers are great for digestion, and improving that is key to all detox diets. You can do this in several ways. Just drop some lemon and cucumber pieces in your regular water bottle and go ahead with drinking – some water bottles even have a special section for such additions – or have a cup of warm water with lemon juice in it every morning. Either way, it’s certain to be effective.

3. Avocados

Not just a trendy millennial treat, avocados are also very rich in Omega-3, a friend to digestion, and an enemy to all inflammation. Whether you have them in guacamole or on toast or in a salad, avocados are certain to bring you some great health benefits. Make sure to not cook them in pasta or bake them in the oven, though – heat tends to destroy Omega-3 and make avocados taste not that great. Always keep your avocado in the fridge before eating it.

4. Cruciferous vegetables

It would be too long to list all of them, but this goes for broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. They all have wonderful health benefits that you can reap if you include them in your diet more often. Not only are they really nutritious, but they also significantly reduce the risk of a lot of types of cancer. Furthermore, you can eat them in any form – steamed, sautéed, roasted or boiled – and they just need a little pinch of salt to taste wonderful.

5. All fresh fruit

No matter whether you’re a fan of apples or you prefer oranges, make sure to include as much fresh fruit as you can in your diet for a natural detox. Fresh and raw is always the best way, but if you want you can always juice them or add them to your favorite breakfast smoothie. Fruits are a very rich source of fiber, antioxidants, as well as pectin. So, during the summer, when a lot of fruit is in season, don’t doubt yourself; eat as much fruit as possible. Not only will they help cleanse your blood, but as a bonus, their high-water content will help with your hydration!

Final thoughts

Detox doesn’t need to involve expensive food or juices. You can detox with delicious fruit, vegetables and other ingredients that are healthy and will increase your overall body tone while helping you with your positive thinking, too. So, don’t put off your detox another day – start now, and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to keep it going!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Therapists Reveal 5 Hidden Dangers Of Using Social Media (And How To Avoid Them)

“There are a lot of pros and cons about social media; it’s just how you choose to handle it and how you have to be prepared for the negatives as well.”

~ Aubrey Peeples

Pros and cons, folks, pros and cons. Humans use social media as they have with nearly every other technology before it: for good and bad.

On the one hand, social media brings people together: family, friends, and those who could not otherwise communicate. We create powerful movements, fight injustice, and help those less fortunate.

On the other, social media continues to play an ever-increasing role in our daily lives – even reaching the workplace – to the point where it could be detrimental to how individuals and society, as a whole, live.

For this article, we’ll focus on the latter aspect of social media usage – and how to “avoid” misusing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other media platforms.

Here are five hidden dangers of social media:

1. Sleep

Many of us are guilty of using our smartphones and tablets to wind down before bedtime. Psychologists and other experts reveal that this overuse of technology is affecting how well we sleep.

“Being potentially addicted or using these devices too much will make us stay up late as well and stop you from getting quality sleep,” says Stephanie Lau, developmental psychologist based in the United Kingdom.

“The main problem that occurs with taking your electronics to bed is the blue light they emit,” adds Jamie Bloch, a clinical psychologist and founder of MindMovers Psychology in the U.K., “The blue lights of electronics send signals to our brain telling us it is daytime.” This releases stress hormones, which keep us in an alert, wakeful state.

Fix: Stop using electronics at least an hour before bedtime; use a blue light filter if tech use cannot be avoided.

2. Social Interaction

The accelerating pace in which people are using social media is fundamentally impacting human interaction. When we’re always staring at a screen, we’re less mindful of the people whom we are with.

Daniel Goleman, an author of several books on the subject of emotional intelligence (EI), says that the expanding hours spent with gadgets and digital devices effectively lowers social intelligence.

Merely having a phone in arm’s reach is enough for some to divert their attention from the person they’re speaking with. “We’re always on standby for the next notification and alert – and this takes time away from the people who are with us,” adds Ms. Lau.

Fix: Power off the phone and stash it in your pocket or purse; educate yourself on the damaging effects of excessive social media use.

3. Attention

Technology-induced distractions are also a common complaint among both parents and teachers. Teachers and college professors – already contending with the limited attention span of most kids – must now work extra hard to keep smartphones from taking over the classroom.

James M. Lang, a college professor of British Literature, writes in The Chronicle of Higher Education:

“Like every faculty member these days — and like most high-school and even middle-school teachers — I am in a constant battle with cellphones and laptops for the attention of my students in the classroom.”

But college professors aren’t the only ones who must contend with gadget-induced attention deficit. Technology distractions cost workplaces billions of dollars in lost productivity every year.

Fix: If you have kids, monitor the content they’re accessing and when. At work, put your phone in your desk drawer, or leave it in your vehicle.

4. Body Image

“Being bombarded with images of perfection: perfect bodies, perfect makeup, perfect faces … (leaves) people feeling quite down about themselves,” Lau explains, “You’re misled to believe that this is reality.”

Of course, those who produce social media content spend hours touching up blemishes and imperfections. While adults innately understand that what they see on social media isn’t reality, these images can still have a subtle – yet still adverse – psychological effect.

Perhaps no demographic is more vulnerable to the false stereotyping of social media than adolescents – especially teenage girls. “With age comes perspective and wisdom,” says Lau, “(But) young people … need guidance from adults and for them to monitor their use of technology.

Fix: Monitor the content that your child is accessing. Educate them on the false nature of what they see.

social media hidden dangers

5. Feelings of Overwhelm

Human beings want and need to connect with other people. Social media, despite all its potential shortcomings – helps many of us keep in touch with the people we love – especially from afar.

However, the pressure of always having to be available or responsive – which we’re seeing now in the workplace – produces the harmful effects of anxiety and overwhelm. Some workplaces force their employees to bring their devices home with them; further enhancing an already-stressful situation.

“We are constantly walking the tightrope to deliver content, respond to others, be responded to, (and) to monitor and manage what we’re sharing,” adds Bloch.

This constant balancing act of checking and thumbing out messages, replying to emails, answering calls; in short, the always-present nature of technology in our personal and professional lives, is capable of creating intense anxiety, depression, and stress.

Fix: Limit your work and social media usage whenever possible. Follow only individuals and groups that you must to get work done, and don’t feel obligated to follow anyone you don’t know well.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Foods That Flush Mucus From Your Body

What exactly is mucus? Chances are, if you’re sick and dealing with a persistent cough or a constantly blocked nose, you have an excess of mucus in your body. There are many different types of mucus that you can read more about, but what many people don’t realize is that we all have mucus in our bodies all the time. ‘

In fact, researchers agree that mucus is essential for all your bodily functions as it helps hydrate and nourish your skin and organs. However, when the body is dealing with an infection, there’s a chance of overproduction of mucus. You’ll be happy to know some foods flush mucus from your body during these times.

Thickened mucus can be caused by many things, such as congestion, infections, and the common cold, but it can also be a sign of more severe conditions. Certain foods can also lead to increased mucus production, so even when we’re healthy, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye out for them. Thankfully, many foods flush mucus and cleanse our bodies in the easiest way possible. They are a positive way to detox and wonderful to try if you’ve got a cold! Check out some of these healthy options of foods that flush mucus from our bodies.

Here Are 7 Foods That Flush Mucus from Your Body

“It is not always easy to stop eating the many acidic foods we’ve enjoyed for so long and have become addicted to but it can be accomplished through cleansing and nourishing our bodies with the foods the Creator has provided.” – Dr. Sebi

excessive mucus

1. Ginger

Whether it’s ginger tea, ginger candies, or grated ginger in your favorite curry – ginger has magical healing abilities because of its unique antioxidant ingredients. It’s also anti-inflammatory, signaling to your body that you’re getting treatment and that it doesn’t need to produce more mucus to fight off your infection. Even if you don’t like ginger, try to force yourself to eat some – perhaps in tea, or mix it with turmeric for better flavor and healing abilities.

2. Berries

Whether we’re talking strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, or elderberries – they are full of vitamin C and potassium, which are fantastic antioxidants. Use them in smoothies, or eat them raw. Their significant detoxing effect is sure to decrease the overproduction of mucus in your body but the added fiber will also ensure that you get over your infection as quickly as possible.

3. Pineapple

Not a very common fruit that people turn to when they look for detox, but underneath the pineapple’s hard surface lies a plethora of sweet benefits. Pineapple contains bromelain – a protein that’s really useful in getting rid of mucus. In fact, pineapples are so effective that they’re often prescribed to patients after having sinus operations to get rid of mucus successfully. Have your pineapple fresh or blitzed up in a smoothie for best results.

4. Pumpkin seeds

It might sound unconventional, because it is. Pumpkin seeds are a very popular antioxidant in Chinese medicine, but for some reason, they didn’t make their way to us as a healthy additive until very recently. Having pumpkin seeds while you’re ill will decrease your mucus flow and help you breathe more easily. Besides, they’re crammed full of other yummy proteins and fibers, making them a healthy snack.

5. Onion and garlic

Even if the smell’s not that appetizing, onion and garlic are great against inflammations and toxins. There’s a reason why when you have a blocked nose, a whiff of garlic is enough to clear it. If you consume onion and garlic regularly, the results will be even better. These foods that flush mucus are good for your body in other ways also. So, cook them into all of your favorite dishes. For the best results, make sure to mash the garlic, which releases all of its healthy ingredients straight into your dish.

6. Apples

Just like berries, apples are crammed full of vitamin C, but they also contain potassium. It is a useful nutrient that’s great for reducing mucus build-ups. The good thing about apples is that potassium doesn’t disappear due to heat, so you can enjoy them in various ways. They are particularly great in cakes and baking, but you can also blitz them up into a smoothie, chop them up in your muesli, or eat them raw. Apples also provide a great replacement for sugar in cakes and bakes!

7. Broccoli

Naturally, broccoli – and all veggies similar to it, such as cauliflower and Brussels sprouts – are a great antioxidant, but they also have enzymes that make breaking mucus down very easy. In other words, they are among the foods that flush mucus from our bodies. The fiber in the broccoli helps with blood flow and with detoxification of the blood, which only makes infections that much easier to handle. The best way to eat broccoli is to steam them because the heat encourages them to release those healthy ingredients, but if you’re feeling adventurous, you can also blend them into a soup with some pine nuts for extra healthiness!

foods that flush mucus

Final Thoughts on Eating Foods That Flush Mucus Out of Your Body

Dealing with mucus and the flu is never pleasant, but with positive thinking and healthy foods that flush mucus – your irritating symptoms will go away sooner rather than later!

7 Ways to Relieve Boils Naturally At Home

There’s nothing more annoying to have to deal with in the summer months than skin conditions such as boils. Normally caused by sources of infection such as hair follicles or oil glands, boils can develop very quickly and before we know it, we’ll be looking for excuses to stay home and wondering why our skin decided to act up.

Normally, boils are tender, red lumps, which can be painful if pressed on. With time, the boil gets a white pus-filled head as the infection progresses. Most boils can heal within two or three days of the pus head forming.

As a rule of thumb, never try to force a boil open, because it will inevitably scar and spread the infection. For most boils, you wouldn’t need to see your doctor, as they can heal by themselves. If you think you have a cluster of boils – also known as a carbuncle – or a painful eye boil, then do go and see your doctor. But if you’re just dealing with one boil, there are several home remedies you can turn to make sure the infection heals quicker. Here are some of them that you can turn to – and the best thing is, they use ingredients you can find in almost any household pantry.

Here Are 7 Ways to Relieve Boils Naturally at Home

“If you have a boil or stye, resist the temptation to squeeze it. This will prevent the infection from spreading and help prevent or minimize scarring.” – Nada Elbuluk, MD

1. Over-the-counter antiseptic cream

The main thing about healing a boil is to keep the spot clean and dry and to protect it from any other bacteria that may form. Neosporin is by far one of the best antiseptic ointments you can get. You’ll find that within days of applying it, it will soothe the redness and relieve the pain as well. Apply the antibacterial cream twice a day – morning and night – after cleaning and carefully drying the boil. It might make some of the pus leak out – but that’s okay. Just remember not to touch it and try not to spread it.

2. Heat

Whether it’s a heat pad or something simpler like a warm towel, heat is a cheap and easy way to relieve pain and redness from boils. Apply heat to the area to help with blood circulation – this moves white blood cells to the area of infection and helps it dissipate quicker. Don’t overheat though, only use about 20 minutes of heat at a time, three or four times a day. You’ll see the difference almost straightaway.

3. Raw onion and fresh garlic

Both onion and garlic have an antioxidant effect that can really help with all infections. Cut onion in big slices or press garlic into a fine paste and juice. Apply either (or both) onto the boil once or twice daily and the effects will be noticeable almost immediately. Additionally, if you decide to eat more garlic and onion, that will also be a great way for your body to fight the infection from the inside.

4. Epsom salts

You might consider them an essential ingredient for your bath, but Epsom salts are actually really effective against boils, too. They cause the pus to dry out, helping the process of draining. The best way to apply Epsom salts to a boil is through a hot compress 20 minutes at a time every day.

5. Tomatoes

Did you know that tomatoes have great antioxidant qualities and can be highly effective against boils? They’re also easy to find as pretty much everyone has a few in their fridge nearly all the time. Mash the tomatoes into a fine paste or blend them in a blender – like you would to make pasta sauce – and apply it directly onto the boil. Don’t use pre-bought tomato sauce, as some of the additives can stop the healing process. Fresh tomatoes always work best.

6. Turmeric

There’s a reason why a lot of Indian cooking uses turmeric as one of its main spices. Turmeric has wonderful healing properties and you can use it both on the outside and the inside. If you feel like it, have a cup of hot milk with some turmeric dissolved into it just before bed for its excellent antioxidant qualities. It’s very good for anyone struggling to fall asleep and it doesn’t taste half bad either! Additionally, if you mix some turmeric with milk cream and apply it directly over the boils that will really help too.

turmeric - boils

7. Water

You weren’t expecting that one, were you? Well, it’s a well-known fact that hydration is great for you, but when your body is at risk of infection, that’s even more relevant than before. Drinking over two liters of water a day will help your immune system ward off the infection and help your blood flow as well. Additionally, after you are healed of the boils, don’t abandon your water drinking. Drinking lots of water throughout the day helps keep your skin healthy and prevents the possibility of more boils forming.

Final thoughts

No matter how positive you are, let’s admit that boils are never very pleasant to have to deal with. Fortunately they rarely cause any serious damage. However, if you feel like you’re developing a fever, nausea, or any other symptoms, or if the boils last for longer than two weeks, it’s time to visit the doctor! They might have to prescribe you some antibiotics to help keep the infection in check. Additionally, to prevent getting more boils, to keep your skin clean and use antibacterial rinse whenever you can. Any broken or damaged skin can turn into an unpleasant boil, so always keep wounds clean, too. And remember positive thinking – boils are not the end of the world!

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Need To Get Married To Get Ahead In Life

“Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?” – Groucho Marx

For a lot of people, marriage seems like the end all, be all of life. Society seems to agree: to get ahead in life, you have to get married. Well, that isn’t altogether true.

According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, “Delayed marriage has elevated the socioeconomic status of women, especially more privileged women and their partners, allowed women to reach other life goals, and reduced the odds of divorce for couples now marrying in the United States.

Getting married should be something that happens to you if you’re in love, not something to make as a life goal. Here are some of the best reasons that marriage isn’t required for you to get ahead in life.

Here Are 5 Reasons You Don’t Need to Be Married to Get Ahead in Life

1. You don’t need someone to complete you

As a society, we tend to put a lot of emphasis on finding your soulmate and getting married. The idea is that everyone is one half of a whole, and that there is someone out there just for them. While that’s nice to think about, it doesn’t have to be true for you, especially if you don’t want it to be!

Marriage is nice, but you don’t need someone to complete you. You are a full person, two halves of your own whole. Focusing on enjoying your life as it is doesn’t make you any less amazing than someone who chooses to get married. Don’t worry about looking for someone to complete you. You’re already complete.

2. Focusing on your career is valid

According to Richard Settersten and Barbara E. Ray, authors of ‘Not Quite Adults’, “Young adults today are not ready to get married until they get all their ducks in a row.” For some people, their work is their life. For people who have high-demand jobs like lawyers and doctors, trying to find time to get married seems like just too much work. And that’s fine!

Having friends or casual, romantic partners to fill your life is a valid choice to make. Sometimes, your career is the thing that brings you the most joy in life. If you love your job and want to focus on doing the very best you can every single day, then you don’t have to worry about getting married. If marriage isn’t for you, it won’t hold you back in life.

3. There’s more to life than just marriage

Some people are led to believe that the end goal in everyone’s life should be marriage. We all know, however, that there are so many more things in life to strive for. Marriage can be one of your goals, but it doesn’t have to be your only goal. If your goal in life is to climb a mountain, or paint a masterpiece, or learn the piano, that’s okay! Of course, always have back up goals for when you finally achieve your life’s work.

4. Marriage doesn’t always last forever

No one likes to think about divorce. But the truth of the matter is, people change throughout their lives. Two people who got married may not feel the same way about one another ten years down the line. That’s normal, and something a lot of people experience. If you think that you’re not going to be happy in your marriage forever, it’s okay not to get married. You don’t need to have a marriage to make your life perfect. Getting ahead in life doesn’t require that you tie yourself to a marriage you’re not 100% sure of.

5. Marriage is just a piece of paper

Marriage can be an amazing and wonderful joining of two lives into one. Marriage can be the start of a family. That is true for a lot of people, but not true for everyone. For some people, marriage is just a piece of paper that declares tax benefits.

Don’t be afraid of living your life without marriage. You don’t need it to get ahead in life – you can do that all on your own. Taking charge of your life is possible even without marriage. All you need is to create goals and take steps to achieve them. Don’t be afraid if marriage isn’t one of your goals – you can live a fulfilling life without it.


Final thoughts

For some people, marriage is the dream. For others, marriage just isn’t on their radar. Society may have you believe that marriage is what you need to get ahead in life, but that isn’t true. Marriage should be something that you should do only if you are truly ready to get married. If you think your life would be better off surrounded by friends, family and work, then that’s a perfectly valid way to live.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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